Tag: Monica Niculescu

  • September 1, 2017 UPDATE

    September 1, 2017 UPDATE

    PARLIAMENT – Parliament on Friday resumed its plenary sessions after the summer recess. The main legislative priorities on the agenda are the amendments to the pension law, to the justice laws, and setting up the Sovereign Investment Fund. The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies must vote on draft laws pending from the previous session, on legislative initiatives and on the Governments emergency orders.

    STATE OF THE ECONOMY – The prime minister of the left of centre Romanian Government, Mihai Tudose, will go to Parliament on Monday, to take part in the “Premiers Hour debate and give explanations on the state of the national economy. The decision was made by the Standing Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies, at the request of the right wing National Liberal Party, the main opposition party in Romania. The Liberals say there are concerns that Romania might soon face an economic crisis similar to that in 2009. In another move, the leader of the Social Democratic Party, the main party in the ruling coalition, Liviu Dragnea, in his capacity as Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, says the economy is not facing major problems.

    CORRUPTION – The president of the National Health Insurance Authority, Marian Burcea, was arrested on Friday by anti-corruption prosecutors. Burcea is suspected of illegally reimbursing medical services. Another 13 people have been arrested in the same case. Burcea was sacked right after his arrest. Anti-corruption prosecutors suspect the funds of the Bucharest Health Insurance Authority were embezzled by refunding sham medical services. Hundreds of false medical records were allegedly forged, involving several employees who enjoyed the protection of the institution and of the National Health Insurance Authority. On Thursday, prosecutors searched the headquarters of dozens of companies and institutions, as well as the homes of certain people in Bucharest. The fraud purportedly caused an estimated prejudice of 3 million euros.

    The war of sanctions and reactions between Moscow and Washington was resumed on
    Friday, with the closure of the Russian Consulate in San Francisco, at the
    request of the White House, FP reports. The US also ordered the closure, by Saturday,
    of two Russian commercial missions, in Washington and New York, respectively.
    Also on Friday, some two thirds of the US
    diplomatic missions staff in Russia, left their embassies and consulates. The
    measure was taken at the end of July by the Kremlin leader, Vladimir Putin, in response to the new economic
    sanctions imposed by the US on Russia. Although Donald Trump’s taking office in
    January seemed to herald the re-launch of bilateral relations, they continue to
    sour, against the backdrop of accusations on Russia’s interference in the 2016
    presidential elections in the US and of suspicions of an alleged understanding
    between Mr. Trump’s campaign team and
    Moscow, FP reports.

    ENESCU FESTIVAL – The George Enescu International Music Festival, one of the most prestigious events of its kind in Europe, kicks off on Saturday and will bring to Bucharest and other 7 cities in Romania over 3,000 of the worlds most acclaimed musicians. For three weeks, spectators will be able to attend some 80 concerts and events. This years honorary president is conductor Zubin Mehta, while the festivals artistic director is another conductor, Vladimir Jurowski. Some of the concerts on the festivals agenda will be broadcast live on Radio Romanias culture and music channels. The opening concert will be George Enescus “Oedipus Opera performed by London Philharmonic Orchestra, under the baton of Vladimir Jurowski.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Monica Niculescu, no. 57 WTA, has advanced to the third round in the US Open, the last Grand Slam tournament of the year. In the second round Niculescu ousted another Romanian, Ana Bogdan, 108 WTA, after three sets. Niculescu will next play Jennifer Brady of the United States. The best performance for Monica Niculescu at the US Open was reaching the round of 16 in 2011. Niculescu is the only standing Romanian player in the competition, after Sorana Cirstea lost to Jelena Ostapenko of Latvia. Another three Romanians, including Simona Halep, were knocked out in the opening round. In the womens doubles, Romania is represented by Sorana Cirstea, Irina Begu and Raluca Olaru, while Horia Tecau will be playing in the mens doubles. (Translated by V. Palcu and D. Vijeu)

  • RRI Sports Club – Tennis and football

    RRI Sports Club – Tennis and football

    Tennis player Simona Halep, WTA no. 2, has qualified to the round of 16 at the WTA tournament in Cincinatti. Halep eased past Taylor Townsend of the United States, 134 WTA, score 6-4, 6-1. Townsend had previously eliminated Irina Begu in the first round, 6-7, 6-1, 6-3. On Thursday Halep will take on the winner of the match pitting Roberta Vinci of Italy against Anastasjia Sevastova of Latvia. Simona Halep lost the 2015 Cincinnati final to Serena Williams and in 2016 she reached the semi-finals.

    In the women’s doubles, the pair made up of Monica Niculescu of Romania and Su-Wei Hsieh of Taiwan has qualified to the round of 16 after knocking out Johanna Konta of Great Britain and Christina McHale of the United States, 6-2, 6-2. In the next round Niculescu and Hsieh will take on Kristina Mladenovic of France and Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova of Russia.

    In the men’s doubles, Horia Tecau and Jean-Julien Rojer of the Netherlands have also reached the round of 16 after defeating Jared Donaldson and Stefan Kozlov of the United States, 6-3, 6-4. Tecau and Rojer will next play Raven Klaasen of South-Africa and Rajeev Ram of the United States. Horia Tecau and Jean-Julien Rojer last year played in the finals, while in 2012 Tecau won the trophy alongside Robert Lindstedt of Sweden.

    We move on to news from football. Romanian football club FCSB held Sporting Lisbon of Portugal to a blank draw away from home in the first leg of the Champions League group phase playoffs. The result is a promising one for FCSB, giving the Romanian side the upper hand in the return leg scheduled for next week on August 23 on National Arena stadium in Bucharest. Mihai Pintilii will be unavailable for next week’s match, as he was given a red booking in the second half on Tuesday.

    Romanian champions Viitorul Constanta will take on FC Red Bull Salzburg on home turf on Thursday to secure a place in the Europa League group phase. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Monica Niculescu a pierdut finala de dublu feminin de la Wimbledon

    Monica Niculescu a pierdut finala de dublu feminin de la Wimbledon

    Jucătoarea română de tenis Monica Niculescu și coechipiera sa, taiwaneza Hao-Ching Chan, au pierdut fără drept de apel, 0-6, 0-6, finala de dublu feminin a turneului de tenis de la Wimbledon în fața perechii Ekaterina Makarova-Elena Vesnina, din Rusia. Meciul s-a disputat sâmbătă seara târziu.

