Tag: mihai fifor

  • Les ministères des affaires étrangères et de la défense à l’heure du bilan

    Les ministères des affaires étrangères et de la défense à l’heure du bilan

    Après le bilan
    des six mois d’activité de l’actuel gouvernement Parti social-démocrate (PSD)-Alliance
    des libéraux et des démocrates (ALDE) de Bucarest, récemment présenté Viorica
    Dăncilă, chaque membre du Cabinet en a suivi l’exemple et dressé, devant les
    représentants des médias, la liste des réalisations et celle des projets pour
    le proche avenir. Mardi, les ministres des affaires étrangères et de la
    défense, Teodor Meleşcanu et respectivement Mihai Fifor, se sont prêtés à cet

    Au plan diplomatique, le ministre Teodor Meleşcanu a parlé de l’éventuel
    déménagement de l’ambassade de Roumanie en Israël, de Tel-Aviv à Jérusalem,
    sujet qui a récemment agité les esprits à Bucarest. Selon M. Meleşcanu, une
    analyse en ce sens est déjà prête et elle sera bientôt remise au chef de l’Etat,
    à la première ministre et au parlement: «Nous avons noté les avantages et les désavantages, ainsi que les
    problèmes juridiques posés par une telle initiative, vu qu’il existe une
    résolution du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, la résolution 478, qui dit que, dans les relations diplomatiques
    avec l’Etat d’Israël, tous les pays doivent avoir leurs ambassades à Tel-Aviv. »
    a expliqué le ministre roumain des affaires étrangères.

    Le chef de la
    diplomatie roumain a aussi abordé le sujet « Russie »: « Dans la relation avec la Russie, nous soutenons la politique du
    découragement, d’une part, et du dialogue, de l’autre; un dialogue qui doit
    reposer sur les intérêts mutuels des deux parties, dans le respect des
    principes et des normes du droit international. »
    a souligné Teodor Meleşcanu.

    Le ministre roumain des affaires étrangères a
    également précisé que les préparatifs en vue de la présidence roumaine du
    Conseil de l’Union européenne, au premier semestre de l’année prochaine,
    respectaient le calendrier. En tant qu’Etat membre allié, la Roumanie considère
    que le renforcement de son profil au sein de l’OTAN est une priorité. Le récent
    sommet de l’Alliance a adopté la proposition de Bucarest d’héberger un Centre
    de commandement au niveau de corps d’armée. Une réunion spéciale a été
    consacrée à la sécurité dans la zone de la mer Noire, la Roumanie y ayant
    obtenu une augmentation considérable de la présence navale alliée dans la

    Egalement au plan militaire, le ministre de tutelle, Mihai Fifor, a
    souligné, à son tour, que Bucarest avait continué ses efforts d’équiper ses
    forces armées sur la base de l’allocation budgétaire de 2% du Produit intérieur
    brut (PIB) à la défense. Parmi les objectifs réalisés au cours des six premiers
    mois de l’année, il a mentionné l’acquisition de systèmes de missiles Patriot
    et Hymers ainsi que le lancement des procédures pour l’achat de quatre
    corvettes multirôle. Cependant, le principal défi à relever par le ministère roumain
    de la défense est, cette année, le développement de l’Institut national médical
    militaire Cantacuzino, a précisé le ministre Mihai Fifor: «Les discussions avec plusieurs compagnies réputées en matières de
    production de vaccins sont bien avancées, afin d’identifier de potentielles
    collaborations en ce sens. »

    Cantacuzino, un des grands fabricants mondiaux de produits immunologiques et
    base de recherche nationale de très haut niveau, est en déclin depuis environ
    une dizaine d’années, frôlant même la faillite à un moment donnée. Son
    transfert au ministère de la défense, en décembre dernier, a rallumé l’espoir d’un
    revirement. (Trad.: Ileana Ţăroi)

  • Bilanţ la Externe şi Apărare

    Bilanţ la Externe şi Apărare

    După recenta
    prezentare – globală – a bilanţului pe şase luni al actualului Guvern de
    coaliţie PSD-ALDE de la Bucureşti făcută de premierul Viorica Dăncilă, fiecare
    ministru în parte a venit, în ultimele zile, în faţa presei, pentru a vorbi
    despre ce a făcut până acum, dar şi ce proiecte are în vedere în viitorul imediat.

    Marţi, a fost rândul miniştrilor de Externe şi al Apărării, Teodor Meleşcanu,
    respectiv Mihai Fifor, să se preteze
    la acest exerciţiu. În plan diplomatic, de interes este perspectiva
    mutării ambasadei României din Israel de la Tel Aviv la Ierusalim, subiect care,
    în treacăt fie spus, într-un trecut apropiat, a încins spiritele la cel mai
    înalt nivel la Bucureşti. Potrivit lui Teodor Meleşcanu, o analiză privind
    eventuala relocare este gata şi va fi trimisă în curând preşedintelui ţării,
    premierului şi Parlamentului.

    Teodor Meleşcanu: Am căutat să punem pe
    două coloane care sunt avantajele, care sunt dezavantajele, care sunt
    problemele juridice pe care le ridică o asememena iniţiativă, având în vedere
    că există o rezoluţie a Consiliului de Securitate, 478, care prevede în mod
    direct faptul că toate ţările trebuie să-şi aibă, în relaţiile diplomatice cu
    Israelul, ambasadele la Tel Aviv.

    Din conferinţa de presă, nu a lipsit
    nici subiectul ‘Rusia’. Teodor Meleşcanu: Promovăm politica
    descurajării pe de o parte şi a dialogului pe de altă parte în relaţia cu
    Rusia, un dialog care trebuie să fie bazat pe interesele reciproce ale ambelor
    părţi şi în acelaşi timp să aibă loc o respectare a principiilor şi normelor
    dreptului internaţional.

    Ministrul de Externe a mai precizat şi că
    pregătirile pentru preşedinţia României la Consiliul Uniunii Europene, din
    primul semestru al anului viitor, sunt în grafic. Din perspectiva calităţii de
    membru aliat, Bucureştiul consideră drept prioritară creşterea profilului ţării
    în cadrul NATO. La recentul Summit al Alianţei a fost adoptată propunerea
    României de a găzdui un Centru de Comandă la nivel de corp de armată. A fost,
    totodată, organizată o reuniune specială dedicată securităţii la Marea Neagră,
    România obţinând o creştere considerabilă a prezenţei navale a ţărilor aliate
    în zonă.

    Tot în plan militar, ministrul de resort, Mihai Fifor, a subliniat, la
    rândul său, că Bucureştiul a continuat eforturile de înzestrare a Armatei,
    bazate pe alocarea a 2% din Produsul Intern Brut
    . Printre obiectivele realizate
    în primele şase luni ale anului figurează, între altele, achiziţia de sisteme
    de rachete Patriot şi Hymers sau lansarea procedurilor de cumpărare a patru corvete
    multirol. Principala provocare a Ministerului Apărării în acest an este însă -
    potrivit lui Mihai Fifor – dezvoltarea Institutului Naţional Medico-Militar
    Cantacuzino: Suntem, deja, în discuţii foarte avansate cu
    o serie de companii cunoscute în domeniul producţiei de vaccinuri, pentru a
    identifica potenţialele colaborări pe acest segment.

    Unul dintre marii
    producători de imunologice din lume şi o bază de cercetare naţională extrem de
    valoroasă, Institutul Cantacuzino a intrat, în ultimii circa 10 ani, în declin, fiind, la un moment dat, chiar la
    un pas de faliment. Odată cu
    trecerea instituţiei, în decembrie anul trecut, în subordinea
    Ministerului Apărării, se speră în renaşterea lui.

