Tag: Covid-19

  • Recomandări pentru românii din Italia cu contracte de muncă

    Recomandări pentru românii din Italia cu contracte de muncă

    În contextul demersurilor întreprinse de autoritățile italiene în vederea gestionarii și prevenirii infecției cu COVID-19, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă lucrătorilor, cetățeni români, care se află în Italia, la acest moment, ca în cazul în care întâmpină probleme legate de contractele de muncă, să aibă în vedere următoarele demersuri:

    Lucrătorii cu contracte de muncă în derulare – persoanele care au un contract de muncă în derulare sunt sfătuite să îşi contacteze angajatorul pentru a se informa cu privire la deciziile formulate de acesta în contextul măsurilor anunţate de autorităţile italiene.

    Măsurile adoptate de Guvernul italian prevăd următoarele: angajatorilor din domeniul public şi privat li s-a recomandat să acorde concedii de odihnă şi concedii plătite în perioada 10 martie – 3 aprilie, iar în cazurile în care este posibil să se utilizeze munca la distanţă; muncă la distanţă – prin derogare de la legislaţia naţională în vigoare, este prevăzută o procedură simplificată/mai flexibilă de recurgere la munca la distanţă, extinsă la întreg teritoriul naţional, pe durata stării de urgenţă.

    Lucrătorii cu contracte de muncă finalizate – persoanele pentru care perioada contractuală a expirat, dar care nu şi-au recuperat în integralitate drepturile legate de raporturile de muncă trebuie să se adreseze autorităţilor locale şi inspectoratelor teritoriale de muncă, înainte de a părăsi teritoriul Italiei pentru a semnala aspectele problematice din derularea contractului.

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The Youth and Sports Ministry in Bucharest on Thursday recommended the national sports federations to ban all competitions and suspend athletes’ trips abroad, to international competitions or training stages. The decision is part of a measures package aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19.

    The Romanian Football Federation has ruled the suspension of all competitions until March 31. According to a press release posted on the Federation’s webpage: “The Romanian Football Federation believes it is its responsibility to protect the family of the Romanian football and take an active part in the measures the Romanian government and the international authorities have recommended for the protection of public health. Therefore, at a meeting venued by the House of Football today, and as a result of the consultations we had with the affiliated members, the management of the Romanian Football Federation, through an Emergency Committee, has decided to suspend all football competitions, male or female, as well as the futsal competitions staged in Romania.”

    At a meeting scheduled on March 17, the UEFA is yet to decide if it will postpone this coming summer’s European Championship, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. The final tournament is scheduled in Romania and 11 other countries, over June 12 — July 12.

    The rugby match pitting Romania and Belgium was also postponed. It was scheduled in Botosani, in the north, this coming Saturday. The fixture counted towards the last round of Rugby Europe Championship 2020. After five rounds, Romania is at the bottom of the table among the European rugby’s second-tier teams. Romania’s record so far includes one win and three defeats. (translation by E. Nasta)

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The Youth and Sports Ministry in Bucharest on Thursday recommended the national sports federations to ban all competitions and suspend athletes’ trips abroad, to international competitions or training stages. The decision is part of a measures package aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19.

    The Romanian Football Federation has ruled the suspension of all competitions until March 31. According to a press release posted on the Federation’s webpage: “The Romanian Football Federation believes it is its responsibility to protect the family of the Romanian football and take an active part in the measures the Romanian government and the international authorities have recommended for the protection of public health. Therefore, at a meeting venued by the House of Football today, and as a result of the consultations we had with the affiliated members, the management of the Romanian Football Federation, through an Emergency Committee, has decided to suspend all football competitions, male or female, as well as the futsal competitions staged in Romania.”

    At a meeting scheduled on March 17, the UEFA is yet to decide if it will postpone this coming summer’s European Championship, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. The final tournament is scheduled in Romania and 11 other countries, over June 12 — July 12.

    The rugby match pitting Romania and Belgium was also postponed. It was scheduled in Botosani, in the north, this coming Saturday. The fixture counted towards the last round of Rugby Europe Championship 2020. After five rounds, Romania is at the bottom of the table among the European rugby’s second-tier teams. Romania’s record so far includes one win and three defeats. (translation by E. Nasta)

  • March 12, 2020 UPDATE

    March 12, 2020 UPDATE

    Coronavirus — The Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday had a meeting with the ambassadors of the EU member states to Bucharest and he underlined the necessity to provide an adequate medical response to the spreading of the COVID-19 across the EU. The number of cases of contamination with the new coronavirus in Romania reached 50. 6 of the people contaminated have recovered so far, with almost 1,600 people being in institutionalized quarantine and more than 13,600 in quarantine at home and under medical monitoring. To prevent and combat the spreading of the virus the Romanian authorities have closed down schools and kindergartens until March 22 and universities suspended courses until March 31. Distribution outside Romania of medicines and sanitary materials used for combating the coronavirus has been suspended for the next 6 months and the cultural and entertainment events involving the participation of more than 100 people in closed area were also cancelled until March 31. The army will send military medical staff to help assess and prioritize potential patients at the cross-border points in the south, west and northwest of Romania. The Romanian citizens who arrive in the country through the land cross border points from Italy, China, Iran, South Korea, Germany, France and Spain will be quarantined in hospitals or at home.

    Epidemic — China has passed the peak of the coronavirus epidemic, the National Health Commission announced on Thursday after only 8 new cases of contamination have been reported in Hubei province, the epicenter of the epidemic where the number of cases was much higher. The coronavirus has infected around 126 thousand people around the world, has killed over 4,600 but almost 70 thousand people have recovered from the infection. So far, besides China, cases of contamination have been reported in 120 countries. Bulgaria, Ireland, Sweden and Indonesia have reported the first death on their territory. The Czech Republic declared the state of emergency on Thursday and will close the borders fro the foreign citizens from 15 countries to contain the spreading of the virus. Slovakia also announced closing the borders. Italy remains the European country most affected by the coronavirus epidemic.

    Government — The Romanian president Klaus Iohannis has summoned parliamentary parties for talks, on Friday, with a view to designating a new PM. The decision was made on Thursday after the Liberal Florin Citu stepped down from the position of PM designate. The Romanian president considers his gesture a proof of political maturity in the ‘complicated context’ caused by the coronavirus. Klaus Iohannis has called on Parliament to give a vote of investiture, next week, to a full fledged government that should be able to fight the effects of the spreading of the new coronavius, since a full fledged government has all the means and instruments to take the necessary measures. Florin Citu’s decision to step down occurred little ahead of Parliament’s giving its vote on the proposed cabinet. We recall that the Liberal government headed by the Liberal leader Ludovic Orban was dismissed through a no confidence motion last month. President Iohannis re-designated Mr. Orban as the new PM but he had to step down following a decision of the Constitutional Court. (translation by L. Simion)

  • Rumänische Behörden mahnen zur Verantwortung

    Rumänische Behörden mahnen zur Verantwortung

    Angesichts der Zunahme von Coronavirus-Fällen in Rumänien haben die Behörden eine Reihe zusätzlicher Ma‎ßnahmen ergriffen, die sowohl auf die Einreise von Menschen ins Land als auch auf deren Verhalten und das der Bevölkerung abzielen.

