Tag: Federica Mogherini

  • România, membră a PESCO

    România, membră a PESCO

    România este
    una dintre cele 23 de ţări membre ale Uniunii Europene care s-au angajat într-o
    cooperare extinsă în domeniul securităţii, punând bazele unei aşa-numite uniuni
    a apărării europene.

    Miniştrii de
    Externe şi ai Apărării din 23 de state ale blocului comunitar au semnat, acum
    două săptămâni, la Bruxelles, o notificare a intenţiei lor de a crea Cooperarea
    Structurată Permanentă (PESCO) – o iniţiativă care permite statelor lor să
    colaboreze mai strâns în vederea consolidării capacităţii militare. Acest nou
    instrument va consolida autonomia strategică a Uniunii Europene – a subliniat
    şefa diplomaţiei de la Bruxelles, Federica Mogherini: Este chiar o zi istorică. Notificarea nu este doar rezultatul unei munci
    intense, comune, care era de neconceput acum un an – un an şi jumătate sau
    poate chiar în urmă cu 6 luni şi care a devenit acum realitate. Aşadar, această
    notificare privind participarea la Cooperarea Structurată Permanentă aş spune
    că este rezultatul unei eficiente munci în echipă, al unei ambiţii înalte şi al
    unor angajamente care acum trebuie traduse în proiecte concrete de cooperare.
    Este, totodată, un proces cuprinzător, datorită numărului mare de state membre
    ce s-au alăturat în acest pas important, dar care certifică faptul că nu este
    vorba de un club exclusivist, ci deschis. Nu suntem doar 23 de ţări membre, ci
    vom primi alţi parteneri, care nu sunt acum parte a acestei notificări, dar
    care se vor alătura în următoarele săptămâni, păstrând acelaşi nivel al
    ambiţiilor şi angajamentelor.

    La ceremonia
    semnării au luat parte şi ministrul de Externe Teodor Meleşcanu şi cel al
    Apărării Mihai Fifor. Şeful diplomaţiei române a subliniat că asigurarea
    complementarităţii cu NATO este esenţială şi că PESCO ar trebui să contribuie
    şi la consolidarea cooperării Uniunii Europene-NATO în domenii diverse, precum
    cel al dezvoltării capabilităţilor.

    semnarea notificării, o decizie finală de lansare a uniunii
    apărării este aşteptată la Consiliul European de iarnă, din 11 decembrie.
    Participarea la această iniţiativă este voluntară pentru statele Uniunii.
    Irlanda, Portugalia şi Malta încă se mai gândesc dacă vor adera sau nu la acest
    proiect, în timp ce se aşteaptă să nu participe Danemarca şi nici Marea
    Britanie, care oricum părăseşte blocul comunitar – notează Reuters. De altfel, Londra
    a încercat constant să blocheze cooperarea europeană în domeniul apărării, de
    teamă că acest lucru ar putea duce la crearea unei armate a Uniunii Europene.

    referitoare la PESCO includ un comandament medical european şi o reţea de
    centre logistice în Europa, crearea unui centru european de reacţie la crize şi
    pregătiri comune ale ofiţerilor.

  • Pas istoric către o “Uniune a apărării” în Europa

    Pas istoric către o “Uniune a apărării” în Europa

    Miniștrii apărării și cei de externe din cele 23 de state membre UE, printre care şi România, au semnat luni, 13 noiembrie a.c., o notificare a intenției lor de a institui Cooperarea Structurată Permanentă (PESCO), ce permite statelor o mai strânsă cooperare cu privire la operațiunile de securitate și construirea capacității militare, transmite agenţia germană de presă dpa.

    Șefa diplomaţiei UE, Federica Mogherini, a salutat decizia ca fiind un moment istoric în apărarea europeană”. Este începutul unei activități comune — 23 de state membre care se angajează atât în privinţa capabilităților, cât și în cea a etapelor operaționale. Este un lucru mare”, a spus Mogherini.

    Statele semnatare îşi vor putea dezvolta capacități militare, vor putea investi în proiecte comune și vor putea spori disponibilitatea trupelor proprii.

    Decizia de a lansa PESCO, primită pozitiv şi de către secretarul general NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, semnalează mișcarea Europei către autosuficiență în domeniul apărării.

    Statele membre semnatare sunt: Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria, Republica Cehă, Croația, Cipru, Estonia, Finlanda, Franța, Germania, Grecia, Ungaria, Italia, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburg, Țările de Jos, Polonia, România, Slovenia, Slovacia, Spania și Suedia.

    Alte state membre, precum Irlanda, Portugalia și Malta, s-ar putea alătura într-o etapă ulterioară. Danemarca şi Marea Britanie, care se bucură de un statut special, nu vor participa. Ca membru UE, Marea Britanie s-a poziţionat constant împotriva unui asftel de proiect, avertizând că ar putea duce la înfiinţarea unei armate europene.

    Totuşi, dacă există o criză în vecinătatea noastră, trebuie să putem acționa”, afirmă ministrul german al apărării, Ursula von der Leyen, susţinând că este important ca Europa să înceapă să stea pe propriile picioare în privinţa securităţii și apărării.

    Potrivit Reuters, propunerile referitoare la PESCO includ un comandament medical european și o rețea de centre logistice în Europa, crearea unui centru european de reacție la crize și pregătiri comune ale ofițerilor militari.

    Decizia finală de lansare a cadrului de cooperare în domeniul apărării este așteptată luna viitoare.

  • North Korea, a hot spot on the world’s map

    North Korea, a hot spot on the world’s map

    Addressing the European Parliament on current issues on the international policy agenda, Mrs. Mogherini said that these sanctions are not a goal in themselves, but are just a means to open the gate for political negotiations, stressing that there are no military solutions for this crisis, as a military attack would be useless and would cause more damage than good.

    At the same time, Mogherini appreciated the unitary approach of the EU countries that are also members of the Security Council, which spoke their view in a single voice. On the other side of the Atlantic, the President of the United States Donald Trump has stated that the latest sanctions imposed on Pyongyang are just a small step, and not what should normally happen in order to put an end to North Korea’s nuclear programme.

