Tag: US Open

  • Sport Club RRI: Românii la US Open

    Sport Club RRI: Românii la US Open

    În aceste zile are loc, la Flushing
    Meadows, ultimul turneu de Mare Şlem din calendarul tenisului mondial al anului
    2019, şi anume Openul Statelor Unite. În concursul masculin, Marius Copil s-a
    calificat în premieră în runda a doua a turneului. În primul tur, el a dispus
    de francezul Ugo Humbert, cu 6-3, 5-7, 7-6, 4-6, 6-1, după un meci maraton de
    patru ore şi 14 minute. Arădeanul în vârstă de 28 ani, situat pe locul 93 în
    clasamentul ATP, nu mai câştigase decât
    de două ori pe tabloul principal la un turneu de Mare Şlem, şi anume la
    Australian Open, unde a atins turul secund în 2015 şi 2019.

    La feminin, trei românce s-au calificat în
    turul secund. Prima a fost Ana Bogdan, care, luni, a trecut cu 6-3, 6-1 de
    britanica Harriet Dart. Marţi, Simona Halep, favorita numărul patru, a trecut
    surprinzător de greu, în trei seturi, cu 6-3, 3-6, 6-2, de jucătoarea americană
    Nicole Gibbs, numărul 135 mondial. Tot marţi s-a calificat şi Sorana Cîrstea.
    Sportiva română, numărul 106 mondial, a învins-o pe jucătoarea cehă Katerina
    Siniakova, ocupanta locului 37 WTA, cu 7-5, 6-2. Celelalte două românce de pe
    tabloul principal au fost eliminate. Monica Niculescu a fost învinsă luni de
    favorita numărul 32, ucraineanca Dayana Yastremska, în trei seturi, cu 6-4,
    1-6, 6-2, iar marţi, Mihaela Buzărnescu a cedat cu 3-6, 4-6 în faţa jucătoarei
    germane Andrea Petkovic.

    Să mai notăm că, de-a lungul vremii,
    românii s-au aflat de mai multe ori printre protagoniştii competiţiei. Ilie
    Năstase a câştigat turneul masculin de simplu, în 1972, când turneul încă se
    juca pe iarbă. Atunci, el a trecut în cinci seturi de americanul Arthur Ashe,
    cu 3-6, 6-3, 6-7, 6-4, 6-3. În 1975, Năstase s-a impus, la dublu, alături de
    Jimmy Connors.

  • Sportevents: Niculescu erreicht Finale in Bronx, US-Open,Kajak-Kanu,Fußball

    Sportevents: Niculescu erreicht Finale in Bronx, US-Open,Kajak-Kanu,Fußball

    Tennisprofi Monica Niculescu hat sich in den Doppel-Rankings der WTA um fünf Plätze verbessert: Sie kletterte von Platz 41 auf 36 nach dem Einzug ins Finale der Bronx Open in New York. Dort war Niculescu mit der Russin Margarita Gasparian angetreten, die beiden unterlagen im Endspiel dem kroatisch-spanischen Duo Darija Jurak / Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez mit 5:7, 6:2 und 7:10 im Matchtiebreak. Insgesamt betrug das Preisgeld bei den Bronx Open 250.000 US-Dollar.

    Unterdessen blickt die Tenniswelt für zwei Wochen in das nahe gelegene Flushing Meadows, wo mit den US Open das letzte Grand Slam Turnier des Jahres begonnen hat. Am Montag sind im Einzel der Damen zwei Rumäninnen gefragt: Ana Bogdan kämpft gegen Harriet Dart aus Großbritannien und Monica Niculescu bekommt es mit der Ukrainerin Daiana Iastremska zu tun. Die weiteren Rumäninnen im Hauptfeld treten am Dienstag an.

    Im ungarischen Szeged haben die Kajak-Kanu-Weltmeisterschaften stattgefunden – Rumäniens Sportler gingen dabei leer aus. Die beste Platzierung gelang Victor Mihalachi und Cătălin Chirilă: sie belegten Platz fünf im Zweier-Canadier auf der 1000-Meter-Distanz und qualifizierten sich somit für die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio nächstes Jahr.

    Im österreichischen Linz haben indes die Ruder-Weltmeisterschaften begonnen – knapp 1200 Sportler aus 90 Ländern gehen dort an den Start. Aus Rumänien sind 41 Sportler in 11 Booten dabei – das erklärte Ziel ist die Qualifikation möglichst vieler Boote für die Olympischen Spiele. Bei den Ruder-Weltmeisterschaften im bulgarischen Plowdiw letztes Jahr hatten Rumäniens Sportler eine Gold- und eine Silbermedaille erobert.

    Und schließlich Fußball und der siebte Spieltag der ersten rumänischen Liga: Am Freitag trennten sich Poli Iaşi und Chindia Târgovişte 2:2 Unentschieden, Universitatea Craiova bezwang Astra Giurgiu mit 1:0. Am Samstag endete die Begegnung zwischen Academica Clinceni und Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe 1:1 Unentschieden, während der CFR Klausenburg sich zu Hause mit 4:1 gegen den FC Botoşani durchsetzte. Am Sonntag schlug der FC Viitorul Constanta den FC Voluntari mit 4:0, ebenfalls mit 4:0 gewann Gaz Metan Mediasch zu Hause gegen den FCSB Bukarest. Die letzte Partie des Spieltags am Montag: Dinamo Bukarest empfängt dabei den FC Hermannstadt. In der Tabelle führt Klausenburg mit 17 Punkten, es folgen der FC Viitorul, Gaz Metan und Politehnica Iaşi, mit jeweils 15 Zählern.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Jucătoarea de tenis Monica Niculescu a urcat cinci locuri în clasamentul WTA la dublu, respectiv de pe 41 pe 36. Ea a reuşit această performanţă după calificarea, săptămâna trecută, în finala de dublu a turneului Bronx Open de la New York, dotat cu premii totale în valoare de 250.000 dolari. Românca a făcut pereche cu rusoaica Margarita Gasparian. Cel două sportive au pierdut însă finala în faţa cuplului croato-spaniol Darija Jurak / Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez, cu 7-5, 2-6, 10-7.

    Timp de două săptămâni, la Flushing Meadows are loc US Open, ultimul turneu de Mare Şlem al anului. Pe tabloul feminin, luni, Ana Bogdan — Harriet Dart, din Marea Britanie, şi Monica Niculescu — Daiana Iastremska, din Ucraina. Celelalte românce prezente în primul tur joacă marţi.

    La Szeged, în Ungaria, au avut loc Campionatele Mondiale de kaiac-canoe. România nu a câştigat nicio medalie. Cea mai bună clasare a fost reuşită de Victor Mihalachi şi Cătălin Chirilă, care au ocupat locul 5 în finala probei de canoe dublu pe distanţa de 1.000 de metri, reuşind astfel calificarea la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokio, de anul viitor.

