Tag: Deveselu

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 13.12 – 19.12.2015

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 13.12 – 19.12.2015

    Preşedintele Klaus
    Iohannis, un an de mandat

    Preşedintele României,
    Klaus Iohannis, a făcut, miercuri, în Parlament, un bilanţ al primului an de
    mandat în fruntea ţării. În opinia sa, 2015 a demonstrat că se poate obţine un
    acord larg pe subiecte publice, menţionând bugetul pe 2016 şi acordul politic
    pentru creşterea bugetului pentru apărare la 2% din PIB până în 2017. De o
    largă susţinere s-a bucurat şi strategia naţională de apărare în care au fost
    incluse, pentru prima dată, aspecte ce ţin de educaţie şi sănătate, de
    păstrarea identităţii naţionale sau de protejarea patrimoniului. Referindu-se
    la politica externă, Klaus Iohannis a declarat că, în 2015, obiectivele
    României au fost consolidarea parteneriatului cu SUA, întărirea parteneriatelor
    strategice cu ţări precum Franţa, Polonia, Germania, Spania, Marea Britanie şi
    Turcia, precum şi consolidarea raporturilor cu statele din vecinătate precum
    Ucraina, Serbia şi Bulgaria. Relaţia privilegiată cu Republica Moldova,
    majoritar românofonă, a fost şi va rămâne o constantă a politicii externe – a
    mai spus Klaus Iohannis.

    Bugetul României pe 2016 a fost aprobat

    Legislativul român a
    adoptat, în această săptămână, bugetul de stat şi pe cel al asigurărilor
    sociale pe 2016. Referindu-se la veniturile bugetare prognozate – cu 3,6
    miliarde de lei (800 milioane euro) mai mari decât în acest an – premierul
    Dacian Cioloş a declarat, în faţa plenului reunit al Parlamentului, că
    Executivul îşi propune să simplifice procesul de colectare, păstrând respectul
    pentru cetăţeni şi pentru agenţii economici. Pe partea de cheltuieli – majorate
    cu aproximativ 13 miliarde de lei (2,9 mld euro) – Guvernul intenţionează să
    reducă risipa, prin transparentizarea şi eficientizarea achiziţiilor publice,
    prin reformarea şi reducerea pierderilor companiilor de stat şi prin creşterea
    eficienţei administraţiei publice. Construcţia bugetară porneşte de la un
    nivel maxim de deficit de 3% din PIB, admis de UE, şi o
    creştere economică de 4,1%.

    comemorative la 26 de ani de la revoluţia anticomunistă

    România au loc, în aceste zile, manifestări prilejuite de implinirea a 26 de
    ani de la victoria revoluţiei anticomuniste, dar şi de comemorare a celor peste
    o mie de victime ale represiunii din decembrie 1989. Declanşată la Timişoara de o măsură abuzivă a autorităţilor locale, Revoluţia s-a extins rapid
    în toată în România şi a culminat, pe 22 decembrie, cu fuga de la putere a lui
    Nicolae Ceauşescu. Peste 1.000 de oameni au murit şi aproape 3.400 au fost
    răniţi între 16 şi 25 decembrie 1989. România a fost singura ţară din Blocul
    Estic unde schimbarea regimului s-a făcut violent şi în care conducătorii
    comunişti au fost executaţi, după o judecată sumară.

    Proteste ale transportatorilor
    şi oierilor, la Bucureşti

    Mii de
    transportatori români au protestat, joi, în Bucureşti, nemultumiţi, în
    principal, de majorarea preţurilor poliţelor de asigurare auto obligatorie. Alte
    nemulţumiri ale transportatorilor ţin de menţinerea supraacizei la carburanţi
    şi după 1 ianuarie 2016 şi obligaţia operatorilor de transport de a plăti
    drepturile de autor pentru staţiile radio montate pe autovehicule, sumele fiind
    considerate prea mari. Nemulţumiţi
    de noile
    modificări la Legea vânătorii şi a protecţiei Fondului cinegetic, şi mii de crescători de animale au protestat în
    faţa Parlamentului de la Bucureşti. Controversata lege prevede limitarea
    numărului de căini de pază la stână. În plus, pentru
    gestionarea faunei cinegetice, legea interzice păşunatul din luna
    decembrie până în aprilie, ceea ce, spun oierii, le-ar aduce pagube însemnate.Ciobanii sunt revoltaţi şi
    susţin că nu pot păzi sute de oi cu doar
    doi-trei câini, în timp ce vânătorii se plâng că patrupedele acestora ucid iepuri şi caprioare.

