• Fotbalul mare vine la Bucureşti

    Fotbalul mare vine la Bucureşti

    debutează ediția 2020 a Campionatului European de fotbal. Amânată cu un an din
    cauza pandemiei noului coronavirus, întrecerea se va desfășura, în premieră, în
    orașe din mai multe țări membre UEFA. În total, 11 orașe vor găzdui jocurile
    din grupe și fazele finale, de la Glasgow la Baku, de la Sankt Petersburg la
    Sevilla. Partida care deschide competiția va avea loc la Roma și va opune
    echipele Italiei și Turciei, din cadrul Grupei A. Duminică. 13 iunie, are loc
    prima partidă găzduită de București. Se vor întâlni reprezentativele Austriei
    și Macedoniei de Nord, în cadrul grupei C, din care mai fac parte Țările de Jos
    și Ucraina. În total, la București vor avea loc patru meciuri. Pe 17 iunie se
    vor confrunta Ucraina și Macedonia de Nord apoi, pe 21 iunie, va avea loc
    partida dintre Ucraina și Austria. Celelalte jocuri din grupa C se vor
    desfășura la Amsterdam. Ultima partidă găzduită de capitala României face parte
    din programul optimilor de finală și se va juca pe data de 28 iunie. Toate
    jocurile se vor disputa pe Arena Națională, cel mai mare stadion din România,
    cu o capacitate de 55.600 de locuri, din care vor fi ocupate maxim 13.000.

    Pentru EURO, stadionul a fost pregătit special. Mai multe spații tehnice au
    fost modernizate, iar gazonul a fost schimbat. Pentru pregătirea echipelor
    așteptate la București, autoritățile au refăcut trei stadioane mai mici. Au
    fost gata doar două, și anume Stadionul STEAUA, un adevărat templu al fotbalului
    românesc, și Stadionul ARCUL DE TRIUMF, care găzduiește, de obicei, jocurile
    Naționalei de rugby a României. Stadionul VALENTIN STĂNESCU, arena tradițională
    a clubului Rapid București, este încă în lucrări. Pe STEAUA se va antrena echipa Macedoniei de Nord,
    iar pe ARCUL DE TRIUMF, Austria. Naționala Ucrainei se va pregăti în apropierea
    Bucureștiului, pe Stadionul ANGHEL IORDĂNESCU din Voluntari.

    Să mai notăm că,
    dacă s-ar fi calificat la EURO 2020, echipa României ar fi jucat cel puțin două
    dintre cele trei partide din grupă în fața propriilor suporteri. Tricolorii au
    ratat însă calificarea la Europene, după ce au ocupat locul 4 în grupa F. Au
    fost întrecuți de Spania, Suedia și Norvegia, depășind în clasament doar
    echipele Insulelor Faroe și Maltei. În urma rezultatelor din Liga Națiunilor,
    noua competiție europeană inter-țări, România a mai avut o șansă pentru EURO 2020, prin calificarea într-un
    baraj, în care a întâlnit Islanda. Cu antrenorul Mirel Rădoi la cârmă,
    tricolorii au pierdut cu 1 la 2. Fotbalul mare vine, deci, la București, însă
    echipa României îl va privi din tribune sau din fața televizorului.

  • 20.04.2021


    Coronavirus – La Roumanie fait état mardi de 2.900 nouveaux cas de contamination
    au nouveau coronavirus sur 36.000 tests effectués dans le pays. Le nombre de
    malades hospitalisés est en baisse, mais le nombre de décès reste élevé :
    237 personnes dans les dernières 24 heures, un record depuis le début de la
    pandémie. Les autorités annoncent que les unités de vaccination mobiles vont
    bientôt devenir opérationnelles. Elles sont destinées à la vaccination des
    habitants des zones rurales, sur la base des listes constituées par les
    mairies. Par ailleurs, l’hôpital mobile de Leţcani, à proximité de Iaşi, dans l’est du
    pays, sera évalué pour une possible réouverture. L’unité de soin avait été
    fermée à la mi-janvier, alors que le Corps de contrôle du ministère de la Santé
    avait signalé de nombreuses irrégularités. Le 19 mars, le propriétaire de l’hôpital,
    l’Association de développement intercommunautaire Euronest, avait reçu un délai
    d’un mois pour résoudre les problèmes signalés. A présent, ils estiment l’unité
    mobile entièrement fonctionnelle. Elle pourrait accueillir en tout 104 malades
    de Covid-19, dont 48 en soins intensifs.

    – Les leaders de la coalition de centre-droit au
    pouvoir en Roumanie reprennent les négociations, en essayant de résoudre la
    crise politique engendrée par la destitution la semaine dernière du ministre de
    la Santé Vlad Voiculescu. Leur première réunion a eu lieu hier soir, a duré
    quatre heures et n’a eu aucune issue. Les leaders de l’Union sauvez la
    Roumanie-PLUS restent campés sur leur position : ils ne veulent plus le libéral
    Florin Cîţu en tant que premier ministre. De l’autre côté, les libéraux et les
    membres du l’Union démocrate magyare de Roumanie s’opposent fortement à la
    destitution de Florin Cîţu. Rappelons que mercredi dernier, M. Cîţu a démis Vlad Voiculescu
    de ses fonctions de ministre de la Santé. Vendredi, lors d’une conférence de
    presse, Vlad Voiculescu a formulé des accusations graves à l’encontre du
    premier ministre, notamment concernant l’incapacité au niveau central et local à gérer la pandémie.

    – Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis reçoit aujourd’hui
    la présidente moldave Maia Sandu. La rencontre n’a pas été annoncée
    précédemment et ni la présidence roumaine, ni celle de la République de Moldova
    n’ont rendu publics les sujets de discussion des deux chefs d’Etat. Maia Sandu était
    à Strasbourg hier pour le lancement du Plan d’action du Conseil de l’Europe
    pour la République de Moldova 2021-2024. Rappelons que la Cour
    Constitutionnelle de Chişinău vient de donner son feu vert pour l’organisation des élections
    législatives anticipées souhaitées par Maia Sandu.