  • La semaine du 30 juillet au 5 août

    La semaine du 30 juillet au 5 août

    Le gouvernement donne des détails sur le premier collectif budgétaire

    Le premier ministre roumain, Mme Viorica Dăncilă, a fait savoir jeudi que le premier collectif budgétaire de cette année serait positif. A ses dires, durant les sept premiers mois de l’année, les recettes du budget consolidé ont dépassé de 1,3 milliards d’euros les prévisions des autorités. Et Mme Dancila d’ajouter que son gouvernement prête une attention particulière au versement des salaires et des pensions de retraites d’ici la fin de l’année, aux investissements et au soutien accordé au milieu des affaires. La Santé, l’Education, l’Agriculture, les Transports, les Affaires Intérieures et l’ANAF se verront accroître les enveloppes budgétaires, tandis que les Services roumains de Renseignements, l’Administration présidentielle et les Ministères de l’Environnement, des Affaires Etrangères et de l’Energie se verront diminuer les fonds. On a décidé de réduire les enveloppes des institutions qui ne sont pas arrivées à dépenser proprement les fonds alloués, a encore précisé Viorica Dancila. Le décret portant rectification sera adopté dans la seconde moitié du mois d’août. La Roumanie parviendra à maintenir la cible du déficit budgétaire de 3% du PIB, a conclu la première ministre roumaine.

    Les autorités roumaines adoptent des mesures contre la peste porcine

    En une semaine seulement, le nombre des foyers de peste porcine africaine s’est accru d’une centaine et dépasse déjà les 500. Une centaine de localités sont touchées, et jusqu’ici, environ 50.000 cochons ont été abattus, parce qu’il n’existe ni vaccin, ni traitement pour cette maladie. Une évolution agressive, explosive, selon le président de l’Autorité nationale sanitaire-vétérinaire et pour la sûreté des aliments, Geronimo Brănescu, qui annonce que les propriétaires des animaux sacrifiés se verront dédommager à hauteur de 2 euros par kilo de viande. Les premiers paiements au titre de dédommagements accordés aux éleveurs de cochons touchés ont été déjà versés à ces derniers, et la valeur totale approche l’équivalent de 30.000 euros. Les dédommagements sont accordés tant pour les animaux tués que pour les dégâts collatéraux. Le mois dernier, le ministre de l’Agriculture, Petre Daea, a demandé à la Commission européenne des fonds pour compenser le manque à gagner en raison de la cessation de la production de viande de porc et de la baisse des prix dans les régions affectées. Les aides viseront aussi les coûts de la désinfection, de la destruction des fourrages et des frais d’équarrissage. La peste porcine c’est une maladie qui ne se transmet pas à l’homme. Toutefois, dans un pays tel que la Roumanie, où la production et la consommation de viande de porc sont importantes, la peste porcine africaine a un impact social et économique dévastateur.

    Visite en Roumanie du ministre britannique de la Défense

    Le rôle de la Roumanie au sein de l’OTAN est vital pour la sécurité de l’Europe, vu les tensions dans la région, dont le conflit en Ukraine, a déclaré le secrétaire britannique à la Défense, Gavin Williamson, à l’issue de l’entretien qu’il a eu jeudi, à Bucarest, avec son homologue roumain, Mihai Fifor. Ce dernier a demandé de l’appui pour rendre opérationnel le commandement de l’OTAN au niveau de corps d’armée que la Roumanie souhaite accueillir, comme elle l’a fait savoir à l’occasion du récent sommet de l’Alliance. La situation sécuritaire dans la région de la mer Noire a figuré parmi les principaux sujets des discussions, un accent particulier étant mis sur les actions de la Fédération de Russie. Dans ce contexte, le ministre roumain a mentionné l’intention de Moscou de militariser la mer Noire, en y déployant un nombre accru de forces et de capacités militaires. Gavin Williamson a déclaré que le Royaume-Uni allait appuyer militairement la Brigade de l’OTAN basée à Craiova (sud-ouest de la Roumanie) et assuré que son pays continuerait à contribuer au renforcement de la sécurité européenne après le Brexit aus si. Les deux officiels se sont rendus à la Base aérienne 57 de MIhail Kogalniceanu (sud-est de la Roumanie). Ils y ont rencontré les pilotes et le personnel technique des aéronefs des Forces aériennes britanniques et les militaires roumains de cette unité. MihaiFifor a déclaré que la présence des partenaires britanniques en Roumanie était un message de solidarité au sein de l’OTAN. Un détachement britannique formé de quelque 160 militaires se trouve, jusqu’à la fin août, à la Base aérienne de Mihail Kogalniceanu, pour des missions de police du ciel, sous commandement de l’OTAN.

    Le gouvernement roumain approuve un nombre supplémentaire de travailleurs étrangers sur le marché roumain de l’emploi

    Le gouvernement a donné cours à la demande de plusieurs compagnies et approuvé l’entrée sur le marché de l’emploi de Roumanie d’un nombre supplémentaire de 8.000 travailleurs étrangers de pays non-UE. Le nombre de permis de travail délivrés cette année avait déjà augmenté de plus de 50% par rapport à l’année dernière, l’Inspection générale pour les immigrations ayant enregistré depuis le début de 2018, 4.395 documents d’embauche ou de détachement. La plupart concernent des ressortissants, vietnamiens, turcs, népalais, serbes, chinois, sri-lankais et moldaves. 17.000 travailleurs étrangers de pays non-UE sont à présent actifs en Roumanie, notamment dans la restauration, la construction de navires et de structures flottantes, dans le commerce et le bâtiment.

    La proposition roumaine aux Oscars 2019

    Le film « I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians/Il m’est égal si nous entrons dans l’histoire en tant que barbares », du réalisateur Radu Jude, est la proposition de la Roumanie à la nomination dans la catégorie du meilleur film dans une langue étrangère, aux Oscars 2019. La production roumaine raconte une reconstitution historique, pour un spectacle de rue, de la bataille d’Odessa, pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. La presse internationale a vu dans ce sixième long-métrage de Radu Jude ‘une sonnette d’alarme intelligente’ contre le populisme, ‘un interrogatoire provocateur, sarcastique et crucial entre le passé et le présent’, ainsi qu”un mélange audacieux de comédie et de drame’. ‘ I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians ‘ est le deuxième film par Radu Jude propose par la Roumanie à être nommé aux Oscars. Le premier a été ‘Aferim!’, candidat à la sélection en 2016. (trad. Ioana Stancescu/ Mariana Tudose)

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 30.07.2018 – 04.08.2018

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 30.07.2018 – 04.08.2018

    Guvernul dă detalii depre prima rectificare

    Premierul român
    Viorica Dăncilă a dat detalii, joi, despre prima rectificare bugetară din acest
    an, care este una pozitivă. Potrivit acesteia, în primele şapte luni,
    veniturile bugetului general consolidat au fost mai mari cu aproape 6 miliarde
    de lei (circa 1,3 miliarde euro), faţă
    de estimările iniţiale ale autorităţilor. Şeful executivului a spus că
    rectificarea urmăreşte câteva obiective
    şi anume asigurarea fondurilor pentru plata pensiilor şi salariilor până la
    finalul anului, a banilor pentru susţinerea proiectelor de investiţii şi pentru
    sprijinirea mediului de afaceri. Bani în plus vor primi autorităţile locale,
    sănătatea, educaţia, agricultura, transporturile, internele şi ANAF. Reduceri
    de fonduri au fost făcute la SRI, Serviciul de Informaţii Externe,
    Administraţia Prezidenţială, Ministerul Mediului, Ministerul de Externe,
    Ministerul Energiei. Viorica Dăncilă a explicat că au fost diminuate bugetele
    unor instituţii care nu au reuşit să cheltuie corespunzător banii alocaţi.
    Ordonanţa de rectificare va fi adoptată în a doua jumătate a lunii august. Premierul
    a dat asigurări că România se va încadra în ţinta de deficit bugetar de 3% din

