Tag: Constanta

  • Sport Club RRI: Şah

    Sport Club RRI: Şah

    Şahistul maghiar Richard Rapport va reprezenta culorile României în competiţiile internaţionale, a anunţat duminică Federaţia Română de Şah. Rapport a câştigat Campionatul Mondial de Şah rapid în 2013, iar în 2017 a obținut o victorie împotriva campionului mondial, marele maestru norvegian Magnus Carlsen. Marele maestru Richard Rapport este născut în 1996 la Szombathely, în vestul Ungariei , la granița cu Austria, şi este clasat pe locul 13 în clasamentul FIDE. Cea mai bună poziţie ocupată în carieră a fost locul 5. A obţinut titlul de mare maestru la vârsta de 13 ani, 11 luni și 6 zile fiind cel mai tânăr mare maestru din istoria Ungariei și al 5-lea din întreaga istorie a șahului. În 2006 a câștigat Campionatul European de juniori, categoria U-10 (sub 10 ani).

    Marți, 6 septembrie 2022, la Pavilionul Expozițional din Constanța a început Campionatul Mondial de Șah pentru Juniori. Până pe 17 septembrie, peste 630 de tineri din 72 de țări vor participa la cea mai mare competiție de șah din România, printre care și cei mai buni 80 de juniori români. Concursul va avea loc la trei categorii de vârstă: U-14, U-16 și U-18, băieți și fete. Evenimentul este finanțat de Primăria Municipiului Constanța, prin Direcția Cultură, Educație, Sport, Turism și organizat de Asociația Club Sportiv Juniorul Constanța, sub auspiciile Federației Internaționale de Șah FIDE și a Federației Române de Șah.

    În cele 3 turnee pentru juniori, România este reprezentată de 58 de şahişti, iar în cele 3 rezervate 0fetelor, România este reprezentată de 25 de şahiste, printre care Miruna Lehaci şi Alessia Ciolacu, la grupa 18 ani. Cele două sunt componente ale echipei feminine a României şi au participat recent la Olimpiada de la Chennai, India. La turneul U-14 participă şi Andrei Negrean, în vârstă de 10 ani. El are în palmares titlul de campion mondial la blitz categoria 10 ani, de vicecampion mondial la şah rapid, ctaegoria 10 ani şi de campion european la aceeaşi categorie, toate câştigate în acest an.

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    Romanian David Popovici on
    Wednesday walked away with gold from the 200 meter freestyle race of the World
    Junior Swimming Championships in Lima, Peru. Popovici ended the race in 46
    seconds and 18 hundredths, a new record for the aforementioned competition. It
    was a great summer for the Romanian swimmer who reaped four gold medals in the
    200 meter freestyle races of the European and world championships for juniors
    and senior swimmers. The medal he won on
    Wednesday was the second for David in Lima, after that in the 4×100 meter
    freestyle race.

    Farul Constanţa and Rapid
    Bucureşti are putting more distance between them and the rest of the teams in
    the Romanian Football Super-league. After the eighth leg this week, the gap
    between the two sides and the rest of the group rose up to four points. Let’s now
    have a look at the leg’s main results. On Tuesday, CS Mioveni versus UTA Arad ended
    in a one-all draw. Then in Târgu Jiu, southern Romania, FC U Craiova secured a
    1-0 win against Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe. In the day’s third game, Rapid obtained
    a 1-0 home win against Universitatea Cluj.

    On Wednesday in Ploieşti, local
    side Petrolul defeated Chindia Târgovişte 3-2, while in Cluj, western Romania,
    the local team CFR obtained 4-0 win against FC Voluntari. In Ovidiu on the
    Romanian Black Sea coast, Farul Constanţa won their game against FCSB, 3-1. In
    the Superleague’s ranking, after Farul and Rapid, each with 18 points, next
    comes FC Argeş with 14. Friday will see the first two matches, in the in the
    Superleague’s ninth leg, when in Sfantu Gheorghe local side Sepsi pays FC
    Mioveni and then Universitatea Cluj on their own turf will be taking on FC U


  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    Romanian David Popovici on
    Wednesday walked away with gold from the 200 meter freestyle race of the World
    Junior Swimming Championships in Lima, Peru. Popovici ended the race in 46
    seconds and 18 hundredths, a new record for the aforementioned competition. It
    was a great summer for the Romanian swimmer who reaped four gold medals in the
    200 meter freestyle races of the European and world championships for juniors
    and senior swimmers. The medal he won on
    Wednesday was the second for David in Lima, after that in the 4×100 meter
    freestyle race.

    Farul Constanţa and Rapid
    Bucureşti are putting more distance between them and the rest of the teams in
    the Romanian Football Super-league. After the eighth leg this week, the gap
    between the two sides and the rest of the group rose up to four points. Let’s now
    have a look at the leg’s main results. On Tuesday, CS Mioveni versus UTA Arad ended
    in a one-all draw. Then in Târgu Jiu, southern Romania, FC U Craiova secured a
    1-0 win against Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe. In the day’s third game, Rapid obtained
    a 1-0 home win against Universitatea Cluj.

