Tag: cancer

  • Cancer and lifestyle

    Cancer and lifestyle

    The  number of deaths from cancer are going up.



    Unfortunately,  the number of young people affected by cancer is also increasing. The trend is observed worldwide, according to a study that analyzes global statistics and focuses on 29 types of cancer in people aged 14 to 49. According to this study, between 1990 and 2019, the incidence of cancer increased by approximately 79%.This upward trend is also valid in Romania, where cancer is the second cause of death, after cardiovascular diseases. In the European Union, Romania ranks first in mortality in oncological pathology, with 48% more deaths than the European average and over 20,000 deaths that could be avoided each year.


    Why this increase in illnesses among people, in general and young people, in particular? There are many causes. Among them – lifestyle, including nutrition, which is discussed by Doctor Mircea Beuran, an expert in medical sciences, specializing in oncological surgery at the Floreasca Emergency Hospital in Bucharest: ʺChange in lifestyle! You should know that we are observing this now as the tip of the iceberg, but there are observations from oncological studies that the changes, slowly, gradually, appeared around the 1950s, with industrialization, with the change in life in capitalist countries, with the change in toxins, diet, habits, etc. All of this, over time, against the backdrop of genetic changes that we all carry, has created the favorable ground for it to develop. This analysis, made at an international level – America, Japan, Europe – shows that cancer numbers in young people is increasing. Without relying on purely local statistics, I can tell you from the cases we have at Floreasca Hospital that in the case of young people, there is an increase in cancers of the digestive tract, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, small intestine, liver. Every day, the surgery at Floreasca has two, three, four colon, rectal… complicated cancers. It is linked to many things – the consumption of hydrocarbon drinks, energy drinks, alcohol, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, working under stress. Then, many are addicted to activity under blue radiation, such as the computer monitor, tablet, phone. I can tell you that some people are sleep deprived and we don’t only see this in young adults, but we also see it, from conversations with them, in their children.ʺ


    According to Doctor Mircea Beuran, the most common type of cancer is colorectal cancer, which the renowned surgeon attributes to an inadequate diet: ʺI’m referring to the fact that a lot of the food we eat comes from ultra-processed things. This ultra-processing loads the respective food with a number of toxins, that it is linked to coloring, preservation, the particularity of the smell, and so on. These toxins, which cannot be neutralised, can only produce changes at cell level. These changes, over time, develop tumors. Tumors of all kinds. So eating vegetables and fruit is a must! And the food options we keep discussing are about not eating food that it is not cooked at home.ʺ


    The last meal of the day should be taken around 7:00 p.m. And, Dr. Beuran says, when we eat, we should not get up from the table full, to give the body the peace it needs to process the food bowl. As for the night meals, these are out of the question. There are opinions in the international medical world that alcoholic beverages should carry on a special label, like tobacco, a warning about the risk of cancer. Dr. Beuran also believes that it would be a good thing: ʺAlcohol consumption, even in small quantities, is associated with seven types of cancer. Chronic alcohol consumption, even in small quantities, changes the body’s behavior, towards obesity. And if alcohol is added to smoking, to a sedentary lifestyle, this only leads to very important changes, starting with the oral cavity. So, these chronic alcohol consumers have cancers of the mouth, esophagus, liver cancer, they get colorectal cancer, women get breast cancer. Alcohol increases hormone levels, especially estrogen and insulin. The increase in estrogen is a cause of breast cancer, and estrogens and insulin do nothing else, as hormones, than cause a division, a more frequent multiplication of cells, which is why, at a certain point, the body can no longer control this division and they can turn into cancerous tumors.ʺ

    In other words, pay attention to quantity and quality! An unhealthy lifestyle, which we follow for a long time, can have a great negative impact on our life.

  • Brave Cut

    Brave Cut

    At a time of winter celebrations, when we are all thinking about how to become better, as the carol messages urge us, we have discovered a way of being better. A project through which those who have long hair can donate it to make wigs from natural hair for those who need them. “Brave cut” is the name of the project initiated by Renaşterea Foundation (Renaissance Foundation) and, to begin with, we spoke with a beneficiary of one of these wigs.


    Beatrice Gavrila has fought cancer and is a victorious survivor. She has told us that she considers herself lucky also because she met the Renaşterea Foundation team and that she wears a wig made as part of the project: “I am very happy that I managed to meet them. Not necessarily because I wanted to have a fantastic look, but mainly because it’s winter right now, and I needed something in line with the season and my personality. Moreover, wigs help a lot in terms of self-respect, they help you feel better, they are easy to maintain, they are very well made, and one cannot tell that you are wearing a wig. At least the people around me told me that the wig looked so natural that they couldn’t tell if it was my hair or a wig. It makes me feel more feminine. It is a tremendous helping hand for cancer patients, they become more hopeful. Since it’s made of natural hair, it protects your scalp and helps the skin breathe, it does not bring additional toxicity to the body. I am grateful for the opportunity that the Foundation gave me.”


    The President of Renaşterea Foundation, Mihaela Geoană, is at the microphone with details: “The project ‘Brave Cut, lives intertwined’, as we call it, started from the desire to help women, as well as the children undergoing chemotherapy. We all know that those undergoing chemotherapy lose their hair, and for women, this period of several months is very difficult, it affects them a lot. Their image is affected, they look sick and the same goes for the children. Some wigs are reimbursed in other countries, but natural hair wigs are very expensive. Natural hair wigs are the best because they don’t irritate, and don’t heat up the scalp in summer or winter. And then, in 2015, we launched the project “Brave Cut, lives intertwined”, which targeted women. We initially thought of donation of hair bunches that had to be at least 15 cm long, but ideally over 20 cm, to which we add the production cost of the wig, which is between 1,800 lei and 3,000 lei. To make a wig, five or six people need to donate hair, and it was a project that we started online, communicating only in Romanian. It was something between friends. The first to get a haircut live, on October 1, was Corina Caragea and then there were other stars who donated hair. I was absolutely impressed by the women’s willingness to help. To date we have received more than 27,000 hair donations, that is 27,000 hair bunches and many of them are accompanied by messages, they are beautifully packaged. We received hair from a mother and daughter. There are children who let their hair grow just for the purpose of donating it and once every 3-4 years they get a haircut and donate hair. There are women from 80 localities in Romania. The donated hair bunches are sent by post. We received many packages from Austria, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain, Slovakia, and those who donated hair are Romanians living outside the country, because we did the campaign only in Romanian and only online.”


    Our interlocutor told us that if, at the beginning, there were partner hair salons, where the people who wanted to donate hair got their hair cut, and the message was supported by online campaigns, over time, the women learned about hair donations  from each other and acquired this habit of letting their hair grow more, so that they could cut 20 cm of it at a time and send it to them.


    Irina Bescuca, a public speaking trainer at an acting school in Bucharest has recently cut her hair to contribute to the project and spoke to us about it: “I first heard about Brave Cut when one of the women I knew started the fight against cancer. At that time, I didn’t know much about how I could help, and it was then that the need to contribute, to do something that really mattered emerged, and I felt like passing on a piece of who I am, to turn something personal into a gift. So, I chose to cut my hair. I chose to do this not only to change my look, but also to send it to the Renaşterea Foundation where it was going to become a natural hair wig for women fighting cancer, extraordinary women who, as a result of the treatments, lost not only their hair, but perhaps also a part of their self-confidence. Thinking about them, their courage, the battles they fight, I felt I could do more than watch from a distance, and so I felt I could offer something concrete: a part of me, a ray of hope. When the scissors started to cut my hair I experienced a mix of emotions. For me it was a physical change, but for them I hope it will be a gift that will bring them a little light, a step towards finding themselves and seeing their smile again in the mirror.”