  • July 15, 2017 UPDATE

    July 15, 2017 UPDATE

    WIMBLEDON – The women’s doubles final at Wimbledon on Saturday ended after only 54 minutes. The pair made up of Monica Niculescu of Romania and Hao-Ching Chan of Taiwan stood no chance before the Russians Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina, who won 6-0, 6-0. In the semi-finals on Friday, Niculescu and Chan had defeated the Japanese/Czech pair Makoto Ninomiya/Renata Voracova 7-6, 4-6, 9-7.

    SABER GUARDIAN 17 – On Saturday, Romanias President Klaus Iohannis attended the exercise Saber Guardian 17, which is unfolding at the Cincu shooting range in central Romania. Participating are military staff from most NATO countries but also from the neighboring countries. This is the largest military exercise in Romanias modern history. 10 battle and logistics ships, 12 vessels and 18 ground battle vehicles of the Romanian Naval Forces carry out sea, air and ground drills alongside 25,000 Romanian and foreign soldiers. General Petr Pavel, the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, who is also attending the exercise, has stated that Bucharest is a reliable ally and has appreciated Romanias significant contribution to NATOs missions and operations, being one of the first 10 contributors to the mission in Afghanistan.

    ROMANIA-CHINA COMMITTEE – Prime Minister Mihai Tudose will set up a Romania – China Inter-ministerial Committee, whose goal would be to analyze bilateral projects. The announcement was made after the event “2017 China -Central and East European Countries Political Parties Dialogue”, organized in Bucharest by the ruling Social Democratic Party and a meeting with Liu Yunshan, a top level official of the Chinese Communist Party. During the proceedings hosted by Romanias Parliament, the Chinese official said that Beijing intends to develop new platforms of communication and cooperation with the central and eastern countries, especially as regards large scale projects. According to the head of the Social Democratic Party Liviu Dragnea, the Chinese authorities are very much interested in serious investments in infrastructure in Romania, such as motorways and high-speed railways. The parties also discussed the resumption of the Bucharest – Beijing flights and a better organizations of foodstuff exports.

    MEASLES EPIDEMIC – The number of officially confirmed cases of measles has reached 8000 in Romania, according to the National Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance and Control. The epidemic is spread across the country, and the largest numbers of cases were reported in the counties of Timis (west), Caras-Severin (south-west) and Arad (west). Three quarters of the cases were reported in children under 10, with the 1-4 years old age group being the most affected, with 3,100 cases. So far, the epidemic that broke out late last year has claimed 31 lives.

    COMMEMORATION – Turkey has organized a string of events to mark one year since the failed coup of July 2016. 15 July has been declared a day of national celebration. President Recep Tayyp Erdogan and his supporters claim that the victory against the failed coup in 2016 marked a revival of the nation. To others, though, the events back where less triumphant. The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has voiced support for the Turkish citizens who opposed the attempted coup and said that attempts to undermine democracy in the allied countries are unacceptable. Some 50,000 people were arrested and 150,000 have been sacked or suspended from office because of their involvement in the failed coup.

  • Monica Niculescu în finala de dublu feminin la Wimbledon

    Monica Niculescu în finala de dublu feminin la Wimbledon

    Perechea alcătuită din jucătoarea română de tenis Monica Niculescu și taiwaneza Hao-Ching Chan s-a calificat, vineri, în finala probei feminine de dublu de la Wimbledon, după ce a trecut de Makoto Ninomiya (Japonia) – Renata Voracova (Cehia) cu 7-6, 4-6, 9-7.

    Monica Niculescu a stabilit în această săptămână cea mai bună performanță a sa la dublu la un turneu de Mare Șlem, după sferturile de la Roland Garros (2010) și Australian Open (2012). Anul trecut, sportiva noastră a pierdut în turul I la Wimbledon.

    Niculescu și Chan vor întâlni în finală perechea rusă Ekaterina Makarova + Elena Vesnina, cap de serie numărul 2.

  • Nachrichten 14.07.2017

    Nachrichten 14.07.2017

    Das Bukarester Außenministerium hat in einer Mitteilung die groß angelegte internationale Militärübung begrüßt, die derzeit auch in Rumänien stattfindet. Die Saber Guardian 17 ist die größte Übung dieser Art in der modernen Geschichte des Landes. 10 Kampf- und Logistikschiffe, 12 Boote und 18 Landfahrzeuge der Marine mit insgesamt 25.000 rumänischen und ausländischen Militärs sind daran beteiligt. Die Saber Guardian 17 habe eine große militärische Bedeutung, da sie zur Konsolidierung der Verteidigungspositionen an der NATO-Ostflanke und zur Entwicklung der Interoperabilität zwischen den teilnehmenden Staaten beitrage. Ferner sei die Übung eine Bestätigung der starken transatlantischen Beziehungen und der bilateralen strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen Rumänien und den USA, die am 11. Juli ihren 20. Jahrestag hatte, steht noch im Communique des Bukarester Außenministeriums.

    Der Vorsitzende des NATO-Militärausschusses, der General Petr Pavel, hat Rumänien als konsequenten und vertrauenswürdigen Alliierten bezeichnet. Bei einer Pressekonferenz am Freitag in Bukarest würdigte er den Beitrag Rumäniens bei der Aufteilung der Verantwortlichkeiten im Rahmen des Militärbündnisses. Der Beitrag bestünde laut Pavel in der Zuweisung von 2% des BIP für die Verteidigung sowie der Teilnahme an Militärmissionen und Operationen. Ferner verwies der General auf die Präsenz der rumänischen Militärs in den Missionen in Afghanistan und im Kosovo sowie in den ständigen Schiffsaufgeboten der NATO. Außerdem beherberge Rumänien ein bedeutendes Militärobjekt der USA, den Raketenschutzschild in Deveselu. Der Vorsitzende des NATO-Militärausschusses erwähnte abschließend die Teilnahme der rumänischen Militärs an zahlreichen Übungen, wie dem zurzeit laufenden Saber Guardian“.