    Presse – Le journalisme, « le principal vaccin contre le virus de
    la désinformation », est « totalement ou partiellement bloqué »
    dans plus de 130 pays – note Reporters sans frontières dans son Classement
    mondial de la liberté de la presse 2021. Jamais la zone blanche de la carte de
    la liberté de la presse, qui indique une situation d’exercice du journalisme très
    satisfaisante, n’a été aussi réduite depuis 2013. Le travail des journalistes est
    gravement entravé dans 73 des 180 Etats du classement et restreint dans 59
    autres, soit au total 73 % des pays évalués. La Chine se retrouve à nouveau en
    bas du classement, avant le Turkménistan, la Corée du Nord et l’Erythrée. Seuls
    12 pays sur 180 peuvent encore se targuer d’offrir un environnement favorable à
    l’information. La Norvège est classée au premier rang, pour la cinquième année
    consécutive, devant la Finlande et la Suède, qui retrouve sa place de
    troisième, perdue l’année dernière au profit du Danemark. Malgré le fait que l’Europe
    reste la région la plus sûre, les agressions contre les journalistes et les
    interpellations abusives se sont notamment multipliées en Allemagne (13e), en
    France (34e), en Italie (41e), en Pologne (64e), en Grèce (70e), en Serbie
    (93e) et en Bulgarie (112e). La Roumanie occupe la 48e place dans le Classement
    de Reporters sans frontières, qui note sur notre pays que « la vision qu’a
    le pouvoir du journalisme et de la liberté d’expression encourage la censure et
    l’autocensure. Durant la crise sanitaire liée à la pandémie, indique
    encore le rapport de l’ONG, l’opacité et la mauvaise communication entre les
    fonctionnaires d’État et les médias ont affecté à la fois le libre accès à
    l’information et la crédibilité des médias. »

    – Les recherches des procureurs roumains sont en cours
    pour essayer d’identifier les personnes ayant poignardé deux citoyens afghans
    lundi soir, dont un est décédé. L’agression a eu lieu près de la Gare de Nord
    de Timişoara,
    dans l’ouest du pays. Des sources judiciaires parlent d’une altercation entre deux
    groupes d’immigrants afghans. La plus grande ville de l’ouest de la Roumanie, Timişoara est placée sur
    la soi-disant route de l’immigration clandestine du Moyen Orient, d’Asie et d’Afrique. De nombreux migrants arrivent en Roumanie depuis
    la Serbie, en route vers les pays de l’Europe de l’Ouest.

    – La Roumanie va accueillir l’édition 2025 du Championnat
    d’Europe de football des moins de 19 ans – annonce la Fédération
    roumaine de football, faisant écho à une décision du Comité
    exécutif de l’UEFA. La compétition devait avoir lieu en Roumanie cette année,
    entre le 30 juin et le 13 juillet, mais a été annulée par l’UEFA en raison de
    la pandémie de Covid-19. La Roumanie a déjà accueilli l’Euro de foot des moins
    de 19 ans en 2011.

    Hier, douze grands clubs européens de football ont annoncé la création d’une
    nouvelle compétition – la Super Ligue, concurrente de la Ligue des champions. Parmi
    les douze clubs comptent Liverpool, Manchester City, Barcelone, Real
    Madrid, Juventus ou encore Inter Milan. Gary Neville, l’ancien joueur de l’équipe
    d’Angleterre et de Manchester United, a qualifié la démarche comme de la pure
    cupidité. Aux dires du président de l’UEFA Aleksander Ceferin, les footballeurs
    qui jouent pour les clubs à l’origine de cette démarche se verront exclure des
    compétitions internationales tels la Coupe du Monde ou le Championnat d’Europe
    où ils ne pourront plus représenter leurs équipes nationales. Cette « Super
    Ligue » a également été critiquée par le président français Emmanuel
    Macron et par le premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson.

    Météo – En Roumanie, le temps demeure frisquet, avec un ciel couvert et des
    pluies dans la plupart des régions. Les quantités d’eau dépasseront par
    endroits les 15 litres au m2. Des phénomènes orageux et de la grêle sont attendus,
    ainsi que des précipitations mixtes en altitude. Le vent soufflera fort sur le
    sud-ouest du pays. Les températures maximales iront de 10 à 17 degrés, avec
    12°C à midi dans la capitale, Bucarest.

  • 06.04.2021


    HoReCa – Le premier ministre Florin Cîţu a rencontré mardi les représentants de l’Organisation patronale des hôtels et des restaurants de Roumanie, secteur qui compte parmi les plus affectés par la crise de Covid-19. Le gouvernement souhaite que tous les Roumains puissent aller en vacances dans le pays, sans qu’il y ait de discriminations entre les personnes vaccinées et celles qui ne souhaitent pas se faire immuniser. Comme le certificat digital de vaccination sera utilisé uniquement pour les vacances de l’étranger, les hôteliers roumains s’engagent à tester gratuitement, en utilisant des tests rapides, les touristes qui ne sont pas vaccinés ou qui ne présentent pas la preuve d’avoir été malades. La réunion a eu lieu le lendemain de l’annonce du chef du gouvernement sur la constitution d’un comité interministériel qui analysera un possible relâchement des restrictions à partir du mois de juin, pour aller vers un retour progressif à la normale.

    Coronavirus – Les autorités roumaines ont rapporté 5.200 nouveaux cas de contamination et 196 décès associés à l’infection au Sars-Cov-2 ce mardi 6 avril. 14.000 personnes sont hospitalisées actuellement, dont près de 1.500 sont en réanimation. Plusieurs unités de soins annoncent être à capacité maximale et avertissent qu’ils n’arrivent plus à faire face à l’afflux important de patients présentant des formes modérées et graves de la maladie.

    Soutien psychologique – Une ligne téléphonique destinée aux personnes affectées par la pandémie est ouverte à partir de ce mardi en Roumanie, annonce le ministère de la Santé de Bucarest. Les personnes affectées par la pandémie de Covid-19, le personnel médical ou toute personne ayant des difficultés à gérer cette période pour le moins compliquée peut appeler le 021 9081. Le numéro est joignable depuis la Roumanie, il est soumis au tarif normal et fonctionne de lundi à samedi entre 12 et 20h. Les appels sont gérés par 40 psychothérapeutes bénévoles à travers une centrale d’appels virtuelle.

    Chômage – Le taux de chômage a augmenté de 0,1% en
    février, pour se fixer à 5,7%, annonce l’Institut national de la statistique,
    avec un taux de chômage plus élevé parmi les femmes. Le nombre total des
    chômeurs est estimé à 478.000 personnes. L’Institut national de la statistique
    précise qu’une nouvelle méthode d’analyse du marché de l’emploi est utilisée à
    partir de janvier 2021, conforme aux nouvelles réglementations européennes, et donc
    une comparaison avec les chiffres de l’année dernière n’est plus possible.

    Justice – La France estime encore prématuré de mettre fin au Mécanisme de coopération et de vérification (MCV) auquel est soumis la Roumanie, tant que les objectifs de référence fixés pour notre pays ne sont pas pleinement atteints – montre un rapport d’information du Sénat français sur l’Etat de droit dans l’Union européenne. Le document rappelle que le dernier rapport écrit de la Commission européenne sur le MCV en Roumanie notait que « la dynamique de réforme avait disparu au cours de l’année 2017 » et que « l’évolution de la situation au cours des premiers mois de 2019 a été une source de vives préoccupations ». Le rapport du Sénat français précise qu’ultérieurement la Commission s’était toutefois félicitée du fait que « le gouvernement roumain a exprimé […] le souhait de revoir son approche », tout en estimant que les progrès ne pouvaient être notés sur la base de simples engagements politiques. Mis en place en 2007, lors de l’adhésion de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie à l’UE, le Mécanisme de coopération et de vérification (MCV) a pour rôle de signaler les lacunes en matière de justice et proposer des solutions.

