Tag: deficit

  • De nouvelles modifications fiscales et budgétaires

    De nouvelles modifications fiscales et budgétaires

    déficit budgétaire significatif reste le talon d’Achille de la Roumanie ce qui
    pousse l’actuelle coalition au pouvoir à continuer ses efforts pour encourager
    une dépense rigoureuse de l’argent public. A Bucarest, l’Exécutif vient d’engager
    sa responsabilité pour un nouveau paquet de mesures fiscales censées décourager
    le gaspillage. Concrètement, les responsables roumains ont décidé de limiter
    les acquisitions, de réduire les postes de direction à travers l’unification
    des institutions publiques, de supprimer certaines facilités fiscales et de
    lutter contre la fraude et l’évasion.

    ailleurs, au terme d’un décret d’urgence en vigueur à partir du 1 novembre, le
    gouvernement a décidé de diminuer les dépenses publiques pour la fin de cette année.
    Concrètement, les institutions de l’administration publique, y compris les
    mairies se verront diminuer le budget destiné à l’organisation des festivals et
    des compétitions sportives. Les administrateurs de crédits n’auront plus le
    droit de signer des demandes d’approvisionnement des services municipaux en
    fournitures de bureau ou en d’autres biens et services. Aux dires du ministre
    des Finances, Marcel Bolos, cela fait plusieurs années que la Roumanie enregistre
    une flambée des dépenses publiques durant les deux derniers mois de l’année. En
    novembre et décembre, le pays dépense des sommes deux, trois ou même quatre
    fois plus grandes que dans le reste de l’année. Par conséquent, le gouvernement
    a décidé que les dépenses budgétaires en fin d’année restent au même niveau que
    durant les dix autres mois.

    Au terme du
    même décret d’urgence, le versement des droits salariaux obtenus par les
    fonctionnaires publics suite à une action en justice sera reporté à 2024. Néanmoins,
    le premier ministre Marcel Ciolacu lance une invitation au calme, en affirmant
    que la Roumanie dispose de suffisamment d’argent public pour respecter ses
    engagements financiers. Les pensions de retraite seront indexées sur l’inflation
    à partir de l’année prochaine et donc, elles seront majorées de 13,5%.

    nouvelles mesures fiscales adoptées par le gouvernement font suite au dernier
    rapport de l’Office européen de la Statistique, Eurostat, qui montre qu’avec un
    taux de déficit de 6,6% et respectivement 6,3%, la Hongrie et la Roumanie
    restent les pays au déficit public le plus élevé au sein de l’UE.

    Dans le
    contexte de la révision budgétaire européenne, le chef de l’Etat, Klaus
    Iohannis, a proposé la semaine dernière une nouvelle manière de calculer les
    déficits budgétaires. Présent au sommet du Conseil européen de Bruxelles, le
    responsable roumain a plaidé pour que la future construction budgétaire
    européenne réponde aux défis actuels tels le soutien accordé à l’Ukraine,
    envahie par les troupes russes, la crise de sécurité au Moyen Orient, la baisse
    de la compétitivité de l’économie en Europe. Cet appel survient dans le
    contexte où la Roumanie a dépassé ces trois dernières années le taux de déficit
    budgétaire assumé au terme du Pacte de stabilité, l’instrument européen imposant
    aux pays membres d’éviter l’apparition de déficits budgétaires excessifs. Klaus
    Iohannis a également demandé que la révision budgétaire ne porte pas atteinte
    aux enveloppes destinées à l’Agriculture et à la Cohésion, les deux axes
    majeurs à travers lesquels l’UE finance le développement de la Roumanie.

  • New budget-related legislation promulgated

    New budget-related legislation promulgated

    Subject to an excessive
    deficit procedure for several years now, Romania has undertaken to bring this
    indicator in line by next year. But the deficit figures are still worrying: in
    the first 9 months of the year, the deficit deepened by some EUR 3 bln compared
    to the corresponding period last year.

    The government spent more than
    it collected, and according to official data at the end of September the
    deficit was 3.55% of GDP. At this rate, economic analysts say, it is rather
    unlikely that Romania will be able to meet the deficit target of 4.4% of GDP or
    at least the 5.5% discussed by the authorities in Bucharest with Brussels.

    The financial analyst Adrian
    Codirlașu, vice-president of CFA Romania, says this is because in the budget
    law drafted early this year, the expenditure was underestimated and revenues
    were overblown, which might push the budget deficit even over 6% of GDP by the
    end of 2023. The stakes are particularly high given that, unless this problem
    is addressed, Romania risks losing substantial funding under the National
    Recovery and Resilience Plan.

    A large-scale set of tax and
    budget related measures has been drawn up by the government, which took
    responsibility for it before Parliament to rush its endorsement. The measures
    include tax raises, new taxes and the scrapping of tax facilities. Delayed for
    a month after the Opposition challenged it at the Constitutional Court, the
    bill eventually reached president Klaus Iohannis’ office, and it was signed
    into law on Thursday.

    Some of the provisions in the Law
    on tax and budget related measures to ensure Romania’s long-term sustainability
    will take effect within days, while the others will be enforced as of January
    1, 2024. Meanwhile, PM Marcel Ciolacu is also expecting proposals concerning
    the reorganisation of ministries and government agencies and corporations, as
    the budget reform is also intended to help reduce expenditure.

    But figures suggest that these
    measures are not enough, and more is needed in order for the deficit to be
    narrowed by the end of the year and for Romania not to lose tens of millions of
    euro in EU funding, PM Marcel Ciolacu explained, particularly since expenditure
    usually tends to increase at year end. This is why a new emergency order is
    required in order to reduce expenses, decision-makers in Bucharest announced.

    By capping public sector and
    city hall spending, including the expenses incurred with organising festivals
    and competitions, Romania would have some room to breathe, and the risk of
    undesirable financial consequences would be alleviated. Also, PM Marcel Ciolacu
    traveled to Brussels on Thursday to persuade the European Commission that the
    measures taken by his Cabinet are enough to keep the budget deficit on a
    positive trend. (AMP)

  • October 19, 2023

    October 19, 2023

    Deficit — Romanias budget deficit is to decrease to 5.7% of the GDP, following the application of the law on fiscal-budgetary measures for which the Government has recently assumed responsibility and which was declared constitutional on Wednesday. The PM Marcel Ciolacu stated that the new deficit target could be assumed through a budget rectification in the next period. Next week, the government representatives will have a meeting with the social partners, to set the level of the minimum salary in constructions and agriculture, so that these sectors’ employees should not be affected by the payment of the health contribution, from October 1, as provided by the current law. PM Ciolacu criticized the opposition Save Romania Union-USR because when they were in the government coalition, they included fiscal reform measures in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which they now contest. On the other hand, USR considers the decision of the Constitutional Court unfair and says that the law is an attack on the incomes of citizens who work honestly in Romania. USR also announced that they will file a simple motion against the finance minister.