    Am Freitag ist auch in der französischen Botschaft in Bukarest der Nationalfeiertag Frankreichs mit einem Empfang und mehreren Veranstaltungen begangen worden. Motto der Feierlichkeiten war in diesem Jahr der Sport in Frankreich“; Ehrengäste waren dabei wichtige rumänische und französische Sportler. An dem Empfang beteiligte sich auch der rumänische Ministerpräsident Mihai Tudose. Dabei richtete er eine Einladung an seinen franz Amtskollegen Edouarde Philippe, einen Besuch nach Bukarest zu unternehmen. Rumänien spielt eine besonders wichtige Rolle in Mittel- und Osteuropa, als Land, das die europäischen Werte fördert. Dies erklärte die Botschafterin Frankreichs in Bukarest, Michele Ramis in einem Interview für RFI. Frankreich habe sich vorgenommen, die bereits sehr guten bilateralen wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen auf dem Hintergrund des positiven Wirtschaftswachstums in Rumänien noch zu verstärken. Ferner werde Frankreich bei den Vorbereitungen zur Übernahme der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2019 unterstützen, so Michele Ramis.

    SPORT: Rumäniens Tennisprofi Monica Niculescu hat in Wimbledon das Finale im Doppel der Damen erreicht. Gemeinsam mit der Taiwanesin Hao-Ching Chan bezwang sie das Duo Makoto Ninomiya (Japan)/ Renata Voracova (Tschechien) mit 7:6, 4:6 und 9:7. Im Endspiel treffen Niculescu und Chan auf die Russinen Makarowa/Wesnina.

  • July 14, 2017 UPDATE

    July 14, 2017 UPDATE

    SABER GUARDIAN– The Romanian Foreign Ministry has hailed the 2017 Saber Guardian multinational military exercise, held on Romanias territory by the United States Ground and Service Forces Europe. According to a Ministry press release, the exercise brings together over 20 NATO and partner states, with a significant number of troops and technical equipment, being the largest and most comprehensive military exercise hosted by Romania in recent years. Saber Guardian is a key military exercise, contributing to consolidating defense and deterrence capabilities on NATOs eastern flank and to developing interoperability between participant countries. The exercise is also a sign of solidarity, highlighting the robust trans-Atlantic relation and the bilateral strategic partnership between Romania and the United States, signed 20 years ago.

    NATO – Romania is a constant and reliable partner, said in Bucharest on Friday the chairman of the NATO military committee General Petr Pavel. He appreciated Romanias contribution to sharing responsibilities within NATO, both by allocating 2% of the GDP to defense and by participating in military missions and operations. General Petr Pavel mentioned the presence of Romanian soldiers in missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo, but also in the standing NATO maritime groups. Also, Romania plays host to the missile defense shield in Deveselu, in the south. The NATO official also mentioned Romanian soldiers participation in numerous drills and exercises, such as the one that is unfolding these days under the name of Saber Guardian.

    JULY 14 – The National Day of France was celebrated on Friday at the French Embassy in Bucharest. The theme of the event was sport, and guests of honour were big Romanian and French athletes. The reception was attended by the new Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose. He stated that, for two hundred years, Romania and France had overcome many obstacles thanks to the values they shared and the solid friendship between them. The Romanian Prime Minister extended an invitation to his French counterpart Edouard Phillipe to come and visit Bucharest. In turn, the French ambassador Michel Ramis said that the strategic partnership between France and Romania, concluded in 2008, was based on three pillars: proximity, the European family and the economic-industrial partnership. According to the Ambassador, there are some 2,400 French companies active in Romania, which circulate 4 billion Euros worth of direct investments. Thus France is the 5th largest foreign investor in Romania. Michel Ramis also said that Bucharest could count on Frances full support in its preparation for taking over the presidency of the EU Council in the first half of 2019.

    SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – The Romanian Minister of the Environment Gratiela Gavrilescu will attend the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development hosted by New York between the 17th and the 21st of July. The event is organised under the aegis of the UN Economic and Social Council. The main issue on the agenda is eradication of poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world. According to a communiqué issued by the Ministry of the Environment, at the event in New York 44 states will present national reports on the implementation of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. The ministers meeting will be held on July 19-20, and the participants will sign a joint declaration.

    WORLD EXHIBITION– Romanias pavilion at the World Exhibition hosted by Astana, Kazakhstan, is visited on average by 1,500 visitors per day, Mihail Dediu, the head of the Romanian delegation told Radio Romania. The theme this year is the energy of tomorrow. Romanias pavilion is devoted to the high-power laser in Magurele, southern Romania, the largest research project in Romania in the last 50 years. Romania thus wants to promote Romanias potential for innovation in the field of research, Mihail Dediu said.

    CLIMATE CHANGE– Climate change will prompt a swift temperature spike, intensifying extreme meteorological phenomena and heavy downpours, causing crop failures and coral loss in the Asia-Pacific area, climate experts have warned. These developments are the result of the failure to observe the Paris Accord on Climate Change. Signed in 2015 and enacted in November 2016, the agreement provides for keeping a global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius as compared to pre-industrial levels. To reach this target, swifter and harsher measures are needed, climate experts argue. If the worlds population keeps emitting greenhouse gases fueling global warming, the average global temperature will rise by at least 4 degrees by the end of the century, and even by 6 degrees Celsius in some regions.

    FOOTBALL– Romanias champion FC Viitorul Constanta will play against the winner of the match between APOEL Nicosia of Cyprus and F19 Dudelange of Luxembourg, in the third preliminary round of the Champions League. Vice-champion FCSB (former Steaua Bucharest) will also play in the third round against the Czechs from FC Viktoria Plzen. In Europa Leauge, CS Universitatea Craiova will taken on the Italian AC Milan and FC Dinamo Bucharest will play against Athletic Bilbao. On Thursday, the Romanian football club Astra Giurgiu defeated 3-1 Zira FK of Azerbaijan in the first leg of the Europa League second preliminary round. The return leg will be played on July 20 in Baku.

    WIMBLEDON — The pair made up of Monica Niculescu of Romania and Hao-Ching Chan of Taiwan on Friday qualified for the Wimbledon doubles final, after defeating Markota Ninomiya of Japan and Renata Voracova of the Czech Republic 2-1. Niculescu and Chan will play the final against the Russians Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina. This is Niculescu’s best performance in a Grand Slam doubles competition, after reaching the Roland Garros quarterfinals in 2010 and the Australian Open quarterfinals in 2012. The best-rated player from Romania right now, Simona Halep, WTA no. 2, was knocked out in the quarterfinals after losing to Johanna Konta of Great Britain.