    Autorităţiele de la Bucureşti iau măsuri
    pentru eradicarea pestei porcine

    În doar o săptămână, numărul focarelor de pestă
    porcină africană din România a crescut cu circa o sută şi a depăşit 500, doar
    trei în complexuri pentru creşterea porcilor, iar restul în gospodăriile
    populaţiei. Au fost sacrificaţi circa 50 de mii de porci,
    fiindcă pentru această boală nu există nici vaccin, nici tratament. Este o
    evoluţie agresivă, explozivă – rezumă situaţia preşedintele Autorităţii
    Naţionale Sanitar-Veterinare şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor, Geronimo Brănescu,
    care a anunţat că proprietarii animalelor sacrificate în România vor primi
    despăgubiri echivalente cu circa 2 euro pe kilogram. Primele plăţi pentru
    despăgubirea crescătorilor de porci afectaţi au fost, deja, virate, iar
    valoarea lor se apropie de 30 de mii de euro. Despăgubirile se acordă atât
    pentru animalele ucise, cât şi pentru pagube colaterale. Vineri,
    ministrul Agriculturii de la Bucureşti,
    Petre Daea, a dat asigurări că românii nu vor rămâne fără porci din cauza
    virusului pestei porcine africane, pentru că sunt în stare să producă urgent şi
    să înlocuiască aceste pierderi. Pesta porcină africană nu se transmite la om.
    Are, însă, un impact social şi economic foarte mare. Boala are o evoluţie
    explozivă de la începutul lunii iunie.

    Vizita în România a ministrului britanic al

    Rolul României
    în Alianţa NATO este unul vital pentru securitatea Europei, mai ales în
    contextul tensionat din zonă, precum conflictul din Ucraina, a afirmat
    secretarul britanic al apărării, Gavin Williamson la finalul convorbirilor avute,
    joi, la Bucureşti, cu omologul său
    român, Mihai Fifor. În cadrul discuţiilor, ultimul a solicitat sprijin în
    procesul de operaţionalizare a comandamentului NATO de nivel de corp de armată,
    pe care România a anunţat la recentul summit al Alianței că doreşte să-l
    găzduiască. Situaţia de securitate din regiunea Mării Negre a reprezentat unul
    dintre subiectele principale ale convorbirilor, cu accent pe acţiunile Rusiei. Ministrul român a vorbit despre
    intenţia Moscovei de militarizare a Mării Negre, prin creşterea efectivelor
    militare din regiune şi dislocarea unor noi capabilităţi.La rândul său, Gavin
    Williamson a precizat că ţara sa va oferi sprijin militar pentru Brigada NATO
    din Craiova (sud-vest) şi a dat asigurări că Marea Britanie va continua să
    contribuie la consolidarea securităţii europene şi după Brexit. Tot joi cei doi
    oficiali au vizitat Baza 57 Aeriană Mihail Kogălniceau (sud-est), unde s-au
    întâlnitcu piloţii şi personalul
    tehnic care deservesc cele patru aeronave Typhoon ale Forţelor Aeriene
    Britanice, precum şi cu personalul român din baza militară. Prezenţa
    partenerilor britanici în România transmite un mesaj puternic de solidaritate
    aliată, a spus Fifor. Un detaşament britanic format din aproximativ 160 de
    militari se află, până la sfârşitul lunii, în baza din Mihail Kogălniceau
    pentru misiuni de poliţie aeriană sub comanda NATO.

    Executivul aprobă suplimentarea numărului
    muncitorilor străini nou admişi pe piaţa forţei de muncă din România

    Guvernul de la
    Bucureşti a aprobat, la cererea mai multor companii, suplimentarea cu 8 mii a
    numărului de muncitori străini din spaţiul extracomunitar nou admişi pe piaţa
    forţei de muncă din România. Decizia a fost luată în condiţiile în care s-a
    observat o creştere cu peste 50% a numărului de avize de muncă eliberate, deja,
    anul acesta. Potrivit datelor înregistrate de către Inspectoratul General
    pentru Imigrări, până în luna iulie au fost eliberate 4.395 de avize de
    angajare/detaşare, cele mai multe pentru cetăţeni din Vietnam, Turcia, Nepal,
    Serbia, Sri Lanka, China şi Republica Moldova, ex-sovietică, majoritar
    românofonă. În prezent, în România sunt activi peste 17 mii de salariaţi
    străini extracomunitari. Principalele domenii în care lucrează sunt
    restaurante, construcţia de nave şi structuri plutitoare, comerţ şi

    Propunerea României la premiile Oscar 2019

    Filmul Îmi este
    indiferent dacă în istorie vom intra ca barbari
    , al lui Radu Jude, este
    propunerea României pentru o nominalizare la categoria ‘Cel mai bun film într-o
    limbă străină’ a premiilor Oscar 2019. Pelicula spune povestea realizării unei
    reconstituiri istorice, a luptei de la Odessa din al Doilea Război Mondial,
    pentru un spectacol de stradă. Acest al şaselea lungmetraj al lui Radu Jude a
    fost calificat de presa internaţională
    de specialitate drept un semnal de alarmă inteligent privind
    populismul, un interogatoriu provocator, sarcastic şi crucial între trecut şi
    prezent şi o comedie-dramă îndrăzneaţă. ‘Îmi este indiferent dacă în istorie
    vom intra ca barbari’ este al doilea film regizat de Radu Jude propus de
    România pentru o nominalizare la Oscar. Primul a fost ‘Aferim!’, candidat
    pentru selecţia din 2016.

  • Romanian-British Strategic Relations

    Romanian-British Strategic Relations

    Romania plays a key role within NATO, says the British Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson, who paid a visit to Romania on Thursday. He had a meeting in Bucharest with his Romanian counterpart, Mihai Fifor. During the talks, the Romanian defence minister requested British support in the process of rendering the NATO army corps headquarters operational, as Roamnia has expressed its readiness, at the recent summit of the alliance, to host such a structure on its territory. The security situation in the Black Sea region was also one of the focal points of the talks in Bucharest.

    Mihai Fifor: “Weve mentioned the Russian Federations political and military aggressiveness and its intention to militarise the Black Sea by increasing the number of military troops in the region and deploying new capabilities with a predominantly offensive potential, from all categories of the armed forces. The Russian Federation focuses its efforts on hybrid tactics and actions, with the aim of undermining the internal stability of both former Soviet states and of the allied countries situated in its vicinity, fuelling the so-called ‘frozen conflicts.

    In turn, Gavin Williamson said his country will provide military support to the NATO Brigade in Craiova, south-western Romania, and gave assurances that Great Britain will further contribute to consolidating European security, post-Brexit, as it had actually done long before the EU took shape.

    The two officials paid a visit to the RoAF 57th Air Base in Constanta County, in the south-east. They met with British military operating the aircraft belonging to the Royal Air Force and with the Romanian personnel of the military base. Mihai Fifor thanked the approximately 160 British military who carry out air police missions by August 31, flying four Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft, alongside the MIG 21 Lancer aircraft operated by their colleagues from the Romanian Air Forces.

    Mihai Fifor: “It is an immense pleasure to me to reiterate our appreciation for the presence in Romania of Great Britains Royal Air Force. I take this opportunity to restate our common wish to continue this cooperation, which is extremely valuable to Romania; it is a team effort made by a team of professionals. I wish you good luck in your future missions, smooth flights and clear skies!