    Schengen — The European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, said that the good results obtained by Romania and Bulgaria in the management of pilot projects on migration are an additional argument in favor of the two states joining the European Border Free Area – Schengen. The statement was made before todays meeting in Luxembourg of the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the EU, which will also address the subject of Romania’s and Bulgarias accession to Schengen. Previously, the European Commission publicly announced that both countries had reported progress, also thanks to the new migration and asylum programs that they are running. We recall that, at the end of last year, a unanimous decision failed to be adopted in relation to the entry of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen area, due to the opposition of Austria and the Netherlands. Austria justified its position claiming that Romania is part of the Balkan route of illegal migration, an accusation rejected by the Romanian authorities and officially dismantled by the European institutions. In turn, the Netherlands said that it supported Romanias accession, but not Bulgarias, although the two are analyzed in a joint file.

    Festival — Iasi, in the east of Romania, hosts the 11th edition of FILIT — the Iasi International Festival of Literature and Translation which started on Wednesday, an event attended by guests from 25 countries. This years event takes place under the high patronage of the European Commissions representation in Romania and the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO. Writers, translators, editors, festival organizers, literary critics, booksellers, book distributors, managers and journalists are attending FILIT. Until October 22, various events are scheduled such as literary meetings with stars of the world literary scene, white nights of poetry and music, workshops and professional round tables, concerts and readings.

    Israel — The US president, Joe Biden, reiterated, on Wednesday, in Israel, the US commitment to the security of its main ally in the region and confirmed the Israeli version of the explosion at a hospital in Gaza, where hundreds of people died. The Hamas terrorist organization has accused Israel of having bombed the hospital, while the Israeli military have provided evidence that the explosion was caused by a missile mistakenly fired by the Islamic Jihad, the other armed group in Gaza. After the meeting with the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Joe Biden called for the release of the hostages held in the Gaza Strip, following the bloody attack launched by Hamas on Israeli territory on October 7. In the meantime, Israel announced that it hit the targets of the Hezbollah group in Lebanon, and Radio Romania’s correspondent reports that the Israeli army is preparing to face a new front in the north of the country. The defense minister Yoav Galant said that Hezbollah is 10 times stronger than Hamas. As regard the humanitarian aid, Israel approved the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip, from Egypt, through the Rafah border-crossing point. The aid will have to consist of 100 trucks per day and will have to be secured, the UN said. On the other hand, the British PM Rishi Sunak told Israeli President Isaac Herzog, whom he met in Israel on Thursday, that Britain stands in solidarity with his country, adding that it is also important to provide humanitarian aid to the population of the Gaza Strip. On Tuesday, the Romanian PM Marcel Ciolacu was also in Israel, where he had talks with his counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu and with the representatives of the Romanian community, affected by the deterioration of the security situation in the area.

    Protests — Protests against Israel and the US have been reported in various parts of the world. At least one hundred protesters occupied, on Wednesday, a building of the US Congress, to ask the officials and the Joe Biden administration to press for a cease fire in the Gaza Strip. In Greece, approximately 10,000 people gathered in downtown Athens, in solidarity with the Palestinians. In Istanbul (Turkey), a crowd carrying pro-Palestinian flags and placards gathered in front of the Israeli consulate, then forced their way inside the consulate after breaking through a police barricade. Incidents also took place at the US embassies in Lebanon and Iraq, at the Israeli embassy in Jordan and at the French embassy in Iran.

    Meeting – In the first joint meeting of the governments of Romania and Ukraine, in Kyiv, the prime ministers of the two countries, Marcel Ciolacu and Denis Şmîhal, established the mechanism for the import of Ukrainian grains on Romanian territory, with measures to protect the local farmers. On the other hand, the Ukrainian government adopted a document recognizing that the Romanian minority in Ukraine speaks Romanian and not the so-called Moldovan language, which in fact does not exist. (LS)

  • October 11, 2023

    October 11, 2023

    Visit — Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis is visiting Hungary today at the invitation of his Hungarian counterpart, Katalin Novák. It is the first official visit to Budapest by a Romanian president in the last 14 years. Romania’s Presidential Administration explained that the visit takes place in the context of increased dynamics of high-level contacts, after the official visit made by Katalin Novák to Bucharest, in September 2022, and the participation in the 8th Summit of the Three Seas Initiative, hosted by the President of Romania in September 2023. The Strategic Partnership and its development prospects, as well as the concrete ways to deepen the bilateral dialogue, are on the agenda of talks. At the same time, the two presidents will analyze the current situation at the regional, European and global levels, through the lens of the war launched by Russia against Ukraine, with an emphasis on the consequences for security, energy, food and distribution chain. As regards the European agenda, they will discuss the priorities of the Presidency of the EU Council, which Hungary will hold in the second part of 2024.

    Israel – The US has promised Israel all the support it needs to respond to Hamas actions. A first plane loaded with American ammunition has already landed in Israel, and the Secretary of State Antony Blinken is going today to meet with Israeli leaders to find out how they can be better supported, including in the perspective of a ground offensive in Gaza. Last night, the US President Joe Biden strongly condemned the attacks and reiterated that Israel has every right to defend itself against what he called “the absolute evil unleashed by Palestinian terrorists”. The death toll after Saturdays massive attack launched by the Palestinian group Hamas is increasing, the number of Israeli dead reaching 1,200. The Israeli army revealed to the international media the horrors perpetrated by the terrorists in a small Jewish settlement near the border, where entire families, including dozens of children, were killed, and their homes were looted and set on fire.

    Parliament – The two chambers of Romania’s Parliament, gathered in a joint session, adopted today a Declaration regarding the terrorist attacks against Israel and the civilian population. According to the document, the parliamentarians express their full solidarity with the State of Israel, strongly condemn the attacks of the terrorist organization Hamas, the crimes and violence unleashed on the civilian population and express their deep regret for the victims of these attacks. On the other hand, the Romanian ambassador to Israel, Radu Ioanid, stated that the situation of the Romanians in Israel is under control. He pointed out that there are hundreds of repatriation requests per day, and the flights that transport them are operated by the national company TAROM, as well as by other private companies. Radu Ioanid also recalled that Romanian Foreign Ministry teams went to the airport in Tel Aviv to provide assistance to those who have problems.

    Pilgrimage — As of Sunday more than 72,000 people have already passed in front of the shrine with the relics of Saint Parascheva, which was taken out in the yard of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Iaşi, the saint being considered the protector of the eastern region of Romania and of the needy. The Romanian Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Parascheva on October 14, which is why, every year, around this day, Iasi becomes the largest pilgrimage center in the country and equally in Central and Eastern Europe. Many people from the country and abroad come to pray at the relics of Saint Parascheva and of other relics of saints specially brought for the pilgrimage. This year, it was decided to bring to Iasi the relics of Saint Andrew of Crete.

    Declaration – The presidents of Romania and Ukraine, Klaus Iohannis and Volodimir Zelenski, signed, on Tuesday, in Bucharest, a political declaration according to which they want to raise bilateral relations to the level of a strategic partnership. The Ukrainian leader, who paid his first visit to Romania since the beginning of the war, thanked for the help given to his country. Klaus Iohannis has assured him that Romania will continue to support Ukraine at all levels, including military.

    IMF – In the latest report published on Tuesday the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates for Romania an economic growth rate of 2.2% this year, compared to 2.4% as previously estimated. Regarding the next year, the IMF anticipates a growth rate of 3.8%. The average annual inflation rate expected by the international financial institution for Romania is 10.7% in 2023 and 5.8% in 2024. An IMF mission in Bucharest recently announced that the deficit is to be 6% this year and 5% next year.

