Tag: Belarus

  • June 21, 2021

    June 21, 2021

    Covid-19. Authorities in Bucharest have announced today 26 new cases of coronavirus infection in more than 9,400 tests performed. Also, 4 Covid-19 related deaths were reported. Currently, there are 158 patients in intensive care. The week that has just ended marked the best evolution of the pandemic in Romania since March 2020. During the peak of the last wave of infections in spring, there were almost 40,000 new cases per week. In contrast, the pace of the immunization campaign remains low, with only 6,125 people taking the first dose or the single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine in 24 hours. It is the lowest level since mid-February. The number of those immunized with the complete scheme exceeds 4,355,000.

    Holy Trinity. Orthodox Christians and Greek Catholics in Romania celebrate, on the second day of Pentecost, the Feast of the Holy Trinity, a day dedicated to Christian monotheism, according to which the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three persons in one Godhead. The Christian tradition attributes to the three divine persons specific works. The Father created the world out of nothing. He alone saved it from sin. The Holy Spirit blesses people who want to have a relationship of faith with God. Faith in the Holy Trinity is a dogma established at the first ecumenical synods in the fourth century, when the wrong theories called heresies, which introduced hierarchy into the Holy Trinity, were fought against. Since then, the Christian faith admits that the three persons of the Trinity are equal and in a relationship of absolute love. Almost 25,000 police, firefighters, gendarmes and border guards were mobilized in Romania to ensure the safe running of public events that take place during Pentecost. The Traffic Police supplemented their staff, especially on the main roads leading to the Black Sea coast or mountain resorts, where most Romanians spend their Pentecost mini-holidays.

    EU meeting. The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu attends today, in Luxembourg, the meeting of the EU foreign ministers. The participants will analyze, among other things, the latest developments in the Unions relations with Russia, the peace process in the Middle East, as well as the situation in Belarus, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest. On the sidelines of the meeting, the EU High Representative Josep Borrell hosted an informal working brunch with Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tihanovskaia. As for Russia, the head of Romanian diplomacy, Bogdan Aurescu, will reiterate the need for a unitary and strategic approach in relation to Moscow. On the other hand, he will emphasize the importance of increased EU support for the democratization and stability of Iraq and will express Romanias support for organizing an EU mission to monitor elections.

    Belarus. The EU foreign ministers are to discuss today additional sanctions for Belarus, after the Minsk authorities hijacked a passenger plane to arrest an opposition journalist who was on board the plane. The Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu says in a message on Twitter that extensive economic sanctions are needed, as well as the promotion of an adequate plan for a democratic Belarus. The European ministers will also talk to Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tihanovskaia about supporting civil society.

    EURO 2020. Bucharest hosts today the match between Ukraine and Austria, a decisive match for the fate of Euro 2020s Group C. The two teams are fighting for the second straight qualification, the first being already secured by the Netherlands, which plays today against North Macedonia. In the same group, Romanias National Arena hosted the matches Ukraine vs. North Macedonia, score 2 – 1, and Austria vs. Northern Macedonia, score 3 – 1, respectively. Bucharest will also host a a round of 16 game, in which the winner of Group F will play, a group that includes Germany, France, Portugal and Hungary. The last matches of Group B are also scheduled for today. Belgium has already ensured its presence in the round of sixteen, but it could still lose the first place if it is defeated by Finland. In the other match, Russia takes on Denmark. (MI)

  • June 6, 2021 UPDATE

    June 6, 2021 UPDATE

    Covid-19RO. 58 thousand people were vaccinated against Covid-19 in Romania in the past 24 hours, of whom 15 thousand with the first jab, the National Vaccination Committee has announced. Data presented by authorities show that 4.4 million Romanians have received at least one dose. Numerous vaccination marathons and other events aimed at increasing the number of immunized people were held this weekend. Prime Minister Florin Cîţu called for measures to boost the vaccination campaign, stressing that the pandemic is not over. The priority now is vaccination in rural areas, using in particular mobile units. A new batch of approximately one million doses of Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is expected in Romania on Monday. The vaccines will be delivered by air and will reach the airports of Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara. As regards new cases of infection, 121 cases were reported on the last day, out of 18,000 tests, the Strategic Communication Group announced on Sunday afternoon. Also, 90 deaths were reported, of which only 8 in the last 24 hours. The death toll now stands at 30,815. 1,678 Covid-19 patients are currently hospitalized, of whom 320 in intensive care.

    WHO. The global eradication of the new coronavirus is not currently a reasonable target, according to Dr. David Nabarro, the WHOs special envoy on Covid-19. He said that the virus isnt going away any time soon and humanity is going to have to learn how to co-exist with this virus”. Speaking on a British TV station on Sunday, Nabarro said there were reports on a new variant, recently discovered in Nepal, currently under examination by scientists. So far, at global level, more than 172 million cases of infection with the new coronavirus have been reported, as well as more than 3.7 million Covid-19 related deaths, according to WHO statistics.

    NATO. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has warned Russia and Belarus not to threaten members of the North Atlantic Alliance. Following the hijacking of a passenger plane by Belarusian authorities last month, “we are of course prepared, in case of emergency, to protect and defend any ally against any threat from Minsk and Moscow,” Stoltenberg told the German publication Welt am Sonntag, quoted by international agencies. “We are vigilant and we are following very closely what is happening in Belarus,” the NATO secretary general added, noting that Belarus is becoming “increasingly dependent” on Russia. “We have learned from the past that Russia has massively violated the territorial integrity of states such as Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova,” he said. Stoltenberg also said that the situation in Belarus will be discussed at the NATO summit to be held in Brussels on June 14 and attended by US President Joe Biden. Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, all NATO members, have common borders with Belarus. Two weeks ago, agents of the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko forced a commercial flight operated by Ryanair between two European Union and NATO capitals – Athens and Vilnius – to make an emergency landing in Minsk. Belarusian anti-regime journalist Roman Protasevich and his Russian girlfriend Sofia Sapega, passengers on board that flight, were arrested. After the EU imposed new sanctions on Belarus, Russian President Vladimir Putin received Lukashenko and said Moscow would support Minsk with $ 500 million in loans.

    Visit. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, meets, on Tuesday, in Bucharest, with his Israeli counterpart, Reuven Rivlin, who will pay a state visit to Romania. According to the Presidential Administration in Bucharest, the Israeli presidents state visit is part of the very good dynamics of high-level bilateral contacts in recent times, the most recent meeting between the two heads of state taking place on the occasion of the Romanian presidents participation in the World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem, in January 2020, followed by telephone talks in March and June 2020 . The source adds that President Rivlins visit reflects the solidity of the bilateral relationship, as well as the fact that Israel remains a key strategic partner of Romania in the Middle East. The discussions will focus on ways to develop and deepen bilateral relations in all areas of common interest, the visit taking place in the context of celebrating, on June 11, 73 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations between Romania and the State of Israel. Economic and health cooperation will also be addressed, including the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Holocaust education and other measures to combat anti-Semitism in Romania, as well as cultural and interpersonal exchanges between the two states. “Special attention will be paid to the situation in the Middle East region,” the presidential administration said in a statement

    Football. Universitatea Olimpia Cluj won the Romanian Womens Football Cup on Sunday, defeating Heniu Prundu Bargaului 1-0 at the “Francis Neuman” football arena in Arad. The only goal of the match was a penalty shot scored by Mihaela Ciolacu, on 114th minutes. Universitatea Olimpia Cluj won the trophy for the seventh time in history, after previously winning the 10th consecutive Romanian Champion title. Cristina Botojel (Cluj) was designated the best player of the final, and the trophy was handed to her by the head coach of the national womens squad, Cristi Dulca.

    Tennis. The Romanian – Argentinean pair Irina Begu/Nadia Podoroska has qualified for the quarter finals of the womens doubles at the Roland Garros tournament, the second Grand Slam of the year. They defeated the French pair Clara Burel/Chloe Paquet. In the mens doubles, the Romanian-German pair Horia Tecău / Kevin Krawietz had already qualified for the quarterfinals of the tournament, after defeating, on Saturday, the pair Jamie Murray (UK) / Bruno Soares (Brazil). The Romanian player Sorana Cirstea was defeated on Sunday by the Slovenian Tamara Zidansek, 7-6 (7-4), 6-1, in the fourth round of the tournament. She was the only Romanian left in the singles. (MI)

  • Nachrichten 06.06.2021

    Nachrichten 06.06.2021

    BUCHAREST – 70.000 Menschen sind in den letzten 24 Stunden in Rumänien gegen COVID-19 geimpft worden, davon 20.000 mit der ersten Dosis. Dies teilte das Nationale Impfkomitee mit. Laut den behördlichen Angaben, haben derzeit über 4,4 Millionen Rumänen mindestens eine Dosis erhalten. Auch an diesem Wochenende finden zahlreiche Impf-Veranstaltungen statt, um so viele Menschen wie möglich zu impfen. Premierminister Florin Cîțu spornte die Impfkampagne erneut an und mahnte, die Menschen sollen nicht glauben, dass die Pandemie vorbei sei. Um die Impfkampagne in den ländlichen Gegenden anzusto‎ßen, brauchen wir die Unterstützung der lokalen Behörden, der Kreisratsvorsitzenden, der Präfekten, der Bürgermeister, aber auch der Meinungsführer, wie Priester, Ärzte, sogar örtliche Polizeibeamte – sagte der Regierungschef ferner.