  • 13 July, 2017

    13 July, 2017

    Military exercise.
    Romanian Navy troops are taking part in the Saber Guardian 17 exercise, the
    biggest in Romania’s modern history. 10 battle ships and logistics ships, 12
    boats and 18 land combat units of the Romanian Navy are taking part in sea,
    land and air activities alongside around 25,000 Romanian and foreign military.
    President Klaus Iohannis visited the Mihail Kogalniceanu administrative centre,
    in the south-east, to meet the Romanian and British pilots taking part in the
    strengthened air police mission and the Chairman of the NATO Military
    Committee, general Petr Pavel. The latter is on a trip to Romania until
    Saturday at the invitation of the Romanian Chief of Staff Nicolae Ciuca. On
    Saturday, president Iohannis will attend a multinational military exercise at
    the Cincu shooting range in the centre.

    Bastille Day. US
    president Donald Trump today travels to Paris for a two-day official visit. He
    will meet his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and attend the annual Bastille
    Day parade on the 14th of July as a guest of honour. Trump will also
    meet US military and civilian staff. According to France Presse news agency,
    Macron invited Trump to Paris to attend the Bastille Day festivities last
    month, with the parade also including US troops this year to mark the 100th
    anniversary of the United States’ joining the allied forces in WWI. The last
    time a US president attended a military parade in France was in 1989, for the
    anniversary of 200 years since the French Revolution.

    Measles outbreak. Romania is confronted with the biggest
    measles epidemic in recent years. 31 persons have died and 7,500 have become
    sick since September last year when the epidemic broke out. The European office
    of the World Health Organisation has recently confirmed that the measles
    outbreak continues to spread in Europe. More than 3,300 cases have been
    reported in Italy, including 2 deaths, since June last year. One person died in
    Germany and another in Portugal, according to national public health
    authorities. According to the World Health Organisation, Europe has made
    significant progress in recent decades to eradicate measles, which is no longer
    endemic in 37 countries. However, there are still areas where the immunisation
    rate is very low, which allows this extremely contagious virus to spread among
    the people who have not received vaccination.

    Football. The Court
    of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland, has today ruled that FC
    Viitorul remain the Romanian football champions, thus upholding a decision of the
    Romanian governing bodies. FC Viitorul and FCSB finished with the same number of
    points, but Viitorul were declared champions based on a better head-to-head
    record during the final phase of the competition. The runner-up side, FCSB, had
    appealed the decision saying they should be champions because of a better
    record during the entire season. Also today, the Romanian football side Astra
    Giurgiu are facing Zira FK from Azerbaijan at home in the first leg of the
    Europa League second preliminary round. The second leg will take place on the
    20th of July in Baku.

    Tennis. On Friday, the Romanian-Taiwanese pair Monica
    Niculescu and Hao-Ching Chan are facing the Japanese-Czech pair Makota Ninomiya
    and Renata Voracova for a place in the women’s doubles final at Wimbledon.
    Niculescu and Chan reached the semifinals after defeating the American-Czech
    pair CiCi Bellis and Marketa Vondrousova in two sets. This is Niculescu’s best
    doubles result in a Grand Slam tournament, having reached the quarterfinals at
    Roland Garros in 2010 and the Australian Open in 2012. Romania’s highest ranked
    player Simona Halep, who is number two in the world, was defeated in the
    quarterfinals by the British player Johanna Konta.

  • Nachrichten 12.07.2017

    Nachrichten 12.07.2017

    Der Botschafter der Vereinigten Staaten in Bukarest, Hans Klemm, gratulierte am Mittwoch den rumänischen Behörden im Kontext der Ankündigung der Agentur für Sicherheit und Kooperation über die Anschaffung von sieben Boden-Luft Patriot-Raketenabwehrsystemen. Dies erklärte der US-Botschafter Hans Klemm bei einem Treffen mit dem rumänischen Verteidigungsminister, Adrian Tutuianu. Dabei sagte Tutuianu, die Durchführung dieses Programms werde die Verteidigungskapazitäten Rumäniens entwickeln, die Ostflanke der Nordatlantischen Allianz konsolidieren und die strategische Partnerschaft zwischen Rumänien und den USA verstärken. Das US-State Department bewilligte den Verkauf des 3,9 Milliarden Dollar teueren Patriot-Raketenabwehrsystems an Rumänien. In den nächsten Jahren wird Rumänien 6 Milliarden Dollar für neue Raketenabwehrsysteme ausgeben.

    Der Vorsitzende der Bukarester Abgeordnetenkammer, Liviu Dragnea, unternimmt einen offiziellen Besuch in Israel, auf Einladung des Knesset-Vorsitzenden Yuli Edelstein. Bei einer Sitzung des israelischen Parlaments finden am Mittwoch Beratungen über die Vertiefung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem rumänischen und dem israelischen Parlament statt. Ebenfalls am Mittwoch wird Liviu Dragnea vom israelischen Premierminister, Benjamin Netanjahu, empfangen. Auf dem Programm steht auch auch ein Besuch der Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem.

    Das Bukarester Verfassungsgericht hat die Anzeige der Nationalliberalen Partei betreffend die Änderung des Gesetzes über die Funktionierung des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks und des öffenlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens angenommen. Das besagte Gesetz würde gegen mehrere Verfassungsrechte versto‎ßen und unerlaubtes Einmischen der staatlichen Behörden in das Assoziierungsrecht ermöglichen, steht in der Anzeige. Die Verfassungsrichter haben festgestellt, dass die endgültige Form des Gesetzentwurfes Vorschriften enthält, welche die Funktionierung der zwei Einrichtungen grundsätzlich verändern würden. Ferner würden gewisse Bestimmungen gegen die Verfassung versto‎ßen. In dem Schreiben der Nationalliberalen Partei steht, das Regierungskabinett habe im Monat März dem Senat eine negative Stellungnahme über den Gesetzentwurf eingereicht, und der Haushaltsausschuss des Bukarester Senats habe am 14. Juni 2016 ebenfalls eine negative Stellungnahme dazu abgegeben.