    Alle rumänischen oder ausländischen Staatsbürger, die aus den sogenannten roten Gebieten einreisen (gesamt Italien, die Hubei-Region in China, einschlie‎ßlich Wuhan und Südkorea samt der Stadt Daegu), werden obligatorisch, für 14 Tage, in speziell eingerichteten Zentren unter Quarantäne gestellt. Diejenigen, die aus den sogenannten gelben Gebieten kommen (andere Provinzen Chinas, den Iran – das ganze Land, Südkorea – andere Landkreise und Ortschaften sowie dem deutschen Landkreis Heinsberg in Nordrhein-Westfalen), begeben sich für 14 Tage in Hausisolation. Die zuständigen Behörden kontrollieren diese Ma‎ßnahmen und verhängen bei Nichteinhaltung Bu‎ßgelder von bis zu 4000 Euro. Bei Rückfall kann die Geldbu‎ße mehrfach verhängt werden.

    Der Leiter des Departements für Notfälle, Raed Arafat, warnte und wies darauf hin, dass einige dieser Strafma‎ßnahmen bereits angewendet wurden. Er teilte des Weiteren mit, dass kulturelle, wissenschaftliche, künstlerische, religiöse, sportliche und andere Veranstaltungen an denen mehr als 100 Menschen in geschlossenen Räumen teilnehmen, bis zum 31. März beschränkt wurden, mit der Möglichkeit einer Verlängerung. Die Tätigkeiten an den Universitäten wurden ebenfalls bis zum 31. März ausgesetzt. Alternativ, wurden Fernunterrichte wie z. B. Online-Kurse vorgeschlagen. Öffentliche Einrichtungen werden verpflichtet Gleitzeiten für die Arbeitnehmer einzuführen, um die öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zu entlasten und das Infektionsrisiko zu verringern.

    “Wir haben dafür gestimmt, dass auch in private Unternehmen mit mehr als 99 Angestellten, Gleitzeiten für Menschen, die die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel benutzen einführen. Dies gilt sowohl für Bukarest, als auch für die Hauptstädte der Landkreise, beginnend mit dem 12. März und bis zum 31. März, mit der Möglichkeit der Verlängerung”, sagte Raed Arafat.

    Er erklärte, dass die Empfehlung vorsieht, dass die Arbeitszeit in drei Zeitspannen aufgefächert wird, damit die Angestellten, die Arbeit zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten aufnehmen und beenden.

    Auch der Vertrieb ins Ausland von Arzneimitteln oder Hygienematerialien zur Behandlung von COVID-19 wurde für 6 Monate ausgesetzt. Davon betroffen sind Medikamente wie: antivirale, entzündungshemmende, antibiotische, fiebersenkende, antimykotische, anästhetische, beruhigende oder hygienische Arzneimitteln und medizinische Geräte wie Anzüge, Handschuhe, Spritzen, Masken, Schutzbrillen, Desinfektionslösungen und weiteres.

    Die Bevölkerung wurde erneut aufgefordert, die Empfehlungen der Behörden zu respektieren und sich nur aus offiziellen Quellen zu informieren. Rumänien befindet sich derzeit im 2. Szenario, in dem zwischen 26 und 100 Personen mit dem COVID-19 Virus infiziert sind. In diesem gilt der Prävention das Hauptaugenmerk, bevor grö‎ßere Veränderungen in Krankenhäusern vorgenommen werden. Wenn die Quarantäne-Räume nicht mehr ausreichen sollten, kann die Quarantäne auch zu Hause, unter sehr strengen Auflagen was Bewachung, Monitoring und Verfolgung der betroffenen Personen anbetrifft eingerichtet werden.

  • Coronavirus – Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung der Wirtschaft

    Coronavirus – Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung der Wirtschaft

    Am Mittwoch fand in Bukarest die erste Sitzung einer gemischten Gruppe staatlicher Organisationen statt, die mit der Bewertung der wirtschaftlichen, finanziellen und haushaltspolitischen Auswirkungen des COVID-19 Virus in Rumänien beauftragt war. Unter dem Vorsitz des Präsidenten Klaus Iohannis kamen, der Gouverneur der Nationalbank, Mugur Isarescu, sowie Vertreter der Regierung und der Wirtschaft zusammen. Der Präsident rief zu einer sorgfältigen und verantwortungsvollen Analyse der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Auswirkungen auf und forderte gleichzeitig alle Institutionen auf, die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der von der Epidemie verursachten Krise nicht kleinzureden.

    Die Ma‎ßnahmen müssen die Interessen der Arbeitnehmer, der Unternehmen und des Haushalts berücksichtigen, was verschiedene Konsequenzen und Szenarien nach sich zieht“, sagte der Präsident.

    Der Vorsitzende des Nationalrats der kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, Florin Jianu, forderte, dass Unternehmen, die in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geraten sind, in den Bereichen Tourismus, Transport und des Maschinenbaus unterstützt werden müssen:

    In diesen Bereichen, in denen wir eine unmittelbare Auswirkung feststellen, können wir ein System staatlicher Zulagen einrichten, das den Unternehmen im Wesentlichen helfen soll, ihre Mitarbeiter zu bezahlen. Der Finanzminister hat die Möglichkeit diskutiert, die Frist für die Beiträge um 1–2 Monate zu verlängern. Es gab mehrere andere Vorschläge bezüglich des Exports und verschiedener anderer Bereiche. Wir waren uns alle einig, dass die Unternehmen mit einem Mangel an Aufträgen und Handelsverträgen konfrontiert sind und daher Betriebskapital benötigen. Betriebskapital kann durch zinslose, vom Staat garantierte Kredite beschafft werden, was bedeutet, dass der Staat einen festen Geldbetrag zur Verfügung stellt, der mittels des Multiplikationssytems mehreren Unternehmen hilft“.

