Tag: France

  • December 12, 2015

    December 12, 2015

    COUNTRY RATING– Moodys has changed the outlook on Romania’s Baa3 government ratings to positive from stable, a communiqué issued by the Romanian Finance Ministry on Saturday shows. According to the same source, the decision made by the agency reflects Romania’s significant progress in correcting its macroeconomic imbalances, reducing the economy’s vulnerability to external shocks and paving the way for robust economic growth. Moody’s forecasts Romania’s economic recovery to gain further momentum in 2016, thanks to a robust expansion of private consumption and investment as well as solid public consumption growth, which will allow real GDP growth to accelerate to 4.1% in 2016, from 3.5% in 2015. Moodys has also taken note of Romania’s sizeable fiscal adjustment in the recent past, leading to a significant reduction of the government’s fiscal deficit and contributing to a stabilization of the government’s debt-to-GDP ratio. In August, Fitch Ratings reconfirmed Romania’s Long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) at ‘BBB-‘ and ‘BBB’, respectively, with a stable outlook.

    DRAFT BUDGET– The Romanian Parliaments specialist committees continue debates on the state draft budget for 2016. The committees will also convene tomorrow, and the final vote is expected next Wednesday, in the plenary session of the Romanian Parliament. The Social Democratic Party has expressed satisfaction with the current form of the budget bill, saying that it respects the projection made by the former left wing government, in terms of fiscal relaxation and economic growth. In turn, the Liberals have said that, to a large extent, the budget is satisfactory under its current form, small adjustments being likely to be made during debates by the committees, without however expecting substantial changes.

    CORRUPTION- In Romania, Prince Paul Lambrino is today being brought to the Court of Appeal in Brasov, with the prosecutors making a temporary arrest proposal in a file on illegal return of property. He was taken into custody yesterday by the anti-corruption prosecutors, whereas a businessman and a lawyer are under home arrest, and four other people are placed under judicial control in the same lawsuit. According to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, the indictees set up a criminal group which set as ultimate goal to obtain the properties unlawfully claimed by Prince Paul. The estimated value of the damage is some 136 million Euros. A number of politicians, including the Liberal Ioan Oltean, have been investigated recently for involvement in cases of illegal return of property or illegal compensation granted by the National Authority for Property Restitution.

    ADDRESS-Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, has made a request stating his wish to address Parliament next week, on December 16. The Presidential Administration has made public the presidents intention to speak before Senators and Deputies a year after he took office. Klaus Iohannis has sent a letter, in that respect, to the speakers of the two chambers of the Romanian Parliament

    SPORTS– Romanias national football team will find out its opponents in the 2016 European Championships in France, after the group stage draw in Paris. For the first time, there will be 24 participating teams, which will be drawn into six groups of four teams each. The 15th edition of the European Championships will unfold between June 10 and July 10. This will be Romanias fifth participation in a European Championship final tournament (1984, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2016). Romanias best performance was in 2000, when it advanced to the quarter-finals from a group with Germany, Portugal and England before falling to eventual runners-up Italy.

    (Translated by: Diana Vijeu)

  • December 5, 2015

    December 5, 2015

    The Romanian Ministry for Finances made public the draft budget for 2016. The ministries that will receive more money than in the previous financial year include the defence, interior, education, culture and healthcare. Fewer funds than in 2015 will be allocated for the transport, labour, justice and finance ministries. According to the bill, the budget revenues for next year will be nearly 0.8 billion euros higher than in 2015, while expenses will be 3.5 billion euro higher, and cover all the measures approved this year by the Government and Parliament. According to the Government, next year’s budget reflects a number of principles, including fiscal predictability, aimed at encouraging private investments and enhancing the confidence of the business community, efficient budget spending, improved transparency in spending public money and a transformation of the relationship between the state and taxpayers, in the sense of a more friendly attitude of public institutions towards citizens.

    The Romanian Health Ministry announced that all the victims of the October 30th fire at Bucharest’s Colectiv nightclub who are still in hospitals in Romania would be transferred abroad if their doctors recommend it and their families agree. The decision comes after the management of the Hospital for Plastic, Reconstructive and Burns Surgery in Bucharest admitted that three of the patients injured in the tragedy died from infections acquired in the hospital. Sixty people died in that fire and many others were injured. At present there are 31 patients in hospitals in Bucharest and 30 in clinics abroad. The protests against corruption in central and local administration that followed the tragedy led to the resignation of the Social Democrat Victor Ponta’s Cabinet.

