Tag: Astrazeneca

  • April 8, 2021

    April 8, 2021

    State of alert. The government meets today to
    approve the extension of the state of alert in Romania and to decide on a
    possible easing of restrictions for the upcoming Orthodox Easter. Prime
    minister Florin Cîţu said on Facebook that
    he will submit a number of proposals to the National Committee for Emergency
    Situations relating to the Easter celebrations, such as easing the night-time
    curfew to allow movement outside the home until 5 am for people who wish to
    attend the Easter service. He also wants to extend opening times for shops by
    two hours on Good Friday and to allow seaside resorts to open at a capacity of
    70%, just like mountain resorts. Almost 5,000 new coronavirus cases were recorded
    today in Romania, as well as 172 new deaths, while ICU cases hit a new high, at
    1,495. Almost 2.2 million people have been given at least one shot of the Covid
    vaccine in this country.

    AstraZeneca. A link between
    AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine and rare blood clots is considered plausible but is
    not confirmed, said the World Health Organisation after the European Medicines
    Agency on Wednesday said it found a potential link between the Covid
    vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and rare blood clots in adults who received
    this jab. The Agency emphasised, however, that the benefits outweigh the risks.
    A number of states such as the UK, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy
    decided to limit the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine depending on age. Romania
    has not yet made any changes in this respect, with the exception that people
    who developed blood clots after the first dose will be given a different
    vaccine for their second dose.

    Human rights. Amnesty International writes in its annual report that human
    rights were violated all over the world during the Covid pandemic. The Covid
    crisis aggravated inequality, discrimination and oppression, the human rights
    watchdog also writes, warning that the worst affected were vulnerable groups
    such as chronic patients, refugees, healthcare workers and the minorities. In Romania’s
    case, Amnesty International notes that the government’s response raised human
    rights concerns, especially with regard to policing, the right to freedom of peaceful
    assembly and the right to education.

    Romani Day. International Romani Day
    is celebrated every year on 8th April to recognise the culture,
    history and rights of the millions of Roma around the world and to warn on the
    discrimination still faced by Roma communities in Europe and elsewhere. Romanian
    president Klaus Iohannis said in a statement that a tolerant and open society
    must reject all forms of racist and xenophobic attitudes. He said that in these
    extremely complicated times marked by the grave consequences of the Covid
    pandemic, cherishing the contribution of each and every one of us to the common
    good and social solidarity can help us overcome the difficulties were are facing.
    Prime minister Florin Cîţu emphasised that Romanian society proved in its
    history that multicultural harmony is a source of fulfilment and inspiration
    and the traditions of each ethnic group add to the national cultural heritage.

    Judiciary. The judicial committee of the Romanian Senate today began
    debates on a bill proposed by the government to dismantle a special department
    investigating crimes in the judiciary. On 24th March senators passed
    the bill with a few amendments, such as one providing that magistrates can only
    be indicted with the approval of the Superior Council of Magistrates. On Wednesday,
    the Social Democrats in opposition opposed the use of an emergency procedure to
    debate the bill and requested a detailed analysis following an opinion from the
    Venice Commission. The head of the Senate’s judicial committee Iulia Scântei
    says dismantling the department for the investigation of crimes in the
    judiciary is an emergency and will help Romania’s case in the elimination of
    the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism. Created during the former Social
    Democrat government, the department was criticised as a means of exerting
    pressure on judges and prosecutors.

    Tennis. The Romanian-German pair
    Mihaela Buzărnescu and Anna-Lena Friedsam reached the doubles semifinals at a WTA
    tennis tournament in Bogota worth 235,000 dollars in prize money. They defeated
    the Russian-Chinese pair Iana Sizikova and Yafan Wang in straight sets and will
    next be facing either Arina Rodionova and Rosalie van der Hoek or Lara
    Arruabarrena and Katarzyna Piter. (CM)

  • Le vaccin Astra Zeneca, inquiétudes et certitudes

    Le vaccin Astra Zeneca, inquiétudes et certitudes

    D’un côté, les responsables médicaux et politiques du monde plaident pour la vaccination la plus rapide d’un nombre significatif de personnes en tant qu’unique moyen fiable de ralentir la propagation du nouveau coronavirus. De l’autre côté, un des vaccins autorisés par l’Agence européenne des médicaments, celui développé par le groupe britannique et suédois Astra Zeneca suscite de nombreuses controverses. L’agence a annoncé un lien potentiel entre ce vaccin et de rares problèmes de formation de caillots sanguins aux adultes vaccinés soulignant toutefois que les bénéfices du produit dépassaient largement les risques.

    Cité par la BBC, le directeur de l’Agence européenne des médicaments, Emer Cook affirme que le vaccin AstraZeneca s’est avéré efficace contre la Covid 19, ayant prévenu des formes graves de maladie et sauvé ainsi des vies humaines. C’est pourquoi le commissaire européen à la Santé Stella Kyriakides a demandé aux Etats de l’UE à coordonner leurs efforts et à s’exprimer d’une manière concertée au sujet AstraZeneca afin de ne pas alimenter la méfiance de la population.

    Et pourtant, plusieurs Etats ont décidé de restreindre son utilisation pour certaines tranches d’âge. Le Royaume Uni, qui a vacciné plus de 20 millions de personnes avec des vaccins AstraZeneca et recensé 80 cas de caillots sanguins a décidé de ne plus l’utiliser aux personnes âgées de moins de 30 ans. Selon le quotidien The Guardian, cette recommandation repose sur le fait que cette catégorie d’âge est soumise à un risque assez bas de faire une forme grave de Covid 19. Dans le cas d’autres groupes d’âge, les bénéfices du vaccin dépasseraient les risques qu’impliquent les quelques rares effets secondaires. Tout comme le Royaume Uni, d’autres pays (Espagne, Allemagne, Pays bas et Italie) ont limité l’emploi de ce vaccin, qui sera désormais réservé uniquement aux personnes âgées de plus de 60 ans.

    Les autorités roumaines ont décidé de ne pas modifier le schéma de vaccination avec le produit AstraZeneca. Seules les personnes vaccinées contre la Covid qui ont fait des caillots sanguins après la première dose ne recevront plus la dose de rappel avec le même type de vaccin. Le personnel médical qui utilise les vaccins d’AstraZeneca doit absolument transmettre aux personnes vaccinées de consulter un spécialiste en cas de problèmes de santé apparues juste après l’inoculation.

    En cas de symptômes tels les maux abdominaux ou pectoraux, les maux sévères de tête ou bien des problèmes de vision, il faut absolument consulter un médecin. Une chose est pourtant certaine : les discussions en marge des effets secondaires rares apparus après le vaccin Astra Zeneca ont influencé la décision de nombreux Roumains. Selon les statistiques un tiers des personnes inscrites pour se faire vacciner avec le sérum AstraZeneca se sont retirées des listes d’attente. (Roxana Vasile)

  • 54.949 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    54.949 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    Potrivit datelor puse la dispoziția CNCAV de către INSP, prin
    aplicația Registrul Electronic Național al Vaccinărilor (RENV), în ultimele 24
    de ore au fost imunizate 54.949 de persoane dintre care 23.882 au primit
    prima doză, iar 31.067 au primit doza a doua.