    Scutul antirachetă de la

    această săptămână, componenta de la Deveselu a scutului
    american antirachetă este capabilă să funcţioneze din punct de vedere tehnic şi
    urmează să fie integrată în structura NATO. Un comunicat al diplomaţiei de la
    Bucureşti precizează că activarea sistemului de apărare antirachetă de la
    Deveselu reprezintă un proiect de referinţă în consolidarea Parteneriatului
    strategic dintre România şi Statele Unite – ţări între care relaţiile
    diplomatice au fost stabilite în urmă cu 135 de ani. Sistemul de rachete
    interceptoare distruge rachetele ostile cu forţa cinetică fără un alt tip de
    încărcătură explozivă sau nucleară, a explicat la Radio România, Bogdan
    Aurescu, negociatorul şef al acordului privind amplasarea în România a
    sistemului american antirachetă. Şeful diplomaţiei române, Lazăr Comănescu, a
    reiterat că sistemul nu este îndreptat împotriva Rusiei – elementele scutului
    sunt folosite strict pentru protejarea teritoriului şi populaţiei României în
    faţa unor ameninţări concrete.

    Legea antifumat a trecut de Camera
    Deputaţilor, for decizional în aceste caz

    Deputaţilor a adoptat legea care interzice fumatul în spaţiile publice închise,
    proiect care trecuse de Senat încă din 2011. Actul normativ interzice
    complet fumatul în toate spaţiile publice închise, în spaţiile închise de la
    locul de muncă, în unităţile sanitare şi de învăţământ, în mijloacele de
    transport în comun, dar şi la locurile de joacă, indiferent dacă sunt spaţii
    închise sau în aer liber. Deşi patronii din România se tem să
    nu-şi piardă clienţii, experienţa celorlalte ţări cu legi similare arată că
    fumătorii nu au renunţat să iasă în cluburi şi baruri. În plus, absenţa fumului
    în localuri va permite şi instalarea de senzori pentru fum ca metodă de
    siguranţă antiincendiu. Cele mai recente date ale INS arată că unul din cinci
    români fumează zilnic.

    Dacian Cioloş, la Consiliul European de la Bruxelles

    imigraţiei, securizarea frontierelor externe ale Uniunii Europene, combaterea
    terorismului, precum şi propunerile britanice de reformare a Uniunii au dominat
    summitul european, de joi şi vineri, de la Bruxelles, la care România a fost
    reprezentată de premierul Dacian Cioloş. Bucureştiul susţine
    aplicarea măsurilor care vizează securizarea frontierelor externe ale UE,
    pentru garantarea securităţii interne, menţinându-se, totodată, principiul
    libertăţii de circulaţie în interiorul forului comunitar.

  • Nachrichten 18.12.2015

    Nachrichten 18.12.2015

    Bucuresti: Der US Botschafter in Bukarest Hans Klemm hat am Freitag erklärt, der Antiraketen-Schild in Deveselu sei eine Bestätigung der besonderen Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Rumänien. Klemm beteiligte sich an den Feierlichkeiten der Erklärung der Einssatzbereitschaft des Schildes und hob den defensiven Charakter des Systems hervor. Das System sei gegen die Gefahren, die Europa von au‎ßen bedrohen gerichtet, fügte er hinzu. Der rumänische Verteidigungsminister Mihnea Motoc erklärte seinerseits, der Anti-Raketen-Schild sei das bedeutendste strategische rumänisch-amerikanische Vorhaben.

    Bucuresti: Rumäniens Präsident Klaus Iohannis hat am Freitag das Haushaltsgesetz und das Gesetz der staatlichen Sozialversicherungen für das Jahr 2016 promulgiert. Diese wurden am Mittwoch vom Parlament verabschiedet. Ministerpräsident Dacian Cioloş versicherte, dass sein Team das Geld transparent, wirschaftlich und vorsichtig verwalten wird, sodass es keine Abweichungen geben wird. Unterdessen erwarten 63% der rumänischen Geschäftsführer eine Verbesserung der rumänischen Wirtschaft 2016. Aus einer Umfrage, die in Mittel- und Osteueropa stattgefunden hat, ergibt sich, dass 98% der rumänischen Manager die Schwarzwirtschaft als Problem betrachten. 39% sagten, dass die Steuerumgehung durch die falsche Angabe der Realeinkommen der Hauptgrund zur Besorgnis sei. Au‎ßerdem zeigen die rumänischen Geschäftsleute ein grö‎ßeres Vertrauen gegenüber der Entwicklung des Euro als die Befragten in anderen mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern.