    Mihai Fifor has also said the British partners presence in Romania is a message of solidarity within the North-Atlantic Alliance, a fact also confirmed by Gavin Williamson. The efforts made by the military are extremely important as they bring more safety to the people living on the whole European continent, and the partnership between the two nations will be brought to a higher level, the British official has also underlined. The two officials have also had another private meeting, afterwards they talked to the military stationed at the base before flying back to Bucharest.

  • Cooperarea strategică româno-americană

    Cooperarea strategică româno-americană

    România joacă un rol vital pentru NATO, afirmă secretarul britanic al apărării, Gavin Williamson, care a făcut, marți, o vizită în România. La București, el s-a întâlnit cu omologul său român, Mihai Fifor. În cadrul discuţiilor, ultimul a solicitat sprijin în procesul de operaţionalizare a comandamentului NATO de nivel de corp de armată, pe care România a anunţat la recentul summit al Alianței că doreşte să-l găzduiască. Situaţia de securitate din regiunea Mării Negre a reprezentat unul dintre subiectele principale ale convorbirilor. Mihai Fifor: “Am menţionat agresivitatea politică şi militară a Federaţiei Ruse şi intenţia sa de militarizare a Mării Negre prin creşterea efectivelor militare din regiune şi dizlocarea unor noi capabilităţi cu potenţial predominant ofensiv din toate categoriile de forţe armate. Eforturile Federaţiei Ruse se concentrează pe tactici şi acţiuni hibride, cu scopul de a submina stabilitatea internă atât a statelor ex-sovietice, cât şi a statelor aliate din vecinătate alimentând aşa-numitele “conflicte îngheţate”.

    La rândul său, Gavin Williamson a precizat că ţara sa va oferi sprijin militar pentru Brigada NATO din Craiova şi a dat asigurări că Marea Britanie va continua să contribuie la consolidarea securităţii europene şi după Brexit, aşa cum a făcut-o, de altfel, cu mult înainte de înfiinţarea UE. Cei doi oficiali au făcut o vizită la Baza Aeriană 57 din judeţul Constanţa. Ei s-au întâlnit cu militarii de pe aeronavele Forţelor Aeriene Britanice şi cu personalul român din baza militară. Mihai Fifor le-a mulţumit celor 160 de militari britanici care vor executa, până la 31 august, misiuni de poliţie aeriană cu patru aeronave Eurofighter Typhoon, alături de aeronavele MIG 21 Lancer şi militari ai Forţelor Aeriene Române. “Îmi face o deosebită plăcere să reiterez aprecierea noastră pentru prezenţa Forţelor Aeriene Regale ale Marii Britanii. Folosesc acest prilej pentru a reconfirma dorinţa noastră de a continua această colaborare deosebit de valoroasă pentru România; este un efort de echipă, cu o echipă de profesionişti. Vă doresc succes în viitoarele misiuni, zboruri line şi cer senin!”

    Mihai Fifor a apreciat că prezenţa partenerilor britanici în România reprezintă un mesaj de solidaritate în cadrul Alianţei Nord-Atlantice, lucru confirmat și de Gavin Williamson. Efortul militarilor contează pentru că aduce mai multă siguranţă oamenilor de pe întreg continentul european, iar parteneriatul dintre cele două naţiuni va atinge un nivel şi mai ridicat, a punctate și oficialul britanic. Cei doi au avut o altă întrevedere privată, după care au stat de vorbă cu militarii din bază, înainte de a urca la bordul aeronavei cu care au zburat înapoi în Capitală.

  • 02.08.2018 (mise à jour)

    02.08.2018 (mise à jour)

    Budget — Le premier ministre roumain, Mme Viorica Dăncilă, a fait savoir que la Roumanie parviendrait à maintenir la cible du déficit budgétaire de 3% du PIB et que le premier collectif budgétaire de cette année serait positif, vu les recettes supplémentaires de près de 6 milliards de lei. La cheffe du cabinet de Bucarest a précisé que les principes sur lesquels repose cette rectification concernent la nécessité d’assurer les fonds pour les projets d’investissements, le soutien au milieu des affaires et la diminution des sommes octroyées aux investissements à faible niveau d’utilisation de l’argent. Après cette rectification, a ajouté Mme Dancila, il y aura des fonds suffisants pour payer les pensions de retraite et les salaires jusqu’à la fin de l’année. Selon elle, le budget des pensions de retraite bénéficiera d’un supplément de 850 millions de lei . Ces fonds supplémentaires seront destinés aux autorités locales, à des secteurs tels la Santé, l’Education, l’Agriculture, les Transports, ainsi qu’au ministère de l’Intérieur et à l’Agence nationale d’administration fiscale. Par contre, les Services roumains de renseignement intérieur et extérieur, l’Administration présidentielle, ainsi que les ministères de l’Environnement, des Affaires étrangères et de l’Energie devraient recevoir moins d’argent. Le décret portant rectification sera adopté dans la seconde moitié du mois d’août.

    Loi — Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis a renvoyé au Parlement pour réexamen la loi réglementant l’exploitation des gisements de pétrole et de gaz offshore, situés dans la zone économique exclusive du bassin de la mer Noire. Selon le chef de l’Etat, cette loi n’assure pas la stabilité et la prédictibilité nécessaires sur le long terme et risque d’affecter les recettes budgétaires. En outre, le document en question stipule que les sommes résultant des redevances et de l’impôt sur les revenus supplémentaires offshore sont versées dans un fonds spécial de financement des contrats de partenariat public-privé, en l’absence d’une analyse préalable. Le président Klaus Iohannis a également affirmé que la loi offshore avait été adoptée par le Législatif sans respecter le principe du bicamérisme. Notons que le Parlement de Bucarest a adopté le projet législatif portant modification de la Loi offshore, le 12 juillet dernier, en session extraordinaire.

    Défense — Le Royaume-Uni est un des partenaires stratégiques les plus importants de la Roumanie, a déclaré jeudi, à Bucarest, le ministre roumain de la Défense, Mihai Fifor, à l’issue d’une entrevue avec son homologue britannique, Gavin Williamson. Selon l’officiel roumain, les discussions ont notamment porté sur la situation sécuritaire dans le voisinage de la Roumanie, avec un accent particulier sur les actions de la Fédération de Russie, respectivement sur l’intention de Moscou de militariser la région de la mer Noire, en y déployant un nombre accru de forces et de nouvelles capacités militaires. A son tour, Gavin Williamson a déclaré que Bucarest et Londres partagent les mêmes valeurs, telles que la démocratie, la justice et la tolérance. Le responsable britannique a également souligné l’importance de la coopération bilatérale et le rôle vital de la Roumanie au sein de l’OTAN pour la sécurité de l’Europe, surtout dans le contexte tendu de la région, mentionnant en ce sens le conflit en Ukraine. Les deux officiels se sont rendus jeudi à la Base aérienne 57 de Mihail Kogălniceau (sud-est de la Roumanie), où ils ont rencontré les pilotes et le personnel technique qui desservent les quatre aéronefs Typhoon des Forces aériennes britanniques, ainsi que le personnel roumain de cette base militaire. Un détachement britannique, formé de près de 160 militaires, effectue jusqu’à la fin août des missions de police du ciel sous commandement de l’OTAN.

    Holocauste — La diplomatie roumaine a rendu hommage aux victimes d’ethnie rom de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Ce jeudi ont été commémorés les 74 ans écoulés depuis les événements du 2 août 1944, lorsque près de 3.000 Roms du camp de concentration d’Auschwitz-Birkenau sont tombés victimes du régime nazi. L’Institut Elie Wiesel de Bucarest a lui aussi commémoré les victimes de l’Holocauste, en soulignant que la discrimination et le racisme continuent d’être une vulnérabilité de la société. Le gouvernement de Bucarest a promis de s’investir davantage dans la mise en place du droit des minorités nationales de préserver et de développer librement leur identité ethnique. En 2015, le Parlement européen a décrété que le 2 août serait la Journée européenne de commémoration de l’Holocauste des Roms.