    In den letzten 24 Stunden wurden über 121 neue Corona-Fälle registriert. 82 Menschen sind im Kontext des Virus gestorben. 320 Corona-Patienten befinden sich auf Intensivstationen. Seit Beginn der Pandemie haben sich über eine Million Menschen mit dem neuen Coronavirus infiziert. Gleichfalls über 1.000.000 von ihnen gelten als gesund, mehr als 30.800 Infizierte sind gestorben. Seit dem 1. Juni sind Ma‎ßnahmen zur Lockerung der Corona-Einschränkungen in Kraft.

    BRÜSSEL – NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg warnte Russland und Wei‎ßrussland davor, Mitglieder der Nordatlantischen Allianz zu bedrohen. Nach der Entführung eines Passagierflugzeugs durch wei‎ßrussische Behörden im letzten Monat führte Stoltenberg in der “Welt am Sonntag” aus: “Wir haben in der Vergangenheit erfahren müssen, dass Russland die territoriale Integrität von Staaten wie Ukraine, Georgien und Moldawien massiv verletzt hat”. Stoltenberg sagte ferner, dass die Lage in Belarus ein Thema des Gipfeltreffens der Allianz in einer Woche in Brüssel sein wird, zu dem unter anderen Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und US-Präsident Joe Biden erwartet werden. Litauen, Lettland und Polen, allesamt NATO-Mitglieder, haben gemeinsame Grenzen mit Belarus. Vor zwei Wochen erzwang Belarus die Landung eines Passagierflugzeugs aus der EU in Minsk. Der regierungskritische wei‎ßrussische Journalist Roman Protasewitsch und seine russische Freundin Sofia Sapega, Passagiere dieses Flugs, wurden dabei verhaftet. Nachdem die EU neue Sanktionen gegen Wei‎ßrussland verhängt hatte, empfing der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin Lukaschenko und sagte Minsk einen Kredit von 500 Millionen Dollar zu.

    BUCHAREST – Der israelische Präsident Reuven Rivlin wird am Dienstag zu einem Staatsbesuch in Rumänien erwartet. Laut der Präsidialverwaltung in Bukarest ist “der Staatsbesuch des israelischen Präsidenten Teil der hervorragenden Dynamik der beidseitigen hochrangigen Kontakte, wobei das jüngste Treffen zwischen den beiden Staatsoberhäuptern anlässlich der Teilnahme des rumänischen Präsidenten Klaus Iohannis am Weltforum zum Holocaust-Gedenken in Jerusalem im Januar 2020 stattfand, gefolgt von Telefongesprächen im März und Juni 2020”. Weiter hei‎ßt es, dass der Besuch des israelischen Präsidenten Rivlin die Festigkeit der beidseitigen Beziehungen widerspiegelt, sowie die Tatsache, dass Israel ein “wichtiger” Partner mit strategischer Bedeutung für Rumänien im Nahen Osten bleibt. Die Gespräche werden sich auf Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung und Vertiefung der bilateralen Beziehungen in allen Bereichen von gemeinsamem Interesse konzentrieren. Der Besuch findet im Rahmen der Feierlichkeiten zum 73-jährigen Bestehen der ununterbrochenen diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Rumänien und Israel, am 11. Juni, statt. Die Präsidenten werden auch die Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Wirtschaft und Gesundheit besprechen, einschlie‎ßlich der Bekämpfung der COVID-19-Pandemie, der Holocaust-Aufklärung und anderer Ma‎ßnahmen zur Bekämpfung des Antisemitismus in Rumänien sowie des kulturellen und zwischenmenschlichen Austauschs zwischen den beiden Ländern. “Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird der Situation in der Region des Nahen Ostens gewidmet”, merkte die Präsidialverwaltung in Bukarest in ihrer Erklärung an.

  • June 6, 2021

    June 6, 2021

    Covid-19RO. 70,000 people were vaccinated in Romania in the past 24 hours, of whom 20,000 with the first jab, the National Vaccination Committee has announced. Data presented by authorities show that 4.4 million Romanians have received at least one dose. Numerous vaccination marathons and other events aimed at increasing the number of immunized people are organized this weekend. Prime Minister Florin Cîţu called for measures to boost the vaccination campaign, stressing that the pandemic is not over. “In order to carry out the vaccination campaign in rural areas now, we need the support of local authorities, county council presidents, prefects, mayors, but also opinion leaders, such as priests, doctors, even the police in the area”, the Prime Minister stressed. As regards new cases of infection, 121 cases were reported in the last 24 hours, out of 18,000 tests. Also, 90 deaths were reported, of which only 8 in the last 24 hours. The death toll now stands at 30,815. 1,678 Covid-19 patients are currently hospitalized, of whom 320 in intensive care.

    NATO. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has warned Russia and Belarus not to threaten members of the North Atlantic Alliance. Following the hijacking of a passenger plane by Belarusian authorities last month, “we are of course prepared, in case of emergency, to protect and defend any ally against any threat from Minsk and Moscow,” Stoltenberg told the German publication Welt am Sonntag, quoted by international agencies. “We are vigilant and are watching closely what is happening in Belarus,” the NATO secretary general added, noting that Belarus is becoming “increasingly dependent” on Russia. “We have learned from the past that Russia has massively violated the territorial integrity of states such as Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova,” he said. Stoltenberg also said that the situation in Belarus will be discussed at the NATO summit to be held in Brussels on June 14 and attended by US President Joe Biden. Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, all NATO members, have common borders with Belarus. Two weeks ago, agents of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko forced a commercial flight operated by Ryanair between two European Union and NATO capitals – Athens and Vilnius – to make an emergency landing in Minsk. Belarusian anti-regime journalist Roman Protasevich and his Russian girlfriend Sofia Sapega, passengers on board that flight, were arrested. After the EU imposed new sanctions on Belarus, Russian President Vladimir Putin received Lukashenko and said Moscow would support Minsk with $ 500 million in loans.

    Visit. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, meets, on Tuesday, in Bucharest, with his Israeli counterpart, Reuven Rivlin, who will pay a state visit to Romania. According to the Presidential Administration in Bucharest, the Israeli presidents state visit is part of the very good dynamics of high-level bilateral contacts in recent times, the most recent meeting between the two heads of state taking place on the occasion of the Romanian presidents participation in the World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem, in January 2020, followed by telephone talks in March and June 2020 . The source adds that President Rivlins visit reflects the solidity of the bilateral relationship, as well as the fact that Israel remains a key strategic partner of Romania in the Middle East. The discussions will focus on ways to develop and deepen bilateral relations in all areas of common interest, the visit taking place in the context of celebrating, on June 11, 73 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations between Romania and the State of Israel. Economic and health cooperation will also be addressed, including the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Holocaust education and other measures to combat anti-Semitism in Romania, as well as cultural and interpersonal exchanges between the two states. “Special attention will be paid to the situation in the Middle East region,” the presidential administration said in a statement

    Tennis. The Romanian – Argentinean pair Irina Begu/Nadia Podoroska has qualified for the quarter finals of the womens doubles at the Roland Garros tournament, the second Grand Slam of the year. In the mens doubles, the Romanian-German pair Horia Tecău / Kevin Krawietz had alrealy qualified for the quarterfinals of the tournament, after defeating, on Saturday, in three sets, the pair Jamie Murray (UK) / Bruno Soares (Brazil). The Romanian player Sorana Cirstea has been defeated today by the Slovenian Tamara Zidansek, 7-6 (7-4), 6-1, in the fourth round of the tournament. She was the only Romanian left in the singles.