    Brüssel: Rumänien beabsichtigt die Republik Moldau finanziell zu unterstützen, werde Chişinău eine Regierung bilden, die reformwillig ist. Diese Ankündigung machte am Freitag in Brüssel am Ende des Europäischen Winterrates, der rumänische Premierminister Dacian Cioloş. Er diskutierte dieses Thema mit der europäischen Chefdiplomatin Federica Mogherini. Rumänien, so Ministerpräsident Cioloş möchte mit der Europäischen Kommission und dem IWF eng zusammenarbeiten, um sich zu vergewissern, dass die finanzielle Hilfe Chişinău rechtzeitig unterstützt. Au‎ßerdem untestütze es einen Reformprozess, die Korruptionsbekämpfung, die Effektivitätssteigerung der Verwaltung und die Öffnung des Wirtschafts- und Geschäftsumfelds. Dacian Cioloş kündigte au‎ßerdem an, er werde nächstes Jahr besuche in Deutschland, Frankreich und den Niederlanden unternehmen. Au‎ßerdem soll er nach Brüssel zurück kehren, um im Detail über die Rolle Rumäniens in der Europäischen Union zu sprechen. Die EU-Staats und Regierungschefs berieten am Freitag in Brüssel über die Bekämpfung des Terrorismus, über die Zukunft der Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion sowie über die gemeinsame Energiepolitik. Am Tag davor hatten die Staats- und Regierungschefs der 28 Mitgliedsstaaten beschlossen, die Kontrollen bei den Grenzen des Schengenraums zu verstärken und die Verwaltung der Flüchlingskrise zu verbessern. Rumäniens Ministerpäsident Dacian Cioloş erklärte, die Idee der Gründung einer europäischen Agentur für EU- Grenzschutz sei besonders gut. Die Antwort darauf wurde weitere sechs Monate verschoben. Die Vorschläge Gro‎ßbritanniens zu einer neuen Verhandlung seines Statutes als EU-Mitglied sollen auf dem Gipfeltreffen im Februar weietr angegangen werden.

    Bukarest: In Temeswar haben auch am Freitag Gedenkveranstaltungen anlässlich der 26. Jährung der Revolution vom Dezember 1989 stattgefunden. Der 17. Dezember ist im westrumänischen Temeswar ein Trauertag. An diesem Tag gedenkt man der Opfer der antikommunistischen Revolution von 1989. 90 Menschen starben während der Revolten vor 26 Jahren in Temeswar. Weitere knapp 400 Menschen wurden verletzt. In der Metropoliten-Kathedrale fand eine Gedenkmesse für die Helden statt. Mehr als 1000 Menschen verloren bei den landesweiten Protesten zwischen dem 16. und 25. Dezember 1989 ihr Leben, weitere 3400 wurden verletzt. Rumänien war das einzige Land im Ostblock, in dem die Wende mit Gewalt herbeigeführt wurde. Diktator Nicolae Ceausescu und seine Frau Elena wurden zum Tode verurteilt und am ersten Weihnachtstag hingerichtet. Das rumänische Parlament wird am 21. Dezember zu einer Gedenksitzung zusammen kommen.

  • US-Raketenstützpunkt in Südrumänien ist einsatzbereit

    US-Raketenstützpunkt in Südrumänien ist einsatzbereit

    In den letzten Jahren haben die USA und Rumänien ihr bilaterales Verhältnis intensiviert. Zwar dürfen rumänische Staatsbürger immer noch nicht ohne Visum in die USA einreisen und die großen US-Investoren bleiben Rumänien nach wie vor fern, doch auf politischer und militärischer Ebene hat die Kooperation durch den Stützpunkt in Deveselu einen neuen Höhepunkt erreicht. Seit Freitag ist der Raketenstützpunkt nun einsatzbereit. Die fortgeschrittenen Radaranlagen und Auffangraketen stellen eine wichtige Verteidigungssäule unter dem Dach der NATO dar. An der Zeremonie der Indienststellung beteiligten sich von rumänischer Seite Verteidigungsminister Mihnea Motoc und Außenminister Lazăr Comănescu, von amerikanischer Seite kamen Botschafter Hans Klemm, der Direktor für die US-Raketenabwehr, Vizeadmiral James Syring sowie Patrick Auroy, Assistent des NATO-Generalsekretärs. Der rumänische Außenminister bekräftigte dabei erneut, dass die Anlage in Deveselu eine rein defensive sei – zuvor hatte Russland mehrmals ohne glaubwürdige Argumente den Stützpunkt als Bedrohung für seine Sicherheit ausgelegt. Auch der bisherige Außenminister Bogdan Aurescu, der von rumänischer Seite die Verhandlugen für die Errichtung des Stützpunktes geleitet hatte, bestätigte diesen Ansatz: Dieser Standort enstpricht am besten der Notwendigkeit, das Gebiet, die Bevölkerung und die Streitkräfte der Allierten vor eventuellen feindlichen Raketen von außerhalb des euroatlantischen Raumes zu schützen, vor allem von jenen aus dem Nahen Osten.

    Der Raketenstützpunkt in Deveselu wird im Jahr einsatzbereit, in dem die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Bukarest und Washington sich zum 135. Mal jähren. Zu diesem Anlass verabschiedeten die beiden Kammern der US-Legislative Resolutionen. Vor zwei Wochen bescheinigte die US-Repräsentantenkammer Rumänien den Status eines Schlüsselalliierten; der Senat würdigte erst vor einigen Tagen den Schulterschluss zwischen den beiden Ländern. Und auch Rumänien sieht in den USA den größten Freund und Partner, der die notwendige Sicherheit garantieren kann.

