May 29, 2018 UPDATE

Prince Charles – The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will have talks Wednesday in Bucharest with Prince Charles, the heir to the British Throne, the presidential administration announced. Last year Prince Charles visited Romania on several occasions both on private and official visits. In 2017 Klaus Iohannis decorated Prince Charles with the Order of the Star of Romania in Rank of Grand Cross in sign of appreciation for his activity in Romania and for promoting Romania’s image in the world. For 20 years the Prince of Wales has come to Romania on an almost annual basis. He holds in Romania several properties and a charity that encourages the preservation of the heritage, agriculture and Romania’s sustainable development.

Cohesion funds — Romania has been allotted cohesion funds worth 27 billion Euros in the future European draft budget for the period 2021-2027, according to the proposals published Tuesday by the European Commission. The Commission proposed the modernization of the cohesion policy within the future EU multi-annual budget that will have a total amount of funds of 373 billion Euros. The European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu said that the European body would focus on several key sectors such as innovation, support for small enterprises, infrastructure, Internet access, education and urban areas. According to a EC communiqué the GDP per capita will continue to be the main criterion for the allocation of funds, but they will also take into consideration such criteria as youth unemployment, a low education level, climate changes as well as entry of migrants. The cohesion policy is the EU’s main investment policy.

Bookfest — Over 150 publishers are participating in the 13th edition of Bookfest International Book Fair to take place in Bucharest between May 30 and June 3. This year the US is a guest of honor. According to organizers, the US’ participation in this year’s fair as a guest of honor will take place under the motto ‘Celebrating the South’ and brings to Romania American authors from various domains. For 5 days the visitors of Bookfest will have the opportunity to participate in hundreds of events among which book launches and film screenings. Readers will be able to choose from more than one million books and discounts will be up to 80% of the original price. The Casa Radio Publishers will present more than 140 titles, audio books, books with CD, illustrated or comic books.

Brussels — Workers temporarily dispatched to an EU member state have to receive a salary equal to that of a local worker for the same job undertaken in the same conditions, according to the new norms passed Tuesday by the European Parliament. The new directive amends and reforms another European directive adopted in 1996. The purpose of the reform is to guarantee good protection for the dispatched workers and equality between the local companies and those that dispatch workers. The maximum dispatching period was set at 12 months with a possible 6-month extension, after which the rules of the labor market in the host country will apply. After the coming into force of the directive, member states have two years to transpose the norms in their national legislation.

Motion — The opposition National Liberal Party on Tuesday filed a simple motion against the finance minister Eugen Teodorovici entitled “The fiscal mess caused by the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats confiscates your pension money.” The leader of the Liberal MPs, Raluca Turcan, has said that the way in which the minister is managing the finances sector jeopardizes Romanians’ future pensions and affects Romania’s credibility at external level.

Romania – Japan Cooperation – The Ministry for the Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship started the procedures for the organization of an economic mission in Bucharest, in November, in partnership with JETRO — Japan External Trade Organization, as part of the efforts to internationalize Romanian companies and attract foreign investments. The Romanian minister for the Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship Stefan Radu Oprea headed an official delegation on a working visit to Japan between May 23 and 25. He had meetings with Yoji Muto, a secretary of state with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and with the members of the Japan-Romania friendship group in Japan’s National Diet. Japan External Trade Organization is a government organization from Japan whose aim is to promote trade and investments between Japan and the countries of the world. On the sidelines of this visit, two forums were held under the motto “Business Bridge Romania-Japan”. Representatives from 200 Japanese companies took part in these forums, the main topic being the attraction of Japanese investments.(news updated and translated by Lacramioara Simion)