    Football. The Romanian national football team will play, tonight, in Middleborough, a friendly match with the England national team. On Wednesday, on home turf, the Romanians were defeated, for the first time, by the representative of Georgia with the score of 1-2, also in a friendly match. It is the third consecutive match that the Romanians lost, after 0-1 against Germany and 2-3 against Armenia, in the preliminaries of next years World Cup, and after they also missed the qualification to Euro 2020. The last World Cup in which Romania participated was the one in 1998, hosted by France. On Saturday night, Romanias Under-23 football team, which qualified for the Olympic Games in Tokyo, lost, 0-1, a training match with Mexico, played in Spain, in Marbella. On Tuesday, also in a friendly match, the Romanians will meet Australia. Romania qualified for the Olympic Games in Tokyo after reaching the semifinals of the 2019 European Under-21 Championship, in Italy and San Marino. Romania has not participated in the Olympic football tournament since 1964, when it ranked 5th, also in Tokyo. This will be its fourth participation, after the 1924 (Paris), 1952 (Helsinki) and 1964 (Tokyo) editions. Romania was assigned to Group B at the Olympic Games in Japan, along with New Zealand, South Korea and Honduras. The football tournament will start on July 21 and end on August 7. Players born on or after January 1, 1997 (Under-24) are eligible for this years Olympic Games. Participating teams usually consist of Under-23 players, but because the Tokyo Games were postponed by a year, a waiver has been introduced for players who have qualified on the field to compete. (MI)

  • 06.06.2021


    Coronavirus en Roumanie – 70 000 personnes se sont fait vacciner en Roumanie au cours des dernières 24 heures, dont 20 mille avec la première dose, a fait savoir le Comité national de vaccination. Selon les chiffres rendus publics par les autorités de Bucarest jusqu’à présent pas moins de 4,4 millions de Roumains ont reçu au moins une dose de vaccin contre la Covid 19. Plusieurs événements appelés marathons de la vaccination sont organisés en cette fin de semaine aussi. Le premier ministre Florin Cîtu a également appelé à ce la campagne de vaccination se poursuive, soulignant que la pandémie ne s’était pas achevée. Le premier ministre Florin Cîţu a affirmé que désormais, la campagne de vaccination doit être menée en milieu rural et que les pouvoirs publics locaux doivent s’y investir, mais aussi les personnes ayant de l’influence dans la communauté – les prêtres, les médecins et même les policiers. D’autre part, 121 nouveaux cas de personnes contaminées au coronavirus ont été dépistées en 24 heures sur plus de 18 000 testes effectués, a fait savoir ce dimanche le Groupe de communication stratégique. Sur ce même laps de temps, on a rapporté 90 décès supplémentaires dus à la Covid ce qui porte le bilan total des décès enregistrés en Roumanie depuis le début de la pandémie à 30 815. Pourtant, seuls 8 malades de covid 19 sont décédés les dernières 24 heures. 82 décès datent en fait d’avant et ont été introduites dans la base de données à la demande du ministère de la Santé , suite à une série de vérifications réalisées par les Directions de Santé publique du pays. A l’heure où l’on parle, 1 678 personnes positives sont hospitalisées en Roumanie dont 320 en Réanimation, Soins Intensifs.

    OTAN – Le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, a averti la Russie et le Belarus de ne pas menacer les membres de l’Alliance de l’Atlantique du Nord. Suite au détournement le mois dernier par les autorités du Belarus d’un avion civil, « nous sommes préparés en cas d’urgence à protéger et à défendre tout allié contre tout type de menace venue de la part des autorités de Mink et de Moscou » a déclaré M Stoltenberg pour la publication allemande Welt am Sonntag, cite par les agences internationales de presse. « Nous sommes vigilants et nous suivons de près ce qui se passe au Belarus », a ajouté le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, soulignant que ce pays devenait « de plus en plus dépendant de la Russie ». « Nous l’avons appris déjà : par le passé la Russie a transgressé massivement l’intégrité territoriale d’Etats tels l’Ukraine, la Géorgie et la République de Moldova » a-t-il déclaré. M Stoltenberg a également déclaré que la situation au Belarus serait évoquée au sommet de l’OTAN qui aura lieu à Bruxelles le 14 juin et auquel participera aussi le président américain Joe Biden. La Lituanie, la Lettonie et la Pologne, les trois membres de l’OTAN, ont des frontières communes avec le Belarus. Il y a deux semaines, des agents du régime de Minsk ont obligé un avion commercial de la compagnie Ryanair qui reliait des capitales de l’UE – Athènes et Vilnius – à se poser d’urgence dans la capitale du Belarus. Roman Protasevich, journaliste opposant du régime d’Aleksandr Loukachenko, et sa partenaire de nationalité russe, Sofia Sapega, qui figuraient parmi les voyageurs à bord de l’avion ont été arrêtés une fois sur le sol bélarusse. Après l’institution de nouvelles sanctions contre le Belarus, le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, a reçu Loukachenko et a déclaré que Moscou allait soutenir Minsk par des crédits totalisant 500 millions de dollars.

    Visite – Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, rencontre mardi à Bucarest son homologue israélien Reuven Rivlin, qui effectuera une visite d’Etat en Roumanie. Selon l’administration présidentielle de Bucarest, la visite reflète la « solidité » des relations bilatérales mais aussi le fait qu’Israël demeure « un partenaire clé » aux valences stratégiques, de la Roumanie au Proche Orient. Les entretiens viseront les moyens de développer et d’approfondir les relations bilatérales dans tous les domaines d’intérêt commun, la visite se déroulant en marge de la célébration le 11 juin des 73 ans de relations diplomatiques ininterrompus entre la Roumanie et Israël. La coopération économique et dans le domaine sanitaire, y compris pour ce qui est la lutte contre la pandémie de Covid 19, l’éducation au sujet de l’Holocauste ainsi que d’autres mesures de combattre l’antisémitisme en Roumanie ainsi que les échanges culturels entre les deux états. « Une attention particulière sera accordée à la situation dans la région du Proche Orient », lit-on aussi dans le communiqué de l’administration présidentielle.

    Tennis – A Roland Garros, la joueuse roumaine de tennis, Cîrstea (29 ans, 54e WTA) rencontre aujourd’hui la slovène Tamara Zidansek (23 ans, 85e mondiale) dans les huitièmes de finale de la compétition. Elle est la dernière sportive roumaine dans l’épreuve de simple. Au double, le duo Irina Begu/Nadia Podoroska, Roumanie-Argentine s’est qualifiée dans les huitièmes de finale contre le japonaises Shuko Aoyama / Ena Shibahara. En échange, le double roumano letton Monica Niculescu / Jelena Ostapenko a été vaincu et quitte la compétition. Côté messieurs le double roumano-allemand Horia Tecău / Kevin Krawietz s’est qualifié dans les quarts de finale après la victoire contre le double Jamie Murray (Royaume Uni) / Bruno Soares (Brésil).

    Foot – La sélection nationale de foot de Roumanie affronte ce soir l’Angleterre à Middlesbrough dans le cadre d’un match amical. Mercredi à domicile, les Roumains ont été battus par la Géorgie, également dans un amical. La Roumanie a raté la qualification à l’Euro 2020. Samedi soir, la sélection de jeunesse de Roumanie, qui s’est qualifiée aux JO de Tokyo a également perdu 0 à 1 un match de préparation contre le Mexique, joué en Espagne. Mardi, les Roumains affronteront l’Australie, également dans un amical. La Roumanie s’est qualifiée aux JO de Tokyo après avoir accédé aux demi-finales de l’Euro des Espoirs en 2019. La Roumanie a été repartie au Groupe B des Jo de Japon, aux côtés de la Nouvelle Zélande, de la Corée du Sud et du Honduras. Le tournoi débutera le 21 juillet et s’achèvera le 7 août. Pour l’édition de cette année des JO, les joueurs éligibles sont ceux nés après le 1er janvier 1997. Normalement, les équipes participantes sont constituées de joueurs de moins de 23 ans, mais vu que les Jo de Tokyo avaient été ajournés d’une année, une dérogation a été introduite afin de permettre aux joueurs qui se s’étaient qualifiés de participer à la compétition.

    Météo – Temps instable sur la majorité des régions, avec des pluies et des orages notamment sur le relief mais aussi sur le centre, l’est et le sud-est. Les températures vont de 19 à) 28 degrés. 24 degrés et un ciel partiellement couvert à Bucarest.