    Pensions – On Wednesday, the Romanian Senate gave a favorable vote for the modification of the law on special pensions, by putting it in agreement with the decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania. The bill will also be re-examined by the Chamber of Deputies, as a decision-making body. The Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has recently stated that the amendments made to this law end the anomalies regarding the payment of pensions higher than the earnings during the period of activity, enjoyed by some professional categories. At the same time, the Speaker of the Senate, Nicolae Ciucă, stated that the law on special pensions had to be finalized in Parliament within two weeks, pointing that it will be a solution that must be assumed politically so that Romania can benefit from the money from payment request number 3 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In August, the Constitutional Court decided to send back to Parliament the law amending the special pensions, after declaring some articles unconstitutional. (LS)

  • 29.09.2023 (mise à jour)

    29.09.2023 (mise à jour)

    Cour Constitutionnelle – L’Union sauvez la Roumanie et la Force de la
    droite, deux partis d’opposition membres du Parlement de Bucarest ont dénoncé vendredi, à la Cour Constitutionnelle le paquet de
    mesures fiscales et budgétaires pour lequel le gouvernement a engagé
    dernièrement sa responsabilité. Les deux partis affirment que le document comporte
    des articles qui contreviennent à la Loi fondamentale et que leur démarche
    bloquera, ne serait-ce que temporairement, cette loi qui entraînerait la hausse
    des taxes pour tous les Roumains. La
    saisine déposée à la Cour Constitutionnelle porte aussi la signature de deux
    représentants du Parti national libéral, a déclaré le leader du groupe des
    députés de l’USR, Ionuţ Moşteanu. Selon lui, la réforme du Gouvernement
    s’applique d’une manière non-unitaire et transgresse le principe de la sécurité
    juridique, à cause de son manque de clarté et de prédictibilité. La décision de
    l’USR a suscité les critiques des élus de l’AUR, également en opposition qui
    avaient commencé en début de semaine à ramasser des signatures pour déposer une
    motion de censure. Le leader AUR, George Simion a dit que les élus nationaux de
    l’USR auraient pu tout simplement signer la motion, indépendamment de l’action
    auprès de la Cour Constitutionnelle et les a accusés de faire le jeu du
    Pouvoir. Par ailleurs, le ministre des Finances, Marcel Bolos a déclaré que le
    paquet de mesures fiscales adopté par le gouvernement était nécessaire dans le
    cadre du processus de modernisation de la Roumanie. Ne pas résoudre le problème
    de déficit budgétaire compromettrait l’accès aux 75 milliards d’euros de fonds
    européens destinés aux projets de développement. La CC examinera la saisine le 18 octobre.

    PNRR – La Commission européenne a
    versé à la Roumanie un financement de 2,7 milliards d’euros, comme réponse à la
    demande de paiement de la deuxième tranche du PNRR, formulée en décembre
    dernier. Le ministre des Finances, Marcel Bolos, affirme que la Roumanie figure
    parmi les premiers pays européens à avoir entrepris toutes les démarches
    nécessaires à l’octroi de cette enveloppe. Dans un article sur les réseaux de
    socialisation, le responsable roumain a rappelé que le pays a reçu jusqu’à
    présent, 10 des 29 milliards d’euros attribués via le PNRR.

    Défense – La Roumanie se munira de
    tous les équipements militaires nécessaires au renforcement du niveau de
    sécurité dans la région de la mer Noire. C’est ce qu’à affirmé le ministre
    roumain de la Défense, Angel Talvar, lors d’une visite à une fabrique
    d’équipements militaires de Timisoara. La Roumanie est un pays sûr et elle
    n’est en conflit avec personne, a déclaré le ministre, tout en rappelant qu’il
    est toujours possible que des incidents militaires se produisent sur le
    territoire nationale, comme par exemple la chute de drones russes. On fait de
    notre mieux et on a déjà adopté des mesures supplémentaires après que des débris
    de drones russes ont été trouvés en Roumanie. On essaie de faire en sorte pour
    maintenit le climat de normalité a ajouté Angel Talvar. Et lui de préciser que
    l’armée espère pouvoir recruter des jeunes notamment après les départs à la
    retraite du dernier temps.

    Avion – Un nouvel avion Hercule de transport militaire a été offert par
    les Etats-Unis aux Forces aériennes roumaines. Depuis la mi-septembre quand il
    a été livré, l’avion a servi de manœuvres communes sur la base 90 de transport
    aérien censées permettre aux militaires roumains de se familiariser avec les
    nouveaux équipements. Un deuxième avion Hercule sera donné à la Roumanie avant la fin de l’année.

    Energie – En Roumanie,
    les tarifs du gaz et de l’électricité seront subventionnés jusqu’à la fin du
    mois de mars 2025, a fait savoir l’Autorité nationale pour la règlementation
    dans l’Energie (ANRE). Par conséquent, pour une consommation de moins de 100
    kW, les Roumains paieront 68 bani (13 centimes d’euro) pour un kilowatt, pour
    une consommation allant de 100 à 255 kW, le tarif d’un kW sera de 80 bani (soit
    16 centimes d’euro) et pour une consommation entre 255 et 300 kW, le tarif d’un
    kW sera d’1,3 lei (26 centimes d’euro). Enfin, si la consommation dépasse les
    300 kilowatts, il y a un tarif unique de 1,3 lei. Pour le gaz, le prix d’un kW/heure
    ne dépassera pas les 31 bani (6 centimes d’euro). Selon le représentant de
    l’Autorité, Valeriu Steriu, cette mesure apporte de la prédictibilité et
    rassure la population et les consommateurs industriels. La semaine dernière, la
    somme totale remboursée par l’Etat roumain aux compagnies énergétiques se
    chiffrait à 21 milliards de lei (4,2 milliards d’euros). Entre temps, la
    Compagnie nationale Transgaz a annoncé avoir déjà stocké des réserves de gaz qui
    couvrent 96 % de la capacité de stockage du pays.

    Autoroute – Le
    Ministère roumain du Développement a approuvé un investissement de 6 milliards
    d’euros dans la construction d’un tronçon d’autoroute entre Miercurea Nirajului
    et Leghin, sur l’autoroute A8 dite de l’Union. Le tronçon d’une longueur de 160
    kilomètres aura 47 tunnels et plus de 250 passages. Une fois approuvé l’investissement en séance
    gouvernementale, un appel d’offre sera lancé. La durée des travaux sera de 54
    mois. Sur les 300 km que la future autoroute A8 entre Targu Mures-Iasi et
    Ungheni devrait avoir, seuls 30 font l’objet d’un contrat déjà signé.

    Brancusi -
    L’Exposition « Brancusi : des sources roumaines et des perspectives
    universelles » s’ouvre samedi, au Musée national des Beaux-arts de
    Timisoara. C’est pour la première fois ces 50 dernières années que la Roumanie
    consacre une exposition à cet artiste d’origine roumaine. L’événement fait
    partie du programme Timisoara – capitale européenne de la culture en 2023. Une
    occasion d’admirer des sculptures célèbres telles Mademoiselle Pogany, Tête
    d’enfant, le Baiser ou la Prière. Les œuvre de Brancusi proviennent de
    collections publiques et privées de Roumanie et de l’étranger, de galeries
    célèbres telles le Centre Pompidou de Paris ou Tate Gallery de Londres.
    L’exposition reste en place jusqu’au 28 janvier 2024. La dernière
    exposition Brancusi de Roumanie date de 1970.