    23.882 de persoane au primit prima doză de vaccin dintre care: 15.826 au fost vaccinate cu serul de la compania Pfizer, 4.623 de la Moderna și 3.433 de la compania AstraZeneca.

    31.067 de persoane au primit doza a doua de vaccin, după cum
    urmează: 30.971 de la compania Pfizer, 95 de la Moderna și 1 de la AstraZeneca.

    S-au administrat 2.771.056 doze de vaccin Pfizer (începând cu 27
    decembrie 2020). 253.187 doze de vaccin Moderna (începând cu 4 februarie 2021)
    şi 389.712 doze de vaccin AstraZeneca (începând cu 15 februarie 2021).
    Totalul dozelor administrare fiind 3.413.955

    Total reacţii adverse în ultimele 24 de ore: 184, dintre care 69 la vaccinul Pfizer, 34 la vaccinul Moderna şi 81 la vaccinul AstraZeneca.

    84 reacţii adeverse sunt în curs de investigare

  • 55.425 de persoane imunizate în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    55.425 de persoane imunizate în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    55.425 doze de vaccin, (44.784 – Pfizer, 5.845 – AstraZeneca şi 4.796 – Moderna), au fost administrate în România, în ultimele 24 de ore, informează Comitetul naţional pentru vaccinarea anti-COVID-19 (CNCAV) potrivit datelor puse la dispoziţie de INSP prin aplicaţia Registrul Electronic Naţional al Vaccinărilor.

    24.889 de persoane au fost vaccinate cu prima doză, iar 30.536 au primit și a doua doză de ser.

    De la începutul campaniei de vaccinare, (27 decembrie 2020) au fost administrate 3.259.301 doze unui număr de 2.090.464 de persoane, (921.627 au fost imunizate cu o doză şi 1.168.837 cu doza a doua).

    În ultimele 24 de ore, au fost înregistrate 147 de reacţii adverse, 11 de tip local şi 136 de tip general.

    De la începutul campaniei de vaccinare, s-au înregistrat 11.009 de reacţii adverse la vaccinurile Pfizer, Moderna şi AstraZeneca, 1082 de tip local şi 9.927 de tip general.

    86 reacţii adverse sunt în curs de investigare, precizează CNCAV.

  • 02.04.2021


    Coronavirus – 432.000
    doses du vaccin AstraZeneca sont attendues à Bucarest dans le courant de la
    journée, soit la plus grande quantité livrée à la Roumanie jusqu’ici. D’ailleurs,
    le président Klaus Iohannis avait annoncé hier qu’un nombre significatif de
    doses de vaccins anti-Covid seraient livrées dans la période à venir, ce qui
    permettrait d’accélérer la campagne nationale de vaccination. De son côté, le
    ministre de la Défense Nicolae Ciucă a
    fait savoir que 15 nouveaux centres de vaccination seraient ouverts le lundi 5
    avril. Le taux d’incidence le plus élevé du pays – 9,45 pour mille habitants – continue
    d’être affiché par le département d’Ilfov, qui entoure la capitale. Bucarest
    dépasse de peu 7 personnes infectées pour mille habitants et autres 12
    départements enregistrent un taux d’incidence moyen de 3 pour mille habitants. Le
    taux d’incidence décide justement des restrictions de circulation appliquées
    dans chaque commune. Actuellement, un couvre-feu est instauré dans tout le pays
    entre 22h et 5h du matin. Dans les communes où le taux d’incidence dépasse 4
    pour mille habitants, cette règle change de vendredi à dimanche. Durant ces
    trois soirs-là, le couvre-feu est imposé de 20h à 5h du matin et les commerces doivent
    fermer à 18h. Ces restrictions s’étendent à toute la semaine là où le taux d’incidence
    dépasse 7,5 pour mille habitants. C’est le cas, à partir d’aujourd’hui,
    de la ville de Cluj, du nord-ouest du pays. Les données
    officielles de ce vendredi font état de 5.800 nouveaux cas de contamination au
    Sars-Cov-2. 1.454 malades sont en réanimation et 145 personnes sont décédées
    des suites de l’infection dans les dernières 24 heures.

    Protestations – En
    Roumanie, les manifestations contre les restrictions sanitaires imposées par
    les autorités perdent en intensité. Les rassemblements ont continué hier soir,
    pour le cinquième soir consécutif, à Bucarest et dans plusieurs grandes villes.
    Les mécontentements des protestataires sont liées avant tout aux horaires d’ouverture
    des magasins, aux restrictions de circulation et à l’obligation de porter un
    masque en plein air. La position des autorités roumaines restent inchangée : ces
    mesures sont nécessaires pour limiter l’accélération de la propagation du

    Ecole – Les élèves
    roumains sont en vacances à partir d’aujourd’hui et jusqu’à 4 mai, mais avec
    quelques exceptions. Les élèves en fin de cursus scolaire auront seulement deux
    semaines de break – entre le 2 et le 11 avril pour Pâques catholique et entre
    le 30 avril et le 9 mai pour Pâques orthodoxe. Entre ces deux semaines de
    pause, ceux-ci feront cours, mais en ligne. La prolongation des vacances de
    printemps a été décidée par le ministère de l’Education nationale pour limiter
    la mobilité des personnes en cette période de fêtes, mais a été largement
    contestée par les associations d’élèves et de parents d’élèves.

    Pâques – Pâques sera donc célébré
    ce dimanche 4 avril par les croyants catholiques et protestants du monde entier
    et de Roumanie. C’est la deuxième année où le Pape François présidera des
    célébrations en format réduit en raison de la pandémie de Covid-19. En ce vendredi
    2 avril, le Chemin de Croix sera célébré sur le parvis de la basilique
    Saint-Pierre, comme l’an dernier, et non au Colisée comme c’était la tradition
    jusqu’en 2019. En Roumanie, la circulation des personnes est autorisée les 3 et
    4 avril entre 20h et 2h du matin, pour se rendre aux lieux de culte.

    Météo – Le temps devient
    instable et se refroidit dans l’ouest, le nord et le centre de la Roumanie, et se
    maintient chaud pour cette période de l’année partout ailleurs. On attend des
    averses orageuses sur le nord, le centre et l’est du pays, avec des quantités d’eau
    qui pourront dépasser par endroits 15 à 20 l/mc. Le vent soufflera fort, avec
    des vitesses entre 45 et 55km/h sur la plupart des régions. Les températures
    maximales iront de 9 au 22°, avec 17° à midi à Bucarest.

  • 58.261 doze de vaccin administrate, în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    58.261 doze de vaccin administrate, în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    58.261 doze de vaccin (47.520 – Pfizer, 6.575 – AstraZeneca şi 4.166 – Moderna) au fost administrate în România, în ultimele 24 de ore, informează Comitetul naţional pentru vaccinarea anti-COVID-19 (CNCAV) , potrivit datelor puse la dispoziţie de INSP prin aplicaţia Registrul Electronic Naţional al Vaccinărilor.