  • Strada Protasovici

    Strada Protasovici

    Cunoscutul scriitor
    și eseist român Andrei Oișteanu a propus ca strada din București pe care se
    află ambasada Belarus să primească numele lui Roman Protasevici. Societatea
    civilă și cea politică s-au mobilizat să răspândească inițiativa. Un grup de
    europarlamentari români au dus inițiativa și la Strasbourg. Profesorul Oișteanu
    a prevăzut clar efectul. Schimbarea neutrului, deși frumos, nume al străzii din
    Tuberozelor în Roman Protasevici ar aduce imaginea dizidentului răpit în
    fiecare pas bucureștean al diplomației din Belarus. Parcă vedem numele
    dizidentului apărând pe orice corespondență sau act al ambasadei din București
    și poate și din alte țări. Este o
    reacție plină de imaginație a societății civile din România la incredibilul act
    de terorism comis de Belarus.

    Într-o perioadă cu îngrijorări pandemice și
    multiple crize, inclusiv economică și morală, evenimentul riscă să fie tratat
    fără înțelegerea deplină a gravității sale. Astfel, se creează precedente grave
    cum sunt multe ivite în spațiul fost sovietic, specializat în politica faptului
    împlinit, fapte care afectează cursul democratic al vieții internaționale. Să
    ne amintim, la 23 mai, am aflat că un avion civil care zbura de la Atena la
    Vilnius a fost interceptat de avioane militare în spațiul aerian al
    Belarusului, pe traseul său declarat, și forțat să aterizeze la Minsk. A fost
    vehiculată o amenințare cu bombă, dar când avionul a aterizat în Belarus, la
    bordul lui nu a fost descoperită nicio bombă, ci un cunoscut contestatar al
    regimului de la Minsk și partenera lui.

    Roman Protasovici s-a născut după ce
    președintele Lukașenko a preluat puterea în Belarus, în perioada tulbure de
    după dispariția Uniunii Sovietice. La
    numai 25 de ani a participat la organizarea demonstrațiilor civice din
    august trecut, împotriva realegerii șefului statului belarus. Este momentul în
    care l-am văzut pe președintele Lukașenko ușor speriat, cu un Kalașnikov în
    mână, și grupuri de demonstranți hăituiți de grupuri și mai mari de polițiști. Deși
    mai tânăr decât regimul său, Protasovici a fost declarat dușman personal de
    președintele Lukașenko. Plecare din Belarus era inevitabilă, acum, însă, după
    acest act de piraterie aeriană, Roman Protasovici a ajuns în mâinile dușmanilor
    săi declarați. Comunitatea internațională asistă acum la apariția sa cu ochii
    învinețiți și cu afirmații opuse convingerilor sale.

    Povestea deturnării
    avionului Ryanair de către Belarus este cusută cu ață grosolană și albă dar
    este și foarte periculoasă. Este evident că statul Belarus a intenționat, de
    fapt, să îl captureze pe cetățeanul care se opune conducerii oficiale din
    această țară, dar în acest scop au fost utilizate o serie de mecanisme
    internaționale foarte sensibile. Invocarea unei amenințări false cu bombă este
    de condamnat în orice situație, mai ales când vine din partea unui stat. Mai
    mult, interceptarea militară, fără niciun argument, a unui avion civil nu are
    nicio justificare în legislația internațională. Sunt foarte multe interese și
    principii morale afectate de o acțiune de acest fel. Din păcate, comunitatea
    internațională s-a dovedit încă o dată inertă și dezinteresată. În locul unor
    acțiuni rapide, urgente, care să rezolve problema prin revenirea la situația
    anterioară, s-a început letargic, cu o serie de proteste, cu acțiuni comune
    amânate, cu ezitări și ridicări de umeri. În cel mai bun caz, după ani buni,
    vom afla de condamnări și ceva impuneri de despăgubiri.

    Până atunci, însă,
    precedentul belarus riscă să devină o practică internațională cu efecte dintre
    cele mai grave. Odată scăpați de sub tirania unui regim, dizidenții nu vor fi
    în siguranță. În schimb, lumea democratică va fi tot mai slabă în afirmarea
    principiilor sale, iar brațul tiraniei va fi mai lung decât brațul legii. Lumea
    democratică nu a fost în stare să îl protejeze pe tânărul dizident Roman
    Protasovici și nici să demonstreze că fapte precum cele care au dus la
    arestarea sa prin deturnare și răpire nu pot fi acceptate. Ceva este greșit în
    reacția ONU, a Uniunii Europene și a Statelor Unite și pentru asta românii,
    care știu ce este o dictatură comunistă, au reacționat într-un mod specific, de
    teamă că uităm și repetăm istoria într-un mod mult mai grav.

  • June 4, 2021 UPDATE

    June 4, 2021 UPDATE

    Covid-19. In Romania, some 4.4 million people have been vaccinated against Covid-19, most of them with both doses. The number of new cases of COVID-19 remains low. On Friday, 225 new cases were reported in nearly 33,000 tests performed. 341 patients are hospitalized in intensive care units. Prime Minister Florin Cîţu has stated that now the vaccination campaign must be carried out in rural areas and the involvement of local authorities is needed, but also of people with influence in the community – such as priests, doctors and even police officers. The green vaccination certificate will be launched on July 1 at European level, and Romania is on schedule as regards the procedures needed for the document to be available starting with this date, Andrei Baciu, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health has announced. The certificate will show if a person was vaccinated against COVID, if they had the disease, confirmed by a recent PCR test, or the absence of infection, proven by a negative PCR test.

    NRRP. Romanias National Recovery and Resilience Plan, submitted to Brussels this week, provides for an increase in low pensions and the recalculation of all pensions, the Minister for Investments and European Projects, Cristian Ghinea has said. The Romanian official told the public radio that pensions will not be slashed, whereas the retirement age and taxes will not go up. According to Minister Ghinea, the EU will disburse funds to member states provided national governments undertake reforms to correct imbalances. Education, healthcare, transport and infrastructure, digitization and the reform of public administration are the main fields in which Romania has pledged to invest the nearly €30 billion earmarked by the European Commission. Under the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, Romania plans to implement reforms of its fiscal and pension systems. Romanias plan provides measures in the fields of sustainable transport, education, medical assistance, the renovation of buildings and the digitization of public administration. All projects must be finalized by 2026.

    Belarus. The European Union has decided to ban Belarusian airlines from entering its airspace as of Saturday and to finalize new economic sanctions against the Minsk regime led by Alexander Lukashenko, diplomatic sources in Brussels told AFP. The measure, requested at the end of May by European leaders, was legally formalized on Friday by the 27 member states. The ban is aimed primarily at the national company Belavia and is a response to the May 23 decision by the Belarusian authorities to force a Ryanair plane to land in Minsk, claiming there was a bomb threat. Two passengers, Belarusian dissident journalist Roman Protasevici, and his girlfriend, Sofia Sapega, were arrested. European airlines have already decided to bypass Belarus airspace. The same sources explained that two series of individual sanctions are being finalized and would be approved next week.

    Film. Romanian filmmaker Cristian Mungiu will preside the jury of the section Semaine de la Critique at the International Film Festival in Cannes, to be held over July 6-17. In 2002, Cristian Mungiu presented his debut feature in Cannes, “Occident”, in the Quinzaine de Realisateurs section. In 2007 he won the Palme dOr with “4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days” and grabbed the award for best scenario with the fillm “Beyond the Hills” in 2012. In 2016 he won the award for best director for “Graduation”. A screen writer and producer, he was also jury president of the Cinefondation and Short Films section in 2017. The feature film, “La Civil”, is a Romanian-Belgian-Mexican co-production directed by Teodora Ana Mihai and co-produced by Cristian Mungiu, and has been selected in the Un Certain Regard section. The film tells the story of a mother whose daughter is kidnapped and who decides to take action in order to save her, after the Mexican authorities refuse to help.

    Exhibition. Indias Ambassador in Romania, Rahul Shrivastava, attended the opening of the Indian photo art exhibition, organized by the “Euro Foto Art” International Association (AIEFA). Titled “LensVision”, the exhibition comprises 72 black-and-white and color photos “of high artistic value”, taken by the president of the “Bengal” Photography Institute in Calcutta, Sanjoy Bhattacharya and 36 of his students. The event is held under the patronage of the International Photo Art Federation and the Indian Embassy in Romania. The official opening was hosted by the Euro Foto Art Gallery in Oradea on Friday, June 4, and can be visited until July 6.

    Chess. The chess grandmaster and multiple world champion Garry Kasparov and the president of the Romanian Senate, Anca Dragu, opened, on Friday, the Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 tournament, part of the Grand Chess Tour. They made the first symbolic move of the competition in Bucharest, which will be attended by some of the best chess players of the moment. Kasparov said in a press conference that the Chess Classic Romania tournament, which could take place annually, will put Bucharest on the map of world chess. It is an extraordinary event, which sets new standards for professional chess, the great champion said. The Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 competition, with 325,000 dollars in prize money, will take place between June 5 and 14 without public access. The ten players who will compete are: Fabiano Caruana (USA), Levon Aronian (Armenia), Anish Giri (Netherlands), Aleksandr Grişciuk (Russia), Wesley So (USA), Shakhiar Mamediarov (Azerbaijan), Teimur Radjabov (Azerbaijan), Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (France), Constantin Lupulescu (Romania), Bogdan Deac (Romania).