  • Le bouclier antimissile, mise en service

    Le bouclier antimissile, mise en service

    Cela fait déjà plusieurs années que Bucarest et Washington ne cessent de prouver que leurs rapports soient des plus spéciaux. Malgré l’absence des grands investisseurs américains en Roumanie et l’exclusion de la Roumanie du programme Visa Waiver permettant aux citoyens étrangers de voyager sans visa, à travers les Etats Unis, pour une période de 90 jours, les rapports politiques et militaires bilatéraux connaissent leur apogée, opinent les analystes de politique étrangère de Bucarest.

    Le dernier succès consiste en la mise en service à partir de ce vendredi des éléments du bouclier antimissile américain sur la base de Deveselu. Ce site militaire accueillant un radar sophistiqué, des missiles d’interception balistiques et d’équipement moderne de communication sera un des principaux piliers d’une construction sécuritaire plus ample sous l’égide de l’OTAN.

    Pour saluer le succès des rapports roumano-américains, la diplomatie de Bucarest a organisé une cérémonie en présence des ministres roumains de la Défense et des Affaires Etrangères, Mihnea Motoc et respectivement Lazăr Comănescu, de l’ambassadeur américain à Bucarest, Hans Klemm, du directeur de l’Agence pour la défense antimissile, le vice-amiral James D. Syring et de l’assistant au secrétaire général de l’Alliance, Patrick Auroy.

    Une occasion pour le chef de la diplomatie roumaine de contrecarrer, une fois de plus, les affirmations de Moscou selon lesquelles les éléments du bouclier antimissile américain installé à Deveselu représentent une menace à l’adresse de sa sécurité. La base de Deveselu a un rôle purement défensif, a lancé Lazăr Comănescu soutenu dans ses propos par Bogdan Aurescu, ancien ministre des Affaires Etrangères et négociateur en chef de la Roumanie dans les discussions précédant la signature de l’accord visant la mise en place en Roumanie des éléments du bouclier antimissile américain.

    Bogdan Aurescu: “Le déploiement des éléments du bouclier antimissile américain répond à la nécessité de protéger nos territoires, nos populations et les forces alliées contre les éventuels missiles hostiles provenant de l’extérieur de l’espace euro atlantique, notamment du Moyen Orient”.

    Véritable élément apportant un plus de valeur ajoutée au Partenariat stratégique bilatéral, le système de défense de Deveselu est devenu opérationnel au moment où Bucarest et Washington marque 135 années de relations diplomatiques. Un moment important marqué par des résolutions de la Chambre des Représentants et du Sénat américain. Après avoir attribué à la Roumanie, il y a deux semaines, le statut d’allié clé des Etats-Unis, la Chambre des représentants a exprimé ces jours-ci son appréciation envers le partenariat ferme entre Bucarest et Washington. A leur tour, les Roumains considèrent les Etats-Unis comme le meilleur ami de leur pays à même de leur garantir la sécurité. (trad.: Ioana Stancescu)

  • Escudo antimisiles está operativo

    Escudo antimisiles está operativo

    En los últimos años, Rumanía y EE.UU. han demostrado plenamente que su relación es especial. Aunque ha registrado dos retrasos importantes, a saber la falta de inversores estadounidenses en Rumanía y la no inclusión de Bucarest en el programa Visa Waiver, la cooperación política y militar ha alcanzado, según opinan los analistas de política externa de Bucarest, un nivel máximo.

    El último logro conjunto se refiere a los elementos del escudo antimisiles estadounidense instalado en la base militar de Deveselu (sur de Rumanía), que desde este viernes ya está operativo. El escudo de Deveselu, que incluye un rádar complejo, interceptores balísticos y equipos modernos de comunicaciones, será el pilar principal de una construcción de seguridad más amplia coordinada por la OTAN. Así, la diplomacia de Bucarest ha organizado una ceremonia donde han acudido los ministros rumanos de Defensa y Exteriores, Mihnea Motoc y Lazăr Comănescu, respectivamente, el embajador de EE.UU., Hans Klemm, el director de la Agencia de Defensa Antimisiles de EE.UU., el vicealmirante James Syring, y Patrick Auroy, el asistente del Secretario General de la OTAN. Con este motivo, además del obligatorio discurso cliché que se refiere a las declaraciones de Rusia, que nunca ha tenido argumentos sólidos para afirmar que el escudo de Deveselu representa una amenaza dirigida contra su seguridad, el ministro rumano de Exteriores, Lazăr Comănescu, ha destacado la utilidad estríctamente defensiva de la base militar. El exjefe de la diplomacia rumana, Bogdan Aurescu, el negociador jefe para la firma del acuerdo sobre la instalación en Rumanía del sistema estadounidense antimisiles, ha declarado lo siguiente:

    ”La instalación del escudo corresponde de la mejor manera posible a la necesidad de defender los territorios, la población y las fuerzas aliadas ante el peligro de misiles hostiles lanzadas desde afuera del espacio euroatlántico, sobre todo la zona de Oriente Medio”.

