Tag: Omicron

  • November 30, 2021

    November 30, 2021

    COVID-19 Over 1,600 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours were reported on
    Tuesday in Romania, along with 147 deaths, 17 of which from a previous date. Doctors
    warn that although ambulance services are receiving fewer requests for home
    testing, a large number of teams are still being deployed. After several states
    announced finding the Omicron variant of the virus, which has over 50 mutations,
    tests in Romania are now taking into account this strain as well. Meanwhile,
    the vaccination rate remains low, with only around 12,800 people getting the
    first dose on Monday, and almost twice as many booster doses administered on
    the same day.

    REPATRIATION The Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa following
    the suspension of flights to the EU over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, are
    scheduled to land today on Otopeni Airport near Bucharest. All the passengers
    will be tested and quarantined. The around 50 seats available in the Tarom aircraft
    that flew to Pretoria were offered to other EU member states to repatriate
    their own citizens, as part of the European civil protection mechanism. The
    Romanian foreign ministry announced today that after Moroccan authorities
    decided to suspend commercial flights to that country over Omicron concerns, the
    Romanian Embassy to Rabat is handling the situation of 72 Romanian tourists
    whose flights have been cancelled. The Romanian embassy has already taken steps
    to identify alternative flights. The foreign ministry urges citizens to analyse
    the situation carefully before traveling to countries affected by the new
    coronavirus variant and to check out the COVID-19 Travel Warnings section on
    the institution’s home page.

    NATO The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part on
    Tuesday and Wednesday in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers held in Riga, Latvia.
    The meeting is a major landmark in preparing negotiations on NATO’s new
    Strategic Concept and for the summit due in Madrid next year. Minister Bogdan
    Aurescu will reiterate Romania’s support for preparing the new Strategic Concept,
    able to provide adequate response instruments to the challenges of the current
    security environment. According to the foreign ministry, Aurescu will also
    discuss the latest security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the
    need to carry on efforts to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in
    a coherent and comprehensive manner for the entire Eastern Flank, including the
    Black Sea region.

    ST. ANDREW Christians around the world
    celebrate today St. Andrew’s feast day. Andrew the Apostle is the patron saint
    of Romania. He spread the word of God and baptized the first people in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast.
    St. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross in the city of Patras,
    in Greece. Over 900,000 Romanians are named after St. Andrew the Apostle.

    FAIR Romania is taking part, until December 2, in the 2nd
    edition of Egypt’s International Defence Expo, EDEX 2021, hosted by Cairo. Public
    defence companies as well as private operators will be present. Some 400
    companies from around the world are taking part in this year’s edition,
    showcasing the latest technologies in the field of defence.

    NATIONAL DAY 1,500 troops, Interior and Defence Ministry staff, as well
    as foreign military will take part on December 1 in a parade celebrating
    Romania’s National Day in Bucharest. Alba Iulia will also host a military
    parade, a photo exhibition and concerts to mark the occasion. Proclaimed a
    national holiday after the 1989 anti-communist revolution, December 1 marks the completion of the
    Romanian nation state in 1918, after World War 2, by the union of all
    territories with predominantly Romanian population. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 30, 2021

    November 30, 2021

    COVID-19 Over 1,600 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours were reported on
    Tuesday in Romania, along with 147 deaths, 17 of which from a previous date. Doctors
    warn that although ambulance services are receiving fewer requests for home
    testing, a large number of teams are still being deployed. After several states
    announced finding the Omicron variant of the virus, which has over 50 mutations,
    tests in Romania are now taking into account this strain as well. Meanwhile,
    the vaccination rate remains low, with only around 12,800 people getting the
    first dose on Monday, and almost twice as many booster doses administered on
    the same day.

    REPATRIATION The Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa following
    the suspension of flights to the EU over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, are
    scheduled to land today on Otopeni Airport near Bucharest. All the passengers
    will be tested and quarantined. The around 50 seats available in the Tarom aircraft
    that flew to Pretoria were offered to other EU member states to repatriate
    their own citizens, as part of the European civil protection mechanism. The
    Romanian foreign ministry announced today that after Moroccan authorities
    decided to suspend commercial flights to that country over Omicron concerns, the
    Romanian Embassy to Rabat is handling the situation of 72 Romanian tourists
    whose flights have been cancelled. The Romanian embassy has already taken steps
    to identify alternative flights. The foreign ministry urges citizens to analyse
    the situation carefully before traveling to countries affected by the new
    coronavirus variant and to check out the COVID-19 Travel Warnings section on
    the institution’s home page.

    NATO The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part on
    Tuesday and Wednesday in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers held in Riga, Latvia.
    The meeting is a major landmark in preparing negotiations on NATO’s new
    Strategic Concept and for the summit due in Madrid next year. Minister Bogdan
    Aurescu will reiterate Romania’s support for preparing the new Strategic Concept,
    able to provide adequate response instruments to the challenges of the current
    security environment. According to the foreign ministry, Aurescu will also
    discuss the latest security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the
    need to carry on efforts to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in
    a coherent and comprehensive manner for the entire Eastern Flank, including the
    Black Sea region.

