We continue our presentation of discourse
markers as a means of introducing complex communicative patterns.
As usual, here is a series of
relevant words and phrases:
Chiar daca=even if
Cu toate ca=although
In pofida faptului ca=despite the
fact that
Verisor, verisoara=cousin
Subiecte= topics
In totalitate=thoroughly
In repetate rinduri=repeatedly
A anunta=let somebody know
Now let us use some of the
phrases above in meaningful, communicative patterns.
Chiar daca am invatat bine pentru
examentul de lingvistica, tot mai ramin niste subiecte pe care nu le-am inteles
in totalitate.
Even if we properly prepared for
the Linguistics exam, there are still a couple of topics left, which we have
not thoroughly understood.
Cu toate ca am invitat-o pe verisoara
mea Cristina la mine in repetate rinduri, ea nu m-a anuntat niciodata daca
doreste sa vina sau nu.
Although I have repeatedly
invited my cousin Cristina to my place, she never let me know if she wanted to
come over or not.
In pofida faptului ca mamei nu
i-a placut niciodata de George, Adela s-a casatorit cu el acum trei saptamini.
Despite the fact that mother
never liked George, Adela married him three weeks ago.
Thank you all for the interest
you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with