    Con una contribución importante a la Asociación Estratégica bilateral, el escudo de Deveselu ha sido finalizado en el año en que celebramos 135 años de relaciones diplomáticas entre Bucarest y Washington. Con este motivo, se han presentado las resoluciones de las Cámara de Representantes y el Congreso de EE.UU. Hace dos semanas, el Congreso otorgó a Rumanía el estatuto de aliado clave de EE.UU. Reciéntemente, el Senado ha valorado positivamente la cooperación firme entre Bucarest y Washington. La recíproca también es correcta, dado que los rumanos consideran que EE.UU es nuestro mejor amigo y aliado, y el único que puede garantizar la seguridad del país..

    (versión española simona sarbescu)

  • Scutul antirachetă devine operaţional

    Scutul antirachetă devine operaţional

    În ultimii ani, România şi Statele Unite au furnizat
    suficiente dovezi care să întărească ideea că relaţia lor este specială. Chiar
    dacă are două restanţe majore – absenţa marilor investitori americani în
    România şi neincluderea Bucureştiului în programul Visa Waiver – colaborarea în
    plan politic şi militar a ajuns – susţin analiştii de politică externă de la
    Bucureşti – la apogeu.

    Ultima realizare
    comună a prins contur odată cu anunţul că elementele scutului american
    antirachetă instalate la baza militară de la Deveselu sunt, de
    vineri, funcţionale tehnic. Facilitatea de la Deveselu, ce include un radar sofisticat,
    interceptoare balistice şi echipament modern de comunicaţii, va fi un pilon principal într-o construcţie de securitate
    mai amplă, sub umbrela NATO.

    Pe măsura reuşitei, Diplomaţia de la Bucureşti a
    organizat o ceremonie la care au participat miniştrii români ai Apărării şi
    Externelor, Mihnea Motoc şi, respectiv, Lazăr Comănescu, ambasadorul Statelor Unite
    ale Americii, Hans Klemm, directorul Agenţiei pentru Apărarea Antirachetă a
    SUA, viceamiralul James Syring, si Patrick Auroy, asistentul Secretarului
    General al NATO. Cu această ocazie, într-un clişeu devenit obligatoriu, odată
    cu lamentările Rusiei, niciodată susţinute cu argumente credibile, că
    instalaţia de la Deveselu reprezintă o ameninţare pentru securitatea sa,
    ministrul român de Externe, Lazăr Comănescu, a pus accent pe utilitatea strict
    defensivă a bazei. Îl completează fostul şef al diplomaţiei române, Bogdan
    Aurescu, negociator şef în tratativele premergătoare semnarii
    acordului privind amplasarea în România a sistemului american antirachetă.

    Bogdan Aurescu: Această amplasare corespunde cel mai bine
    necesităţii de a proteja teritoriile, populaţiile şi forţele aliate de
    eventuale rachete ostile din afara spaţiului euroatlantic, cu precădere din
    zona Orientului Mijlociu.

    O certă valoare adaugată la Parteneriatul Strategic
    bilateral, instalaţia de la Deveselu a capătat concreteţe chiar în anul în
    care se împlinesc 135 de ani de relaţii diplomatice între Bucureşti şi
    Washington. Momentul a fost marcat prin rezoluţii ale Camerei Reprezentanţilor
    şi Senatului Statelor Unite. După ce, în urma cu două săptămâni, Congresul
    atribuia României statutul de aliat-cheie al Americii, zilele acestea, Senatul
    şi-a exprimat aprecierea pentru parteneriatul ferm al Bucureştiului cu
    Washingtonul. Si viceversa e valabilă, din moment ce românii văd în SUA cel mai mare
    prieten şi aliatul care le poate garanta atât de necesara securitate.

  • Deveselu military base to become operational

    Deveselu military base to become operational

    Over the past
    few years, the relationship between Romania and the USA has improved
    constantly. Although two major issues are yet unresolved, namely the absence of
    big American investors in Romania and the fact that Romanians still need visa
    to travel to the US, the political and military cooperation between the two
    countries has reached an excellent level according to Romanian foreign policy

    The latest joint
    accomplishment was announced on Friday, when the elements of the American
    missile defence system installed at the military base in Deveselu, in southern
    Romania, became operational. The facility in Deveselu, which includes a
    sophisticated radar system, ballistic missile interceptors and state-of-the-art
    communication equipment, will be a major module of a larger NATO security

    To mark the
    occasion, the Romanian Foreign Ministry held a special ceremony, which was
    attended by the Romanian defence and foreign ministers, Mihnea Motoc and Lazar
    Comanescu, respectively, the US Ambassador to Bucharest, Hans Klemm, the
    director of the US Missile Defence Agency, vice-admiral James Syring, and NATO
    Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, Patrick Auroy. Speaking on
    this occasion, the Romanian Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu emphasised the
    strictly defensive purpose of the facility, in response to Russia’s claims that
    the system in Deveselu is a threat to its security.