    ST. ANDREW Christians around the world
    celebrate today St. Andrew’s feast day. Andrew the Apostle is the patron saint
    of Romania. He spread the word of God and baptized the first people in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast.
    St. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross in the city of Patras,
    in Greece. Over 900,000 Romanians are named after St. Andrew the Apostle.

    FAIR Romania is taking part, until December 2, in the 2nd
    edition of Egypt’s International Defence Expo, EDEX 2021, hosted by Cairo. Public
    defence companies as well as private operators will be present. Some 400
    companies from around the world are taking part in this year’s edition,
    showcasing the latest technologies in the field of defence.

    NATIONAL DAY 1,500 troops, Interior and Defence Ministry staff, as well
    as foreign military will take part on December 1 in a parade celebrating
    Romania’s National Day in Bucharest. Alba Iulia will also host a military
    parade, a photo exhibition and concerts to mark the occasion. Proclaimed a
    national holiday after the 1989 anti-communist revolution, December 1 marks the completion of the
    Romanian nation state in 1918, after World War 2, by the union of all
    territories with predominantly Romanian population. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 30, 2021

    November 30, 2021

    COVID-19 Over 1,600 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours were reported on
    Tuesday in Romania, along with 147 deaths, 17 of which from a previous date. Doctors
    warn that although ambulance services are receiving fewer requests for home
    testing, a large number of teams are still being deployed. After several states
    announced finding the Omicron variant of the virus, which has over 50 mutations,
    tests in Romania are now taking into account this strain as well. Meanwhile,
    the vaccination rate remains low, with only around 12,800 people getting the
    first dose on Monday, and almost twice as many booster doses administered on
    the same day.

    REPATRIATION The Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa following
    the suspension of flights to the EU over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, are
    scheduled to land today on Otopeni Airport near Bucharest. All the passengers
    will be tested and quarantined. The around 50 seats available in the Tarom aircraft
    that flew to Pretoria were offered to other EU member states to repatriate
    their own citizens, as part of the European civil protection mechanism. The
    Romanian foreign ministry announced today that after Moroccan authorities
    decided to suspend commercial flights to that country over Omicron concerns, the
    Romanian Embassy to Rabat is handling the situation of 72 Romanian tourists
    whose flights have been cancelled. The Romanian embassy has already taken steps
    to identify alternative flights. The foreign ministry urges citizens to analyse
    the situation carefully before traveling to countries affected by the new
    coronavirus variant and to check out the COVID-19 Travel Warnings section on
    the institution’s home page.

    NATO The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part on
    Tuesday and Wednesday in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers held in Riga, Latvia.
    The meeting is a major landmark in preparing negotiations on NATO’s new
    Strategic Concept and for the summit due in Madrid next year. Minister Bogdan
    Aurescu will reiterate Romania’s support for preparing the new Strategic Concept,
    able to provide adequate response instruments to the challenges of the current
    security environment. According to the foreign ministry, Aurescu will also
    discuss the latest security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the
    need to carry on efforts to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in
    a coherent and comprehensive manner for the entire Eastern Flank, including the
    Black Sea region.

    ST. ANDREW Christians around the world
    celebrate today St. Andrew’s feast day. Andrew the Apostle is the patron saint
    of Romania. He spread the word of God and baptized the first people in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast.
    St. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross in the city of Patras,
    in Greece. Over 900,000 Romanians are named after St. Andrew the Apostle.

    FAIR Romania is taking part, until December 2, in the 2nd
    edition of Egypt’s International Defence Expo, EDEX 2021, hosted by Cairo. Public
    defence companies as well as private operators will be present. Some 400
    companies from around the world are taking part in this year’s edition,
    showcasing the latest technologies in the field of defence.

    NATIONAL DAY 1,500 troops, Interior and Defence Ministry staff, as well
    as foreign military will take part on December 1 in a parade celebrating
    Romania’s National Day in Bucharest. Alba Iulia will also host a military
    parade, a photo exhibition and concerts to mark the occasion. Proclaimed a
    national holiday after the 1989 anti-communist revolution, December 1 marks the completion of the
    Romanian nation state in 1918, after World War 2, by the union of all
    territories with predominantly Romanian population. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • 29.11.2021 (mise à jour)

    29.11.2021 (mise à jour)

    Coronavirus – La Roumanie a rapporté
    lundi 1 096 nouveaux cas de contamination au coronavirus dépistés en 24 h, soit
    450 de moins par rapport à lundi dernier. S’y ajoutent 107 décès rapportés en
    24h, dont 15 antérieurs à cette période. Du coup, le taux d’incidence des cas
    est à la baisse, se situant à 1,95 cas pour 1000 habitants. Les autorités de
    Roumanie suivent de près la situation relative à la propagation du nouveau
    variant du coronavirus, appelé Omicron et les hôpitaux ont été appelés à être
    vigilants et à essayer de dépister au plus vite l’existence d’un tel variant en
    Roumanie. Le ministre de la Santé, Alexandru Rafila, a précisé que les
    spécialistes pourraient avoir accès en deux ou trois semaines aux premières informations
    claires relatives à l’évolution de l’infection et à la protection offerte par
    le vaccin ou bien par l’immunisation naturelle suite à une infection par le
    passé. Par ailleurs, dans le contexte de l’apparition du variant appelé
    Omicron, les vols vers et depuis le sud du continent africain ont été annulés
    en UE. Bucarest a donc envoyé un avion de la compagnie
    nationale TAROM pour rapatrier une quarantaine de Roumains bloqués en ce moment
    en Afrique du Sud. Vu qu’il y a plusieurs places disponibles à bord de l’avion
    roumain, elles seront mises à la disposition des autres ressortissants de l’UE
    qui souhaitent quitter le pays.