    Romanian troops will be training for a week, as of Monday, together with military from the USA and the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, at a shooting range in south-eastern Romania, which is hosting the Platinum Lynx 16.2 module of the Black Sea Rotational Force multinational exercise. The exercise is aimed at carrying on the joint training of troops, at enhancing the interoperability of participating forces and strengthening their partnership.

    France is taking a day for reflection today, ahead of the first round of regional elections, scheduled for Sunday. According to opinion polls, the National Front, having little competition on the far right, ranks first with around 30% of the voting intentions, followed by right and centre-right parties and by the ruling Socialist Party with only 22%. The election campaign took place amid security measures taken after the terror attacks of November 13th in Paris, which left 130 people dead. The Radio Romania correspondent in Paris notes that for the second round the Socialists suggested an alliance with the moderate right, but the offer has been rejected by some of its leaders.

    The US Federal Bureau of Investigations officially rated as an act of terrorism the attack that killed 14 people and wounded 21 others on Wednesday in San Bernardino, California. The FBI chief, James Comey, said there are indications that the attackers were inspired by foreign terrorist organisations, but added that there is no evidence that they were members of a terrorist group.

    The Romanian women’s handball team is today playing its first game in the final tournament of the World Championship in Denmark, against the national team of Puerto Rico. The same Group D also includes Kazakhstan, Spain, Norway and Russia. The top four ranking teams in each group qualify into the eighth-finals. Ahead of the World Championship, the Romanian national team played four friendly games, outperforming the Czech, Cuban and Swedish teams and losing to France. Romania is the only country which has taken part in all the World Championships final tournaments since 1957. The Romanians won gold in 1962 and silver in 1973 and 2005.

    (translation by: Ana Maria Popescu)

  • 29.11.2015 (mise à jour)

    29.11.2015 (mise à jour)

    Sommet — Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis sera présent, lundi, aux côtés d’autres chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de plus de 145 pays, à l’ouverture, à Paris, de la COP21 – la 21e Conférence des parties de la Convention-cadre de l’ONU sur les changements climatiques. L’enjeu de la Conférence est de faire adopter un nouvel accord international en la matière qui soit juridiquement obligatoire et applicable à tous les Etats au 1er janvier 2021. Dimanche, le chef de l’Etat roumain a participé, à Bruxelles, au sommet UE — Turquie. Les discussions ont principalement porté sur des aspects liés à la migration, vu qu’Ankara joue un rôle de poids dans le contrôle des flux migratoires vers l’UE, ainsi que sur des questions concernant les négociations d’adhésion de la Turquie à l’UE.

    Manifestations – Le ministre délégué pour la relation avec les Roumains du monde, Dan Stoenescu, a participé, ce week-end, à plusieurs manifestations organisées en Espagne à l’occasion de la Fête nationale de la Roumanie. Lors des rencontres avec les communautés roumaines d’Espagne, M. Stoenescu a précisé qu’une campagne d’information sur le vote par correspondance faisait partie de ses priorités. Le ministre a ajouté qu’il envisageait d’organiser des sessions d’information et de conseil pour les Roumains de l’étranger, y compris au sujet des fonds européens. Il s’agit de trois axes de financement : formation continue ; entrepreneurs roumains en Europe et prévention de l’abandon scolaire.

    Religion — Les fidèles chrétiens orthodoxes (majoritaires), grecs-catholiques et romains-catholiques de Roumanie fêtent ce lundi la Saint Andrei (André). L’apôtre André est considéré le saint protecteur de la Roumanie, car il a prêché la religion chrétienne en Dobroudja, sur la rive occidentale de la Mer Noire. Lundi, c’est la fête des 700 mille Roumains qui portent le prénom Andrei ou Andreea.

    Handball — La sélection féminine de handball de Roumanie s’est impose dimanche devant la sélection cubaine, 36 à 23, dans un match amical disputé dans le cadre d’une tournée internationale organisée en France. Samedi, les Roumaines avaient vaincu la République tchèque par 31 à 26, après s’être inclinées devant la France, jeudi, sur le score de 27 à 29. C’était une tournée de préparation en vue du Championnat du monde qui aura lieu au Danemark, du 5 au 20 décembre.

  • 24.11.2015


    Budget 2016 – Le gouvernement de Bucarest se réunit aujourd’hui en séance informelle pour débattre du budget 2016. L’occasion pour les membres de l’Exécutif de présenter les projets qui seront financés en priorité. Le projet de budget élaboré par l’ancien gouvernement prévoit des majorations salariales pour les personnels de la Santé et de l’Education. Par ailleurs, le Parlement y a ajouté une augmentation de 10% des revenus pour le reste des salariés du secteur public, mais la loi n’a pas encore été promulguée. C’est au ministère des Finances de calculer si les fonds nécessaires en ce sens existent ou non, de sorte à ne pas dépasser un déficit budgétaire de 3% du PIB au maximum.

