Tag: US Open

  • Sportivul săptămânii: Jucătorul de tenis Horia Tecău

    Sportivul săptămânii: Jucătorul de tenis Horia Tecău

    Jucătorul de tenis Horia Tecău şi-a înscris în palmares,
    în week-endul care s-a încheiat, o mare performanţă. A cîştigat proba de dublu,
    alături de olandezul Jean-Julien Rojer, a Grand Slam-ului de la Flushing
    Meadows într-o finală contra cuplului spaniol format din Feliciano Lopez şi
    Marc Lopez cu 6-4, 6-3. Tecău și Rojer și-au trecut astfel în palmares al
    doilea lor titlu de Mare Șlem, după cel de la Wimbledon, câștigat în 2015. Atât
    Tecău, cât şi Rojer mai au în palmares câte un turneu de Mare Şlem la dublu
    mixt: Tecău câştigase în 2012 Openul australian alături de americanca Bethanie
    Mattek-Sands, iar Rojer îşi adjudecase Roland Garros-ul în 2014 alături de
    jucătoarea germană Anna-Lena Grönefeld. Horia Tecău mai are în palmares 3
    finale la Wimbledon, alături de suedezul Robert Lindstedt, în 2010, 2011 şi

    această ediţie a Openului american, Tecău a jucat şi o semifinală la dublu mixt
    alături de jucătoarea americană Coco Vandeweghe. Au fost nevoiţi să cedeze în
    faţa cuplului format din elveţianca Martina Hingis şi britanicul Jamie Murray
    cu 4-6, 6-7, cei care aveau să câştige şi finala.

    În acest an, perechea Horia Tecău -
    Jean-Julien Rojer a câştigat încă trei turnee ATP, cel de la Dubai, Geneva şi
    Winston-Salem. Pentru Tecău, finala de la US Open a fost cea de-a 51-a din
    carieră, 33 fiind câştigate iar 18 pierdute.

    În urma
    performanţei sale, Radio România Internaţional îi acordă lui Horia Tecău titlul
    de sportivul săptămânii.

    Tecău s-a născut la Constanţa pe 19 ianuarie 1985. Joacă tenis de la vârsta de
    7 ani. În 2002 a fost campion de juniori la dublu, la Wimbledon, alături de
    Florin Mergea. Cea mai bună poziţie în clasamentul mondial a fost a doua, ocupată
    în luna noiembrie 2015, după ce a câştigat, împreună cu olandezul Jean-Julien
    Rojer, Turneul Campionilor de la Londra.

  • Sportivul săptămânii: Jucătorul de tenis Horia Tecău

    Sportivul săptămânii: Jucătorul de tenis Horia Tecău

    Jucătorul de tenis Horia Tecău şi-a înscris în palmares,
    în week-endul care s-a încheiat, o mare performanţă. A cîştigat proba de dublu,
    alături de olandezul Jean-Julien Rojer, a Grand Slam-ului de la Flushing
    Meadows într-o finală contra cuplului spaniol format din Feliciano Lopez şi
    Marc Lopez cu 6-4, 6-3. Tecău și Rojer și-au trecut astfel în palmares al
    doilea lor titlu de Mare Șlem, după cel de la Wimbledon, câștigat în 2015. Atât
    Tecău, cât şi Rojer mai au în palmares câte un turneu de Mare Şlem la dublu
    mixt: Tecău câştigase în 2012 Openul australian alături de americanca Bethanie
    Mattek-Sands, iar Rojer îşi adjudecase Roland Garros-ul în 2014 alături de
    jucătoarea germană Anna-Lena Grönefeld. Horia Tecău mai are în palmares 3
    finale la Wimbledon, alături de suedezul Robert Lindstedt, în 2010, 2011 şi

    această ediţie a Openului american, Tecău a jucat şi o semifinală la dublu mixt
    alături de jucătoarea americană Coco Vandeweghe. Au fost nevoiţi să cedeze în
    faţa cuplului format din elveţianca Martina Hingis şi britanicul Jamie Murray
    cu 4-6, 6-7, cei care aveau să câştige şi finala.

    În acest an, perechea Horia Tecău -
    Jean-Julien Rojer a câştigat încă trei turnee ATP, cel de la Dubai, Geneva şi
    Winston-Salem. Pentru Tecău, finala de la US Open a fost cea de-a 51-a din
    carieră, 33 fiind câştigate iar 18 pierdute.

    În urma
    performanţei sale, Radio România Internaţional îi acordă lui Horia Tecău titlul
    de sportivul săptămânii.

    Tecău s-a născut la Constanţa pe 19 ianuarie 1985. Joacă tenis de la vârsta de
    7 ani. În 2002 a fost campion de juniori la dublu, la Wimbledon, alături de
    Florin Mergea. Cea mai bună poziţie în clasamentul mondial a fost a doua, ocupată
    în luna noiembrie 2015, după ce a câştigat, împreună cu olandezul Jean-Julien
    Rojer, Turneul Campionilor de la Londra.

  • Tecău și Rojer, campioni la dublu masculin la US Open

    Tecău și Rojer, campioni la dublu masculin la US Open

    Tecău și Rojer, campioni la dublu masculin la US Open

    Perechea româno-olandeză Horia Tecău/Jean-Julien Rojer a câștigat titlul în proba masculină de dublu din cadrul turneului de tenis US Open, ultimul de Mare Șlem al anului, vineri, după ce au învins cuplul spaniol Feliciano Lopez/Marc Lopez, cu 6-4, 6-3, în finala desfășurată la arenele Flushing Meadows din New York.

    Tecău și Rojer și-au trecut astfel în palmares al doilea lor titlu de Mare Șlem, după cel de la Wimbledon, câștigat în 2015.