    Aproape 1200 de sportivi din 90 de ţări se întrec în aceste zile la Campionatele Mondiale de canotaj, găzduite de oraşul austriac Linz. România a deplasat acolo 41 de sportivi cu 11 ambarcaţiuni, având ca principal obiectiv calificarea cât mai multor echipaje la Jocurile Olimpice de anul viitor, de la Tokio. La Mondialele de anul trecut, de la Plovdiv, din Bulgaria, delegaţia română a obţinut o medalie de aur şi una de argint.

    În weekend au avut loc jocuri în campionatul primei ligi române de fotbal, etapa a şaptea. Vineri, Poli Iaşi a încheiat la egalitate, 2 la 2, jocul disputat, acasă, cu Chindia Târgovişte, iar Universitatea Craiova a învins cu 1-0, pe teren propriu, formaţia Astra Giurgiu. Sâmbătă. La Giurgiu, Academica Clinceni şi Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe au terminat egal, 1 la 1, apoi, la Cluj, CFR a trecut cu 4-1 de FC Botoşani. Duminică, la Ovidiu, Viitorul Constanta a învins cu 4 la 0 formaţia FC Botoşani, iar Gaz Metan Mediaş a trecut, cu acelaşi scor, acasă, de FCSB.

    Luni, ultimul joc al etapei: Dinamo Bucureşti — FC Hermannstadt. În clasament conduce Clujul, cu 17 puncte. Urmează Viitorul, Gaz Metan şi Poli Iaşi, cu câte 15.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Jucătoarea de tenis Monica Niculescu a urcat cinci locuri în clasamentul WTA la dublu, respectiv de pe 41 pe 36. Ea a reuşit această performanţă după calificarea, săptămâna trecută, în finala de dublu a turneului Bronx Open de la New York, dotat cu premii totale în valoare de 250.000 dolari. Românca a făcut pereche cu rusoaica Margarita Gasparian. Cel două sportive au pierdut însă finala în faţa cuplului croato-spaniol Darija Jurak / Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez, cu 7-5, 2-6, 10-7.

    Timp de două săptămâni, la Flushing Meadows are loc US Open, ultimul turneu de Mare Şlem al anului. Pe tabloul feminin, luni, Ana Bogdan — Harriet Dart, din Marea Britanie, şi Monica Niculescu — Daiana Iastremska, din Ucraina. Celelalte românce prezente în primul tur joacă marţi.

    La Szeged, în Ungaria, au avut loc Campionatele Mondiale de kaiac-canoe. România nu a câştigat nicio medalie. Cea mai bună clasare a fost reuşită de Victor Mihalachi şi Cătălin Chirilă, care au ocupat locul 5 în finala probei de canoe dublu pe distanţa de 1.000 de metri, reuşind astfel calificarea la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokio, de anul viitor.

    Aproape 1200 de sportivi din 90 de ţări se întrec în aceste zile la Campionatele Mondiale de canotaj, găzduite de oraşul austriac Linz. România a deplasat acolo 41 de sportivi cu 11 ambarcaţiuni, având ca principal obiectiv calificarea cât mai multor echipaje la Jocurile Olimpice de anul viitor, de la Tokio. La Mondialele de anul trecut, de la Plovdiv, din Bulgaria, delegaţia română a obţinut o medalie de aur şi una de argint.

    În weekend au avut loc jocuri în campionatul primei ligi române de fotbal, etapa a şaptea. Vineri, Poli Iaşi a încheiat la egalitate, 2 la 2, jocul disputat, acasă, cu Chindia Târgovişte, iar Universitatea Craiova a învins cu 1-0, pe teren propriu, formaţia Astra Giurgiu. Sâmbătă. La Giurgiu, Academica Clinceni şi Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe au terminat egal, 1 la 1, apoi, la Cluj, CFR a trecut cu 4-1 de FC Botoşani. Duminică, la Ovidiu, Viitorul Constanta a învins cu 4 la 0 formaţia FC Botoşani, iar Gaz Metan Mediaş a trecut, cu acelaşi scor, acasă, de FCSB.

    Luni, ultimul joc al etapei: Dinamo Bucureşti — FC Hermannstadt. În clasament conduce Clujul, cu 17 puncte. Urmează Viitorul, Gaz Metan şi Poli Iaşi, cu câte 15.

  • August 25, 2019 UPDATE

    August 25, 2019 UPDATE

    MEETING – The Chamber of Deputies will
    convene over the coming days to debate the possibility of eliminating amnesty
    and pardon as well as Emergency Decree 114, providing for a series of economic
    and fiscal measures. The opposition considers the decree to be the most toxic
    instrument in Romanian economy. The Social-Democrats say the decree also
    provides for an increase in pensions starting September 1, as well as capping
    natural gas and electricity prices for home consumers.

    one thousand Social Democrats from the PSD, number one in the government
    coalition in Bucharest, on Saturday convened in a congress to launch the
    candidacy of Romania’s incumbent Prime Minister Viorica Dancila for the
    presidential election in November. The country’s incumbent president Klaus
    Iohannis has also announced his intention to run for a second term in office
    with support from the main opposition party, the National Liberal Party. Dan
    Barna, leader of the opposition USR-PLUS, will also run for the presidential
    seat and so will Calin Popescu Tariceanu, leader of ALDE, part of the present
    ruling coalition. The former Culture Minister Theodor Paleologu is the
    candidate of the People’s Movement Party, voted unanimously on Sunday by the
    party’s national college, upon the proposal of former president Traian Basescu.

    MINISTERS – Saturday’s
    National Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Party also adopted
    proposals for the ministers the Prime Minister is going to submit to president
    Iohannis on Monday. The party’s secretary general, Mihai Fifor will be heading
    the Interior Ministry, Ana Birchall will become Deputy Prime Minister for
    Strategic Partnerships while MP Iulian Iancu will be Deputy Prime Minister in
    charge of economic affairs. Dana
    Girbovan had been proposed for the Justice Ministry, but the move attracted a
    lot of heat from the opposition who recalled that Girbovan was a staunch
    supporter of the justice reforms that had been proposed by PSD and ALDE with
    the alleged intention to gain control over the magistrates and hinder the
    anti-graft fight.

    2019 Golden Stag trophy went to Eliza G of Italy. 12 artists from ten countries
    competed for the trophy. The jury decided on Saturday to award 1st
    prize to Sara De Blue of Austria, 2nd prize to Ralfs Eilands of
    Latvia, and 3rd prize to Monika Marija of Lithuania. Alfie Arcuri
    got the award for best interpretation of a Romanian song, awarded by the
    Romanian television and radio corporations. The Golden Stag Festival started in
    1968 and continued for 18 editions, the last staged in 2018. Radio Romania is
    co-producer of the festival.