    TVA – Le taux standard de la TVA en Roumanie est un des plus élevés au monde et restera parmi les premiers même après sa réduction à 20%, le 1er janvier 2016. C’est ce que constate une étude de la compagnie de conseil et audit KPMG. Avec une TVA de 24%, la Roumanie compte actuellement parmi les 10 premiers pays au monde ayant la TVA la plus élevée. La Hongrie se classe première, avec une TVA de 27%. Au pôle opposé, grâce à un taux unique d’imposition de 16% sur le profit et sur le revenu, la Roumanie est un des pays au niveau d’imposition le plus réduit, fait savoir l’étude de KPMG.

    Incendie – 10 des 39 blessés dans l’incendie meurtrier survenu le 30 octobre dans une discothèque bucarestoise sont toujours dans un état critique et grave, a fait savoir le ministère roumain de la Santé. Jusqu’ici 42 blessés ont quitté les hôpitaux, alors que 39 ont été transférés à l’étranger pour y être soignés. Rappelons-le, un incendie violent s’est déclaré pendant un concert de rock auquel participaient plusieurs centaines de jeunes. Le nombre si grand des décès – à savoir 60 personnes – a été causé non seulement par les brûlures, mais aussi par l’inhalation d’un mélange de gaz extrêmement toxiques.

    Moldova – Le président de la République de Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, reprend aujourd’hui les consultations avec les partis parlementaires en vue de désigner un candidat au poste de premier ministre. Le chef de l’Etat moldave doit s’entretenir avec les représentants du Parti Libéral Démocrate de Moldova, de l’ancien premier ministre Valeriu Strelet, qui a jusqu’ici refusé de participer aux discussions pour la création d’une nouvelle majorité parlementaire avec leurs anciens partenaires de la coalition pro-européenne. D’autres débats auront lieu avec les représentants du Parti Libéral et ceux du Parti Démocrate. Rappelons – le, l’ancien Exécutif moldave a été destitué fin octobre suite à une motion de censure initiée par l’opposition socialiste et communiste, mais votée aussi par le Parti Démocrate.

    Terrorisme – Le président français François Hollande doit être reçu ce mardi reçu par le président américain Barack Obama pour discuter de la stratégie en Syrie après les attentats de Paris et pour convaincre les grandes puissances de s’allier pour détruire l’organisation jihadiste, à travers une coalition internationale unique contre l’EI. Lundi, à Paris, le président français François Hollande et le premier ministre britannique David Cameron ont convenu d’intensifier la lutte contre le groupe Etat Islamique, réitérant le fait que la France était en guerre avec ce groupe jihadiste. Mercredi, les efforts de réunir des alliés dans la lutte contre le terroristes se poursuivront à Paris, par un entretien avec la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel. Ensuite, jeudi, M. Hollande se rendra au Kremlin pour des pourparlers avec le président russe Vladimir Poutine.

    Météo – Le temps est instable ce mardi en Roumanie, avec des températures normales pour cette période de l’année, les maximales allant de 3 à 13 degrés. Une alerte jaune à la neige est en vigueur jusqu’à demain dans 13 départements du centre et de l’est du pays. Les précipitations seront de plus en plus abondantes dans les jours à venir. Ciel couvert et de la pluie. 8 degrés à midi à Bucarest.

  • November 17, 2015 UPDATE

    November 17, 2015 UPDATE

    The Parliament of Romania Tuesday validated the technocratic cabinet proposed by the PM designate Dacian Cioloş. The new Cabinet members were sworn in at Cotroceni Palace on Tuesday night, in
    the presence of President Klaus Iohannis. Cioloş, a former European Commissioner for Agriculture, nominated candidates from diplomacy, the private sector, European institutions and civil society. The governing programme includes, among others, goals such as the revision of major investment projects, reforms in education and healthcare, strengthening the rule of law and the proper organisation of the legislative and local elections due next year. The head of state, Klaus Iohannis, designated Cioloş for the PM post after early this month the Social Democrat Victor Ponta stepped down further to large-scale street protests.

    The Romanian Foreign Ministry notifies the Romanian citizens who travel to or transit France that a state of emergency is still valid throughout that country and border checks are still in place. The state of emergency enables the French authorities to control the movement of people and establish protected and high-security areas. Airports and railway stations remain open across the country. The Romanian Embassy in Paris reiterates that those who have information regarding Romanian citizens experiencing difficulties or emergencies may contact the diplomatic mission.

