Foreign ministers of the NATO member countries have unanimously decided in Brussels to invite Montenegro to join NATO, thus continuing the alliance’s expansion into the Balkans in spite of protests by Russia. Montenegro is to become, in two years at the most, the alliance’s 29th member. This decision, as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg pointed out, is not directed against anyone. NATO was established 70 years ago as a defensive alliance.
Even so, Russian officials see this as a provocation, as Moscow opposes any NATO extension to former communist areas of eastern and southeastern Europe. Jens Stoltenberg said extending the invitation to the small Balkan country proved that the defence alliance’s “open door” policy of extending membership to those that wish it still stands. Romania also benefited by this policy by joining the alliance in 2004.
It is now Romania’s turn to support aspiring members, Romanian Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu has said: “This decision is an important message for NATO partners as well, such as the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.”
According to Russian officials any expansion of NATO was “a mistake, even a provocation” and Montenegros accession would result in “retaliatory actions”. In the context of the crisis in Ukraine and Russia’s extended military presence, Romania has called on its NATO allies to reflect on the Black Sea area policy.
Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu: “The situation shows that it is impossible to return to a “business as usual” kind of formula. But, if Russia proves willing to approach things in a constructive manner, particularly with respect to the Minsk accords, resuming dialogue with this country is, of course, possible. For the time being though, a prudent attitude is necessary.”
Supporting the idea of strengthening collective defence on NATO’s eastern border, Romania agreed to host on its territory the Multinational Division Headquarters for the South East and the NATO Force Integration Unit. Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu signed in Brussels the accord that provides the legal framework for the functioning of these structures.
(Translated by: Elena Enache)