    24.915 de persoane au fost vaccinate cu prima doză, iar 33.346 au primit și cea de-a doua doză de ser.

    De la începutul campaniei de vaccinare (pe 27 decembrie 2020) au fost administrate 3.088.292 de doze unui număr de 2.015.307 de persoane: 942.322 au fost imunizate cu o doză şi 1.072.985 cu doza a doua.

    147 de reacţii adverse (13 de tip local şi 134 de tip general), au fost înregistrate în ultimele 24 de ore..

    De la începutul imunizării, s-au înregistrat 10.507 de reacţii adverse la vaccinurile Pfizer, Moderna şi AstraZeneca.

    98 reacții adverse sunt în curs de investigar, precizează CNCAV.

  • 52.458 de persoane imunizate în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    52.458 de persoane imunizate în România, în ultimele 24 de ore

    52.458 doze de vaccin: 41.280 – Pfizer, 7.351 – AstraZeneca şi 3.827 – Moderna, au fost administrate în România, în ultimele 24 de ore, informează Comitetul naţional pentru vaccinarea anti-COVID-19 (CNCAV), potrivit datelor puse la dispoziţie de INSP prin aplicaţia Registrul Electronic Naţional al Vaccinărilor.

    23.664 de persoane au fost vaccinate cu prima doză, iar 28.794 de persoane au primit și doza a doua de ser.

    De la începutul campaniei de vaccinare, (pe 27 decembrie 2020), au fost administrate 2.965.613 de doze unui număr de 1.963.148 de persoane: 960.683 au fost imunizate cu o doză şi 1.002.465, cu doza a doua.

    În ultimele 24 de ore, au fost înregistrate 137 de reacţii adverse, 18 de tip local şi 119 de tip general.

    De la începutul imunizării, s-au înregistrat 10.160 de reacţii adverse la vaccinurile Pfizer, Moderna şi AstraZeneca.: 992 reacții de tip local cu durere la locul injectării;- 9.168 reacții generale (febră, cefalee, mialgii, artralgii, astenie, alergii de tip urticarie). 105 reacții adverse sunt în curs de investigare menționează CNCAV.

  • Jurnal Românesc – 29.03.2021

    Jurnal Românesc – 29.03.2021

    Acordul dintre guvernele României şi Republicii Moldova privind
    programul de asistenţă tehnică şi financiară, care prevedea şi un ajutor
    nerambursabil în valoare de 100 milioane de euro, şi-a încetat valabilitatea, a
    anunţat Ministerul Afacerilor Externe. Deşi a întreprins toate
    demersurile din sfera sa de competenţă pentru prelungirea Acordului din 2010,
    MAE este nevoit să îşi exprime regretul pentru ieşirea din vigoare a acestuia.
    În acelaşi timp, îi asigură pe cetăţenii Republicii Moldova că România va
    rămâne un partener predictibil şi implicat, aşa cum au dovedit-o toate
    acţiunile sale de până acum, a transmis Bucureştiul. De asemenea,
    ministerul de Externe şi-a exprimat disponibilitatea pentru încheierea unui nou
    Acord, care să îndeplinească funcţiile Acordului din 2010 şi care să integreze
    toate protocoalele adiţionale subsecvente, cu obiectivul de a impulsiona
    dezvoltarea Republicii Moldova, avansarea parcursului său european şi
    implementarea reformelor democratice.

    Preşedintele Republicii, Maia Sandu, a
    deplâns încetarea valabilităţii acordului. Este vorba de peste 60 de
    milioane de euro, rămase nevalorificate din cauză că Guvernul de la Chișinău a
    refuzat să semneze cel de-al Șaselea Protocol Adițional (…) Vom opta pentru
    reluarea discuțiilor cu partea română pentru un nou program de asistență în
    speranța că în curând vom avea un Parlament care să susțină acest program și
    altele destinate oamenilor
    , a transmis Sandu. În baza Acordului, România
    a finanţat o serie de proiecte importante, între care reabilitarea şi
    modernizarea a peste 1.000 de grădiniţe şi instituţii şcolare din stânga
    Prutului şi dezvoltarea gazoductului Iaşi-Chişinău.

    A doua tranșă din cele 200.000 de doze de vaccin anti-COVID-19
    promise de România Republicii Moldova a ajuns în weekend la Chişinău. Este
    vorba despre 50.400 de doze de vaccin AstaZeneca, care urmează să fie
    distribuite în teritoriu. Ambasadorul României în Republica Moldova, Daniel
    Ioniță, a declarat că pandemia nu cunoaște granițe, iar Bucureştiul a dorit ca
    în acest fel să sărbătorească ziua Unirii Basarabiei cu România. Nu am
    condiţionat această asistenţă medicală de o anumită limbă vorbită, de o anumită
    apartenenţă etnică, de o anumită modalitate în care cetăţenii respectivi au
    votat. Suntem oameni şi în primul rând trebuie să dăm dovadă de solidaritate
    , a spus ambasadorul.

    În 2020, România i-a oferit Republicii Moldova
    un ajutor medical în valoare de 3,5 milioane de euro, iar 42 de medici români
    au activat în spitale COVID-19 de dincolo de Prut. Anul acesta, Bucureştiul a
    mai donat echipamente medicale în valoare de 2,3 milioane de euro. Consilierul
    prezidenţial de la Chişinău Ala Nemerenco a afirmat că dozele primite zilele
    trecute vor face posibilă trecerea la a doua etapă de vaccinare. Potrivit
    platformei vaccinare.gov.md, de la începutul campaniei de imunizare
    anti-COVID-19 în Republica Moldova au fost inoculate aproape 34.000 de

    Accademia di Romania la Roma prezintă publicului italian, în
    perioada 27 martie – 27 iulie, o selecție din cadrul Conferințelor
    Teatrului Național București. Seria a început cu episodul Matei Vișniec -
    Teatru și jurnalism. Influențe reciproce, care a fost difuzat cu prilejul Zilei
    Internaționale a Teatrului. Următorul
    episod Gigi Căciuleanu – L’Om Gigi:
    Linii_Trasee_Semne_Sensuri este programat pentru 29 aprilie. Ioan Aurel Pop -
    Cultura română între Occidentul latin și Orientul bizantin va fi transmis pe 29
    mai, Andrei Pleşu – Despre inimă, pe 30 iunie, iar seria se va încheia cu
    Bogdan Aurescu – Interesul naţional şi actualitatea suveranităţii. Politica
    externă a României şi paradigma învingătorului.