    The EU Member states will support France in its fight against the IS group by all means available, including their military. A political decision to this effect was made on Tuesday in Brussels, where Member States unanimously approved Frances request for the activation of the Lisbon Treatys mutual defence clause. It is for the first time that this EU Treaty clause is invoked. While in Paris on Monday the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, promised that France and the US will fight together and defeat together the jihadist group. In turn, the Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Francois Hollande have agreed on the coordination of the two countries military forces. The investigations conducted in the wake of the attacks indicate that a Moroccan-born Belgian citizen is the mastermind of the attack. Many individuals have been arrested and weapons seized in searches conducted on French territory. As many as 129 people died and more than 350 were wounded in Fridays attacks in Paris.

    The head of the Muslim cult in Romania, mufti Murat Iusuf, once again condemned on Tuesday the barbaric attack in Paris and its perpetrators. In an interview to Radio Romania, he called on all Muslim families in Romania to make sure their children receive religious education only in the mosques with authorised imams. More than 80 mosques are located in Romania at present. Most of the countrys Muslim population, totalling over 67 thousand people, live in the counties of Constanţa and Tulcea in the south-east.

  • 16 November, 2015

    16 November, 2015

    In Bucharest, the cabinet proposed by PM designate Dacian Ciolos are in Parliament hearings pending their endorsement in full session. The 22 proposals include officials with European or civil society experience, and one third are women. The announced platform of the Ciolos cabinet includes reviewing investment projects, as well as education and health reforms, with a view to reducing the exodus of healthcare professionals to western countries. At the same time, the proposed government plans to create a proper framework for future elections.

    The French nation is in mourning and held a moment of silence after the terror attacks on Friday in Paris. PM Manuel Valls said today that France should expect more attacks, and that other European nations should as well in the near future. French investigators announced that Fridays attacks were planned by a group based in Belgium, with aid from agents in France. The latest victim toll is 129 dead and 350 injured, some gravely injured. Two Romanians are among the victims, according to the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest. The so-called Islamic State claimed the attacks, and as a result, French assault aircraft bombed targets in the Syrian city of Raqqa, held by the terror organization.

    One more person injured in the deadly fire in the Colectiv club in Bucharest has died in a local hospital, bringing the death toll to 56. The Health Ministry said that 55 people who sustained injuries in the fire are still in Bucharest hospitals, 12 of them in a critical state. 28 people are under treatment in other countries. The fire was started at a rock concert by fireworks, sustained by sound insulation, which caused most of the victims to be affected by poisonous inhalations, in addition to burns.

    Romanian tennis player Horia Tecau, alongside Dutch Jean-Julien Rojer, at the Champions Tournament in London, will today be taking on the Polish-Serbian pair made of Marcin Matkowski and Nenad Zimonjic. Tecau and Royer are first-seed in the Fleming/McEnroe group and second seed in the competition. This past Sunday the pair made up of Romanian Florin Mergea and Indian Rohan Bopanna defeated American twins Mike and Bob Bryan, 6-4, 6-3. The Champions Tournament, with seven million dollars prize money at stake, brings together the top eight tennis players of the season, as well as the worlds top eight pairs in the doubles competition.

    In Antalya, Turkey, the G20 summit continues, with the main emphasis on the fight against terrorism. According to an AFP release, G20 countries will attempt measures against the circulation of terrorism, with measures to bolster border and air security. G20 countries also emphasize the need to tackle the financing of terror groups and their propaganda, especially in view of the recent attacks in Paris. President Barack Obama met Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the ISIS situation.

    Translated by Călin Coţoiu

  • At least 120 killed in terrorist attacks in Paris area

    At least 120 killed in terrorist attacks in Paris area

    At least 120 people were killed and over 200 wounded in Paris area on Friday night in apparently coordinated attacks carried out outside the countrys main sports stadium and four other popular locations in the city.

    French President François Hollande called an unprecedented terrorist attack on France. His government announced sharply increased border controls and heightened police powers as it mobilized the military in a national emergency.

    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has expressed grief and consternation with the terrorist attacks in Paris and has expressed solidarity with the French people. These barbaric attacks, which have taken the lives of innocent people, must be a signal for the entire international community: to show even more determination in combating terrorism and in defending human values, the President said in a message.

    Romania’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also firmly condemned
    the attacks in Paris. Romania stands together with France and will continue to
    support the fight against international terrorism, said the Minister of Foreign
    Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu. The Romanian Foreign Ministry has also issued a travel
    warning for France, given the state of emergency declared throughout the
    country by the French President.

