Scenarios for class resumption

Pupils in Romania returned to school on Wednesday, after a four-week spring break. All primary school students, including children from kindergartens, returned to school physically, and there where the infection rate is below 1 per thousand, middle school and high school students also resumed physical classes.

According to the latest official data, over 1,800 localities in Romania are in the green scenario in terms of Covid-19 incidence, with less than one case per thousand inhabitants. In the other approximately 1,400 localities, where the infection rate is higher, middle and high school pupils resumed online classes. 8th and 12th graders, who are to take exams this summer, will resume school on May 10. Also, the national evaluation of pupils in the 2nd, 4th and 6th grades will take place this month.

The Minister of Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu, explained which are the two scenarios that will be used until the end of the school year:

All primary school pupils will return to school, including those in the preparatory class, plus children from kindergartens. We are talking about 1,400,000 children, and also pupils from special classes. There are 185 special schools, in which over 27,000 children learn. Unfortunately, for the time being, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th graders from the areas where the infection rate is over 1 per one thousand will not be able to go to school physically. They will learn online until the infection rate and the vaccination campaign allow physical attendance.

For the time being, because of the epidemiological situation, both pupils and the teaching staff must observe the health measures in place, to wear masks and observe social distancing rules. In an interview on Radio Romania, Sorin Cimpeanu said he was sure the rules were observed in schools better than in other places and going back to school was essential for children’s development.

Sorin Cimpeanu: Coming back to school, physically, is an essential step towards returning to a normal situation and ensuring the right conditions for the education of the future generations. The pandemic has caused a lot of damage in this regard, not only from an educational point of view, but also emotionally and socially. Children have started developing behavioural problems and their capacity to focus has also been affected. Teachers have suffered too, so resuming physical attendance is a must.

Moreover, according to the minister, some 155,000 employees from the education system, which is half of the total, have been vaccinated. (MI)