    Pentru român a fost a 51-a finală de dublu din carieră. Tecău și Rojer au acum patru titluri în acest an, după cele de la Dubai, Geneva și Winston-Salem. Horia Tecău are 33 de titluri câștigate la dublu și 18 finale pierdute.

    Înainte de Horia Tecău, Ilie Năstase

    Ultimul român care a câștigat un titlu la US Open a fost Ilie Năstase, în 1975, alături de Jimmy Connors, după 6-4, 7-6 cu cuplul olandezo-american Tom Okker/Marty Riessen.

  • Horia Tecau and Jean Julien Rojer win US Open men’s doubles title

    Horia Tecau and Jean Julien Rojer win US Open men’s doubles title

    Horia Tecau of Romania and Jean-Julien Rojer of the Netherlands won their first U.S. Open men’s doubles championship. The Romanian-Dutch pair defeated the all-Spanish pair Feliciano Lopez and Marc Lopez, 6-4 ,6-3, at Flushing Meadows, on Friday.

    12th-seeded Tecau and Rojer had previously defeated the first seeds Henri Kontinen of Finland and John Peers of Australia 1-6, 7-6, 7-5.Tecau and Rojer’s opponents came after a 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 win against twins Bob and Mike Bryan of the USA.

    This is the second Grand Slam title for Tecau and Rojer, who won Wimbledon in 2015.

  • 08.09.2017


    Transports – La commissaire européenne aux politiques régionales, Corina Cretu, doit rencontrer aujourd’hui à Bucarest le ministre des Transports Razvan Cuc. Les deux responsables passeront en revue notamment l’allocation des fonds européens à l’infrastructure routière et ferroviaire. A la veille, la commissaire Cretu a déclaré que le secteur des transports roumains inquiétait la Commission.

    Ukraine – La ministre en charge des Roumains du monde, Andreea Pastarnac, a convoqué l’ambassadeur d’Ukraine à Bucarest pour discuter de la loi de l’éducation nationale, récemment adoptée par le parlement de Kiev. Les autorités de Bucarest ont exprimé leurs inquiétudes quant à ces modifications législatives qui imposent, entre autres, la langue d’Etat, soit l’ukrainien, comme unique langue d’enseignement dans les écoles et les lycées de ce pays. La langue maternelle des minorités sera utilisée désormais uniquement dans les maternelles et écoles primaires. Plus d’un demi-million d’ethniques roumains d’Ukraine seront touchés par les nouvelles dispositions. Le premier ministre roumain, Mihai Tudose, a demandé au Ministère des AE de s’impliquer activement dans la situation « particulière » d’Ukraine. Le ministère des Affaires Etrangères rappelle que, selon la convention cadre sur la protection des minorités nationales, les Etats s’engagent à reconnaitre le droit de toute personne appartenant à des minorités nationales à apprendre dans sa langue maternelle.

    Défense – Point final aujourd’hui en Roumanie de l’exercice militaire Resolute Castle 17, qui a impliqué depuis le mois d’avril quelque 450 militaires roumains. L’instruction et plus précisément la construction de plusieurs projets d’infrastructure s’est réalisée en commun avec des militaires américains et britanniques. Déroulé pour la troisième année consécutive, l’exercice a visé à améliorer la formation des militaires et à augmenter la capacité de réaction à une possible situation de crise, à développer l’interopérabilité entre les structures de génie des forces terrestres roumaines, américaines et britanniques, ainsi qu’à améliorer l’infrastructure du centre d’instruction. Les projets déroulés dans la cadre de l’exercice Resolute Castle 17 font partie du programme European Reassurance Initiative.

    Frontières – La Roumanie renforcera la sécurité de ses frontières, a annoncé la police roumaine aux frontières, une année après l’adoption des premières mesures visant à sécuriser les frontières avec la Serbie, afin de combattre la migration illégale. Durant les six premiers mois de l’année, les agents de la police roumaine aux frontières ont dépisté près de 3 mille ressortissants étrangers, organisés en plus de 400 groupes de migrants qui tentaient de passer illégalement la frontière nationale. La plupart d’entre eux ont essayé d’entrer en Roumanie depuis la Serbie avant de repartir via la Hongrie vers l’Europe de l’Ouest. Certains groupes de migrants ont tenté de franchir la frontière roumaine en provenance de la Bulgarie, mais aussi depuis la Mer Noire.

    Commerce – La Roumanie est désormais le principal partenaire commercial de la République de Moldova, selon le Bureau national des statistiques de Chisinau. Conformément aux chiffres relatifs aux sept premiers mois de l’année en cours, le volume du commerce entre la Roumanie et la République de Moldova s’est élevé à 550 millions d’euros. 64% des produits exportées par la République de Moldova sont acheminés vers l’UE, selon les chiffres du Bureau national de la statistique de Chisinau.

    Serbie – Le ministre serbe de l’énergie, Aleksandar Antic, a déclaré que son pays était intéressé à connecter son pays au réseau de gaz naturel roumain. Présent à un colloque sur le thème de l’énergie, organisé à Alexandroupolis, dans l’extrême est de la Grèce, le responsable serve a affirmé que la Roumanie avait obtenu des résultats positifs dans l’exploration des gisements de gaz en Mer Noire. Par ailleurs, M Antic a confirmé sa présence les 28 et 29 septembre à Bucarest à la réunion des ministres de l’énergie d’Europe centrale et du sud-est.

    Tennis – Le double roumano-néerlandais, Horia Tecau/Jean Julien Rojer doit affronter les espagnols Feliciano Lopez/Marc Lopez dans la finale de l’US Open de New York. En demi-finale, Tecau et Rojer ont vaincu les favoris de la compétition Henri Kontinen (Finlande)/John Peers (Australie), sur le score de 1-6, 7-6 (5), 7-5. Horia Tecau jouera également la demi-finale du double mixte, aux côtés de l’américaine CoCo Vandeweghe. Les deux affronteront le double Martina Hingis (Suisse)/Jamie Murray (Royaume-Uni).