    EURO 2020. Romanian Minister for Youth and Sports, Eduard Novak, said matches Bucharest will host as part of EURO 2020 will be played with the physical attendance of fans up to 25% of the capacity of National Arena Stadium in Bucharest. For the match counting towards the round of 16, the capacity will be increased to 50%. The decision falls in line with UEFA recommendations regarding security plans. Bucharest will be hosting three matches in Group C: Austria vs. North Macedonia, Ukraine vs. North Macedonia and Ukraine vs. Austria, as well as one match in the round of 16. Originally scheduled for 2020, the competition was postponed for 2021 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. EURO 2020 celebrates 60 years since the organization of the first European Championship and will take place over June 11 – July 11 in 11 European cities.

    Tennis. At Roland Garros, in the third round of the Parisian tennis tournament, the Romanian Sorana Cirstea won, on Friday, in two sets, the match with the Russian Daria Kasatkina. In the mens doubles, the Romanian-German pair Horia Tecau / Kevin Krawietz, defeated, also in two sets, the pair Yen-Hsun Lu (Taiwan) / Yoshihito Nishioka (Japan). On Thursday, in the womens doubles, the Romanian-Argentine pair Irina Begu / Nadia Podoroska qualified for the second round, as did the Romanian-Latvian couple Monica Niculescu / Jelena Ostapenko. (MI)

  • Relația UE-Belarus după arestarea jurnalistului Protasevici

    Relația UE-Belarus după arestarea jurnalistului Protasevici

    Cazul jurnalistului
    Roman Protasevici, arestat în Belarus după ce o cursă aeriană care se îndrepta
    spre capitala Lituaniei a fost deturnată, a șocat întreaga lume. Liderii
    statelor democratice au condamnat modalitatea prin care a acționat regimul
    condus de Aleksander Lukașenko și au cerut eliberarea imediată a jurnalistului
    și a partenerei sale. În urma acestui eveniment, Uniunea Europeană a recomandat
    companiilor aeriene din cele 27 de țări membre să ocolească Belarusul și a
    închis spațiul său aerian pentru aeronavele din acest stat. Eurodeputatul Eugen
    Tomac consideră că UE trebuie să vină cu o serie de măsuri foarte dure
    împotriva regimului de la Minsk:

    În primul rând, plecăm
    de la premisa că am asistat la un eveniment fără precedent în care un stat,
    utilizând instrumentele pe care le are și folosind la nivel oficial o
    dezinformare prin care obliga această navă să aterizeze la Minsk, urmărea în
    realitate atingerea unor obiective politice de reprimare a opozanților. Seria
    de măsuri pe care Uniunea Europeană le va impune împotriva Belarusului va fi
    fără precedent.

    Este inadmisibil ca un
    stat aflat în Europa, în imediata vecinătate a UE, care a beneficiat de foarte
    mulți bani trimiși din partea Uniunii Europene în ultimii 20 de ani să aibă un
    asemenea comportament scandalos. Tocmai de aceea, cred că a sosit momentul ca
    statele Uniunii Europene să aplice o serie de sancțiuni extrem de dure, cu
    consecințe imediate împotriva acestui regim care a trecut dincolo de orice
    linie roșie. Și, din acest punct de vedere, Consiliul European l-a mandat pe
    Înaltul Reprezentant pentru politică externă să vină cu o listă de propuneri
    pentru sancțiuni pe care Uniunea
    Europeană le va aplica Belarusului.

    Prima măsură a fost aceea de a le interzice
    să mai folosească spațiul aerian al UE , iar recomandarea fost ca și statele
    membre să nu mai folosească spațiul aerian al Belarusului – și deja se vede acest lucru, urmând ca, din
    punct de vedere politică, să fie armonizată o poziție comună în ceea ce
    privește Belarusul. Pentru că acest regim este ilegitim, am văzut în urmă cu un
    an de zile cum întreaga opoziție a fost, practic, expulzată din propria țară
    doar pentru că a contestat rezultatul alegerilor și cred că a sosit momentul în
    care dictatorul Lukașenko trebuie să înțeleagă că nu mai există cale de
    întoarcere iar poziția Uniunii va fi de o duritate fără precedent.

    Din păcate,
    asistăm la o situație pe care am mai întâlnit-o doar în perioada Războiului
    Rece când un stat era izolat din toate punctele de vede, așa cum se întâmpla cu

    Uniunea a răspuns rapid
    la actul abuziv al regimului condus de Lukașenko, dar este nevoie de o nouă
    abordare în politica externă a statelor UE față de Belarus?

    În mod clar, și mă
    bucur că ministerul nostru de externe a reacționat imediat și l-a convocat pe
    ambasadorul Belarusului la București, i-a înmânat această notă de protest și
    cred că la ora actuală se armonizează pozițiile mult mai ferm. Pentru că
    Grecia, care nu avea printre prioritățile sale, în această etapă, relația cu
    Belarusul, iată că a fost indirect implicată într-un incident care o obligă la
    o serie de măsuri și, de altfel, toate guvernele sunt conștiente că s-a epuizat
    această cale de găsire a unor soluție pentru a ameliora relațiile. Acum s-a
    intrat într-o etapă extrem de dură și cred că aceste sancțiuni economice și
    financiare trebuie să producă efecte imediate și să izoleze complet acest regim
    ilegitim care practică o formă de terorism de stat, expunând proprii cetățenii,
    dar și cetățenii altor state.

  • Les conclusions du Conseil Européen

    Les conclusions du Conseil Européen

    Le détournement d’un avion de la compagnie Ryanair par le Bélarus dimanche soir et l’arrestation de l’opposant Roman Protassevitch ont dominé les discussions du sommet européen de Bruxelles. Réunis dans un premier temps pour examiner les actions de lutte contre la pandémie et la mise en place d’un certificat sanitaire, les 27 dirigeants européens se sont rapidement penchés sur l’action de Minsk, que des analystes ont qualifiée de piraterie aérienne ou même de terrorisme d’Etat.

    Les responsables de l’UE se sont mis d’accord sur une série de sanctions, y compris économiques, contre le régime d’Alexandre Loukachenko. Ils ont donc demandé la fermeture de l’espace aérien communautaire à tous les appareils biélorusses et ils ont demandé la libération immédiate du journaliste Roman Protassevitch ainsi que celle et de sa compagne de nationalité russe, Sofia Sapéga. Par ailleurs, l’UE réclame une enquête auprès de l’Organisation Civile Internationale au sujet de cet incident considéré « sans précédent et inacceptable ».

    Deuxième sujet à l’ordre du jour, la pandémie de coronavirus. Les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement des 27 ont salué mardi l’élaboration d’un « certificat numérique européen COVID-19 » censé faciliter le retour à la libre circulation des personnes à travers l’Europe. La présidente de la Commission Européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, a affirmé que l’infrastructure pour le pass sanitaire serait prête d’ici le 1 juin, ce qui permettra aux États de le mettre en place à partir du 15 juin. Ursula von der Leyen :« Les États membres ont désormais la clé et le devoir urgent de s’assurer que leurs systèmes de santé nationaux contiennent les informations sur le statut sanitaire de leurs citoyens, afin que le certificat puisse être délivré. Il nous reste encore des pas à faire, c’est vrai, mais je suis optimiste que l’on aboutira. Je crois que le certificat est une occasion unique de montrer la façon dont l’UE contribue au quotidien de ces citoyens. Voilà pourquoi on devrait tous faire des efforts pour qu’un tel certificat soit mis en place. »

    Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a mis en évidence le soutien que la Roumanie accorde au prochain pass sanitaire européen. À ses dires, l’existence d’un tel document ne devrait pas porter atteinte au droit fondamental des citoyens européens de circuler librement. Par ailleurs, Klaus Iohannis a plaidé pour l’accélération du rythme de la vaccination, parallèlement aux efforts déployés pour produire suffisamment de doses de vaccin. Le leader de Bucarest a plaidé pour la solidarité internationale face à la pandémie, tout en espérant que le mécanisme, par lequel l’Europe veut offrir des vaccins aux partenaires de son voisinage oriental et des Balkans occidentaux, deviendra opérationnel le plus vite possible. Et lui de rappeler que la Roumanie a déjà donné à la République de Moldova plus de 300.000 doses de vaccin et s’apprête à en donner une centaine de milliers à l’Ukraine aussi. (Trad. Ioana Stancescu)