    Iniţiate cu aproape opt decenii
    în urmă de Ion Marin Sadoveanu, Conferinţele Teatrului Naţional au
    revenit pe scena Sălii Atelier începând din anul 2006 cu prelegerile unor
    personalități marcante ale culturii române. Colecția Conferințele
    Teatrului Național face parte din patrimoniul Bibliotecii Române de la
    Roma şi a fost donată de Teatrul Național București Ion Luca
    Caragiale reprezentanței Accademia di Romania la Roma. Conferințele
    selectate pentru această serie sunt transmise, în limba română cu subtitrare în
    italiană, pe pagina de Facebook a Accademiei di Romania la Roma și pe canalul
    YouTube al Teatrului Național București.

  • 47.196 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    47.196 de persoane au fost imunizate în ultimele 24 de ore

    Potrivit datelor puse la dispoziția CNCAV de către INSP, prin aplicația Registrul Electronic Național al Vaccinărilor (RENV), în ultimele 24 de ore au fost imunizate 47.196 de persoane dintre care 23.874 au primit prima doză, iar 23.322 au primit doza a doua.

    23.874 de persoane au primit prima doză de vaccin dintre care: 12.685 au fost vaccinate cu serul de la compania Pfizer, 3.866 de la Moderna și 7.323 de la compania AstraZeneca.

    23.322 de persoane au primit doza a doua de vaccin, după cum urmează: 23.165 de la compania Pfizer, 157 de la Moderna și niciunul de la AstraZeneca.

    S-au administrat 2.090.799 doze de vaccin Pfizer (începând cu 27 decembrie 2020). 187.979 doze de vaccin Moderna (începând cu 4 februarie 2021) şi 289.330 doze de vaccin AstraZeneca (începând cu 15 februarie 2021). Totalul dozelor administrare fiind 2.568.108

    Total reacţii adverse în ultimele 24 de ore: 230, dintre care 66 la vaccinul Pfizer, 25 la vaccinul Moderna şi 139 la vaccinul AstraZeneca..

    109 reacţii adeverse sunt în curs de investigare

  • Nachrichten 21.03.2021

    Nachrichten 21.03.2021

    Ab nächster Woche wird das Tempo der Anti-COVID-Impfung in Rumänien zunehmen. Weitere 167 Impfzentren werden im ganzen Land eröffnet. Premierminister Florin Cîţu gab am Samstag bekannt, dass in der nächsten Zeit täglich 80.000 Menschen geimpft werden. Bisher haben mehr als 1,7 Millionen Menschen mindestens eine Impfstoffdosis erhalten, die meisten davon von Pfizer-BioNTech sowie Moderna und AstraZeneca. Fast 750.000 Menschen haben sich auf die Wartelisten eingetragen. Florin Cîţu erklärte, dass Rumänien nicht in den Lockdown eintreten werde, forderte die Rumänen jedoch auf, die Schutzmaßnahmen zu respektieren, um diese Zeit der Pandemie zu überwinden. Die Behörden meldeten am Sonntag mehr als 4.200 Neufälle von Coronavirus und 76 Todesfälle. 1.334 Patienten befinden sich auf der Intensivstation – ein neuer Rekord seit Beginn der Pandemie. Insgesamt wurden seit Ausbruch der Pandemie in Rumänien fast 900.000 Fälle und über 22.000 Todesfälle registriert. Das Bukarester Komitee für Notsituationen hat am Sonntag beschlossen, die in der Hauptstadt geltenden Beschränkungen um 14 Tage zu verlängern. Bukarest und acht weitere Bezirke befinden sich im roten Szenario, wobei mehr als drei pro tausend Einwohner betroffen sind. Am Samstag traten die Städte Iasi (Nordosten) und Oradea (Westen) in das rote Szenario ein. Viele Ortschaften um die Hauptstadt befinden sich in Quarantäne.

    In vielen europäischen Ländern, einschließlich Rumänien, gab es am Samstag zahlreiche Proteste gegen die auferlegten Beschränkungen. In Großbritannien und in London verhängte die Polizei Geldstrafen und nahm eine Reihe von Verhaftungen unter Demonstranten vor. In mehreren deutschen Städten, darunter in der Hauptstadt Berlin, wurden Proteste gemeldet. In der Schweiz, in der Stadt Listal, forderten mehr als 3.000 Menschen die Aufhebung der Beschränkungen und sagten, die Behörden hätten das Land mehr als ein Jahr lang als Geisel genommen. Ähnliche Anschuldigungen wurden in der bulgarischen Hauptstadt Sofia erhoben. Demonstranten meinen, die unzureichenden Maßnahmen der Behörden hätten zu einer schweren Wirtschafts- und Gesundheitskrise geführt, die kleine und mittlere Unternehmen zerstörte, während Tausende von Menschen ohne Arbeit und Lebensunterhalt blieben. In Rumänien, in Bukarest und in anderen Städten des Landes fanden Proteste gegen Beschränkungen und Impfungen statt. In der Hauptstadt verhängten die Gendarmen Geldstrafen. Die Organisatoren wurden sanktioniert, weil sie die Überschreitung der maximalen Teilnehmerzahl von 100 zuließen. Sie stellten weder sicher, dass die Hygieneschutzvorschriften eingehalten wurden, noch den Ort, an dem die gemeldeten Aktivitäten stattfanden. Einige der Teilnehmer erhielten Geldstrafen.

    Der rumänische Außenminister Bogdan Aurescu wird am Montag an dem Treffen der Außenminister aus den EU-Mitgliedstaaten teilnehmen, das in Brüssel stattfinden wird. Laut einer am Sonntag veröffentlichten Mitteilung des rumänischen Außenministeriums in Bukarest stehen die Entwicklungen in den Beziehungen der EU zu Russland, die Lage in Georgien, die Haltung der EU gegenüber dem westlichen Balkan, die Lage in Venezuela, Myanmar und Äthiopien auf der Tagesordnung der Diskussionen. Die Beziehungen zwischen der EU und der Türkei sowie Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der südlichen Nachbarschaft werden ebenfalls in Vorbereitung auf die Gespräche im Europäischen Rat vom 25. bis 26. März behandelt.

    Sea Shield 21, die größte und komplexeste multinationale NATO-Übung, die von den rumänischen Seestreitkräften im Jahr 2021 im Schwarzmeerraum organisiert wurde, wird bis zum 29. März fortgesetzt. Mehr als 2.400 Soldaten aus acht Staaten, 18 Kriegsschiffe und 10 Flugzeuge nahmen teil. Die Übungen werden von den rumänischen Seestreitkräften koordiniert. Laut dem Sprecher der rumänischen Seestreitkräfte Cornel Pavel basiert Sea Shield 21 auf den Szenarien einer maritimen Operation als Reaktion auf eine Krise in der Region. An dieser Übung nehmen Soldaten aus Bulgarien, Griechenland, den Niederlanden, Polen, Rumänien, Spanien, den Vereinigten Staaten und der Türkei teil. Die erste Ausgabe der multinationalen Übung Sea Shield“ fand 2015 statt. In den folgenden Jahren wurden die Szenarien angepasst, um schnell und effizient auf das gesamte Spektrum der Bedrohungen für die Sicherheit des Seeverkehrs und die regionale Stabilität zu reagieren.