  • September 8, 2017

    September 8, 2017

    VISIT — EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu on Friday is meeting Transport Minister Razvan Cuc in Bucharest as part of her visit to Romania. The two will tackle the EU funds allotted to road and rail infrastructure in Romania. On Thursday, Commissioner Cretu said transportation is a field of concern for the Commission.

    UKRAINE — Minister for Romanians Worldwide, Andreea Pastarnac, has called a meeting with the Ukrainian ambassador to Bucharest to discuss the new education law passed in Ukraine. According to a ministry release, Romania is concerned over the recent changes in the education system, which provide for exclusively Ukrainian-language teaching in high-schools and universities, while restricting teaching in the mother tongue to kindergartens and elementary schools. Over half a million Romanians in Ukraine will be affected by the new law. Prime Minister Mihai Tudose called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deal with the “delicate situation” in Ukraine. The Ministry recalls that, according to the provisions of the Framework Convention on protecting national minorities, a state commits to granting ethnic minorities the possibility to become literate in their mother tongue.

    MILITARY DRILL — The Resolute Castle 17 military drill is coming to an end today. Kicked off in April, the drill brought together some 450 Romanian soldiers. Training and implementing infrastructure projects, jointly with US military of the 926th Engineer Brigade of the US Terrestrial Forces, as well as other units of the US army and naval forces, the US national guard and US ground forces put on reserve, in addition to military engineers from the UK, were the highlights of the exercise. Held for the third year in a row, the drill was aimed at increasing the operability of military and crisis-response capabilities, developing inter-operability between the engineer divisions of the Romanian, American and British armies, as well as improving training facilities and infrastructure. Projects carried out during the Resolute Castle 17 drill are part of the European Reassurance Initiative program.

    BORDER SECURITY — Romania will strengthen its borders, the Romanian Police has announced, one year since the first measures to consolidate our country’s border with Serbia were implemented in the wake of a wave of immigrants trying to illegally cross into our country. The measures included using daytime and night-time monitoring equipment at full capacity, enhancing technical equipment and supplementing staff. In the first seven months of the year, the Romanian border police identified as many as three thousand foreign citizens trying to illegally cross the border. In most of the cases the migrants were trying to cross into Romania in route to Hungary and Western Europe. Several groups of migrants tried to forcefully cross the border from Bulgaria and from the Black Sea, the Border Police reports.

    MOLDOVA — Romania remains Moldova’s top trade partner, says the National Bureau for Statistics in Chisinau. According to data collected in the first seven months of the year, two-way trade between Romania and the Republic of Moldova stood at 660 million dollars. Moldova’s main foreign market remains the EU, accounting for 64% of its exports.

    ENERGY — Serbian Energy Minister, Aleksandar Antic, said his country was interested in striking a deal with Romania in the field of natural gas. Attending an energy forum in Alexandroupoli, Greece, Minister Antic said Romania had good results in exploring the natural gas pockets in the Black Sea. Moreover, the Serbian official said he would attend the meeting of Energy Ministers from Central and South-eastern Europe hosted by Bucharest over September 28-29.

    TENNIS — Romanian Horia Tecau and Jean-Julien Rojer of the Netherlands will play Feliciano Lopez and Marc Lopez of Spain in the men’s doubles final at the US Open. In the semis Tecau and Rojer, seeded 12 in the competition, defeated first-seeds Henri Kontinen of Finland and John Peers of Australia, 1-6, 7-6, 7-5. Horia Tecau has also qualified to the mixed doubles final alongside CoCo Vandeweghe of the US, where the two will play Martina Hingis of Switzerland and Jamie Murray of Great Britain. (Translated by Vlad Palcu)

  • September 7, 2017

    September 7, 2017

    Eurostat — Romania has reported the biggest annual economic growth in the EU in the period April-June 2017, thanks to a 5.7% rise, show the new revised estimates published Thursday by Eurostat. Thus, the GDP reported a 5.7% growth both in the first and second quarters of 2017 as compared to the same period of last year. The data recently published show that Eurostat slightly revised upwards the estimates regarding the economic growth rate reported annually both in the Euro zone and in the EU.

    EU Commissioner — The European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu, is paying an official visit to Romania on Thursday and Friday. The agenda of talks includes meetings with the PM Mihai Tudose and the presidents of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, as well as participation in the conference “Dialogue with the citizens”. Also Corina Cretu, who represents Romania in the European Parliament, is going to meet with the Romanian deputy prime minister Sevil Shhaideh, with the transports minister, Răzvan Cuc, with the minister delegate for European Funds, Rovana Plumb, and with the minister delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu.

    Tallinn — The Romanian Foreign Minister, Teodor Melescanu, is participating on Thursday and Friday in Tallinn, Estonia, in the informal meeting of the foreign ministers of the EU member states, hosted by the Estonian presidency of the EU Council. A Foreign Ministry communiqué shows the main topics to be approached are the North Korean file and the Middle East peace process, among other things. The EU foreign ministers will discuss with the EU defense ministers about the implementation of the European defense package. Also a meeting will be held with the foreign ministers of candidate countries regarding the prevention and combating of radicalization and violent extremism. The Romanian foreign minister will also meet with Johannes Hahn, the Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations to discuss the developments in the Republic of Moldova.