  • Concluzii ale Consiliului European

    Concluzii ale Consiliului European

    Deturnarea unui
    avion civil de către Belarus pentru a aresta un oponent politic al regimului
    dictatorial de la Minsk a fost aproape de a deturna Consiliul European de la
    Bruxelles de la agenda iniţială. Liderii celor 27 de state membre se adunaseră
    în capitala Belgiei pentru a discuta, în principal, despre coordonarea
    acţiunilor de combatere a pandemiei şi certificatul digital. Acţiunea
    Belarusului, pe care nu puţini analişti au calificat-o drept piraterie aeriană sau
    terorism de stat, a primit condamnarea fermă a liderilor Uniunii. Aceştia au
    anunţat că vor fi pregătite noi sancţiuni la adresa Belarusului, inclusiv
    economice, şi au decis să închidă
    spaţiul aerian al Uniunii pentru avioanele din această ţară ex-sovietică. Liderii
    celor 27 au cerut, de asemenea, eliberarea imediată a jurnalistului de opoziţie
    Roman Protasevici şi a partenerei sale, Sofia Sapega, ce are cetăţenie rusă, arestaţi
    duminică în timpul operaţiunii. UE solicită, totodată, Organizaţiei Aviaţiei
    Civile Internaţionale să investigheze acest incident considerat fără precedent
    şi inacceptabil.

    Summitul s-a putut concentra, apoi, asupra pandemiei. Şefii
    de stat şi de guvern din ţările membre au salutat acordul obţinut la nivelul
    Uniunii cu privire la certificatul digital Covid, care va facilita revenirea la
    circulaţia fără restricţii. Preşedinta Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen,
    a declarat că infrastructura pentru certificatul digital va fi gata până la 1
    iunie, iar statele membre se vor putea conecta la sistem la jumătatea lunii.
    Ursula von der Leyen Statele
    membre au cheia, dar şi sarcina urgentă de a se asigura că sistemele lor
    naţionale de sănătate sunt alimentate cu informaţii despre starea de sănătate a
    cetăţenilor, astfel încât certificatul să poată fi emis. Pare că mai este mult
    de lucru, aşa şi este de fapt, dar sunt optimistă că vom ajunge acolo. Cred că
    certificatul reprezintă o ocazie unică să arătăm cum Uniunea Europeană
    contribuie în mod concret la viaţa de zi cu zi a cetăţenilor, aşa că trebuie să
    ne străduim cu toţii să punem în funcţiune aceste certificate.

    Klaus Iohannis a subliniat susţinerea României pentru implementarea rapidă şi
    unitară a certificatului la nivel european. În opinia sa, utilizarea acestuia
    nu trebuie să afecteze exercitarea dreptului fundamental al cetăţenilor la
    libera circulaţie. Totodată, şeful statului român a susţinut continuarea
    într-un ritm accelerat a campaniilor de vaccinare, alături de creşterea
    eforturilor privind producerea şi asigurarea unor rezerve suficiente de
    vaccinuri. Preşedintele României s-a pronunţat în favoarea operaţionalizării
    cât mai rapide a unui mecanism european de donare a vaccinurilor anti-COVID, în
    special către partenerii din vecinătatea estică şi din Balcanii de Vest, şi a pledat în favoarea solidarităţii la nivel
    internaţional. El a amintit că România a donat Republicii Moldova peste 300.000
    de doze şi că urmează să doneze Ucrainei 100.000 de doze de vaccin.

  • May 25, 2021 UPDATE

    May 25, 2021 UPDATE

    US-RUSSIA US president Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin
    are to meet in Geneva on June 16th, the White House announced on
    Tuesday. ‘The leaders will discuss the full range of pressing issues as we seek
    to restore predictability and stability to the US-Russia relationship’, the
    White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki has said. This is going to be the first
    meeting between the two leaders since Joe Biden’s coming to power and will be
    taking place amid serious tensions between the two states. The meeting also comes
    after the G7 and NATO summits which are expected to have a joint anti-Moscow position.

    MEETING The Senate and the
    Chamber of Deputies are to convene in Bucharest on Wednesday for talks over the
    National Plan of Resilience and Recovery, Ludovic Orban, the president of the
    Chamber of deputies announced on Tuesday. The main opposition party PSD
    insisted the government present the plan before Parliament otherwise the Social
    democrats may not endorse a European treaty under which the member states are
    to pay higher contributions to the EU budget. Romania has pledged to present
    the plan to Brussels by the end of May, one month after the date required by
    the European Commission.

    CAMPAIGN Romania’s Prime Minister Florin Citu on
    Thursday announced the government would launch a pro-vaccine media campaign.
    Citu says that his role as head of the Executive is to lead a louder campaign
    than the anti-vaccine voices promoted by a couple of TV channels. The Prime
    Minister has given assurances that non-vaccinated people are not going to be
    discriminated against. According to the RO Vaccination platform, since the
    vaccine rollout kicked off in Romania in late December 2020, 25.93% of the
    eligible population, 16 years old and over, more than 4,170,000 people have got
    at least one dose of the anti-Covid vaccine. According to the same sources, 20.69%
    of the eligible population, accounting for 3,330,000 people, has also got the booster.
    On the other hand, the number of Covid infections is on a downward trend. 381
    new infections were reported on Tuesday out of 32 thousand tests conducted in
    the past 24 hours. 63 new fatalities have been reported bringing the death toll
    to 30,040. 545 patients are being treated in IC units.

    The EU leaders meeting in Brussels have agreed to seal off the bloc’s airspace
    to Belarusian planes as part of sanctions against the regime of president
    Alexander Lukashenko, accused to deviating a Ryanair passenger plane flying
    from Athens to Vilnius to arrest dissident
    journalist Roman Protasevich.
    The 27 EU leaders also asked airlines to avoid flying over Belarus, agreed to
    impose additional sanctions, including of an economic nature, and called for
    the immediate release of the journalist and his partner Sofia Sapega, who is a
    Russian citizen, both of whom were arrested on Sunday. EU leaders also asked
    the International Civil Aviation Organisation to investigate what they
    described as an unprecedented and unacceptable incident and called for the
    expansion as soon as possible of the list of Belarus officials and entities
    targeted by European sanctions. Some 88 persons from Belarus, including
    president Alexander Lukashenko, as well as seven entities are already banned
    from entering the EU and have their assets frozen for repression against the
    opposition and the presidential elections of 2020, which the EU believes were


  • 25/05/2021 (mise à jour)

    25/05/2021 (mise à jour)

    Coronavirus en Roumanie – Le premier ministre roumain, Florin Cîţu, a annoncé que jeudi, le gouvernement lancerait une campagne médiatique en faveur de la vaccination anti-Covid. Il a affirmé que son rôle en tant que chef de l’Exécutif était de conduire une campagne plus « sonore » que « les voix anti-vaccin », accueillies par 2-3 chaînes de télévision. Le premier ministre a assuré qu’il n’y aurait pas de discriminations par rapport aux personnes non vaccinées. Depuis le début de la campagne dimmunisation en décembre dernier, 25,93 % de la population éligible de plus de 16 ans (plus de 4 170 000 personnes) a été vaccinée avec au moins une première dose de vaccin anti-Covid, informe la plateforme RO Vaccinare. Selon la source citée, 20,69 % de la population éligible (soit âgée de plus de 16 ans) a reçu les deux injections (plus de 3 300 000 personnes). D’autre part, le nombre des nouveaux cas de Covid-19 est toujours à la baisse en Roumanie. 381 cas dinfection ont été rapportés mardi, suite à près de 32 000 tests en 24 heures. Pendant cette même période, 63 décès ont été signalés, ce qui porte leur nombre total à 30 040. 545 personnes infectées sont en soins intensifs.

    PNRR — Le Sénat et la Chambre des députés de Bucarest se réunissent mercredi en séance plénière et se verront présenter le Plan national de relance et de résilience, a annoncé mardi le président de la Chambre des députés, Ludovic Orban. Le principal parti de l’opposition, le PSD, a insisté que le gouvernement vienne présenter le Plan devant le parlement. Sinon, les sociaux-démocrates ont mis en garde qu’ils pourraient ne pas voter un traité européen majorant la contribution des Etats membres au budget de l’Union et pour lequel une majorité de deux tiers est requise au Législatif de Bucarest. La Roumanie s’est engagée à présenter le Plan à Bruxelles jusqu’à la fin du mois en cours, soit un mois plus tard que le délai demandé par la Commission européenne.