    The latest sanctions, the toughest so far, limiting the imports of fuels and banning the exports of textiles, were imposed in response to the test conducted by North Korea on September 3rd, at an unprecedented level, and the middle-range missile attack in mid August. In a talk on Radio Romania, the political and military analyst Iulian Chifu spoke about Pyongyang’s aggressive policy and potential responses on the international community’s part:

    Iulian Chifu: “We cannot speak of a war in the sense of a long-term war. In my opinion, in the worst-case scenario it will be the US plan of a surgical action, which, in just one night, will eliminate all nuclear and ballistic capabilities and the leadership of North Korea. Should a military action take place, this is how I believe it will unfold. That doesn’t mean that against the background of an unstable North Korea we are not going to have major issues. I would expect a Chinese invasion in northern Korea to stabilize the situation and maintain the buffer zone. I also don’t expect the West to come up with an intervention or attack formula for the region. It’s clear to me that everything will eventually be settled through negotiations, which are to take into account the situation on the ground at that time. And I believe that the South should be prepared for reunification. At any time there may be the risk of an attack, a show of force targeting South Korea as a pro-active pre-emptive strike. I believe though that reason will prevail and that there are also means to find a peaceful formula and avoid war except for an intervention of a surgical nature.”

    From the viewpoint of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, North Korea’s nuclear programme poses a global threat, which requires a global response. This also includes NATO, as its secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg told the BBC. However, the NATO official didn’t specify whether an attack over the US territories in Guam might activate the Alliance’s collective defence principle. Guam, an American territory in the Pacific Ocean, is a major US outpost, which has attracted a lot of heat from Pyongyang’s propaganda machine. “I will not speculate about whether Article 5 will be applied in such a situation” Stoltenberg said. “We are now totally focused on how we can contribute to a peaceful solution of the conflict. “There is no easy way out of this difficult situation, but at the same time we have to continue to work for political solution, continue to press also the economic sanctions.”

    In the aforementioned network, Russia and China have retained their special status.

    The new sanctions voted by the Council are not as harsh as they appeared in the version prepared by the USA, with the concessions resulting in the aftermath of talks Washington held with Moscow and with Beijing, respectively, and the vote being the prerequisite for the talks. Shortly after the new measures had been voted, China reiterated its appeal for dialogue. We should note that China wants the denuclearization of the region, but to a greater extent, China wants stability.

    Concurrently, Moscow highlighted the lack of an alterative solution to the North-Korean problem, through political and diplomatic means. Pundits are unanimously saying that a military conflict would be equally devastating for both Pyongyang and South Korea. At the same time, other analysys support the idea that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un seeks to obtain a nuclear defense rather than an open conflict.

  • EU-Außenministertreffen: Europa der Geschwindigkeiten auch im Verteidigungsbereich?

    EU-Außenministertreffen: Europa der Geschwindigkeiten auch im Verteidigungsbereich?

    Die Au‎ßen- und Verteidigungsminister der EU-Staaten haben am Montag in Brüssel die Basis eines Führungszentrums für militärische Auslandseinsätze gelegt. Ihm sollen zunächst die militärischen Ausbildungsmissionen der EU in Mali, Somalia und der Zentralafrikanischen Republik unterstellt werden. Die EU-Au‎ßenminister besprachen die Beziehung zwischen der Union und Ägypten. Angegangen wurden Themen der Wirtschaft und politischen Entwicklung dieses Landes, die Ziele Brüssels und Kairos im Friedensprozess im Nahen Osten sowie die Lage in Libyen und Syrien. Die EU-Au‎ßenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini gab hinsichtlich Syrien bekannt, dass eine Konferenz in Brüssel in April stattfinden werde, wo über den Wiederaufbau des Staates debattiert werden soll.

    Vor dem heutigen, sehr komplizierten geopolitischen Hintergrund schenken die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU der Verteidigung mehr Aufmerksamkeit. In den letzten Tagen sprach man sehr viel über eine Wiederankurbelung des gemeinschaftlichen Projektes, nach dem Beschluss Gro‎ßbritanniens, die EU zu verlassen. Man bemerkt ebenfalls, dass die populistischen Ideen und Parteien, die für die Auflösung des europäischen Blocks plädieren, immer mehrere Anhänger gewinnen. Gesprochen wurde auch über ein Europa verschiedener Geschwindigkeiten, in dem eine intensive Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Verteidigung notwendig ist.

    Europa könne sich durch diesen Bereich neuprofilieren, erklärte am Montag der französische Staatschef François Hollande, der in einem luxuriösen Dekor des Versailler Schlosses die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, den spanischen Premier Mariano Rajoy und den italienischen Ministerpräsidenten Paolo Gentiloni empfing. Als Ursache des neuen Vorsto‎ßes nannte Hollande die Wahl von Donald Trump an die Spitze der Vereinigten Staaten. Trump habe mehrfach sein Misstrauen gegenüber der EU und der NATO ausgedrückt. Hinzu komme der unermessliche Ehrgeiz Russlands.

    Die Idee der europäischen Zusammenarbeit ist willkommen, doch die Art und Weise, in der sie konzipiert ist, führt zu Unzufriedenheit. Daran könnten nur bestimmte Staaten, die in einem sogenannten harten Kern gruppiert sind, teilnehmen. Die osteuropäischen Mitgliedsstaaten, die weniger entwickelt sind, könnten für eine Zeit am Rande bleiben. Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande erklärte, Einheit bedeute nicht Einheitlichkeit. Er fügte hinzu, einige Länder könnten weiter und schneller fortschreiten. Die Zusammenarbeit soll durch die Verstärkung der wirtschaftlichen und der Währungsunion, durch die fiskale und soziale Anpassung oder durch gemeinsame Projekte für die Jugend und Kultur ausgeweitet werden. Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel meinte, die Europäer sollten den Mut haben, zu akzeptieren, dass einige Länder schneller als andere fortschreiten. Die entwickelten Staaten werden aber weiterhin für die anderen offen bleiben, so Merkel.

  • Sprijin al Comisiei Europene pentru România

    Sprijin al Comisiei Europene pentru România

    Participarea, luni, la Bruxelles, a ministrului român de Externe, Teodor Meleşcanu, la Consiliul pentru Afaceri Externe (CAE) al Uniunii Europene a fost complet eclipsată de întrevederile pe care acesta le-a avut în marja reuniunii şi la care a încercat să explice situaţia de la Bucureşti. Iar responsabilii comunitari au fost categorici. Comisia Europeană consideră că România trebuie să facă progrese în lupta anticorupţie, nu să le anuleze pe cele realizate până acum — i-a spus lui Meleşcanu prim-vicepreşedintele Comisiei, Frans Timmermans, pe fondul tensiunilor acute provocate de încercarea Guvernului PSD-ALDE de a modifica prin ordonanţa de urgenţă Codurile penale.