    Ukrainian Parliament — The Romanian Foreign Ministry writes in a communiqué that it regards with concern the form of the new Education Law passed on September 5 by the Ukrainian Parliament. They are concerned mainly with article 7 in the law, which is related to education in the languages of national minorities. The Romanian Foreign Ministry reminds that according to the provisions of the Framework Convention for the protection of national minorities, the states commit to recognizing the right of each person belonging to a national minority to receive education in their mother tongue. In this regard, the issue of tuition in their mother tongue for the ethnic Romanians in Ukraine will be a top priority on the agenda of the state secretary Victor Micula, who will go to Kiev next week, to discuss the situation of the Romanian minority in Ukraine. There are almost half a million ethnic Romanian currently living in Ukraine.

    Tennis — The pair made up of the Romanian Horia Tecău and American CoCo Vandeweghe will take on the pair Martina Hingis (Switzerland)-Jamie Murray (Great Britain) in the semifinals of the mixed doubles of the U.S. Open tennis tournament, which is the year’s last Grand Slam tournament. The only Romanian tennis player left in competition at the U.S. Open is Horia Tecău who is the holder of a Grand Slam title in the mixed doubles, which he won in 2012 at the Australian Open together with American Bethanie Mattek-Sands. He also won another final in Melbourne together with Indian player Sania Mirza. Together with Dutch player Jean-Julien Rojer he also qualified to the semifinals of the men’s doubles where they will play against the pair Henri Kontinen (Finland) – John Peers (Australia), the main favorites of the competition. (translated by L. Simion)

  • RRI Sports Club – Romanians at the US Open

    RRI Sports Club – Romanians at the US Open

    The United States Open, the last Grand Slam tournament of the year, is now in its final phase. No Romanian athlete is left standing in the singles’ competitions. Monica Niculescu had the longest run in the women’s singles, where she reached the third round. There she was knocked out by US player Jennifer Brady, 6-3, 4-6, 7-6. Niculescu also competed in the women’s doubles, where she reached the round of 16 alongside Su-Wei Hsieh of Taiwan. The two players however missed the chance to advance to the quarterfinals, being eliminated by the fifth-seeds Timea Babos of Hungary and Andrea Hlavackova of the Czech Republic, 6-2, 6-7, 7-6.

    Horia Tecau is the only Romanian left in the competition. He is now involved in both the men’s doubles and the mixed doubles. Together with the Dutch Jean-Julien Rojer Tecau managed his best performance at the US Open. In the quarterfinals, Tecau and Rojer brushed aside Jamie Murray of Great Britain and Bruno Soares, 6-1, 6-2. In the semi-finals Tecau and Rojer will play first-seeds Henri Kontinen of Finland and John Peers of Australia. This year the two have won three ATP tournaments: in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, in Geneva, Switzerland and in Winston-Salem, United States.

    In the mixed doubles Horia Tecau is pairing with Coco Vandeweghe of the United States. In the quarterfinals the two knocked out Timea Babos of Hungary and Bruno Soares of Brazil, 4-6, 6-1, 10-8. To accede to the final, Tecau and Vandeweghe must go past first-seeds Martina Hingis of Switzerland and Jamie Murray of Great Britain. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Sport Club RRI: Românii la US Open

    Sport Club RRI: Românii la US Open

    Openul de tenis
    al Statelor Unite, ultimul turneu de Mare Şlem al anului, a intrat în fazele
    finale. La individual, nici un sportiv din România nu se mai află în concurs.
    Cel mai departe a ajuns Monica Niculescu, şi anume până în turul trei, de unde
    a fost eliminată de jucătoarea americană Jennifer Brady, cu 6-3, 4-6, 7-6.
    Niculescu a mers bine şi la dublu, calificându-se în optimile de finală,
    alături de taiwaneza Su-Wei Hsieh. Cele două sportive au ratat însă calificarea
    în sferturi, eliminate de cuplul favorit numărul cinci, compus din jucătoarea
    maghiară Timea Babos şi Andrea
    Hlavackova, din Cehia, cu 6-2, 6-7, 7-6.

    Rămâne în
    concurs Horia Tecău, calificat în semifinale la dublu masculin şi dublu mixt.
    Împreună cu olandezul Jean-Julien Rojer, Tecău a reuşit cea mai bună
    performanţă a sa la US Open. În sferturile de finală, cei doi au trecut
    categoric de britanicul Jamie Murray şi de brazilianul Bruno Soares, cu 6-1,
    6-2. În semifinale, Tecău şi Rojer joacă împotriva perechii care ocupă locul
    întâi pe lista capilor de serie, formată din finlandezul Henri Kontinen şi
    australianul John Peers. Anul acesta, la dublu masculin, Tecău şi Rojer s-au
    impus în trei turnee ATP, respectiv la Dubai, în Emiratele Arabe Unite, la
    Geneva, în Elveţia, şi la Winston Salem, în Statele Unite.

    La dublu mixt,
    Horia Tecău face pereche cu jucătoarea americană Coco Vandeveghe. În sferturi,
    ei au trecut de cuplul compus din Timea Babos si Bruno Soares, cu 4-6, 6-1,
    10-8. Pentru a accede în finală, Tecău şi Vandeveghe au de luptat cu
    principalii favoriţi, elveţianca Martina Hingis şi britanicul Jamie Murray.

  • 04.09.2017


    Débats – Le premier ministre roumain, Mihai Tudose, participe aujourd’hui, pour la première fois depuis l’installation de son gouvernement, à la session de questions/réponses « L’heure du premier ministre », à la Chambre des députés. Il y présentera l’état de l’économie nationale, à la demande des élus du Parti national libéral, d’opposition. Les priorités de la coalition au pouvoir pour la prochaine période comportent plusieurs projets législatif concernant la justice, les retraites, la mise en place de la Chambre de commerce de la Roumanie, le budget de l’Etat et le référendum sur la redéfinition de la famille dans la Constitution du pays. Le pouvoir achèvera la liste des objectifs nationaux stratégiques, pour qu’une série d’investissements majeurs puissent être financés et réalisés rapidement. Selon le premier ministre Mihai Tudose, la liste sera complétée avec la compagnie «Aéroports de Bucarest », la compagnie aérienne Tarom et l’autoroute Bucarest – Brasov.

