Media-related language

Between the wars, the
Romanians were, among other things, known for the amount of energy they
invested in talking politics. These days, the Romanians focus their energy on
getting involved in the media, whether it’s the radio, the TV or the Internet. In this lesson, you’re presented with media-related language.

As usual, we
begin with a bunch of relevant words and phrases.


La radio=on the radio


Transport public=public transport



A face greva= to go on strike


Cu taxiul=by taxi


Pauza de prinz=lunch break


Astazi/azi dimineata=this morning

A se incalzi= to get warm

Now let us use some of the words in meaningful

Azi dimineata am auzit la radio ca soferii din
transportul public vor face greva.

This morning I heard ON the radio
that drivers in the public transport would go on strike.

Am ajuns la servici cu metroul.

I arrived at the office by

pauza de prinz, am citit in ziar ca autobuzele vor circula incepind cu ora 4.

During my lunch break, I read in
the newspaper busses will roll again starting 4 pm.

Seara, am vazut la televizor ca
soferii din alte orase din tara au fost si ei in greva astazi/azi dimineata.

In the evening, I saw on TV
drivers from other cities across the country have also gone on strike this

Am vazut pe Internet ca vremea se va incalzi incepind de luni.

I saw on the Internet the weather
would be getting warmer starting Monday.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for
being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!