    On Wednesday in Ploieşti, local
    side Petrolul defeated Chindia Târgovişte 3-2, while in Cluj, western Romania,
    the local team CFR obtained 4-0 win against FC Voluntari. In Ovidiu on the
    Romanian Black Sea coast, Farul Constanţa won their game against FCSB, 3-1. In
    the Superleague’s ranking, after Farul and Rapid, each with 18 points, next
    comes FC Argeş with 14. Friday will see the first two matches, in the in the
    Superleague’s ninth leg, when in Sfantu Gheorghe local side Sepsi pays FC
    Mioveni and then Universitatea Cluj on their own turf will be taking on FC U


  • The Public Library in Constanța

    The Public Library in Constanța

    1878, when northern Dobrudja became part of the Romanian Kingdom, also marked the beginning of a process of westernisation of this Black Sea region, so as to catch up with the rest of the country. This also involved the establishment of modern cultural institutions, alongside political ones. The public library in Constanța was one such an institution, its foundation being linked to one of the most influential journalists and cultural figures from this Black Sea port city, namely Petru Vulcan, who was born in 1866 and died in 1922. With the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Constanța Public Library in 2021, a tribute was paid to Petru Vulcan, the librarys founder. Librarian Corina Apostoleanu tells us more about the biography of Petru Vulcan:

    “Petru Vulcan ended up in Dobrudja after an interesting, even adventurous, journey. He has Aromanian origins and was not born on the territory of present-day Romania, but he became very attached to Constanța and the whole Dobrudja region. He became employed as a public servant in Constanța at a time when the city was just beginning to modernise and was nothing like the city we see today. It is in this capacity as a public employee that Vulcan embarked on an ambitious project to establish a literary and cultural magazine in the Romanian language, the first of its kind in Dobrudja, which he called Ovidiu, after the Latin poet, thus emphasising the Latin connections of these parts and the links with Ovid, who was banished here from Rome. Another project initiated by Vulcan was the creation of a literary circle, a daring endeavour in a city with a small Romanian population and with no formal education system and very few intellectual elites. He did not stop here, but embarked on a third project, namely the foundation of a public library.”

    Petru Vulcan did manage to establish a public library in Constanța, but the project was short-lived, as books were still considered luxuries and modern cultural life was in its early days, librarian Corina Apostoleanu explains:

    “The library opened with a lavish ceremony in Independence Square, todays Ovid Square. Unfortunately, the library didnt last long. The magazine, however, survived until 1910, both with and without Petru Vulcan. Towards the end of the 19th century and in the 1930s, when the modern concept of the public library was truly born, a series of fresh attempts were made in the form of reading circles for different professional groups, from public servants to port workers, lawyers and teachers, etc. School libraries were also set up in the more important education institutions. All this gave new impetus to Petru Vulcans older project to establish a public library in the city. Teachers had an important role to play, putting pressure on the local authorities and the city hall, insisting that the city needs a public library.”

    It wasnt, however, until July 1931 that the local authorities signed the decree for the establishment of the county library in Constanța. The librarian Corina Apostoleanu tells us why the library is today named after Ioan N. Roman:

    “Ioan N. Roman was one of the citys leading intellectual figures at the time. He was a lawyer, but also wrote poetry under the pen made Rozmarin and his name appears in many periodicals from Dobrudja. He died in 1931 and one his houses would be loaned by his family to the citys library to be used as its headquarters. Carol Blum, another leading intellectual figure from Constanța, was the first librarian, although he wasnt paid for the job. In the 1950s, he moved to Israel, where he gained recognition for his academic research and where he became a member of the Israeli Academy. Back to Constanța, the public library slowly began to build a collection thanks to large donations and its own purchases. A regulation was published and the opening hours were established, so a modern library was created.”

    When the communist regime came to power in 1947, the county library in Constanța entered a new stage, one marked by censorship, with a large section of its collection becoming unavailable to the public. All that changed in 1990, following the collapse of the communist regime. The venue hosting the library at this time was given back to the Archbishopric of Constanța, and a new, modern building was erected for the purpose of hosting the library, the first, in fact, in Romania to be designed with this aim in mind.

  • Romania has enough cereals to cover its domestic demand

    Romania has enough cereals to cover its domestic demand

    With 300 thousand hectares affected by drought out of its 7 million cultivated with cereals, authorities in Romania are carefully assessing the situation to be able to cope even with the worst-case scenarios. Last year Romania reported record high harvests of 11.3 million tons of wheat but bad weather conditions this year have wreaked havoc on the crops and so have the higher production costs.

    This years harvest is lower by 15-18% than in 2021, Romanias Agriculture Minister Petre Daea has admitted.

    Petre Daea: “Parts of the entire quantity of cereals harvested will be stored in depots and storehouses, other parts will be delivered to processing plants so that they may turn the grain into flour, others will be dispatched to bakeries and processing plants to meet the domestic demand and of course well see what quantities we can export.”

    According to Minister Daea there is enough wheat to cover Romanias domestic needs estimated somewhere around 2.5 – 3 million tons and there is also a surplus, which can be exported. Although the quantity is lower than last year, the grain quality is superior; Minister Daea went on to say.

    According to the latest data released, the extremely hot temperatures of late and the prolonged drought have affected crops in three quarters of Romanias counties. The most affected proved to be the corn and sunflower crops where harvest works started earlier that last year. “We are first harvesting the crops affected because they have reached maturity and in this way we can minimize losses. And sunflower harvests will be reaching processing plants shortly” Minister Daea also said

    In order to support the farmers, the Ministry of Agriculture has allowed them to turn the affected crops into fodder. Furthermore, the Ministry has also issued a Guide of Good Farming Practices in order to enable farmers to cope with the latest climate changes and severe drought. “Climate change is real, it is no longer fiction, and for this reason we must use all the means we have so that the production level and its proper valorization may positively impact Romanias economy” says Minister Daea. Romania is one of the EUs biggest grain exporters and also an active exporter to the Middle East; the main importer here being Egypt. Romanias grain is exported through the countrys main sea port at Constanta, presently also used by another great grain producer, Ukraine, after the blockade imposed by Russia.

  • August 1, 2022 UPDATE

    August 1, 2022 UPDATE

    Tax — Part of the amendments made to the Fiscal Code, which were approved in mid-July by the Romanian Government, came into force on Monday. Among them – the increase in excise duties for cigarettes and tobacco, as well as for alcohol and alcoholic products, higher taxes on gambling winnings and lower ceilings for granting tax exemptions for salaries in constructions, agriculture and the food industry. Other changes to the Fiscal Code, most of which have already been adopted, will be applied as of January 1, 2023.