    The most beautiful thing about this project is that the wigs are made especially for each patient, taking into account the hair color and hairstyle she wants. (LS)

  • Cancer – country profile

    Cancer – country profile


    Fundatia Renasterea  organized, on June 8, the biggest charity race, dubbed ”Race for the Cure Romania”, to support the fight against breast cancer and promote health. The race chosen by the organizers in Bucharest covered 4 kilometers. The success of the event was due to those more than 5,000 Romanians from the country and abroad who turned their participation in the 10th edition of the ”Race for the Cure” into free medical tests for vulnerable women and for wigs made of natural hair for patients diagnosed with cancer.


    The event also enjoyed the support of numerous VIPs, representatives of the Diplomatic Corps in Bucharest, schools, high schools and companies that understood the importance of involvement in such a cause, as detailed by the president of Fundatia Renasterea, Mihaela Geoana: ʺIt is, on the one hand, a good opportunity to learn, to find out what a healthy life means and what early detection and prevention means. On the other hand, however, we celebrate the winners of the fight against breast cancer and there are many of them, generally more than 100 and they have their special moment within this event. It is also a fundraising campaign, because the registration fee, which are 50 lei for adults and 30 lei for children, is used to provide free tests and mammograms through our mobile unit that goes to small towns in rural areas of the country and for providing wigs for women undergoing chemotherapy and other types of oncological treatment.ʺ


    This year’s edition offered Romanians from the country and abroad, in addition to the physical presence at the race in Bucharest, the opportunity to donate for the prevention and detection of breast and cervical cancer, through the platform www.raceforthecure.eu/ro, open until the end of December. At the race, there were surprises for all age groups. The program also included a parade in dance steps, in the applause of the crowd, of cancer survivors, dressed in pink T-shirts. At the end of the event, pink balloons were released to the sky in memory of those who lost the battle with the disease.


    Beyond this action promoting health through sport, fun and emotion, there is a cruel reality, as Romania ranks first, in terms of mortality, in oncological pathology, registering 48% more deaths than the European average and over 20,000 deaths which could be prevented every year. A conference was dedicated, by the Federation Cancer Patients Associations, to all survivors, on the occasion of marking this day, the first Sunday of June, but especially to those who fight the disease and also the system. The participants, from authorities, medical specialists, representatives of the pharmaceutical industry and some medical laboratories, to patients and relatives, emphasized that everyone should have the right to access medical investigations, innovative treatments and adequate medical care. Prevention is also needed.


    The president of Fundatia Renasterea, Mihaela Geoană: ʺWe have, how can I say, a collaboration, in the sense that representatives of the Health Ministry, the INSP and various hospitals, participate in every event that we organize. I think that prevention should be better organized and better financed by state institutions, and that NGOs should do their part to help and offer more direct access to the target audience. Communication must be much better organized, so that it is easily understood by the public we are addressing.ʺ


    On his part, the president of the Federation of Cancer Patients Associations, Cezar Irimia, says that the delay in implementing the law of the National Plan to Prevent and Combat Cancer makes victims every day, the lack of access to the latest investigations and treatments putting Romania first in the EU in terms of mortality due to oncological pathology. During the conference, the participating associations decided to take a firm stance as regards the access to genetic and molecular investigations, but also to new treatments, in order to reduce the number of deaths in Romania, as well as the 5-6-year gap compared to EU countries.


    “I didn’t do enough, I tried to be your spokeswoman in the Romanian Parliament, but, unfortunately, financial resources are limited, Senator Nicoleta Pauliuc, initiator of some legislative proposals in the field of oncology, said: ”We are talking about personalized medicine, which I believe should be a national project. How do I, a Romanian, sue the Romanian state for the right to life, because there are three or four alternatives to different types of cancer, and the state tells me that ’I don’t have procedures, I can’t give you that drug’. If we have this possibility to do genetic tests, why does a Romanian woman have to go to Austria, do the tests there and then return and sue the Romanian state? Why do we need 385 days or 285 days to enter treatment? Why don’t we have the patient track? It doesn’t cost the ministry anything to do this patient track, to know, from the moment they received the diagnosis, what they have to do. (…)”


    In Romania, in spite of an upward economic trend, the healthcare system continues to be underfunded. While, at present, the average allocation for health in Europe is about 10%, in Romania the percentage is 6.5%, which was the EU average about 20 years ago. As regards strictly oncological patients, Romania allocates for their care less than half of what is allocated in the European Union. Cancer is the second cause of death in Romania, after cardiovascular diseases, 1 in 6 deaths being caused by cancer. (EE)



  • Cancer, Choreographed

    Cancer, Choreographed

    Today’s topic is quite sensitive, it is cancer, more specifically breast cancer. We will be talking about a novel way of raising awareness on this subject, the contemporary dance show called Choreographing Cancer. It was born out of a meeting between Catalina Florescu, playwright and instructor with Pace University in New York, and choreographer Cosmin Manolescu. It is centered on a male character who has breast cancer. This performance wants to draw attention to people, who, irrespective of gender, are afflicted by this condition. It also sheds light on the way in which society answers, or fails to answer, their medical, social, and emotional needs. This show was designed as part of a choreography residency in 2022 at AREAL Bucharest. The show was described as an emotional, cathartic, and participative experience. The choreography is signed by Cristina Lilienfeld and Cosmin Manolescu, founding members of AREAL, a space for developing choreography. The team, however, is much larger than the two founders.

    Cosmin Manolescu told us that the idea of dance itself is, for him, a celebration of life and death:

    “Choreographing Cancer talks about a difficult subject, very emotionally fraught for those who went through cancer or work with it. From this perspective, I am happy to have with me these beautiful people, who said Yes when I asked them to engage with the project. Cancer does not afflict only women, but men as well, and for our premiere of the show in New York we will have on stage a survivor of breast cancer, Michael Singer, who is a very special person, and will be talking to us on stage, in America. I had an indirect harrowing experience with cancer, and I think that experience has helped give shape to the way in which this show reaches out to the audience.

    One by one, the performers ask themselves what is left of us from life. Cristina Lilienfeld told us about taking distance from the initial text, without leaving its framework:

    “Right from the start, there was this idea of accepting death, suffering, of celebration. What we actually did was to make these things more explicit through performative gestures. It is important for people to leave with more hope, and this idea that each moment has to be lived to its fullest. I think the seed has always been there, I I think this is why Catalina was so open, because playwrights care a lot about the format they propose, but she was very open to any change we proposed. We were on the same wavelength, in fact.

    In late September 2022, composer Sabina Ulubeanu joined the team, as she herself told us:

    “I resonated right from the start with the idea of the text, and what they were doing. We all took part in rehearsal, we attended their workshops. I got closer to this world of theirs, starting from the reading of Catalina’s text in New York. It was very interesting for me, because, at moment I wrote this, we had an enormous amount of video material, we had the discussions, we had everything. However, I pretended to forget it all, and I let intuition guide me, and basically I accessed this layer that resonated with me during rehearsal and discussions. I wrote only from that source.