    Iniţiata sub pretextul că ar actualul cod trebuie pus in acord cu decizii ale Curţii Constituţionale, dar perceputa drept o modalitate de a exonera de răspundere penală personaje politice de prim-plan şi responsabili din administraţia centrală şi locală, ordonanţa, retrasă în cele din urmă, a scos în stradă sute de mii de români revoltaţi şi a produs consternare la Bruxelles.

    Într-un interviu pentru Radio România, ministrul de Externe afirmă, după întâlnirile cu Timmermans şi cu cu şefa diplomaţiei europene, Federica Mogherini, că: Sunt două concluzii care au reieşit din aceste discuţii. Prima: aprecierea pentru acţiunea luată de guvern de a abroga ordonanţa care a fost de fapt la baza protestelor. Au apreciat amândoi că s-a făcut un lucru înţelept şi că este normal ca asemenea lucruri să fie discutate cu participare cât mai largă şi transparentă şi după aceea să ajungă la nivelul Parlamentului, în cazul în care va fi nevoie de soluţii legislative. A doua concluzie a fost disponibilitatea pe care o are Comisia Uniunii Europene pentru a ne spriini în găsirea celor mai bune soluţii pentru o evoluţie în continuare democratică a României.”

    Meleşcanu a mai declarat că executivul european este dispus să ofere României sprijin inclusiv pentru construirea de noi închisori. Întrebat dacă interlocutorii săi sunt, cumva, îngrijoraţi că România a devenit vulnerabilă în urma crizei politice, ministrul de Externe a afirmat: Nu, dimpotrivă, abordarea a fost foarte pozitivă, urmând să-şi ofere toată colaborarea pentru ca România să rămână şi să se întărească în această poziţie care e foarte importantă nu numai pentru regiunea noastră, dar şi pentru Uniunea Europeană, ca un tot unitar.”

    Purtătorul de cuvânt al Comisiei Europene, Margaritis Schinas, a precizat, la rându-i, că Bruxellesul este pregătit să ofere expertiză României să finalizeze obiectivele Mecanismului de Cooperare şi Verificare în domeniul justiţiei. Instituit acum un deceniu, odată cu admiterea ţării în Uniunea Europeană, acesta a fost menţinut, an de an, tocmai fiindcă angajamentul Bucureştiului oficial în combaterea corupţiei nu pare să-i fi convins până acum pe responsabilii de la Bruxelles.

  • EU-Reaktionen auf Donald Trumps Interview- Aussagen zu EU und NATO

    EU-Reaktionen auf Donald Trumps Interview- Aussagen zu EU und NATO

    Der neu gewählte US-Präsident Donald Trump hat die Leitlinien seiner Außenpolitik in einem Interview mit der Bild“-Zeitung und der Londoner Times bekanntgegeben. Donald Trump erklärte, er wünsche kräftige Grenzen und gerechte Handelsabkommen für die USA. Er behauptet des weiteren, in Syrien müssten Sicherheitsgebieten gegründet werden. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel habe einen äußerst katastrophalen Fehler gemacht, als sie den syrischen Flüchtlingen erlaubt habe, nach Deutschland zu kommen, fügte Donald Trump hinzu, der dadurch in Deutschland für Unzufriedenheiten sorgte. Die Kritiken des US-Staatchefs haben den Bundesvizekanzler Sigmar Gabriel empört. Dieser antwortete, Amerikas falsche Intervention in den Nahen Osten habe die Flüchtlingskrise ausgelöst.

    Andererseits lobt der designierte US-Präsident den Beschluss Großbritanniens, die EU zu verlassen. Donald Trump meint, mehrere Staaten werden aus der EU austreten. Die europäische Einigkeit sei die beste Verteidigung vor Trumps Kritiken, antwortete Angela Merkel. Sie fügte hinzu, Europa müsse weiterhin für seine eigene Identität durch die Umsetzung einer Politik die den Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts“ gewachsen sei, kämpfen. Die EU- Staaten müssen gemeinsam den Terrorismus bekämpfen.

    Der französische Präsident François Hollande antwortete, die EU brauche niemanden, der ihr sagen soll, was sie tun müsse. Federica Mogherini, die Hohe Vertreterin der EU für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik erklärte :

    Wir erwarten eine Partnerschaft, die auf den mit den USA gemeinsamen Interessen beruht. Die Europäische Union führt eine eigene feste, unabhängige und entschiedene Politik durch. Es ist möglich, dass es Divergenzen gibt, wie dies in der Vergangenheit war und auch in Zukunft sein kann. Wir werden sehen, nachdem die neue Administration ihre Arbeit beginnt. so die EU-Außenbeauftragte.

    Donald Trump nannte die NATO obsolet, was für Besorgnis in den Reihen der NATO-Staaten sorgte. Diese widersprechen den von Trump designierten stellvertretenden Verteidigungsminister. Bundesaußenminsiter Frank-Walter Steinmeier antwortete, es sei die Zeit, dass Washington ein besseres Abkommen durch die Erhöhung der Beiträge der NATO-Staaten zum NATO-Haushalt erziele. Zu beobachten sei ebenfalls die Entwicklung der Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Russland. Politkommentatoren meinen, Donald Trump könne die Sanktionen gegen die Russische Föderation mildern.

  • Liderii europeni, în aşteptarea administraţiei Trump

    Liderii europeni, în aşteptarea administraţiei Trump

    Cu doar câteva zile înainte de preluarea mandatului, preşedintele-ales al Statelor Unite a anunţat priorităţile politicii sale externe, într-un interviu acordat ziarului britanic The Times şi celui german Bild. Reiterând teme din timpul campaniei electorale, Donald Trump spune că doreşte acorduri comerciale mai echitabile pentru Statele Unite şi graniţe puternice şi, pe de altă parte, consideră că în interiorul Siriei ar trebui create zone sigure. Cancelarul Angela Merkel a făcut o “greşeală catastrofală” permiţând refugiaţilor din Siria să intre în ţara ei, a mai declarat viitorul lider de la Casa Albă, provocând nemulţumiri în Germania.

    Criticile lui Donald Trump l-au înfuriat pe vicecancelarul german, Sigmar Gabriel, care a răspuns că intervenţia greşită a Americii în Orientul Mijlociu a fost cea care a declanşat criza imigranţilor. Preşedintele ales al Statelor Unite laudă, pe de altă parte, decizia Marii Britanii de a ieşi din Uniunea Europeană, organizaţie care, în opinia sa, este pe punctul de a se prăbuşi şi care, mai spune el, va fi părăsită şi de alte ţări.