    Football – Le ministère roumain de la Jeunesse et du sport a annoncé ce matin que les matchs de l’EURO 2020 organisés en Roumanie se tiendront avec 13.000 spectateurs présents dans l’enceinte du stade, soit un quart de la capacité de Arena naţională de Bucarest. Le gouvernement roumain s’est engagé à adopter une législation spécifique qui permettra la présence du public dans les tribunes, sans quoi Bucarest risque d’être exclue des villes hôtes de l’EURO 2020 par l’UEFA. La Roumanie s’est vue allouer la tenue de quatre matchs de l’EURO 2020 sur le principal stade du pays, Arena naţională de Bucarest. Programmée initialement en 2020, la compétition a été reportée à cette année en raison de la pandémie. L’équipe de football de Roumanie ne s’y est pas qualifiée.

    Tennis – La paire roumano-allemande Mihaela Buzărnescu/Anna-Lena Friedsam s’est qualifiée dans les quarts de finale de l’épreuve de double dames au Tournoi de tennis de Bogota, en Colombie, après avoir vaincu en deux sets les Indonésiennes Beatrice Gumulya/Jessica Rompies. Au premier tour de l’épreuve de simple dames, Mihaela Buzărnescu affronte aujourd’hui la Française Harmony Tan et Irina Bara rencontre Arantxa Rus, de Pays-Bas, tête de série numéro trois.

    Météo – Le temps reste particulièrement froid pour un début avril dans la majeure partie de la Roumanie, avec des prévisions de pluies, de précipitations mixtes, de neige, par endroits, et de vents forts. Les Carpates méridionales et Orientales et le sud-est de la Roumanie sont placés sous vigilance jaune tempêtes de neige à partir de ce soir et jusqu’à demain soir. Dans le sud du pays, les températures repartent à la hausse et approcheront les normales de saison. Aujourd’hui, les températures maximales iront de 4 à 19°, avec 13° et soleil à midi à Bucarest.

  • 09.12.2020


    Négociations politiques – Alors que le décompte des voix touché à sa fin, les négociations en vue de la création du futur gouvernement s’intensifient. Les partis de centre droit tentent de sceller un accord visant la constitution d’une majorité avant les consultations avec le président roumain Klaus Iohannis. Les libéraux, actuellement au pouvoir et qui suite aux élections législatives du 6 décembre se sont classés en deuxième position pour ce qui est du nombre des mandats adjugés, affirme pouvoir constituer une majorité dans le cadre d’une alliance avec l’Union Sauvez la Roumanie et l’Union démocrate magyare de Roumanie. Selon les calculs politiques des libéraux, une majorité confortable de 244 élus nationaux peut être constituée. Elle serait renforcée par le groupe des minorités nationales. Les trois partis de la droite doivent s’accorder aussi sur un programme de gouvernance, avant de se partager les 16 ministères. Par ailleurs, le PSD souhaite également constituer un gouvernement, vu qu’il est le parti politique à avoir décroché le plus grand nombre de voix suite aux élections. Les sociaux-démocrates affirment qu’ils ne voteraient point un gouvernement constitué autour du PNL et affirment que ce sont eux qui devraient produire un premier ministre, conformément au résultat des élections. Leur proposition pour les fonctions de chef de l’exécutif est le professeur des universités et médecin Alexandru Rafila, expert de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Dans le cadre des négociations avec le chef de l’Etat, les sociaux-démocrates accepteront uniquement deux variantes de gouvernement : soit un exécutif minoritaire constitué par le PSD, soit un gouvernement d’union nationale, réunissant des spécialistes mais coordonné par un premier ministre social-démocrate. Le Parlement roumain inclura aussi un parti politique nouveau, l’Alliance pour l’Union des Roumains, qui se déclare radical et qui par le nombre des voix obtenus est devenu la 4e force du législatif de Bucarest.

    Coronavirus en Roumanie – Mardi la Roumanie a enregistré le nombre de décès dus à la Covid 19 le plus élevé depuis le début de la pandémie en février : soit 213. Le nombre des cas sévères de coronavirus demeure lui aussi élevé, malgré une légère baisse enregistrée pour la deuxième journée consécutive. Entre temps 7.365 nouveaux cas de Covid 19 ont été dépistés en Roumanie ces dernières 24 heures sur plus de 31.000 tests effectués. Le nombre des décès a baissé à 161. 1.271 malades sont actuellement hospitalisés dans les salons de soins intensifs. La plupart des infections ont été confirmées à Bucarest. D’ailleurs, dans la Capitale il y a une tendance à la hausse du taux d’infection ces deux dernières semaines. Actuellement il vient de dépasser les 6,5 cas par mille habitants. Sur le total des Roumains infectés depuis le début de la pandémie, à savoir plus de 524 mille, quelque 80% d’entre eux ont guéri. Le président Klaus Iohannis a déclaré que les premiers tests rapides de dépistage de la Covid sur une commande de trois millions, devraient arriver en Roumanie en moins d’une semaine. Ce qui plus est, 300 ventilateurs devraient être délivrés aux unités de soins intensifs en moins d’une semaine.

    Résidence – Plus de 670 mille Roumains ont déposé des demandes pour obtenir le statut de citoyen résident du Royaume Uni, dans le contexte d’une modification des règles en matière d’immigration appliqués aux européens qui arrivent sur le territoire de cet Etat après janvier 2021. Selon les chiffres fournis par une association de défense des intérêts des citoyens européens au Royaume Uni, de telles demandes ont été déposées entre autres par des Polonais, Italiens, Portugais, Espagnols et Français. Avant le mois de septembre, les autorités britanniques ont reçu quelque 3,9 millions de demandes. 56% des demandeurs ont reçu le statut de résident permanent accordé aux personnes qui ont vécu pendent au moins cinq ans sur le territoire britannique, ce qui leur permettra de travailler et de bénéficier d’aides sociales après le Brexit.

    Racisme dans le foot – La Fédération roumaine de foot précise avoir pris acte des événements déroulés durant le match entre PSG et Istanbul Başakşehir, dans la Ligue des Champions et qu’elle attend le rapport de l’UEFA dans l’épisode raciste ayant impliqué l’arbitre roumain Sebastian Colţescu, afin de savoir précisément le déroulement des événements et de décider d’une réaction. Dans un communiqué posté sur son site, la Fédération souligne qu’elle se délimité fermement de toute action ou déclaration raciste ou xénophobe. Dans un geste inédit dans l’histoire de la Ligue des champions, les joueurs du Paris SG et du Basaksehir Istanbul ont quitté la pelouse en cours de match pour protester contre des propos racistes supposés du quatrième arbitre, mardi. Ce dernier venait de signaler a l’arbitre principal Ovidiu Hategan, roumain comme son collègue, la réaction trop véhémente a son gout de Pierre Achille Webo, membre camerounais de l’encadrement du Basaksehir, après une décision arbitrale. Les joueurs ont commencé a s’agglutiner sur le bord du terrain, appelés notamment par l’attaquant remplaçant de Basaksehir Demba Ba, l’international sénégalais natif de la région parisienne, tres remonté. Un dialogue a commencé entre joueurs, l’arbitre et le délégué de l’UEFA, sans parvenir à une issue. Neymar et Kylian Mbappé ont notamment été au centre des discussions. Apres une dizaine de minutes d’échanges, les joueurs stambouliotes ont pris la direction des vestiaires, suivis par les Parisiens, sous les applaudissements de membres de l’encadrement des clubs. L’Union européenne du foot a annoncé qu’une enquête exhaustive serait démarrée immédiatement, et le match du Groupe H serait rejoué ce soir avec une autre équipe d’arbitres.