    Réunion – Le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Teodor Meleşcanu, participe au Forum stratégique et à la réunion informelle des ministres des affaires étrangères des Etats du Processus de coopération en Europe du sud-est (SEECP), qui ont lieu, les 4 et 5 septembre, à Bled, en Slovénie. Un millier de participants de 70 pays, dont des leaders politiques, des représentants du milieu des affaires, d’organisations internationales et d’ONG, ainsi que du monde académique, débattent, au Forum stratégique, de thèmes concernant l’avenir de l’Europe et la situation sécuritaire sur notre continent et dans le monde, dans le contexte des attaques terroristes, de la crise migratoire et du Brexit.

    Manifestation – Plusieurs centaines de personnes se sont rassemblées, dimanche soir, devant le palais du gouvernement de Bucarest, pour protester contre le projet de modification des lois de la justice et l’essai de retirer la candidature du site minier de Roşia Montană de la procédure d’inscription au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO. Ce mois, s’ouvre, à une Cour internationale d’arbitrage, le procès par lequel la compagnie canadienne Gabriel Resources demande à l’Etat roumain de lui payer 4,4 milliards de dollars de dommages et intérêts pour l’impossibilité de mettre en œuvre le projet d’exploitation de l’or à Roşia Montană justement à cause du dépôt de la candidature du site à l’UNESCO. Des manifestations ont également eu lieu à Cluj (nord-ouest) et Braşov (centre).

    Coréé du Nord – Le secrétaire américain à la défense, James Matthis, a averti la Corée du Nord que toute menace contre les Etats Unis et leurs alliés produirait une riposte massive et écrasante. Il a fait ces déclarations après avoir informé le président Donald Trump sur les options militaires américaines suite au dernier essai nucléaire, le plus puissant, effectué jusqu’à présent par Pyongyang. Le régime nord-coréen a annoncé avoir testé une bombe à hydrogène, qui pourrait être installée sur le nouveau type de missile balistique intercontinental dont il dispose. L’essai nucléaire nord-coréen a été durement critiqué par la communauté internationale, notamment par l’Union européenne et les Etats Unis. Le ministère roumain des affaires étrangères a exprimé sa profonde inquiétude quant aux actions provocatrices des autorités de Pyongyang, qu’il qualifie de violations graves des résolutions du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, qui font monter la tension dans la Péninsule coréenne à un niveau jamais atteint ces dernières années.

    Festival – Le Festival international de musique classique « George Enescu », dont Radio Roumanie est coproducteur, se poursuit à Bucarest. Le Chœur académique Radio, dirigé par Ciprian Ţuţu, se produit aujourd’hui, aux côtés de l’Orchestre national de Russie, sous la baguette de Mikhaïl Pletnev.

    Tennis – Le Roumain Horia Tecau et sa partenaire américaine CoCo Vandeweghe se sont qualifiés dans les quarts de finale de l’épreuve de double mixte de l’US Open, dernier tournoi du Grand Chelem de l’année. Ils ont eu raison de la paire Nenad Zimonjic (Serbie)/Yung-Jan Chan (Taïwan), mais ils devront affronter désormais le duo Timea Babos (Hongrie)/Bruno Soares (Brésil). Pour sa part, Horia Tecau joue également dans les quarts de finale de l’épreuve de double masculin de l’US Open, aux côtés de son partenaire de longue date, le Néerlandais Jean-Julien Rojer. Au double féminin, la Roumaine Monica Niculescu et Su WEI Hsieh (Taïwan) sont elles aussi arrivées dans les quarts de finale où elles doivent rencontrer la paire Sania Mirza (Inde)/Shuai Peng (Chine).

    Football – La Roumanie affronte aujourd’hui, en déplacement, le Monténégro, dans le groupe E de qualification à la Coupe du monde de football de l’année prochaine. Vendredi dernier, à Bucarest, les tricolores se sont adjugé la victoire devant l’Arménie. Quatrième dans son groupe, la Roumanie n’a plus que des chances théoriques de se qualifier, dans un groupe dont le leader est la Pologne. Le sélectionneur de la nationale roumaine, l’Allemand Christopher Daum, est toujours plus contesté par le public, les spécialistes et les journalistes, à cause des mauvais résultats des tricolores dans la campagne de qualification actuelle.

    Météo – Ce
    lundi, en Roumanie, les températures sont en baisse dans toutes les régions, et
    il fait même frais dans l’ouest, le nord et le centre, où il pleut. La pluie
    est aussi présente en montagne. Le thermomètre ne grimpera pas au-delà de 27°.
    A Bucarest, il y avait 21° à midi.

  • September 1, 2017

    September 1, 2017

    PARLIAMENT — Parliament resumes its plenary sessions today after the summer recess. The main legislative priorities on the agenda are the amendments to the pension law, the laws on the judiciary and setting up the Sovereign Investment Fund. The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies must vote on draft laws pending from the previous session, on legislative initiatives and on the Government’s emergency orders.

    CORRUPTION — The president of the National Health Insurance Authority, Marian Burcea, was arrested today by anticorruption prosecutors. Burcea is suspected of illegally reimbursing medical services. Another 13 people have been arrested in the same case. Burcea was sacked right after his arrest. Anticorruption prosecutors suspect the funds of the Bucharest Health Insurance Authority were embezzled by refunding sham medical services. Hundreds of false medical records were allegedly forged, involving several employees who enjoyed the protection of the institution and of the National Health Insurance Authority. On Thursday, prosecutors searched the headquarters of dozens of companies and institutions, as well as the homes of certain people in Bucharest. The fraud purportedly caused an estimated prejudice of 3 million euros.