    Rugby – La sélection nationale de rugby de la Roumanie affronte
    samedi à Lille la sélection écossaise, dans son 3e match de la Coupe
    du monde de rugby qui se tient en France. Ces deux premiers matchs au sein de
    la poule B, la Roumanie les a perdus, d’abord devant l’Irlande et après devant
    l’Afrique du Sud. Le dernier match des tricolores roumains est prévu le 8
    octobre prochain, toujours à Lille, contre Les Tonga.

    Météo – Il fait beau en Roumanie, et plus chaud que la normale
    saisonnière. Les maxima vont de 24 à 29 degrés. Samedi, à midi, nous aurons 29

  • Tax measures under review

    Tax measures under review

    New fiscal measures are set to take effect on October 1 in Romania, after they were posted for public review by the finance ministry, following months of negotiations. The authorities are hoping to narrow the budget deficit and to avoid losing billions of Euro in EU funding.

    One such measure is a 1% tax on turnover for small and medium-sized enterprises with annual revenues of up to EUR 60,000, and a 3% tax if their revenues go above this threshold. Banks and large companies with turnover in excess of EUR 50 mln are to pay a minimum tax of 1%.

    In the IT industry, the income tax exemption valid so far will only remain in place for employees making up to EUR 2,000 a month, while contributions to public health insurance funds are reintroduced for workers in agriculture, the food industry and constructions.

    Holiday vouchers will be worth more, but they will only be received by public sector employees with net incomes below EUR 1,600, and a ceiling will be introduced for the bonus paid for dangerous or harmful working conditions.

    In turn, the VAT for housing and photovoltaic panels will be raised from 5 to 9%, and foodstuffs with high sugar content will carry a standard 19% VAT rate. The 5% VAT remains in place for firewood, thermal power, books and access to tourist sites and cultural events.

    In the case of houses worth over EUR 500,000 and vehicles over EUR 75,000, a 0.3% tax will be levied on the difference between those ceilings and the asset value.

    The government also plans to cut at least 25% of the state secretary positions, to scrap vacant posts and restrict executive positions in public institutions and in companies running on public capital.

    The bill outlining these measures is first to be passed in Cabinet, and then the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the National Liberal Party will take responsibility for it before Parliament. Within 3 days after the document is presented to Parliament, a no-confidence motion may be tabled, and if endorsed, it leads to the Cabinet stepping down.

    The Opposition argues that the proposed measures will have a negative impact on the economy, on entrepreneurs and the liberal professions, which is why Save Romania Union announced it was already discussing with other parliamentary parties the options for a no-confidence motion.

    In theory, such a motion stands no chances to pass, but in practice nothing is impossible. And since in 2024 Romania will hold local, parliamentary, presidential and EU elections, the stakes are huge and a failure, either for the government, or for the Opposition, is equally dangerous. (AMP)

  • 19.09.2023 (mise à jour)

    19.09.2023 (mise à jour)

    ONU – Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis participe au sommet de la 78e session de l’Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des nations unies à New York. Il doit s’exprimer mercredi dans le cadre des débats généraux de la session. Mardi, la ministre roumaine des Affaires Etrangères, Luminiţa Odobescu, a participé à la troisième réunion du format trilatéral UE – Arabie – Saudite – Ligue des Etats Arabes, organisée avec la participation de l’Egypte et de la Jordanie, en marge de la 78ème session de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU. Dans un communiqué du Ministère roumain des Affaires Etrangères, le principal but de ce format porte sur la relance du processus de paix au Moyen Orient et sur la protection de la perspective des deux Etats, israélien et palestinien. La responsable de Bucarest a exprimé le soutien de la Roumanie à ce format trilatéral, tout en soulignant la nécessité de la mise en place d’un horizon politique crédible et d’une série de mesures censées renforcer la confiance et débloquer les négociations de paix. Luminita Odobescu a par ailleurs plaidé pour le maintien du statu quo sur les lieux saints de Jérusalem, tout en mettant en avant le rôle de gardien de la Jordanie.

    Fiscalité – Au bout de deux mois de négociations entre le PSD et le PNL, le ministre roumain des Finances a soumis enfin au débat public la proposition de loi concernant les nouvelles mesures fiscales et budgétaires. Au terme du nouveau projet, le taux de cotisation des micro-entreprises dont les recettes ne dépassent pas les 60.000 euros sera de 1%, tandis qu’à partir de cette somme il sera de 3%. Le même taux sera appliqué aux entreprises des domaines du logiciel, du juridique ou de l’assistance médicale. Les salariés du BTT et de l’Industrie alimentaire seront tenus pour payer leur contribution à la Sécurité sociale, tandis que les informaticiens devront payer un impôt sur le revenu pour les sommes dépassant les 10.000 lei, soit 2000 euros. Le gouvernement instaure aussi un taux d’imposition minimal sur le chiffre d’affaires dans le cas des grandes compagnies et une taxe supplémentaire d’1% pour les banques. L’Exécutif doit assumer sa responsabilité pour ce nouveau paquet législatif d’ici la fin du mois afin que les mesures soient mises en place à partir du 1 octobre. Selon les autorités, les nouvelles prévisions arriveront à faire baisser le déficit budgétaire, en écartant le risque que le pays se voit priver de milliards d’euros de fonds européens. Les élus de l’USR, d’opposition, ont déclaré déposer une motion de censure visant le paquet de mesures fiscales a annoncé le leader du parti, le député Cătălin Drulă.

    Fermiers – Les
    agriculteurs bulgares ont protesté ce mardi encore contre la reprise des
    importations de céréales ukrainiennes décidée par le gouvernement de Sofia
    suite à la levée de l’embargo par l’UE. Pour sa part, Bucarest a décidé
    d’autoriser de nouveau le transit des céréales ukrainiennes, mais il a mis en
    place une série de restrictions en vigueur un mois durant, le temps que l’Ukraine
    introduise des normes pour contrôler ses exportations. Par conséquent, les
    cultivateurs roumains ont suspendu leurs protestations. Rappelons que la
    Pologne, la Slovaquie et la Hongrie ont décidé à l’unisson de continuer à
    interdire les importations de céréales ukrainiennes en poussant Kiev à dénoncer
    la mesure auprès de l’Organisation mondiale du Commerce.

    Cannabis – Le Sénat de Bucarest a rejeté une proposition de loi censée autoriser la possession d’une quantité de cannabis de trois grammes tout au plus pour usage personnel. Initié par un groupe de députés non affilié, le projet voudrait remplacer les sanctions pénales par des amendes allant de 200 à 600 euros. La proposition sera soumise au vote de la Chambre des députés qui est la chambre décisionnelle dans cette affaire.