    Météo – Les météorologues roumains ont émis une alerte code jaune en raison des chutes de neige, valable à partir d’aujourd’hui et jusqu’à vendredi dans l’après midi, sur les Carpates Méridionales et de Courbure. Le vent sera également au rendez-vous alors que sur les crêtes sa vitesse dépassera les 100 km à l’heure. Sur le centre, le sud et le sud-ouest des pluies seront possibles. Ciel généralement couvert sur le reste du territoire. Des pluies verglaçantes sont également attendues sur l’est, mais aussi sur le reste du territoire. Les températures vont de -1 à 11 degrés. -1 degré et un temps plutôt morose à Bucarest.

  • Caz de rasism în care a fost implicat arbitrul român Sebastian Colţescu

    Caz de rasism în care a fost implicat arbitrul român Sebastian Colţescu

    Federaţia Română de Fotbal a precizat, într-un comunicat, că a luat act de cele întâmplate la meciul dintre Paris Saint-Germain şi Istanbul Başakşehir, din Liga Campionilor, şi va aştepta raportul UEFA în cazul de rasism în care a fost implicat arbitrul român Sebastian Colţescu. Partida a fost întreruptă în minutul 15, în urma unui incident în care a fost implicat Colţescu, cel de-al patrulea oficial al meciului. Partida nu a mai continuat şi meciul a fost reprogramat de către UEFA pentru miercuri seară, de la minutul 15, cu o altă brigadă de arbitri. Forul continental a anunţat că o anchetă amănunţită va fi demarată imediată în legătură cu incidentul.

    Federaţia Română de Fotbal (FRF) aşteaptă raportul UEFA pentru a afla exact cele petrecute şi pentru a acţiona în consecinţă, se arată în comunicat. FRF subliniază, totodată, că se delimitează ferm de orice acţiune sau declaraţie cu tentă rasistă sau xenofobă. Staff-ul campioanei Turciei şi jucătorii acesteia, urmaţi de cei ai echipei PSG, au luat decizia de a părăsi terenul, marţi seara, după eliminarea antrenorului secund al formaţiei din Istanbul, fostul atacant camerunez Pierre Achille Webo, acuzând remarci rasiste din partea arbitrului de rezervă, Sebastian Colţescu. Acesta l-ar fi identificat pe antrenorul secund al echipei turce cu termenul de tipul negru.

    Csaba Asztalos, preşedintele Consiliului Naţional pentru Combaterea Discriminării, a declarat că Sebastian Colţescu nu cunoaşte că folosirea termenului «negru», în limbajul anglo-saxon, are conotaţii rasiste. Dacă dorea să facă distincţia, ar fi trebuit să spună «afro-american», a adăugat Asztalos. Exprimare e rasistă, fără nicio posibilitate de interpretare, şi arată faptul că acest arbitru este total nepregătit în ceea ce priveşte valorile şi regulile atât ale FRF, cât şi ale UEFA şi FIFA. Toate cele trei entităţi au prevederi foarte clare împotriva rasismului, iar arbitrii au un rol-cheie în sancţionarea acestor gesturi, a opinat Csaba Asztalos.

    Ministrul francez al sporturilor, Roxana Mărăcineanu, de origine română, a salutat ceea ce a numit «simbolistica forte a gestului şi a solidarităţii» jucătorilor celor două echipe, care au părăsit terenul după acuzaţiile de rasism aduse celui de-al 4-lea arbitru. Sportivii au luat o decizie istorică faţă de o atutudine pe care au considerat-o inacceptabilă, a scris Mărăcineanu.

  • November 19, 2020

    November 19, 2020

    COVID-19 Romania Thursday reported 10,108 new Covid-19 cases, taking the total number of cases so far up to 394,000. Nearly 70% of them have so far recovered. The most cases were reported in Bucharest and the counties of Constanţa (south-east) and Cluj (north-west). Another 167 coronavirus-related deaths were also reported, and the number of patients in intensive care is 1,131. The pandemic has put the spotlight on the long-standing structural flaws of Romanias healthcare system, president Klaus Iohannis said. On Wednesday he met with officials and experts involved in the management of medical equipment, who presented reports on the infrastructure and failures in the national healthcare sector.

    DIPLOMACY The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part today in an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers held online. According to the Foreign Ministry, Bogdan Aurescu will voice support for strengthening the EU-USA partnership, emphasising that only by consolidating trans-Atlantic ties can current and future global challenges be managed properly. The Romanian official will also emphasise that efficient multilateralism relies on compliance with international law and democratic values, and on the cooperation between countries that share the same views. Aurescu will also present an assessment of the presidential election in the Republic of Moldova, with a focus on the victory of the pro-European candidate Maia Sandu and its implications for the relation between the EU and Chisinau.

    EU BUDGET The European Parliament announced it would make no concession as regards the rule of law, on which the allocation of EU funding will depend as of next year. This is a response to proposals from some member states regarding a compromise with Hungary and Poland, which are disgruntled with the new conditions. On Monday they vetoed the endorsement of the Unions multiannual budget and the economic recovery plan post-COVID-19. Polands PM Mateusz Morawiecki explained that his countrys position on making funds conditional on compliance with the rule of law is designed to avoid arbitrary measures. In turn, the Hungarian PM Viktor Orban spoke about Brussels blackmailing the countries that oppose immigration. The EU budget for the forthcoming 7 years and the economic recovery plan are discussed today by the EU heads of state and government. The combined financial effort amounts to over 1,800 billion euro.

    PANDEMIC The total number of COVID-19 cases worldwide is over 56.6 million, and the death toll exceeds 1.3 million, according to worldometers.info updates. The US reports over one-fifth of the total number of deaths (over 250,000). As the healthcare community focuses on producing a vaccine, the final assessments run by the US company Pfizer and the German company BioNTech point to a 95% protection rate. The head of the World Health Organisation Emergencies Programme, Mike Ryan, warned however that the vaccine will not be available in time to fight for the second wave of the pandemic. Meanwhile, UNICEF Thursday called for averting a lost generation as COVID-19 threatens to cause irreversible harm to childrens education, nutrition and well-being.