    Exercise — The city port of Constanţa (south-east) is hosting as of Monday a multinational exercise organized by the Romanian Naval Forces. The exercise takes place in maritime districts off the Romanian Black Sea Coast and in the military port of Constanţa. 240 Romanian soldiers and 60 foreign soldiers from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, the United States and Turkey are participating in the exercise. The exercise contributes to increasing the level of training in the combat against makeshift bombs and against mines, as well as to strengthening interoperability between the participating forces.

    Statistics – In Romania, the unemployment rate in the month of June slightly decreased as compared to the previous month, from 5.4% to 5.3%. The National Institute of Statistics – INS estimates that the number of unemployed people was almost 440,000, down both from May 2022 and from June 2021. The unemployment rate for men slightly exceeded that of women, and many young people do not have a job – almost 23 % – the INS also announced. On the other hand, according to Eurostat, the unemployment rate in the European Union countries remained stable at the level of 6% as recorded in May, which was a historic low. The labor market is benefiting from the relaunch of the European economy, which is recovering from the recession caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The member states with the lowest unemployment rates are the Czech Republic and Poland. At the opposite pole are Spain and Greece, the only EU countries with a double-digit unemployment rate.

    Covid – More than 5,200 new cases of SARS-CoV—2 infection were registered in the last 24 hours in Romania, out of 14,900 tests, the authorities announced on Monday. At the same time, 12 deaths were reported. Currently, in specialized health units, the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients is over 4,150. Also, about 260 patients are in Intensive Care.

    Chişinău — The Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavriliţa on Monday met with the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the Republic of Moldova (an ex-Soviet state with a majority Romanian-speaking population), Cristian-Leon Ţurcanu, in the context of the start of his mission in Chişinău. According to a press release of the Moldovan government, Natalia Gavriliţa thanked the Romanian Government for supporting Moldova’s European integration and for the constant support offered in overcoming multiple crises. During the talks, the Romanian official reiterated Romania’s support for strengthening national energy security and its readiness to provide the necessary assistance in overcoming logistical challenges. Cristian-Leon Ţurcanu has recently ended his mandate as Ambassador of Romania to Kyiv.

    Cereals – The European Union and NATO welcomed, on Monday, the departure of the first ship carrying cereals from Ukraine and demanded the “full application” of the agreement concluded in Istanbul for the resumption of Ukrainian exports — AFP reports. A first ship left the Ukrainian port of Odessa on Monday with 26,000 tons of corn on board, heading for Lebanon. Before arriving there, however, it is to be inspected in Istanbul, under the authority of the Joint Coordination Center (CCC), inaugurated last Wednesday. The agreement was signed on July 22 by Russia and Ukraine, with the mediation of Turkey and the United Nations. Turkey and the UN allow the resumption of Ukrainian exports under international supervision. In Kyiv, President Volodymyr Zelensky estimated that, following the Russian invasion, this years cereal crops in Ukraine could be diminished by half. Before the launch of the Russian invasion on February 24, Ukraine held 46% of the worlds sunflower exports, 9% of the wheat exports, 17% of the barley exports and 12% of the corn exports, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    Census – 18.15 million people, i.e. more than 95% of the estimated targeted resident population of Romania on December 1, 2021, were counted, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) informed on Monday. Sunday was the last day, after the INS had already extended twice the review period, to give additional time to those who could not do it for various reasons. The capital and the big cities had the lowest review percentages. The final data of the census will be made public at the end of next year. This was the first census in Romania organized entirely in digital format, the 13th census in history and the 4th after the 1989 Revolution.

    Airport — Băneasa Airport, in the north of Bucharest, reopened on Monday. For nine years, the airport was closed to commercial flights and underwent a program of modernization of buildings and equipment. On Băneasa airport, the time required for the formalities will be less than an hour, unlike Otopeni Airport, where passengers must go at least two hours before boarding. Băneasa Airport was inaugurated in 1920, but its history begins on August 1, 1912, when the Romanian Aviation League, led by Prince George Valentin Bibescu, establishes, in Băneasa, a flight school for military pilots.

  • August 1, 2022

    August 1, 2022

    Tax — Part of the amendments made to the Fiscal Code, which were approved in mid-July by the Romanian Government, came into force on Monday. Among them – the increase in excise duties for cigarettes and tobacco, as well as for alcohol and alcoholic products, higher taxes on gambling winnings and lower ceilings for granting tax exemptions for salaries in constructions, agriculture and the food industry. Other changes to the Fiscal Code, most of which have already been adopted, will be applied as of January 1, 2023.

    Exercise — The city port of Constanţa (south-east) is hosting as of Monday a multinational exercise organized by the Romanian Naval Forces. The exercise takes place in maritime districts off the Romanian Black Sea Coast and in the military port of Constanţa. 240 Romanian soldiers and 60 foreign soldiers from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, the United States and Turkey are participating in the exercise. The exercise contributes to increasing the level of training in the combat against makeshift bombs and against mines, as well as to strengthening interoperability between the participating forces.

    Customs — The Romanian citizens who return home or go abroad for the holidays have to wait a long time at the customs points for document control. In recent days, in Vama Nădlac 2 (west), long queues have formed both on the entry and exit lanes. During the weekend, in 24 hours, almost half a million people crossed Romanias borders in both directions. According to the Border Police, almost 262 thousand people entered the country, most of them, namely 152 thousand, crossing the border to Hungary. The Border Police announces that it has taken measures, so that the control of documents should be faster.