    The former
    foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu, who headed the Romanian delegation in the
    negotiations concerning the location of the American anti-missile shield,
    further confirmed this view. Bogdan Aurescu:

    This location
    best suits the need to protect the Allied territories, people and forces in the
    event of hostile missiles fired from outside the Euro-Atlantic area,
    particularly from the Middle East.

    the Romanian-American Strategic Partnership, the facility in Deveselu is
    officially finalised the very year when Bucharest and Washington celebrate 135
    years of diplomatic relations. Both the US House of Representatives and the
    Senate issued resolutions to mark the anniversary. Two weeks ago, the House of Representatives described Romania as a key ally of the US, while the Senate recently expressed
    its appreciation for Bucharest’s firm partnership with Washington. Romanians
    themselves view the United States as their country’s greatest friend and the
    ally that can guarantee their security in a difficult international context.

  • December 18, 2015 UPDATE

    December 18, 2015 UPDATE

    ANTI-MISSILE SHIELD– The anti-missile shield in Deveselu is a confirmation of the extraordinary relationship that the US and Romania share, the US ambassador to Bucharest, Hans Klemm, said on Friday, when elements of the US missile defence system installed at the military base in Deveselu, in southern Romania, became operational. The facility in Deveselu, which includes a sophisticated radar system, ballistic missile interceptors and state-of-the-art communication equipment, will be a major module of a larger NATO security project. To mark the occasion, the Romanian Foreign Ministry held a special ceremony. Hans Klemm underlined the defensive character of the project and the fact that it was exclusively directed against threats coming from outside Europe. In turn, Romanian Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc said this is the most important Romanian-American project.

    ROMANIAN SUPPORT FOR MOLDOVA– Romania intends to grant financial support to the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet state with a predominantly Romanian speaking population, if a government willing to make reforms is instated in Chishinau. The announcement was made in Brussels on Friday, at the end of the European Council, by Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos, who approached this issue with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini. Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has expressed Romanias readiness to work closely with the European Commission and the IMF to make sure that the financial assistance package reaches Chishinau in due time and that it will support a reform process, the fight against corruption, the efforts of rendering the administration more efficient and of creating more open economic and business environments. In another move, Dacian Ciolos has announced that early next year, he will pay visits to Germany, France and the Netherlands and will return to Brussels for thorough talks on the role Romania wants to play within the European Union. Gathered in Brussels, the European leaders on Thursday and Friday discussed such issues as the fight against terrorism, ways to manage the flow of migrants and the protection of Schengens borders. Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has expressed Romanias solidarity with the EU in the migration file, but he made clear that Bucharest would also like to see that some conditions are met, such as strengthening the EUs capacity to control the migration flow and to ensure a functional Schengen area.

    BUDGET– Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, on Friday promulgated the 2016 state budget and social securities laws, respectively, which were adopted by Parliament on Wednesday. Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos has given assurances that his cabinet will manage the money transparently, efficiently and with caution. In another move, 63% of company managers in Romania expect an improvement of the Romanian economic situation in 2016. A poll conducted in nine Central and East European countries shows almost all managers in Romania (98%) believe the black economy is a problem, with 39% of them saying that avoiding paying taxes by not declaring the real incomes is a major reason of concern. Also, business people in Romania take higher confidence in a positive evolution of the Euro than respondents from other Central and East-European countries.

    COMMEMORATION– Timisoara on Friday hosted a series of events marking 26 years since the flame of the Anti-Communist Revolution of December 1989 was kindled in that western Romanian city. Floral tributes were paid at the Metropolitan Cathedral, where tens of protesters were shot dead on December 18, 1989. That day goes down in history as the day when the army opened fire at people in Timisoara, a city where the martial law had been declared. Started on December 16, 1989, by the Timisoara inhabitants opposition to an abusive measure taken by the local authorities, the Revolution spread to the whole country at a fast pace. It culminated on December 22, when dictator Nicolae Ceausescu fled Bucharest, leaving power. Over 1,000 people died and some 3,400 others got injured between December 16 and 25, 1989. Romania was the only country in the former Eastern Bloc that violently overthrew the communist regime and executed its communist leaders. Romanias Parliament will meet in a solemn session on December 21, to mark 26 years since the 1989 Revolution.