    Pro-Etnica Intercultural Festival came to a close on Sunday in Sighisoara. For
    five days traditional ensembles of Italian, Greek, German, Roma, Macedonian,
    Serbian, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Jewish communities performed live on stage. Craftsmen’s
    workshops and national minority pavilions were open all throughout the
    festival. The 17th edition of the Festival also introduced the
    Literary Salon, a place devoted to national minority writers presenting their
    works, organizing debates, readings as well as book launches.

    TENNIS – Romanian
    tennis player Simona Halep, world no. 4, on Tuesday will be playing Nicole
    Gibbs of the US in the first round of US Open, the last Grand Slam tournament
    of the year. Another four Romanians have made it to the main draw. Sorana
    Cirstea (106 WTA) will play Katerina Siniakova of the Czech Republic, Monica
    Niculescu (105 WTA) will play Dayana Yastremska of Ukraine, Mihaela Buzarnescu
    (136 WTA) will play Andrea Petkovic of Germany, while Ana Bogdan (147) will play
    Harriet Dart of Great Britain. In the men’s competition, Marius Copil (96 ATP)
    will take on Ugo Humbert of France.

    Romanian national women’s team on Saturday grabbed its first win in the 2019
    European Championship, defeating Hungary 3-1 in Group C. On Friday, Romania had
    lost nil-3. Romania will next play Croatia, Estonia and Azerbaijan.

    (Translated by V.

  • Nachrichten 25.08.2019

    Nachrichten 25.08.2019

    Die Abgeordnetenkammer des Bukarester Parlaments wird in den kommenden Tagen in einer au‎ßerordentlichen Sitzung zusammenkommen, um die Möglichkeit der Beseitigung von Amnestie und Begnadigung in Korruptionsfällen und die Eilverordnung 114 zu erörtern, die eine Reihe von wirtschaftlichen und steuerlichen Ma‎ßnahmen vorsieht. Die Opposition hält die Eilverordnung 114 für das giftigste Instrument der rumänischen Wirtschaft. Die Vertreter der regierenden Sozialdemokrastisdchen Partei haben hervorgehoben, dass die Eilverordnung 114 auch eine Anhebung der Renten ab 1. September sowie eine Begrenzung der Erdgas- und Strompreise für Privatverbraucher vorsieht.

    Der Kongress der Sozialdemokratischen Partei PSD, der Nummer eins in der Regierungskoalition von Bukarest, hat am Samstag die Kandidatur der Parteivorsitzenden und Premierministerin Viorica Dancila bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen im November bekanntgegeben. Weitere Präsidentschaftskandidaten sind der amtierende Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis, unterstützt von der National-Liberalen Partei PNL (der wichtigsten Oppositionspartei), der Chef der Allianz Union Rettet Rumänien – PLUS USR-PLUS, Dan Barna (ebenfalls in der Opposition), der Historiker und Diplomat Theodor Paleologu, unterstützt von der Partei Volksbewegung PMP (auch von der Opposition), und Ramona Ioana Bruynseels, unterstützt von der au‎ßerparlamentarischen Partei der Humanistischen Macht PPU. Calin Popescu Tariceanu, der Vorsitzende der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten ALDE (dem Juniorpartner in der Regierungskoalition), hat auch seine Kandidaturabsicht angekündigt. Am Vorabend des Kongresses verabschiedete das Nationale Exekutivkomitee der PSD die Vorschläge für die neuen Minister, die am Montag an Präsident Klaus Iohannis übermittelt werden. Die Vorschläge des Exekutivkommitees lauten: die Richterin Dana Gîrbovan für das Justizministerium, der Generalsekretär der Sozialdemokratischen Partei, Mihai Fifor, für das Innenministerium, Senator Serban Valeca für das Bildungsministerium. Die Interims-Justizministerin Ana Birchall wird Vize-Premierministerin für Partnerschaften und der Abgeordnete Iulian Iancu wird Vizepremierminister in Wirtschaftsfragen. Die Ankündigung, dass die Richterin Dana Gîrbovan als Justizministerin vorgeschlagen wird, wurde von der Opposition heftig kritisiert. Die Opposition erinnerte daran, dass Dana Gîrbovan eine glühende Verfechterin der Änderungen der Justizgesetze war, die von den Regierungsparteien PSD und ALDE durchgeboxt wurden, mit der Absicht, sich die Richter und Staatsanwälte unterzuordnen und den Kampf gegen die Korruption zu stoppen.

    Die Goldener Hirsch-Trophäe 2019 ging an Eliza G. aus Italien. 12 Künstler aus 10 Ländern, darunter 2 aus Rumänien, kämpften um die Trophäe des Schlagerfestivals Der Goldene Hirsch“ in Brasov/Kronstadt. Die Jury entschied am Samstag abend, den ersten Preis an Sara De Blue aus Österreich, den zweiten Preis an Ralfs Eilands aus Lettland und den dritten Preis an Monika Marija aus Litauen zu vergeben. Alfie Arcuri, aus Australien, erhielt den Preis für die beste Interpretation eines rumänischen Liedes, der von den rumänischen Fernseh- und Rundfunkanstalten verliehen wurde. Das internationale Schlagerfestival “Der Goldene Hirsch” wurde 1968 gegründet und hatte bis jetzt 18 Ausgaben. Radio Rumänien ist künstlerischer Koproduzent des Festivals.

    Die 17. Ausgabe des interkulturellen Festivals ProEtnica ist am Sonntag zu Ende gegangen. Das Festival ProEtnica wird jedes Jahr in Sighisoara, der einzigen bewohnten mittelalterlichen Stadt in Südosteuropa, organisiert. Auch dieses Jahr standen fünf Tage lang zahlreiche Veranstaltungen auf dem Programm, die von über 50 Ensembles der ethnischen Gemeinschaften des Landes dargeboten wurden. Während des Festivals waren in der mittelalterlichen Zitadelle Stände verschiedener nationaler Minderheiten und Handwerker zu besuchen. Nach Ansicht der Organisatoren war die Neuheit der Ausgabe 2019 die literarische Sektion, ein Bereich, in dem Schriftsteller nationaler Minderheiten, sowie Schriftsteller, die über Minderheiten schreiben, ihre Werke präsentierten. In der literarischen Sektion haben Debatten, Lesungen, Präsentationen, Ausstellungen und Buchvorstellungen stattgefunden. Das Festival ProEtnica zielt darauf ab, den interkulturellen Dialog und die künstlerische Interaktion auf europäischer Ebene zu fördern.

    Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Simona Halep (Nr. 4 WTA), spielt am Dienstag gegen Nicole Gibbs aus den USA, (Nr. 135 WTA) in der ersten Runde der US Open, dem letzten Grand Slam Turnier des Jahres. Weitere vier Rumäninnen spielen in der ersten Runde: Sorana Cirstea (106 WTA) spielt gegen Katerina Siniakova aus der Tschechischen Republik (38 WTA), Monica Niculescu (105 WTA) spielt gegen Dayana Yastremska aus der Ukraine (33 WTA, Mihaela Buzarnescu (136 WTA) spielt gegen Andrea Petkovic aus Deutschland (89 WTA) und Ana Bogdan (147 WTA) spielt gegen Harriet Dart aus Gro‎ßbritannien (140 WTA). Bei den Herren tritt Marius Copil (96 ATP) gegen den Franzosen Ugo Humbert (62 ATP) an.

  • August 25,  2019

    August 25, 2019

    MEETING – The Chamber of Deputies will
    convene over the coming days to debate the possibility of eliminating amnesty
    and pardon as well as Emergency Decree 114, providing for a series of economic
    and fiscal measures. The opposition considers the decree to be the most toxic
    instrument in Romanian economy. The Social-Democrats say the decree also
    provides for an increase in pensions starting September 1, as well as capping
    natural gas and electricity prices for home consumers.

    CANDIDACY – About
    one thousand Social Democrats from the PSD, number one in the government
    coalition in Bucharest, on Saturday convened in a congress to launch the
    candidacy of Romania’s incumbent Prime Minister Viorica Dancila for the
    presidential election in November. The country’s incumbent president Klaus
    Iohannis has also announced his intention to run for a second term in office
    with support from the main opposition party, the National Liberal Party. Dan
    Barna, leader of the opposition USR-PLUS, will also run for the presidential
    seat and so will Calin Popescu Tariceanu, leader of ALDE, part of the present
    ruling coalition. Also during the congress, the PSD’s National Executive
    Committee has also adopted proposals for the ministers the Prime Minister is
    going to submit to president Iohannis on Monday. So, the party’s secretary
    general, Mihai Fifor will be heading the Interior Ministry, Ana Birchall will
    become Deputy Prime Minister for Strategic Partnerships while MP Iulian Iancu
    will be Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs. Dana Girbovan had been proposed for the
    Justice Ministry, but the move attracted a lot of heat from the opposition who
    recalled that Girbovan was a staunch supporter of the justice reforms that had
    been proposed by PSD and ALDE with the alleged intention to gain control over
    the magistrates and hinder the anti-graft fight.

    2019 Golden Stag trophy went to Eliza G of Italy. 12 artists from ten countries
    competed for the trophy. The jury decided on Saturday to award 1st
    prize to Sara De Blue of Austria, 2nd prize to Ralfs Eilands of
    Latvia, and 3rd prize to Monika Marija of Lithuania. Alfie Arcuri
    got the award for best interpretation of a Romanian song, awarded by the
    Romanian television and radio corporations. The Golden Stag Festival started in
    1968 and continued for 18 editions, the last staged in 2018. Radio Romania is
    co-producer of the festival.

    Pro-Etnica Intercultural Festival came to a close on Sunday in Sighisoara. For
    five days traditional ensembles of Italian, Greek, German, Roma, Macedonian,
    Serbian, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Jewish communities performed live on stage.
    Craftsmen’s workshops and national minority pavilions were open all throughout
    the festival. The 17th edition of the Festival also introduced the
    Literary Salon, a place devoted to national minority writers presenting their
    works, organizing debates, readings as well as book launches.

    TENNIS – Romanian
    tennis player Simona Halep, world no. 4, on Tuesday will be playing Nicole
    Gibbs of the US in the first round of US Open, the last Grand Slam tournament
    of the year. Another four Romanians have made it to the main draw. Sorana
    Cirstea (106 WTA) will play Katerina Siniakova of the Czech Republic, Monica
    Niculescu (105 WTA) will play Dayana Yastremska of Ukraine, Mihaela Buzarnescu
    (136 WTA) will play Andrea Petkovic of Germany, while Ana Bogdan (147) will play
    Harriet Dart of Great Britain. In the men’s competition, Marius Copil (96 ATP)
    will take on Ugo Humbert of France.

    Romanian national women’s team on Saturday grabbed its first win in the 2019
    European Championship, defeating Hungary 3-1 in Group C. On Friday, Romania had
    lost nil-3. Romania will next play Croatia, Estonia and Azerbaijan.

    (Translated by V.

  • 24.08.2019 (mise à jour)

    24.08.2019 (mise à jour)

    Candidatures – Un millier de membres du Parti Social-Démocrate (PSD), principale formation politique de la coalition au pouvoir, se sont réunis ce samedi à Bucarest pour un congrès qui lance la candidature de la première ministre Viorica Dancila à l’élection présidentielle de novembre prochain. Elle aura pour contre-candidats le président en exercice, Klmaus Iohannis, soutenu par le Parti National Libéral (PNL), principal parti de l’opposition, ainsi que Dan Barna, le leader de l’alliance entre l’Union sauvez la Roumanie (USR) et PLUS (le parti de l’ancien premier ministre Dacian Ciolos). Egalement en lice, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, chef de l’Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates (ALDE), partenaire junior au pouvoir du PSD. La veille du Congrès social-démocrate, le Comité exécutif national du parti a validé les nouvelles propositions pour les postes de ministre de l’Intérieur, de la Justice et de l’Education. Elles seront transmises lundi au chef de l’Etat. La juge Dana Gîrbovan est proposée au ministère de la Justice, le secrétaire général du parti, Mihai Fifor, au ministère de l’Intérieur, le sénateur Şerban Valeca à celui de l’Education, l’ancienne ministre la Justice, Ana Birchall, devient vice première ministre pour les partenariats stratégiques, alors que Iulian Iancu est nommé au poste de vice premier ministre, en charge des aspects économiques. C’est la nomination au portefeuille de la Justice qui a été durement critiquée par l’opposition qui accuse Mme Gîrbovan de soutenir les modifications controversées du système judiciaire roumain proposées par la coalition au pouvoir dans une tentative miner l’indépendance des magistrats et la lutte contre la corruption.