    ENESCU FESTIVAL — The George Enescu International Music Festival, one of the most prestigious events of its kind in Europe, kicks off on Saturday and will bring to Bucharest and other 7 cities in Romania over 3,000 of the world’s most acclaimed musicians. For three weeks, spectators will be able to attend some 80 concerts and events. This year’s honorary president of conductor Zubin Mehta, while the festival’s artistic director is another conductor, Vladimir Jurowski. Some of the concerts on the festival’s agenda will be broadcast live on Radio Romania’s culture and music channels. The opening concert will be George Enescu’s “Oedipus” Opera performed by London Philharmonic Orchestra, under the baton of Vladimir Jurowski.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Monica Niculescu, 57 WTA, has advanced to the third round in the US Open, the last Grand Slam tournament of the year. In the second round Niculescu ousted another Romanian, Ana Bogdan, 108 WTA, after three sets. Niculescu will next play Jennifer Brady of the United States. The best performance for Monica Niculescu at the US Open was reaching the round of 16 in 2011. Niculescu is the only standing Romanian player in the competition, after Sorana Cirstea lost to Jelena Ostapenko of Latvia. Another three Romanians, including Simona Halep, were knocked out in the opening round. In the women’s doubles, Romania is represented by Sorana Cirstea, Irina Begu and Raluca Olaru, while Horia Tecau will be playing in the men’s doubles.

    BASKETBALL — The city of Cluj-Napoca is playing host to matches counting towards Group C of the European Basketball Championships. Romania is playing alongside the defending champions Spain, Montenegro, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. On the competition’s first day Hungary will play Croatia, Spain will take on Montenegro while Romania will play the Czech Republic. The best four teams will advance to the round of 16, to be hosted by Turkey. The 2017 FIBA EUROBASKET final will be played in Istanbul on September 17.

    FOOTBALL — Romania’s football squad is today playing Armenia at home in a match counting towards the 2018 World Cup preliminaries. On Monday Romanian will take on Montenegro away from home. With 6 points in 6 games, Romania still holds mathematical chances of qualifying. Poland is the unchallenged leader of Group E. For the first time in its history Romania has a foreign coach sitting on its bench, German Cristoph Daum, who is facing constant criticism from the media and football experts due to the subpar performances of the national team. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • August 30, 2017

    August 30, 2017

    ROMANIAN DIPLOMACY –President Klaus Iohannis has today presented in Bucharest the objectives of Romanias foreign policy, during a meeting with the heads of the Romanian diplomatic missions and general consuls abroad, occasioned by the Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy. The Romanian president has called on them to get involved in the effort to address the problems the EU is currently facing, including Brexit. Just like in the past years, deepening the Strategic Partnership with the US continues to be a priority of Romanias foreign policy, especially in the context of Junes visit to Washington by Klaus Iohannis and of the talks he held with the U.S. President Donald Trump. Romania will further plead for a strong transatlantic relation within NATO, the head of state has also said. He has given assurances that, to Romania, further integration at EU level continues to be a major objective. At the same time, switching to the Single European Currency and joining the Schengen Area will be significant steps forward to strengthen Romanias role at European level, Klaus Iohannis has also underlined.

    MAINTENANCE CENTRE – Romania will set up a maintenance centre at Aerostar Bacau, in the east, for the F16 fighters made in the US and purchased from Portugal. PM Mihai Tudose has today signed an agreement with Jonathan Hoyle, the vice-president of Lockheed Martin, for the transfer of state of the art technology for this type of aircraft. The defence minister Adrian Tutuianu and heads of military structures involved in the purchasing of military technology met on Tuesday with a delegation of Lockheed Martin, the American company specialised in the research, development, production and integration of state of the art technology in the military field, which has come up with proposals of cooperation with the national defence industry. The 2017-2026 Romanian Army Endowment Plan has been approved by Romanias Supreme Defence Council, with 9.8 billion Euro funds having been earmarked for the eight programs. We recall that Romania has signed a contract for the purchase of 16 F16 fighters and Adrian Tutuianu has made public the intention to purchase 36 other fighters in the following years.

    JUSTICE – The draft aimed at amending the justice laws was sent to the Higher Council of Magistracy on Wednesday, the line minister Tudorel Toader has announced. He has added the document has not been sent to prosecutors offices. Earlier, the National Anti-corruption Directorate, DNA, has said the draft is a form of pressure exerted on the professional activity of prosecutors and Romanias Prosecutor General, Augustin Lazar, has said the prospective adoption of the draft would impact the independence of magistrates and the functioning of judicial institutions. According to the amendments envisaged by minister Toader, the countrys president will be eliminated from the process of nominating chief prosecutors and the judicial inspection unit will be subordinated to the Justice Ministry.

    TENNIS – Romanian woman tennis player Sorana Cîrstea, no.54 WTA, has qualified to the second round of the US Open, the last Grand Slam tournament of the year, after defeating the Dutch Lesley Kerkhove, no. 171 WTA. In the next stage of the competition, Sorana will meet Latvias Jelena Ostapenko, no. 12 WTA, on Thursday. On Tuesday, the match between Monica Niculescu no. 57 WTA and the French Kristina Mladenovic (no.13 WTA) was stopped because of heavy rain. Today, Ana Bogdan (no.108 WTA) will play against the American Taylor Townsend (no.119 WTA). Three other Romanian players have already got eliminated from the competition: Simona Halep (no.2 WTA), Irina Begu (no. 55 WTA) and Mihaela Buzărnescu (no.133 WTA). In the mens competition, Romanian Marius Copil (no.86 ATP), has also left the US Open.