    Omicron – Les compagnies pharmaceutiques Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna et Johnson & Johnson ont commencé à travailler à la réalisation de vaccins ciblant précisément le variant Omicron du nouveau coronavirus. Ces vaccins seront produits uniquement si les produits actuels s’avèrent inefficaces contre ce nouveau variant qui a été signalé la semaine dernière en Afrique du Sud et se répand déjà dans d’autres parties du monde. « Il y a toujours beaucoup d’inconnues relatives à ce variant » a déclaré pour la chaine CNBC le directeur général de Pfizer Albert Bourla. Il a précisé qu’en 95 jours, Pfizer-BioNTech sortira un nouveau vaccin si l’actuel s’avère inefficace contre le nouveau variant. Ce groupe pharmaceutique a une capacité de production de quatre milliards de doses de vaccin pour l’année prochaine, a ajouté M Bourla. Pour sa part, la compagnie Moderna a annoncé que des mois pourraient s’écouler jusqu’à ce qu’elle réussisse à fournir un nouveau type de vaccin. Johnson & Johnson affirme évaluer l’efficacité de son vaccin dans le cas du nouveau variant et de travailler parallèlement à une formule spécifique contre l’Omicron.

    Méditerranée – Le ministre roumain des Affaires Etrangères, Bogdan Aurescu a participé lundi à la troisième réunion ministérielle UE – voisinage au sud, déroulée à Barcelone. La rencontre a visé les évolutions du partenariat stratégique entre l’UE et son voisinage méridional et à évalué l’état de la mise en œuvre du nouvel Agenda de la Méditerranée, adopté en avril 2021. Dans son intervention, le chef de la diplomatie roumaine a montré que le nouvel Agenda pour la Méditerranée et le Plan économique et d’investissement au voisinage méridional sont des instruments révélateurs pour une approche plus cohérente et coordonnée des défis régionaux majeurs : conflits, décalages sociaux-économiques, impact massif des changements climatiques, migration illégale, terrorisme et criminalité organisée. Il a plaidé pour une approche systémique de la migration, y compris des causes fondamentales qui génèrent ce phénomène. Le ministre Aurescu a souligné aussi l’importance de la transition écologique et de la neutralité climatique.

    Bruxelles – L’exécutif communautaire annonce la création d’une rédaction européenne dans le cadre de laquelle 16 agences de presse devraient coopérer afin d’améliorer la couverture médiatique de thèmes liées à l’Union européenne. Le projet sera coordonné par l’agence allemande DPA et inclura entre autres des représentants de France presse, ANSA d’Italie, EFE d’Espagne et Agerpress de Roumanie. La Commission européenne allouera plus de 1,7 millions d’euros à ce projet qui devrait commencer ce janvier. La rédaction européenne ne deviendra fonctionnelle qu’à la moitié de l’année prochaine, selon les estimations des responsables de Bruxelles.

    Météo – La météo est plus morose en ce début de semaine en Roumanie et les températures à la baisse. Le ciel est plutôt couvert et il pleut un peu partout. Bucarest est sous la pluie et mardi les températures ne dépasseront pas les 7 degrés à midi.

  • Testari şi vaccinari sumu spectrulu Omicron

    Testari şi vaccinari sumu spectrulu Omicron

    România pari s’aibă năstricută a patra dalgă a pandemiillei di COVID-19, ama tutu ma multă lumi s’aspari că poati s’yină şi a ţinţea. Aesta poati s’hibă hărnită şi di naua lumaki a viruslui, multu cunuscuta şi lăhtăroasa Omicron, alăncită tru văsiliili dit sudlu ali Africă şi lugursită multu di multu contagioasă. Bucureşti, autorităţli dimăndară că unu avion ali companie di statu Tarom aduţi tru văsilie cetăţenii români cari armasiră ambudyiusiţ tru Africa di Sud, după ţi ma multi cursi aeriene fură anulate. Pritu Mecanismul di protecţie ţivilă europeană, s’da agiutoru şi a aţiloru ndauă dzăţ di cetăţeni dit alti stati membri ali Uniuni, ţi pot s’alină tru aeronava românească.