    23 août – Les pays qui ont souffert à cause de l’Allemagne nazie et de l’Union Soviétique se sont engagés à agir pour éveiller davantage les consciences au sujet du passé totalitaire de l’Europe, 80 ans après la signature du pacte qui a mené au déclenchement de la Seconde guerre mondiale. Dans une déclaration commune, les ministres des AE de Pologne, Lituanie, Lettonie, Estonie et Roumanie affirment que la mémoire des victimes les oblige à promouvoir la justesse historique. Vendredi, à l’occasion de la Journée de commémoration des victimes du fascisme et du communisme, le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a transmis un message où il souligne que pour honorer ces victimes, en plus de les commémorer, il faut agir fermement, conformément aux principes démocratiques authentiques. Vu les tentatives de relativiser les crimes du fascisme et du communisme, il faut condamner avec force ces deux idéologies, sous toutes leurs formes, souligne encore le président roumain. Cette semaine, la Russie a rendu publics ce qu’elle affirme être les documents originaux du pacte, signé le 23 août 1939, par lequel l’URSS et l’Allemagne nazie s’engageaient à ne pas s’attaquer l’une l’autre. S’y ajoutait un protocole secret qui partageait les territoires d’autres pays à ces deux puissances totalitaires. Alors que la Pologne et les Pays baltes ont été intégralement occupés, la Roumanie a été, elle, forcée à céder à Moscou, par ultimatum, ses territoires de l’est qui appartiennent aujourd’hui à la République de Moldova et à l’Ukraine.

    Aviation – Quelque 100.000 spectateurs étaient attendus samedi à l’Aéroport de Baneasa, dans le nord de la capitale roumaine, Bucarest, à la 11e édition du plus grand spectacle aérien de Roumanie, le Bucharest International Air Show – BIAS. Cette année, le BIAS était consacré au 50e anniversaire de l’aéroport international «Henri Coandă» – Otopeni et aux 15 ans d’adhésion de la Roumanie à l’OTAN. A l’affiche : une centaine d’avions dans le ciel et au sol, des démonstrations d’acrobatie aérienne et de vol en solo, spectacles pyrotechniques et feux d’artifices en soirée et un concert pour clôturer l’événement.

    Tennis – La joueuse de tennis roumaine Simona Halep, n° 4 mondiale, affronte mardi l’Américaine Nicole Gibbs (135 WTA), au premier tour de l’US Open, le dernier tournoi du Grand Chelem de l’année. 4 autres Roumaines figurent au tableau principal de la compétition : Sorana Cîrstea (106 WTA) joue d’abord contre la Tchèque Katerina Siniakova (38 WTA), Monica Niculescu (105 WTA) affrontera l’Ukrainienne Daiana Iastremska (33 WTA), alors que Mihaela Buzărnescu (136 WTA) aura pour adversaire l’Allemande Andrea Petkovic (89 WTA). Venue des qualifications, notre compatriote Ana Bogdan jouera contre la Britannique Harriet Dart (140 WTA). Dans la compétition masculine, la Roumanie est représentée par Marius Copil (96 ATP) qui aura pour premier adversaire le Français Ugo Humbert (62 ATP).

    Météo – Dans les 24 prochaines heures il fera toujours très chaud en Roumanie, on attend un dimanche caniculaire même dans le sud-est du pays où l’inconfort thermique sera accentué. Le ciel sera variable et on attend aussi des averses par endroits sur le relief. Les températures maximales iront de 27 à 36 degrés.

  • 24.08.2019


    23 août – Les pays qui ont souffert à cause de l’Allemagne nazie et de l’Union Soviétique se sont engagés à agir pour éveiller davantage les consciences au sujet du passé totalitaire de l’Europe, 80 ans après la signature du pacte qui a mené au déclenchement de la Seconde guerre mondiale. Dans une déclaration commune, les ministres des AE de Pologne, Lituanie, Lettonie, Estonie et Roumanie affirment que la mémoire des victimes les oblige à promouvoir la justesse historique. Vendredi, à l’occasion de la Journée de commémoration des victimes du fascisme et du communisme, le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a transmis un message où il souligne que pour honorer ces victimes, en plus de les commémorer, il faut agir fermement, conformément aux principes démocratiques authentiques. Vu les tentatives de relativiser les crimes du fascisme et du communisme, il faut condamner avec force ces deux idéologies, sous toutes leurs formes, souligne encore le président roumain. Cette semaine, la Russie a rendu publics ce qu’elle affirme être les documents originaux du pacte, signé le 23 août 1939, par lequel l’URSS et l’Allemagne nazie s’engageaient à ne pas s’attaquer l’une l’autre. S’y ajoutait un protocole secret qui partageait les territoires d’autres pays à ces deux puissances totalitaires. Alors que la Pologne et les Pays baltes ont été intégralement occupés, la Roumanie a été, elle, forcée à céder à Moscou, par ultimatum, ses territoires de l’est qui appartiennent aujourd’hui à la République de Moldova et à l’Ukraine.

    Candidatures – Un millier de membres du Parti Social-Démocrate (PSD), principale formation politique de la coalition au pouvoir, se sont réunis ce samedi à Bucarest pour un congrès qui lance la candidature de la première ministre Viorica Dancila à l’élection présidentielle de novembre prochain. Elle aura pour contre-candidats le président en exercice, Klmaus Iohannis, soutenu par le Parti National Libéral (PNL), principal parti de l’opposition, ainsi que Dan Barna, le leader de l’alliance entre l’Union sauvez la Roumanie (USR) et PLUS (le parti de l’ancien premier ministre Dacian Ciolos). Egalement en lice, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, chef de l’Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates (ALDE), partenaire junior au pouvoir du PSD. La veille du Congrès social-démocrate, le Comité exécutif national du parti a validé les nouvelles propositions pour les postes de ministre de l’Intérieur, de la Justice et de l’Education. Elles seront transmises lundi au chef de l’Etat. La juge Dana Gîrbovan est proposée au ministère de la Justice, le secrétaire général du parti, Mihai Fifor, au ministère de l’Intérieur, le sénateur Şerban Valeca à celui de l’Education, l’ancienne ministre la Justice, Ana Birchall, devient vice première ministre pour les partenariats stratégiques, alors que Iulian Iancu est nommé au poste de vice premier ministre, en charge des aspects économiques. C’est la nomination au portefeuille de la Justice qui a été durement critiquée par l’opposition qui accuse Mme Gîrbovan de soutenir les modifications controversées du système judiciaire roumain proposées par la coalition au pouvoir dans une tentative miner l’indépendance des magistrats et la lutte contre la corruption.

    Aviation – Plus de 100.000 spectateurs sont attendus ce samedi à l’Aéroport de Baneasa, dans le nord de la capitale roumaine, Bucarest, à la 11e édition du plus grand spectacle aérien de Roumanie, le Bucharest International Air Show – BIAS. Cette année, le BIAS est consacré au 50e anniversaire de l’aéroport international « Henri Coandă » – Otopeni et aux 15 ans d’adhésion de la Roumanie à l’OTAN. A l’affiche : une centaine d’avions dans le ciel et au sol, des démonstrations d’acrobatie aérienne et de vol en solo, spectacles pyrotechniques et feux d’artifices en soirée et un concert pour clôturer l’événement.