    Unitatea europeană este cea mai bună apărare în faţa comentariilor făcute de Donald Trump, a venit la scurt timp şi replica Angelei Merkel. Cancelarul german a declarat că Europa trebuie să continue să lupte pentru propria sa identitate, prin implementarea unor politici care să răspundă provocărilor secolului al XXI-lea. Totodată, oficialul german a precizat că Europa trebuie să fie unită, pentru a contracara ameninţarea teroristă.

    UE nu are nevoie să i se spună ce să facă, a răspuns şi preşedintele Franţei, François Hollande, criticilor lui Donald Trump, în timp ce şefa diplomaţiei europene, Federica Mogherini s-a arătat încrezătoare că europenii vor rămâne uniţi: Vrem să avem un parteneriat bazat pe interese comune. UE are, însă, propriile politici puternice şi autonome care nu sunt hotărâte în altă parte, decât în UE. Posibil să avem puncte divergente – s-a întâmplat şi în trecut, se poate întâmpla şi în viitor. Vom vedea, după ce noua administraţie va fi instalată şi va începe să ia decizii.”

    Aprecierile lui Donald Trump, potrivit cărora NATO este “învechită” au provocat îngrijorare în rândul statelor membre ale Alianţei şi contrazic poziţia secretarului american al apărării, desemnat de Trump, a declarat, în altă ordine de idei, ministrul german de externe. Frank-Walter Steinmeier a răspuns la declaraţiile lui Trump că este timpul ca Washingtonul să obţină un acord mai bun, prin sporirea contribuţiilor celorlalte state la bugetul NATO. De urmărit este şi evoluţia relaţiilor dintre SUA lui Trump şi Rusia lui Putin, analiştii estimând că noul lider american ar putea lua în considerare relaxarea ultimelor sancţiuni impuse Federaţiei Ruse de administraţia Obama.

  • Nachrichten 07.10.2016

    Nachrichten 07.10.2016

    Der rumänische Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis ist am Freitag in Bukarest mit der Hohen Vertreterin der EU für Außenpolitik, Federica Mogherini, zusammengekommen. Zu den Gesprächsthemen zählten Syrien und die Republik Moldau. Als Schlussfolgerung galt, dass die militärische Option keine Lösung für die Syrien-Krise sei. Die EU wolle ein Partner sein, der an den Verhandlungen teilnimmt. Über Moldau sagte Iohannis, die EU verstehe, dass Rumänien ein legitimes und besonderes Interesse daran habe, dass das Land auf seinem proeuropäischen Kurs bleibt. Die Hohe Vertreterin der EU für Außenpolitik und der rumänische Präsident vereinbarten eine gemeinsame Position für die Unterstützung der Moldau. Weitere Themen waren die Östliche Partnerschaft, die Lage im Süden der EU, sowie die Planung und die bessere Koordinierung der europäischen Verteidigung.

    Außenminister Lazăr Comănescu hat sich einmal mehr für den Beitritt Rumäniens zum Schengener Raum stark gemacht. Im Rahmen eines Gesprächs mit der Hohen Vertreterin der EU für Außenpolitik Mogherini bestätigte der Chefdiplomat die Bereitschaft Rumäniens, die EU-Außengrenze vor dem neuen Sicherheitskontext abzusichern. Der ursprünglich für 2011 anberaumte Beitritt Rumäniens zum grenzkontrollfreien Raum war wiederholt aufgeschoben worden. Westliche Partner räumen die Erfüllung aller technischen Beitrittskriterien zwar regelmäßig ein, verweisen jedoch teilweise auf die Korruption in den rumänischen Institutionen.

    Der Botschafter der Vereinigten Staaten in Bukarest, Hans Klemm, hat in Klausenburg auf die Schwerpunkte der US-Botschaft in Rumänien hingewiesen. Diese seien die Förderung der Sicherheit, der Demokratie und der transparenten Regierungsweise, so Klemm bei einer Konferenz zum Thema Innovation in der Technologie, die in der siebenbürgischen Stadt organisiert wurde. Der Wohlstand der Bürger müsse die Behörden vorrangig beschäftigen, dafür seien die Entwicklung und die Unterstützung des Unternehmertums von größter Bedeutung, sagte der US-Botschafter noch. Rumänien und die USA verbindet im Rahmen der NATO eine strategische Partnerschaft.

    Premierminister Dacian Cioloş hat am Freitag an den Feierlichkeiten anlässlich der Empfangnahme der ersten 6 Mehrzweckjäger vom Typ F-16 Fighting Falcon teilgenommen. Das Rumänische Verteidigungsministerium hatte 12 Kampflugzeuge aus Portugal gekauft. Die sechs Flugmaschinen wurden Ende September von dem portugisieschen Stützpunkt Monte Real übernommen. Rumänien hat beschlossen, seine Luftwaffe zu modernisieren. und die MiG 21 Lancer, deren Betriebszeit schon 2013 auszulaufen begann, zu ersetzen.

    Verteidigungsminister Mihnea Motoc und seine niederländische Amtskollegin Jeanine Hennis haben am Donnerstag im Rahmen eines Sicherheitsforums in Bukarest eine Absichtserklärung über die Entwicklung der bilateralen militärischen Kooperation unterschrieben. Die Migration, die NATO-Missionen und die Sicherheit im Schwarzmeer-Raum im Kontext der Intensivierung der militärischen Präsenz Russlands in der Region waren einige der Themen, die auf der Agenda des Treffens standen. Die zwei Verteidigungsminister diskutierten über die Beteiligung von niederländischen Soldaten an der multinationalen NATO-Brigade, die in Rumanien funktionieren wird. Deutschland werde sich mit Generalstabsoffizieren an der multinationalen NATO-Brigade beteiligen; ferner hätte auch Bulgarien die Teilnahme mit bis zu 400 Militärs an der multinationalen NATO-Brigade bestätigt und Polen werde sich mit einer Kompagnie daran beteiligen. Rumänien werde sich seinerseits mit einer Kompagnie an der entsprechenden NATO-Brigade in Polen beteiligen und dabei mit einer US-Einheit zusammenarbeiten.