  • Nachrichten 29.08.2017

    Nachrichten 29.08.2017

    Die Staatsanwälte der rumänischen Antikorruptionsbehörde DNA haben am Dienstag die Reformvorschläge von Justizminister Tudorel Toader weitestgehend abgelehnt. Sie seien eine Form von Druck auf die Arbeit der Ermittler, hieß es von der Behörde. Generalstaatsanwalt Augustin Lazar sagte am Dienstag, die Annahme dieser Vorschläge würde die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz verletzen und die Funktionierung der Justizeinrichtungen beeinträchtigen. Das von Opposition und Medien virulent kritisierte Reformpaket sieht u.a. vor, dass der Staatspräsident keine Rolle bei der Ernennung der Behördenleiter der Antikorruptionsbehörde DNA und der Schwerpunktstaatsanwaltschaft zur Bekämpfung der Organisierten Kriminalität mehr spielen soll. Zudem soll das bisherig unabhängige Justizrevisionsamt dem Justizministerium nachgeordnet werden. Die Vorschläge sehen auch ein höheres Mindestdienstalter bei Beförderungen von Richtern und Staatsanwälten vor. Am Sonntag abend hatten in Bukarest und anderen Großsstädten mehrere Tausend Bürger gegen die Vorschläge protestiert und den Rücktritt von Minister Tudorel Toader gefordert.

    In ihrer Arbeit müssen sich rumänische Diplomaten in nächster Zukunft an drei Eckpunkten orientieren: die Vorbereitung des Jubiläums der großen Vereinigung, die Bewerbung Rumäniens für einen Sitz als nichtständiges Mitglied im UNO-Sicherheitsrat und die Bewerbung des Landes für die Organisation für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung OECD. Dies erklärte Außenminister Teodor Meleşcanu am Dienstag beim Jahrestreffen mit den Auslandsvertrern. Das Jahrestreffen mit den Diplomaten, das bis Freitag in Bukarest stattfindet, ist Gelegenheit zur Bestandaufnahme und zum Nachdenken über die künftigen außenpolitischen Prioritäten im regionalen, europäischen und globalen Kontext. Sondergäste sind in diesem Jahre die Außenminister Ägyptens, Luxemburgs und Ungarns.

    Der rumänische Ministerpräsident, Mihai Tudose, ist am Dienstag in Bukarest mit dem neuen UNICEF-Vertreter in Rumänien, Pieter Bult, zusammengekommen. Bei dem Treffen präsentierte Pieter Bult die Ziele und Prioritäten seines Mandats, und Mihai Tudose hob die Bedeutung der Partnerschaft zwischen Rumänien und der UNICEF hervor. Die zwei Würdenträger haben beschlossen, bei der Bekämpfung der Masernepidemie in Rumänien zusammenzuarbeiten. Die UNICEF unterstützt die Bemühungen der rumänischen Behörden durch Informierungskampagnen und Erziehungsprogrammen zur Sensibilisierung der Bevölkerung in puncto Gesundheit. Rumänien konfrontiert sich mit der größten Masernepidemie der lezten Jahre. Seit August 2016 sind 33 Kinder an den Folgen einer Masernerkrankung gestorben, 8.500 erkrankten bei der Epidemie.

    Nordkorea hat am Dienstag eine Rakete über Japan hinweg abgefeuert, die östlich von Hokkaido in den Pazifik stürzte. Die internationale Gemeinschaft reagierte betroffen: der japanische Regierungschef Shinzo Abe sprach von einer beispiellosen und ernsthaften Bedrohung; Japan werde mit den USA den Druck auf Pyöngjang erhöhen. Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini verurteilte den Raketenabschuss als Verletzung mehrerer Resolutionen des UN-Sicherheitsrats. Moskau zeigte sich extrem besorgt und auch Peking sah einen kritischen Punkt erreicht. Noch am selben Tag ist eine Dringlichkeitssitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrats angesetzt. Nordkoreas Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen verteidigte den Raketenabschuss als Akt der Selbstverteidigung angesichts der feindlichen Absichten Washingtons.

    Bei der am Montag angefangenen dritten Brexit-Verhandlungsrunde sind sich die beiden Seiten über die Inhalte uneinig. Die britische Regierung will so bald wie möglich ein Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU festzurren. Die EU-Seite hat sich dagegen festgelegt, zunächst Fragen der finanziellen Verpflichtungen, der Rechte für britische und EU-Bürger im jeweils anderen Hoheitsgebiet sowie den Umgang mit der Grenze zwischen dem EU-Mitglied Irland und dem britischen Nordirland zu klären. “Zuerst klären wir die Vergangenheit, bevor wir in die Zukunft blicken, sagte EU-Kommissionpräsident Juncker am Dienstag in einer Rede vor EU-Botschaftern. Es müsse glasklar sein, dass die EU nicht die künftigen Handelsbeziehungen verhandeln werde, bevor nicht die Bedingungen des EU-Austritts des Königreichs vereinbart seien.

    Die beste rumänische Tennisspielerin Simona Halep (2 WTA) ist schon in der ersten Runde des US-Opens ausgeschieden. Sie traf ausgerechnet auf die Russin Maria Scharapowa, die im April nach einer Dopingsperre ihr Comeback hatte, und verlor in drei Sätzen 4-6, 6-3, 4-6. Zwei weitere rumänische Spielerinnen – Irina Begu und Mihaela Buzărnescu scheiterten an Katerina Kozlova aus der Ukraine bzw. Caroline Wozniacki aus Dänemark. Bei den Herren verlor Marius Copil in seinem Debut beim US-Open gegen den Franzosen Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.