    Airport — Băneasa Airport, in the north of Bucharest, reopens as of Monday. For nine years, the airport was closed to commercial flights and underwent a program of modernization of buildings and equipment. On Băneasa airport, the time required for the formalities will be less than an hour, unlike Otopeni Airport, where passengers must go at least two hours before boarding. Băneasa Airport was inaugurated in 1920, but its history begins on August 1, 1912, when the Romanian Aviation League, led by Prince George Valentin Bibescu, establishes, in Băneasa, a flight school for military pilots.

    Cereals – A first ship carrying Ukrainian cereals on Monday left from the Ukrainian port of Odesa, according to the international agreement concluded with Russia on July 22, in Istanbul, the Turkish Defense Ministry announced. In Kyiv, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, estimated that, following the Russian invasion, this year, the cereals crops in Ukraine could be diminished by half. Before the launch of the Russian invasion on February 24, Ukraine held 46% of the worlds sunflower exports, 9% of the wheat exports, 17% of the barley exports and 12% of the corn exports, according to the US Department of Agriculture. We remind you that the Joint Coordination Center, in charge of controlling Ukrainian cereals exports through the Black Sea, was officially inaugurated on Wednesday in Istanbul, according to the agreement signed by Ukraine and Russia, with the mediation of Turkey and the United Nations.

    Census – In Romania, the population census process has come to an end. Sunday was the last day, after the National Institute of Statistics (INS) had already extended the population counting period twice, to give additional time to those who could not do it for various reasons. According to the communication director of the INS, Cătălin Raiu, more than 90% of the Romanian population had been counted. The capital and the big cities had the lowest counting percentages. (LS)

  • Evenimenti muzicali di prota thesi

    Evenimenti muzicali di prota thesi

    După ani di pandimie, veara aesta vini tră români cu născănti ditu nai ma aștiptate festivaluri muzicale. Un eveniment cari atradzi cafi anu dzăţ di ñilli di persoane la mealu ali amari s-bitisi duminică, după 4 dzăle şi 4 nopţă di discurmari. A patra ediție a Festivalului Neversea, liugursitu nai mari festival di muzică dizvărtitu pi ună plajă ditu Europa, adună 150 di artişti ditu pisti 20 văsilii. Atea ditu soni noapte la Neversea lu avu ncap di afişu rapperlu american TYGA, unu ditu nai cama tru vogă artişti di pisti Ocean. Recitalurli di pe scena prinţipală fură dişcllisi, ca şi tru serli di ma ninti, di un artistu român.

    Dilia diznău feaţi spectacol la Neversea idyea cum şi la ediţia di aaoa şi trei ani. Dilia: Multu bună atmosfeara, fu unăă alăxeari multu interesantă di energie anamisa di mini şi oamiñilli adunaţ. Mi arisi multu di multu. Pot să spunu că avui emoţii şi nu tota am emoţii.

    Cathi dzuă, cama di 60 di ñilli di fani di tuti ilikiili s’discurmară pe plaja Neversea. Edy Chereji, membru al parei di organizare a festivalului: Neversea easti tru 2022 primlu eveniment după pandimie cari s’dizvărteaşti fără restricţii şi atumţea cadialihea că mirakea a oaminilor easti limbidu că fu multu ma mari, viniră cu cama multă vreari ti discurmari şi amintară anlu aestu trei ediţii tru una singură. DJ Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike feaţiră spectacol, iara DJ-ul german Tujamo bitisi festivalu pe plaja Neversea ditu Constanţa.

    S-bitisi şi a XXVI-a ediție a Festivalului Internaţional di Jazz di la Gărâna, ditu judițul Caraș Severin. Kiro di patru dzăli alinară pi scena evenimentului legendi ali muzică jazz ditu România şi xinatati. N4scănţă ditu nai ma buni muzicieni români s-adunară la Romanian Jazz Meeting. Festivalul avu, tru premieră, trei seri didicate jazzului ditu Norvegia, Finlanda și Suedia. Participă şi legendara trupă Soft Machine, aflată tru turneul cari marcheadză 55 di ani di activitate, cum și Charles Lloyd, aflat tru aţelu ditu soni a lui turneu european. Tut cu tut avea 27 di concerte, trei proiecții di film și ună lansare di album.

    Tut săptămâna tricută, Filarmonica di Stat Sibiu organiză Concerte estivale. Zilele Muzicale Româno-Americane. Festivalul ş-pripune, di 19 ediții, realizarea pi kirolu di veara a unui şingiru di conţerte speciale cu participare internaţională. Tru spaţii ma multi ică ma puţăn convenţionale, eara părăstisiti lucrări muzicale ditu repertoriul clasic (muzică barocă, valsuri, uverturi) dar şi lucrări inedite (muzică di film, rock simfonic, pop, muzică di divertisment) ditu creaţia compozitorilor români şi străini. Tru aestu an işi tru vidială concertul Sophisticated Lady, susţănut di Bucharest Jazz Orchestra diadunu cu ma mulți soliști români. Și veara continuă cu alti evenimente muzicale catacum Electric Castle, ntră 13-17 alunaru, sau Untold, ntră 4-7 august, dauli tru judițul Cluj, Summer Well, la Buftea, ningă capitală, anamisa di 12-14 august ică Living Rock, la Tuzla, tru giuditul Constanța, anamisa di 19-21 agustu.

    Autoru: Daniela Budu

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • Evenimente muzicale de anvergură

    Evenimente muzicale de anvergură

    După ani de pandemie, vara aceasta a venit pentru români cu unele dintre cele mai așteptate festivaluri muzicale. Un eveniment care atrage an de an zeci de mii de persoane la malul mării s-a încheiat duminică, după 4 zile şi 4 nopţi de distracţie. A patra ediție a Festivalului Neversea, considerat cel mai mare festival de muzică desfăşurat pe o plajă din Europa, a reunit 150 de artişti din peste 20 de ţări. Ultima noapte la Neversea l-a avut cap de afiş pe rapperul american TYGA, unul dintre cei mai în vogă artişti de peste Ocean. Recitalurile de pe scena principală au fost deschise, ca şi în serile precedente, de un artist român.