    Die rumänische Marine nimmt seit einigen Tagen an der grö‎ßten multinationalen Militärübung ihrer modernen Geschichte teil. 745 Soldaten, 12 Kriegsschiffe und 12 Boote sowie 18 Landfahrzeuge sind aus Rumänien bei der diesjährigen Ausgabe der SABER GUARDIAN dabei. Die Übung findet zeitgleich in Bulgarien, Rumänien und Ungarn statt. Allein in Rumänien sind 25.000 Soldaten und 2.000 Kampfmittel aus 23 Staaten dabei. Die Übung wird von den amerikanischen Streitkräften koordiniert.

    Das Damen-Tennisduo gebildet aus der Rumänin Monica Niculescu und der Taiwanesin Hao-Ching Chan hat am Mittwoch den Einzug ins Wimbledon-Halbfinale geschafft. Die beiden haben dich gegen die Amerikanerin Cici Bellis und die Tschechin Marketa Vondrousova mit 6-3, 6-4 durchgesetzt. Die beste rumänische Tennisspielerin, Simona Halep (Platz 2 WTA) hat am Dienstag die Qualifizierung ins Halbfinale des Wimbledon-Turniers verpasst. Simona Halep verlor im Viertelfinale des dritten Grand-Slam-Turniers des Jahres mit 6-7, 7-6, 6-4 gegen die Britin Johanna Konta.

  • July 12, 2017 UPDATE

    July 12, 2017 UPDATE

    U.S. ATLANTIC COUNCIL — Romanian foreign minister Teodor Melescanu has held talks with a delegation of the U.S. Atlantic Council on Romania’s role as an essential ally of the United States and about the vital importance of the bilateral relationship between the two countries. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the U.S. delegation was led by the executive vice-president of the Atlantic Council, Damon Vilson, who was accompanied by former U.S. ambassadors to Central and Eastern Europe. The two sides also exchanged opinions on the situation in the extended Black Sea region, underlining the current multiple challenges to security, the communiqué also writes.

    PATRIOT MISSILES – The US Ambassador to Bucharest, Hans Klemm, on Wednesday congratulated Romanian authorities, in the context of the announcement made by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, on the purchase by Bucharest of seven Patriot missile systems. The statement was made during a meeting with the Romanian Dfense Minister Adrian Tutuianu. The latter said that this programme will strengthen Romania’s defense capability, NATO’s eastern flank, and will develop and consolidate the strategic partnership between Romania and the US. The US State Department agreed to the sale of Patriot missiles to Romania, a deal worth 3.9 billion dollars, according to a statement from the Pentagon, quoted by Reuters. If the deal goes through, dozens of government representatives and contractors would come to Romania to install equipment, check systems, and provide training and logistical and technical support.

    MEETING – Romanian PM Mihai Tudose on Wednesday met with Defense Minister Adrian Tutuianu, Economy Minister Mihai Fifor and head of the Romanian Army General Staff, general Nicolae Ciuca. The meeting focused on the equipping of the Romanian Army, as Bucharest has earmarked 2% of the GDP for this purpose. The officials analysed the needs of the Romanian army by also taking into account the capability of the Romanian defense industry.

    JERUSALEM –The Speaker of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea is on an official visit to Israel, upon an invitation extended by the Speaker of the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein. According to Radio Romania correspondent, consultations are being held as part of the Knesset meeting on developing cooperation between the two states at a parliamentary level. Liviu Dragneas visit also includes a tour of the Yad Vashem museum.

    MILITARY — The Romanian Navy takes part these days in the Saber Guardian 17 multinational exercise, participating with 745 sailors, 10 warships, 12 support ships, and 18 vehicles. The exercise ends on July 22nd, and is the biggest exercise in Romanias modern history, held in three countries, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. 21 national integrated and connected drills are scheduled, bringing together around 25,000 troops from 22 states. Saber Guardian 17, planned by the US European Command, is meant to showcase the deterrence and reaction capacity of allied forces in a collective defense scenario, using power projection, according to a press release from the Defense Ministry in Bucharest.

    TENNIS –Romanian tennis player Monica Niculescu, who paired up in the doubles with Taiwanese Chan Hao-Ching on Wednesday defeated the US-Czech pair CiCi Bellis- Marketa Vondrousova, 6-3, 6-4 and qualified to the semi-finals in Wibledon. We remind you that Romanias best tennis player, Simona Halep, number two in the world, failed to qualify to the Wimbledon semi-finals on Tuesday. In the quarter finals, she was defeated by British player Johanna Konta, 6-7, 7-6, 6-4. Had she won, Halep would have moved to first place in the WTA standings, after having defeated in the eighth finals current number one, German player Angelique Kerber.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Athlete of the Week: tennis player Monica Niculescu

    Athlete of the Week: tennis player Monica Niculescu

    In the ladies’ doubles at Wimbledon, the Romanian-Taiwanese pair made up of Monica Niculescu and Hao-Ching Chan has got through to the quarterfinals. In the tournament’s fourth round 9th-seeds Niculescu and Chan outclassed the Brazilian –Croatian pair made up of Beatriz Haddad Maia and Ana Konjuh, 6-7, 6-3, 6-4. Previously, in the first round, Niculescu and Chang defeated the Romanian Paraguayan pair made up of Raluca Olaru and Veronica Cepede Royg, 6-4, 3-6, 6-1. In the second round, Monica Niculescu and Hao-Ching Chan overpowered the Turkish-Thai pair made up of Ipek Soylu and Varatchaya Wongteanchai, 6-3, 6-3.

    For Monica Nicuescu, it was the best performance in a double event at Wimbledon. Also, Niculescu has paralleled her career-best so far in a Grand Slam tournament, having reached as far as the quarterfinals in Roland Garros in 2010, and in Melbourne, in 2012. Reason enough for Radio Romania International to designate Monica Niculescu the Athlete of the Week.

    Monica Nicuescu was born in the southern Romania ton of Slatina on September 25, 1987. She has been living in Bucharest ever since she was four. Niculescu took up tennis at the age of five and has been a pro since 2002. Her best position so far has been no. 28 in the world, attained in February 2012. In the women’s doubles rankings, she climbed up on the 15th position in August 2016. At the moment, Niculescu ranks 51st according to the women’s singles classification and 25th, in the women’s doubles rankings. So far Niculescu has won 11 WTA tournaments, of which three were in the singles event, while eight were in the doubles event. In April 2017, Niculescu won one single WTA competition, in Switzerland’s Biele in the women’s doubles, pairing up with Taiwan’s Su-Wei Hsieh.