    Die Arbeitsgruppe wird alle zur Diskussion gestellten Ma‎ßnahmen analysieren und bekannt geben, welche Ma‎ßnahmen in der nächsten Woche beschlossen werden. Wirtschaftsexperten warnen davor, dass die Wirtschaft dramatisch leiden wird, wenn nicht rasch Ma‎ßnahmen ergriffen werden. Der Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Mircea Cosea sagte gegenüber Radio Rumänien:

    Wir müssen mit einer Reihe von unangenehmen Auswirkungen rechnen, die aus den Ereignissen in anderen Ländern und Kontinenten resultieren: Unternehmen schlie‎ßen ihre Tätigkeiten, Banken geraten in Schwierigkeiten. Es gibt viele Aspekte, die die Situation noch viel schlimmer machen können, über die medizinische Seite hinaus. Wir müssen alle Elemente berücksichtigen. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass die Arbeitslosigkeit steigt, und wir werden bald sehen, dass Kredite nicht zurückerstattet werden“.

    Einen Tag vor der Abstimmung über die Einsetzung seines Kabinetts sagte der designierte Premierminister Florin Citu, Rumänien verfüge über die notwendigen Ressourcen und Steuerinstrumente, um mit jeder Herausforderung im Zusammenhang mit der Verbreitung des Coronavirus fertig zu werden.

  • Romanian authorities call for responsibility

    Romanian authorities call for responsibility

    Given the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Romania, the authorities have taken a number of additional special measures, targeting both the people who enter Romanian territory from abroad, and the general public.

    First of all, all citizens, Romanians or foreigners, who come from the so-called “red zones (the entire Italy, Hubei region in China, including the city of Wuhan, and the Cheongdo county and Daegu city in South Korea) will be quarantined for 14 days in special facilities. Those who come from the “yellow zones (continental China, the entire Iran, other counties and localities in South Korea, as well as Heisnberg district in North-Rhine Westphalia in Germany) will be asked to self isolate.

    The relevant bodies will ensure compliance with these measures, and failure to comply will lead to fines of up to 4,000 euros. The fine will be applied on each occasion in case of repeat violations. The head of the Department for Emergencies, Raed Arafat, warned that several such punishments have already been put into practice. He also announced that indoor cultural, scientific, artistic, religious, sports and entertainment activities involving more than 100 people have been restricted until March 31st, and the period may be extended.

    University courses have also been suspended until the end of March, and alternatives such as online programmes have been suggested. Public institutions will have to reorganize working hours, so that employees may come to work at 3 different times during the day, to avoid crowding in public transportation and reduce the risk of infection. As Raed Arafat also said, “we voted to recommend private entities, including business operators with more than 99 employees, to rethink working hours for the staff who use public transportation. This recommendation takes effect in Bucharest and county capitals between March 12th and 31st, and the period may be extended. Raed Arafat also explained that under this guideline, companies will have employees coming to work in 3 separate shifts.

    Exports of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment used in treating the coronavirus disease have also been suspended for 6 months. The products barred from exports include antivirals, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, fever reducers, antifungal drugs, anesthetics, sedatives, and medical materials such as gloves, syringes, goggles, protective coveralls, disinfectants and so on.

    Authorities also urged people to comply with the recommendations and to get information from official sources exclusively. Romania is now in scenario number 2, with 26-100 infected patients, and prevention is still the main concern, before major changes in hospitals. If quarantine facilities prove to be insufficient, strictly monitored home quarantine may be introduced.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • March 12, 2020

    March 12, 2020

    COVID-19 Romania has reported 48 cases of infection with the new
    coronavirus. Six of those infected have been cured so far but 1,450 people have
    been quarantined while 13,500 are being monitored at home. In order to prevent
    and contain the spreading, the Ministry of Defence is assessing and preparing
    its own medical facilities to be able, if need be, to isolate or monitor any possible
    cases. Authorities have suspended for six months the distribution outside
    Romania of medicines and medical materials needed to fight the outbreak.
    Cultural and entertaining events with more than 100 people attending have also
    been suspended until March 31st. Under-graduate schools have been
    closed down until March 22nd while universities are staging only online
    courses for the following period. Road transportation of persons between
    Romania and Italy has been suspended until the end of this month. The same
    measure had been imposed for air and rail transports. Army medical personnel
    will be deployed at the borders to strengthen epidemiological monitoring
    capacities. Romanian nationals returning from Italy, China, Iran and South
    Korea will be placed in quarantine or home isolation. The situation has
    worsened in Spain where a major community or Romanians is living and the
    Romanian ambassador to that country has called on the Romanians to avoid
    travelling and has informed them on their being quarantined upon their arrival
    in Romania.

    ECONOMY Stocks in Asia dropped on Thursday after president Trump’s
    announcement to suspend all flights from Europe to the USA, with the exception
    of those coming from Britain for 30 days due to the coronavirus, AFP informs. European
    stock exchanges, including that in Bucharest, have also dropped several
    percentages. According to analysts travel restrictions also mean less economic
    activity. Crude prices have dropped by 6% on Asian markets as the suspension of
    flights to Europe and the USA has caused a sharp drop in fuel consumption. Pundits
    expect the European Central Bank to announce new measures aimed at boosting the
    Eurozone economies to enable them to face the shock triggered by the
    coronavirus epidemic.

    VOTE Parliament in Bucharest is today seeing the investiture
    vote for the cabinet proposed by Florin Citu, the incumbent Finance Minister.
    The coronavirus epidemic has raised the chances for the designated Prime
    Minister to get the confidence vote in spite of the announcement of the Social
    Democratic opposition to vote against. In order to get endorsement, Parliament
    needs at least 233 votes. We recall the Liberal government led by Ludovic Orban
    was sacked through a no-confidence vote last month. The president has again
    designated Orban to form a new government, but the latter stepped down
    following a Constitutional Court decision.

    ELECTIONS The Constitutional Court has found that the emergency
    order amending the laws on parliamentary elections and on the organisation of
    early elections comes against the Constitution. According to the Court, the
    article that scraps previous restrictions and allows voters to cast their
    ballots in any polling station, regardless of the constituency in which they
    live, violates the fundamental rights laid down in the Constitution. Thursday’s
    decision of the Constitutional Court thus confirms the unconstitutionality
    claim raised by the Ombudsman.

    (translated by bill)

  • 11.03.2020 (mise à jour)

    11.03.2020 (mise à jour)

    COVID-19 – En
    Roumanie, près de 500 personnes sont actuellement en quarantaine
    institutionnalisée, étant soumises à des tests de dépistage du virus COVID-19.
    Plus de 11.600 personnes sont en isolement à domicile sous surveillance
    médicale. Plus de 40 cas d’infection sont actuellement confirmés au niveau national.
    La distribution à l’étranger des médicaments et du matériel sanitaire utilisés
    pour combattre le coronavirus a été arrêtée pour les six prochains mois. Les
    événements culturels et de divertissement avec plus de 100 personnes et qui se
    déroulent dans des espaces fermées ont été suspendus jusqu’au 31 mars. Les établissements
    scolaires restent fermés jusqu’au 22 mars, avec la possibilité de prolonger
    cette période en fonction de l’évolution des cas d’infection au coronavirus.
    De même, le transport routier de personnes depuis et vers l’Italie a été arrêté
    jusqu’au 31 mars. Par ailleurs, le trafic aérien et ferroviaire depuis et vers
    l’Italie sera supprimé à partir du 12 mars jusqu’au 31 mars. L’armée enverra du
    personnel militaire médical pour renforcer les procédures de tri
    épidémiologique dans les points de passage frontaliers du sud, ouest et
    nord-ouest de la Roumanie. Les citoyens roumains qui rentrent sur le territoire
    du pays en provenance de l’Italie, de la Chine, de l’Iran ou de la Corée du Sud
    sont placés en quarantaine institutionnalisée ou en isolement à domicile.