  • Jean-François Meile (France) – Le cimetière roumain de Soultzmatt

    Jean-François Meile (France) – Le cimetière roumain de Soultzmatt

    Le cimetière du Val du Pâtre est le plus grand cimetière militaire roumain de France. Il regroupe 678 prisonniers de guerre roumains, morts des privations subies par les Allemands au cours de la première guerre mondiale. On compte 553 tombes individuelles, ainsi que deux grandes fosses communes renfermant 125 victimes, mortes de froid lors de la tragédie de Steinbrunn-le-Haut la nuit du 27 au 28 janvier 1917. Après le conflit, la commune de Soultzmatt a, par délibération du 30 août 1919, fait don à la Roumanie du terrain nécessaire à l’aménagement du cimetière au lieu-dit Gauchmatt. Il a été inauguré en 1924 par le roi Ferdinand de Roumanie et la reine Marie. Cette nécropole roumaine constitue aujourd’hui encore un haut-lieu de pèlerinage, où les dirigeants de la Roumaine viennent se recueillir chaque année.

    Et voici un complément d’information, relevé dans l’ouvrage de Jean NOUZILLE, Le Calvaire des prisonniers de guerre roumains en Alsace-Lorraine, 1917-1918 (Bucarest, Editions Militaires, 1991) : « Au début de la Première Guerre mondiale, les troupes allemandes ont déboisé une partie de la forêt à l’ouest de Soultzmatt pour construire des abris et des installations militaires. Ils ont érigé un camp militaire. Le camp du « Kronprinz » est occupé en permanence par environ 500 soldats allemands. Il est camouflé pour ne pas être repéré par l’aviation française.

    Au début de 1917, par un froid rigoureux, les habitants de Soultzmatt voient arriver des soldats roumains exténués et amaigris. Les prisonniers sont surveillés par un détachement spécial d’une quinzaine de gardiens et encadrés pour le travail par des chefs d’équipe civils et un garde forestier. Ils reçoivent une nourriture insuffisante. Les pauvres soldats roumains meurent d’épuisement et de faim. Certains sont sans souliers et ont les pieds entourés de chiffons. Les vêtements sont en lambeaux et les prisonniers doivent récupérer ceux des morts. » La population française n’a pas été insensible au traitement inhumain auquel les Allemands soumettent les soldats roumains. En cachette, ils donnent des vivres à ces derniers. C’est ainsi que certains réussissent à survivre. « Le 9 avril 1924, le roi Ferdinand et la reine Marie de Roumanie sont les hôtes de l’Alsace et viennent se recueillir au Val du Pâtre, accueillis par le Général Berthelot, ancien chef de la mission militaire française en Roumanie en 1916-1918. Après l’inauguration du monument, la reine Marie dépose, au pied de la grande croix du cimetière, une immense couronne d’arums et de roses et, parcourant les allées qui séparent les tombes, place sur chaque tombe un bouquet d’œillets rouges et blancs. Dans le cimetière militaire de Soultzmatt, au pied de la croix qu’entourent toujours en permanence les drapeaux français et roumain, trois plaques de marbre témoignent du sacrifice des prisonniers de guerre roumains. »

  • Pascal Le Hen, amicalement franco-roumain

    Pascal Le Hen, amicalement franco-roumain

    Vous ne le saviez peut-être pas, mais Bucarest et Bordeaux se trouvent sur la même latitude. Entre elles, près de 2600 kilomètres à vol doiseau et cette distance est loin dêtre le seul détail qui les sépare. Cest ce qua constaté Pascal Le Hen, un Français qui, depuis une bonne dizaine dannées, fait la navette entre les deux villes…

    Retrouvez ici le flux dinformations du groupe Asociatia România-Franta / Amicale France-Roumanie – www.facebook.com/groups/143565792511332/

    Le groupe Rencontre avec les Roumains – https://www.facebook.com/groups/439967942719402/

  • Pascal Le Hen of France

    Pascal Le Hen of France

    Bucharest and Bordeaux are at the same latitude, but they couldnt be further apart. Pascal Le Hen shuttles between them: “Even though the environs of Bordeaux and the south west of France are generally beautiful, and life there is pleasant, I confess that I prefer living in Bucharest, especially on weekends, which are much more lively than in Bordeaux. I am Breton in origin, but I decided to live in Bordeaux for the quality of life. Even so, I am fanatical when it comes to Bucharest. I discovered it over 10 years ago, in 2003, for professional reasons at first. Little by little, I started visiting more often, and one day, around 2005 and 2006 I decided to stay. I was in a continuous to and fro in various countries, I was into cross-border cooperation, but I picked Bucharest as my base because I found the city very pleasant.