  • Nachrichten 20.03.2021

    Nachrichten 20.03.2021

    In Rumänien wurden innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Durchführung von 38.670 Tests fast 5.600 Neufälle von Kontamination mit dem neuen Coronavirus gemeldet, was einer positiven Rate von 14,46% entspricht – wie die am Freitag von der Gruppe für strategische Kommunikation vorgelegten Daten belegen. Im gleichen Zeitraum starben weitere 143 mit COVID infizierte Personen. Mehr als 1.300 Patienten befinden sich auf der Intensivstation – ein Rekord seit dem Ausbruch der Pandemie. Insgesamt wurden in Rumänien fast 887.000 Fälle registriert. Bukarest und acht weitere Bezirke befinden sich im roten Szenario, wobei mehr als drei pro tausend Einwohner betroffen sind. Ab Samstag werden die Städte Iaşi (Nordosten) und Oradea (Westen) in das rote Szenario aufgenommen. Viele Ortschaften um die Hauptstadt befinden sich in Quarantäne. Andererseits wurden seit dem 27. Dezember, als die Impfkampagne in Rumänien begann, über 1,6 Millionen Menschen geimpft, die meisten mit Pfizer-BioNTech sowie mit Moderna und AstraZeneca. Die dritte Impfetappe, die sich an die allgemeine Bevölkerung richtet, begann am Montag. Derzeit finden Impfungen an Orten statt, an denen die Inzidenz von Covid-19-Fällen mehr als 4,5 pro tausend beträgt. Der Rest der Bevölkerung kann sich auf Wartelisten auf der speziell erstellten elektronischen Plattform anmelden.

    Bis zum 29. März nehmen über 2.400 Soldaten aus acht Staaten, 18 Schlachtschiffen und 10 Flugzeugen an der Sea Shield 21“ teil, der größten und komplexesten multinationalen NATO-Übung, die 2021 von den rumänischen Seestreitkräften im Schwarzmeerraum organisiert wurde. Nach Angaben des rumänischen Verteidigungsministeriums werden die Ausbildungsaktivitäten vom Flottenkommando geleitet. Die beteiligten Streitkräfte kommen aus Bulgarien, Griechenland, den Niederlanden, Polen, Rumänien, Spanien, den Vereinigten Staaten und der Türkei. Das Hauptziel der multinationalen Übung Sea Shield 21“ ist die Überprüfung und Stärkung der Interoperabilität und Zusammenarbeit zwischen den rumänischen Seestreitkräften und anderen Kategorien von Streitkräften in der rumänischen Armee, verschiedenen Strukturen, die dem Innenministerium und anderen alliierten Seestreitkräften unterstellt sind.Es umfasst alle Phasen einer NATO-Marineoperation als Reaktion auf eine geopolitische Krise in der Region und hat die Aufgabe, das ständige Engagement der rumänischen Armee zur Stärkung der maritimen Position des Bündnisses in einem volatilen Sicherheitsumfeld zu demonstrieren. Nach der illegalen Annexion der Krimhalbinsel durch die Russische Föderation im Jahr 2014 schlugen die rumänischen Seestreitkräfte den NATO-Verbündeten vor, diese taktische Übung auf die Tagesordnung kollektiver Ausbildungsprogramme zu setzen, um die Interoperabilität der Streitkräfte in allen Kampfumgebungen zu stärken.Die erste Ausgabe der multinationalen Übung Sea Shield“ fand 2015 statt. In den folgenden Jahren wurden die Szenarien angepasst, um schnell und effizient auf das gesamte Spektrum der Bedrohungen für die Sicherheit des Seeverkehrs und die regionale Stabilität zu reagieren.

    Kleine und mittlere Unternehmer in Rumänien kritisieren den Vorschlag zur Zuweisung europäischer Mittel, die von der Regierung PNL-USR Plus -UDMR im Rahmen des Nationalen Wiederaufbau- und Resilienzplan bereitgestellt wurden, und zeigen, dass die dem privaten Umfeld zugewiesenen Beträge dramatisch sinken. Der Präsident des KMU-Rates Florin Jianu schreibt in einem Beitrag auf Facebook, dass der gesamte Betrag für Finanzinstrumente, dh staatlich garantierte Kredite, verwendet wird, obwohl die Struktur der rumänischen Wirtschaft zeigt, dass nur drei von zehn kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen von Banken für Kredite akzeptiert werden. Er erinnert daran, dass Zehntausende kleine und mittlere Unternehmen von der Gesundheitskrise betroffen sind und dass sie ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit wiedererlangen müssen. Jianu behauptet auch, dass dem Wiederherstellungsplan Programme für Start-up-Unternehmen völlig fehlen, während das Dokument ein Programm für NGOs vorsieht. Die Regierung erörterte auf der Sitzung am Freitag den Nationalen Wiederherstellungs- und Resilienzplan, der Thema einer öffentlichen Debatte ist. Der liberale Premierminister Florin Cîţu kündigte an, dass die Exekutive nächste Woche durch ein Memorandum das Mandat annehmen, über das dieses Programm ausgehandelt wird. Der Premierminister fügte hinzu, dass der Resilienzplan wichtige Ressourcen für die Straßen- und Eisenbahninfrastruktur, Autobahnen, das Gasnetz, den Bau neuer Krankenhäuser und soziale Maßnahmen bereitstellt. Das Dokument muss im April an die Europäische Kommission geschickt werden, damit Rumänien bis 2026, dem Jahr, in dem alle in diesem Plan enthaltenen Projekte abgeschlossen sein müssen, über 30 Milliarden Euro für die Entwicklung erhalten soll.

    Rumänien hat mehrfach bewiesen, dass es in der Lage ist, die Sicherheit an den Außengrenzen der Europäischen Union zu gewährleisten, und dass es seit zehn Jahren alle Schengen-Verpflichtungen und -Kriterien erfüllen kann, sagte Innenminister Lucian Bode in Rom. Er erklärte seiner italienischen Amtskollegin Luciana Lamorgese, Bukarest erwarte von der Union, dass sie die wesentliche Rolle in der europäischen Sicherheitsarchitektur anerkennt, indem sie den Beschluss über die Aufnahme in den Schengen-Raum so bald wie möglich annimmt. Ursprünglich für März 2011 geplant, wurde der Beitritt Rumäniens und Bulgariens zum Freizügigkeitsbereich aufgrund des Widerstandes einiger Mitgliedstaaten, die mangelnde Justizreformen erwähnt hatten, wiederholt verschoben. In Bezug auf die aktuelle Situation der Migrationsströme in die EU versicherte Lucian Bode, dass die Situation an den Grenzen Rumäniens unter Kontrolle ist und ständig überwacht wird. Er erinnerte auch daran, dass in Italien die größte rumänische Gemeinschaft in der Diaspora lebt und ihre Präsenz auf der Halbinsel ein Vektor der bilateralen strategischen Partnerschaft ist.