    L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé a
    déclaré mercredi que l’épidémie de coronavirus pouvait être considérée comme
    une pandémie. Le directeur général de l’OMS s’est dit profondément inquiet des « niveaux alarmants de
    propagation » du nouveau coronavirus, mais aussi de l’« inaction » de la
    communauté internationale. Conformément à l’agence France Presse, il a averti
    qu’il fallait s’attendre « dans les jours et les semaines à venir, à voir
    le nombre de cas, le nombre de décès et le nombre de pays touchés augmenter ».
    Antérieurement, la Commission
    européenne avait annoncé la création d’un fonds d’investissement de réponse au
    coronavirus qui pourrait « rapidement atteindre 25 milliards d’euros ». Le
    président du Conseil européen, Charles Michel, a précisé que les leaders
    européens avaient approuvé la mise à disposition de liquidités pour combattre
    la crise actuelle. En Italie, le pays européen le plus touché par le
    coronavirus et qui est actuellement en quarantaine, plus de 800 personnes sont
    décédées et 12.000 sont actuellement malades.

    Economie – Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus
    Iohannis, a présidé mercredi la première réunion du groupe de travail interinstitutionnel
    chargé de l’évaluation de l’impact économique, financier et budgétaire de COVID-19 en Roumanie. Le groupe de travail
    interinstitutionnel doit identifier les risques et les mesures nécessaires pour
    les faire diminuer. Le
    président Iohannis a déclaré que « le monde s’attend à un recul de
    l’économie » après la fin de la crise liée au coronavirus, un paquet de
    mesures étant en préparation. Il a insisté sur le fait qu’il ne fallait pas
    minimiser l’impact économique de cette crise. A son tour, le chef du Conseil
    nationale des PME, Florin Jianu, a affirmé que les entreprises actuellement en
    difficulté, telles les compagnies du tourisme, des transports et de la
    construction de machines industrielles, devraient bénéficier aussi d’aide de la
    part de l’Etat, afin de payer les salaires. Antérieurement, le ministre par intérim des finances, Florin Cîţu, avait déclaré que
    la Roumanie avait les ressources et les moyens fiscaux nécessaires pour faire
    face aux défis qui découlent de la dissémination du coronavirus.

    Migrants – Les agents de la police aux
    frontières de Roumanie ont dépisté, dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, trente-trois
    ressortissants étrangers cachés dans un poids-lourd enregistré en Turquie. Ces
    personnes, originaires de Syrie, d’Irak et de Palestine, ont tenté de franchir
    illégalement la frontière avec la Hongrie. Le groupe était formé de 17 hommes,
    6 femmes et 10 mineurs, tous demandeurs d’asile. Les policiers ont constaté que
    les 23 adultes, âgés de 20 à 41 ans, et les mineurs, âgés entre 10 mois et 16
    ans, voulaient se rendre en Europe occidentale.

    Météo – Le temps
    reste doux en Roumanie, avec des températures maximales, jeudi, entre 13° et 23°.
    Des pluies faibles sont attendues dans le nord et dans les Carpates orientales.

  • 15 recomandări privind prevenirea răspândirii coronavirus (COVID-19)

    15 recomandări privind prevenirea răspândirii coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Grupul de Comunicare Strategică a transmis 15 recomandări privind conduita socială responsabilă în prevenirea răspândirii coronavirus (COVID-19).

    Protejați-vă, evitați contactul direct!

    Evitați zonele aglomerate unde sunteți expuși la contact direct și/sau interacțiune cu un număr mare de persoane, de tipul adunărilor publice, cozi, zone de trafic intens, zone de recreere. Feriți copiii de acele locuri de joacă care presupun atingerea unor suprafețe/obiecte comune de către un număr mare de copii.

    Limitați la maximum orice contact direct cu alte persoane, în afara celor care fac parte din familia restrânsă, prin gesturi cum ar fi: strângerea mâinilor, îmbrățișările, sărutul obrajilor sau al mâinilor, atingerea fețelor cu mâinile. Se recomandă, inclusiv în privința persoanelor împreună cu care locuiți, să NU intrați în contact direct decât după igienizarea mâinilor atunci când reveniți la domiciliu.

    Evitați atingerea suprafețelor care sunt atinse în mod frecvent și de alte persoane, precum: balustrade, clanțe, mânere, butoane de lift sau de acces. În cazul în care sunteți totuși nevoiți să atingeți aceste suprafețe, protejați-vă folosind șervețele de unică folosință.

    Păstrați o distanță semnificativă, de 1,5 metri, față de celelalte persoane pe care le întâlniți. În cazul în care vă aflați în transportul în comun încercați să NU stați față în față cu alte persoane. Asigurați-vă, după folosirea transportului în comun, că v-ați igienizat mâinile înainte de a vă atinge fața, nasul sau gura.

    Folosiți, pe cât posibil, rute sau modalități alternative de transport pentru a evita zonele aglomerate de trafic de persoane. În cazul în care programul vă permite, folosiți intervalele orare cu nivel scăzut de trafic de persoane. În zonele urbane, pentru distanțe mici, se recomandă folosirea modalităților alternative de deplasare, fie cu bicicleta/trotineta electrică, fie mersul pe jos.

    Evitați deplasările în țările care se confruntă cu număr mare de cazuri de infectări cu noul coronavirus (COVID-19) și descurajați întoarcerea în țară a persoanelor din zonele de risc, respectiv din țările cu număr mare de cazuri cu noul coronavirus. Date actualizate în timp real despre țările vizate pot fi obținute accesând link-ul http://www.cnscbt.ro/, respectiv Lista regiunilor și localităților din zona roșie și zona galbenă cu transmitere a COVID-19 În cazul în care călătoriți într-o țară expusă infecției cu noul coronavirus există riscul ca la momentul revenirii în țară, în funcție de actualizarea zonelor roșii/galbene, să fie necesar să rămâneți în carantină/izolare la domiciliu timp de 14 zile, împreună cu familia. În mod obligatoriu, românii care se întorc în țară din zone de risc vor trebui să intre în autoizolare la domiciliu, ceea ce presupune ca întreaga familie să facă același lucru.