  • 07.10.2016 (mise à jour)

    07.10.2016 (mise à jour)

    Pourparlers — Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis a eu ce vendredi à Bucarest une entrevue avec la Haute représentante de l’UE pour la politique étrangère, Federica Mogherini. Les pourparlers ont principalement porté sur la Syrie et la République de Moldova, mais aussi sur le partenariat oriental, la situation dans le sud de l’UE et la défense européenne. Pour ce qui est de la Syrie, les deux ont convenu que l’option militaire n’était pas une solution acceptable et que l’UE souhaitait être un partenaire qui facilite et participe aux négociations. Concernant la République de Moldova, le chef de l’Etat roumain a précisé que l’UE entendait l’intérêt particulier Bucarest pour que Chisinau reste tourné vers l’Europe. Les deux hauts responsables ont été d’accord qu’il fallait appuyer la République de Moldova dans ses efforts.

    Entretien — Le ministre roumain des affaires étrangères Lazar Comanescu s’est entretenu vendredi à Bucarest avec la Haute représentante de l’UE pour la politique étrangère, Federica Mogherini. L’occasion pour le chef de la diplomatie roumaine de plaider à nouveau en faveur de l’entrée de la Roumanie dans l’espace de libre circulation Schengen. Il a souligné le fait que Bucarest était préparé à défendre les frontières européennes dans le nouveau contexte sécuritaire international. Initialement prévue pour 2011, l’adhésion de la Roumanie à l’espace Schengen a été constamment reportée. Tous les partenaires occidentaux reconnaissent que Bucarest remplit tous les critères techniques, mais certains d’entre eux s’opposent à son admission en raison de la corruption qui existe dans les institutions roumaines.

    Déclaration — Promouvoir la sécurité, la démocratie et une gouvernance transparente en Roumanie et dans l’espace transatlantique comptent parmi les priorités de l’ambassade des Etats Unis en Roumanie, a précisé l’ambassadeur Hans Klemm, devant les participants à une conférence sur l’innovation dans le domaine de la technologie, organisée à Cluj-Napoca (nord-ouest). Le diplomate américain a ajouté que la prospérité des citoyens devait être un objectif des autorités, et pour cela il était important de soutenir le développement des entreprises. Bucarest et Washington ont conclu un partenariat stratégique en 2011.

    Plagiat — L’ancien ministre roumain de l’Intérieur, Petre Toba, et le maire de la ville de Voluntari, dans la proche banlieue de Bucarest, Florin Pandele, ont massivement plagié leurs thèses de doctorat (c’est la conclusion formulée par la commission d’experts qui a examiné les deux thèses, conclusion confirmée par le ministre de l’éducation nationale. Le verdict final sera annoncé la semaine prochaine. De vifs débats se déroulent à Bucarest au sujet des thèses de doctorat, supposément plagiées, dont les auteurs sont des personnages publics, tels l’ancien premier ministre Victor Ponta, ou la chef du Parquet anti-corruption Laura Codruta Kövesi.

    Météo — Il continuera à faire très froid en Roumanie, pour cette époque de l’année et des pluies seront signalées sur l’ensemble du territoire. La neige continuera à tomber dans les Carpates du sud et de l’est. Samedi, en milieu de journée, les températures ne dépasseront pas les 17°.

  • Jurnal românesc – 7.10.2016 UPDATE

    Jurnal românesc – 7.10.2016 UPDATE

    ‘Uniunea Europeană înţelege că România are un
    interes special şi legitim ca Republica Moldova să rămână cu faţa către Europa’
    – a declarat preşedintele Klaus Iohannis, după discuţiile de vineri, de la
    Bucureşti, cu vicepreşedintele Comisiei Europene, Federica Mogherini. El a
    adăugat că Bucureştiul şi Bruxellesul au convenit să aibă o abordare comună şi
    să sprijine Chişinăul să-şi consolideze instituţiile publice şi sistemul
    democratic. În privinţa apropiatelor alegeri prezidenţiale din Republica
    Moldova, cei doi oficiali au căzut de acord că Uniunea Europeană şi România nu
    pot interveni în procesul electoral, însă vor monitoriza cu atenţie evoluţiile
    din statul vecin. Sondajele privind intenţiile de vot îl cotează drept favorit
    pe liderul socialiştilor rusofili, Igor Dodon, un românofob şi antioccidental

    Ministrul de Externe, Lazăr Comănescu, a
    pledat, din nou, vineri, pentru admiterea României în Spaţiul Schenghen. La
    discuţiile cu înaltul reprezentant pentru politică externă al Uniunii Europene,
    Federica Mogherini, şeful diplomaţiei a subliniat că România este pregătită să
    apere frontierele europene în noul context de securitate. Prevăzută iniţial
    pentru 2011, intrarea Romaniei în spaţiul unic de circulaţie a fost mereu
    amânată. Deşi partenerii occidentali recunosc că Bucureştiul îndeplineşte toate
    criteriile tehnice, unii dintre ei continuă să se opună admiterii, reclamând
    corupţia din instituţiile romaneşti.

    Agenţia Naţională de Administrare Fiscală (ANAF) propune (…) o actualizare a procedurii de
    rambursare a TVA achitate în România de persoanele impozabile stabilite în alte
    state membre ale Uniunii Europene. Potrivit procedurii actualizate, persoana
    impozabilă poate adresa pe cale electronică o cerere de rambursare pe care o
    înaintează statului membru în care este stabilită, prin intermediul portalului
    electronic pus la dispoziţie de către acesta, solicitarea urmând să fie
    analizată de Administraţia fiscală pentru contribuabili nerezidenţi din
    Bucureşti. Potrivit reprezentanţilor ANAF, comunicarea deciziei de
    aprobare/respingere a cererii de rambursare se face în termen de cel mult 4
    luni de la data primirii cererii de rambursare, în situaţia în care nu sunt
    necesare informaţii suplimentare pentru soluţionarea acesteia. În ipoteza în
    care organul fiscal solicită informaţii suplimentare, termenul de soluţionare
    se poate prelungi până la cel mult 8 luni de la data primirii cererii, în
    condiţiile legislaţiei fiscale europene.

    Autoritatea Electorală Permanentă a informat că, la data de 6 octombrie,
    numărul alegătorilor înscrişi în Registrul electoral, inclusiv cetăţenii care
    vor împlini 18 ani până la data alegerilor parlamentare, este de 18.924.220.
    AEP precizează că datele referitoare la numărul total de cetăţeni cu drept de
    vot înscrişi în Registrul electoral sunt într-o continuă modificare, fiind
    actualizate prin operaţiuni curente efectuate de primari, prin importuri de
    date de la Direcţia pentru Evidenţa Persoanelor şi Administrarea Bazelor de
    Date şi de la Direcţia Generală de Paşapoarte. Anterior, Autoritatea Electorală
    Permanentă a transmis Ministerului de Externe lista cu cele şapte localităţi
    din străinătate în care trebuie înfiinţate secţii de votare pentru alegerile
    parlamentare din 11 decembrie. Potrivit AEP, din aceste localităţi au fost înregistrate
    cel puţin 100 de solicitări pentru înfiinţarea unei secţii de votare. AEP
    anunţă că, pentru corecta informare a opiniei publice, va comunica periodic
    situaţia privind numărul total de cetăţeni cu drept de vot înscrişi în
    Registrul electoral.