    In 2010, while the economic crisis was at its deepest, Pascal Le Hen returned to his native country, but came back, and right now he is involved in a couple of projects with Romanian partners. He told us briefly about one of them: “This is a project which we could start around the city of Satu Mare, in northern Romania, in rural development, based on the fair trade principle, which could result in exporting finished products from agriculture, to France and other states.

    In the meantime, Le Hen is the head of the Amicale France Roumanie friendship association: “This is an initiative years in the making. A lot was said about the negative image of Romania which the French press was promoting, by generalizing the behavior of a minority of a minority. I told myself this was not normal, especially given the very close relationship between Romania and France, since the times of Napoleon III, so I thought something had to be done. Two years ago, I wanted to see first of all if there are still people open to this concept of friendship between the two countries. We were about 40, and created a small Facebook group. Gradually, a few hundred, then a few thousands joined. If we add the other side groups we formed over time, we have about 13,000 members. Last year at the seaside we saw a great deal of interest. 40 people joined into a founding General Assembly, we set up the association. Most group members are Romanian, many living abroad, but we also have French people, Moldovans, Belgians, Swiss people… we also have North Africans who study in Romania. Our slogan is ‘The Adventure Begins. Our vision is not passé, on the contrary, it looks to the future.

    Among other things, the Facebook page of the group features updates on the Romanian press, articles about France from the Romanian press, as well as articles about Romania for France. There are also commentaries and explanations when needed. As Le Hen put it, ‘we dont miss a thing.

    Pascal Le Hen: “We start very early in the morning, because the first agency which publishes a press review does so at 3 AM. If we are available, and I am referring to the four of us who do this, we may start even as early as 3 AM. Around 6 or 7 oclock in the morning, we already have all the press reviews, as well as the days calendar.

    The association also helps Romanians in France deal with bureaucratic matters, and puts them in touch with people or institutions that can help them. Cases are extremely diverse. In other words, the volume of work is staggering, which does not prevent Pascal from doing everything on time, but also take walks through Bucharest or around the country.

    Pascal Le Hen: “I appreciate a lot of places, even though there are many I have missed. For instance, Transylvania, which I have not visited enough. Then I also have lots of small pleasures, like just sitting on a bench in Cismigiu Park in Bucharest. I absolutely love it!

    One of the things that Pascal told us he particularly likes is the spontaneity and quality of hospitality that Romanians display towards visitors and foreigners.

  • A la Une de la presse roumaine 15.07.2015

    A la Une de la presse roumaine 15.07.2015

    La presse roumaine commente amplement un échange verbal et de regards survenu lors de la réception à Bucarest à loccasion de la Fête nationale de la France, mais aussi le sort du programme dassistance financière pour la Roumanie convenu avec le FMI et la Commission européenne.

  • June 26, 2015 UPDATE

    June 26, 2015 UPDATE

    President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, said on Friday in Brussels, after the summer meeting of European heads of state and government, that EU countries have undertaken to take part in redistributing the immigrants to Greece and Italy via the Mediterranean. He added that the Romanian Foreign Ministry will suggest a number of migrants that it can accommodate. Klaus Iohannis pointed out that the 2-year long relocation will be voluntary, in terms of the number of immigrants that each member state will take over. He added that the talks in Brussels also tackled a revision of the EU security strategy and the fight against terrorism. Opinions were also exchanged with the NATO Secretary General, who presented the measures the Alliance is considering in order to cope with the current security threats. On Thursday, the first day of the European summit, Greece was one of the major topics, after the Eurogroup once again failed to reach an agreement with the Greek officials. Unless a deal is struck by June 30, Greece risks defaulting on payments and exiting the Eurozone.

    The Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, has strongly condemned Fridays terror attack in France, and said this was a tragic proof of the need to enhance global efforts at fighting terrorism. An International Court against Terrorism is needed, Minister Aurescu said in a Twitter post. The presumed attacker, aged 35, was held by the police shortly after the gas factory attack near Lyon, which left one person dead and two wounded. Also on Friday, around 30 people, including foreign tourists, were killed in the Tunisian tourist resort of Sousse. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, no Romanians are among the victims, but investigations go on. In Kuwait as well, around 25 people died and more than 200 were wounded in an attack on a Shia mosque claimed by the IS. Minister Bogdan Aurescu firmly condemned the attack in Sousse and said the events in Kuwait were shocking.

