Romanian without tears

We have repeatedly
said Romanian is an inflection-rich language, which means that, as a rule,
there is an agreement between the modified noun and the adjectival modifier.
However, there are quite a few adjectives that do not change their form. Some
of them are derived from adverbs, while others are borrowed names of colours.

Here are several
such adjectives:







Now let us use
some of the adjectives above in meaningful, communicative patterns :

Bunicul meu era un om cumsecade. A murit acum un
an, iar eu inca ii simt lipsa.

My grandfather
was a decent man. He died one year ago, and I still miss him.

In familia mea, surorile tatalui meu au fost femei
foarte cumsecade.

In my family, my
father’s sisters were very decent women.

Fiica mea si-a cumparat de curind un apartament si
si-a varuit sufrageria in roz.

My daughter has
recently bought a flat and she had her living room painted in pink.

Cladirile gri ale epocii comuniste inca mai pot fi
vazute in orasele mari ale Romaniei.

The grey
buildings of the communist era can still be seen in all major cities across

In ultimii ani
ai vietii, bunica mea se imbraca doar in gri.

In the last
years of her life, my grandmother used to dress only in grey.

Thank you all
for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on
learning Romanian with us. Good bye! La revedere!