    Delia a reuşit să facă din nou spectacol la Neversea ca şi la ediţia de acum trei ani. Delia: Foarte bună atmosfera, a fost un schimb foarte interesant de energie între mine şi oamenii adunaţi. Mi-a plăcut foarte tare. Pot să zic că am avut emoţii şi nu mi se întâmplă foarte des să am emoţii.

    În fiecare zi, peste 60 de mii de fani de toate vârstele s-au distrat pe plaja Neversea. Edy Chereji, membru al echipei de organizare a festivalului: Neversea este în 2022 primul eveniment după pandemie care se desfăşoară fără restricţii şi atunci sigur că apetitul oamenilor e clar că a fost mult mai mare, au venit mult mai dornici de distracţie şi au recuperat anul acesta trei ediţii într-una singură. DJ Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike au făcut spectacol, iar DJ-ul german Tujamo a încheiat festivalul pe plaja Neversea din Constanţa.

    S-a încheiat şi a XXVI-a ediție a Festivalului Internaţional de Jazz de la Gărâna, din județul Caraș Severin. Timp de patru zile au urcat pe scena evenimentului legende ale muzicii jazz din România şi străinătate. Unii dintre cei mai buni muzicieni români s-au reunit la Romanian Jazz Meeting. Festivalul a avut, în premieră, trei seri dedicate jazzului din Norvegia, Finlanda și Suedia. A participat şi legendara trupă Soft Machine, aflată în turneul care marchează 55 de ani de activitate, precum și Charles Lloyd, aflat în ultimul său turneu european. Au fost, în total, 27 de concerte, trei proiecții de film și o lansare de album.

    Tot săptămâna trecută, Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu a organizat ‘Concerte estivale. Zilele Muzicale Româno-Americane’. Festivalul îşi propune, de 19 ediții, realizarea pe perioada verii a unei serii de concerte speciale cu participare internaţională. În spaţii mai mult sau mai puţin convenţionale, au fost prezentate lucrări muzicale din repertoriul clasic (muzică barocă, valsuri, uverturi) dar şi lucrări inedite (muzică de film, rock simfonic, pop, muzică de divertisment) din creaţia compozitorilor români şi străini. În acest an s-a remarcat concertul ‘Sophisticated Lady’, susţinut de Bucharest Jazz Orchestra alături de mai mulți soliști români. Și vara continuă cu alte evenimente muzicale precum Electric Castle, între 13-17 iulie, sau Untold, între 4-7 august, ambele în județul Cluj, Summer Well, la Buftea, lângă capitală, între 12-14 august sau Living Rock, la Tuzla, în judetul Constanța, între 19-21 august.

  • July 1, 2022 UPDATE

    July 1, 2022 UPDATE

    NATO’s deputy secretary general Mircea Geoană said on Friday in Constanţa,
    south-eastern Romania, that the Alliance would continue to support Ukraine and
    that the Black Sea region remains a strategic one in the current military
    context. He took part in the ‘Black Sea Security Summit’, co-chaired by the
    Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu and the US Senator Roger Wicker.
    Geoana also mentioned that Russia is the greatest threat at present, and that
    China’s expansion is a challenge for NATO’s interests, values and security.
    In turn, Bogdan Aurescu highlighted that trans-Atlantic coordination in the
    face of the Russian aggression was flawless, and that it must remain so. If
    president Putin sought to divide us, he failed, the Romanian diplomat pointed
    out. Secretary of state Simona Cojocaru said Romania hailed Russian forces’
    pull-out from the Serpent Island. Ukraine’s deputy defence minister Oleksandr
    Polishchuk said Russia is willing to make compromises when it sees the free
    world not only having the means to defeat an aggressor, but also ready to take
    action and fight. The event in Constanta was held in Romania for the first
    time, and is the first multi-lateral dialogue in this format between regional
    allies and partners on the topic of security at the Black Sea.

    BACCALAUREATE 75.2% of the
    students sitting the Baccalaureate have passed the exam, the education minister
    Sorin Cîmpeanu announced in Bucharest, after the appeals stage. This year over
    49,000 appeals were submitted, fewer than last year, the education ministry
    said. Prior to this stage, the pass rate in this summer’s exam was 73.3%, the
    highest in the last 10 years, as minister
    Cîmpeanu explained. Eighth-graders have already found out their results
    in the national evaluation. The grades in this exam are the main criterion for
    high school admission. Over 80% of the participants have passed, again a record for the past 10 years.

    FUEL The authorities
    in Bucharest Friday hailed the decision of the main oil companies operating in
    Romania to lower the price for fuel in their stations by approximately EUR
    0.10, in line with the Government’s emergency order. Energy minister Virgil
    Popescu thanked the companies that volunteered to lower fuel prices. PM Nicolae
    Ciucă also welcomed the decision, calling on fiscal and consumer protection
    agencies to monitor fuel prices. Haulers will benefit from a partial subsidy for
    fuel. The PM says the measure was designed to avoid the shortage and rationing
    of fuel, as reported in other countries. Romania now has one of the lowest fuel
    prices in Europe, with stations across the country selling standard diesel for
    approximately EUR 1.7 and petrol for approximately EUR 1.6.

    EMPLOYMENT Hiring new personnel
    in public institutions and authorities in Romania is suspended until the end
    of the year, under an emergency order issued recently by the government. However,
    employment procedures started before 1 July will be completed. Other exceptions are
    also possible, in cases that are thoroughly justified and in compliance with
    personnel budgets. The government suspended hiring in the public sector in
    order to reduce expenditure and meet the budget deficit target.