    Die französische Sprache, Kultur und Institutionen waren eine wichtige Inspirationsquelle bei der Bildung des modernen rumänischen Staates – sagte Außenminister Bogdan Aurescu, in einer Botschaft des Internationalen Frankophonie-Tages. Rumänien feiert am 20. März zusammen mit 87 anderen Ländern der Welt den Internationalen Tag der Frankophonie und ist das Land mit den stärksten frankophonen Beziehungen in Mittel- und Osteuropa – fügte der Außenminister hinzu. Er sagt auch, dass Rumänien mit 30 Jahren Mitgliedschaft in der frankophonen Bewegung aktiv zu den Hauptzielen der Internationalen Organisation der Frankophonie beiträgt: Förderung der französischen Sprache sowie der kulturellen und sprachlichen Vielfalt, Förderung von Frieden, Demokratie und Menschenrechten, Stärkung der Solidarität zwischen frankophonen Staaten durch wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung und Unterstützung für Bildung und Forschung. Rumänien ist das zonale Zentrum der Frankophonie und beherbergt die Regionalbüros der Organisation und der Universitätsagentur der Frankophonie in Bukarest sowie eine große Anzahl von Botschaften der französischsprachigen Staaten. Über eine Million rumänische Schüler lernen Französisch und viele Schulen bieten zweisprachige Programme an. Im September 2006 war Bukarest Gastgeber des Gipfels.

  • March 19, 2021 UPDATE

    March 19, 2021 UPDATE

    Covid-19RO. Some 5,600 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in Romania in 24 hours, out of 38,670 tests run nationwide, which means an infection rate of 14.46%, the Strategic Communication Group announced on Friday. Also, 143 Covid-19 related fatalities were reported during the same 24-hour interval. The number of people currently in intensive care has exceeded 1,300, a national record since the start of the pandemic. Over 887,000 people have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Romania since last year. Bucharest and another eight counties are in the so-called red scenario, where the incidence of the virus exceeds 3 per one thousand inhabitants. Several localities around the capital city are now under lockdown. In another move, starting December 27, 2020, over 1.6 million people have been vaccinated in Romania, mostly with Pfizer- BioNTech and Moderna, but also AstraZeneca. On Monday, the vaccination campaign entered its third stage, for the general population. For the time being, the campaign is carried out in localities where the incidence rate exceeds 4.5 per one thousand inhabitants. The rest of the population can register on waiting lists on the online platform.

    AstraZeneca. The benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine produced by AstraZeneca outweigh the risks, is the conclusion reached on Friday by WHO experts. Several European countries, including France, Germany and Spain, have announced they will resume vaccination with the AstraZeneca serum, after European pharmaceutical agencies stated the vaccine is safe and effective. On Thursday, the European Medicines Agency expressed confidence that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks, following concerns after blood clots were identified in people who were given the serum. So far, over 45 million doses of AstraZeneca have been administered in the European Economic Area.

    CVM. The European Commission supports the lifting of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism monitoring the Romanian judiciary by the end of 2021, Prime Minister Florin Cîţu said on a Facebook post. The announcement follows a meeting with European Commission vice-president, Vera Jourová. Florin Cîţu says the Government wants to eliminate and repair the amendments brought to the justice laws over 2017-2019, and shares the Commission’s desire to finalize by mid-2021 all commitments regarding the rule of law. The European Commission has mainly recommended the elimination of the Special Section Investigating Crime in Justice, the updating of the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code, continuing the fight against corruption and defending freedom and pluralism of the press.

    Plan. The Government in Bucharest held a special meeting on Friday to discuss the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Prime Minister Florin Cîţu stated after the meeting that next week, the Government will adopt by means of a memorandum the mandate for the negotiation of the program. He also stated that the NRRP, which represents Romania’s priorities, allocates major resources for road and rail infrastructure, motorways, the gas network, the building of new hospitals, and also for social measures. The document has to be submitted to the European Commission in April, for Romania to benefit from more than 30 million Euro for development until 2026, when all the projects included in the plan must be completed.

    Visit. On Friday, the Romanian Interior Minister Lucian Bode paid a visit to Italy. During the meeting with his counterpart Luciana Lamorgese, he stated that Romania was expecting the EU to recognize, by quickly adopting the Decision on the country’s joining the Schengen agreement, the essential role it played in the EU’s security architecture. We recall that Romania’s and Bulgaria’s joining the Schengen area, initially set for March 2011, has been repeatedly postponed, because of the opposition of several member countries, claiming the lack of judiciary reforms in these countries. As regards the current situation of the migration flows into the EU, Lucian Bode gave assurances that the situation on Romania’s borders is under control and permanent monitoring. In another move, Lucian Bode stressed the fact that the largest Romanian community outside Romania’s borders lives in Italy, and their presence in the peninsula is a vector of the consolidated strategic partnership that Romania has with Italy.

    Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated he is ready to hold online talks with the American President Joe Biden, Reuters reports. The White House, on the other hand, says Biden doesn’t regret calling the Kremlin leader a killer. Moreover, Moscow believes Biden’s statements are a clear sign that Washington isn’t in the least interested in fixing relations with Moscow. On Wednesday, Russia recalled its ambassador to the United States for consultations, expressing at the same time its willingness to avoid an irreversible degradation of relations with the USA.

    Vacation. Greece will open in mid-April for tourists coming from the EU, including Romanians, Charis Theocharis, Greece’s tourism minister, told a news conference in Bucharest on Friday. The Athens official is visiting Romania at the invitation of his counterpart Claudiu Năsui. Initially, Greece announced that it would open its borders to tourists starting May 14, if the evolution of the pandemic allows it. Charis Theocharis also said that entry into Greece will only be allowed to those who before the trip were either vaccinated or acquired antibodies following a coronavirus infection or will have a negative test result for a recent COVID-19 test. He pointed out that all tourists can be subjected to random tests, in the same way as last year. However, a significant difference compared to 2020 are the rapid tests, due to which the quarantine, for positive cases, will be instituted immediately, without the waiting time of 24 hours, the Greek minister said. He stated that Romania is the first country he visits after finalizing the plan to open the tourist season in Greece. Romania is one of the five largest markets for Greece, as in 2019, almost 1.4 million Romanians chose to spend their holidays in that country.

    Tennis. Romanian tennis player Jaqueline Cristian (160 WTA) was defeated on Friday by Svetlana Kuznetsova of Russia (39 WTA), in the quarterfinals of the WTA 500 tournament in St. Petersburg, with 565 thousand dollars in prize money. That is still Jaqueline Cristian’s best performance of her career. On Thursday, she had ousted Jelena Ostapenko of Latvia, a former winner at Roland Garros and seeded 6th in the competition. (MI)

  • March 19, 2021

    March 19, 2021

    COVID-19 IN ROMANIA – Some 5,600 new cases of COVID-19 infection were
    reported in Romania on Friday, the Group for Strategic Communication announced.
    Another 143 related fatalities were also signaled during a 24-hour interval. The
    number of people currently in intensive care has exceeded 1,300, a national
    record since the start of the pandemic. Over 887,000 people got infected with
    SARS-CoV-2 in Romania starting last year. Bucharest and another eight counties
    are in the so-called red scenario, where the incidence of the virus exceeds 3
    per thousand inhabitants. Several localities around the capital city are now
    under lockdown. On the other hand, starting December 27, 2020, over 1.6 million
    people have been vaccinated in Romania with one of the three serums being
    rolled out in Romania – Pfizer- BioNTech, Modern and AstraZeneca. On Monday,
    the vaccination campaign entered its third stage addressing the general
    population. For the time being, the campaign is carried out in localities where
    the incidence rate exceeds 4.5 per thousand inhabitants. The rest of the population
    can register on waiting lists on the online platform.

