RRI 2020 Summer Broadcast Frequencies

Listen to English language programming live via the RRI website

WESTERN EUROPE 05.30 — 06.00 6,015; 7,325 (DRM)
11.00 — 12.00 13,750 ; 15,130
17.00 — 18.00 9,760 (DRM
20.30 — 21.00 6,170; 7,315 (DRM)
22.00 — 23.00 5,945; 7,310
AFRICA 11.00 — 12.00 15,320; 17,670
NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 20.30 — 21.00 11,850;13,650
00.00 — 01.00 6,040;7,375
NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 03.00 — 04.00 7,375; 9,850
JAPAN 22.00 — 23.00 7,325 ; 9,790
AUSTRALIA 05.30 — 06.00 15,410 ; 17,760
INDIA 03.00 — 04.00 9,740 (DRM);11,825

You can also listen to RRI’s English language programming live over the Internet using the same SW broadcast schedule given above. All you need to do is go to the “RRI Live!” section in the top-right of our website, choose channel “1” for English.

RRI and social media

RRI can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SoundCloud, Instagram, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr.

RRI programs are also available on TuneIn (Radio Romania International 1)

RRI via satellite

You can also listen to Radio Romania Internationals English programmes via satellite Eutelsat 16A on 11,512 MHz, vertical polarisation, azimuth 16 degrees East. Symbol rate: 29,950 MSym/s, Standard: DVB-S2, Modulation: 8PSK, Audio PID 510. The satellite transmits the unencrypted signals of RRIs channels.

Eutelsat 16A covers Europe, as well as North Africa, the Middle East, part of European Russia, areas in the Arabian Peninsula and part of the Caspian Sea region.

RRI via mobile phone in the US

Did you know that if youre in the US you can also listen to RRI broadcasts on your mobile phone? Our English language programmes are available via the following AudioNow “call-to-listen” phone number: 1.425.394.7081. Calling this number incurs no extra charge above the equivalent of a standard US mobile phone call.