    TENNIS Romania is left with only one player in the 3rd round of
    the Wimbledon tournament: Simona Halep
    (30 WTA). Halep will play on Saturday against Magdalena Frech (92 WTA) of
    Poland. On Friday, Irina Begu left the competition after being defeated by
    Jelena Ostapenko of Latvia, in 3 sets. (AMP)

  • Automate electronice de plată a parcării

    Automate electronice de plată a parcării

    Primăria Municipiului Constanţa, marele oraş de la malul Mării Negre, a
    anunţat montarea unui număr de 45 de automate electronice de plată a parcării. Este vorba despre 33 de automate electronice
    în Zonele 0,1 şi 2 din municipiul Constanţa, restul de 12 parcometre fiind
    montate în staţiunea Mamaia, una dintre cele mai solicitate destinaţii de pe
    litoralul românesc al Mării Negre. Parcometrele reprezintă alternativa la celelalte
    modalităţi de plată a parcării: prin SMS, prin aplicaţia ‘Constanţa Parking’
    (disponibiliă în Google Play şi AppStore), online cu card bancar (puteţi plăti
    la https://payment.uppark.io/payment)
    sau prin tichete răzuibile.

    Echipamentele permit plata parcării în mod direct, astfel se elimină
    posibilitatea de fraudare a încasărilor. Sunt acceptate mai multe modalităţi de
    plată: bancnote, monede şi card bancar contactless, iar automatele electronice
    de plată a parcării sunt independente energetic, fiind alimentate cu energie
    solară. Cinci dintre acestea sunt dotate cu modul de detecţie a gradului de
    poluare, a declarat viceprimarul municipiului Constanţa, Ionuţ Rusu.
    Parcometrele vor putea să funcţioneze independent, astfel încât, în situaţia
    apariţiei unei defecţiuni la o modalitate de plată, celelalte modalităţi vor putea
    să funcţioneze în parametri normali, fără a bloca sistemul. Configurarea
    modalităţii de plată a parcometrelor va fi după numărul de înmatriculare a
    autoturismului. Setările sunt disponibile în română, engleză, franceză şi

    Primele 30 de minute sunt gratuite, iar următoarele 30 de minute din prima
    oră de parcare se tarifează la jumătate din preţul zonei, a decis Consiliul
    Local Constanţa. După utilizarea oricărui tarif evidenţiat, plata se va efectua
    doar la tariful întreg. La Mamaia parcarea se plăteşte doar în perioada estivală
    (1 mai – 15 septembrie).

    Tarifele de la parcometre sunt următoarele: Zona 0 (zonele centrale din
    Contanţa şi în staţiunea Mamaia) – tarifare non-stop 4 lei (circa 80 de
    eurocenţi) pe oră, prima oră 2 lei (conţine primele 30 de minute gratuite), două
    ore – 6 lei, 3 ore -10 lei. Zona 1 – tarifare non-stop 3 lei (circa 60 de
    eurocenţi) pe oră, prima oră 1,5 lei (conţine primele 30 de minute gratuite),
    două ore – 4,5 lei, 3 ore – 7,5 lei. Zona 2 – tarifare non-stop, 1 leu (circa
    20 de eurocenţi) pe oră, prima oră 0.5 lei (conţine primele 30 de minute gratuite),
    două ore – 1,5 lei, 3 ore – 2,5 lei, o zi (24 de ore) – 20 de lei (circa 4
    euro), 7 zile -100 de lei (circa 20 de euro).

  • La côte roumaine de la mer Noire

    La côte roumaine de la mer Noire

    La plupart des touristes peuvent y arriver en quelques heures avec leur propre voiture, en train ou en bus, en partant de n’importe quelle zone du pays. En plus, à Constanţa il y a un aéroport international qui rend les stations balnéaires très facilement accessibles. Le littoral roumain a de grandes plages dont l’aménagement est quotidien, avec des transats, des parasols et des bars. Il convient de mentionner qu’en Roumanie il y a déjà quatre plages Pavillon bleu : deux à Năvodari, une à Mamaia et une à Eforie. Traian Bădulescu, consultant en tourisme, a mis en exergue quelques-uns des avantages de notre littoral :

    « La côte roumaine offre beaucoup de surprises d’une année à l’autre. Par exemple, peu de gens savent que la base hôtelière est réhabilitée ou complètement rénovée. Pendant ces dix dernières années, beaucoup de nouveaux hôtels ont été construits. Étant donné le contexte actuel, les offres du type réservation anticipée ont été prolongées jusqu’au 31 mai ; c’est donc une très bonne nouvelle pour ceux qui veulent profiter des réductions allant jusqu’à 20 %. Il y a des tarifs pour tous les budgets. Pour donner un exemple, hors-saison, en juin ou en septembre, un touriste peut loger dans un hôtel trois étoiles dans le sud de la côte même avec un budget de 400-500 lei (80-100 euros) par personne. Bien évidemment, les tarifs peuvent être beaucoup plus grands à Mamaia Nord-Năvodari. La côte roumaine dispose de plus de 30 hôtels tout compris, car il y a une forte demande pour ce type d’hébergement. Ce qui compte beaucoup, c’est que le bord de mer est enfin redevenu la capitale du divertissement après deux années de restrictions ; toutes les boites de nuit ont rouvert leurs portes, il n’y a plus d’heure limite de fermeture ou de nombre limité de participants et il y a de nouveau de plus en plus de festivals. Le littoral roumain est reconnu comme étant celui des événements et des festivals. »

    À part les boites de nuit qui ont commencé à ouvrir aussi dans le sud de la côté roumaine, il y a de différentes manières de s’amuser. Par exemple, à Mamaia ainsi que dans le sud du littoral, il y a des parcs aquatiques et à Neptun – un parc aventure. Le Delphinarium de Constanţa reste une attraction unique. Le port de plaisance de Constanţa et la falaise du Casino sont une des zones principales de détente et de promenade.