    Di stămâna aesta, ună ş-ună după minivacanţa di Dzuua Naţională, 1 di Andreu, elevlli români va s’hibă testaţ periodic, pi thimellilu a probilor di ascukeatu, di COVID-19. Aşi cumu spunu autorităţli, unăoară cu testile, cathi ună unitati di nviţământu va s’aibă şi un pliantu cu instrucţiunile di asamblari a kiturilor, iara proţedura va s’facă tru condiţii sanitare siguri. Testili va s’poată s’hibă adrati ică la sculie, ică acasă, di părinţă, andicra di apofasea a cathi unăllei unitati di nviţământu ahoryea.

    Sindicatili dit Educaţie fuvirsescu, ama, cu protesti, cara testili nu va s’hibă fapti tu amprotusa di părinţă acasă şi borgea va u aibă cadrili didactiţi. Liderlli sindicali fac timbihi şi ti aţea că testili dit salivă cari agiumsiră tru inspectoratili şcolare nu tiñisescu niţi ună regulă di siguranţă sanitară, a deapoa cu aestea va s’lucreadză nai pţănu trei persoani ninti s’agiungă la elevi, tru condiţiile tru cari nu tuti piesili cari ancurpilleadză kitlu suntu ambalati şi sigilati individualu.

    Ministurlu ali Educaţie, Sorin Cîmpeanu, apăndăseaşti că, pisti tutu tru Europa, kiturli tră testari anti-COVID agiumsiră tru sculii pi componenti şi că profesorlli pot s’mintească ti asamblarea-a loru. Tru aestu kiro, nu pari s’hibă cama mari niţi vrearea-a adulţăloru tră vaccinari. Ma pţănu di 50 di ñilli di dozi di seru Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca şi Johnson&Johnson fură administrati dumănică tru România şi ma pţănu di 11 di ñilli reprezintă prota doză.

    Uidisitu cu Comitetlu Naţional di Coordonari a Activităţloru mutrinda Vaccinarea contra COVID-19, ditu ahurhita campaniillei, tu 27 di andreu 2020, sumu şapti miliuñi şi giumitati di persoani feaţiră schema completă di imunizari şi aproapea 1,5 miliuñi loară şi aşi-număsita doză booster. Camera a Deputaţlor di Bucureşti poati s’minduească s’adoptă proiectulu di nomu cari, după urnekea a alăntoru văsilii europene, bagă zori a lucrătorloru s’aibă unu aşi-număsitu certificat veardi COVID tră s’yină la lucru.

    Năulu premier, liberalu Nicolae Ciucă, feaţi apelu cătă parlamentari s’voteadză cu prioritati documentul, kiro tu cari ministurlu a sănătatillei, social-democratlu Alexandru Rafila, lugurseaşti că aestu lipseaşti s’hibă băgatu tu practico, eventual, după trei stămâñi di creastiri consecutivă a ratăllei di infectari şi eliminatu cându aest nivelu scadi.

    Autoru: Bogdan Matei

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global riskof infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global riskof infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global riskof infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global risk of infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Jurnal românesc – 29.11.2021

    Jurnal românesc – 29.11.2021

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe face un apel către toţi cetăţenii români aflaţi încă în Africa de Sud, care doresc să părăsească ţara, să-şi notifice intenţia de a se repatria în cel mai scurt timp. MAE arată că Ambasada României la Pretoria şi Consulatul General al României la Cape Town gestionează situaţia cetăţenilor români ale căror curse au fost anulate de către companiile aeriene la care aveau rezervări. Bucureştiul menţionează că reprezentanţii misiunilor diplomatice şi consulare ale României în Africa de Sud se află în contact permanent cu românii care au solicitat ajutor consular şi acţionează în strânsă coordonare cu celelalte instituţii competente pentru buna desfăşurare a operaţiunilor de repatriere, prin organizarea unui zbor special Tarom în aceste zile. Români pot solicita asistenţă consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei la Pretoria +27 0123 46 42 31 şi Consulatului General la Cape Town +27 0217 61 59 32. Pentru situaţii de urgenţă există linia telefonică specială a misiunii diplomatice +27 828 19 17 65 şi a oficiului consular +27 792 72 24 66. MAE le recomandă, totodată, românilor aflaţi în statele afectate de noua tulpină de coronavirus să menţină legătura cu companiile aeriene, operatorii de turism, precum şi cu misiunile diplomatice şi consulare ale României din zonă, în vederea identificării unor alternative de revenire în ţară.

    Ministerul Familiei, Tineretului şi Egalităţii de Şanse îşi propune să afle exact câţi copii sunt în situaţia de a fi lăsaţi în grija bunicilor sau a altor rude de către părinţii plecaţi la muncă în străinătate, a declarat noul ministru de resort, Gabriela Firea. “Ne propunem să avem o legătură mult mai bună cu direcţiile sociale, pentru a prelua cazurile vulnerabile în ceea ce priveşte familiile, acolo unde românii lucrează în diaspora, dar copiii au rămas în grija bunicilor sau a altor membri de familie”, a spus Firea. Ea a precizat că numărul copiilor aflaţi în această situaţie nu este clar şi că în acest demers va colabora cu toate administraţiile publice locale, cu primarii, cu preşedinţii de consilii judeţene şi cu ministerele Sănătăţii, Educaţiei şi Muncii. Potrivit Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Protecţia Drepturilor Copilului şi Adopţie, numărul copiilor cu părinţi plecaţi la muncă în străinătate era în martie 2021 de 76.551, cu 1.415 mai mare decât în decembrie 2020. Dintre aceştia, 12.669 aveau ambii părinţi plecaţi la muncă în străinătate şi se aflau în îngrijirea rudelor.