    Cinty Ionescu is responsible with the video design of the show:

    “I think that I did not try to follow a definite epic in this movie I made for the show, which inspired me after that to find direction for the various moments of the show. In terms of the topic, which is difficult and quite personal for many of us, it was very difficult for me to start the work. All these meetings, discussions, and rehearsals I had next to Cristina and Cosmin were very useful, and they brought me to this point.

    The framework of the show keeps us watching with baited breath, symbolizing an ever prevailing life. This is the unanimous belief of the team that made this contemporary dance show. Part of this team is Alina Comanescu, patient navigator, who has a clear message within the show, that of having prevention defeat statistics:

    “What we see on stage is a plea for prevention. Unfortunately, statistically speaking, one out of three may come down with cancer. It is a tough statistic, but 40% of cases are preventable, with a healthy and balanced lifestyle. I think this is what it’s all about: we don’t try to stigmatize, we want to send a message that if you are ok with yourself, if you learn to be good to yourself, you can avoid being that one out of the three.

    Alexandros Raptis, a live DJ who is also in charge of the lighting, added:

    “This is a very difficult topic, and it is not well known by people, unfortunately. When you do this work, it is very difficult to avoid falling in a stifling theatricality when you take part in a show called Choreographing Cancer. At the same time, if you try too hard to avoid that, it is easy to take it too lightly. What I liked the most was the alternation of states of mind. In terms of the show, sometimes it looks like theater, sometimes like a performance, and at times it actually looks like we have a party.

    The national premiere of the show was held on April 6 and 7, 2023 at the ARCUB building, while the international premiere is scheduled to be held on April 26, 2023, at the Jersey Theater City Center, and on April 28, 2023 at the RCI in New York. It will be back in Romania in June.

  • 04.02.2023


    Embargo – Les Etats membres du G7 et l’Australie ont décidé d’adhérer à la décision de l’UE de plafonner le prix des produits pétroliers russes transportés via la mer afin de limiter la capacité de la Russie d’obtenir des revenus censés financer la guerre, mais aussi pour éviter une pénurie de tels produits. Bruxelles a annoncé samedi d’avoir décider ce plafonnement à 100 dollars le baril pour les produits plus chers et pour ceux raffinés, tels le mazout, à 45 dollars le baril. Le plafonnement a été annoncé alors que dimanche un embargo européen devrait entrer en vigueur visant justement ces produits. L’UE et le G7 ont imposé auparavant un prix maximal aussi pour le pétrole brut acheminé par la mer.

    Ukraine – L’Ukraine a reçu la promesse de recevoir des armes occidentales de plus longue portée, une aide militaire sur laquelle compte son président Volodymyr Zelensky pour mettre fin a l’agression brutale de la Russie. Plus la portée de nos armes est longue et plus nos troupes sont mobiles, plus tôt l’agression brutale de la Russie prendra fin, a réagi vendredi soir M. Zelensky apres que les Etats-Unis se sont engagés a livrer des roquettes de plus longue portée. La nouvelle aide militaire américaine, d’un montant de 2,2 milliards de dollars inclut a cet égard des roquettes qui pourraient quasiment doubler la portée de la force de frappe ukrainienne, selon le Pentagone. Il s’agit en particulier de bombes GLSDB (Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb), des engins de petit diametre, tirés du sol pouvant atteindre une cible située a 150 km de distance et donc menacer des positions russes derriere les lignes de front. Selon le correspondent de la Radio Publique roumaine en Ukraine, le président Ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky, a demandé à l’UE de s’assurer que les actions adoptées contre la Russie étaient conçues afin d’empêcher Moscou de reconstruire sa capacité militaire. Au sujet d’une potentielle adhésion de la son pays à l’UE, il a réitéré que l’objectif était de démarrer les négociations dès cette année. Et même si de nouvelles réformes étaient nécessaires, l’Ukraine avance dans son objectif de devenir membre de l’UE, a également dit Ursula von der Leyen, présidente de la Commission européenne qui s’est déclarée profondémment impressionnée par les réformes que le président Zelensky a effectuées dans un délais particulièrement réduit.

    Accident – L’ambassade de Roumanie à Ljubljana est constamment en contact avec les ressortissants roumains impliqués dans l’accident de car produit vendredi sur une autoroute en Slovénie. Trois Roumains ont été tués et quatre autres ont été blessés dans cet accident. Un des blessés a déjà quitté l’hôpital alors que les autres sont toujours hospitalisés. Au total, 29 ressortissants roumains se trouvaient dans le car qui se dirigeait vers l’Italie. 22 d’entre eux ont été hébergés en Slovénie jusqu’à l’arrivée d’un autre car de la même compagnie de transport. Entre temps, selon l’enquête des autorités slovènes, le chauffeur se serait endormi au volant, provoquant ainsi l’accident.

    Visite – Le chef du gouvernement de Bucarest, Nicolae Ciuca fait ces samedi et dimanche une visite en Egypte. Aujourd’hui le premier ministre roumain rencontrera son homologue égyptien Mostafa Madbouly puis les représentants de la communauté roumaine d’Egypte et avec des citoyens Egyptiens ayant étudié en Roumanie. Dimanche, le premier ministre roumain doit rencontrer le président de l’Egypte, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, et le ministre du pétrole et des ressourtces minérales de ce pays, Tarek El Molla, pour analyser différents projets énergétiques. Les deux premiers ministres participeront aussi au Forum des affaires Egypte – Roumanie, ainsi qu’à la cérémonie de signature de mémorandums bilatéraux.

    Cancer – A l’occasion de la journée mondiale de la lutte contre le Cancer, ce soir plusieurs dizaines de sites importants de Roumanie seront éclairés en orange. Le cancer est la deuxième cause majeure de décès au monde et la principale cause de décès parmi les enfants et les adolescents. 10 millions de personnes meurent annuellement du cancer – soit plus que les décès des suites du VIH, de la malaria et de la tuberculose. Dans le monde, quelque 300 mille nouveaux cas de cancer parmi les enfants âgés de 0 à 19 ans sont rapportés chaque année. L’OMS estime qu’à l’horizon 2035 le nombre mondial de cas de cancer pourrait doubler et environ 40% de la population de la Terre se confrontera à cette maladie, à un moment de la vie. Grâce à la prévention, à la détection du cancer dans une phase initiale et par le traitement, quelques 3,7 millions de vies humaines, enfants et adultes pourraient être sauvées. En Roumanie, le taux de mortalité des suites du cancer sont de 48% supérieures à la moyenne de l’Union européenne parmi les personnes âgées de 15 à 64 ans, avertissent les représentants de la Fédération de l’Association des malades de cancer dans un communiqué.

    Météo – Une alerte code jaune aux chutes de neige est en vigueur jusqu’à dimanche dans l’après-midi sur le nord-ouest, le centre et en montagne, où des chutes de neige et des tempêtes de neige sont attendues. La vitesse du vent sera particulièrement élevée en haute montagne, à plus de 1 800 mètres d’altitude, dont sur les domaines skiables en haute montagne, les remontées mécaniques pourraient ne pas fonctionner. A commencer par ce dimanche, les températures devraient chuter à travers le pays, mais actuellement les maxima vont de -1 à 9 degrés. 5 degrés et un ciel couvert à Bucarest.