    VACCINE – Several European countries, including France,
    Germany and Spain, have announced they will resume administering the AstraZeneca
    anti-COVID-19 vaccine, after European pharmaceutical agencies announced the
    vaccine is safe and effective. On Thursday, the European Medicines Agency
    expressed confidence the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks,
    considering many countries expressed concerns after blood clots were identified
    in people who were given the serum. The WHO Director for Europe, Hans Kluge,
    also said the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine outweigh any potential health
    risks, adding that European countries should continue administering the vaccine
    to help save lives. So far, over 45 million doses of AstraZeneca have been
    administered in the European Economic Area.

    CVM – The European Commission supports the lifting of the Cooperation and
    Verification Mechanism monitoring the Romanian judiciary by the end of 2021,
    Prime Minister Florin Cîţu said on a Facebook post. The announcement follows a
    meeting with European Commission vice-president, Vera Jourová. Florin Cîţu says
    the Government wants to eliminate and repair the amendments brought to the justice
    laws over 2017-2019, and shares the Commission’s desire to finalize by mid-2021
    all commitments regarding the rule of law. The European Commission has mainly
    recommended the elimination of the Special Section Investigating Crime in
    Justice, the update of the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code,
    continuing the fight against corruption and defending freedom and pluralism of
    the press.

    PLAN – The Government in Bucharest is today holding a special meeting to
    discuss the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, before adopting it next
    week. The document must be submitted to the European Commission in April, so
    that Romania should be allotted €30 billion worth of developments funds until
    2026, by which date all projects included in the plan must be completed. Prime
    Minister Florin Cîţu said the Plan represents a huge opportunity for a swift
    economic recovery and improving Romanians’ living standards.

    RUSSIA – Russian President Vladimir Putin says he is ready to hold online talks
    with the American President Joe Biden, Reuters reports. The White House, on the
    other hand, says Biden doesn’t regret calling the Kremlin leader a killer.
    Moreover, Moscow said Biden’s statements are a clear sign Washington isn’t in
    the least interested in repairing relations with Moscow. On Wednesday, Russia
    recalled its ambassador to the United States for consultations, expressing, at
    the same time, its willingness to avoid an irreversible degradation of
    relations with the USA.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player
    Jaqueline Cristian (160 WTA) is today playing Svetlana Kuznetsova of Russia (39
    WTA) in the quarterfinals of the WTA 500 tournament in St. Petersburg, totaling
    565 thousand dollars in prizes. On Thursday, Cristian ousted Jelena Ostapenko
    of Latvia, a former winner at Roland Garros and seeded 6th in the
    competition. In the doubles, the pair made up of Monica Niculescu of Romania
    Lesley Pattinama Kerkhove of the Netherlands are today playing Raluca Olaru of
    Romania and Nadia Kicenok of Ukraine in the semi-finals. The top favorites,
    Olaru and Kicenok, ousted Arina Rodionova of Australia and
    Rosalie Van Der Hoeck of the Netherlands in the quarterfinals. (V.P.)

  • March 18, 2021

    March 18, 2021

    Covid-19RO. Almost 6,200 new cases of COVID-19 have been
    reported in Romania today. The total number of infected people nationwide has exceeded
    880,000. Most cases were registered in Bucharest, with more than one thousand
    new infections in 24 hours. The capital and eight other counties are currently
    in the red scenario, with over 3 cases per one thousand inhabitants. There are
    1,286 people in Intensive Care, a new record for the last months. Another 90
    people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have died, bringing the death toll to 22,000. The
    alert state imposed in the pandemic context has been extended in Romania, since
    March 14, by another 30 days. All restrictions imposed so far are still in
    place, and in addition, night curfew now starts at 10 pm.

    Vaccine. In
    Romania, the national immunization campaign against COVID 19 continues. Since
    its start on December 27, over 1.57 million people have been vaccinated, mostly
    with Pfizer-BioNTech, but also with Moderna and AstraZeneca. Romania has
    decided to continue vaccination with AstraZeneca, based on scientific data and
    the recommendations of the European Medicines Agency, the coordinator of the
    national immunization campaign, Colonel Valeriu Gheorghiţă, explained. He said
    the decision was not easy when many European countries – including Germany,
    Italy and France – decided to temporarily suspend the use of the vaccine as a
    precautionary measure following reports of blood clotting problems in people
    who had been given a dose of this vaccine. The third stage of vaccination has
    started this week, addressing the general population. For the time being,
    vaccinations are taking place in localities where the incidence of COVID-19
    cases is higher than 4.5 per one thousand inhabitants. The rest of the
    population can subscribe to waiting lists on the electronic platform.

    EMA. The European
    Medicines Agency (EMA) is to announce today the result of its safety assessment
    of the AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19, after several European Union
    member states suspended the administration of this vaccine for fear of side
    effects. EMA chief Emer Cooke has already said she is firmly
    convinced that the benefits outweigh the risks with this vaccine. On
    January 29, the EMA gave the green light to this vaccine developed by the
    British-Swedish laboratory AstraZeneca and Oxford University. Last month, the
    World Health Organization authorized the AstraZeneca vaccine for emergency use,
    making it easier for developing countries to access this relatively cheap

    Economy. Even if
    the economic recovery is stronger than expected this year, the world will be
    left with a ‘hole’ of about 10 trillion dollars due to the coronavirus pandemic
    and lockdowns, estimates the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
    estimates in a report quoted by dpa on Thursday. According to UNCTAD, although
    global economy could grow by 4.7% in 2021, it will still register a minus of 10
    trillion dollars – about twice Japan’s GDP – compared to the situation in which
    the pandemic would not have occurred. . Last year, the global economy was
    marked by the sharpest annual decline since the introduction of aggregate economy
    statistics in the early 1940s, the report said. UNCTAD warns that while
    developed economies have launched extensive recovery plans, people in smaller
    and poorer countries continue to struggle.

    Russia. Russia has
    recalled its ambassador to the US for consultations after US President Joe
    Biden made several statements about his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. The
    White House has a number of grievances that Biden has communicated directly to
    Putin. These include Moscow’s involvement in the US elections, the massive
    SolarWinds cyber attack and the alleged rewards to the Taliban for killing US
    military. According to the Radio Romania correspondent in Washington, the White
    House leader Joe Biden has said in an interview on ABC that Russian President
    Vladimir Putin will pay for interfering in the 2020 presidential election. The
    interview was broadcast after the publication of a report by the Information
    Community, which shows that Putin authorized an undercover campaign to
    denigrate Joe Biden and help Donald Trump win the election.