    Ambasada României în Spania a organizat la sediul Secţiei Consulare un seminar pentru formarea funcţionarilor consulari în identificarea posibilelor victime ale violenţei de gen şi în acordarea de sprijin şi asistenţă de specialitate în astfel de cazuri. Seminarul, susţinut de Unitatea specializată în violenţa de gen din cadrul Poliţiei Naţionale spaniole, a permis realizarea unui schimb de idei constructiv între autorităţile spaniole şi funcţionarii ambasadei în vederea acordării de asistenţă consulară cetăţenilor români, posibile victime ale acestui tip de violenţă. Ambasada la Madrid transmite că, în ultima perioadă, vulnerabilitatea femeilor românce din toate mediile s-a accentuat îndeosebi în condițiile generate de pandemia de COVID-19, multe dintre femei fiind victime ale violenței domestice. Această iniţiativă a misiunii diplomatice face parte din seria de evenimente organizate în contextul campaniei internaţionale pentru eliminarea violenţei împotriva femeilor, ce se desfăşoară în perioada 25 noiembrie-10 decembrie. În cadrul acesteia, pe 8 decembrie, ambasadorul României la Madrid, Gabriela Dancău, va participa la conferinţa internaţională “Violenţa domestică – fenomen transnaţional. Să acţionăm împreună, fără bariere!” alături de oficiali spanioli şi de reprezentantele Asociaţiei femeilor românce din Italia şi Asociaţiei Romanian Womens Lobby.

    O grădiniță românească va fi deschisă la 20 ianuarie 2022 la Apșa de Jos, în raionul Teceu din regiunea ucraineană Transcarpatia, a anunţat primăria comunei Slatina, citată de Agenția BucPress. Potrivit administraţiei comunei Slatina, cea mai mare comună românească din Ucraina, este vorba despre o grădiniță cu 100 de locuri a cărei construcţie a fost finalizată în 2020, dar din cauza modificărilor în costul lucrărilor, a fost necesară ajustarea proiectului. Costul total, de peste 23,4 milioane de grivne, a fost asigurat în proporţie de 62% de la bugetul de stat al Ucrainei, restul fiind acoperit din bugetul local al comunei. Noua instituție preșcolară este prima din Apșa de Jos, cel mai mare sat românesc din Transcarpatia. Informații despre procedura de înscriere a copiilor pot fi obţinute de pe site-ul oficial al administrației comunei și de pe rețelele sociale.

  • Testare şi vaccinare sub spectrul Omicron

    Testare şi vaccinare sub spectrul Omicron

    România pare să fi depăşit al patrulea val al pandemiei de COVID-19, dar tot mai multă lume se teme de iminenţa celui de al cincilea. Acesta ar putea fi alimentat şi de noua tulpină a virusului, deja temuta Omicron, apărută în ţările din sudul Africii şi considerată deosebit de contagioasă. La Bucureşti, autorităţile au anunţat că un avion al companiei de stat Tarom aduce în ţară cetăţenii români care au rămas blocaţi în Africa de Sud, după ce mai multe curse aeriene au fost anulate. Prin Mecanismul de protecţie civilă europeană, se acordă sprijin şi câtorva zeci de cetăţeni din alte state membre ale Uniunii, ce se pot îmbarca în aeronava românească.

    De săptămâna aceasta, imediat după minivacanţa de Ziua Naţională, 1 Decembrie, elevii români ar urma să fie testaţi periodic, pe baza probelor de salivă, de COVID-19. Potrivit autorităţilor, odată cu testele, fiecare unitate de învăţământ va primi şi un pliant cu instrucţiunile de asamblare a kiturilor, iar procedura se va face în condiţii sanitare sigure. Testele vor putea fi făcute fie la şcoală, fie acasă, de părinţi, în funcţie de decizia fiecărei unităţi de învăţământ în parte.

    Sindicatele din Educaţie ameninţă, însă, cu proteste, dacă testele nu vor fi făcute prioritar de părinţi acasă şi vor rămâne în răspunderea cadrelor didactice. Liderii sindicali atrag atenţia şi că testele din salivă care au ajuns în inspectoratele şcolare nu respectă nicio regulă de siguranţă sanitară, acestea urmând să fie manipulate de cel puţin trei persoane înainte să ajungă la elevi, în condiţiile în care nu toate piesele care formează kitul sunt ambalate şi sigilate individual.

    Ministrul Educaţiei, Sorin Cîmpeanu, ripostează că, peste tot în Europa, kiturile pentru testare anti-COVID au ajuns în şcoli pe componente şi că profesorii se pot implica în asamblarea lor. Între timp, nu pare să fi crescut nici apetitul adulţilor pentru vaccinare. Mai puţin de 50 de mii de doze de ser Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca şi Johnson&Johnson au fost administrate duminică în România şi mai puţin de 11 mii reprezintă prima doză.