    Limitați folosirea bancnotelor și a monedelor, optând pentru plăți cu cardul/telefonul sau plăți on-line. Transmiterea virușilor se realizează într-o pondere semnificativă prin intermediul banilor, cu care ia contact, statistic, un număr foarte mare de persoane.

    Optați pentru munca de acasă, în măsura în care aveți această posibilitate oferită de angajator. Există recomandări din partea Ministerului Muncii, în atenția angajatorilor, pentru flexibilizarea programului de lucru pentru angajați și prezentarea eventualelor opțiuni legale pe care le au la dispoziție. Detalii, AICI!

    Respectați cu strictețe regulile de igienă personală recomandate de autorități, pentru a vă proteja atât pe dumneavoastră cât și pe cei apropiați. Folosiți masca de protecție doar în cazul în care aveți simptome de gripă sau răceală, pentru a-i proteja pe ceilalți. Spălați-vă pe mâini cu apă și săpun, minimum 20 de secunde, după orice contact cu o suprafață potențial contaminată. Folosiți prosoape de hârtie, de preferat, pentru a vă șterge mâinile. Nu vă atingeți ochii, nasul sau gura cu mâinile neigienizate. Dacă strănutați sau tușiți acoperiți-vă gura și nasul cu un șervețel de unică folosință, pe care aveți grijă să-l aruncați imediat la coșul de gunoi. Dezinfectați frecvent, cu soluție pe bază de alcool sau clor, suprafețele cu care intrați în contact, atât acasă cât și la locul de muncă. Aerisiți de mai multe ori pe zi încăperile în care desfășurați activități. Luați medicamente antivirale sau antibiotice numai la prescripția medicului. NU beți lichide din aceeași sticlă/pahar cu alte persoane și nu folosiți aceleași tacâmuri. NU intrați în contact direct cu persoanele aflate în autoizolare la domiciliu, indiferent dacă prezintă sau nu simptome specifice coronavirus. Masca de protecție/masca chirurgicală îi protejează pe cei din jurul dumneavoastră, în cazul în care aveți simptome de gripă sau răceală, întrucât previne răspândirea virusului pe cale respiratorie. Masca de protecție trebuie să acopere complet nasul și gura persoanei care o poartă.

    Țineți cont de faptul că nu în toate cazurile infectarea cu noul coronavirus(COVID-19) este vizibilă prin simptome specifice (tuse, febră, dificultăți în respirație). Virusul poate fi răspândit inclusiv de persoane aparent sănătoase, care nu au cunoștință de faptul că sunt purtători ai noului coronavirus. Informați-vă despre noul coronavirus numai din surse oficiale! Puteți obține detalii dacă sunați la 0800.800.358, care este un număr de informare, nu este un număr de urgență. Doar în cazul urgențelor sunați la 112!

    Protejați-vă apropiații, nu-i expuneți!

    Evitați, cu prioritate, expunerea persoanelor în vârstă (peste 65 de ani) și a celor cu imunitate scăzută/boli asociate către alte persoane cu simptome de gripă sau răceală, în zone aglomerate sau zone cu trafic intens de persoane. Potrivit statisticilor, persoanele cele mai vulnerabile în cazul infectării cu noul coronavirus sunt vârstinicii cu multiple afecțiuni asociate (ex: diabet zaharat, boli pulmonare cronice, boli cardiovasculare, cancer). În Italia, până pe 9 martie, mai mult de jumătate din cazurile de infecție s-au înregistrat la persoane de peste 65 de ani și aproximativ 90% din decese au survenit la pacienți de peste 70 de ani. Nu s-a înregistrat niciun deces la pacienți cu vârsta sub 40 de ani și un singur deces între 40 și 50 de ani. În cazul tinerilor și al copiilor (0-18 ani) a fost înregistrată cea mai mică rată de infectare cu noul coronavirus, respectiv 1,4%.

    Semnalați autorităților orice caz despre care aveți cunoștință că ar fi putut intra în contact cu o persoană confirmată cu noul coronavirus sau ar fi venit dintr-o țară afectată (zona roșie sau zona galbenă) și care nu se află în izolare. Manifestați o atitudine preventivă față de orice caz, întrucât răspândirea virusului este posibilă și din partea persoanelor care nu manifestă simptome specifice.

    Semnalați imediat medicului de familie dacă ați călătorit în zonele afectate de coronavirus (COVID-19), chiar dacă la momentul respectiv NU se aflau pe lista zonelor aflate sub alertă. Detalii pot fi obținute accesând link-ul http://www.cnscbt.ro/, respectiv Lista regiunilor și localităților din zona roșie și zona galbenă cu transmitere a COVID-19, actualizată periodic. În cazul în care nu puteți contacta medicul de familie, apelați la Direcția de Sănătate Publică din județul dumneavoastră și în ultimă instanță la 112.

    Rămâneți acasă dacă aveți simptome de gripă sau răceală (tuse, febră, dificultăți în respirație) și sunați medicul de familie pentru a solicita sfaturi, NU mergeți din primul moment la unitățile de urgență. Există riscul, în cazul în care sunteți purtător al virusului, să transmiteți și altor persoane noul coronavirus. Este de preferat să rămâneți la domiciliu, iar transferul către spital să se realizeze în mod organizat, respectând toate măsurile de izolare.

    Dacă vă aflați în autoizolare la domiciliu respectați cu strictețe recomandările autorităților, NU părăsiți sub nicio formă domiciliul pe perioada celor 14 zile, NU primiți vizitatori și NU intrați în contact apropiat cu eventualele persoane care vă furnizează alimente sau produse. În cazul în care încălcați regimul autoizolării la domiciliu riscați amendă de până la 20.000 de lei, precum și dosar penal în cazul în care contribuiți la răspândirea virusului.

  • EU-wide mobilisation against COVID-19

    EU-wide mobilisation against COVID-19

    The EU leaders took part on Tuesday night in a conference call aimed at looking at possible solutions to the large-scale coronavirus crisis looming ahead.

    After the conference, the European Council president Charles Michel spoke about a number of priorities agreed on by all participants. First comes protecting citizen safety, through measures based on scientific information and medical sources, followed by ensuring the medical equipment and preventing shortages. Other priorities include promoting scientific research, including the development of a vaccine, and response to the economic and social consequences, among other things by making European rules more flexible.

    Taking part in the video call, president Klaus Iohannis called for solidarity and mutual help, in an address broadcast on radio and television:

    Klaus Iohannis: “We must face the facts: the risk of pandemic remains high, and fighting the coronavirus requires coordinated national, European and worldwide efforts. We held a conference call and all EU leaders discussed the developments in their respective countries. Protecting the European citizens is our top priority, and we discussed the measures that have to be taken at present. We all agree that it is absolutely necessary for us to coordinate our efforts to counter the effects of the coronavirus disease. It is only by means of joint measures that help prevent the virus from spreading further, that we will manage to successfully handle this crisis, and it is only together that we will manage to prevent its severe effects on the European economies.