  • La semaine du 31 octobre au 6 novembre 2022

    La semaine du 31 octobre au 6 novembre 2022

    Un nouveau ministre de la Défense,
    en Roumanie

    Le social-démocrate AngelTîlvăr a été nommé à la tête du Ministère roumain de la Défense,
    après la démission, la semaine dernière, de Vasile Dîncu. Dans une déclaration
    à la presse, le nouveau responsable du gouvernement de Bucarest a affirmé que
    ses priorités étaient en rapport avec l’invasion injuste de la Fédération de
    Russie en Ukraine et avec la présence des soldats roumains sur les différents
    théâtres d’opérations extérieures. Jeudi, le ministre roumain a reçu la visite
    du ministre français des armées, Sébastien Lecornu. Ensemble, ils se sont
    rendus à Cincu pour inaugurer le siège du Collective Defence Battle Group, dont
    la France est la nation-cadre. L’occasion pour visiter aussi le Centre national
    de formation intégrée Getica. Sébastien
    Lecornu s’est entretenu aussi avec le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis et
    avec le premier ministre roumain, Nicolae Ciuca, au sujet du partenariat
    stratégique bilatéral, avec un accent particulier sur la sécurité dans la
    région de la Mer Noire. L’occasion pour M. Iohannis de remercier la France pour
    ses efforts de rendre opérationnel le Groupement tactique de l’OTAN, basé en
    Roumanie, créé dans le cadre de la force de dissuasion et de défense collective
    sur le Flanc Est de l’Alliance. Pour sa part, le responsable de Paris a
    félicité les militaires roumains pour leur professionnalisme et pour
    l’excellente coopération pendant les missions communes. La France a décidé en
    octobre d’envoyer des convois militaires en Roumanie dont une partie est déjà

    La République de Moldavie reçoit le soutien de la Roumanie

    La cheffe de la République de Moldavie, Maia
    Sandu, a visité mardi Bucarest, pour demander le soutien des autorités
    roumaines. A la tête d’un pays si proche de la guerre en Ukraine et si
    dépendant des importations d’électricité de Roumanie, Maia Sandu a rencontré
    son homologue roumain, Klaus Iohannis et son premier ministre, Nicolae Ciuca,
    pour leur remercier des livraisons vers la Moldavie, d’électricité, de gaz, de
    mazout et de bois de chauffage. Les deux chefs d’Etat ont examiné aussi le
    stade des projets bilatéraux d’interconnexion énergétique. Bucarest continuera
    à appuyer la République de Moldavie impactée aussi bien par la crise
    énergétique que par celle des réfugiés ukrainiens, a fait savoir Klaus

    A son tour, Maia Sandu s’est penchée sur les difficultés auxquelles
    son pays se confronte:

    sais à quel point il est difficile d’offrir son aide quand on se confronte à
    ses propres difficultés. Mais, de nos jours, la situation s’avère vraiment
    dramatique et voilà pourquoi, nous avons besoin les uns des autres. La guerre
    nous a plongés dans une crise énergétique majeure et nous risquons de rester en
    hiver, sans gaz ou électricité.

    Depuis Chisinau, le vice premier ministre,Iurie Ţurcanu, s’est montré
    reconnaissant envers la Roumanie pour ses livraisons de bois, gaz et
    électricité’. Je tiens à rermercier de tout coeur la Roumanie pour l’appui
    offert dans le contexte si difficile auquel mon pays se confronte, a-t-il dit.

    Le Plan national de lutte contre le cancer

    La Fédération des Associations des personnes
    souffrant du cancer salue la promulgation par le chef de l’Etat, Klaus
    Iohannis, du Plan National de Prévention
    et de Lutte contre le Cancer, qu’elle considère comme une journée historique et
    une chance de plus à la vie. Lors d’une cérémonie mercredi, le président roumain qui est d’ailleurs
    l’initiateur du projet, a affirmé que la Roumanie devrait identifier les
    solutions censées permettre l’accès de la population à des soins

    Klaus Iohannis:

    « L’état
    de santé d’une nation est un vecteur indéniable de progrès. Voilà pourquoi, on
    doit mettre en place des politiques publiques solides

    l’acte normatif, tous les citoyens de la Roumanie auront le droit garanti par
    l’Etat aux services de nature médicale, sociale et de soutien psychologique.
    Une telle loi est censée faire baisser de 15% le taux de mortalité dans le rang
    des patients oncologiques, grâce à des programmes nationaux de prévention, au
    remboursement des tests génétiques et à la modernisation des centres de soin.

    Le professeur docteur, Patriciu Achimaş-Cadariu, chargé de la dimension
    scientifique du Plan, insiste sur les aspects à prendre en considération dans
    la prise en charge des personnes malades du cancer :

    « Il
    est important de bénéficier d’une commission pluridisciplinaire qui réunisse un
    généticien médical et un psychologue spécialisé en psycho-oncologie. Après, ce
    qui compte c’est l’acte chirurgical, la prise en charge systémique, l’accès à
    la radiothérapie et surtout les temps d’attente».

    Cette semaine encore, le gouvernement de Bucarest
    a décidé qu’à partir du mois prochain, de nouveaux médicaments à l’intention
    des malades cancéreux seront entièrement remboursés.

    Un séisme en Roumanie

    Un séisme de magnitude 5,4 sur l’échelle ouverte
    de Richter s’est produit jeudi matin dans le département de Buzau, dans le
    sud-est de la Roumanie. Le séisme, le plus puissant de ces deux dernières
    années et demie, a été ressenti dans plusieurs villes y compris à Bucarest,
    mais aucun appel au numéro d’urgences 112 n’a été enregistré.

    Le porte-parole
    de l’Inspection générale roumaine des Situations d’Urgence, Adrian Marin, a
    fait quelques précisions :

    « Des
    informations concernant la conduite à adopter avant, pendant et après un
    tremblement de terre sont à lire sur la plateforme nationale
    « fiipregatit.ro », « soitprêt.ro », sur l’application de
    la Direction des situations d’urgence DSU, à télécharger sur les Smartphones ou
    sur le site de la campagne « nutremurlacutremur.ro »,
    « letremblementnemefaitpastrembler ».

    Par ailleurs, il est important de préciser que le
    système national d’alerte, RO-ALERT ne transmet pas de notification avant qu’un
    séisme ne se produise.

    Un séisme plus puissant, d’une magnitude de 5,8
    sur l’échelle ouverte de Richter a eu lieu en octobre 2018 dans le département
    de Buzau. (Trad. Ioana Stancescu)

  • A National Anti-cancer Plan

    A National Anti-cancer Plan

    According to centralized
    data, cancer remains a major health issue at world level being among the main causes
    of premature deaths in people with ages between 30 and 69 in 134 countries,
    Romania included. However, authorities in this country have decided to do more
    for the prevention and treatment of this dreadful disease. An outcome of the
    cooperation between healthcare authorities, physicians – including in the
    private field – and patient associations, the National Plan for the Prevention
    and Combating Cancer is an initiative the Romanian president Klaus Iohannis kicked
    off eleven months ago.

    After passing through all
    the necessary stages, the law endorsing this plan, which is being implemented
    for the period between 2023 and 2030 has been promulgated by president Klaus

    Klaus Iohannis: We have the obligation to take action now on behalf
    of those who lost the battle with the illness and those who have been diagnosed
    with this terrible disease. There is remarkable medical progress,
    state-of-the-art technologies, which can turn cancer into a treatable disease.
    And the Romanians have a right to these present day innovations.