    Expulsion – Un citoyen irakien ayant des liens avec un groupe terroriste du Moyen Orient a été expulsé de Roumanie, a fait savoir jeudi le Service roumain de renseignement. La personne en question était interdite d’entrée dans le pays dès 2016. Selon la même source, la mesure a été prise suite aux renseignements obtenus en coopération avec la Police aux frontières et l’Inspection générale pour l’immigration. Le Service roumain de renseignement a précisé qu’il continuerait à agir fermement afin de prévenir et de contrecarrer toute activité terroriste.

    Médailles — Les élèves roumains ont décroché 4 médailles, une d’or, deux d’argent et deux de bronze, lors de la 2e édition de l’Olympiade européenne d’informatique junior, qui s’est tenue du 26 juillet au 1er août à Innopolis, en République du Tatarstan (Fédération de Russie). Y ont participé 80 élèves de 21 pays.

    Météo — Les précipitations vont cesser, excepté les quelques pluies à verse que l’on attend localement dans le sud-ouest et sur le relief. Les températures maximales iront de 26 à 32°. Dans plusieurs départements de Roumanie, les autorités interviennent pour limiter les effets des pluies torrentielles des derniers jours. Depuis le début de la semaine, trois personnes sont décédées à cause des inondations.

  • August 2, 2018

    August 2, 2018

    VISIT — British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson is today paying an official visit to Romania. He is meeting with his Romanian counterpart, Mihai Fifor. The two will visit Airbase 57 in Mihail Kogalniceanu, southeastern Romania, where they will meet with the flying and technical crews of the four Typhoon fighter jets of the British Air Forces, as well as with the Romanian military personnel at the base. A British military brigade comprising 160 soldiers is in Mihail Kogalniceanu until late August to undergo air policing missions under NATO command. Mihai Fifor and Gavin Williamson previously met in June on the sidelines of the meeting of NATO Defense Ministers hosted by the Alliance’s main headquarters.

    SWINE FEVER VIRUS — The owners of the animals slaughtered for being suspected of carrying the African swine fever virus will be compensated in the amount of 2 euros per kilogram, the National Food Safety Authority president Geronimo Branescu has announced. The authorities have called on the population to cooperate in order to prevent the spreading of this virus, for which no vaccine or treatment has yet been found. The number of swine fever holes is nearing 550, of which only 3 were identified in pig farms, while the remaining in local households.

    EXTREME HEAT — The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued several travel warnings for Greece, France, Portugal and Spain, currently affected by extreme weather phenomena. Greece, a popular holiday destination for Romanians, will see heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, hail and strong wind. Central and northern Portugal are today under a code red alert against extreme heat, in place until August 4. Temperatures are expected to hit 42 degrees in southern France until August 5. Meteorologists have also announced highs of up to 46 degrees Celsius in southwestern Spain. In Italy too, the Health Ministry has decreed a code red alert against extreme heat for 18 cities, including Bologna, Brescia, Florence, Milan, Rome and Venice. The wave of heat has also hit northern Europe, with Finland reporting the highest temperatures in the last hundred years.

    HOLOCAUST — The “Elie Wiesel” Institute is todaying paying homage to the victims of the Roma genocide during the Holocaust. Over 74 years ago, some 3,000 Roma were exterminated in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. On this occasion, the National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania warns that discrimination and racism are still affecting societies. In 2015 the European Parliament decreed August 2 as the European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day.

    UNTOLD — The famous electronic music festival Untold kicks off today in Cluj-Napoca, central Romania. Some 350,000 people from Romania and another 75 countries are expected to attend the festival until August 5. This year organizers have set up 10 stages to host the 250 artists who will perform live, including The Chainsmokers, Armin van Buuren, Tiesto, Tujamo and Afrojack. Authorities say they have taken all measures in order to make Untold the safest festival in Europe. Over 1,100 gendarmes, police officers, firefighters and medical staff will ensure public safety and provide emergency care. Scores of video surveillance cameras have been set up around the stages.

    FOOTBALL — Romanian champions CFR Cluj have been ousted from Champions League after drawing 1-all against Swedish side Malmo FF in the return leg of the second preliminary round. In the first leg CFR had lost nil-1. Romania’s champions will now play in the third preliminary round of Europa League, where they are expected to play either Sutjeska Niksic of Montenegro or Alashkert of Armenia. Also in Europa League, Romania’s vice-champions FCSB are today taking on NK Rudar Velenje of Slovenia in the second leg of the second preliminary round. In the first leg FCSB had won 2-nil. In the same phase of the competition, Viitorul Constanta is playing Vitesse Arnhem of the Netherlands. The first leg ended 2-all. Romanian Cup winners CSU Craiova will compete directly in the third round.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • July 13, 2018 UPDATE

    July 13, 2018 UPDATE

    VENICE COMMISSION — The Venice Commission on Friday presented its preliminary report on the modifications brought to the justice laws in Romania, following notifications filed by the Romanian President and the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee. The report urges Bucharest authorities to reexamine the manner in which high-ranking prosecutors are appointed and dismissed, including by revising key provisions in the Constitution, in the sense of ensuring neutral procedures that should maintain the role of the country’s president and the Superior Council of Magistracy to counterbalance the influence of the Justice Ministry. Other recommendations are related to removing or clarifying provisions seen as ungrounded, lifting restrictions regarding the freedom of expression of judges and prosecutors. The Commission will publish a final report in October, when it will also present its opinion on the modifications brought to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes.

    ANALYSIS — Romania’s Prosecutor’s Office on Friday announced it finalized its analysis on the modifications Parliament has brought to the Criminal Code, finding a total of 21 unconstitutional articles, and recommending a referral to the Constitutional Court. According to an official press release, the aforementioned articles include provisions which lack clarity, coherence and predictability or blatantly violate Constitutional stipulations. Some of them refer to influence peddling, abuse of office, extended confiscation, first-degree murder, false testimony or the setup of an organized crime group. The Prosecutor’s Office also states that a series of modifications have been brought to criminal legislation without taking under advisement the observations and recommendations formulated by the Superior Council of Magistracy and judges and prosecutors’ associations, also without consulting and cooperating with the related institutions in the system.

    SUMMIT — Romania has fulfilled its set targets for the NATO summit in Brussels, the most important of which regards Romania hosting a three-star NATO command, whose future structure will be decided by autumn this year, Defense Minister Mihai Fifor announced on Friday. By hosting this NATO structure, Romania proves it is one of the most important players on the NATO eastern flank, Minister Fifor said.

    US SUPPORT – Washington supports the territorial integrity and political sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia and reiterates its support for the democratically elected governments and people of those three countries, shows a US Congress resolution. The document shows the US’s commitment to supporting the three former Soviet republics on their way to European integration, and to obtain energy security and intensify commercial cooperation. The resolution also condemns the Russian aggression in the region, and calls for the withdrawal of Russian troops and ammunition which are illegally deployed on the territory of these three states. The resolution asks the allies from the EU and the UN to continue to put pressure on Moscow for it to comply with its international commitments and calls on the US Department of State to have a full-fledged and active dialogue against Russia’s interference in the democratic processes of the three sovereign nations. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has recently reiterated the need for a complete withdrawal of foreign armed forces from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and NATO called for the pullout of Russian troops stationed in the three states, without their consent, in line with international commitments.

    LOANS — The Parliament in Chisinau on Friday ratified a loan agreement with the European Investment Bank worth 80 million euros for the interconnection of Romania and Moldova’s electricity grids. Covering a period of 25 years, the money will be used to build the first link from Isaccea to Vulcanesti, which will provide an alternative energy source to the Republic of Moldova. Construction works are due to complete in 2022. Moldova will receive a second loan, also worth 80 million euros from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a third loan worth 70 million euros from the World Bank and a 40-million-euro grant from the European Commission.