    Festival – Le Festival international de musique George Enescu, en est à sa dernière semaine. D’ici et jusqu’à dimanche, le public est attendu à une série de concerts organisés sur la Place du festival, près de l’Athénée roumain. L’entrée est libre et les spectateurs mélomanes pourront écouter des orchestres renommés de Roumanie et de République de Moldavie, accompagnant des solistes célèbres. Le Big Band de la radio sous la baguette de Simona Strungaru sera en concert vendredi soir. Dimanche, le dernier spectacle à l’affiche du festival sera l’orchestre de la Camerata royale qui accompagnera le fameux percussionniste, Zoli Toth.

    Météo – Il fait beau en Roumanie ce mercredi, avec des températures particulièrement élevées. Les maximas de mercredi iront de 22 à 31 degrés. 29 degrés et du soleil à Bucarest aussi.

  • September 19, 2023

    September 19, 2023

    UN The president of Romania
    Klaus Iohannis takes part in the UN General Assembly in New York, and is
    to attend the summit on Sustainable Development Goals. In his address, Mr.
    Iohannis will reiterate Romania’s firm support for efficient multilateralism,
    compliance with international law and a rule-based international
    order. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent, the General Assembly
    session is affected by global divisions, deepened by recurrent crises and in
    particular by Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. The Ukrainian president Volodymyr
    Zelenskyy will attend the meeting for the first time since the war in his
    country started, and is to address today leaders from around the world present
    in New York. The US president Joe Biden will also give his traditional speech
    before the Assembly and will plead for stronger action to fight global warming,
    and for continuing support to Ukraine for as long as necessary.

    TAXES The
    Romanian finance ministry has released for public review a draft law on new tax
    and budget related measures, after nearly 2 months of negotiations between the
    2 members of the ruling coalition, the Social Democrats and the National
    Liberals. Under the bill, micro-enterprises will have to pay a 1% tax on
    revenues under EUR 60,000, and 3% if their turnover is above this threshold. The
    same tax will be levied on software development companies, judicial activities
    or healthcare assistance firms. The employees in constructions and in the food
    industry will have to pay healthcare insurance contributions, while IT staff
    will pay a tax on revenues for all amounts over EUR 2,000. A minimum tax on
    revenues is also introduced for large companies, while banks will have to pay
    an additional 1% tax. The government will take responsibility for this set of
    measures by the end of this month, so that the bill may take effect on October
    1. According to the authorities, the new provisions will help narrow the budget
    deficit and avoid losing billions of Euros in EU funding.

    CANNABIS The Senate of Romania Tuesday
    voted against a bill to decriminalise possession of up to 3 grams of cannabis
    for personal use, and to replace criminal penalties with fines ranging from EUR
    200 to 600. The bill was tabled by a group of non-affiliated MPs, and is next
    to be voted on in the Chamber of Deputies.

    GRAINS Bulgarian
    farmers carry on protests against resuming the imports of Ukrainian grains,
    accepted by the Bulgarian government after the European Commission decided not
    to extend the ban on such imports. In turn, Bucharest continues to allow the
    transit of Ukrainian grains, but has introduced one-month import restrictions
    until Kyiv comes up with a plan for its exports. The measure persuaded Romanian
    farmers to give up their protests. Poland, Slovakia and Hungary unilaterally
    banned imports of Ukrainian grain, prompting Kyiv to complain against them at
    the World Trade Organisation. We have more on this after the news.

    Romania has sent a second installment of aid to flood-devastated Libya. Two C-130
    airctaft of the Romanian Air Forces have 6 trips planned to deliver 55 tonnes of
    food products and other emergency aid. Libya will also receive over EUR 5 mln
    for shelters, food, water, and medicines. The death toll so far is over 11,000,
    while another 10,000 people are still missing.

    The George Enescu International Music Festival in Bucharest has reached its
    final week. Until Sunday, the public are invited to attend free of charge
    classical music concerts held in the Festival Square near the Romanian
    Athenaeum, where celebrated orchestras from Romania and the Republic of Moldova
    will accompany famous soloists and instrumentalists. The Radio Romania Big Band
    conducted by Simona Strungaru, will give a concert on Friday. On Sunday, the last
    performance in the Festival will be given by the Camerata Regală orchestra with
    the percussionist Zoli Toth. (AMP)

  • Trade balance deficit on a downward trend

    Trade balance deficit on a downward trend

    Traditionally an importer, post-communist Romanias economy buys more than it sells, and the trade balance deficit is a chronic issue. The first seven months of 2023 promise, however, slight corrections. In this interval, the deficit stood at 15.6 billion Euros, 17% lower than the same period last year, show data published by the National Institute of Statistics. Romanias exports totaled 55 billion Euros, 4.6% higher than in the same period of the previous year. At the same time, between January 1 and July 31, 2023, Romania imported goods worth 70 billion Euros, down by 1.1% as compared to the similar period of 2022. Important shares in the structure of commercial exchanges are held by cars and transport equipment (44.8% for export and 36.3% for import) and by other manufactured products (30.3% for export and 29.2% for import).

    The Romanian economy remains strongly anchored in the trade flows of the European Union. The value of intra-EU27 goods exchanges in the first seven months of 2023 was over 40 billion Euros for exports and 52 billion for imports, accounting for 72.8% of the total exports and 73.6% of the total imports. The value of extra-EU27 exchanges was almost 15 billion Euros for exports and over 18 billion for imports, accounting for 27.2% of the total exports and 26.4% of the total imports. A few days ago, the Fitch rating agency reconfirmed Romanias sovereign rating at BBB minus, with a stable outlook. The decision is supported by capital flows from the European Union, which support investments and the country’s macroeconomic stability, as well as by the positive evolution of the GDP per capita and indicators of governance and human development, which are at higher levels as compared with other countries from the same rating group. According to Fitch, the Romanian economy will register a 2.9% growth this year and 3.2% next year.

    The Finance Minister, Marcel Boloş, wrote on his Facebook page that the Fitch Agencys decision to reconfirm Romanias sovereign rating is a strong signal that the country is on the right track and is regarded with confidence by international investors. Experts argue, however, that Romanias rating could be improved, if the authorities manage to reduce the budget deficit and the public debt in the medium term. The international economic press writes that Romania now wants to raise approximately three billion Euros from the international markets, through the third sale of bonds this year. The Romanian government exceeds its loan target, in the context in which, it will most likely need more funds to finance a larger budget deficit, the foreign experts conclude. (LS)

  • September 12, 2023

    September 12, 2023

    Welfare. Some 2 million vulnerable households n Romania will benefit from fresh financial aid starting this week. Its the second installment, worth 140 euro, for the payment of bills for electricity, heat, gas and other fuels that can be used to heat homes. The first tranche was disbursed at the beginning of the year. In total, the amount received in 2023 by a family with financial problems is 1,400 lei, from European funds. In another move, starting next month, pensioners with incomes lower or equal to 3,000 lei (aprox 600 Euro) will benefit from the second installment of the aid granted by the state. Moreover, this year, the Romanian citizens belonging to vulnerable categories are getting from the state social cards, which means 50 euro every two months for food and warm meals. According to the Labour Minister, this measure benefits approximately 2.5 million people.