    Bruxelles — Réunis à Bruxelles, les leaders communautaires ont décidé de fermer l’espace aérien de l’UE aux avions biélorusses, mesure censée sanctionner le régime d’Alexandre Loukachenko, accusé davoir dérouté un avion de ligne européen vers Minsk pour arrêter un dissident. Les leaders des 27 ont également demandé aux compagnies aériennes d’éviter de survoler le Belarus et ont convenu d’imposer des sanctions supplémentaires, y compris de nature économique. Ils ont également exigé la libération immédiate du journaliste opposant Roman Protassevitch et de sa partenaire, Sophia Sapega, de nationalité russe, tous les deux arrêtés dimanche dernier. L’UE demande également à l’Organisation de l’Aviation Civile Internationale d’investiguer cet « incident sans précédent et inacceptable ». Les leaders européens souhaitent aussi élargir la liste des officiels et des entités du Belarus visés par des sanctions européennes. Déjà 88 personnes de cette ancienne république soviétique, dont le chef de l’Etat, Alexandre Loukachenko, ainsi que 7 entités de ce pays sont sanctionnés par l’interdiction de voyager dans l’UE et par le gel des actifs sous accusation d’avoir réprimé l’opposition et l’élection présidentielle d’août 2020 dont les résultats ont été falsifiés. Le ministère roumain des Affaires étrangères sest dit profondément préoccupé par la « démarche inadmissible » des autorités bélarusses, démarche quil a fermement condamnée. Bucarest qualifie lincident de particulièrement grave et annonce quil ny avait pas de ressortissants roumains à bord de lavion de ligne détourné. Une vidéo de Roman Protassevitch a été rendue publique lundi, suscitant l’inquiétude de l’opposition biélorusse selon laquelle le jeune journaliste aurait été contraint de faire cet enregistrement. Selon l’AFP, dans lenregistrement, non daté, ce militant de 26 ans affirme se trouver dans la Maison darrêt N° 1, située dans le centre de Minsk, la capitale bélarusse. Les médias dopposition ont affirmé que le jeune avait des traces sur le visage, ce qui laisserait présager, selon eux, de possibles mauvais traitements. Roman Protassevitch a couvert la campagne présidentielle de 2020 durant laquelle la représentante de lopposition, Svetlana Tikhanovskaïa, affrontait Loukachenko. En novembre, le Belarus a émis un mandat darrêt contre le jeune journaliste pour son travail chez Nexta, déclarant quil était « impliqué dans une activité terroriste ».

    Décoration — 25 gendarmes roumains rentrés d’Afghanistan, où ils ont pris part à la mission de l’OTAN, ont été décorés, mardi, par le ministre de l’Intérieur, Lucian Bode, et ont également reçu des distinctions de la part de l’armée américaine. Au cours de la mission en Afghanistan, ils avaient mené des acticités de formation et de conseil en faveur des forces de sécurité afghanes. Depuis 2011, plus de 450 gendarmes et policiers roumains ont participé aux missions internationales Resolute Support et FIAS en Afghanistan. Les forces internationales ont commencé à se retirer de ce pays, l’opération devant prendre fin le 11 septembre, le jour qui marquera les 20 années écoulées depuis les attentats terroristes des Etats Unis, qui ont déterminé l’entrée des militaires américains et de leurs alliés en Afghanistan.

  • 25 May, 2021

    25 May, 2021

    Covid-19. Romania
    today records 381 new Covid infections and 63 new related fatalities. 545 Covid
    patients are in intensive care. The vaccine roll-out continues across the
    country. Over 7.3 million doses have been administered in this country to over 4.1
    million people since the start of mass vaccination in December last year, with
    3.2 million people being fully vaccinated.

    EU-Belarus. The EU leaders meeting in Brussels agreed to seal off the
    bloc’s airspace to Belarusian planes as part of sanctions against the regime of
    president Alexander Lukashenko, accused of deviating a Ryanair passenger plane
    flying from Athens to Vilnius to arrest dissident journalist Roman
    Protasevich. The 27 EU leaders also asked airlines to avoid flying over
    Belarus, agreed to impose additional sanctions, including of an economic
    nature, and called for the immediate release of the journalist and his partner
    Sofia Sapega, who is a Russian citizen, both of whom were arrested on Sunday. EU
    leaders also asked the International Civil Aviation Organisation to investigate
    what they described as an unprecedented and unacceptable incident and called
    for the expansion as soon as possible of the list of Belarus officials and
    entities targeted by European sanctions. Some 88 persons from Belarus,
    including president Alexander Lukashenko, as well as seven entities are already
    banned from entering the EU and have their assets frozen for repression against
    the opposition and the presidential elections of 2020, which the EU believes
    were rigged.

    Video. Undated video footage showing
    the 26-year-old journalist Roman Protasevich was made public on Monday causing
    concern among the opposition, which believes it was recorded under duress. The
    opposition media says the journalist had marks on his face suggesting possible
    maltreatment. Protasevich is a Belarusian citizen but has been living for a
    number of years in Poland and Lithuania. A former editor-in-chief of an
    influential opposition media operation called Nexta, based in Poland, he played
    a key role in organising the protest movement from 2020. Belarus says the
    network is run by western services, mainly the Polish ones, and that it is used
    to remove president Lukashenko from power.

    Middle East. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken today began his Middle
    East tour in Tel Aviv. The US is trying to consolidate the ceasefire agreed on
    Friday between Israel and Hamas and to help speed up the supply of humanitarian
    aid to the Gaza Strip, which is devastated by clashes. In parallel with
    Blinken’s mission, the Israeli authorities said they will allow access to Gaza
    for deliveries of fuel, medicine and food. The US official, who will stay in
    the region until Thursday, will meet Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian
    president Mahmoud Abbas before travelling to Cairo and Amman. On Monday, US
    president Joe Biden had talks over the telephone with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel
    Fattah el-Sisi and thanked his country for its successful diplomacy in efforts
    to end the hostilities between Israel and the Gaza Strip. This was the second
    phone conversation between the two in recent days to discuss the
    Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Brexit. EU leaders hailed the entry
    into force of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on 1st May
    2021, emphasising that together with the withdrawal agreement, this should be
    implemented fully and effectively. Also, the European Council has invited the
    European Commission to continue its efforts to ensure full implementation of
    the agreements, including in the areas of EU citizens’ rights, fisheries and a
    level playing field. The Brexit agreement was intended to protect the
    principles of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement and maintain an open border
    between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland by keeping the latter
    inside the EU single market. Relations between London and the EU were seriously
    affected by the UK’s decision to leave the European single market, a measure
    which officially came into force on 31st January 2020 and which in
    effect began to be implemented from the start of this year.

    Tennis. Romanian tennis player
    Sorana Cîrstea reached the last 16 of the Strasbourg WTA tournament as she
    defeated Venus Williams in three sets on Monday evening. This is Cîrstea’s
    first win against the American player. She will next face China’s Shuai Zhang,
    who is seeded fifth, and who defeated Japan’s Misaki Doi. Cîrstea last played Zhang
    in 2008 in Cuneo, in Italy, a match she won. (CM)

  • Nachrichten 24.05.2021

    Nachrichten 24.05.2021

    Das rumänische Au‎ßenministerium hat tiefe Besorgnis über die inakzeptable Entscheidung der Behörden in Belarus geäu‎ßert, ein Passagierflugzeug auf der Strecke von Athen nach Vilnius zur Landung in Minsk zu zwingen. Das rumänische Au‎ßenministerium hat den Vorfall als sehr schwerwiegend bezeichnet und unterstützt den Bedarf, dringend eine unabhängige internationale Untersuchung einzuleiten, um die genauen Umstände zu ermitteln. Andererseits gibt das Ministerium an, dass kein Antrag auf konsularischen Beistand von rumänischen Staatsbürgern eingegangen sei. Die Europäische Kommission teilte mit, dass sie den belarussischen Botschafter einbestellt habe, um ihn über die Verurteilung des Vorfalls in Kenntnis zu setzen. Eine Lufthansa-Maschine nach Frankfurt ist am Montag mit Verspätung aus Minsk gestartet, nachdem mutma‎ßliche Terrorismusgefahr bestand.