  • 07.10.2016


    UE – Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis doit s’entretenir aujourd’hui à Bucarest avec Federica Mogherini, Haute représentante de l’UE pour les Affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité. A l’agenda des pourparlers figurent entre autres les évolutions dans le voisinage est de l’Union, avec un accent sur les meilleures manières de soutenir ses partenaires, sur la migration et sur les réponses de l’UE à ce phénomène. Les deux responsables se pencheront également sur le processus de la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie globale de l’UE pour la politique étrangère et de sécurité, notamment sur la représentation de la Roumanie dans le cadre du Service Européen pour l’Action extérieure. C’est la première visite à Bucarest de Federica Mogherini en tant que responsable européenne. A cette occasion, elle doit également rencontrer le premier ministre roumain Dacian Ciolos et le ministre roumain des AE, Lazar Comanescu. Federica Mogherini participera également à la conférence internationale « Bucharest Forum » où elle parlera d’une nouvelle vision stratégique de l’Europe dans le monde.

    Avions – Le premier ministre roumain Dacian Ciolos a participé ce vendredi matin sur une base militaire du sud-est de la Roumanie à une cérémonie organisée pour marquer l’arrivée dans le pays des 6 premiers avions des 12 avions F16 Fighting Falcon achetés du Portugal par le ministère roumain de la Défense. Cela, dans le contexte où la Roumanie a décidé de moderniser sa flotte aérienne pour compenser les avions MiG 21 Lancer dont les ressources de vol ont commencé à expirer en 2013.

    Frégate – La frégate française Le Premier-Maître L’Her est arrivée aujourd’hui dans le port roumain de Constanta (sur la mer Noire). Elle participera lundi à un exercice militaire bilatéral. La Roumanie y sera représentée par la frégate Regele Ferdinand (Roi Ferdinand), deux corvettes, deux navires porte-missile et par 3 avions MIG 21 Lancer. La frégate française est en service depuis 1981 ; c’est un navire de patrouille.

    Ouragan – Des millions de personnes quittent la côte des Etats de Floride et de Caroline du Sud, avant l’arrivée de l’ouragan Matthew, considéré comme le plus fort à menacer les Etats-Unis ces 10 dernières années. Avec des rafales de vent d’environ 215 km/h, Matthew a déjà fait quelque 340 victimes en Haïti. C’est un ouragan de catégorie 4 sur 5, selon les spécialistes américains. Le Centre national américain pour les ouragans a averti que Matthew pourrait avoir « un impact désastreux » sur les deux Etats mentionnés, où le président Barack Obama a déjà décrété l’Etat d’urgence.

    Livre sterling – La livre sterling a chuté ce vendredi sur les marchés asiatiques pour atteindre son plus bas niveau des 3 dernières décennies par rapport au dollar et des 7 dernières années par rapport à l’euro. Selon les agences internationales de presse, cette baisse considérable a lieu sur la toile de fond des craintes liées à ce que l’on appelle le «hard – Brexit » (« le Brexit dur »). Par ailleurs, selon une étude publiée par Reuters, l’industrie financière du Royaume Uni pourrait perdre des revenus d’environ 40 milliards de livres sterling en cas d’un hard Brexit. Pour sa part, la première ministre britannique, Theresa May, a confirmé dimanche dernier que le Grande Bretagne activerait au premier trimestre de 2017 l’article 50 du Traité de Lisbonne qui établit une période de négociations de deux ans en cas de décision d’un Etat membre de se retirer de l’UE.

    Nobel – Le Prix Nobel de la Paix a été remis aujourd’hui à Oslo au président colombien Juan Manuel Santos pour avoir conclu un accord avec la guérilla marxiste Farc. Le gagnant est choisi par une commission spéciale formée de 5 membres élus par le Parlement norvégien. Cette année, 376 candidats étaient en lice, 228 personnes et 148 organisations. Rappelons-le, l’année dernière, le Nobel de la Paix a été décerné au Quartet du dialogue national de Tunisie, pour avoir réussi à bâtir une « démocratie pluraliste » dans le pays après le Printemps arabe.

    Football – La sélection nationale de football de la Roumanie joue samedi le match aller contre l’Arménie, dans les préliminaires de la Coupe du Monde 2018 de Russie. Trois jours après le match d’Erevan, la Roumanie doit rencontrer le Kazakhstan le 11 octobre. Le mois dernier, la Roumanie a terminé à égalité, 1 partout à domicile, contre le Monténégro. C’était le premier match du sélectionneur allemand de la Roumanie, Cristoph Daum, le premier étranger à préparer l’équipe nationale. Dans le même groupe E, le Danemark s’est imposé à domicile contre l’Arménie, 1 but à 0, alors que la Pologne a terminé à égalité 2 partout contre le Kazakhstan. Cet automne, la Roumanie doit recevoir aussi la visite de la Pologne, le 11 novembre.

    Météo – En Roumanie les températures ont augmenté légèrement sur la plupart du territoire. Néanmoins il fait plus froid que la normale saisonnière, notamment dans l’ouest, le sud, le nord-ouest et le centre du pays. Le ciel est plutôt couvert et il pleut sur le nord-ouest et le sud. En montagne on signale de la giboulée et de la neige. Selon les météorologues, les pluies seront encore plus répandues à partir de demain, les précipitations pouvant dépasser les 20 litres par endroits, voire les 50 litres par mètre carré. Ce vendredi, les températures maximales iront de 8 à 20 degrés. 14 degrés et un soleil plutôt timide à midi à Bucarest.

  • October 7, 2016 UPDATE

    October 7, 2016 UPDATE

    FOREIGN POLICY – Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, on Friday held talks in Bucharest with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, mainly on Syria and the Republic of Moldova. As regards Syria, the two agreed that the military option is not a solution and that the EU wants to be a partner which fosters and takes part in the negotiations. Referring to the Republic of Moldova (a former Soviet country with a Romanian speaking population), the president said the EU understands that Romania takes a special and legitimate interest for the Republic of Moldova to stay oriented towards Europe-president Klaus Iohannis said. The two agreed on a common stance that goes towards supporting Moldova, the president also said. Other issues on the agenda of talks are the Eastern Partnership, the situation of the European Union in the southern area as well as a better organisation and coordination of the European defence.