    SPORTS Romanias national football team last night drew 1-all with Northern Ireland in Belfast, in the last match in the UEFA Nations League. Romania came out 3rd in Group B, meeting its goal of being allocated in Pot 2 of the 2022 World Cup qualifying draw. Romanias U-21 team managed to qualify for the 2nd consecutive time in the final tournament of the relevant European Championship. In womens handball, CSM Bucharest take on Russian side Rostov on Don at home tonight, in the Champions League Group A. CSM and Rostov currently top the group rankings. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • November 18, 2020

    November 18, 2020

    COVID-19 Romania confirmed 10,269 new Sars-Cov-2 infections in 24 hours. The total number of cases since the start of the pandemic is now over 383,000. Nearly 70% of the patients have recovered. The authorities also announced 168 deaths in 24 hours, which takes the total death toll up to 9,429. 1,174 patients are currently in intensive care. According to the National Public Health Institute, last week the number of new cases was only 2,000 higher than in the previous week. The report also indicates that since the start of the pandemic, one in 52 cases has involved medical staff. The age groups the least affected by the new virus remain children and youth up to 19 years. The average age of patients is 48, and 95.3% of the deaths have been reported among people suffering from previous conditions.

    VACCINE The Sibiu Public Health Directorate is under military management as of today. Sibiu County ranks first by infection rate in Romania, with 9 cases in 1,000 people, while in the city of Sibiu, which has been under lockdown since Monday, the rate is 13 per 1,000. Meanwhile, the authorities are preparing an anti-Covid-19 vaccination strategy, which will be made public next week. President Klaus Iohannis said the guidelines for this have been defined and asked the institutions in charge to communicate in a clear and transparent manner and to fight disinformation.

    BUDGET The Government of Romania is giving a first reading today to a bill on a new budget adjustment, the third this year, stipulating the allocation of over 205 million euros for healthcare, as well as additional funding for investments and agriculture. The funds are needed to cover the rise in expenditure with the Covid-19 containment measures, and to provide compensations to the farmers affected by this years drought, PM Ludovic Orban explained. He added that additional money will also be earmarked for local authorities, particularly those affected by the pandemic, and to town halls that have initiated investment projects and can no longer afford the co-financing.

    PROTEST Several farmers associations are protesting in Bucharest today against the authorities decision to close indoor food markets. The measure was introduced recently in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus. The participants also request the Government and local authorities support to keep food markets open and to provide compensation for the farmers affected by the aforesaid measure.

    GAUDEAMUS The Gaudeamus Radio România International Book fair, organized this year exclusively online, continues until Sunday, November 22nd. This 27th edition can be accessed on gaudeamus.ro, which provides information on the latest book releases and on the over 100 participating publishers. The honorary president of this years fair is Norman Manea, a Romanian-born writer living in the US since 1986.

    FOOTBALL Romanias national football team is playing against Northern Ireland in Belfast tonight, in the UEFA Nations League. The match counts towards the FIFA ranking on which the drawing for the 2022 World Championship qualifying groups will be based. On Tuesday night, Romanias U-21 team qualified into next years European final tournament hosted by Hungary and Slovenia. This is the second consecutive qualification for Romanias youth team in the continental final tournament. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea, fără şase jucătoare de bază
    şi fără antrenorul principal Florentin Pera, a făcut un joc remarcabil şi a
    fost aproape să obţină primul său punct în această ediţie a competiţiei, ratând
    în ultimele secunde înscrierea golului egalizator. SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea va juca
    următorul meci tot în deplasare, cu BV Borussia 09 Dortmund, pe 22 noiembrie.

    Bucureşti a terminat la egalitate meciul cu echipa slovenă RK Krim Mercator
    Ljubljana, 22-22, sâmbătă, în Sala Polivalentă ”Ioan Kunst-Ghermănescu” din
    capitala României, în Grupa A a Ligii Campionilor la handbal feminin. CSM, cu
    Cristina Neagu pe banca de rezerve, a făcut un joc modest, iar finalul a fost
    unul cu accente dramatice, ambele echipe trecând pe lângă victorie. CSM
    Bucureşti va juca următorul meci cu Rostov pe Don, pe 19 noiembrie, pe teren
    propriu, un meci restanţă din etapa a treia.

    În prima manşă din turul al treilea preliminar
    al competiţiei feminine de handbal EHF European League, SCM Gloria Buzău
    debutantă în cupele europene, a fost învinsă duminică, în deplasare, de echipa
    franceză Nantes Atlantique Handball, cu scorul de 23-16. Partida revanşă va
    avea loc pe 22 noiembrie, la Buzău.

    continuare, handbal masculin. CSM Bucureşti a făcut un pas mare spre optimile
    de finală ale competiţiei de handbal masculin EHF European Cup, după ce a
    câștigat cu 30-23, meciul jucat sâmbătă în deplasare cu echipa bosniacă MRK
    Sloga Gornji Vakuf Uskoplje, în prima manşă din turul al doilea al competiţiei.
    Manşa secundă va avea loc pe 21 noiembrie, la Bucureşti.

    Arcada Galaţi a ratat calificarea în grupele Ligii Campionilor la volei
    masculin, după ce a fost învinsă pe teren propriu de echipa poloneză
    Jastrzebski Wegiel, cu scorul de 3-0 (25-18, 25-16, 25-17), în turul al doilea
    preliminar al competiţiei. Arcada va continua în Cupa CEV, urmând să înfrunte
    echipa bulgară Montana Volley, în şaisprezecimile de finală.

    echipei naţionale de fotbal a României cu selecţionata Norvegiei, programată
    duminică seara pe Arena Naţională din Capitală, în Grupa 1 din Liga B a Ligii
    Naţiunilor la fotbal, a fost anulată de UEFA după ce formaţia oaspete nu a
    putut face deplasarea în urma unui caz de coronavirus, informează site-ul
    oficial al Federaţiei Române de Fotbal. În celălalt meci al grupei, Austria a
    învins Irlanda de Nord cu scorul de 2-1. România va înfrunta miercuri Irlanda
    de Nord, la Belfast, în ultima etapă a grupei. Fără rezultatul meciului România
    – Norvegia, care va fi stabilit de UEFA, pe primul loc în grupă se află Austria cu 12 puncte, urmată de Norvegia 9 puncte, România 4 puncte şi
    Irlanda de nord, un punct.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea, fără şase jucătoare de bază
    şi fără antrenorul principal Florentin Pera, a făcut un joc remarcabil şi a
    fost aproape să obţină primul său punct în această ediţie a competiţiei, ratând
    în ultimele secunde înscrierea golului egalizator. SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea va juca
    următorul meci tot în deplasare, cu BV Borussia 09 Dortmund, pe 22 noiembrie.

    Bucureşti a terminat la egalitate meciul cu echipa slovenă RK Krim Mercator
    Ljubljana, 22-22, sâmbătă, în Sala Polivalentă ”Ioan Kunst-Ghermănescu” din
    capitala României, în Grupa A a Ligii Campionilor la handbal feminin. CSM, cu
    Cristina Neagu pe banca de rezerve, a făcut un joc modest, iar finalul a fost
    unul cu accente dramatice, ambele echipe trecând pe lângă victorie. CSM
    Bucureşti va juca următorul meci cu Rostov pe Don, pe 19 noiembrie, pe teren
    propriu, un meci restanţă din etapa a treia.