    Die Zahl der Neuinfektionen mit COVID-19 geht in Rumänien weiter zurück. Am Montag wurden weitere 230 neue Fälle von Coronavirus-Ansteckungen nach über 10.000 Tests gemeldet. Das ist der niedrigste Stand seit Anfang Juni 2020. Zudem wurden sechsunddrei‎ßig COVID-Todesfälle in den letzten 24 Stunden verzeichnet, und 580 Menschen werden auf der Intensivstation behandelt. Immer mehr Krankenhäuser im ganzen Land stellen ihren Betrieb angesichts der stetig sinkenden Zahl von Coronavirus-Patienten um. Gleichzeitig wird die landesweite Impfkampagne fortgesetzt. Seit Ende Dezember wurden in Rumänien mehr als 7,3 Millionen Dosen an mehr als 4 Millionen Menschen verabreicht, von denen fast 3,2 Millionen die zweite Dosis erhalten haben.

    Der rumänische Bildungsminister Sorin Cimpeanu hat bekannt gegeben, dass die nationalen Prüfungen wie geplant und im Präsenzsystem stattfinden werden. Es wird zwei Klausurphasen geben, in denen die nationale Lernstandserhebung und das Abitur stattfinden. Im August werden die Schulen mehr Kurse anbieten können, um die durch die Pandemie verursachten Bildungsdefizite auszugleichen. Die Lehrer werden ermutigt, Sommercamps und andere Aktivitäten zu veranstalten, um die Ausbildung der Schüler zu verbessern. Seit letzter Woche gehen alle Schüler in Bukarest und anderen Regionen, in denen die Infektionsrate unter 1 Promille gesunken ist, wieder in die Schulen. Somit wird für 93 % der 3 Millionen rumänischen Schüler Präsenzunterricht veranstaltet.

    Rumäniens Präsident Klaus Iohannis nimmt bis Dienstag an der Sondersitzung des Europäischen Rates teil, die derzeit in Brüssel stattfindet. Ganz oben auf der Tagesordnung stehen die EU-Koordination vor dem Hintergrund der Covid-19-Pandemie, der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel sowiedie Beziehungen der EU zu Russland und Gro‎ßbritannien. In Bezug auf die Covid-19-Pandemie wird erwartet, dass iohannis für die schnelle Implementierung der digitalen grünen Zertifikate auf EU-Ebene eintritt, unter der Bedingung, dass sie die Freizügigkeit nicht behindern. In Bezug auf den Klimawandel wird erwartet, dass Iohannis für die Schaffung eines flexiblen rechtlichen Rahmens plädieren wird, der es den Mitgliedsstaaten ermöglicht, die besten Lösungen zu finden, um das Ziel einer 55%igen Reduzierung der Treibhausgase bis zum Jahr 2030 zu erreichen.

    US-Au‎ßenminister Antony Blinken bricht am Montag zu einer viertägigen Reise nach Jerusalem, Ramallah, Kairo und Amman auf. Er soll sich unter anderem mit dem israelischen Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu und dem Präsidenten der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde, Mahmoud Abbas, treffen, so das US-Au‎ßenministerium. Er wolle die Parteien bei ihren Bemühungen unterstützen, den Waffenstillstand zu stärken, schrieb der amerikanische Chefdiplomat auf Twitter. Die Vereinigten Staaten betreiben aktive Diplomatie, um die Feindseligkeiten zu beenden und die Spannungen zu verringern”, betonte er. Au‎ßenminister Blinken wird sich mit anderen wichtigen Partnern in der Region austauschen, so auch US Präsdient Joe Biden in einer separaten Erklärung. Zwischen Israel und der Hamas ist am Freitag nach zehn Tagen offenem Konflikt ein Waffenstillstand in Kraft getreten.

  • 24.05.2021


    Détournement – Le ministère des Affaires Etrangères de Bucarest s’est déclaré profondément inquiet quant à la démarche inadmissible des autorités du Belarus qui ont forcé un avion de ligne qui opérait le vol Athènes – Vilnius à se poser sur l’aéroport de Minsk. Bucarest condamne fermement cette opération. Le ministère des Affaires Etrangères roumain a qualifié l’incident comme extrêmement grave et a transmis aux autorités du Belarus de permettre à toutes les personnes à bord à continuer immédiatement et en toute sécurité leur voyage. Des agents des services de sécurité bélarusses (KGB) sont soupçonnés de s’être trouvés dans l’avion de Ryanair détourné par les autorités bélarusses, qui ont arrêté un opposant présent a bord, a affirmé lundi le patron de la compagnie aérienne irlandaise, Michael O’Leary. Roman Protassevitch, 26 ans, ancien rédacteur en chef de l’influent média d’opposition bélarusse Nexta, a été interpellé dimanche après-midi à la suite de l’atterrissage d’urgence à l’aéroport de Minsk de l’avion, à la suite d’une fausse alerte a la bombe.

    Réunion de l’UE – Le président de la Roumanie, Klaus Iohannis participe aujourd’hui et demain à Bruxelles, à la réunion extraordinaire des leaders européens. Les principaux sujets à l’ordre du jour : la coordination au niveau de l’UE dans le contexte de la pandémie de Covid 19, la lutte contre les changements climatiques, les relations de l’Union avec la Russie et le Royaume Uni. Au sujet de la pandémie de Covid 19, le chef de l’Etat se déclare favorable à une coordination étroite entre les Etats membres et au maintien d’une approche vigilante à l’avenir aussi. Klaus Iohannis plaidera pour la mise en œuvre rapide des pass sanitaires numériques à condition qu’elles n’influencent le droit des citoyens à la libre circulation. Pour ce qui est de la lutte contre les changements climatiques, le chef de l’Etat roumain soulignera le besoin de créer un cadre légal flexible, censé permettre aux Etats membres d’identifier les meilleures solutions pour atteindre l’objectif de réduire de 55% les émissions de gaz à effet de serre à l’horizon 2030.

    Coronavirus en Roumanie – Le nombre des nouveaux cas de Covid-19 est toujours à la baisse en Roumanie. 230 cas d’infection en 24 heures ont été rapportés ce lundi, soit le niveau le plus bas depuis début juin 2020, selon les chiffres les plus récents rapportés par le Groupe de Communication Stratégique. 36 malades sont décédés ces dernières 24 heures en Roumanie, alors que 580 personnes infectées sont en réanimation. De plus en plus d’hôpitaux du pays réorganisent leur activité sur la toile du fond d’une baisse constante du nombre de malades infectées au nouveau coronavirus. Parallèlement, la campagne d’immunisation se poursuit au niveau national. Depuis décembre dernier et le début de la campagne d’immunisation et jusqu’à présent, plus de 7,3 millions de doses de vaccin ont été administrées à plus de 4 millions de personnes, dont près de 3,2 millions ont reçu aussi la deuxième dose.

    Plan national de relance et de résilience – C’est une semaine décisive pour le Plan national de relance et de résilience, qui doit être remis à la Commission européenne pour que la Roumanie puisse accéder à près de 30 milliards d’euros destinés au développement. La forme finale du document, avec tous les détails concernant la mise œuvre, devrait être achevée avant la fin du mois. Par ailleurs, le principal parti d’opposition exige au gouvernement de présenter ce plan au Parlement sinon les sociaux-démocrates menacent de ne pas voter en faveur d’un traité européen censé augmenter la contribution des Etats membres au budget de l’Union et qui a besoin d’une majorité de deux tiers au Parlement de Bucarest. Par ailleurs, les Commissions juridiques du Parlement devraient se réunir mardi pour analyser les rapports d’activité de Défenseur des droits pour les années 2019 et 2020. Le Sénat doit débattre également et voter le projet de loi relatif aux réseaux d’Internet à haut débit 5G. Aux termes de cette loi, les fournisseurs de télécoms pourraient utiliser dans leurs réseaux uniquement des technologies et des équipements conformément à l’avis émis par le Conseil suprême de défense de la Roumanie.

    Education – Les examens nationaux, soit l’évaluation des écoliers en fin de collège et le baccalauréat, se dérouleront aux dates établies et en présentiel, a annoncé le ministre roumain de l’Education nationale, Sorin Cîmpeanu. Au mois d’août, les écoles pourront organiser des cours de rattrapage et les professeurs sont encouragés à organiser des colonies de vacances et des excursions. Rappelons-le, au milieu de la semaine dernière, tous les élèves de la Capitale et des localités et des localités où le taux d’infection au SARS CoV 2 est de moins d’un cas par mille habitants, les écoliers sont rentrés dans les salles de classe. Il s’agit de 93% du total des élèves de Roumanie, soit quelque 3 millions de personnes.

    Météo – Il fait beau et les températures sont assez élevées pour cette période de l’année, notamment sur le sud de la Roumanie, alors que sur le reste du territoire, elles tournent autour des moyennes pluriannuelles. Ciel variable, couvert avec des pluies notamment en montagne. Les maxima de la journée iront de 19 à 29 degrés. 25 degrés et un superbe soleil en ce moment à Bucarest.