    NATO. The Deputy Secretary General of NATO, the Romanian Mircea Geoană, has stated that there are no indications that the Russian Federation intends to attack a member state of the Alliance, but the concern of the Romanian citizens who live near the Danube border with Ukraine is understandable. ” My message, as a Romanian, is to try to have faith in the fact that the North Atlantic Alliance has all the measures in place to ensure the protection of the entire allied space, including Romania”, Geoană also said. He welcomed the USs decision to add air policing missions in the Black Sea area. In another development, a joint military exercise is taking place, until Friday, in the Black Sea and the Danube Delta. 227 soldiers, of which 164 Romanians and 63 foreigners, are participating in the multinational exercise Sea Breeze, organized by the United States of America for the first time in Romania. The exercises contribute to increasing stability in the Black Sea region and ensuring freedom of navigation, as a result of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

    Deficit. Romanias trade balance deficit, for the first seven months of 2023, stood at 15.6 billion euros, 17% lower than the same period last year. According to the National Institute of Statistics, during this period, Romanias exports totaled 55 billion euros, 4.6% higher than the similar period of the previous year. At the same time, between January 1 and July 31, 2023, Romania imported goods worth 70 billion euros, down 1.1% compared to the similar period in 2022.

    Poetry. The 13th International Poetry Festival started in Bucharest on Monday. For one week, the event, appreciated by specialists as one of the most watched in Europe, brings together over 170 poets from 27 countries on four continents. The program includes meetings with poets, translators and editors, public readings, debates, round tables, colloquiums, poetry marathons or performances, but also theater shows, film screenings and concerts, exhibitions and events dedicated to professionals. As part of the International Poetry Festival, a well-known and popular project is also organized – the National Poetry Book Fair, which brings to the fore the latest and most important volumes of poetry.

    Festival. Vladimir Jurowski, one of the most well-known and appreciated conductors in the world, returns to Bucharest with the Bavarian State Opera Orchestra to perform two concerts, on Wednesday and Thursday, as part of the George Enescu International Festival. Vladimir Jurowski has been actively involved in promoting and supporting the musical legacy of the greatest Romanian composer, George Enescu, since 2005, when he came to the Enescu Festival for the first time with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Between 2017 and 2021, he was the artistic director of the Festival, being an enthusiastic promoter of Enescus music worldwide. We remind you that, this year, at the 26th edition of the George Enescu Festival, over 3,500 artists have been invited to the stages in Bucharest, in 90 concerts held over 29 days (27 August – 24 September).

    Sports. The Romanian national football team plays, this evening, at home, against Kosovo, in Group I of the EURO 2024 preliminaries. On Saturday, also at home, the tricolors ended in a tie with the Israeli national team, 1-1. In another move, the Romanian national mens volleyball team was defeated by France, the reigning Olympic champion, with 3-0, on Monday evening, in Varna (Bulgaria), in the quarter-finals of the European Mens Volleyball Championship – CEV EuroVolley 2023. Thus, France got revenge after Romanias surprise victory in the group stage, with a score of 3-1. Romania has not been among the top eight volleyball teams of the continent for 40 years, after finishing in 8th place in 1983. At the previous edition of the European Championship in which they participated, in 2019, the Romanian volleyball players ranked 21st The record of the tricolors includes a European title in 1963, two silver medals (1955, 1958) and two bronze medals (1971, 1977). (MI)

  • September 11, 2023 UPDATE

    September 11, 2023 UPDATE

    SCHOOL The Romanian
    President Klaus Iohannis announced that the issue of drug consumption among
    young people will be included on the agenda of the next meeting of the
    country’s Supreme Council of National Defense. Attending the opening of the new
    pre-university year at a school in Bucharest on Monday, he emphasized that this
    phenomenon represents a serious challenge to national security. Klaus Iohannis
    also said that he continued to support the increase in teachers’ salaries as of
    January 1, 2024. He gave assurances that he remained firm and would support all
    measures to make the commitments made by the Government this summer come true.
    The new school year started, in Romania on Monday, for approximately 3 million
    pupils and preschoolers. It will have 36 weeks of courses, and it is organized
    in five modules, just like the previous one. The Green Week and
    Doing School Differently will take place between September 11, 2023
    – April 26, 2024 and can be set by schools in any of modules 1, 2, 3 or 4, in
    intervals of 5 consecutive working days. The school year will end on June 21,
    2024. The pupils entering the 5th grade will be the first to take an additional
    high school entrance exam in the summer of 2027.

    DEFICIT Romania’s trade deficit in the first seven months of this
    year stood at 15.6 billion Euros, 17% lower as compared to the same period last
    year, shows the latest data published by the National Institute for Statistics.
    In this period, Romania’s exports totaled 55 billion Euros, 4.6% higher than
    the similar period of the past year. At the same time, between January 1st
    and July 31st 2023, Romania imported goods of 70 billion Euros, 1.1%
    lower than in the same period of 2022. In July 2023, the country’s exports
    stood at 8 billion Euros, while imports at 10 billion, which created a deficit
    of 2 billion Euros. As compared to July last year, exports in July this year went
    down by 3% while imports by 11.5%.

    The Romanian and US Naval Forces are jointly organizing, as of Monday until
    Friday, September 15, a multinational exercise called Sea Breeze. It will take
    place in the area of ​​responsibility of the Romanian Naval Forces in the Black
    Sea and the Danube Delta and aims to develop teamwork between the participating
    countries in the field of combating explosive devices, especially sea mines, so
    that navigation can take place freely. Soldiers from Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine,
    France and the UK are also taking part in the exercise.

    Romania’s national football side is playing at home on Tuesday the selection of
    Kosovo, in a game counting towards Group one in the preliminaries of the
    European Championship due in Germany, next year. After five matches in the
    group, with two wins and three draws, Romania boasts nine points presently
    ranking second after Switzerland with 11 points. The group also includes
    Belarus and Andorra. The first two sides will be playing in the final
    tournament. Romania last qualified for a European football tournament in 2016
    and our latest participation in a World Cup was in 1998.


  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 03 -09.09.2023

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 03 -09.09.2023

    Ipoteză: o dronă rusească a căzut în România

    Alianţa Nord-Atlantică îşi reafirmă puternica solidaritate cu România, după ce a fost informată în legătură cu incidentul din apropierea graniţei acesteia cu Ucraina, unde au fost identificate posibile fragmente ale unei drone ruseşti. Vom continua să monitorizăm îndeaproape situaţia şi rămânem în contact cu aliatul nostru, România – afirmă NATO într-o declaraţie. Secretarul general al Alianței, Jens Stoltenberg, a declarat că nu există nici o informație care să indice un atac intenționat al Rusiei. El a mai spus că evenimentul demonstrează riscul unui accident provocat de conflictul din Ucraina și a amintit că incidente similare au mai avut loc în Polonia.

    Ministrul român al Apărării, Angel Tîlvăr, a anunţat că specialiştii MApN au ridicat probe din apropierea satului Plauru din judeţul Tulcea, la aproximativ 70 de metri de Dunăre. Purtătorul de cuvânt al ministerului a precizat că au fost stabilite măsuri de întărire a capacității tehnice de monitorizare și de securizare a spațiului aerian.

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat că, în situația în care se confirmă că drona aparține Rusiei, incidentul reprezintă o încălcare gravă a suveranității și integrității teritoriale ale României. Cu o zi înainte, şeful statului afirmase că nu a existat nici o piesă şi nici o dronă şi nici o altă parte a vreunui dispozitiv care a ajuns în România.