    Moldova. The parliamentary majority in Chisinau nominated
    Vladimir Golovatiuc, the ambassador to Moscow of the Republic of Moldova
    (ex-Soviet, predominantly Romanian-speaking), for the position of prime
    minister, jurnal.md reports. The candidate is proposed by a parliamentary
    majority consisting of 53 deputies from the Party of Socialists of the Republic
    of Moldova and the ‘For Moldova’ platform, which also includes deputies from
    the Shor Party. Two days ago, the pro-European president Maia Sandu appointed
    the interim leader of the Action and Solidarity Party, Igor Grosu, for the
    position of prime minister. PSRM challenged at the Constitutional Court the
    decree appointing Igor Grosu.

    Tennis. The
    Romanian tennis player Jaqueline Cristian (22, 160 WTA) achieved the highest
    performance of her career, by qualifying for the quarterfinals of the WTA 500
    tournament in St. Petersburg, with $ 565,530 in prize money. She defeated in
    two sets the Latvian Jelena Ostapenko, former winner at Roland Garros, the
    sixth seed of the competition. In the doubles, the Romanian-Dutch pair Monica
    Niculescu / Lesley Pattinama Kerkhove qualified for the semifinals, after
    beating the Japanese Makoto Ninomiya and the Czech Renata Voracova in two sets.
    In the semifinals, Monica Niculescu and Pattinama Kerkhove will play against the
    winners of the quarter between the main favorites, the Romanian Raluca Olaru
    and the Ukrainian Nadia Kicenok, and the pair Arina Rodionova (Australia) /
    Rosalie van der Hoek (Netherlands). (MI)

  • 18.03.2021


    Vaccins – L’Agence européenne des médicaments rendra publics, dans le courant de la journée, les résultats de son évaluation sur la sureté du vaccin AstraZeneca, après que plusieurs Etats membres de l’Union européenne en ont suspendu l’utilisation pour peur d’effets indésirables majeurs. Emer Cooke, la directrice de l’Agence européenne, s’est déjà dit « fermement convaincue » que, dans le cas du sérum AstraZeneca, les bénéfices dépassaient de loin les risques. Le 29 janvier dernier, l’Agence européenne des médicaments a approuvé l’utilisation du vaccin développé par le laboratoire britanico-suédois AstraZeneca en partenariat avec l’Université d’Oxford. Le mois dernier, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé a autorisé à son tour le vaccin AstraZeneca pour une utilisation d’urgence, facilitant ainsi l’accès des pays en voie de développement à un sérum relativement bon marché. Pour le moment, la Roumanie continue à administrer ce vaccin. Une décision pas facile à prendre, a avoué le coordinateur de la campagne nationale de vaccination Valeriu Gheorghiţă, vu que de nombreux pays européens, dont l’Italie, l’Allemagne et la France, ont décidé le contraire.

    Coronavirus – La Roumanie a rapporté près de 6.200 nouvelles contaminations au coronavirus ce jeudi 18 mars, dont plus de mille ont été enregistrées à Bucarest. La capitale et huit départements rapportent à présent un taux d’incidence supérieur à trois pour mille habitants. 90 personnes sont décédées des suites de l’infection ces dernières 24 heures, le bilan total des victimes approchant les 22.000 personnes. 1.286 malades graves sont hospitalisés en réanimation, le record de ces derniers mois dans le pays.

    Economie – Même si la reprise économique s’annonce plus vigoureuse que prévu précédemment, il manquera encore 10.000 milliards de dollars à l’économie mondiale fin 2021, soit environ deux fois le PIB du japon, pour retrouver le niveau qu’elle aurait pu atteindre si la pandémie de Covid-19 n’avait pas eu lieu, estime la Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement dans un rapport citée par la l’agence DPA. L’année dernière a été marquée par la plus drastique chute économique annuelle depuis le début de l’utilisation des statistiques concernant l’activité économique agrégée, dans les années ’40, avertit l’organe de l’ONU. Selon ses calculs, le PIB mondial devrait progresser de 4,7 % cette année, un taux supérieur à celui de +4,3 % estimé en septembre 2020. Ce dynamisme s’explique en partie par la reprise plus forte qu’attendue aux Etats-Unis, où une accélération de la vaccination et l’annonce du plan de relance de 1.900 milliards de dollars devraient booster la consommation. Toutefois, le rapport de la Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement avertit sur les difficultés rencontrées par les populations des pays les plus pauvres, alors que les pays développés ont, eux, lancé de vastes plans de soutien de leurs économies.

    Moldavie – Les députés socialistes moldaves, majoritaires au Parlementaires de Chişinău, ont proposé Vladimir Golovatiuc, l’ambassadeur de la République de Moldova en Russie, pour la fonction de premier ministre, annonce jurnal.md. 53 députés du Parti des socialistes de la République de Moldova, de la plateforme Pour Moldova et du Parti ŞOR soutiennent cette proposition. Il y a deux jours, la présidente Maia Sandu désignait Igor Grosu, le président par intérim du Parti action et solidarité, pour cette même fonction. La majorité parlementaire regroupée autour des socialistes moldaves a attaqué le décret de nomination d’Igor Grosu auprès de la Cour constitutionnelle de Chişinău.

    Tennis – La joueuses roumaine de tennis Jacqueline Cristian, 22 ans et 160e au classement WTA, a accompli la plus grande performance de sa carrière en se qualifiant dans les quarts de finale du tournoi de Saint-Pétersbourg, en Russie. Dans les huitièmes, Jacqueline Cristian a vaincu en deux sets la Lettone Jelena Ostapenko, 6e tête de série et ancienne championne à Roland Garros. La paire roumano-néerlandaise Monica Niculescu /Lesley Pattinama Kerkhove s’est, elle aussi, qualifiée dans les quarts de finale de ce tournoi, après avoir vaincu en deux sets Makoto Ninomiya (Japon) et Renata Voracova (République tchèque). Dans la suite de la compétition, Niculescu et Kerkhove rencontreront les gagnantes de l’affrontement entre les duos Raluca Olaru (Roumanie) / Nadia Kicenok (Ukraine) et Arina Rodionova (Australie) / Rosalie van der Hoek (Pays-Bas).

    Météo – Temps gri et précipitations, toujours, sur la Roumanie. Les régions de montagne sont placées sous vigilance jaune neige jusqu’à samedi matin et un avertissement météo pour des précipitations fortes concerne la plupart du territoire. Ca sera de la neige, principalement, sur le sud, le centre et le nord du pays, alors qu’on attend des pluies partout ailleurs. Localement, les quantités d’eau pourront dépasser les 15 à 20l/mc. Les températures maximales iront aujourd’hui de 2 à 10°C, avec 7° à midi à Bucarest.