    The European Parliament also discussed the current COVID-19 situation and a coordinated European response. MEPs pleaded for solidarity, for investments in research and for rethinking the European pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries. Masks, testing kits and respiratory equipment should be produced in the EU and made available to all Member States, MEPs said, among other things. The Romanian MEP Nicolae Stefanuta (Renew Europe), said:

    Nicolae Stefanuta: “Today we need joint stocks of medical supplies, we need to mobilise the healthcare personnel in the Union to the most affected areas, but we also need leadership, quick dissemination of trustworthy information. Our response to the current crisis is not to reduce exports, the answer is not ‘sink or swim. This crisis concerns all of us, and only together can we overcome it.

    Although still in the 2-figure zone, the number of COVID-19 cases in Romania is growing. In order to prevent the unwanted scenario of an uncontrolled spreading of the disease, the authorities have closed down public and private kindergartens, schools and high schools until March 22, and the period may be extended. Universities will also stay closed until the end of March. The government has decided to earmark additional funds to the Health Ministry in order to prepare hospitals to receive coronavirus patients and to secure proper care for chronic patients.

    A special issue has to do with the Romanians living abroad, particularly in severely-hit Italy, who are prompted by fear to come back home. According to the interim interior minister Marcel Vela, the Romanian and foreign citizens coming from regions with coronavirus outbreaks and reaching Romanias western border are escorted by police and gendarmes to quarantine facilities.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • March 10, 2020 UPDATE

    March 10, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 Romania has reported over 100 people in institutional quarantine
    and under medical investigation for possible infection with COVID-19, the Group
    of Strategic Communication has announced. Over 11,500 people are in home
    isolation and currently under medical monitoring. 28 cases of infection with
    the new virus have been confirmed at national level while 5 people have been
    declared cured and released from hospitals. All the patients under treatment
    are generally in good condition, while the elderly and those suffering from
    chronic conditions are being carefully monitored. On Monday, the National
    Committee for Special Emergency Situations has decided to suspend courses in under-graduate
    schools over March 11th and 22nd in order to prevent the
    spreading of the disease. Road and rail transports between Romania and Italy have
    been suspended until March 31st 2020. Air companies have to announce
    their travelers from Italy, China, Iran and South Korea that they are going to
    be quarantined in Romania.

    EPIDEMIC The entire population of Italy, nearly 60 million people, were
    put under lockdown because of the COVID-19 epidemic, after the government
    decided to extend the restrictions introduced in northern Italy across the
    country. According to the Radio Romania correspondent, the order signed last
    night by PM Conte urges companies to allow employees to take annual leaves, so
    as to reduce travelling even for professional purposes. The decision comes
    after the number of coronavirus cases in Italy has reached over 10,000, with
    over 630 deaths. The new action plan, dubbed by PM Conte I’m staying home, took
    effect on Tuesday and is to stay in force until April 3. Travelling
    across the Peninsula has been restricted, except for emergencies, healthcare or
    business purposes. All schools and universities will be closed until April 3,
    public gatherings are forbidden, the football championship is suspended, and
    bars and restaurants will only be open until 6PM.

    GDP The Gross Domestic Product went up 0.1% in the Euro zone
    and 0.2% in the EU in the 4th quarter of 2019 compared to the previous
    quarter, according to data released on Tuesday by Eurostat, AFP reports. Among
    Member States, the strongest growth was reported in Ireland (1.8%), Malta
    (1.7%) and Romania (1.5%). In year-on-year terms, in Q4 2019 compared to the
    corresponding period of 2018, the GDP rose by 1% in the euro zone and 1.2% in
    the EU. The member countries with the highest growth rates were Ireland (6.3%),
    Hungary (4.6%), Malta (4.3%) and Romania (4.2%). For Romania, figures made
    public previously by the National Statistics Institute indicate that in 2019
    the GDP rose by 4.1% since 2018.

    TALKS Romania’s acting PM Ludovic Orban on Tuesday held talks with
    parliamentary parties and groups, on the roadmap for early elections. The vote
    could be held in June, but coronavirus concerns have prompted proposals to
    postpone it to this autumn, when parliamentary elections are also due. The only
    party that announced it would not take part in the talks is the Social Democratic
    Party, which claimed the political agenda of the National Liberal Party is
    completely at odds with the current priorities of the Romanian citizens.
    Meanwhile, on Thursday Parliament will be holding the investiture vote for the
    Cabinet headed by the PM designate Florin Citu.

    (translated by bill)

  • Nachrichten 10.03.2020

    Nachrichten 10.03.2020

    In Rumänien befinden sich 100 Personen in Quarantänestationen, die auf das COVID-19 getestet werden sollen, hat die Gruppe für strategische Kommunikation am Dienstag angekündigt. 11.500 weitere Personen werden zu Hause überwacht. Bislang wurden landesweit 25 Fälle von Infektionen gemeldet, 8 neue Fälle wurden allein am Dienstag gemeldet. Fünf von ihnen haben sich erholt und sind entlassen worden. Alle Patienten befinden sich in einem guten medizinischen Zustand, während ältere Personen und Menschen mit chronischen Krankheiten genau überwacht werden. Am Montag beschloss das Nationale Komitee für Notfälle, den Unterricht in den Schulen zwischen dem 11. und 22. März auszusetzen, wobei die Frist verlängert werden kann, um die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus zu verhindern. Die Behörden genehmigten auch die Aussetzung des Straßenpersonenverkehrs von und nach Italien. Die Maßnahme ist bis zum 31. März in Kraft. Zwischen dem 12. und 31. März wird auch der Schienenverkehr von und nach Italien ausgesetzt. Nach einer früheren Anordnung waren alle Flüge von und nach Italien bis zum 23. März eingestellt worden. Die Fluggesellschaften müssen die Bürger, die Direktflüge von Italien, China, Iran oder Südkorea nach Rumänien besteigen, darüber informieren, dass sie nach ihrer Ankunft in Rumänien unter Quarantäne gestellt werden. Diejenigen, die aus den genannten 4 Ländern über die Grenzkontrollpunkte ins Land kommen, werden entweder im Grenzbezirk unter Quarantäne gestellt oder bleiben unter heimischer Überwachung.