    SCHENGEN ACCESSION – Romanian foreign minister Lazar Comanescu on Friday pleaded again for Romanias Schenghen accession. In a meeting he had in Bucharest with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, the Romanian foreign minister underlined that Romania is ready to defend Europes borders in the new security context. Initially scheduled for 2011, Romanias accession to the free circulation movement area has been repeatedly delayed. Although western partners recognise that Bucharest meets all technical criteria, some of them continue to oppose the accession, pointing to corruption in Romanian institutions.

    DIPLOMACY – Promoting security, democracy and transparent governance in Romania and in the transatlantic area is among the priorities of the US Embassy in Bucharest, says US ambassador Hans Klemm. On Friday, at a conference on innovation and technology in Cluj-Napoca, western Romania, he also said that one of the authorities main concerns should be the citizens prosperity. Developing and supporting the business sector are key elements in the effort to achieve this goal. We recall that, allied within NATO, Romania and the US are tied by a strategic partnership.

    F-16 – Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos went to an airbase in southeastern Romania to participate in a ceremony occasioned by the arrival of the first six F-16 Fighting Falcons out of the total 12 bought from Portugal. The six fighters were taken over in late September from the Portuguese airbase of Monte Real. Romania decided to upgrade its air fleet and replace the ageing MiG 21s.

    POUND –The pound has dropped to a 31-year low against the US $ and to a 7-year low against the euro. International press agencies believe the fall takes place amid fears of the ‘hard Brexit. According to a survey published by Reuters, Britain’s financial industry might lose up to 38 billion pounds ($48.34 billion) in revenue in a so-called ‘hard Brexit’ that would leave it with restricted access to the European Union’s single market. Prime Minister Theresa May last Sunday confirmed that Britain would trigger the article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty in the first quarter of 2017.

    EXODUS – Millions are fleeing the coastal regions of Florida and South Carolina before the arrival of hurricane Matthew, thought to be the strongest in the United States in the past decade. With gusts as high as 215 kilometer per hour, Matthew, which killed 340 people in Haiti, is a category 4, according to the National Hurricane Center. The storm could have a disastrous impact in the two states, where president Obama has already declared the state of emergency.

    NOBEL PEACE PRIZE – The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220 000 Colombians and displaced close to six million people. Last year the prize went to the National Dialog Quartet in Tunisia for having built a pluralistic democracy in that country. The Nobel Prize in Economics is to be awarded next Monday and that for Literature on Thursday October 13th.

    FOOTBALL – Romanias national football squad this coming Saturday take on Armenia in an away fixture counting towards the World Cup preliminaries in 2018. Three days after the match in Yerevan, Romania face Kazakhstan, also away from home. Last month the national team were held to a 1-all draw by Montenegro on home turf, in what counts as the debut game for the newly-appointed manager of the national team, the German Christoph Daum, the first foreign manager to have been appointed at the helm of the national team. In the same group, E, Denmark grabbed a 1-nil home win against Armenia, while Poland were held to a 2-all draw by Kazakhstan, away from home. This autumn, Romania also takes on Poland on home turf, on November 11th. (Translated by D. Bilt and D. Vijeu)

  • October 7, 2016

    October 7, 2016

    TALKS Romanian president Klaus Iohannis is having talks today in Bucharest with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini. The talks agenda includes the latest developments in the EU’s eastern vicinity with emphasis on the best ways of granting support to the EU partners, migration and the EU’s response to the phenomenon. The two officials will also be tackling the process of applying the EU’s Global Strategy for Foreign Policy and Security and the Romanian representation at the level of the European External Action Service. This is the first visit paid by the EU official to Bucharest. Mogherini is expected to also have talks with Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos and Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu and participate in the international conference Bucharest Forum with a speech on Europe’s new strategic world vision.

    F-16 Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos went to an airbase in southeastern Romania to participate in a ceremony occasioned by the arrival of the first six F-16 Fighting Falcons out of the total 12 bought from Portugal. The six fighters were taken over in late September from the Portuguese airbase of Monte Real. Romania decided to upgrade its air fleet and replace the ageing MiG 21s.

    PRIZE The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos for his resolute efforts to bring the countrys more than 50-year-long civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220 000 Colombians and displaced close to six million people. Last year the prize went to the National Dialog Quartet in Tunisia for having built a pluralistic democracy in that country. The Nobel Prize in Economics is to be awarded next Monday and that for Literature on Thursday October 13th.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s national football squad this coming Saturday take on Armenia in an away fixture counting towards the World Cup preliminaries in 2018. Three days after the match in Yerevan, Romania face Kazakhstan, also away from home. Last month the national team were held to a 1-all draw by Montenegro on home turf, in what counts as the debut game for the newly-appointed manager of the national team, the German Christoph Daum, the first foreign manager to have been appointed at the helm of the national team. In the same group, E, Denmark grabbed a 1-nil home win against Armenia, while Poland were held to a 2-all draw by Kazakhstan, away from home. This autumn, Romania also takes on Poland on home turf, on November 11th.

    EXODUS Millions are fleeing the coastal regions of Florida and South Carolina before the arrival of hurricane Matthew, thought to be the strongest in the United States in the past decade. With gusts as high as 215 kilometer per hour, Matthew, which killed 340 people in Haiti, is a category 4, according to the National Hurricane Center. The storm could have a disastrous impact in the two states, where president Obama has already declared the state of emergency.

    FRIGATE The French frigate Le Premier-Maitre L’Her has today moored in the Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta in order to participate in a bilateral military exercise on Monday. The King Ferdinand frigate, two corvettes, two missile boats and three MIG-21 Lancers are to also take part in the exercise from the Romanian side. Le Premier-Maitre L’Her is a patrol ship that first saw service in 1981.

    POUND The pound has today dropped to a 31-year low against the US $ and to a 7-year low against the euro. International press agencies believe the fall takes place amid fears of the ‘hard Brexit’. According to a survey published by Reuters, Britains financial industry might lose up to 38 billion pounds ($48.34 billion) in revenue in a so-called hard Brexit that would leave it with restricted access to the European Unions single market. Prime Minister Theresa May last Sunday confirmed that Britain would trigger the article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty in the first quarter of 2017.