    (Translated by: Diana Vijeu)

  • December 18, 2015

    December 18, 2015

    The anti-missile shield in Deveselu is a confirmation of the extraordinary relationship that the US and Romania share, the US ambassador to Bucharest, Hans Klemm, said on Friday, when the elements of the American missile defence system installed at the military base in Deveselu, in southern Romania, became operational. The facility in Deveselu, which includes a sophisticated radar system, ballistic missile interceptors and state-of-the-art communication equipment, will be a major module of a larger NATO security project. To mark the occasion, the Romanian Foreign Ministry held a special ceremony. Hans Klemm underlined the defensive character of the project and the fact that it was exclusively directed against threats coming from outside Europe. In his turn, Romanian Defense Minister Mihnea Motoc said this is the most important Romanian-American project.

    In Timisoara the events marking 26 years since the first anti-communist protests that started in this western Romanian city continue. Wreaths will be laid the Metropolitan Cathedral in the city, on whose steps tens of protesters were shot dead on December 18, 1989. Triggered by the opposition of the Timisoara locals to the authorities abuse, the Revolution soon extended to other Romanian cities. Over 1 thousand people died and around 3,400 were injured between December 16 and 25. Romania was the only communist country where the dictatorial regime was overthrown in a violent manner and its leader executed.

    Representatives of the big powers gathered in New York on Friday to seek backing from the United Nations for a plan to bring about a negotiated end to Syria’s brutal civil war. US Secretary of State John Kerry has recently got Moscows support for this plan. Nevertheless, the US and Russia continue to have divergent opinions as regards the fate of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. While Washington believes the Syrian leader must step down, President Vladimir Putin says he will never agree to the head of a country to be imposed from the outside. American leaders have already voiced concern at the Russian bombings against moderate rebels and not against Islamic State militants.

    The European leaders, who got together in Brussels, are today discussing anti- terrorism measures and also economic, monetary and energy union. On Thursday, the first day of the meeting, EU leaders decided to tighten security at Schengen borders and address deficiencies in managing the wave of migrants. The proposal supported by Germany and France for creating an EU border and coast guard empowered to overrule national governments when the EUs external frontiers are deemed to be inadequately secured has been postponed by 6 months, as in many parts of the EU is viewed as an assault on the sovereignty of nation states. No conclusion was reached on Britains proposal to renegotiate its EU membership status either, and further talks will be held at the summit in February. PM Dacian Ciolos represents Romania at the summit in Brussels. He will today meet with Frans Timmermans, the European Commissions First Vice President.

    The Romanian national womens handball team will today be playing against Norway in the semi-finals of the World Championship in Denmark. In the quarterfinals the Romanians beat the host country after having previously won against Brazil. In the other semi-final the Netherlands will be up against Poland. Romania is the only team that has participated in all World Championship editions as of 1957 and has won 1 gold medal in 1962 and 2 silver in 1973 and 2005 respectively. Russia, Germany and Norway are the teams with most gold medals in world championships so far.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • November 10, 2015 UPDATE

    November 10, 2015 UPDATE

    Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, on Tuesday appointed Dacian Ciolos, former EU Commissioner for Agriculture in the executive led by José Manuel Barroso, as the country’s new prime minister. Ciolos, aged 46, has vowed in a brief comment at the presidential palace in Bucharest, to focus his attention and energy on putting together a team of technocrats that will seek Parliament’s approval. In his turn, President Klaus Iohannis, who held two rounds of talks with parliamentary parties prior to nominating the new PM, has said Romania needs an independent premier of high moral and professional value and has called on political parties to eliminate corrupt members and promote to public positions only competent, non-corrupted people. Dacian Ciolos comes to replace leftist Victor Ponta who quit last week amid public anger over a deadly nightclub fire.

    The death toll from the horrific fire at the Colectiv club in Bucharest on October 30th reached 49 on Tuesday. Over 70 people who suffered severe burns are still in Bucharests hospitals, some of them in critical and serious condition. 35 patients have been transferred to hospitals in 7 other countries. Doctors from Germany and France are now assessing the possibility of further transferring patients to various hospitals in Europe.

    The United States Ambassador in Bucharest, Hans Klemm said on Tuesday that the American anti-missile system at the Deveselu military base in southern Romania would be operational in the spring of 2016 and that everything was going according to the approved schedule and budget. On the occasion of a visit to the military base, Hans Klemm said that the anti-missile system was an essential element of the bilateral strategic partnership.

    A NATO delegation is in Chisinau as of Tuesday to assess the reconstruction program of the Republic of Moldovas defense capability. The program, which involves major allies such as the US and Germany, contributing both money and expertise, is run in keeping with the decisions made at last years summit, when NATO included in its own security strategy the defense capabilities of the partner countries, including the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia. The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said back than that the Republic of Moldova would thus be helped to consolidate security against potential threats coming from Russia. The NATO delegations visit is taking place against the background of political uncertainty in Chisinau, where consultations on the formation of a new parliamentary majority continue.