    Potrivit Comitetul Naţional de Coordonare a Activităţilor privind Vaccinarea împotriva COVID-19, de la începutul campaniei, pe 27 decembrie 2020, sub şapte milioane şi jumătate de persoane au făcut schema completă de imunizare şi circa 1,5 milioane au primit şi aşa-numita doză booster. Camera Deputaţilor de la Bucureşti ar putea încerca să adopte proiectul de lege care, după modelul altor ţări europene, obligă angajaţii să deţină un aşa-numit certificat verde COVID pentru a veni la serviciu.

    Noul premier, liberalul Nicolae Ciucă, a făcut apel către parlamentari să voteze cu prioritate documentul, în timp ce ministrul sănătăţii, social-democratul Alexandru Rafila, consideră că acesta trebuie introdus, eventual, după trei săptămâni de creştere consecutivă a ratei de infectare şi eliminat când acest nivel scade.

  • UE ia măsuri pentru a opri răspândirea variantei africane

    UE ia măsuri pentru a opri răspândirea variantei africane

    Noua variantă a coronavirusului a fost denumită OMICRON și deja a început să se extindă dincolo de regiunea în care a fost descoperită, cazuri de infectare cu ea fiind găsite în Israel, Hong Kong și unele țări europene. Încă de săptămâna trecută, numeroase guverne au adoptat restricții de călătorie pentru țările din sudul continentului african. Situația a fost analizată și la nivelul Comisiei Europene, care le-a recomandat statelor membre să activeze așa numitul mecanism de siguranță la călătoriile spre sudul Africii. Președintele Ursula von der Leyen s-a întâlnit cu experți care au confirmat că este nevoie de precauție, iar la sfârșitul întrevederii a afirmat că, pentru a opri răspândirea noii tulpini, este nevoie ca întreaga populație să se implice. Ursula von der Leyen:

    Luăm foarte în serios știrile despre noua variantă de COVID-19, care are un număr mare de mutații. Știm că mutațiile ar putea duce la apariția și răspândirea a și mai multe variante îngrijorătoare ale virusului care s-ar putea răspândi în întreaga lume în câteva luni. Acum este important ca noi toți din Europa să acționăm foarte rapid, hotărât și uniți. Comisia Europeană le-a propus astăzi statelor membre să activeze mecanismul de siguranță la călătoriile din țările din Africa de Sud și din altele afectate, pentru a limita răspândirea noii variante. Toate călătoriile aeriene către aceste țări ar trebui suspendate, până când vom înțelege clar pericolul pe care îl reprezintă această nouă variantă. Iar călătorii care se întorc din această regiune ar trebui să respecte reguli stricte de carantină. Am vorbit despre situația de astăzi cu oameni de știință și producători de vaccinuri. Și ei susțin pe deplin astfel de măsuri preventive pentru a evita răspândirea internațională a variantei în cauză. De asemenea, depinde de noi toți, ca cetățeni, să contribuim la o mai bună gestionare a pandemiei. Vaccinați-vă cât mai curând posibil, dacă nu ați făcut-o deja. Și urmați regulile cunoscute pentru a vă proteja.

    Epidemiologii nu au, deocamdată, toate informațiile despre varianta Omicron, dar datele preliminare sugerează că aceasta ar putea fi mai contagioasă decât altele, iar riscul de reinfectare este mai mare. Omicron a început să se răspândească în condițiile în care în Europa a debutat deja valul cinci al pandemiei, cauzat în special de varianta Delta a coronavirusului, care până acum era considerată a fi cea mai contagioasă.

  • November 28, 2021 UPDATE

    November 28, 2021 UPDATE

    Covid Ro — A plane of the national airlines Tarom will be sent to Pretoria to bring to Romania the Romanian citizens who remained stranded in South Africa, after the cancellation of flights to the EU. According to the Romanian FM Bogdan Aurescu, 39 Romanian citizens from South Africa need to be repatriated. The aircraft will have another 50 – 55 free seats, which Romania offers to the citizens of the European states who want to leave the area. The Romanian government met on Sunday, in an extraordinary session, against the backdrop of international concern over the spread of the new variant of the coronavirus from South Africa, Omicron, which is believed to be more contagious. The list 7 South African countries on the red list was extended to 8, to include Malawi. Those who arrive in Romania from this area must be quarantined for 14 days. They may be released from quarantine on the 10th day if the result of their COVID-test is negative. In another development, the number of new Covid 19 cases in Romania continues to decrease. The authorities reported, on Sunday, 1,400 cases and a little over 100 deaths. 1,200 patients are in ICUs. Only four counties are still in the red scenario. A little over 10 thousand people have been vaccinated in the past 24 hours with the first dose. Since the start of the vaccination campaign in December 2020, 7.4 million people have been fully vaccinated.