    Musique – La 19e édition du Festival international de musique « Le Cerf d’or » se poursuit à Braşov (centre). 12 artistes de 10 pays, dont deux de Roumanie, sont en lice pour le grand trophée. Selon une tradition de plus d’un demi-siècle, les chanteurs doivent interpréter une pièce de leur propre répertoire et une chanson roumaine. Les gagnants seront annoncés ce soir. La soirée de dimanche sera réservée au folklore. Le Festival international « Le Cerf d’or » a commencé en 1968 et a eu 18 éditions, la dernière étant organisée en 2018, au cinquantenaire de son début.

    Tennis – La joueuse de tennis roumaine Simona Halep, n° 4 mondiale, affronte mardi l’Américaine Nicole Gibbs (135 WTA), au premier tour de l’US Open, le dernier tournoi du Grand Chelem de l’année. 4 autres Roumaines figurent au tableau principal de la compétition : Sorana Cîrstea (106 WTA) joue d’abord contre la Tchèque Katerina Siniakova (38 WTA), Monica Niculescu (105 WTA) affrontera l’Ukrainienne Daiana Iastremska (33 WTA), alors que Mihaela Buzărnescu (136 WTA) aura pour adversaire l’Allemande Andrea Petkovic (89 WTA). Venue des qualifications, notre compatriote Ana Bogdan jouera contre la Britannique Harriet Dart (140 WTA). Dans la compétition masculine, la Roumanie est représentée par Marius Copil (96 ATP) qui aura pour premier adversaire le Français Ugo Humbert (62 ATP).

    Canicule – Il fait toujours très chaud en Roumanie, c’est un weekend caniculaire même dans le sud-est du pays. La pluie n’est signalée qu’en montagne. Les températures maximales de la journée iront de 29 à 35 degrés. Par ailleurs, l’inconfort thermique sera accentué ces jours-ci, avertissent les météorologues, notamment dans l’ouest, le sud et le sud-est, où le mercure des thermomètres grimpera jusqu’à 34 degrés, voire 36 dans le sud et l’ouest, où les nuits s’annoncent tropicales. Puis l’instabilité atmosphérique doit s’installer dimanche dans l’après-midi, notamment dans les montagnes.

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Two Romanian crews got qualified on Thursday to the finals of the 2019 Canoe World Championship held in Szeged, Hungary. Ştefănica Ursu won the second semifinal in the simple canoe event on 500 m. On the same distance, the men’s 4 canoe crew made up of Leonid-Valentin Carp, Constantin Dîba, Gheorghe-Alexandru Stoian and Ştefan-Andrei Strat came 3rd in Heat 1, securing automatic passage to the final.

    Romania’s football vice-champions, FCSB, on Thursday took on, in Giurgiu, in the first leg of the Europa League playoffs, the Portuguese side Vitória Guimarães. The match ended in a goalless draw. The Romanian side had a few occasions to score, especially in the first part of the game. The Portuguese controlled the second part of the game but were no threat to goalkeeper Cristian Bălgrădean. The return match is scheduled for August 29 in Portugal.

    Football matches counting for the 7th leg of Romania’s Premier League championship will be played at the weekend. On Friday Poli Iasi will play against Chindia Târgovişte and Universitatea Craiova will take on Astra Giurgiu. On Saturday Giurgiu will see the match pitting Academica Clinceni against Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe while in Cluj CFR will play against FC Botosani. On Sunday in Ovidiu Viitorul Constanţa takes on FC Voluntari while in Medias, Gaz Metan will play against FCSB. The last match of the leg is scheduled for Monday pitting Dinamo Bucharest against FC Hermannstadt. Before this leg, CFR and Poli Iasi are top of the classification with 14 points each.

    The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, world’s no. 4, will play in the first round of the US Open, the year’s last Grand Slam tournament, against a player coming from the qualifiers, according to the drawing of lots held Thursday in New York. If Simona Halep goes to the 3rd round, she might meet Sorana Cârstea who is on the same table segment. Sorana, 106th in the WTA ranking will take on, in the first round, the Czech Katerina Siniakova (38 WTA) whom she has defeated so far in two matches. In 2017 Sorana Cârstea defeated Siniakova in the first round in Eastbourne 6-3, 6-2 and in 2018 she won in Madrid in the first round 6-4, 2-6, 6-4. (translation by L. Simion)

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Two Romanian crews got qualified on Thursday to the finals of the 2019 Canoe World Championship held in Szeged, Hungary. Ştefănica Ursu won the second semifinal in the simple canoe event on 500 m. On the same distance, the men’s 4 canoe crew made up of Leonid-Valentin Carp, Constantin Dîba, Gheorghe-Alexandru Stoian and Ştefan-Andrei Strat came 3rd in Heat 1, securing automatic passage to the final.

    Romania’s football vice-champions, FCSB, on Thursday took on, in Giurgiu, in the first leg of the Europa League playoffs, the Portuguese side Vitória Guimarães. The match ended in a goalless draw. The Romanian side had a few occasions to score, especially in the first part of the game. The Portuguese controlled the second part of the game but were no threat to goalkeeper Cristian Bălgrădean. The return match is scheduled for August 29 in Portugal.

    Football matches counting for the 7th leg of Romania’s Premier League championship will be played at the weekend. On Friday Poli Iasi will play against Chindia Târgovişte and Universitatea Craiova will take on Astra Giurgiu. On Saturday Giurgiu will see the match pitting Academica Clinceni against Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe while in Cluj CFR will play against FC Botosani. On Sunday in Ovidiu Viitorul Constanţa takes on FC Voluntari while in Medias, Gaz Metan will play against FCSB. The last match of the leg is scheduled for Monday pitting Dinamo Bucharest against FC Hermannstadt. Before this leg, CFR and Poli Iasi are top of the classification with 14 points each.

    The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, world’s no. 4, will play in the first round of the US Open, the year’s last Grand Slam tournament, against a player coming from the qualifiers, according to the drawing of lots held Thursday in New York. If Simona Halep goes to the 3rd round, she might meet Sorana Cârstea who is on the same table segment. Sorana, 106th in the WTA ranking will take on, in the first round, the Czech Katerina Siniakova (38 WTA) whom she has defeated so far in two matches. In 2017 Sorana Cârstea defeated Siniakova in the first round in Eastbourne 6-3, 6-2 and in 2018 she won in Madrid in the first round 6-4, 2-6, 6-4. (translation by L. Simion)

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Două ambarcaţiuni româneşti au obţinut calificarea, joi, în finalele Campionatelor Mondiale de kaiac-canoe de la Szeged, din Ungaria. Ştefănica Ursu a câştigat a doua semifinală la canoe simplu pe distanţa de 500 m. Pe aceeaşi distanţă, echipajul masculin de canoe-4, alcătuit din Leonid-Valentin Carp, Constantin Dîba, Gheorghe-Alexandru Stoian şi Ştefan-Andrei Strat, s-a clasat pe locul al treilea în prima serie, reuşind să acceadă direct în finală.