  • Actualidad deportiva 9 de marzo de 2017

    Actualidad deportiva 9 de marzo de 2017

    En la edición de hoy rugby, tenis y tenis de mesa, atletismo y balonmano.

    Este sábado, en Sochi, la selección de rugby de Rumanía venció a Rusia por un marcador de 30-10. El partido se disputó en la tercera etapa de la competición Rugby Europe Championship. En la edición 2017 Rumania jugará otros 2 partidos, los próximos 11 y 19 de marzo, con Bélgica, fuera de casa en Bruselas y con Georgia, en Bucarest, respectivamente.

    El equipo nacional rumano de tenis de mesa superó al equipo de Turquía por 3-0, la noche de este martes, en un partido acogido en la sede de la televisión pública rumana, en la fase preliminar del Campeonato Europeo de 2017.

    Rumanía ganó los 4 enfrentamientos en el Grupo J preliminar, 3-2 y 3-1 con la Rep. Checa y 3-0 y 3-0 con Turquía..

    En la clasificación final, Rumanía terminó primera sumando 8 puntos,seguida por el equipo checo con 6 puntos y Turquía con 4 p.

    El equipo primer clasificado irá directamente al torneo final de Luxemburgo, que tendrá lugar entre el próximo 13 y el 17 de septiembre, y el equipo situado en el segundo puesto tendrá que disputar la repesca.

    El equipo de balonmano femenino CSM Bucureşti avanzó a los cuartos de final de la Liga de los Campeones, en la penúltima etapa de la fase de grupos principales. Este viernes en Bucarest, el CSM derrotó por 28 a 26 al vigente campeón de Eslovenia, el Krim Ljubljana, sumando así 9 puntos que lo colocan en el tercer puesto en el grupo 2. . El equipo rumano ya tiene asegurado un puesto entre los 4 primeros clasificados del grupo , independientemente del resultado de otros partidos.

    Este miércoles, el CSM București ha confirmado la salida de las jugadoras Linnea Torstensson y Carmen Martín, a finales de esta temporada (2016-2017).

    La sueca Torstensson y la española Martín jugarán a partir del próximo verano con el equipo francés Nice Côte dAzur Handball.

    El conjunto de Bucarest ha prolongado el contrato para 5 jugadoras del actual equipo: la danesa Line Jorgensen, las francesas Gnonsiane Niombla y Camille Ayglon Saurina, la sueca Isabelle Gullden y la croata Jelena Grubisic. Al mismo tiempo ha fichado, a partir del verano, a la rumana Cristina Neagu, mejor balonmanista del mundo en 2010 y 2015, ahora jugadora del Buducnost Podgorica.

    El tenista rumano Horia Tecǎu ha ganado su primer torneo en 2017. Junto con el holandés Jean-Julien Rojer, el rumano se impuso, este sábado en el dobles masculino del torneo de Dubai, dotado con 2.429.150 dólares en premios. Tecǎu y Rojer vencieron en la final, 4-6, 6-3,y 10-3, a la pareja formada por el indio Rohan Bopanna y el polaco Marcin Matkowski.

    El rumano Marius Copil ha avanzado por primera vez en su carrera al cuadro principal de individual del torneo ATP Masters 1.000 celebrado en Indian Wells (California), que reparte 6.993.450 dólares en premios . Este miércoles Copil superó al estadounidense Denis Kudla por 7-6 (4),y 6-3, en la ultima ronda clasificatoria.

    La jugadora rumana Monica Niculescu obtuvo este miércoles la clasificación para la segunda ronda del Indian Wells al derrotar por 4-6, 6-3 y 6-1 a la también rumana Sorana Cîrstea.

    Niculescu (29 años, la Nº 45 WTA) se impuso en una hora y 50 minutos, lidera por 5-2 en los enfrentamientos directos con Sorana (26 años, 66 WTA), Las rumanas se habían chocado en 2010, en octavos del torneo de Montreal,cuando Monica ganó por 6-3,y 6-3.

    Monica jugará en la segunda ronda con la suiza Timea Bacsinszky, cabeza de serie 15.

    La rumana, que recibirá 22.325 dólares y 35 puntos WTA, cuenta con una ventaja de 4 a 3 en los partidos con Bacsinszky, pero la suiza se impuso en los últimos dos enfrentamientos ,en 2015, en octavos de Wimbledon, y el año pasado en la misma cancha en la segunda ronda por 4-6, 6-2, 6-1.

    En el dobles femenino, Monica Niculescu formará pareja con Christina McHale (EE.UU.), y tendrán que pasar en la primera ronda de las primeras favoritas de la prueba , Bethanie Mattek-Sands (EE.UU.)/Lucie Safarova (Rep Checa).

    Simona Halep es la cuarta favorita del torneo (al que ganó en 2015.), y entrará directamente en la segunda ronda, donde su rival se decidirá entre la croata Dona Vekic y la estadounidense Alison Riske. En la edición pasada , Simona cedió en cuartos ante la estadounidense Serena Williams, por 6-4 y 6-3.

    La también rumana Irina Begu (cabeza de serie 29) se cruzará en la segunda ronda con la estadounidense Louise Chirico o la italiana Francesca Schiavone.

    Patricia Țig también de Rumania ha superado las preclasificaciones y se enfrentará en la primera ronda a la colombiana Mariana Duque Marino.

    Este fin de semana, en Belgrado se celebró la edición 34 del Campeonato Europeo de atletismo en pista cubierta . Rumanía participó con 14 atletas. De ellos, solo Ancuţa Bobocel logró clasificarse para la final de 3000 metros donde se situo en el undécimo puesto el penúltimo.

    El evento se efectúa desde1970 y es organizado cada dos años por laAsociación Europea de Atletismo (EAA). Es la mayor pruebaatlética a nivel europeo que se celebra en invierno y fuera de los años que se celebran JJ.OO. o Campeonatos Europeos. Debido a que este campeonato se realiza en pista cubierta, el número de pruebas es menor que en los otros grandes eventos.