    În prima manşă din turul al treilea preliminar
    al competiţiei feminine de handbal EHF European League, SCM Gloria Buzău
    debutantă în cupele europene, a fost învinsă duminică, în deplasare, de echipa
    franceză Nantes Atlantique Handball, cu scorul de 23-16. Partida revanşă va
    avea loc pe 22 noiembrie, la Buzău.

    continuare, handbal masculin. CSM Bucureşti a făcut un pas mare spre optimile
    de finală ale competiţiei de handbal masculin EHF European Cup, după ce a
    câștigat cu 30-23, meciul jucat sâmbătă în deplasare cu echipa bosniacă MRK
    Sloga Gornji Vakuf Uskoplje, în prima manşă din turul al doilea al competiţiei.
    Manşa secundă va avea loc pe 21 noiembrie, la Bucureşti.

    Arcada Galaţi a ratat calificarea în grupele Ligii Campionilor la volei
    masculin, după ce a fost învinsă pe teren propriu de echipa poloneză
    Jastrzebski Wegiel, cu scorul de 3-0 (25-18, 25-16, 25-17), în turul al doilea
    preliminar al competiţiei. Arcada va continua în Cupa CEV, urmând să înfrunte
    echipa bulgară Montana Volley, în şaisprezecimile de finală.

    echipei naţionale de fotbal a României cu selecţionata Norvegiei, programată
    duminică seara pe Arena Naţională din Capitală, în Grupa 1 din Liga B a Ligii
    Naţiunilor la fotbal, a fost anulată de UEFA după ce formaţia oaspete nu a
    putut face deplasarea în urma unui caz de coronavirus, informează site-ul
    oficial al Federaţiei Române de Fotbal. În celălalt meci al grupei, Austria a
    învins Irlanda de Nord cu scorul de 2-1. România va înfrunta miercuri Irlanda
    de Nord, la Belfast, în ultima etapă a grupei. Fără rezultatul meciului România
    – Norvegia, care va fi stabilit de UEFA, pe primul loc în grupă se află Austria cu 12 puncte, urmată de Norvegia 9 puncte, România 4 puncte şi
    Irlanda de nord, un punct.

  • October 14, 2020

    October 14, 2020

    COVID-19 4,016 new cases of COVID-19 infection were reported in Romania on Wednesday, the biggest daily figure since the start of the pandemic. The number of patients with severe forms of the disease is up, with 686 people in ICU. Another 66 COVID-19 patients died in the last 24 hours, taking the death toll to 5,601. The Government extends the state of alert by 30 days, as of October 15. The National Committee for Emergencies decided that face masks will be compulsory outdoors as well, in areas with more than 3 cases per 1,000 capita, and private events will be banned until the number of infections drops.

    PRIZE The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis is awarded in Magdeburg, Germany today the Emperor Otto Prize, for “great merits in the European unification process. According to the Romanian Presidency, the award ceremony will take place at the Magdeburg Cathedral (Magdeburger Dom, the Cathedral of Saints Maurice and Catherine), home to the tomb of Otto I the Great, Holy Roman Emperor. The Emperor Otto Prize is awarded every 2 years to personalities and organisations with outstanding merits in the European unification process and in promoting European values. It was first granted in 2005, when the city of Magdeburg celebrated 1,200 years. Former recipients include the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former president Richard von Weizsacker, former Latvian president Vaira Vike-Freiberga, as well as the former EU diplomacy chief Federica Mogherini. In 2015, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe was the first institution to receive this award.

    INCIDENTS Incidents were reported in Iasi, in the east, where the Orthodox pilgrimage to Saint Parascheva the New continues. Groups of believers clashed with the police during this event, traditionally the largest in Romania and one of the most important in Europe. After the National Committee for Emergency decided that only believers residing in Iasi may take part in the event, the Romanian Orthodox Church rated the measure as discriminatory and said the Patriarchate was not consulted. On Tuesday president Klaus Iohannis said “a direct dialogue between the 2 major authorities would lead to better solutions. Born near Constantinople in the early 11th Century and celebrated on October 14, Saint Parascheva the New has been the patron saint of Moldavia since 1641.

    AUTOMOTIVE In Romania, the market for electric and Hybrid Plug-in cars rose significantly in the first 9 months of the year compared to 2019. Statistics point to a 40% increase in electric car sales and a 140% in Hybrid Plug-in sales since the beginning of the year. On Thursday, the largest Romanian carmaker, Dacia, taken over by the French group Renault in 1999, will unveil Spring, its electric model, 7 months after releasing the first photos of the concept. Dacia Spring will be the least expensive electric car in Europe, around 3-4,000 euro cheaper than its competitors.

    ELECTIONS In the Republic of Moldova the campaign for the presidential election due on November 1 continues. The latest polls indicate that only 2 out of the 8 candidates stand chances to win—the incumbent Socialist pro-Russian president Igor Dodon and the former pro-Western PM Maia Sandu, who were the main contenders in the presidential race 4 years ago as well. Radio Romanias correspondents in Chisinau say Dodon targets ethnic minorities and Soviet supporters, whereas Sandu has to win over the extremely divided right-wing voters.

    MEASURES Italy has added further exceptions from the COVID-19 rules applicable to travellers from Romania. Individuals showing no symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the ones who have not travelled to countries like Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina or the Republic of Moldova are no longer required to self-isolate under medical supervision. Exceptions also include the travellers who transit Italy for up to 36 hours and short-term visitors who stay in the country up to 120 hours. The same exception applies to medical personnel coming into Italy to practice their profession. The new rules are in force until November 13.

    FOOTBALL Romanias football team is playing tonight in Ploiesti against Austria, in the UEFA Nations League Group 1B. On Sunday, Romania lost 0-4, away from home, to Norway. In the first 2 matches in the group, Romania drew 1-1, at home, with Northern Ireland and beat Austria 3-2. On Thursday Romania failed to qualify into next years European Championship final tournament, after losing 1-2 against Iceland in the playoffs. Meanwhile, Romanias U21 team defeated Malta 4-1 (4-0), on Tuesday night in Giurgiu, in Group 8 of the European Youth Championship qualifiers. Denmark ranks first in the group with 25 points, followed by Romania with 19, Ukraine with 10, Finland with 10, Northern Ireland with 0 points and Malta with 1 point. Romania will play a decisive match on November 17 against Denmark in Ploiesti. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • Sportevents: u.a.: Tennisprofi Mitu gewinnt Challenger-Turnier in Prag

    Sportevents: u.a.: Tennisprofi Mitu gewinnt Challenger-Turnier in Prag

    Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Andreea Mitu hat das WTA-Challenger- Turnier in Prag, im Damen-Doppel, gewonnen. Mitu und ihre Partnerin, die Weißrussin Lidia Morozova, besiegten im Finale das Paar Giulia Gatto-Monticone aus Italien und Nadia Podoroska aus Argentinien mit 6:4 und 6:4. Mitu und Morozova teilen sich ein Preisgeld von 37.000 US-Dollar, außerdem erhält jede Spielerin 160 Ranglistenpunkte im Doppel.