    Vicecampioana României la fotbal, FCSB, a întâlnit, joi, la Giurgiu, în play-off-ul pentru Liga Europa, manşa întâi, formaţia portugheză Vitória Guimarães. Partida s-a încheiat la egalitate, scor 0 la 0. Echipa română a avut ocazii bune de gol, în special în prima parte a jocului. Cea mai mare a fost ratată de Florinel Coman, în minutul 23, care a tras în bara porţii portugheze. Gruparea lusitană a controlat partea a doua a jocului, dar nu a pus în pericol în mod deosebit poarta lui Cristian Bălgrădean. Manşa secundă se va disputa pe 29 august, în Portugalia.

    În weekend au loc jocuri contând pentru etapa a şaptea a campionatului primei ligi române de fotbal. Vineri, două partide: Poli Iaşi cu Chindia Târgovişte şi Universitatea Craiova cu Astra Giurgiu. Sâmbătă, la Giurgiu, Academica Clinceni se confruntă cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe, iar la Cluj, CFR primeşte vizita echipei FC Botoşani. Duminică, la Ovidiu, Viitorul Constanţa întâlneşte formaţia FC Voluntari, iar la Mediaş, Gaz Metan joacă împotriva echipei FCSB. Ultimul joc al etapei — luni: Dinamo Bucureşti — FC Hermannstadt,. Înaintea acestei etape, în clasament conduc CFR Cluj şi Poli Iaşi, ambele cu câte 14 puncte.

    Jucătoarea română de tenis Simona Halep, numărul patru mondial, va juca în prima rundă a turneului US Open, ultimul de Mare Şlem al anului, cu o adversară venită din calificări, potrivit tragerii la sorţi efectuate joi la New York. Dacă ajunge în turul trei, Simona s-ar putea întâlni cu Sorana Cârstea, aflată pe acelaşi segment de tabel. Sorana, numărul 106 WTA, va juca în primul tur contra cehoaicei Katerina Siniakova, locul 38 WTA, în faţa căreia a câştigat ambele confruntări de până acum. In 2017, românca s-a impus în primul tur la Eastbourne, cu 6-3, 6-2, apoi, anul trecut, a câştigat în primul tur la Madrid, cu 6-4, 2-6, 6-4.

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Două ambarcaţiuni româneşti au obţinut calificarea, joi, în finalele Campionatelor Mondiale de kaiac-canoe de la Szeged, din Ungaria. Ştefănica Ursu a câştigat a doua semifinală la canoe simplu pe distanţa de 500 m. Pe aceeaşi distanţă, echipajul masculin de canoe-4, alcătuit din Leonid-Valentin Carp, Constantin Dîba, Gheorghe-Alexandru Stoian şi Ştefan-Andrei Strat, s-a clasat pe locul al treilea în prima serie, reuşind să acceadă direct în finală.

    Vicecampioana României la fotbal, FCSB, a întâlnit, joi, la Giurgiu, în play-off-ul pentru Liga Europa, manşa întâi, formaţia portugheză Vitória Guimarães. Partida s-a încheiat la egalitate, scor 0 la 0. Echipa română a avut ocazii bune de gol, în special în prima parte a jocului. Cea mai mare a fost ratată de Florinel Coman, în minutul 23, care a tras în bara porţii portugheze. Gruparea lusitană a controlat partea a doua a jocului, dar nu a pus în pericol în mod deosebit poarta lui Cristian Bălgrădean. Manşa secundă se va disputa pe 29 august, în Portugalia.

    În weekend au loc jocuri contând pentru etapa a şaptea a campionatului primei ligi române de fotbal. Vineri, două partide: Poli Iaşi cu Chindia Târgovişte şi Universitatea Craiova cu Astra Giurgiu. Sâmbătă, la Giurgiu, Academica Clinceni se confruntă cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe, iar la Cluj, CFR primeşte vizita echipei FC Botoşani. Duminică, la Ovidiu, Viitorul Constanţa întâlneşte formaţia FC Voluntari, iar la Mediaş, Gaz Metan joacă împotriva echipei FCSB. Ultimul joc al etapei — luni: Dinamo Bucureşti — FC Hermannstadt,. Înaintea acestei etape, în clasament conduc CFR Cluj şi Poli Iaşi, ambele cu câte 14 puncte.

    Jucătoarea română de tenis Simona Halep, numărul patru mondial, va juca în prima rundă a turneului US Open, ultimul de Mare Şlem al anului, cu o adversară venită din calificări, potrivit tragerii la sorţi efectuate joi la New York. Dacă ajunge în turul trei, Simona s-ar putea întâlni cu Sorana Cârstea, aflată pe acelaşi segment de tabel. Sorana, numărul 106 WTA, va juca în primul tur contra cehoaicei Katerina Siniakova, locul 38 WTA, în faţa căreia a câştigat ambele confruntări de până acum. In 2017, românca s-a impus în primul tur la Eastbourne, cu 6-3, 6-2, apoi, anul trecut, a câştigat în primul tur la Madrid, cu 6-4, 2-6, 6-4.

  • August 27, 2018

    August 27, 2018

    DIPLOMACY – The annual meeting of Romanian diplomats begins today in the capital city Bucharest, under the motto “Diplomacy – A Pillar of Centennial Romania. The annual meeting of Romanian diplomats is a broad platform for the discussion of topics of major interest to Romania, such as the rotating presidency of the EU Council, to be taken over by Romania early next year, bilateral as well as strategic relations. The national priorities on the agenda of the meeting also include regional cooperation, the eastern neighbourhood and economic diplomacy. Attending the event are the Foreign Minister Teodor Meleşcanu, the Minister delegate for European Affairs, Victor Negrescu, heads of Romanian embassies and consular offices abroad, and Romanian and foreign guests. A special guest in this years meeting is the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who will join his Romanian counterpart in a special session entitled “Bucharest – Berlin – Brussels, together for a strong Europe.