    Under the law, all the
    Romanian citizens, residing in Romania, citizens of the EU member countries as
    well as the foreigners and stateless individuals living or residing in Romania
    have a state-guaranteed right to medical and social services comprised by the
    National Plan for Preventing and Combating Cancer. These services include the
    prevention, investigation and treatment of cancer, access to care services,
    including palliative care, psycho-oncology and social services as well as to food

    Romania is actually
    lining up to the European standards in the field. The move was all the more so
    necessary because statistical figures for Romania were quite alarming, as physician
    Dana Paun, presidential healthcare advisor told Radio Romania.

    Dana Paun: Cancer represents a major
    healthcare issue after cardiovascular diseases and for this reason we needed
    this plan, which comprises very clear objectives. For instance, national
    screening programmes have become operational. We have so far benefitted for
    funding from the Healthcare Ministry only for the uterine cancer, but they want
    to implement screening programmes for other types of cancer. At the same time
    there are plans for a national cancer registry for all the types of cancer
    affecting the Romanians. An inter-disciplinary approach is also under
    discussion as one patient cannot be treated by only one physician. You need a
    team of doctors to study the case and prescribe the treatment, surgery,
    radio-therapy, chemotherapy, so that the patient may benefit from the right

    And since a series of expensive
    innovative therapies have emerged
    and the National Insurance House is unable to cover these new types of
    treatment, there are plans for a healthcare innovation fund to provide the Romanian
    patients access to them.


  • November 2, 2022 UPDATE

    November 2, 2022 UPDATE

    Plan – President Klaus Iohannis signed, on Wednesday, in a ceremony that took place at the Cotroceni Palace in Bucharest, the decree for the promulgation of the law on the National Plan to prevent and combat cancer. The plan covers the period 2023 – 2030 and represents the main public policy document that underpins the measures in the field at the national level. The law stipulates that all citizens have the state-guaranteed right to medical, social and psychological support services such as: prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, care, including palliative care, psycho-oncology, onconutrition and oncofertility, social services and monthly food allowances. “These are remarkable advances of the medical science, they are state-of-the-art technologies that transform cancer into a disease that can be controlled. Romanians have the right to these innovations of the present”, said Klaus Iohannis.

    Winter season – 58% of Romanians say they will find it hard to pay their energy bills in the upcoming winter season, the same percentage estimating temperatures in their homes will be lower compared to previous years, a recent study reveals. According to the study, increased utility costs have caused changes in the Romanians consumption and purchasing behavior. Therefore, 55% of Romanians say they have stopped buying non-essential products. 40% of the respondents say the energy bills represent their biggest concern for the coming period.

    Moldova – The President of the Republic of Moldova (an ex-Soviet state with a majority Romanian speaking population), Maia Sandu, received assurances, in Bucharest, of Romanias full support in the context of the energy crisis. On Tuesday, she met with the President Klaus Iohannis and the Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, whom she thanked for their support and for the measures adopted by Romania regarding the facilitation of the supply of electricity, natural gas, fuel oil and firewood for Moldovan citizens. Furthermore, Maia Sandu thanked Romania for the reaction regarding the emergency compensation of the electricity deficit. We remind you that Bucharest urgently began to supply Moldova with electricity and natural gas, after Ukraine stopped exporting energy to Chisinau due to damaging of the power plants in the bombings of the Russian army.

    Russia – Russia announced on Wednesday that it reentered the Ukrainian grain exports agreement, after receiving “written guarantees” from Ukraine regarding the demilitarization of the maritime corridor used for their transport, AFP reports. Moscow suspended its participation in the grain deal on Saturday, citing a Ukrainian drone attack on Russian military ships in the port of Sevastopol in the annexed Crimea. According to Russia, in this attack, remote-controlled aerial and maritime drones moved through the secured corridor intended for ships carrying Ukrainian grain. On Monday, Moscow warned of the “danger” of continuing navigation without its consent and asked Ukraine to guarantee the security of the respective maritime corridor.

    Governemnt – In Wednesdays meeting, the Romanian government approved a draft law on the organization and functioning of the National Signaling Information System and Romanias participation in the Schengen Information System, which ensures harmonization with the standards in the field. On the other hand, the government expanded by 21 molecules the list of compensated and free medicines. These are destined for patients with oncological diseases, heart failure, Parkinsons disease, endocrine and metabolic diseases and chronic lung diseases. The updated list will enter into force on December 1.

    Constitutional Court – The Constitutional Court of Romania admitted, on Wednesday, the notification of the opposition Save Romania Union – USR in relation to the law that allows the construction of small hydropower plants in protected areas. USR invoked 11 arguments of unconstitutionality, including the violation of the principle of bicameralism, given that there are major differences in legal content between the form adopted by the Senate, as the first Chamber notified, and the form adopted by the Chamber of Deputies. USR also invoked the violation of the right to a healthy environment. At the beginning of the year, the Parliament, controlled by the government coalition made up of the PSD-PNL-UDMR, adopted the bill which stipulates that hydropower plants in protected areas, with a more than 60% completion percentage, are considered of major public interest and national security and are to be put into operation by the end of 2025. (LS)

  • O nouă abordare a UE privind depistarea cancerului

    O nouă abordare a UE privind depistarea cancerului

    Până în 2025, 90% din populaţia UE care
    îndeplineşte criteriile de screening ar trebui să fie testată pentru cancerul
    de sân, de colon şi de col uterin, prevede o nouă recomandare a Uniunii
    Europene a Sănătăţii pentru diagnosticarea timpurie a bolilor oncologice, care
    este luată în considerare acum în Comisia Europeană şi face parte din planul
    european de combatere a cancerului. Această nouă abordare a UE prevede şi extinderea
    screeningului organizat pentru depistarea cancerului la nivel populațional în
    sensul de a include cancerul pulmonar, de prostată și, în anumite circumstanțe,
    cancerul gastric.Scopul modificărilor propuse este de a
    creşte numărul de examinări, prin acoperirea mai multor grupuri ţintă şi mai
    multe boli canceroase.

    Stella Kyriakides,
    comisarul pentru sănătate și siguranță alimentară:

    În 2020,
    aproximativ 2,7 milioane de persoane care trăiesc în UE au fost diagnosticate
    cu cancer și peste 1,3 milioane de persoane și-au pierdut viața din cauza
    acestei boli. Știm că diagnosticarea timpurie salvează vieți și îmbunătățește
    calitatea vieții. Astăzi, în cadrul Planului european de luptă împotriva
    cancerului, stabilim un nou cadru al screeningului pentru depistarea cancerului
    în UE.

    Cu noile noastre recomandări, programul UE de screening pentru
    depistarea cancerului va cuprinde tipurile de cancer care, împreună, reprezintă
    aproape 55 % din toate cazurile noi diagnosticate în UE în fiecare an. Noile
    noastre recomandări, bazate pe dovezi științifice și pe excelența dezvoltată în
    cercetarea în domeniul cancerului în ultimii 20 ani, ne vor consolida acțiunile
    în întreaga UE pentru a acționa timpuriu și pentru a elimina lacunele create de
    impactul COVID-19 asupra diagnosticării și îngrijirii cancerului. Împreună,
    putem realiza cu toții o schimbare semnificativă în evoluția cancerului.