    Rumäniens Tennisprofi Sorana Cîrstea unterlag in der 3. Runde der US Open in Flushing Meadows der tschechischen Spielerin Karolina Muchova. Nach einem umkämpften Spiel gewann Muchova mit 6:3, 2:6 und 7:6. Die Rumänin vergab dabei drei Matchbälle im Tiebreak des dritten Satzes. Mit dem Erreichen der dritten Runde glich die 30-jährige Cîrstea ihre Bestleistungen bei den US Open von 2009 und 2019 aus.

    Im selben Turnier, bei den US Open, qualifizierte sich das Duo Horia Tecău aus Rumänien und der Niederländer Jean-Julien Rojer für das Viertelfinale der Herren. Gegen die Hauptfavoriten des Turniers, die Kolumbianer Juan-Sebastian Cabal und Robert Farah, setzten sich Tecău und Rojer in 3 Sätzen mit 4:6, 6:3 und 6:4 durch. In der Runde der letzten Acht treffen die beiden auf Rohan Bopanna aus Indien und Denis Shapovalov aus Kanada.

    Und nun zum Handball: Die Herrenmannschaft von Potaissa Turda ist nach der Begegnung mit dem kroatischen Team HRK Gorica in die zweite Qualifikationsrunde des EHF-Cups vorgerückt. Das Rückspiel gewann Potaissa auswärts mit 32:27 und sicherte sich somit das Weiterkommen, zuvor hatten die Westrumänen das Hinspiel zu Hause mit 24:26 verloren.

    Der CSM Știința Baia Mare und der SCM Timișoara bestreiten das Finale der rumänischen Rugby-Superliga. Im ersten Halbfinale schlug Știința Baia Mare Dinamo Bukarest mit 76:19. Im zweiten Halbfinale in Bukarest besiegte der SCM Timișoara Steaua Bukarest knapp mit 21:20. Im Spiel um die Plätze 5-6 gewann Tomitanii Constanța das Match gegen Universitatea Klausenburg mit 29:23.

    Und nun Fußball und die UEFA-Nationenliga. Die rumänische Fußballnationalmannschaft trennte sich im ersten Spiel zu Hause mit einem 1:1-Unentschieden von der Auswahl Nordirlans in Gruppe 1 der Liga B. Die Tore erzielten George Pușcaș in der 25. Minute für Rumänien und Gavin Whyte in der 86. Minute für Nordirland. In derselben Gruppe bezwang Österreich die norwegische Mannschaft auswärts mit 2:1. Österreich und Rumänien treffen im nächsten Spiel am heutigen Montagabend im österreichischen Klagenfurt aufeinander.

    Der Gegner Rumäniens im Playoff um die Qualifikation für die Europameisterschaft 2021, Island, verlor das Heimspiel gegen England in der Liga A mit 0:1.

    Und schließlich Rudern und die U23-Europameisterschaft im deutschen Duisburg. Rumäniens Sportler gewannen insgesamt 10 Medaillen, 5 Gold-, 3 Silber- und 2 Bronzemedaillen. Mit diesem Ergebnis belegte Rumänien den ersten Platz in der Länderrangliste.

  • Romanian headcoach Mircea Lucescu obtains the first trophy with Dinamo Kiev

    Romanian headcoach Mircea Lucescu obtains the first trophy with Dinamo Kiev

    Uruguayan Carlos de Pena opened the scoring for Dinamo,
    holder of the trophy, in the 20th minute, Gerson Rodrigues of Luxembourg
    on 31st minute and Spanish Fran Sol added the winner 7 minutes from
    time. Junior Moraes, a Ukrainian of Brazilian descent, who used to play for the
    Romanian side Gloria Bistrita, scored for Shaktar on 37 minutes allowing Dinamo
    to win their eighth Super Cup trophy. We recall the team in Kiev also reaped this
    trophy two years ago.

    Lucescu was hired as Dinamo’s headcoach in July although he was
    contested by the team’s fans for having coached its archrival Shakhtar Donetsk between
    2004 and 2016. Under Lucescu’s guidance Shakhtar won eight champion titles, six
    cups and seven Super Cups.

    Lucescu’s most important performance was the UEFA Cup in the
    2008-2009 season Shakhtar secured after a 2-1 win against Werder Bremen in the extra

    Mircea Lucescu, one of Romania’s best headcoaches, turned 75
    on July 29th. His first major result was to qualify our national
    football side for the European Championship in 1984. After 1990 he coached Italian football sides,
    Pisa, Brescia, Reggiana and Inter Milan.

    In 2000 he started coaching Turkish side Galatasaray with
    which he won UEFA Super Cup in Monte Carlo, after a 2-1 win in the extra time
    against Real Madrid. He then started coaching Shakhtar Donetsk in Ukraine, then
    Zenit Saint Petersburg for a year and from August 2017 until February 2019 he
    coached Turkey’s national side.

    (translated by bill)

  • June 17, 2020 UPDATE

    June 17, 2020 UPDATE

    Covid-19 The Romanian Government decided to extend the state of alert by another 30 days, against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic. The measure came into force on Wednesday, though several restrictions have also been lifted. Among other things, fitness centres, betting and gambling centres and the shops inside malls have been reopened. Also, religious services are allowed inside churches. According to the authorities, although the trend has been downward, the number of cases of infection with the new coronavirus might grow anytime. Lately, new cases have been reported, raising the total to 22,760 infections. The death toll now stands at 1,451. Of those who tested positive, more than 16,100 recovered. In related news, 85 Romanian nationals working on a farm in Bavaria tested positive for the novel coronavirus. All are asymptomatic and quarantined.

    PENSIONS The Chamber of Deputies Wednesday endorsed a bill regulating the taxation of the so-called “special pensions, a controversial topic in Romanian society. With 307 votes in favour and just 1 against, the bill, endorsed by the Senate in 2019 as well, was backed by all parliamentary parties. According to Radio Romania News and Current affairs, the Deputies decided to introduce a tax on the balance between regular pensions, based on contributions to social security funds, and special pensions. Incomes from special pensions in excess of 7,000 lei (little under 1,500 euros) will thus be subject to an 85% tax. Unless it is challenged at the Constitutional Court, the bill will be forwarded to the President for promulgation. The Chamber of Deputies also passed a bill that provides that criminals convicted for manslaughter, rape, aggravated robbery, sexual abuse against children and exploitation of begging can no longer benefit from conditional release.

    FLIGHTS The Bucharest Airports National Company organized on Wednesday an event titled ‘Everything will be fine!’, which marks the resumption of flights after the break imposed by the global coronavirus crisis. Specifically, flights have been resumed to and from Austria, Germany and Switzerland, whereas those to and from the Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal and Scandinavian countries were resumed a while ago. A spokesman for the company said investments were not suspended or delayed in April and May, when the companys revenues fell by nearly 98%. At the same time, Wednesdays event was devoted to the anniversary of the first flight by a Romanian plane, designed, built and piloted by Aurel Vlaicu, on June 17, 1910.