    SWINE FEVER – Scheduled to begin on Monday, the slaughtering of around 140,000 animals at Romanias largest pig farm, in Braila County in the south-east, where the African swine fever virus has been confirmed, was postponed at the request of the owners. They requested the setup of a special assessment committee, given the extensive damages to be incurred. A swine fever hotbed has been recently confirmed in another farm in Braila County, which was breeding some 35,000 pigs, and where the slaughtering process has already been initiated. One-quarter of Romanias counties are affected by the African swine fever epidemics, with over 700 hotbeds identified by the authorities in the south-east and north-west of the country. The Pro Agro National Federation has requested the Government to have the situation discussed in the Supreme Defence Council.

    POLITICS – The Romanian parliamentary parties have scheduled meetings to outline their strategies ahead of the autumn parliamentary sitting. Liviu Dragnea, the president of the main ruling party in Romania, the Social Democratic Party, announced that next weekend the partys National Executive Committee and parliamentary groups will convene in the Black Sea resort of Neptun, in order to set out the partys priorities. The meeting will also tackle the activity of the Dancila Cabinet ministers. The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, the Social Democrats ruling coalition partners, will also have a meeting of its Executive Political Bureau early next week, to discuss the partys priorities and the selection criteria for the ensuing elections for the European Parliament. The main opposition party, the National Liberal Party, will also plan its moves for the autumn parliamentary session. The Liberals have tried and failed to have a special session convened this summer, in order to set up an investigation committee focusing on the violent clashes during the August 10 anti-government protest of Romanian expats. The Liberals also seek to have the Interior Minister Carmen Dan removed from office by Parliament.

    FESTIVAL – The Golden Stag music festival celebrates 50 years of existence in 2018. After a 9-year break, the international pop music competition held in Brasov, central Romania, will be resumed on Wednesday with a special gala devoted to the Union Centennial. Romanian and international artists will hold concerts, including James Blunt, Amy Macdonald, Andra, Delia, Loredana, Carlas Dreams and Horia Brenciu. The Festival, to be held between August 29 and September 2, will bring together 18 competitors from 15 countries. During the same period, book lovers are invited to the Gaudeamus Caravan, an event organised by Radio Romania.

    MOLDOVA – The Republic of Moldova citizens and expats took part on Sunday in a protest organised by ACUM Resistence Movement, created after the elections for the Chisinau city hall, won by the pro-Europeans, were cancelled. The participants criticised the corruption of the current ruling class, the invalidation of the elections in Chisinau and the new mixed election system. The protest took place ahead of todays celebration of 27 years since the small ex-Soviet state proclaimed its independence from Moscow.

    TENNIS – Three of the 6 Romanian players taking part in the US Open are playing their first matches today. Number 1 in the world Simona Halep is facing Kaia Kanepi (Estonia), Irina Begu takes on the American Jennifer Brady, and Ana Bogdan plays against the Czech Marie Bouzkova. The other Romanians are Mihaela Buzărnescu, who is to play against the Czech Marketa Vondrousova, Sorana Cîrstea, scheduled to play against the American Alison Riske, and Monica Niculescu, who will take on the Israeli player Julia Glushko. The only Romanian in the mens competition is Marius Copil, who takes on the Croatian Marin Cilic, number 7 in the world.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 26.08.2018 (mise à jour)

    26.08.2018 (mise à jour)

    Diplomatie – La
    Réunion annuelle de la diplomatie roumaine (RADR), qui s’ouvrira lundi à
    Bucarest, sera consacrée à la « Diplomatie – pilier de la Roumanie
    centenaire ». Le ministère roumain des affaires étrangères a fait savoir
    que l’invité spécial en sera le chef de la diplomatie allemande, Heiko Maas, sa
    présence étant une confirmation du bon niveau des relations bilatérales. Y
    participeront également le ministre roumain des affaires étrangères, Teodor
    Meleșcanu, le ministre délégué aux affaires européennes du gouvernement de
    Bucarest, Victor Negrescu, et des représentants du Corps diplomatique accrédité
    en Roumanie. Les principaux thèmes à l’agenda de la réunion sont le mandat de
    la Roumanie à la présidence du Conseil de l’Union européenne, au premier
    semestre de l’année prochaine, les relations bilatérales et stratégiques, la
    coopération régionale, le voisinage oriental, l’ONU, la diplomatie économique.
    La RADR prendra fin mercredi, précise le MAE.

    – Le ministère roumain des affaires étrangères a transmis un message de
    condoléances à la famille du sénateur américain John McCain, décédé samedi à l’âge
    de 81 ans. Le sénateur républicain John McCain a été un ami fidèle de la Roumanie,
    dont il a soutenu le rôle dans la mise
    en avant de la stabilité, de la sécurité et du respect des principes
    démocratiques. Son héritage de courage moral et son engagement pour la
    démocratie sont un repère, est-il dit dans ce message. Le sénateur John McCain,
    héros de la guerre au Vietnam et personnalité non-conformiste de la vie
    politique américaine, a succombé à un cancer du cerveau, au bout d’une année de
    lutte contre la maladie, a annoncé son bureau de presse, l’information étant
    relayée par les agences de presse du monde.

    Migrants – 33 citoyens
    iraniens, dont 11 mineurs, ont été interpellés par les policiers aux frontières
    lorsqu’ils tentaient de sortir illégalement de Roumanie, à Nădlac (ouest), au
    point de passage frontalier avec la Hongrie. Les immigrants
    étaient cachés dans un poids-lourd et voulaient aller en Europe de l’ouest, a
    précisé l’Inspection générale de la police aux frontières de Roumanie (IGPF).

    Tennis – Six
    joueuses roumaines, dont la numéro 1 mondial, Simona Halep, figurent au tableau
    principal du simple dames à l’US Open, dernier tournoi de tennis de Grand
    Chelem de cette année. Simona Halep, première tête de série, affrontera au
    premier tour l’Estonienne Kaia Kanepi. Mihaela Buzărnescu rencontrera la
    Tchèque Marketa Vondrousova, Sorana Cîrstea jouera contre l’Américaine Alison
    Riske, Irina Begu aura pour adversaire une autre Américaine – Jennifer Brady, Ana Bogdan essayera d’éliminer la Tchèque Marie Bouzkova, et Monica Niculescu tentera de vaincre Julia Glushko, d’Israël.
    Le seul joueur roumain présent dans la compétition masculine de simple, Marius
    Copil, n’a pas été trop chanceux, puisqu’il débutera contre le numéro 7
    mondial, le Croate Marin Cilic.

    Météo – Les
    météorologues roumains ont émis une alerte jaune aux pluies torrentielles et à
    l’instabilité atmosphérique forte, en vigueur jusqu’à lundi soir dans 25
    départements du centre, du nord, de l’ouest et du sud-ouest de la Roumanie.
    Côté températures, il fera chaud sur l’ensemble du territoire, avec des
    maximales jusqu’à 34°, lundi en milieu de journée.