  • August 29, 2017

    August 29, 2017

    Justice — Romanian anti-corruption prosecutors have rejected most of the proposed changes to the justice system presented by the Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, which they see as a form of pressure exerted on their professional activity. The judicial reform plan, which comes 6 months after the left-of-centre government tried to loosen the anticorruption laws, stipulates, among other things, the narrowing of the powers of the National Anticorruption Directorate, which under the new bill would no longer be entitled to investigate judges. The proposed changes concern a variety of areas, from the procedure to appoint chief prosecutors to the set-up of a special unit to prosecute offences committed by magistrates. Also, under the proposed bills, the President would be left out of the procedure of appointing the chief prosecutors. On Sunday evening thousands of people took to the streets of the capital Bucharest and of several other cities in protest at the planned changes to the justice laws. Similar protests have been announced for next Sunday.

    Diplomacy — Bucharest is hosting as of today the Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy. The event that ends on Friday is a good opportunity to present the Foreign Ministry’s activity and to reflect on the future priorities of the Romanian diplomacy, in a regional, European and global context. The meeting includes talks on topical issues such as the future of the EU, Romania’s European agenda and its EU council presidency as well as international security and regional cooperation. The special guests of the meeting are Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, and Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó.

    Brexit — The third round of Brexit negotiations is under way in Brussels. Britons are anxious to discuss future commercial accords with the community bloc, while the Europeans insist on prioritising key issues such as citizens rights and the UKs divorce bill. Michel Barnier, the EUs chief negotiator, suggested on Monday that Britain’s demands were unclear saying they need UK papers that were clear in order to have constructive negotiations. Britain will present in detail papers on issues ranging from customs arrangements to data sharing during this weeks talks. Government policy papers released last week show Britain would often seek to replicate closely existing arrangements with the EU.

    United Nations – The United States, Japan and South Korea have requested a United Nations Security Council meeting to discuss North Korea’s firing of a missile over Japan, diplomats said on Monday. Japans warning system kicked in, advising citizens on its northern Hokkaido Island to take precautions, as the missile headed towards land. The missile later broke into three pieces and landed in the sea. The Japanese military made no attempt to shoot down the unidentified missile, but condemned the launch in the strongest terms possible. The Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has asked for further sanctions against North Korea.

    Tennis — Romania’s best tennis player Simona Halep, no. 2 in the world, was defeated by Maria Sharapova, in the first round of the US Open, the last Grand Slam of the year. Sharapova is ranked 145th because of her long layoff mandated by the imposed penalty for taking performance enhancing drugs. In August 2014 Simona Halep reached 2nd place in the WTA standings, the highest position ever held by a tennis player from Romania and has been in the top ten ever since.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • 29.08.2017


    Justice – Les procureurs anticorruption de Roumanie ont rejeté la plupart des propositions de modification des lois de la Justice formulées par le ministre Tudorel Toader, les considérant comme une forme de pression sur l’activité professionnelle des procureurs de la Direction nationale anticorruption. Vivement critiqué par l’opposition politique et par les médias, ce projet élimine, par exemple, la participation du chef de l’Etat à la procédure de désignation des procureurs chefs des Parquets anticorruption et antiterrorisme, place l’Inspection judiciaire sous la tutelle du ministère de la Justice ou encore introduit une ancienneté dans la profession supérieure à celle en vigueur pour le parcours de carrière des magistrats. Dans ce contexte, dimanche soir, quelques milliers de personnes ont protesté dans la capitale roumaine et dans plusieurs grandes villes du pays, contre les modifications proposées par le ministre de la Justice, l’accusant de tenter de fragiliser la lutte anticorruption. Ils ont donc demandé la démission du ministre Tudorel Toader et annoncé de nouvelles protestations pour le dimanche suivant. Rappelons-le, en début d’année, la tentative du gouvernement de modifier, par décret d’urgence, les codes pénaux, a fait descendre dans la rue, au pays et à l’étranger, des centaines de milliers de Roumains qui ont accusé le pouvoir de vouloir exonérer de responsabilité pénale des personnages politiques et de l’administration, accusés de corruption.

    Diplomatie – A Bucarest se déroule de mardi jusqu’à vendredi la Réunion Annuelle de la Diplomatie Roumaine. L’occasion de dresser le bilan de l’activité du ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de réfléchir sur les priorités futures de la diplomatie roumaine, dans le contexte des évolutions régionales, européennes et globales. Cette réunion est également l’occasion de se pencher sur des sujets d’actualité, dont l’avenir de l’UE, l’agenda de la Roumanie au niveau européen, la présidence tournante de l’Union que la Roumanie assumera en 2019, la sécurité internationale ou encore les manières de dynamiser la coopération régionale et la diplomatie économique. Les invités spéciaux de cette réunion sont le chef de la diplomatie d’Egypte, Sameh Shoukry, celui du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg, Jean Asselborn, et le ministre hongrois des AE et du commerce extérieur, Péter Szijjártó.

    Tennis – La Roumaine Simona Halep, numéro 2 mondiale, s’est inclinée devant la Russe Maria Sharapova, lundi au premier round de l’US Open, le dernier tournoi du Grand Chelem de l’année. Deux autres Roumaines ont été éliminées de la compétition – Irina Begu et Mihaela Buzărnescu, par Katerina Kozlova d’Ukraine et respectivement par Caroline Wozniacki du Danemark. Aujourd’hui, la Roumanie Monica Niculescu (58e WTA) rencontrera au premier tour la Française, Kristina Mladenovic (14e WTA). De même, Ana Bogdan (127 WTA) joue contre l’Américaine Taylor Townsend, alors que Sorana Cârstea aura pour adversaire la Néerlandaise Lesley Kerkhove, Enfin, dans la compétition masculine, le Roumain Marius Copil, qui participait pour la première fois à l’US Open, a été éliminé par le Français Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.

    Météo – Les températures sont toujours à la baisse en Roumanie, approchant la normale saisonnière. Le ciel est couvert sur le sud, l’est et partiellement sur le centre du pays. Les températures maximales de la journée iront de 19 à 28 degrés. 18 degrés et un ciel couvert à midi à Bucarest.