Romania set new vaccination targets
after failing to meet its previous targets due to its population’s reticence to
vaccination. The national committee coordinating vaccination now says its
target is for 2 million people to receive the first dose by the end of the
year, to reach 45% of the population, with a second target being the
vaccination of 70% of the population in the first quarter of 2022.
These statements
came after talks between Romanian and World Health Organisation experts in an
attempt to find solutions to curb the very high increase in severe cases and related
fatalities. The optimism of the health authorities in Bucharest is not
supported by the Word Health Organisation, which estimates that given the vaccination
pace seen in the last six weeks and the current vaccination strategies in
place, it will take seven months for 40% of Romania’s population to receive the
vaccine and 31 months to hit the 70% target. However, the World Health
Organisation has noted a constant rise in the vaccination rate in the last 3 weeks,
especially among people under the age of 50.
According to a press release, 92%
of Covid-related fatalities in Romania were among unvaccinated people. Most of
the people who died had other diseases, as well, but there were also deaths
among young people, children and the active population. Romania is on the last
but one place in the European Union with respect to vaccination, with only about
30% of its population being vaccinated, and much below the world average. The country
is now struggling with the fourth wave of the pandemic, a much more aggressive
stage owing to the more contagious Delta variant. Differences in vaccination rates
can be noted from one county to another, with the areas in the north-east and
south recording lower rates. Looking at age groups, statistics point to a 50%
vaccination rate among people aged between 50 and 69, but only 20% among people
over the age of 80. There is also a big gap with respect to gender, with vaccination
rates being significantly lower among women, this difference being as high as
20% in persons over the age of 60.
The committee overseeing mass vaccination in
Romania admits that immunisation among the general population is low and
stagnating, being under the regional average, but doesn’t say how it aims to
address the situation. The World Health Organisation recommends that Romania should
focus on administering the life-saving vaccine to those who are at greatest
risk of death and severe illness, such as the elderly, people with chronic diseases
and other at-risk categories, such as pregnant women and healthcare workers. (CM)