    Government corruption remains a widespread problem in Romania, reads the US Department of States report on human rights practices for 2014. The report mentions attempts by politicians to compromise the independence of the judiciary and undermine media freedom through threats to journalists, as well as instances of discrimination. Major human rights problems include police and gendarme mistreatment and harassment of detainees and Roma. According to the report, the Government and Parliament passed laws in a non-transparent manner, and Parliament often voted against lifting the immunity of its members for prosecution for corruption. Also, although the Romanian law guarantees the freedom of the press, there are media groups controlled by politicians. Bribery was widespread, especially in the healthcare sector. In 2014, the National Anti-Corruption Directorate continued to investigate high and medium-level corruption cases at a steady pace throughout the year, sending to court 710 individuals under corruption charges, as compared to 530 in the first half of 2013, the US Department of State also noted.

    Romanias womens epee team, made up of Ana-Maria Brânză, Simona Gherman and Simona Pop Friday won the gold medal at the Baku European Games, after having defeated Estonia, 31-25. The mens epee team, including Tiberiu Dolniceanu, Iulian Teodosiu and Alin Badea, lost the final to Italy, 45-44, and won the silver. Romania has won 12 medals in the European Games – 3 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze

  • April 17, 2015

    April 17, 2015

    Two major international military exercises take place in Romania, under NATO command, in the current security context in the region. In the south-east of the country Wind Spring 2015 is under way, which brings together over 2200 troops from Romania, the US, UK and the Republic of Moldova. Until April the 30th, are practicing operational planning, live fire and complex tactical situation solving. Câmpia Turzii, in the north-west, is also hosting joint military exercises involving over 350 American troops and nearly 300 Romanian military. The commander of the US unit, Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson, said this exercise was a response from NATO allies to Russia.

    The unemployment rate in Romania last year was 6.8%, down from 7.1%, the previous year, according to data made public by the National Statistics Institute today. The employment rate among active population (15-64 years of age) was 61%. The employment rate in the 20-64 age bracket was 65.7%, which is 4.3% less than the national target laid down in the Europa 2020 Strategy. In 2014, Romania’s active population was 9.2 million people, of which 8.6 million people employed and 629 thousand unemployed.

    The Romanian Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici has meetings in Washington today with representatives of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and rating agencies. Talks will focus on the measures included in the draft Fiscal Code, on the stage of budget execution and of the implementation of the measures agreed on with the international financial institutions. Minister Eugen Teodorovici is heading Romania’s delegation to the spring meeting of the IMF and World Bank, taking place between April the 16th and 19th.

    The Ministry for European Funds is today launching the 2014-2020 Operational Programme on Human Capital. The document lays down Romania’s priorities in terms of employment, especially among youth, of social inclusion and education. The goals include improving the access to a high-quality education and professional training system, boosting employment, reducing poverty by improved access to social and healthcare services. The total budget of the programme is around 5 billion euros, of which more than 4 billion euros come from European funds.

    Germany pays tribute today to the 150 victims of the Germanwings plane crash in the French Alps, nearly four weeks after the tragedy. Around 1.400 people, mostly families of the victims, the German president Joachim Gauck and Chancellor Angela Merkel are taking part in the national memorial service, France Presse reports.

    Romania is represented in the finals of the European Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Montpellier (France) by five athletes, three girls – Diana Bulimar and Laura Jurca — in the all-round event, and Andreea Munteanu, in the beam and floor events—and two boys: Marius Berbecar and Andrei Muntean, in the parallel bars event. The all-round final takes place today, and the other finals are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. At the end of the competition in Montpellier, the president of the European Gymnastics Union will hand over the Union colours to the host of the 2017 European championships, Bucharest.

  • Les relations roumano-françaises

    Les rencontres avec son homologue français Laurent Fabius et avec la nouvelle secrétaire générale de l’Organisation internationale de la francophonie, Mme Michaelle Jean, ainsi qu’une conférence-débat sur des thèmes sécuritaires, organisée par l’ambassade de Roumanie à Paris ont jalonné le programme de la visite en France du ministre roumain des affaires étrangères Bogdan Aurescu.