    REFERRAL — Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis has referred to the Constitutional Court the latest modifications Parliament has brought to the law on local public administration. The president claims the new law allows the possibility for the transfer of assets with unclear property documents into public domain, through a simple statutory declaration of the secretary of the administrative-territorial unit in question. The president also criticized the instatement of certain procedural exemptions under which the concession of assets from the private domain of local municipalities no longer requires a public tender.

    PROSECUTION — Anticorruption prosecutors have indicted 90 people, including leaders of the National Health Insurance Authority, the Health Insurance Agency of Bucharest and public officials from the two institutions, but also private health providers, in a case of health insurance fraud. According to the National Anticorruption Directorate, some 4,5 million euros were embezzled by illegally refunding home-based medical care services by the Bucharest Health Insurance Agency.

    TRUMP — Great Britain and the United States will try to further post-Brexit cooperation, British Prime Minister Theresa May told a press conference held on Friday jointly with US President Donald Trump. On a visit to London, the White House leader said relations between the two countries are very strong, just hours from harshly criticizing Prime Minister May’s Brexit strategy. The British Government on Thursday outlined its plans on future UK-EU relations after Brexit, which provides for the setup of an area of free trade with the 27 EU Member States. With simplified customs procedures, the accord would also prevent the creation of a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. The proposals have stirred harsh reactions from Euroskeptics, while Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and Brexit Minister David Davis resigned, unhappy with London’s approach to negotiations.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Recovery centre for Romanian troops

    Recovery centre for Romanian troops

    Romania will join the countries that have special healthcare centres for the recovery of troops returning from missions in international theatres of operations. Most NATO member countries already have such facilities, where the troops wounded in missions or having suffered psychological traumas benefit from special care and recovery programmes. The military returning unharmed from their missions may also benefit from the services of this centre, given that psychological assistance is essential in such cases.

    The initiative to set up this centre, which will be the only one of this kind in south-east Europe, came from the Romanian Association of Military and Disabled Veterans. The Association was granted the right to use free of charge, for 49 years, the compound that used to host a military high school near Dealu Monastery, Targoviste, in the south of the country, where Romania’s former sovereign, Michael I, received his military training. The Association has 5 years, after receiving the right to use the land and buildings, to complete the investment.

    The Defence Minister Mihai Fifor talked to the local authorities about the construction of this centre and also announced revamping works on another centre: “This project addresses the military returning from theatres of operations, because obviously such recovery centres are increasingly needed. At present we have nearly 700 troops deployed in Afghanistan. Benefitting from the services provided by the centre will not necessarily be only those troops that have suffered physical wounds. Also next year, we will start the revamping works on the Herculane centre, as we have already promised, because we intend to have more than one such unit in Romania.”

    As for the works at the Targoviste centre, Senator Adrian Tutuianu said the investments here might start in 2019, provided that all the ownership transfer formalities are completed this year and the Defence Ministry issues all the required orders. Previously, Marius Apostol, an Afghanistan veteran and head of the Romanian Association of Military and Disabled Veterans, said he was hoping for the centre to be opened sooner, more specifically on November 11, Veterans Day.

    Mihai Fifor also announced that in the same region near Targoviste, a national pilot centre will be built, specialising in the maintenance of military equipment. Romania contributes 695 troops to the NATO mission in Afghanistan. Another around 300 military are deployed in missions under UN, EU and OSCE command in other regions. So far 29 Romanian troops were killed and nearly 200 wounded in international military missions.

  • June 6, 2018 UPDATE

    June 6, 2018 UPDATE

    CONSTITUTIONAL COURT — Romania’s Constitutional Court has notified the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission and the president of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts of what it called “the virulent attacks launched against the Court, through which representatives of public authorities and of some parliamentary parties have discredited and deligitimised the institution’s authority.” Romania’s Constitutional Court claims that the compulsory character of its rulings would thus be questioned and that the population and the country’s president would be urged not to respect and enforce the recent ruling by the court which took note of the existence of a legal conflict of a constitutional nature between the Justice Ministry and the President of Romania. Notified by the relevant minister, Tudorel Toader, the Court ruled that the head of state, Klaus Iohannis, should revoke the head of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, DNA, Laura Codruţa Kovesi. We recall that president Iohannis had rejected as ungrounded the proposal made by the Justice Minister to revoke the DNA chief prosecutor. On Tuesday, Klaus Iohannis said he would make a public statement on the revocation issue only after he receives the Constitutional Court’s motivation, likely to be issued on Thursday. He underlined that he would observe the rule of law and would take care that prosecutors remain independent, in keeping with the provisions of the Constitution. The decision by which Romania’s Constitutional Court imperatively calls on the head of state to revoke Kovesi has stirred criticism and fuelled speculations that, given its current membership, the court would allegedly be politically influenced when issuing its verdicts.

    DECISION — The Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday adopted a draft law on the setup of the Development and Investment Sovereign Fund (FSDI). The fund is a funding mechanism identifying and capitalizing on investment opportunities with an impact on sustainable development and creating new jobs on the long-term. The bill was passed after the Commission for Economic Policy tabled several amendments, which include increasing the cash contribution to 2 billion euros and expanding the list of economic operators. The opposition said it would refer the bill to the Constitutional Court and accused the power of undermining national economy.

    VISIT — Romania’s Prime Minister Viorica Dancila is on a two-day official visit to Lisbon, Portugal, where she met with her Portuguese counterpart, Antonio Costa. In a joint press statement, Viorica Dancila announced the setup of a think tank in the field of European funds so that Romania should reach a high absorption level, similar to Portugal’s. The two officials agreed to boost economic relations and discussed the signing of bilateral agreements in the fields of research and innovation and healthcare. Prime Minister Dancila thanked her Portuguese counterpart for the interest and good care the Portuguese Government displays towards the Romanian community in Portugal. The Romanian Prime Minister also attended the inauguration of the Romanian square Rotunda da Romenia in Estoril. Also on Wednesday, the two countries’ healthcare ministers signed two bilateral cooperation memoranda.

    DEFENSE — Romania’s Defense Minister Mihai Fifor on Wednesday held talks with his counterparts from Greece and Serbia over the security developments in the Western Balkans and regional cooperation opportunities, with a focus on developing military capabilities in a multi-national format, including as part of initiatives carried out at EU level. The three ministers met in Nea Peramos Attica in Greece, on the sidelines of the Day of Distinguished Guests to the SALAMIS STORM 2018 multinational exercise, bringing together military from Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Serbia. The exercise is aimed at training troops to cope with specific challenges in peace-keeping and crisis-solving operations.

    EDUCATION — Education must be adapted to the labour market, in cooperation with the business environment, while students should also learn about European values, such as fairness, in order to access this labour market, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Tibor Navracsics said in Bucharest. The European Commissioner met with Romania’s Education and Culture Ministers and talked to Romanian citizens about education and the future of Europe. In Targu Mures, on Thursday, Commissioner Navracsics will attend a forum on education and a debate on cultural heritage. Also on Thursday the EU official will meet with the president of the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, Kelemen Hunor.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, world no. 1 and seeded first at Roland Garros, on Wednesday qualified to the semi-finals of the French Open, after defeating Germany’s Angelique Kerber, 12 WTA, 2-1. The Romanian is yet to win her first major, after losing the 2014 and 2017 finals in Paris, and the Melbourne final this year. Halep will take on Garbine Muguruza of Spain, who ousted Russia’s Maria Sharapova. In the other all-US semi-final Sloane Stephens will take on Madison Keys.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • NATO solicită suplimentarea numărului de militari în Afganistan

    NATO solicită suplimentarea numărului de militari în Afganistan

    Statul Major al Apărării şi MApN analizează posibilitatea creşterii efectivelor de militari din teatrele de operaţii începând de anul viitor, a anunţat joi seară, ministrul Apărării, Mihai Fifor. Potrivit acestuia, suplimentarea numărului de militari din Afganistan şi din alte zone de conflict are loc la solicitarea NATO.