    Le bord de mer propose de nombreux restaurants roumains, turcs, grecs, méditerranéens etc. et les nombreux élevages de poissons attirent de plus en plus de touristes.

    Il est également possible de décompresser par des promenades en bateau qui commencent dans les ports nautiques de Constanţa, Eforie, Mangalia et Limanu. Pour un peu d’adrénaline, il y a les sports nautiques, le scooter, le kayak, le surf, les cours de pilotage pour les petits avions ainsi que ceux de plongée. Également, les nombreuses caves à vin de Dobroudja qui se sont développées ces dernières années — beaucoup d’entre elles devenant ainsi de nouvelles marques -, proposent des dégustations et différents programmes de divertissement.

    (Trad.: Rada Stànicà)

  • Nachrichten 19.05.2022

    Nachrichten 19.05.2022

    Der rumänische Außenminister Bogdan Aurescu hat am Mittwoch in New York an der Ministertagung Global Food Security Call to Action“ teilgenommen. Zu diesem Anlass erklärte er, dass die Nutzung des Potenzials des rumänischen Schwarzmeerhafens Constanta vor dem Hintergrund des Konflikts in der Ukraine von strategischer Bedeutung sei. Constanta sei zum wichtigsten Hafen am Schwarzen Meer für Getreideexporte geworden, so Aurescu. Er forderte außerdem verstärkte internationale Anstrengungen zur Schaffung eines Korridors für den Transport von Produkten und Getreide aus der Ukraine, auch auf dem Seeweg. Aurescu nimmt heute an einem weiteren Treffen zur globalen Ernährungssicherheit teil, das von den USA initiiert wurde, die in diesem Monat den Vorsitz im UN-Sicherheitsrat innehaben.

    Der rumänische Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis besuchte am Donnerstag gemeinsam mit dem rumänischen Premierminister Nicolae Ciuca und dem portugiesischen Premierminister António Costa das 1. Battalion in Caracal (Süd). Dort werden rund 200 portugiesische Soldaten ausgebildet, die in diesem Jahr zur Verstärkung der südöstlichen Flanke der NATO in Rumänien eingesetzt werden. Präsident Iohannis erklärte, dass Bukarest und Lissabon erfolgreich zusammenarbeiten, um die Verteidigung in der Schwarzmeerregion, aber auch an der Südflanke der NATO zu stärken. Er erinnerte daran, dass 2014, nach der illegalen Annexion der Halbinsel Krim durch die Russische Föderation, ein umfassender Prozess der Anpassung des Bündnisses an ein unbeständiges und unvorhersehbares Sicherheitsumfeld begann. Der portugiesische Ministerpräsident António Costa betonte, dass der Ausbruch des Konflikts in der Ukraine nach dem Einmarsch Russlands am 24. Februar zu großen Veränderungen in der europäischen Sicherheit geführt habe und dass sein Land an diesem Tag die Entsendung von Streitkräften nach Rumänien zur Verstärkung der NATO-Aktivitäten an der Ostflanke genehmigt habe. Premierminister Nicolae Ciucă dankte seinerseits Portugal für seinen wesentlichen Beitrag zu den multinationalen Strukturen in Rumänien und für seine Beteiligung an den verstärkten Überwachungsmaßnahmen in Rumänien.

    Die Regierung hat am Mittwoch eine Eilverordnung erlassen, die es den Arbeitgebern ermöglicht, den Mindestlohn steuerfrei zu erhöhen. Die Maßnahme wird am 1. Juni in Kraft treten und ist Teil des Pakets Unterstützung für Rumänien, mit dem die negativen Auswirkungen der Preiserhöhungen bekämpft werden sollen. Arbeitnehmer mit individuellen Vollzeitarbeitsverträgen kommen für die Lohnerhöhung in Frage, ebenso wie Personen, die zwischen dem 1. Juni und dem 31. Dezember 2022 eingestellt werden. Grundsätzlich können sich die Arbeitgeber für eine Erhöhung des Mindestlohns von 510 auf 550 Euro entscheiden. Ebenfalls am Mittwoch verabschiedete die Regierung ein Dekret, mit dem 3.000 individuellen Zulieferern und Speditionssunternehmen Kraftstoffsubventionen in Höhe von 60 Millionen Euro gewährt werden, um den Anstieg des Kraftstoffpreises zu decken.

    Das Europäische Parlament hat am Donnerstag den Jahresbericht über die Umsetzung des Assoziierungsabkommens zwischen der EU und der Republik Moldau (ehemalige Sowjetunion, mehrheitlich rumänischsprachig) angenommen. Darin wird die EU aufgefordert, Chisinau nach dem Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft in der EU strategisch stärker zu unterstützen. Laut einer Pressemitteilung des EP hat der Krieg in der Ukraine vor dem Hintergrund eines sich verschlechternden Sicherheitsumfelds die benachbarte Republik Moldau unverhältnismäßig stark getroffen. Die Wirtschaft des Landes wurde durch den Verlust von Import- und Exportmöglichkeiten sowie durch rapide steigende Energiepreise beeinträchtigt, und die Republik Moldau wurde durch den Verlust von Handelsmöglichkeiten in Mitleidenschaft gezogen. Die Republik Moldau hat außerdem mehr ukrainische Flüchtlinge pro Kopf aufgenommen als jedes andere Land, was einen enormen Druck auf die öffentlichen Dienste des Landes ausübt. Aufgrund des Einmarsches Russlands in der Ukraine wurde der offizielle Antrag der Republik Moldau auf eine neue Regierung abgelehnt. Der offizielle Antrag Moldawiens auf EU-Mitgliedschaft am 3. März wurde von den Europaabgeordneten begrüßt, da er den europäischen Weg des Landes bestätigt.