    Noua schemă lărgeşte grupul ţintă pentru
    screening-ul cancerului de sân şi include femeile cu vârsta cuprinsă între 45
    şi 74 de ani. Testarea HPV este recomandată femeilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între
    30 şi 65 de ani la fiecare 5 ani sau mai mult pentru a detecta cancerul de col
    uterin. Triajul cancerului colorectal este recomandat în cazul persoanelor cu
    vârsta cuprinsă între 50-74 de ani prin imunochimie fecală pentru a determina
    urmărirea potenţială prin endoscopie/colonoscopie.

    De asemenea, mai este vorba
    despre cercetarea cancerului pulmonar la fumătorii actuali şi foşti fumători
    înrăiţi cu vârsta cuprinsă între 50-75 de ani; screening pentru cancerul de
    prostată la bărbaţii cu vârsta de până la 70 de ani pe baza testării
    antigenului specific prostatei şi a rezonanţei magnetice nucleare ca examen de
    urmărire; screening pentru Helicobacter pylori şi supravegherea leziunilor
    gastrice precanceroase în zonele cu incidenţă şi mortalitate ridicate din cauza
    cancerului gastric.

    propusă o va înlocui pe cea actuală, în vigoare de 20 ani și care trebuie
    actualizată urgent. Pentru
    implementarea sa este planificată o asistenţă financiară în valoare de 38,5
    milioane de euro în cadrul programului EU4Health şi 60 de milioane de euro în
    cadrul Orizont Europa.

  • Poluarea este asociată cu 10% din cancerele depistate în Europa

    Expunerea la poluarea atmosferică, la fumatul pasiv, la razele ultraviolete, la azbest, la anumite produse chimice şi la alţi poluanţi se află la originea a peste 10% din cazurile de cancer din Europa. Gerardo Sanchez, un expert de la Agenţia Europeană de Mediu, a precizat însă că toate riscurile cancerigene de mediu şi profesionale pot fi reduse. Expertul a mai spus, înaintea publicării raportului – primul redactat de această agenţie europeană în legătură cu asocierea dintre cancer şi mediul înconjurător -, că aceste maladii provocate de mediu şi cauzate de radiaţii sau de agenţi chimici carcinogeni pot fi reduse până la un nivel aproape neglijabil.

    Potrivit datelor Agenţiei Europene de Mediu, poluarea aerului este responsabilă pentru 1% din cazurile de cancer şi pentru 2 procente din decesele cauzate de această boală; chiar pentru 9% în cazul cancerului pulmonar. Studii recente au detectat şi o corelaţie între expunerea pe termen lung la particule, un poluant atmosferic major, şi leucemia la adulţi şi la copii. Radonul, un gaz radioactiv natural care poate fi inhalat în special în încăperi slab ventilate, este considerat responsabil pentru 2 procente din cazurile de cancer depistate în Europa. Agenţia Europeană de Mediu mai arată că razele ultraviolete – de origine în principal solară, dar şi artificială – provoacă aproape 4% din toate cazurile de cancer, în special cel de piele, a cărui incidenţă a crescut puternic în Europa pe parcursul ultimelor decenii.

    Anumite substanţe chimice utilizate la locurile de muncă şi eliberate în mediul înconjurător sunt şi ele cancerigene. Plumbul, arsenicul, cromul, pesticidele ori bisfenolul A sunt printre cele mai periculoase pentru sănătatea europenilor, la fel ca azbestul, interzis din 2005 în Uniunea Europeană, dar prezent totuşi în anumite clădiri.

    În blocul comunitar, 2 milioane 700 de mii de oameni sunt diagnosticaţi cu o formă de cancer în fiecare an, iar aproape jumătate dintre ei nu supravieţuiesc. Continentul european, care deţine abia 10% din populaţia mondială, contabilizează 23 de procente din totalul cazurilor noi de cancer depistate la nivel global şi 20 din totalul deceselor provocate de această maladie în lumea întreagă.

  • Preocupări pentru bolnavii de cancer

    Preocupări pentru bolnavii de cancer

    Ziua Naţională a Supravieţuitorilor de Cancer a fost marcată, pe 5 iunie, pentru prima dată în România, prin manifestări menite să transmită mesaje de speranţă şi susţinere pentru supravieţuitorii aceastei maladii. Au fost organizate evenimente prin care s-a atras atenția asupra drepturilor pe care aceştia le-au dobândit prin lege. Medicii au avertizat, cu acest prilej, că multe dintre cazurile oncologice, al căror grad de complexitate creşte constant, ar putea fi evitate prin evaluări medicale periodice.

    De altfel, importanţa prevenţiei în creşterea şanselor de supravieţuire a bolnavilor de cancer a fost adusă în atenţie și în Parlamentul de la București, în ultima zi din săptămâna europeană dedicată luptei împotriva acestei maladii, care a avut loc între 25 și 31 mai. Decidenţi politici, medici şi pacienţi au subliniat atunci că diagnosticarea precoce şi tratamentul personalizat pot prelungi viaţa bolnavilor de cancer, iar în unele cazuri aduc chiar vindecarea. Potrivit statisticilor, 40% din cancere pot fi prevenite, iar oamenii trebuie să ştie, spun medicii, că medicina a evoluat foarte mult.

    La Conferinţa Naţională a Federaţiei Asociaţiilor Bolnavilor de Cancer, care a avut loc zilele trecute în București, secretarul de stat în Ministerul Sănătăţii, Andrei Baciu, a apreciat că un astfel de diagnostic nu mai este o sentinţă finală. Reprezentaţii pacienţilor au atras însă atenţia că încă se confruntă cu numeroase obstacole. Ei ai amintit despre nedecontarea tuturor investigaţiilor şi tratamentelor de radioterapie, precum și a chirurgiei oncologice în privat sau despre deficitul de cadre medicale specializate.

    Timp de patru zile, specialişti şi reprezentanţi ai autorităţilor au discutat şi analizat numeroase aspecte ale afecţiunilor oncologice şi răspunsul optim pentru prevenire şi tratare. Iar un comunicat al Federaţiei Asociaţiilor Bolnavilor de Cancer a atras atenția că decalajul României faţă de ţările civilizate şi responsabile din Europa este de şase-şapte ani.

    Totuși, pacienții și-au exprimat speranța că Planul Naţional de Control şi Combatere a Cancerului va fi legiferat cât mai curând, iar calitatea vieţii lor se va schimba radical. Iar Premierul Nicolae Ciucă a dat asigurări, de Ziua Naţională a Supravieţuitorilor de Cancer, că acest Plan va însemna o schimbare spre o medicină personalizată, cu o diagnosticare mai precisă şi un tratament adaptat nevoilor fiecărui bolnav în parte. Potrivit șefului guvernului, se va pune accent şi pe aspectul psihologic al tratamentului, dar mai ales pe partea de testări şi diagnosticare timpurie. În semn de solidaritate, Palatul Victoria a fost iluminat, timp de două ore, în culorile şi simbolul ales pentru această zi – nufărul galben.