  • Fed Cup: România-Belgia 1-3

    Fed Cup: România-Belgia 1-3

    UPDATE: S-a încheiat și ultimul meci dintre România și Belgia din primul tur al Grupei Mondiale II a Fed Cup. Monica Niclescu și Sorana Cîrstea aduc singura victorie în meciul de dublu (6-2, 6-0), împotriva perechii belgiene Kirsten Flipkens/Maryna Zanevska. Ultimul meci de simplu nu s-a mai disputat.

    România a pierdut întâlnirea cu Belgia din primul tur al Grupei Mondiale II a Fed Cup. Belgiencele au reușit trei victorii din tot atâtea meciuri desfășurate la Sala Polivalentă din București. Duminică, Irina Begu a fost învinsă de Elise Mertens, scor 6-3, 5-7, 5-7. Reprezentanta României a avut multe șanse de break cu care ar fi putut răsturna scorul, dar a fructificat prea puține.

    Sâmbătă, ambele reprezentante ale României au fost învinde de belgience. Monica Niculescu a piedut meciul de deschidere cu Kirsten Flipkens, cor 3-6, 4-6. În a doua dispută, Sorana Cîrstea a fost aproape de o victorie, într-un meci maraton de 3 ore și 22 de minute. Până la urmă reprezentanta Belgiei, Yanina Wickmayer, și-a adjudecat victoria, scor final 7-6, 5-7, 7-5.

    La această oră se desfășoară meciul de dublu dintre România și Belgia, ultima partidă de simplu fiind anulată. După această înfrângere, România va juca meciul de baraj pentru a rămâne în Grupa Mondială II a Fed Cup.

  • Actualidad deportiva 19 de enero de 2017

    Actualidad deportiva 19 de enero de 2017

    La tenista rumana Sorana Cîrstea se clasificó este miércoles en Melbourne, para la tercera ronda del Australian Open, el primer gran Slam del año, con un resultado sorprendente, 7-6 y 6-3, contra la décima favorita, Carla Suárez Navarro, de España. La española dijo adiós al Abierto de Australia 2017 tras caer derrotada en segunda ronda ante Sorana.

    Cîrstea (26 años, la Nº 78 mundial) se impuso en una hora y 33 minutos a la jugadora ibérica (28 años, 12 WTA)

    La rumana lidera ahora 4-1 los enfrentamientos directos con Suárez Navarro, ante la cual había caído derrotada en 2009, en Marbella, 6-2, 6-7 y 6-2 en semifinales.

    Cîrstea ha igualado su mejor resultado en la cancha de Melbourne (2012, 2013). El año pasado no participó en el abierto.

    La pareja compuesta por la rumana Monica Niculescu y la estadounidense Abigail Spears cedió de manera clara a la pareja Mirjana Lucic-Baroni (Croacia) y Andrea Petkovic (Alemania), por 6-1 y 6-4, este miércoles en la primera ronda del dobles femenino del Australian Open.

    Los rumanos Horia Tecău y Florin Mergea, en 2 parejas distintas, avanzaron este miércoles a la segunda ronda en Melbourne, en el dobles masculino.

    Tecău junto con el holandés Jean-Julien Rojer, novenos cabezas de serie superaron por 7-6 y 7-6 al Philipp Petzschner (Alemania )/Mihail Iujnîi (Rusia), en una hora y 41 min..

    El año pasado, el Tecău / Rojer habían alcanzado los cuartos de final.

    El también rumano Mergea junto con el británico Dominic Inglot ganaron por 6-2 y 7-5 a la pareja australiana Luke Saville y Jordan Thompson,.

    En la edición 2016, Mergea, en aquella ocasión junto con el indio Rohan Bopanna, se detuvieron en octavos.

    La jugadora rumana Irina Begu, cabeza de serie 27, perdió a manos de la checa Kristyna Pliskova por 6-4, 7-6 , este miércoles en la segunda ronda del torneo australiano.

    Begu jugará en dobles donde forma pareja con la española Lara Arruabarrena. En la ronda inaugural chocarán con la estadounidense Louisa Chirico y la belga Elise Mertens .

    Monica Niculescu y Ana Bogdan, también de Rumanía, fueron vencidas este martes en la primera ronda del Australian Open.

    Niculescu (29 años, 32 WTA), este sábado finalista en Hobart, perdió a manos de la joven rusa Ana Blinkova (18 años, 189 WTA), 6-2, 4-6, 6-4.

    Ana Bogdan (24 años, 125 WTA), por primera vez en el cuadro principal de Melbourne, fue derrotada por la rusa Elena Vesnina (30 años, 18 WTA), por 7-5 y 6-2.

    La gran decepción del Abierto ha sido Simona Halep, cuarta raqueta del mundo y cuarta favorita, que cayó eliminada sorprendentemente por Shelby Rogers, de EE.UU. por 6-3 y 6-1, este lunes en la primera ronda. .

    Halep cedió tras un partido que duro una hora y 15 minutos ante la Nº 52 mundial. Con su séptima participación en el Australian Open, Halep ha obtenido sus mejores resultados en las ediciones 2014 y 2015, cuando alcanzó los cuartos de final.

    Comienzo modesto de la temporada para Halep, con solo una victoria y 2 derrotas tras haber salido en octavos de su primer torneo este año, el de Shenzhen (China).

    La jugadora rumana Patricia Țig (107 WTA) fue vencida por Mónica Puig de Puerto Rico (la Nº. 29), vigente campeona olímpica, por un contundente 6-0 y 6-1, en 53 minutos.

    La Comision de Disciplina de European Profesional Club Rugby (EPCR) decidió este miércoles aplicar una sanción al campeón de Rumania, Timișoara Saracens: 28-0 con el Stade Francais, en un partido anulado el pasado 14 de enero por no haber cumplido las condiciones de juego en el estadio local Dan Păltinișanu . El partido iba a disputarse en el grupo 5 de Challenge Cup . Además, el equipo rumano ha recibido una multa de 30.000 euros.

    el Saracens jugará el próximo viernes con el equipo que lidera el grupo, el Edinburgo.

    El equipo rumano de voleibol SCM “U” Craiova fue derrotado por el Azimut Modena italiano por 3-1. El partido tuvo lugar este martes en Modena, en el Grupo D de la Liga de los Campeones de voleibol masculino.