    FOOTBALL The match pitting Romanias football team against Iceland, in the semi-finals of the European Championship playoffs, postponed twice over the coronavirus pandemic, will be played in Reykjavik on October 8, UEFA announced on Wednesday. Should it win, Romania will take on the winner of the match between Bulgaria and Hungary, on November 12. The goal is to qualify into the European Championship final tournament, rescheduled for the summer of 2021, which will be hosted by the same 12 European cities, including Bucharest. UEFA Nations League matches will also be played this autumn.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Sport Club RRI: Coronavirusul încurcă reluarea sezonului fotbalistic

    Sport Club RRI: Coronavirusul încurcă reluarea sezonului fotbalistic

    sfârșitul săptămânii trecute s-a reluat campionatul român de fotbal. Debutul
    sezonului post-pandemie a întârziat însă cu o zi față de planurile inițiale.
    Primul joc, programat vineri, la Craiova, între Universitatea și FC Botoșani,
    în play-off, a fost amânat după ce medicul grupării moldovene a fost testat
    pozitiv cu noul coronavirus. Un alt joc, programat sâmbătă, în playout, între
    Dinamo București și Chindia Târgoviște, a fost amânat tot din motive legate de
    pandemie. În acest caz, cel găsit infectat este membru al staff-ului
    dinamovist. Ca urmare, loturile echipelor Dinamo şi FC Botoşani au intrat în
    izolare, în timp ce, la nivelul direcțiilor de sănătate publică, s-au deschis
    anchete epidemiologice.

    Jocurile celor două formații care
    erau programate săptămâna aceasta, în etapa a patra a fazei play-off / playout
    au fost amânate. FC Botoșani urma să joace acasă, cu campioana en titre, CFR
    Cluj, iar Dinamo avea joc la Sibiu, cu FC Hermannstadt. După șapte zile de
    izolare, urmează o nouă testare a jucătorilor, iar dacă lucrurile nu se
    complică, aceștia pot reveni în teren. Justin Ștefan, secretarul general al
    Ligii Profesioniste de Fotbal, a evocat chiar posibilitatea ca Dinamo să
    dispute, în weekend, jocul cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe, din etapa a cincea a
    playout-ului. Practic, de Dinamo sunt legate problemele cele mai mari ale
    Ligii, pentru că se poate ajunge la întârzierea
    finalului playout-ului, deci la prelungirea actualului sezon. Potrivit lui
    Justin Ștefan, citat de digisport.ro, play-off-ul Ligii 1 trebuie terminat până
    la data de 2 august, pentru că pe 3 august trebuie să fie trimisă la UEFA lista
    cu echipele calificate în cupele europene. Playout-ul poate fi prelungit și
    după data de 3 august, iar în acest caz vor fi reprogramate meciurile de baraj
    pentru retrogradare și promovare, dar asta va afecta startul sezonului viitor,
    programat acum pentru 15 august. Să mai notăm că Dinamo are și jocuri programate
    în Cupa României. În semifinalele competiției, dinamoviștii ar urma să se
    confrunte cu FCSB, pe 24 iunie și pe 8 iulie.

  • May 19, 2020  UPDATE

    May 19, 2020 UPDATE

    Covid-19 Ro. Another 11 people have died of Covid-19 in Romania, raising the death-toll to 1,137, the Strategic Communication Group announced on Tuesday night. The number of infections has exceeded 17,100, of which 10,100 have been cured. As regards the Romanians living abroad, some 3 thousand have been infected, mostly in Italy, Spain and Germany. 103 have died. The virus is still among us and a fresh outbreak could follow, president Klaus Iohannis warned on Tuesday. He voiced his intention to declare a state of emergency again, if need be. He vehemently criticized those who stopped observing the rules on Friday, when the state of emergency was replaced by a state of alert, and also the politicians who tried to instigate people against the measures imposed by authorities.

    Recovery Plan. The European recovery plan must be applied right away, without any delays caused by bureaucracy and useless criteria, should focus on investment and the needs of the lesser developed countries, said on Tuesday the Romanian Finance Minister Florin Citu. According to a communiqué issued by the ministry, at the Ecofin meeting the Romanian official stressed that Romania believes that the future recovery fund should be nondiscriminatory, focus on the big priorities and the support program for combating unemployment should be rapidly implemented. The statements were made after the French president Emmanuel Macron and the German chancellor Angela Merkel proposed an economic recovery plan worth 500 billion Euro for the EU countries hit by the pandemic. Angela Merkel has pointed out that the countries hardest hit by the crisis should have priority in benefiting from this fund. In turn, Emmanuel Macron has stated that the countries that will receive aid will not have to reimburse it.

    Conference. The Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu attended on Tuesday a regional video-conference on managing the social and economic effects of Covid-19 pandemic. On the occasion, he voiced Bucharests support for the adoption, at European level, of the documents representing the frameworks of negotiation with Albania and the Republic of North Macedonia, following the decision made in March to start such negotiations. The Romanian foreign minister stressed the importance of maintaining the enlargement policy in the region. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry, Aurescu highlighted the financial aid mobilized at EU level for the Western Balkans, describing it as a firm and concrete sign of European solidarity and commitment to the region.

    Pandemic. According to a first report drawn up by an independent committee, which analyzed the way in which the WHO acted in the case of the coronavirus pandemic, the alert system for outbreaks used by the World Health Organization should be revised given that some countries have reacted more slowly, DPA reports. Almost 4.9 million people have been contaminated with the new virus around the world. Some 1.9 million have recovered and over 320,000 have died. The US is the hardest hit country in the world with 90,000 deaths and almost 1.5 million cases of infection. Brazil comes 3rd after the US and Russia in the ranking of countries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Europe, the highest number of cases has been reported in the UK, which is followed by Italy, France and Spain. Meanwhile, the EU countries continue to gradually lift restrictions.

    Tourism. More than 100 hotels on the Romanian Black Sea Coast are preparing to welcome guests as of next month, according to employers associations in the field. The announcement made by the Government that open air restaurants are to be reopened on June 1st has mobilized a quarter of the accommodation capacity in the Black Sea resorts. Owners estimate a level of occupancy of 25 to 30%, which means around 10 thousand tourists. The first tourists already traveled to Mamaia, Vama Veche and the Denube Delta this past weekend, for fishing and other sporting activities.

    UEFA. The Romanian Football Federation has filed at the UEFA the last warranty letter required to demonstrate its availability to host EURO 2020 matches. In this way, Romania has officially reconfirmed its committment to organizing these events. Inititally scheduleld to take place between the 12th of June and the 12th of July this year, the European Football Champtionship has been postponed because of the pandemic, and it will therefore take place next year. Bucharest is supposed to host four matches. In order to be part of the final tournament, Romania has to win the play-off due this autumn. In the first leg, the Romanian team will play the semifinal in Island, and if they win, they will play for qualification against either Bulgaria or Hungary, also away from home. If it manages to reach the final tournament, the Romanian squad will play two matches in Bucharest. (M.Ignatescu)