    Tot în semn de solidaritate, cea mai mare cursă caritabilă internaţională, destinată promovării sănătăţii femeii şi luptei împotriva cancerului de sân, a avut loc din nou în acest an, iar fondurile strânse vor fi folosite pentru a oferi investigaţii medicale gratuite femeilor vulnerabile. Iar Radio România Regional, prin Bucureşti FM, postul public de radio al Capitalei, a lansat RADIO TERI, un program dedicat copiilor aflaţi sub tratament oncologic în spitale.

  • La semaine du 17 au 22 janvier 2022

    La semaine du 17 au 22 janvier 2022

    La pandémie se poursuit en Roumanie

    La Roumanie a rapporté jeudi et vendredi plus de 19 000 nouveaux cas de contamination au coronavirus dépistés en 24 heures, soit un record absolu. Pourtant, le taux de mortalité associé est dix fois inférieur à celui enregistré en octobre dernier pour le même nombre de cas. L’intérêt pour la vaccination reste très faible, le nombre quotidien de Roumains ayant reçu au moins une dose ne dépassant pas les 4 000. La Roumanie recense 8 millions de personnes vaccinées d’au moins une dose, donc un taux de couverture vaccinale de 47,5 % de la population éligible, âgée de plus de 12 ans. A partir du 26 janvier, le pays commencera à faire vacciner aussi les enfants de 5 à 11 ans. En attendant, le ministre de la Santé, Alexandru Rafila, a annoncé qu’un traitement antiviral innovateur serait bientôt disponible en Roumanie aussi. A l’heure où l’on parle, les hôpitaux ont un taux d’occupation de 22 %, ce qui permet aux écoles de continuer les cours en présentiel.

    Les professeurs et les chauffeurs de la Société de transports publics bucarestois font la grève

    Les syndicalistes de l’Education nationale ont repris leurs protestations par une grève d’avertissement de deux heures. Ils réclament au gouvernement une majoration salariale de 16 % promise depuis deux ans déjà, conformément à une loi datant de 2017. Ils exigent aussi une enveloppe majorée, soit 6 % du PIB pour l’Education, des primes pour les heures supplémentaires et plus de postes disponibles pour les enseignants. Autant de revendications pertinentes, a affirmé le ministre de tutelle, Sorin Cîmpeanu, qui a pourtant appelé les protestataires à comprendre que ce n’est pas le moment de faire la grève vu le contexte pandémique actuel. Par ailleurs, mécontents de voir leurs salaires stagner, les syndicalistes de la Société de transports publics bucarestois sont entrés en grève eux aussi, ce qui a bouleversé le trafic et le quotidien des deux millions de Bucarestois.

    Nouvelles mesures pour réduire les factures d’énergie

    Dans une tentative de protéger les consommateurs roumains de la flambée des prix de l’énergie, le gouvernement roumain a abaissé les limites du plafond et de majorer celles de la consommation. Décidées par la coalition au pouvoir, les nouvelles mesures seront en vigueur du 1er février au 31 mars. Ainsi, dans le cas de l’électricité, le prix dans le cas des ménages passera de 1 leu à 0,8 bani pour un kW, tandis que la limite de consommation augmentera 300 à 500 kW. Dans le cas des PME, le prix sera gelé à 1 leu par kW. Quant au gaz, le tarif baissera de 0,37 à 0,31 lei par kW et la limite de consommation pour les 5 mois à venir passera de 1 000 à 1 500 kw. Les fournisseurs qui ont mal calculé les factures, ignorant la loi, devront les refaire. Il sera interdit de débrancher les consommateurs ou de leur faire payer des pénalités de retard sur les factures impayées. Les mesures seront mises en place par un décret d’urgence qui sera adopté la semaine prochaine.

    Le Plan national de lutte contre le cancer

    Bucarest a lancé cette semaine le Plan national de lutte contre le cancer, qui fixe des objectifs réalistes et mesurables, définit un trajet type du patient et met l’accent sur l’encouragement et le financement complémentaire des investigations médicales. L’année dernière, la Commission européenne lançait le Plan européen de lutte contre le cancer qui alloue 4 milliards d’euros pour financer des programmes de prévention, de recherche et de traitement du cancer au niveau de l’UE. Ultérieurement, la Roumanie a mis en place un groupe de travail pour adapter le plan européen à la législation nationale. La Roumanie dispose actuellement d’un Programme national de lutte contre le cancer géré par la Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie, par lequel une partie des traitements et des analyses des malades du cancer sont remboursés, auquel s’ajoutent des programmes de prévention déroulés par le biais du ministère de la Santé. Le chef de l’Etat a souligné qu’à présent la Roumanie a la chance, mais aussi les moyens de repenser le système de santé, vulnérabilisé par l’absence d’investissements ces dernières décennies.

    La Roumanie dans le contexte OTAN-Russie

    Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a salué l’annonce de son homologue américain, Joe Biden, quant à un possible renforcement de la présence militaire américaine en Roumanie, sur le Flanc est de l’OTAN, si la situation sécuritaire l’impose. Le Partenariat stratégique roumano-américain, tout comme la solidarité des alliés sont très forts, a précisé M Iohannis dans un message sur Twitter. Et lui d’ajouter que la Roumanie renforcera aussi son partenariat avec la France, notamment dans la région de la mer Noire. Cette annonce intervient après que le président français, Emmanuel Macron, a fait part de la disponibilité de son pays d’envoyer des troupes en Roumanie dans le cadre des missions de l’OTAN. Les annonces de Paris et Washington surviennent dans un moment tendu en Europe de l’Est où la Russie a massé plus de 100 000 soldats à sa frontière avec l’Ukraine. Le Kremlin a appelé l’OTAN à retirer ses troupes déployées dans les Etats membres d’Europe de l’Est, y compris de Roumanie.

    Assistance financière pour la République de Moldova

    Le gouvernement de Bucarest a approuvé le mémorandum en vertu duquel la Roumanie pourra continuer à fournir une assistance technique et financière à la République de Moldova dans plusieurs domaines, afin de soutenir son parcours européen. C’est une décision importante et nécessaire, car le précédent accord de ce type, signé le 27 avril 2010, n’est plus en vigueur depuis le 28 mars dernier. La présente décision de Bucarest ouvre la voie aux négociations et à la signature d’un nouvel accord concernant la mise en œuvre du programme d’assistance sur la base d’une aide financière de 100 millions d’euros.

  • 20.01.2022


    Covid – La Roumanie a rapporté jeudi 19105 nouveaux cas de coronavirus en 24 heures, soit un record absolu. Le bilan pandémique s’est alourdi de 43 décès dont 4 antérieurs à la période de référence. Le précédent record en une journée date du 19 octobre dernier quand le pays a rapporté 18863 nouveaux cas de coronavirus et 561 décès. Du coup, affirme le ministre de la Santé, Alexandru Rafila, le taux de mortalité est à présent dix fois plus réduit qu’en octobre. Un traitement antiviral innovateur sera bientôt disponible, a précisé le responsable roumain de la Santé. Par ailleurs, l’intérêt des Roumains pour la vaccination reste limité. Le dernier bilan fait état de presque 8 millions de Roumains vaccinés d’au moins une dose, soit 40% de la population éligible de Roumanie. A partir du 26 janvier, le pays commencera à faire vacciner aussi les enfants de 5 à 11 ans.