    Rușii țintesc frecvent porturile fluviale Ismail și Reni, din sudul Basarabiei, teritoriu românesc răsăritean anexat de Uniunea Sovietică stalinistă în 1940, în urma unui ultimatum, și preluat de Ucraina în 1991, ca stat succesor. Aceste porturi sunt o ieşire importantă pentru exporturile ucrainene, după ce, în iulie, Rusia s-a retras din acordul privind tranzitul cerealelor prin Marea Neagră. Esențiale pentru transportul mărfurilor pe Dunăre, Reni se afla la circa 13 kilometri în linie dreaptă de orașul românesc Galați, iar Izmail e pe braţul Chilia al Deltei, devenit graniţă între România şi Ucraina.

    Summit regional la București

    Bucureștiul a găzduit, miercuri, Summitul Inițiativei celor Trei Mări, care include țările membre ale Uniunii Europene situate între mările Baltică, Neagră şi Adriatică. Cu acest prilej, Grecia a devenit cea de-a 13-a ţară membră a Iniţiativei, iar Ucraina şi Republica Moldova au obţinut calitatea de state asociate. În declaraţia finală comună, liderii statelor participante şi-au reafirmat sprijinul pentru Ucraina şi au condamnat, din nou, invazia rusească declanșată acum un an și jumătate. În marja summitului, joi, a avut loc Forumul de Afaceri al Iniţiativei celor Trei Mări, care-a reunit peste o mie de reprezentanţi ai mediului de afaceri, decidenţi politici şi reprezentanţi ai societăţii civile. Autorităţile române au repetat că sunt interesate de realizarea unor proiecte care să sporească gradul de interconectare în regiune.

    Guvernul îşi asumă răspunderea pentru reducerea deficitului fiscal

    Şeful social-democrat al Guvernului PSD-PNL, Marcel Ciolacu, a anunţat, marţi, că echipa sa executiva îşi va asuma, până la sfârşitul acestei luni, răspunderea în Parlament pentru măsurile prin care speră să reducă deficitul bugetar. Fără să intre în detalii, premierul a declarat că pachetul de măsuri va cuprinde combaterea evaziunii fiscale, despre care experţii spun că e cvasi-generalizată în unele sectoare, reforme în sistemul administrativ central şi local, despre care tot experţii spun că e gonflat, precum şi o reformă a fiscalităţii, ce figurează ca jalon în Planul Naţional de Redresare şi Rezilienţă, convenit cu Bruxellesul. Social-democrații și liberalii domină confortabil Parlamentul, așa că e foarte probabil ca, odată convenite între ei, reformele promise de Ciolacu să treacă, iar guvernul să-și continue mandatul. Cei doi poli ai opoziţiei, USR şi AUR, care se declară incompatibili ideologic, anunță că, în actuala legislatură, vor iniția, separat, moțiuni de cenzură contra Cabinetului, iar presa susține că șansele ca vreuna să fie adoptată sunt nule.

    Arestări în dosarul Crevedia

    Patronii firmei care deţine staţia GPL din Crevedi, unde luna trecută au avut loc două explozii soldate cu numeroase victime, au fost arestaţi preventiv pentru 30 de zile. Procurorii au pus sechestru pe mai multe imobile şi conturi bancare ale celor doi, pentru ca statul să poată asigura despăgubirile pentru victime. Potrivit autorităţilor, în urma exploziilor de pe 26 august au murit cinci persoane și peste 50 au fost rănite. Șase case au fost distruse în totalitate, iar aproape 80 parţial. Patronii firmei sunt acuzaţi că, de cel puţin trei ani, au promovat în mod sistematic încălcarea dispoziţiilor legale privind derularea operaţiunilor de alimentare, transport, transfer şi depozitare de combustibil GPL.

    Premieră la US Open

    Jucătoarea română de tenis Sorana Cîrstea s-a calificat, în premieră, în sferturile de finală ale turneului US Open, ultimul de Mare Şlem al anului, de unde a fost eliminată de Karolina Muchova, din Cehia. Cîrstea a reuşit cea mai mare performanţă a sa la turneul new-yorkez. Ea mai jucat un singur sfert de finală la un turneu de Mare Şlem, în 2009, la Roland Garros, când avea 19 doar ani. Grație punctelor câștigate la Flushing Meadows, ea va urca patru locuri în ierarhia mondială, urmând să se afle de luni pe locul 26 WTA. În absenţa fostului număr unu mondial, Simona Halep, suspendată de un an pentru un presupus dopaj încă neelucidat, Sorana Cîrstea pare să fi devenit, potrivit presei sportive, liderul de facto al tenisului românesc.

  • Priorităţile sesiunii parlamentare

    Priorităţile sesiunii parlamentare

    Senatul şi Camera Deputaţilor de la București au început luni a doua sesiune parlamentară ordinară a anului. Printre priorități se numără, alături de angajarea răspunderii Guvernului pentru un pachet legislativ care vizează modificări fiscale şi reforma administraţiei, o nouă lege a pensiilor sau pedepse mai dure pentru şoferii aflaţi la volan sub influenţa alcoolului sau a drogurilor,

    Premierul Marcel Ciolacu, liderul PSD: Ştim că sunt foarte multe inechităţi în vechea lege a pensiilor. În continuare avem pensii de 1.500 lei (n.r. 300 euro), dar şi de 30-40.000 lei (n.r. 6 – 8.000 de euro). Am vorbit cu colegii şi despre pachetul care o să fie cuprins într-o singură lege, în legea de asumare a răspunderii, atât cu combaterea evaziunii, cu reformele din administraţia locală, cât şi cu măsurile pentru a ne încadra cu un deficit mai mic decât anul trecut.

    De altfel, primul ministru a încercat, zilele trecute, la Bruxelles, să convingă Comisia Europeană de capacitatea executivului de la Bucureşti de a respecta o nouă ţintă de deficit bugetar anul acesta, cu un procent mai mare față de cel asumat de România, de 4,4%, pentru a acoperi ajutorul pe care Bucureştiul l-a acordat Ucrainei şi Republicii Moldova, vecine. Iar PNRR și pensiile speciale au fost și ele în centrul recentelor negocieri.

    Şi partenerii de guvernare ai social – democraților, liberalii, au anunțat că o nouă lege a pensiilor, care să rezolve inechităţile din sistem, este o prioritate. Deocamdată însă, documentul privind reforma pensiilor speciale a fost declarat parţial neconstituţional de judecătorii Curții Constituționale a României, chiar dacă modificările aduse pensiilor speciale reprezintă o cerinţă din PNRR.

    Pe de altă parte, opoziția anunţă o moţiune de cenzură dacă pachetul de măsuri fiscal-bugetare va fi adoptat prin angajarea răspunderii Guvernului. Liderul USR, Cătălin Drulă, consideră că o creştere a taxelor şi a impozitelor nu este o soluţie viabilă.

    Cătălin Drulă: Ciolacu se pregăteşte să îngroape economia României! Deja a frânat creşterea economică, e plată, business-urile se plâng, nu mai există comenzi, scad vânzările şi vor să crească taxele şi să alunge investitorii din România. De ce? Pentru a plăti nota de plată a dezmăţului de la buget.