  • October 6, 2016

    October 6, 2016

    BUCHAREST FORUM – High-ranking officials, representatives of the business sector and global experts are today taking part in the 2016 Bucharest Forum conference, the largest-scale international public event devoted to geopolitics and geoeconomics hosted every year by Romania. This years topic is “A Fulcrum of Strategic Changes. The event brings together over 350 participants from Europe, America, the Black Sea region, the Caucasus and Central Asia, including the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini, Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos and Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu. The 2016 Bucharest Forum is organized by the Aspen Institute of Romania and the Bucharest branch of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, with support from the Romanian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

    MEETING – The Romanian Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc is today holding talks in Bucharest with his Dutch counterpart Jeanine Hennis, whos on an official visit to Romania. The agenda for talks will focus on migration, NATO operations and security in the Black Sea region, in the context of a growing Russian military presence in the region. The two officials will also sign a letter of intent on expanding cooperation between the Romanian and the Dutch military. The Dutch official is also giving an address at the Bucharest Security Forum.

    UN – The UN Security Council is today officially voting on the appointment of former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres as the new UN Secretary General. Aged 67, Guterres on Wednesday got 13 of the 15 votes of the Security Council, at the end of a selection process started in July and comprising six rounds of voting. Politician and career diplomat Antonio Guterres was the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees until last December. His candidacy needs to be formally adopted by the members of the UN General Assembly, comprising representatives of 193 countries and territories. The former Portuguese Prime Minister will thus replace the current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, whose second term in office ends on December 31, 2016.

    BANKING – During the five months since the give-in-payment law came into force, the National Bank of Romania has reported over 5,300 cases of applications. Of these, 70% were challenged in court by representatives of the lending institutions, who claim that there have been cases where people decided to hand their homes over to the bank simply because they got tired of paying their rates. Banks say some 62% of credits are 90 days overdue, with the exception of some 2,000 credit holders whose outstanding debt is shorter than 90 days. On October 11 the Constitutional Court will examine the constitutionality appeal filed by several banks who have been notified by their clients regarding the giving-in-payment of their real estate properties. We recall that under this law, people with outstanding credit debt can hand over their homes to the bank in exchange for having their debt written off.

    EBCG – The European Border and Coast Guard is today being inaugurated on the Bulgarian-Turkish border, to better protect the EUs external borders and to boost unity when dealing with migration challenges. The European leaders have symbolically chosen this border for the setup of the new agency, which is a rework of the FRONTEX agency. The Bulgarian-Turkish border is an important point of crossing for the migrants heading to Europe via the Mediterranean. The new European agency is designed to assist countries with most migrant arrivals in the case of a massive flow of asylum-seekers. The new structure will have its own border police staff and will be able to use an additional 1,500 staff on standby provided by member states. The setup of the new agency was accelerated in order to play down criticism over the EUs lack of action in this matter.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player WTA 5th ranked Simona Halep is today playing Shuai Zhang, 36 WTA, in the round of 16 at the WTA tournament in Beijing, totaling some 5,5 million dollars in prize money. In the only direct encounter with the Chinese player this year Halep lost 0-2 in the opening round at the Australian Open. In the event she qualifies to the quarterfinals, Halep will next play Johanna Konta of Great Britain, who knocked out Karolina Pliskova of the Czech Republic in the round of 16.

    FOOTBALL – Romanias national team is training for the away games against Armenia, on October 8, and Kazakhstan on October 11, as part of the 2018 World Cup preliminaries. Last month Romania drew 1-all on home turf, the first match with German coach Cristoph Daum on the bench. In other Group E fixtures, Denmark won 1-nil against Armenia at home, while Poland drew 2-all against Kazakhstan away from home. Romania will also play Poland on November 11.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • July 18, 2016 UPDATE

    July 18, 2016 UPDATE

    CLEANSING Turkish security forces on Monday continued the “cleansing” operation ordered by president Recep Tayyp Erdogan following Friday night’s attempted coup. After a faction of the army failed to take over power, Erdogan launched a cleansing campaign among the army and the judiciary, which has been met with concern by the international community. Almost 9,000 interior ministry staffers, mostly police and gendarmes, have been sacked. Earlier, around 6,000 people had been arrested, most of whom military, as well as 3,000 magistrates, including judges and prosecutors, who are suspected of involvement in the coup. Also on Monday Prime Minister Binali Yildirim decided that the annual holiday of more than three million public servants all over Turkey be suspended until further notice. According to the latest toll, at least 290 people have been killed in the coup, while more than 1,400 have been wounded.

    MEETING The EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and the EU foreign ministers on Monday called on Turkey to refrain from possible general repression in the wake of the failed coup. Mogherinin said the rule of law must be protected in the interest of the country. A meeting of the EU External Affairs Council was held in Brussels on Monday to discuss the failed military coup in Turkey, the attacks in France and the UK’s leaving the European Union. Talks also looked at the Union’s global strategy in respect of China. EU foreign ministers held an informal meeting with the US state secretary John Kerry. Romania was represented in Brussels by its Foreign Minister, Lazar Comanescu.

    SEARCH French and Romanian authorities are still looking for a Romanian national reported missing after the terrorist attack in Nice last week. His wife, who was also missing, was found in a hospital in serious, but stable condition. Their minor son, who was also wounded, is in a hospital in Nice. Two other Romanians, husband and wife sustained injuries in the attack. A third day of national mourning was observed in France on Monday. The perpetrator of the attack was a 31-year-old Franco-Tunisian man who, investigators say, minutely planned his Bastille Day attack. This is the third terrorist attack taking place in France after January 2015, when 17 people died, and November last year, when 130 people were killed, both times in Paris.

    DRILL 1,000 Romanian military and another 1,000 from Bulgaria, Canada, Greece, Poland, the US, Turkey and Ukraine are taking part in the biggest multinational exercise held this year by the Romanian Naval Forces. Called Sea Shied 16, the drill is being carried out between the 18th and the 22nd of July in Romania’s territorial waters and the Black Sea international waters. The 2,000 troops will conduct joint training and apply NATO standard operational procedures to fight sea, underwater and aerial threats. In another move, the Romanian Naval Forces are taking part in an exercise held and coordinated by the United States Naval Forces Europe and the Ukrainian Naval Forces which takes place starting Monday until the end of the month in the Black Sea and on Ukrainian territory. Participating in this exercise are military from NATO states such as Bulgaria, Germany, Lithuania, Britain, Poland, Romania, the US and Turkey, and the signatory countries of the Partnership for Peace, namely the Republic of Moldova and Georgia.