    Grève – Une grève de la Société des transports publics bucarestois a été déclenchée jeudi matin. Les salariés réclament des augmentations salariales et la destitution de la direction. Le directeur de la Société affirme qu’à l’heure où l’on parle, le salaire brut des employés est de 7000 lei, soit 1400 euros et du coup, il accuse les protestataires d’actions illégales. Des propos soutenus par les autorités aussi qui affirment que les grèves sont interdites durant l’état d’alerte. En plus, disent-elles, même en période de grève, au moins un tiers des moyens de transport devraient fonctionner. Dans ce contexte, la Régie autonome du métro bucarestois, Metrorex, a annoncé avoir mis en circulation toutes les rames disponibles.

    France – Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a salué jeudi la France après l’annonce de mercredi de son homologue français, Emmanuel Macron, par laquelle il montrait la disponibilité de son pays d’envoyer des troupes en Roumanie au sein des missions de l’OTAN. Le partenariat stratégique roumano-français sera renforcé sur le flanc oriental de l’Alliance, dans la région de la Mer Noire a affirmé le leader de Bucarest. La France se dit prête à participer avec des troupes dans le cadre des missions de défense menées par l’OTAN afin de protéger les pays de l’Europe de l’Est des menaces russes a fait savoir Emmanuel Macron. Lors d’une visite sur une base militaire en Alsace, le président français a mentionné la Roumanie en parlant d’une présence militaire renforcée dans l’Est de l’Europe. L’annonce intervient dans le contexte où la Russie a massé plus de 100.000 soldats à sa frontière avec l’Ukraine. Le Kremlin a appelé l’OTAN à retirer ses troupes déployées dans les pays membres de l’Europe de l’Est, y compris de Roumanie.

    Moldova – Le gouvernement de Bucarest a approuvé mercredi un mémorandum pour assurer le bon fonctionnement des mécanismes sur lesquels reposera un nouvel accord par lequel la Roumanie accordera de l’assistance technique et financière à son voisin moldave. Il s’agit de 100 millions d’euros d’aide non remboursable que Bucarest offrira à la République de Moldova pour soutenir son parcours européen.Cancer – La Roumanie a lancé mercredi son Plan national de lutte contre le cancer. Cette initiative succède à celle européenne adoptée en février dernier, d’engager 4 milliards d’euros pour financer des programmes de prévention, de recherche et de déploiement des traitements, à l’heure où la pandémie de Covid-19 entrave les diagnostics. Un groupe de travail censé adapter le plan européen à la législation roumaine a été mis en place auprès du Parlement de Bucarest. A l’heure où l’on parle, la Roumanie mène par l’intermédiaire de la Sécurité sociale un programme national de lutte contre le cancer qui permet la prise en charge d’une partie des soins et des examens médicaux des personnes concernées, parallèlement à un programme de prévention déroulé par le Ministère de la Santé.

    Tennis – La joueuse roumaine de tennis, Simona Halep, 15ème mondiale, rencontre ce jeudi au tableau de l’Open d’Australie, la Brésilienne Beatriz Haddad Maia, 83ème mondiale. Ce jeudi encore, une autre Roumaine, Sorana Cîrstea, 38ème mondiale, s’est qualifiée au troisième tour de la compétition d’Australie, après une victoire contre la Slovaque, Karolina Kucova. En revanche, sa compatriote, Irina Begu, a perdu face à la Belge, Elise Mertens, au deuxième tour de la compétition de Grand Chelem.

    Handball – La sélection roumaine de handball féminin, CSM Bucarest, s’est inclinée mercredi, devant le club Brest Bretagne handball, lors d’un match au tableau de la Ligue des champions féminine de handball. La défaite intervient après la victoire des Tricolores contre les Monténégrines de Buducnost Podgorica. Samedi, les Roumaines rencontreront à domicile, les Allemandes du Borussia Dortmund.

    Météo – En Roumanie, les températures monteront dans le centre, le sud et l’est du pays, tandis que la neige tombera sur le nord-ouest où le ciel demeure couvert. Les flocons de neige tomberont aussi en altitudes et les rafales de vent souffleront à plus de 90 km/heure sur les sommets des montagnes. Jeudi, les températures maximales iront de – 2 à 10 degrés. 4 degrés à Bucarest, à midi. Par ailleurs, les montagnes du centre du pays, tout comme les départements de l’ouest et du nord sont placés aujourd’hui en une vigilance jaune aux tempêtes de neige. A plus de 1600 mètres d’altitude, la vitesse du vent atteint les 100 km/heure et la visibilité est fortement réduite.

  • Plan national de lutte contre le cancer

    Plan national de lutte contre le cancer

    La pandémie de coronavirus a fait des victimes collatérales en Roumanie aussi parmi les patients atteints de cancers, car de nombreux malades de COVID ont mis une pression trop grande sur le système de santé. La pandémie a retardé l’accès des patients atteints de cancer au diagnostic, au traitement, au suivi ou a mené à la perturbation du traitement de routine, réduisant ainsi les chances de guérison ou de survie. La Fédération des associations des patients atteints de cancer et la Coalition des organisations roumaines de patients atteints de maladies chroniques ont mis en garde contre ce danger et ont demandé que les patients souffrant de maladies chroniques et de maladies oncologiques aient accès au diagnostic, au suivi médical et au traitement. Les données officielles indiquent qu’en 2020, 88 % des patients atteints de cancer sont décédés et 25 % des patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires n’ont pas consulté de médecin du tout. Le président de la Fédération des associations de patients atteints de cancers, Cezar Irimia, a clairement indiqué que 2020 avait démontré que l’accès au diagnostic avait chuté de plus de 40 %.

    C’est pourquoi un Plan national de lutte contre le cancer était nécessaire ; il a été lancé mercredi à Bucarest en présence du président Klaus Iohannis. Il a déclaré que le plan fixe des « objectifs réalistes et mesurables », définit un trajet type pour le patient et met l’accent sur l’encouragement et le financement complémentaire des investigations médicales. « À partir du début de l’année prochaine, les programmes nationaux de dépistage de certains cancers devraient devenir pleinement opérationnels. La finalisation des critères censés permettre le remboursement des tests génétiques est également prévue en 2023 ; ils permettent de prescrire des traitements beaucoup mieux ciblés et avec des chances majeures de guérison », a ajouté le chef de l’Etat. Il a également annoncé qu’un fonds d’innovation en matière de santé devrait être réalisé entre 2023 et 2026, censé fournir aux patients roumains un accès rapide aux toutes dernières thérapies. Klaus Iohannis a souligné que le plan prévoit, pour la période 2023-2024, l’identification de solutions pour financer aussi les soins palliatifs, un moyen d’améliorer la qualité de vie tant du patient atteint de maladies oncologiques que de sa famille et de ses proches.

    Pour sa part, le ministre de la Santé Alexandru Rafila a déclaré que dans son mandat, il accorderait la priorité à la question du cancer, parce qu’il s’agit d’un problème de santé publique, qui touche 100 000 personnes par an dans ce pays, a-t-il dit. La Roumanie dispose actuellement d’un programme national de lutte contre le cancer financé par la Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie, par lequel certains traitements et analyses ainsi que plusieurs programmes de prévention sont remboursés. Un groupe de travail sur la lutte contre le cancer a également été créé au Parlement, visant la transposition en droit roumain du Plan européen lancé en février dernier et qui alloue 4 milliards d’euros pour financer des programmes de prévention, de recherche et de traitement au niveau de l’UE.

    (Trad. : Ligia)