    El piloto rumano Emanuel Gyenes (KTM) finalizó en el 17º puesto la sección moto del Rali Dakar, edición 2017. Emanuel Gyenes, 10 años después de su primera participación en el Dakar, ha obtenido un resultado inferior al registrado el año pasado cuando se situó en el puesto 14 en la clasificación general.

    Ha finalizado la tradicional encuesta sobre los Mejores Deportistas Balcánicos en 2016, ganada por la campeona olímpica y europea de lanzamiento del disco, la croata Sandra Perkovic. La encuesta ha sido realizada por la agencia búlgara BTA, junto con otras 9 agencias de prensa regionales, entre ellas AGERPRES . La esgrimista rumana Simona Gherman se ha situado en el puesto 8 de las mejores deportistas en los Balcanes.

    Simona Gherman, campeona olímpica en Río con el equipo femenino de espada de Rumanía, también se proclamó en 2016 campeona europea de la prueba individual.

  • Australian Open: Herbe Enttäuschung für Rumäniens Spitzenspielerin

    Australian Open: Herbe Enttäuschung für Rumäniens Spitzenspielerin

    Die Weltranglistenvierte Simona Halep war gleich zum Auftakt der Australian Open gefragt. Und sie war entschlossen, die Enttäuschungen der letzten Jahre bei diesem ersten Grand Slam des Jahres hinter sich zu lassen. Vor allem die Erstrundenniederlage gegen die Chinesin Zhang Shuai vor einem Jahr hatte geschmerzt. Doch auch diesmal hatte Halep mit Shelby Rogers aus den USA in der Rod-Laver-Arena eine stark aufspielende Gegnerin. Anders als bei ihrer bislang einzigen Direktbegegnung 2015 dominierte diesmal Rogers die Partie von Anfang bis Ende. Halep erkämpfte sich eine einzige Breakchance, die sie aber nicht verwerten konnte. Ihre stärkste Waffe, die schnellen Bewegungen auf dem Platz, schien heute eingeschränkt, am Ende schied die Rumänin mit 3:6 und 1:6 aus. Erneut habe sie Schmerzen im linken Knie gespürt, sagte eine sichtlich enttäuschte Halep bei der Pressekonferenz. Also konnte die 25-Jährige Rumänin auch diesmal ihre Bestleistung bei den Australian Open, die Viertelfinalteilnahmen von 2014 und 2015, nicht übertrumpfen. In beiden Fällen sei sie an ihrer Nervenschwäche gescheitert, hatte sie der offiziellen Webseite der WTA im Vorfeld des Turniers verraten. Doch gegen Shuai vor einem Jahr und auch heute sei dies nicht der Fall gewesen, räumte Halep ein.

    Zur gleichen Zeit wie Halep gab auch die Weltranglisten-30., Irina Camelia Begu, ihr diesjähriges Debüt bei den Australian Open. Die Partie gegen die Nummer 41. der Rankings, die für Kasachstan spielende Russin Jaroslawa Schwedowa, fand allerdings auf einem Nebenplatz statt. Die beiden hatten sich die Siege bei ihren zwei bisherigen Begegnungen geteilt, jedoch waren diese jeweils auf Sand austragen worden, zuletzt behielt Begu 2015 in Charleston die Oberhand. Auf einem der Hartplätze in Melbourne gewann Schwedowa, die von Ex-Halep-Trainer Victor Ionita gecoacht wird, den ersten Satz mit 7:5. Doch dann drehte Begu die Partie zu ihren Gunsten und gewann die nächsten beiden Sätze mit 6:3 und 6:4. In Runde zwei trifft sie auf die Tschechin Krystina Pliskova.

    Ein schweres Los hatte Patricia Maria Ţig erwischt: Die derzeitige Nummer 108 der Welt spielte wie ihre beiden Landsfrauen ebenfalls ab 11 Uhr Lokalzeit, ihre Gegnerin war aber keine andere als die Olympiasiegerin von Rio, die Puertoricanerin Monica Puig. Die 22-jährige Rumänin und die Nummer 46 der Welt waren sich bislang noch nie gegenüber gestanden. Ţig wurde am Ende aber zur bedauernswerten Sparring-Partnerin für Puig und nahm ihr beim 0:6 und 1:6 ein einziges Spiel ab.

    Einige Stunden nach dem Erstrundenstart war auch die Weltranglisten-78. Sorana Cîrstea dran. Die French Open-Viertelfinalistin von 2009 versucht nach einer Verletzungsmisäre den Anschluss zu finden. Auch für sie war die Auslosung nicht unbedingt glücklich verlaufen, sie musste gegen die aufstrebende russische Spielerin Irina Chromatschowa ran. Die 21-Jährige befindet sich aktuell zwar nur auf Platz 92. der Rangliste, allerdings kann sie an guten Tagen wohl viele Spitzenspielerinnen schlagen. Heute war es aber Cîrstea, die am Ende jubelte. Mit einer mehr als anständigen Leistung fegte sie die Russin mit 6:2 und 6:1 vom Platz. Es folgt für sie eine richtig harte Nummer: die Spanierin Carla Suarez Navarro, die Favoritin Nummer 10 des Turniers.

    Zwei der rumänischen Tennisspielerinnen starten erst am Dienstag ins Turnier. Ana Bogdan, die Nummer 125. der Weltrangliste, trifft auf die Favoritin Nummer 14. und 17. der Welt, die Russin Jelena Wesnina. Die beiden sind sich bislang noch nie auf der Profitour der Damen begegnet. Monica Niculescu ist nach der Finalniederlage in Hobart am Samstag auf Platz 40. der Rankings zu finden. Sie spielt zum Auftakt in Melbourne gegen die 18-jährige Qualifikantin Anna Blinkowa aus Russland.

    Im Doppel der Herren können sich die beiden rumänischen Vertreter bereits in Runde Drei treffen. Florin Mergea und der Brite Dominic Inglot gelten bei dem Turnier als Favoritenpaar Nummer 16. und spielen als erstes gegen die Australier Luke Saville und Jordan Thompson. Horia Tecău und der Niederländer Jean Julien Roger sind an Nummer 11. gesetzt, sie treffen zu Beginn auf den Deutschen Philipp Petzschner und den Russen Michail Juschny.