    Die gesamte Bevölkerung Italiens, fast 60 Millionen Menschen, wurde wegen der COVID-19-Epidemie unter Quarantäne gestellt, nachdem die Regierung beschlossen hatte, die in Norditalien eingeführten Beschränkungen auf das ganze Land auszudehnen. Laut dem Korrespondenten von Radio Rumänien drängt der Montag Abend von Premierminister Conte unterzeichnete Befehl die Unternehmen, den Mitarbeitern Jahresurlaub zu gewähren, um die Reisen auch für berufliche Zwecke zu reduzieren. Die Entscheidung kommt, nachdem die Zahl der Coronavirus-Fälle in Italien über 9.000 erreicht hat, mit über 460 Todesfällen. Der neue Aktionsplan, der von Premierminister Conte als Ich bleibe zu Hause bezeichnet wird, tritt am Dienstag in Kraft und bleibt bis zum 3. April in Kraft. Das Reisen über die Halbinsel ist eingeschränkt, außer in Notfällen, im Gesundheitswesen oder für geschäftliche Zwecke. Alle Schulen und Universitäten bleiben bis zum 3. April geschlossen, öffentliche Versammlungen sind verboten, die Fussballmeisterschaft wird ausgesetzt, und Bars und Restaurants sind nur bis 18 Uhr geöffnet.

    Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt ist im 4. Quartal 2019 im Vergleich zum Vorquartal in der Eurozone um 0,1% und in der EU um 0,2% gestiegen, so die am Dienstag von Eurostat veröffentlichten Daten, so der AFP-Bericht. Von den Mitgliedstaaten wurde das stärkste Wachstum in Irland (1,8%), Malta (1,7%) und Rumänien (1,5%) gemeldet. Im Jahresvergleich stieg das BIP im 4. Quartal 2019 im Vergleich zum entsprechenden Zeitraum 2018 um 1% in der Eurozone und 1,2% in der EU. Die Mitgliedsländer mit den höchsten Wachstumsraten waren Irland (6,3%), Ungarn (4,6%), Malta (4,3%) und Rumänien (4,2%). Für Rumänien weisen die zuvor vom Nationalen Statistikinstitut veröffentlichten Zahlen darauf hin, dass das BIP im Jahr 2019 seit 2018 um 4,1% gestiegen ist.

    Der amtierende Premierminister Ludovic Orban führt Konsultationen mit den Parlamentsparteien und -fraktionen bezüglich des Fahrplans für vorgezogene Wahlen durch. Die Abstimmung könnte im Juni stattfinden, aber Coronavirus-Bedenken haben Vorschläge zur Verschiebung auf diesen Herbst, wenn ebenfalls Parlamentswahlen anstehen, unterstützt. Die einzige Partei, die ankündigte, nicht an den Gesprächen teilzunehmen, ist die Sozialdemokratische Partei, die behauptete, die politische Agenda der Nationalliberalen Partei stehe in völligem Widerspruch zu den aktuellen Prioritäten der rumänischen Bürger. In der Zwischenzeit wird das Parlament am Donnerstag die Investiturabstimmung für das Kabinett unter dem designierten Premierminister Florin Citu durchführen.

    Der Interim-Außenminister Bogdan Aurescu nimmt Dienstag und Mittwoch in Vilnius am Treffen der Leiter der diplomatischen Vertretungen der Staaten des Bukarester 9er Formats (B9) teil. Nach einer Erklärung des Bukarester Außenministers nehmen auch NATO-Vertreter des US-Außenministeriums an der Veranstaltung teil. Die Tagesordnung des Treffens wird sich auf die Umsetzung der auf dem Gipfel vom Dezember 2018 in London gefassten Beschlüsse konzentrieren, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem Prozess der Reflexion über die Stärkung der politischen Dimension der NATO, die gerechte Aufteilung der Verantwortung und die gemeinsame Herangehensweise an Sicherheitsrisiken in der Region liegt, präzisiert der rumänische Außenminister. Die Entwicklungen im Zusammenhang mit der Rolle der NATO bei der Bekämpfung des Terrorismus und bei der Bewältigung neuartiger Herausforderungen, z.B. im Bereich der Technologie oder der Sicherheit der Energieversorgung, werden ebenfalls erörtert. Das B9-Format ist eine Initiative Rumäniens und Polens, an der sich auch Bulgarien, Ungarn, die Tschechische Republik, die Slowakei, Litauen, Lettland und Estland beteiligen.

  • March 10, 2020

    March 10, 2020

    COVID-19 In Romania there are 52 people in quarantine facilities, to be tested for the COVID-19, the Strategic Communication Group has announced today. 11,235 other people are under home monitoring. So far 17 cases of infection have been reported nation-wide. Five of them have recovered and have been discharged. All the patients are in a good medical state, while the elderly and people with chronic conditions are closely monitored. On Monday, the National Committee for Emergencies decided to suspend classes in under-graduate schools between March 11 and 22, and the period may be extended in order to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. The authorities also approved the suspension of road passenger transport to and from Italy. The measure will be in force until March 31. Between March 12 and 31, railway transport to and from Italy is also suspended. Under a previous order all flights to and from Italy had been grounded until March 23. Airlines have to inform the citizens boarding direct flights from Italy, China, Iran or South Korea to Romania that they will be quarantined once they reach Romania. Those who enter the country through border checkpoints, coming from the aforesaid 4 countries, are quarantined either in the border county or will stay under home monitoring.

    EPIDEMIC The entire population of Italy, nearly 60 million people, were put under lockdown because of the COVID-19 epidemic, after the government decided to extend the restrictions introduced in northern Italy across the country. According to the Radio Romania correspondent, the order signed last night by PM Conte urges companies to allow employees to take annual leaves, so as to reduce travelling even for professional purposes. The decision comes after the number of coronavirus cases in Italy has reached over 9,000, with over 460 deaths. The new action plan, dubbed by PM Conte “Im staying home, takes effect today and will stay in force until April 3. Travelling across the Peninsula is restricted, except for emergencies, healthcare or business purposes. All schools and universities will be closed until April 3, public gatherings are forbidden, the football championship is suspended, and bars and restaurants will only be open until 6PM.

    CONSULTATIONS The acting PM Ludovic Orban is having consultations today with the parliamentary parties and groups, with respect to the roadmap for early elections. The vote could be held in June, but coronavirus concerns have prompted proposals to postpone it to this autumn, when parliamentary elections are also due. The only party that announced it would not take part in the talks is the Social Democratic Party, which claimed the political agenda of the National Liberal Party is completely at odds with the current priorities of the Romanian citizens. Meanwhile, on Thursday Parliament will hold the investiture vote for the Cabinet headed by the PM designate Florin Citu.