    Dans une interview au journal Libération, il déclarait qu’il était crucial pour la Roumanie que l’Ukraine, pays qui l’avoisine au nord, préserve sa stabilité. Cela a d’ailleurs été le thème-phare des discussions menées durant sa visite à Paris. Bogdan Aurescu: « Il est évident que le moment déclencheur du changement de l’équilibre stratégique dans la région de la mer Noire a été l’occupation illégale de la Crimée, qui a commencé en mars dernier. Cette situation a empiré sous l’effet des hostilités déclenchées dans l’est de l’Ukraine. Eu égard à l’intérêt de la Roumanie pour la sécurité, il importe que l’Ukraine –dont elle est séparée par une frontière de 640 kilomètres, qui compte pour son voisin le plus important du point de vue des dimensions et où vit une communauté d’ethniques roumains forte de près d’un demi million de personnes – soit un Etat stable, prédictible, démocratique, qui préserve son unité et son intégrité territoriale, de sorte que le voisinage roumain puisse lui aussi être prédictible, stable et prospère. »

    Or, si les accords de Minsk ne sont pas mis en oeuvre, l’instabilité dans l’est de l’Ukraine risque de s’étendre à d’autres régions du pays, dont certaines proches de la frontière avec la Roumanie, a encore précisé le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Bogdan Aurescu.

    Dans ce contexte, Bucarest estime qu’il serait important de renforcer le flanc oriental de l’OTAN et de consolider l’espace Schengen par l’admission dans la zone de libre circulation de la Roumanie, laquelle est un fournisseur de sécurité au niveau régional et communautaire. Au plan bilatéral, la Roumanie et la France, qui partagent de fortes affinités culturelles, historiques et de langue, sont également liées par un Partenariat stratégique conclu en 2008.

    Afin d’impulser ce partenariat, les ministres des affaires étrangères des deux pays, Bogdan Aurescu et Laurent Fabius, ont convenu de multiplier les rencontres politiques. Ainsi, le chef de la diplomatie française a-t-il accepté l’invitation d’effectuer une visite à Bucarest, dans le contexte du 135e anniversaire des rapports diplomatiques bilatéraux. .

    Les deux officiels ont en outre évoqué la nécessité de diversifier les domaines de la coopération et les projets économiques communs, d’autant plus que la France est le troisième partenaire commercial de la Roumanie, comme l’attestent les chiffres: un volume d’échanges commerciaux annuel de près de 7 milliards d’euros en 2014 et des investissements se montant à environ 7 milliards d’euros.

    Enfin, mais non en dernier lieu, le ministre roumain des affaires étrangères, Bogdan Aurescu a réaffirmé l’engagement de Bucarest, qui accueille l’Antenne régionale de l’OIF pour les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale, à poursuivre la consolidation et la promotion des valeurs francophones. (trad.Mariana Tudose)

  • 23.02.2015


    Diplomatie — Le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Bogdan Aurescu, fait aujourd’hui une visite à Paris. Il parlera à son homologue français, Laurent Fabius, de la consolidation et de la diversification du dialogue politique et diplomatique entre la Roumanie et la France afin de confirmer les engagements assumés par les deux pays dans le cadre du Partenariat stratégique bilatéral. Le responsable roumain doit également s’entretenir avec Michaëlle Jean, secrétaire générale de l’Organisation internationale de la francophonie, et avec le commissaire général français à l’Investissement, Louis Schweitzer. Les pourparlers visent la coopération bilatérale, mais aussi des sujets d’actualité de l’agenda européen et de sécurité, y compris les évolutions en Europe de l’Est, avec un accent particulier sur l’Ukraine et la République de Moldova.

    Justice — La Chambre des députés de Bucarest doit voter aujourd’hui les demandes de la Direction nationale anti-corruption de démarrer les poursuites pénales et de placer en détention provisoire Elena Udrea, ex-députée et ex-ministre du Développement, accusée de corruption. Elena Udrea a déjà été assignée à domicile depuis la semaine dernière quand la Haute Cour de cassation et de justice a remplacé la détention provisoire par cette mesure dans une autre affaire dans laquelle l’ex-responsable est également accusée de corruption. Elena Udrea a reçu la permission de la Haute Cour de cassation et de justice de soutenir sa cause devant le plénum du Parlement de Bucarest. Les sénateurs et députés de Bucarest devraient décider ensuite s’ils donnent le feu vert aux demandes des procureurs anti-corruption.

    Tennis — La joueuse roumaine de tennis, Simona Halep, a progressé d’une place au classement WTA après avoir remporté, ce week-end, le tournoi de Dubaï. L’américaine Serena Williams domine la hiérarchie mondiale, suivie par Maria Charapova. Trois autres joueuses roumaines de tennis comptent parmi les 100 meilleures joueuses de tennis au monde : Irina Begu est 33e, Monica Niculescu est 62e et Alexandra Dulgheru occupe la 94e position mondiale. Simona Halep aurait dû être aussi la deuxième favorite à Doha, un tournoi qu’elle avait remporté l’année dernière, mais dont elle s’est retirée suite à un accident.