The Romanian authorities have announced new measures to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, through the Military Ordinance no. 4 issued in the context of the state of emergency decreed by the President of Romania.
The Interior Minister, Marcel Vela, said the measures included in the Military Ordinance no. 4 are perhaps the toughest measures taken in Romania over the past decades, but they are necessary in the current situation. Vela underlined it is important for the Romanians to show solidarity now, to respect the laws and these measures.
Marcel Vela, announced that the Military Ordinance no. 4 stipulates that those who violate the state-at home- order will be quarantined and will cover all the expenses. Those who do not respect the quarantine measures and are proven by the law enforcers to have done so will be placed in quarantine for another 14 days from the moment they are found to have violated the rules, and will cover all costs incurred by their placement into quarantine.
The Interior Minister announced the people over 65 years should further solve their medical problems, for instance to undergo planned oncological treatments or dialysis throughout the day and not only between 11.00 and 13.00, as at present. He also announced that the aforementioned people are allowed to leave their residences between 20.00 and 21.00 hours, too, to meet the needs of their pets. Shop owners and sellers should facilitate the access of people over 65 years of age in their shops, between 11.00 and 13.00.
Prices for electricity, heating, natural gas, water, sanitation and fuels will be capped, during the state of emergency, once the Military Ordinance no.4 is published in the Official Gazette.
The ministries and the local authorities that have subordinated healthcare units will provide accommodation and food for the medical staff in hotels, as from March 31, to protect the families of healthcare employees.
Drivers entering the country, those driving vehicles weighing over 2.4 tons, have three options to protect their families and themselves, either the employer offers them a place to stay between two travels, but no longer than 14 days, or they choose to self-isolate at home, with their families, or in other living places they have, or local authorities provide quarantine facilities upon request, to ensure the protection of these freight carriers families, covering the accommodation expenses in these hotels. Vela also said the same goes for pilots and cabin crews.
The personnel who is essential for the functioning of the National Energy System will be self-isolating at the workplace or in specially laid out areas, in order to keep the system going.
Minister Vela also announced that as of Tuesday, March 31, local public administration authorities will place disinfectant dispensers at all blocks of flats in crowded areas and will disinfect the stairways, elevators and other common spaces.