    ECONOMY The Gross Domestic Product went up 0.1% in the Euro zone and 0.2% in the EU in the 4th quarter of 2019 compared to the previous quarter, according to data released on Tuesday by Eurostat, AFP reports. Among Member States, the strongest growth was reported in Ireland (1.8%), Malta (1.7%) and Romania (1.5%). In year-on-year terms, in Q4 2019 compared to the corresponding period of 2018, the GDP rose by 1% in the euro zone and 1.2% in the EU. The member countries with the highest growth rates were Ireland (6.3%), Hungary (4.6%), Malta (4.3%) and Romania (4.2%). For Romania, figures made public previously by the National Statistics Institute indicate that in 2019 the GDP rose by 4.1% since 2018.

    MEETING The interim foreign minister, Bogdan Aurescu, is taking part today and tomorrow in Vilnius in a meeting of the foreign ministers of B9 countries. According to a news release issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry, attending the event are also NATO officials and US State Department representatives. The meeting focuses on the implementation of the decisions made at the London summit in December 2019, with an emphasis on the reflection process on the consolidation of NATOs political dimension, on a fair distribution of responsibilities and on the Allied approach to security risks in the region. Recent developments related to NATOs role in fighting terrorism and to the management of new challenges, such as cybercrime or energy security, will also be discussed. The B9 Format is an initiative launched by Romania and Poland, with Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia also taking part.

  • Jurnal românesc – 10.03.2020

    Jurnal românesc – 10.03.2020

    Naţional pentru Situaţii Speciale de Urgenţă a decis suspendarea transportului
    rutier de persoane între România şi Italia, în condiţiile în care epidemia de
    coronavirus din peninsulă s-a agravat. Măsura este în vigoare şi va fi
    menţinută până cel puţin pe 31 martie. Ministrul interimar de Interne, Marcel
    Vela, a spus că operatorii de transport rutier care efectuează curse care
    tranzitează Italia au obligaţia de a le comunica românilor care se vor îmbarca
    din Italia către România faptul că vor intra în carantină sau autoizolare pe
    teritoriul României şi îşi că îşi asumă responsabilitatea prin completarea unei
    declaraţii la îmbarcarea în autobuz. În ceea ce priveşte transportul feroviar
    de persoane, operatorii au obligaţia ca, începând din 12 martie, să distribuie
    materiale tipărite care să aducă la cunoştinţa călătorilor faptul că românii
    care vor veni din Italia către România vor intra în carantină sau autoizolare
    de îndată ce ajung în ţară şi să-i informeze pe cetăţenii străini la urcarea în
    tren că nu li se va permite trecerea frontierei României dacă vin cu escală din
    Italia. Autorităţile de la Bucureşti au mai decis închiderea grădiniţelor,
    şcolilor şi liceelor începând din 11 martie până cel puţin la data de 22 martie,
    precum şi instituirea obligaţiei pentru unităţile de alimentaţie publică de a
    lua măsuri în privinţa dezinfecţiei frecvente a tuturor suprafeţelor expuse,
    precum cărucioare, balustrade, coşuri de cumpărături, clanţe sau grupuri

    Ambasadorul României
    în Italia, George Bologan, a declarat pentru Televiziunea Română că, până în
    prezent, în peninsulă sunt trei cetăţeni români infectaţi cu noul coroavirus şi
    alţi doi care au dublă cetăţenie. Atât Ambasada, cât şi oficiile
    consulare menţin legătura permanent cu autorităţile centrale, locale şi cu
    unităţile sanitare, pentru a monitoriza evoluţia crizei sanitare, a impactului
    asupra cetăţenilor români, precum şi a stării de sănătate a celor
    infectaţi, a spus diplomatul. El a menţionat că asistenţa consulară care
    poate fi oferită românilor este una extrem de limitată din cauza măsurilor
    restrictive pe care le-au impus autorităţile italiene pentru a limita
    propagarea Covid-19. Ambasadorul a precizat, însă, că starea comunităţii
    româneşti din Italia este în general bună. Nu am avut de-a
    face cu exod al comunităţii româneşti. În general, românii – vorbim de un
    1.200.000 de cetăţeni, cel puţin – au înţeles situaţia, şi şi-au asumat în mod
    responsabil o atitudine chiar proactivă, a spus Bologan. El a infirmat
    informaţiille potrivit cărora transportul public ar fi blocat, sau că
    magazinele ar fi închise. Ingineria zvonisticii trebuie să fie evitată,
    pentru că prezentată în anumite feluri creează foarte multă panică a
    afirmat ambasadorul. Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni transmite că
    românii din străinătate, care coresc să afle informații legate de prevenirea
    infectării cu noul coronavirus, pot apela din orice rețea, 24 de ore din 24,
    numărul de telefon +40 213 202 020. DRP precizează că linia telefonică este
    destinată strict informării și nu este un număr de urgență.

    Expoziția de
    artă contemporană Povești și semne din arta populară românească,
    semnată de Teli Iacşa, mai poate fi vizitată până pe 12 martie la Centrul de
    Artă și Cultură Galatasaray din Istanbul. Manifestarea reuneşte 12 picturi pe
    sticlă și o instalație, creată din papier mache pe sticle de plastic, textil
    printat, acril și metalic pe hârtie și plastic, prezentată anterior în cadrul
    Bienalei de Carte Obiect de la Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române. Teli
    Iacşa a debutat în sfera picturii pe sticlă în 2010. A expus atât în țară, cât
    și în străinătate, sub numele de Teofilia Juravle. În 2015, a câştigat Premiul
    de Excelență la Concursul Internațional de creație Eminesciana, din
    Iași, iar în 2018, a obţinut o mențiune la Bienală. Din 2012 și până în prezent
    a avut 6 expoziții personale, dintre care două în Elveția și a participat la
    numeroase evenimente de grup, bienale, saloane de artă și tabere de creație. În
    prezent, lucrează la o nouă serie mixed media al cărei titlu nu a fost încă
    făcut public.

    Pelicula animată
    Călătoria fantastică a Maronei, de Anca Damian, va fi proiectată în
    Suedia, în orașele Norrköping – pe 28 martie, și Göteborg – pe 19 aprilie,
    anunţă Institutul Cultural Român de la Stockholm. Al treilea lungmetraj de
    animație al româncei, după Crulic – drumul spre dincolo și
    Muntele magic, Călătoria fantastică a Maronei, o coproducție
    România-Franța-Belgia, este un basm modern despre dragoste necondiționată și
    sacrificiu. Filmul a mai fost prezentat în Suedia în cadrul Festivalului de
    Film Francez de la Stockholm, care a avut loc în perioada 11 – 16 februarie.
    Anul trecut, Călătoria fantastică a Maronei a fost recompensată cu
    Marele premiu și Premiul publicului la Batumi International Art House Film
    Festival din Coreea de Sud, cu Premiul special al juriului la Animation Is Film
    din SUA şi cu Premiul publicului la Festivalul Internaţional de Film de la
    Gijón în Spania.