    România este prezentă în Afganistan cu aproape 700 de militari. Vreau să vă fac o dezvăluire în premieră – în momentul de faţă NATO solicită ţărilor membre să revizuiască efortul de participare în teatrele de operaţii şi la momentul acesta în Statul Major al Apărării şi în Ministerul Apărării analizăm posibilitatea creşterii numărului de militari pentru anul 2019, a precizat Fifor.

    Decizia finală pe această temă va fi adoptată de Parlamentul României şi de Consiliul Suprem de Apărare a Ţării.

  • May 29, 2018 UPDATE

    May 29, 2018 UPDATE

    Prince Charles – The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will have talks Wednesday in Bucharest with Prince Charles, the heir to the British Throne, the presidential administration announced. Last year Prince Charles visited Romania on several occasions both on private and official visits. In 2017 Klaus Iohannis decorated Prince Charles with the Order of the Star of Romania in Rank of Grand Cross in sign of appreciation for his activity in Romania and for promoting Romania’s image in the world. For 20 years the Prince of Wales has come to Romania on an almost annual basis. He holds in Romania several properties and a charity that encourages the preservation of the heritage, agriculture and Romania’s sustainable development.

    Cohesion funds — Romania has been allotted cohesion funds worth 27 billion Euros in the future European draft budget for the period 2021-2027, according to the proposals published Tuesday by the European Commission. The Commission proposed the modernization of the cohesion policy within the future EU multi-annual budget that will have a total amount of funds of 373 billion Euros. The European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu said that the European body would focus on several key sectors such as innovation, support for small enterprises, infrastructure, Internet access, education and urban areas. According to a EC communiqué the GDP per capita will continue to be the main criterion for the allocation of funds, but they will also take into consideration such criteria as youth unemployment, a low education level, climate changes as well as entry of migrants. The cohesion policy is the EU’s main investment policy.

    Bookfest — Over 150 publishers are participating in the 13th edition of Bookfest International Book Fair to take place in Bucharest between May 30 and June 3. This year the US is a guest of honor. According to organizers, the US’ participation in this year’s fair as a guest of honor will take place under the motto ‘Celebrating the South’ and brings to Romania American authors from various domains. For 5 days the visitors of Bookfest will have the opportunity to participate in hundreds of events among which book launches and film screenings. Readers will be able to choose from more than one million books and discounts will be up to 80% of the original price. The Casa Radio Publishers will present more than 140 titles, audio books, books with CD, illustrated or comic books.

    Brussels — Workers temporarily dispatched to an EU member state have to receive a salary equal to that of a local worker for the same job undertaken in the same conditions, according to the new norms passed Tuesday by the European Parliament. The new directive amends and reforms another European directive adopted in 1996. The purpose of the reform is to guarantee good protection for the dispatched workers and equality between the local companies and those that dispatch workers. The maximum dispatching period was set at 12 months with a possible 6-month extension, after which the rules of the labor market in the host country will apply. After the coming into force of the directive, member states have two years to transpose the norms in their national legislation.

    Motion — The opposition National Liberal Party on Tuesday filed a simple motion against the finance minister Eugen Teodorovici entitled “The fiscal mess caused by the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats confiscates your pension money.” The leader of the Liberal MPs, Raluca Turcan, has said that the way in which the minister is managing the finances sector jeopardizes Romanians’ future pensions and affects Romania’s credibility at external level.

    Romania – Japan Cooperation – The Ministry for the Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship started the procedures for the organization of an economic mission in Bucharest, in November, in partnership with JETRO — Japan External Trade Organization, as part of the efforts to internationalize Romanian companies and attract foreign investments. The Romanian minister for the Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship Stefan Radu Oprea headed an official delegation on a working visit to Japan between May 23 and 25. He had meetings with Yoji Muto, a secretary of state with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and with the members of the Japan-Romania friendship group in Japan’s National Diet. Japan External Trade Organization is a government organization from Japan whose aim is to promote trade and investments between Japan and the countries of the world. On the sidelines of this visit, two forums were held under the motto “Business Bridge Romania-Japan”. Representatives from 200 Japanese companies took part in these forums, the main topic being the attraction of Japanese investments.(news updated and translated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • Nachrichten 29.05.2018

    Nachrichten 29.05.2018

    Bukarest: Das Oberste Gericht in Bukarest hat am Dienstag bekanntgegeben, das Urteil im Strafverfahren gegen den Präsidenten der Abgeordnetenkammer und Vorsitzenden der Sozialdemokratischen Partei PSD Liviu Dragnea werde am 08. Juni ausgesprochen. Liviu Dragnea wird der Korruption beschuldigt; beim Gerichtstermin am 15. Mai hatte die Antikorruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft in der Anklageschrift Freiheitsstrafen von 5 Jahren und 5 Monaten wegen Amtsmissbrauch und 2 Jahren und 6 Monaten wegen Fälschung gefordert. Dragnea soll als Kreisratsvorsitzender des Kreises Teleorman die fiktive Einstellung zweier Frauen, PSD-Parteimitglieder, beim Jugendamt Teleorman angeordnet haben. Die Gehälter der zwei Frauen wurden von öffentlichen Geldern bezahlt, obwohl sie nicht fürs Jugendamt sondern ausschließlich für die Sozialdemokratische Partei PSD gearbeitet haben. Gegen Liviu Dragnea wurde bereits 2016 ein endgültiges Strafurteil ausgesprochen, eine Freiheitsstrafe von 2 Jahren zu Bewährung wegen versuchten Wahlbetrugs. Zur Zeit unternimmt der Vorsitzende der Sozialdemokratischen Partei PSD und Präsident der Abgeordnetenkammer Liviu Dragnea einen Besuch in der Schweiz.

    Bukarest: Das Oberste Gericht in Bukarest hat am Dienstag bekanntgegeben, das Urteil im Strafverfahren gegen die ehemalige Chefin der Staatsanwaltschaft zur Bekämpfung des Organisierten Verbrechens DIICOT Alina Bica sowie gegen den Geschäftsmann Dorin Cocos und seinen Sohn, Alin Cocos, werde am 12. Juni ausgesprochen. Alina Bica wird wegen Amtsmissbrauch mit besonders schweren Folgen angeklagt. Den Amtsmissbrauch soll Alina Bica verübt haben, als sie Staatssekretärin und Vertreterin des Justizministeriums im Ausschuss zur Feststellung der Entschädigungen im Rahmen der Nationalen Behörde für die Rückerstattung von Eigentümern war. Die ehemalige DIICOT-Chefin befindet sich zur Zeit in Costa Rica, zusammen mit der ex-Ministerin und ex-Ehefrau von Dorin Cocos Elena Udrea. Gegen Elena Udrea laufen auch mehrere Strafverfahren, nachdem sie lange Zeit die einflussreichste Person aus dem Bekanntenkreis des ehemaligen Staatspräsidenten Traian Basescu war. Alina Bica und Elena Udrea haben politisches Asyl in Costa Rica beantragt.