    UfM — The Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, participates, as of Sunday, for two days, in Barcelona, ​​in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Forum and in the EU – Southern Neighborhood Ministerial Meeting. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry – MAE, in his speech at the forum, Bogdan Aurescu will emphasize the strategic relevance of the European Neighborhood and will highlight the need to develop synergies between the two dimensions, Eastern and Southern, of the Neighborhood Policy. At the same time, FM Bogdan Aurescu will refer to the need for a close cooperation between the member states of the Union for the Mediterranean in areas such as climate change, digital transition and civil protection and will underline the importance of joint reconstruction of the link between security and development in the region. At the EU- Southern Neighborhood Ministerial Meeting, Bogdan Aurescu will address, in his speech, the major regional challenges, such as illegal migration, the impact of climate change and terrorism. The Foreign Ministers of the Union for the Mediterranean states meet once a year at the Regional Forum to define priorities and areas of strategic cooperation. The EU-Southern Neighborhood Ministerial Meeting is a dialogue format attended by representatives of the European institutions, of EU states and of the Unions 10 partners in the Southern Neighborhood (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Palestine and Tunisia).

    Tennis – Romania also won the third singles match of the competition with Peru, in the qualifying playoffs for the Davis Cup final, which took place on Saturday and Sunday in Cluj-Napoca (northwest). The decisive match was the doubles, won, on Sunday, by the Romanian pair Marius Copil / Horia Tecău against the pair Sergio Galdos / Arklon Huertas del Pino. On Saturday, Marius Copil defeated Conner Huertas del Pino, and Nicolae Frunză had the upper hand over Nicolas Alvarez. Romania will play next year in the Davis Cup qualifiers for a place in the final tournament, among the best 16 national teams in the world.

    Statistics – Almost a quarter of Romanias inhabitants lived last year in a household whose income was lower than the so-called poverty threshold – the National Institute of Statistics informs. The relative poverty rate was, in 2020, 23.4%, i.e. the phenomenon affected over 4.5 million people. The highest poverty rates were recorded in the regions in the northeast, southwest (Oltenia) and southeast of the country, and the lowest poverty rate was reported in Bucharest-Ilfov, only 2.4%.

    Covid world — The Netherlands joins the EU states where cases of infection with the latest variant of the coronavirus, Omicron, have been confirmed. The cases were detected among the passengers of two flights that came from South Africa on Friday, Reuters reports. The Omicron variant, reported by South Africa to the World Health Organization on November 24, is a cause for concern worldwide as it has multiple mutations and appears to be even more contagious than the Delta variant. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control has estimated that the overall level of risk for the EU and the European Economic Area associated with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 is considered high to very high. On the other hand, Switzerland approved by referendum the law on combating COVID-19, which allowed it to instate the health passport. The referendum had been launched by the opponents to this passport. In Greece, the authorities have introduced new restrictions requiring believers to present a negative COVID-19 test to attend church services, following an increase in the number of coronavirus cases in recent weeks. (LS)

  • MAE: Toţi cetăţenii români aflaţi încă în Africa de Sud să îşi notifice prezenţa

    MAE: Toţi cetăţenii români aflaţi încă în Africa de Sud să îşi notifice prezenţa

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe face un apel către toţi
    cetăţenii români aflaţi încă în Africa de Sud, care doresc să părăsească ţara
    şi nu şi-au notificat încă intenţia de a se repatria, să o facă în cel mai
    scurt timp, Ambasada României la Pretoria şi Consulatul General al României la
    Cape Town gestionând, în acest moment, situaţia a 39 de cetăţeni români
    (turişti şi membri ai unei delegaţii sportive) ale căror curse au fost anulate
    de către companiile aeriene la care aveau rezervări.

    Ambasada României la Pretoria
    și Consulatul General al României la Cape Town gestionează, la acest moment,
    situația a 39 de cetățeni români (turiști și membri ai unei delegații sportive)
    ale căror curse au fost anulate de către companiile aeriene la care aveau

    Astfel, față de situația din
    cursul zilei de sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie, când MAE avea în evidență 36 de cetățeni
    români, MAE informează că un cetățean român a reușit să părăsească Africa de
    Sud cu un zbor de linie, iar alți 4 cetățeni români și-au notificat prezența la
    Ambasada României și au solicitat sprijin consular.
    precizează MAE.

    MAE, suplimentar celor 39 de cetățeni români cărora li se oferă asistență, încă
    7 cetățeni români care solicitaseră asistență consulară celor două misiuni
    diplomatice au reușit să își rezerve locuri pe alte curse către Europa și au
    plecat deja ori sunt programați să plece în cursul zilei de astăzi.

    precizează că, reprezentanții misiunilor diplomatice și consulare ale României
    în Africa de Sud s-au aflat și se află în contact permanent cu cetățenii români
    care au solicitat sprijin consular.

    asemenea, MAE acționează în prezent în strânsă coordonare cu celelalte
    instituții competente și va acorda întreg sprijinul pentru buna desfășurare a
    operațiunilor de repatriere a cetățenilor români, prin organizarea unui
    zbor special în perioada imediat următoare, în conformitate cu deciziile recent
    adoptate în cadrul Comitetului Național pentru Situații de Urgență.