    Sechs Strände in den rumänischen Schwarzmeerorten Năvodari, Mamaia, Eforie und Olimp wurden in diesem Jahr von der Stiftung für Umwelterziehung (FEE) mit der sogenannten Blauen Flagge ausgezeichnet. Die Blaue Flagge (engl. Blue Flagg) wird auf der Grundlage strenger Kriterien wie Wasserqualität, Erste-Hilfe-Leistungen, Einrichtungen für Menschen mit Behinderungen und Umweltpraktiken vergeben. Das Programm der Blauen Flagge für Strände und Jachthäfen wird von der Stiftung für Umwelterziehung, einer internationalen, nichtstaatlichen, gemeinnützigen Organisation durchgeführt und fördert die nachhaltige Entwicklung in Süßwasser- und Meeresgebieten. Es fordert lokale Behörden und Strandbetreiber auf, hohe Standards in Bezug auf Wasserqualität, Umweltmanagement, Umwelterziehung und Sicherheit zu erreichen.

    Sepsi OSK Sfântu Gheorghe und der FC Voluntari bestreiten heute in Bukarest das Finale des rumänischen Fußballpokals. Am Samstag gewann der rumänische Fußballverein CFR Cluj den achten nationalen Meistertitel in seiner Geschichte und den fünften in Folge. Der CFR gewann die Trophäe eine Runde vor Saisonende, nachdem er Universitatea Craiova am Sonntag im Heimspiel mit 2:1 besiegt hatte. Den zweiten Platz belegt der FCSB, der gegen den FC Voluntari ein 2:2-Unentschieden erreichte.

    Schönes frühsommerliches Wetter bei steigenden Temperaturen in ganz Rumänien. Der Wind weht schwach bis mäßig, heftigere Windstöße werden in den östlichen und südöstlichen Regionen sowie auf den Bergkämmen registriert. Vereinzelt ist es neblig. Die Höchsttemperaturen erreichen am Do 17 bis 26 Grad. In Bukarest wurden zu Mittag 24 Grad Celsius gemessen.

  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    WTA 1000 women’s tennis tournament in Madrid, is the first major clay
    tournament of the summer season. This year’s competition boasts 6,575,560 euros
    in prize money and the winner will walk away with over one million euros and
    1,000 WTA points. The tournament has reached the round of 16 now and we already
    know a couple of players qualified for the quarters. Among them there is also
    Romanian Simona Halep who managed an excellent show in Madrid.

    remarkable performance she obtained in Madrid is all the more so valuable as
    Simona came after a recovery recess, from the injury she suffered at Indian
    Wells in March. For the excellent show she has so far put up in Madrid, Radio
    Romania International has designated Simona Halep the Athlete of the Week.

    Madrid, Simona played her first game against Shuai Zhang of China, whom she
    defeated in two sets 6-2, 6-3. Then she was up against two-seeded Paula Bados
    of Spain whom she defeated 6-3, 6-1. In the eight finals, Halep played 14th-seeded
    Cori Gauff of the USA in a balanced game, which the Romanian eventually won
    6-4, 6-4. In the quarter finals, Simona will be up on Wednesday against Ons
    Jabeur of Tunisia, who is also the odds-on favourite.

    Halep was born on September 27, 1991, in Constanţa, south-eastern Romania. She
    made her debut in major tennis competitions in 2006, when she played her first
    matches in ITF tournaments. In 2010 she entered the world’s top 100 and in
    August 2014 she made it for the first time to the second position in the
    world’s ranking, the highest position ever occupied by a Romanian athlete.

    years later, in October 2017, she topped the ranking, a position she left in
    January 2008. She made a comeback in the same year a month later and remained a
    world leader until the beginning of 2019, after the Australian Open. Halep
    topped the WTA ranking for 64 weeks and her prize closet includes two Grand
    Slam titles, in Roland Garros in 2018 and in Wimbledon a year later.

  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    WTA 1000 women’s tennis tournament in Madrid, is the first major clay
    tournament of the summer season. This year’s competition boasts 6,575,560 euros
    in prize money and the winner will walk away with over one million euros and
    1,000 WTA points. The tournament has reached the round of 16 now and we already
    know a couple of players qualified for the quarters. Among them there is also
    Romanian Simona Halep who managed an excellent show in Madrid.

    remarkable performance she obtained in Madrid is all the more so valuable as
    Simona came after a recovery recess, from the injury she suffered at Indian
    Wells in March. For the excellent show she has so far put up in Madrid, Radio
    Romania International has designated Simona Halep the Athlete of the Week.

    Madrid, Simona played her first game against Shuai Zhang of China, whom she
    defeated in two sets 6-2, 6-3. Then she was up against two-seeded Paula Bados
    of Spain whom she defeated 6-3, 6-1. In the eight finals, Halep played 14th-seeded
    Cori Gauff of the USA in a balanced game, which the Romanian eventually won
    6-4, 6-4. In the quarter finals, Simona will be up on Wednesday against Ons
    Jabeur of Tunisia, who is also the odds-on favourite.

    Halep was born on September 27, 1991, in Constanţa, south-eastern Romania. She
    made her debut in major tennis competitions in 2006, when she played her first
    matches in ITF tournaments. In 2010 she entered the world’s top 100 and in
    August 2014 she made it for the first time to the second position in the
    world’s ranking, the highest position ever occupied by a Romanian athlete.

    years later, in October 2017, she topped the ranking, a position she left in
    January 2008. She made a comeback in the same year a month later and remained a
    world leader until the beginning of 2019, after the Australian Open. Halep
    topped the WTA ranking for 64 weeks and her prize closet includes two Grand
    Slam titles, in Roland Garros in 2018 and in Wimbledon a year later.