    Paris: Der rumänische Verteidigungsminister Mihai Fifor hat in Paris Gespräche mit seiner französischen Amtskollegin Florence Parly über die bilaterale Kooperation im Verteidigungsbereich geführt. Rumänien und Frankreich werden vor dem NATO-Gipfel im Juli in Brüssel ihre Positionen in Bezug auf die Sicherheit an der Ostflanke der NATO harmonisieren, so Verteidigungsminister Fifor. Ein weiteres Gesprächsthema war die rumänische EU-Ratspräsidentschaft in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2019. Auf der Agenda stehen noch Zusammmentreffen mit Philippe Etienne, diplomatischer Berater des französischen Staatspräsidenten Emmanuel Macron und ehemaliger Botschafter Frankreichs in Rumänien und mit mehreren Herstellern von militärischen Ausrüstungen.

    Bukarest: Die rumänische Vizepremierministerin Ana Birchall ist am Dienstag mit der Delegation der parlamentarischen Freundschaftsgruppe des britischen Parlaments zusammengekommen. Bei dem Treffen betonte Ana Birchall im Brexit-Kontext die Bedeutung der Rechte der rumänischen Staatsbürger und ihrer Familien, die im Vereinigten Königreich leben, arbeiten oder studieren. Rumänien wird sich weiterhin dafür einsetzen, dass Großbritannien auch nach dem Brexit der Europäischen Union so nah wie möglich bleibt“, so Ana Birchall. Bei den Gesprächen wurde auch die Bedeutung der strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen Rumänien und Großbritannien hervorgehoben, die auf soliden Grundlagen im Sicherheitsbereich und in der Wirtschaft basiert und zahlreiche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten hat.

    Bukarest: Der Streifen ‘Fixeur’, in der Regie von Adrian Sitaru hat den Großen Preis und die Trophäe des Verbands Rumänischer Filmproduzenten 2017 erhalten. Mit dem Preis für den besten Regisseur wurde Călin Peter Netzer für seinen Spielfilm ‘Ana, mon amour’ ausgezeichnet. ‘Ana, mon amour’ war eigentlich vierfacher Gewinner der Gala: an die Produktion von Călin Peter Netzer gingen ebenfalls der Preis der Jury und der Preis für den besten Schnitt für Dana Bunescu, während die Schauspielerin Diana Cavallioti die Auszeichnung für die beste weibliche Darstellerin in einer Hauptrolle für die Rolle der Protagonistin Ana erhielt.

    WETTER: Es bleibt warm in Rumänien, bei Temperaturen zw 22 und 30 Grad C. Der Himmel ist wechselhaft, mit zeitweiligen Bewölkungen im Nordwesten, Osten und im Gebirge, wo auch Regenschauer und Gewitter gemeldet werden. Im Südosten weht ein mittlerer Wind. In Bukarest wurden am Mittag 27 Grad gemessen.

  • 29.05.2018


    Procès – La Haute Cour de cassation et de justice de Bucarest a renvoyé au 8 juin le prononcé dans le dossier où Liviu Dragnea, président de la Chambre des députés et leader du PSD, est accusé de corruption. Lors de l’audience antérieure du 15 mai, les procureurs anticorruption ont réclamé au tribunal la condamnation de Liviu Dragnea à 7 ans et 5 mois de prison ferme pour abus de fonctions et à 2 ans et 6 mois pour faux intellectuel. Liviu Dragnea est accusé d’avoir embauché fictivement deux membres de son parti à la Direction d’assistance sociale et de la protection de l’enfance à l’époque où il était président du Conseil départemental de Teleorman. Ces personnes ont, par la suite, travaillé au service du PSD, tout en état rémunérées du budget public. En 2016, Liviu Dragnea a été condamné définitivement à 2 ans de prison avec sursis pour tentative de fraude électorale. Actuellement, M Dragnea se trouve en Suisse qu’il visite jusqu’à jeudi, en tant que chef de la Chambre des députés.

    Justice – La Haute Cour de cassation et de justice de Bucarest a renvoyé ce mardi au 12 juin le prononcé dans le dossier où l’ancienne cheffe de la DIICOT, Alina Bica, est accusée aux côtés de l’homme d’affaires Dorin Cocos et de son fils. Ex-procureur en chef de la Direction d’investigations du crime organisé et du terrorisme, Mme Bica est accusée d’abus de fonctions aux conséquences particulièrement graves à l’époque où elle était secrétaire d’Etat et représentante du ministère de la Justice au sein de la Commission centrale pour l’octroi des dédommagements de l’Autorité nationale pour la restitution des propriétés. Actuellement, Alina Bica se trouve au Costa Rica, en compagnie de l’ex épouse de Dorin Cocos, Elena Udrea, elle-même poursuivie en justice pour corruption. Les deux femmes ont demandé l’asile politique aux autorités costaricaines.

    Coopération – En visite à Paris, le ministre roumain de la Défense, Mihai Fifor, a discuté avec son homologue français, Florence Parly, de la coopération bilatérale dans ce domaine. L’occasion pour les deux parties d’harmoniser leurs positions en matière de sécurité sur le flanc oriental de l’OTAN avant le sommet de l’Alliance prévu au mois de juillet. Autre sujet au menu des discussions : le mandat de la Roumanie à la tête du Conseil de l’UE durant la première moitié de l’année prochaine. Toujours à l’agenda de la visite à Paris du ministre roumain figurent une entrevue avec Philippe Etienne, le conseiller diplomatique du président Emmanuel Macron et ancien ambassadeur de France à Bucarest, et des visites auprès de producteurs d’équipements militaires.

    Entrevue – La vice première ministre roumaine, Ana Birchall, a rencontré ce mardi la délégation du Groupe parlementaire d’amitié avec la Roumanie du Parlement de Londres. L’occasion pour la responsable roumaine de réitérer, dans le contexte du Brexit, l’importance de défendre les droits des ressortissants roumains et de leurs familles. « La Roumanie continuera à soutenir le rapprochement du Royaume Uni de l’UE » a déclaré Ana Birchall. Selon un communiqué du gouvernement roumain, les discussions ont mis en évidence l’importance du Partenariat stratégique avec la Grande Bretagne, un partenariat qui repose sur la sécurité, l’économie et différentes opportunités de développement.

    UCIN – « Fixeur » d’Adrian Sitaru a remporté le trophée de l’Union des cinéastes lors du Gala des Prix UCIN déroulé lundi, à Bucarest. Par ailleurs, Calin Peter Netzer s’est adjugé le prix du meilleur réalisateur pour son film « Anna, mon amour ». Le gala de l’Union des cinéastes de Roumanie, l’un des événements les plus importants de l’univers cinématographique roumain, a réuni des ses 55 années d’existence.

    Tennis – La numéro 1 mondiale, Simona Halep, s’apprête à rencontrer ce mardi l’Américaine Alison Riske, au premier tour de Roland Garros, deuxième tournoi de Grand Chelem de l’année. Ce mardi encore, trois autres Roumaines seront sur le terrain : Irina Begu affrontera Anna Karolina Schmiedlova de Slovaquie, Sorana Cîrstea aura pour adversaire Daria Gavrilova d’Australie et Ana Bogdan jouera contre la Tchèque Marketa Vondrousova. Lundi, deux joueuses roumaines de tennis se sont qualifiées au second tour de Roland Garros. Mihaela Buzarnescu, 32ème mondiale, a battu 2 à 0 l’Américaine Vania King et Alexandra Dulgheru, 160ème mondiale, eu raison d’une autre Américaine, Christina McHale, 85ème mondiale. En revanche, Marius Copil, le seul Roumain présent dans la compétition masculine, a perdu devant l’Italien Marco Cecchinato après un match marathon en 5 manches.

    Météo – En Roumanie, le temps est quasiment au beau fixe. Le ciel est pourtant variable, plutôt couvert sur le nord-ouest, l’est et à la montagne où des orages sont signalés. Le vent souffle légèrement plus fort sur le sud-est du territoire. Les maxima du jour vont de 22 à 30 degrés. 27 degrés à midi, dans la capitale.