    MAE face și pe această cale un apel către toți cetățenii români aflați încă în
    Africa de Sud, care doresc să părăsească țara și nu și-au notificat încă
    prezența și intenția de a se repatria, să o facă în cel mai scurt timp,
    folosind contactele de mai jos.

    români pot solicita asistență consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei
    României la Pretoria: +27 0123464231; +27 124600061 și
    ale Consulatului General al României la Cape Town: +27 021 761 5932; +
    27 021 761 22 84, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact
    și Suport al Cetățenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) și preluate de către
    operatorii Call Center, în regim de permanență. De asemenea,
    cetățenii români care se confruntă cu o situație dificilă, specială, cu un
    caracter de urgență, au la dispoziție și telefonul de urgență al misiunii
    diplomatice +27 828 19 1765 sau cel al oficiului
    consular +27 79 27 22 466.

    folosește acest prilej pentru a recomanda cetățenilor români aflați în statele
    afectate de noua variantă de coronavirus să mențină legătura cu
    companiile aeriene, operatorii de turism, precum și cu misiunile diplomatice și
    consulare ale României din zonă, în vederea identificării unor alternative de
    revenire în România, dacă situația o impune.

    Afacerilor Externe recomandă cetățenilor români să analizeze cu atenție
    oportunitatea oricărei deplasări către statele afectate de noua variantă de coronavirus și
    să se informeze temeinic anterior deplasării prin consultarea secțiunii
    Atenționări de călătorie COVID-19 de pe pagina de internet a MAE https://www.mae.ro/node/51759 pentru
    informații privind măsurile adoptate de alte state în contextul pandemiei de

  • November 28, 2021

    November 28, 2021

    BUCHAREST – The Romanian government met on Sunday in an extraordinary session in the context of international concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus strain from South Africa – Omicron – which is believed to be much more dangerous. The government modified the decision regarding the extension of the state of alert and analyzed the necessary measures for the increase of the capacity for faster identification of the new coronavirus variant in order to prevent its spread in Romania. The government has also established that a Tarom plane will be sent to Pretoria to bring to Romania the 36 Romanian citizens who remained stranded in South Africa, after the cancellation of flights to the EU, following the identification of the new variant of coronavirus in that country. The head of the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, said that there would be another 50 – 55 free seats in the aircraft, and Romania offers the possibility to other European countries to extract their citizens from South Africa. Also, the list of South African countries for which the new restrictions are valid was updated on Sunday, on the recommendation of the European Commission. Malawi has been included on this list, along with South Africa and six other states in the region in the red zone of countries with high epidemiological risk, so those who arrive in Romania from this area must be quarantined for 14 days. They may be released from quarantine on the 10th day if the result of their COVID-test is negative. In another development, the number of new Covid 19 cases in Romania continues to decrease. The authorities reported, on Sunday, 1,377 cases in the last 24 hours and 106 deaths, 19 of which were registered prior to the reference interval. Only four counties are still in the red scenario. The COVID-19 incidence rate calculated for a period of 14 days for Bucharest dropped to 2.04 cases per thousand inhabitants. In relation to the vaccination campaign, since its onset last December, about 7.35 million people have been fully vaccinated.

    UfM — The Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, participates, as of Sunday, for two days, in Barcelona, ​​in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Forum and in the EU – Southern Neighborhood Ministerial Meeting. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry – MAE, in his speech at the forum, Bogdan Aurescu will emphasize the strategic relevance of the European Neighborhood and will highlight the need to develop synergies between the two dimensions, Eastern and Southern, of the Neighborhood Policy. At the same time, FM Bogdan Aurescu will refer to the need for a close cooperation between the member states of the Union for the Mediterranean in areas such as climate change, digital transition and civil protection and will underline the importance of joint reconstruction of the link between security and development in the region. At the EU- Southern Neighborhood Ministerial Meeting, Bogdan Aurescu will address, in his speech, the major regional challenges, such as illegal migration, the impact of climate change and terrorism. The Foreign Ministers of the Union for the Mediterranean states meet once a year at the Regional Forum to define priorities and areas of strategic cooperation. The EU-Southern Neighborhood Ministerial Meeting is a dialogue format attended by representatives of the European institutions, of EU states and of the Unions 10 partners in the Southern Neighborhood (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Palestine and Tunisia).

    Fencing — The Romanian athlete Ana-Maria Popescu, silver medalist at the Tokyo Olympics this summer, was designated the worlds best epee fencer, on Saturday, by the International Fencing Federation, according to the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committees Facebook page. Ana-Maria Popescu received the World Cup Trophy, on Saturday, in Lausanne, during the International Fencing Federation Congress. Ana-Maria Popescu (36 years old) was chosen the best epee fencer in the world for the 5th time, in the seasons 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2012-2013, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, which is a world record. Ana-Maria Popescu has also won 3 Olympic medals (one gold and two silver), 7 world medals (2-2-3) and 13 European (7-4-2), as well as numerous World Cups, being the fencer with the biggest number of titles from Romania. (LS)