    Marcel Ciolacu a dat, însă, asigurări la Bruxelles că România este un partener credibil şi responsabil şi mai ales corect, atât al Consiliului, al Comisiei, cât şi al Parlamentului European.

    Experţii guvernamentali români continuă să discute cu oficialii europeni despre renegocierea PNRR, ținând cont de principiile stabilite de premier la întâlnirile pe care le-a avut la Bruxelles. După ce Comisia Europeană va vedea reformele pe care le face guvernul, ea va propune Consiliului European o renegociere a valorii deficitului bugetar, ceea ce va permite Bucureştiului să obţină un deficit mai mare. O decizie privind noul procent ar putea să fie luată până la sfârşitul anului.

  • September 1, 2023 UPDATE

    September 1, 2023 UPDATE

    Visit – Romania is a credible and responsible partner, the Romanian PM Marcel Ciolacu said on Friday fresh from the meetings with the heads of the European institutions. In his first official visit to Brussels as head of government, he was received by the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, by the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, and by the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola. The Romanian Prime Minister discussed with the European officials about the budget deficit, saying that he does not agree with an increase in the VAT rate which would also lead to an increase in inflation. Romania, without any exception, will apply the provisions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the PM said. The head of the Romanian government went to Brussels to negotiate with the representatives of the European Commission the increase in the budget deficit, without losing European money. Romania had assumed a deficit target of 4.4%, but now wants to increase it to over 5%. Also, the prime minister wanted the expenses for supporting Ukraine and the defense investments to be deducted from the deficit. In this context, Marcel Ciolacu received thanks from the European officials for the strong support offered to Ukraine and the neighboring Republic of Moldova. On the other hand, they reconfirmed their support for Bucharests accession to the Schengen free travel area.

    Schengen — ‘Hungarys national interest is for Romania to accede to Schengen as soon as possible’ says the Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, who firmly asked Austria not to block Romanias accession to the free travel area this autumn. According to the Hungarian MTI news agency, the Hungarian official pointed out that the accession decision must be made based on facts. Romania is Hungarys third export market and a popular investment place for Hungarian capital, said Peter Szijjarto, recalling, at the same time, that a Romanian minority lives on the territory of Hungary, and a minority of Hungarians lives on the territory of Romania. Last December, Austria blocked the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen Area, claiming that it could not support the expansion of the free travel area as long as it is not functional.

    Cereals – A European Commission team is visiting Romania on Friday and Saturday to discuss about facilitating the export of Ukrainian grains on the Danube, after Russia left the Initiative on grain shipment through the Black Sea and threatens civil maritime transport. The team of experts will visit the Danube port of Galati (south-east) and will meet with representatives of the Lower Danube River Administration, of the port authorities and of ship pilots. The team of experts will also go to the Black Sea port of Constanta to meet with representatives of the Romanian Government, the port authority and the customs authority. Also, the delegation will meet with representatives of the operators, transporters and grain traders from the port of Constanţa, the European Commission announced.

    Diplomacy — The Romanian diplomacy will continue to support and promote solid partnerships and relations, based on democratic values, respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, international law and the rules-based international order, Romania’s Foreign Minister, Luminiţa Odobescu, said on Friday. In her message conveyed on the occasion of the Romanian Diplomacy Day, Mrs. Odobescu recalls that the day is celebrated in a difficult and complex regional context, which, together with accelerated global developments, requires, more than ever, a predictable, coherent, adapted, dynamic and anticipatory foreign policy. Referring to the priorities of the Romanian diplomacy, Luminiţa Odobescu mentioned the growth of Romanias role and influence in the European Union and NATO, as well as the development and deepening of the Strategic Partnership with the USA. The development of consular services for Romanian citizens outside the countrys borders will not be neglected either, the head of the Romanian diplomacy added.

    Volleyball — Romania’s national team won its first victory at the European Mens Volleyball Championship – CEV EuroVolley 2023, 3-2 against Turkey, on Friday, in Tel Avi-Yafo, in Group D of the competition. In the first two stages, the Romanian national team lost to Portugal, 0-3, and to Israel, 2-3. They will next play against Greece (on September 3) and France (on September 4). The first four teams qualify for the round of 16. The European Championship takes place in Israel, Italy, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, from August 28 to September 16. Romania ranked 21st in the previous edition of the European Championship in which it participated, in 2019. The record of the Romanian players includes a European title in 1963, two silver medals (1955, 1958) and two bronze medals (1971, 1977). (LS)

  • August 31, 2023 UPDATE

    August 31, 2023 UPDATE

    TALKS Romania’s Prime
    Minister, Marcel Ciolacu, will fly to Brussels on Friday for a new round of
    talks with the European Commission on the country’s budget deficit next year.
    The Executive in Bucharest would like a deficit over 5% and in order to
    convince Brussels, the Romanian Prime Minister is expected to propose a series
    of fiscal measures, including that of cutting the VAT quotas down to two and the
    elimination of some facilities. Ciolacu is expected to explain that a budget
    deficit over 5% is necessary as Romania had to support the neighboring Ukraine,
    affected by the war. Early this week, the European Commission held talks with
    government ministers from Romania. The conclusions of the aforementioned
    meetings have not been made public, but, according to some European sources,
    the Commission does not consider the measures proposed by the Romanian authorities
    who pledged to raise taxes and curb public expenses as being enough.

    VISIT A team of the European Commission is to visit Romania on
    Friday and Saturday for talks on ways to streamline the local capabilities handling
    the Ukrainian grain exports, after Russia has left the initiative regarding these
    exports through the Black Sea and is presently threatening maritime civil
    transportation. The expert team will be visiting the ports of Galati, on the
    Danube and meet representatives of the Lower Danube Administration, port
    authorities and pilots. The team will also travel to the Romanian Black Sea
    port of Constanta for talks with the representatives of the operators,
    transporters and grain traders here, the European Commission has announced.

    DAY A series of cultural events was staged simultaneously in
    Romania, the Republic of Moldova and the historic communities in the Diaspora
    to mark the Day of the Romanian Language on Thursday, August 31. Set by
    Parliament in Bucharest in 2013, the Day of the Romanian Language coincides
    with the national day in the Romanian-speaking, ex-soviet, Republic of Moldova,
    which thus pays homage to the local movement of national awakening. On August
    31 1989, during the soviet regime, the Parliament in Chisinau, picketed by
    about 750 thousand people, which accounted for a sixth of the country’s
    population at that time, decided the Romanian as the state language also
    shifting from the Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet.

    ITO As of Thursday the
    city of Timișoara in Western Romania is hosting the 7th edition of the
    International Meeting of Orthodox Youth (ITO). Attending are clergymen from at
    home and abroad, MPs, ministers and academia. The conference will tackle a
    number of issues tied to universal history and culture, but also human
    trafficking and drug abuse. Religious services will be held, whereas a march
    will commemorate the young people killed in the 1989 anti-communist revolution.
    The International Meeting of the Orthodox Youth is part of the agenda of the
    Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023 programme. The next meeting
    will be held in Bucharest in 2025, marking 100 years since the establishment of
    the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate.