    A new program with the IMF and the European Commission is quite unlikely for Romania, as elections are drawing near, the World Bank Country Economist Catalin Pauna said on Tuesday at a conference on taxation. He has stated that the World Bank estimates a 3.6% economic growth rate this year and a 3.9% growth rate in 2016. As for 2017, the estimated rate is 4.1%. According to Pauna, the inflation dynamics, affected by fiscal measures and the VAT cut of June, will be influenced next year by the reduction of the VAT from 25% to 20% in January.

  • Die Nachrichten 10.11.2015

    Die Nachrichten 10.11.2015

    Bukarest: Der rumänische Staatsprasident Klaus Iohannis hat am Dienstag den politisch unabhängigen Fachmann Dacian Cioloş zum neuen Regierungschef ernannt. Der 46-jährige Cioloş war im Zeitraum 2007-2008 Landwirtschaftsminister und bekleidete zwischen 2009 und 2014 das Amt des EU-Agrarkommissars. Laut eigener Aussage, wird der neue Premierminister demnächst seine neue Regierungsmannschaft bilden, die ausschließlich aus Technokraten bestehen soll. Anschließend soll seine Regierungsmannschaft im Parlament bestätigt werden. Der neue Premierminister möchte, laut eigener Aussage, dass sein Kabinett der Gesellschaft gegenüber offen sei. Er hoffe zudem dass die Reformen der neuen Regierung, sollte diese im Parlament bestätigt werden, durch die Legislative unterstütz werden. Der Staatschef Klaus Iohannis erklärte seinerseits, er möchte, dass die neue Regierung im kommenden Jahr richtige Lokal-und Parlamentswahlen organisert und einen deutlichen Beitrag zur Konsolidierung des Rechtssstaates bringe. Rumänien brauche einen unabhängigen Premierminister, der eine gute Leistung gezeigt habe und bei dem kein Verdacht auf Vestöße gegen Moral und Justiz bestehe, so der rumänische Staatschef. Präsident Iohannis, der die zweite Beratungsrunde mit den Parlamentsparteien hielt, forderte anschließend die Parteien dazu auf, korrupte Politiker aus ihren Reihen zu entfernen und lediglich kompetente Menschen für öffentliche Ämter zu fördern. Wir erinnern, dass das Kabinett des Sozial-Demokraten Victor Ponta infolge der Massenproteste von voriger Woche zurückgetreten ist.

    Bukarest: Einer der Verletzten vom Brandunglück im Bukarester Club Colectiv am 30. Oktober ist am Dienstag in einem Krankenhaus in Großbritannien gestorben. Somit ist die Zahl der Todesopfer auf bislang 48 Menschen gestiegen. Von den mehreren Dutzend Verletzten wurden 34 Patienten ins Ausland verlegt. 76 Verletzte befinden sich noch in mehreren Bukarester Krankenhäusern. 24 von ihnen sind im kritischen oder ernsten Zustand; viele Verletzte weisen neben Brandwunden auch starke Rauchvergiftungen auf, wodurch die Konzentration von Kohlenmonoxyd und Cyansäure im Blut auf tödliche Werte steigt. Die Regierung hat am Montag die notwendigen Mittel für die Behandlung der Verletzten genehmigt. Interimspremierminister Sorin Câmpeanu war am Montag mit den Chefs der diplomatischen Missionen der EU-Staaten, der USA und Kanadas zusammengekommen; er bedankte sich für die Solidarität der ausländischen Partner und für ihre Unterstützung bei der Pflege der Brandunglück-Verletzten, insbesondere für die Fachbehandlung.

    Bukarest: Der Botschafter der Vereinigten Staaten in Rumänien, Hans Klemm, hat am Dienstag erklärt, dass der US-Raketenschutzschild auf dem militärischen Stützpunkt im südrumänischen Deveselu ab Frühjahr 2016 funktionsfähig sein wird. Die Bauarbeiten laufen gemäß Kalender und Haushalt; bis zur Inbetriebnahme werden mehrere Teste durchgeführt, so Hans Klemm. Bei seinem Besuch in Deveselu sagte der Chef der diplomatischen Mission der Vereinigten Staaten in Bukarest, dieser Teil des US-Raketenschutzschildes sei ein wichtiges Element der bilateralen strategischen Partnerschaft.

  • 10.11.2015 (mise à jour)

    10.11.2015 (mise à jour)

    Politique Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a désigné au poste de premier – ministre Dacian Ciolos, sans couleur politique. Ancien ministre de lAgriculture entre 2007 et 2008 et ex commissaire européen à lAgriculture de 2009 à 2014, Dacian Ciolos, 46 ans, a déclaré qu’il allait constituer son équipe, formée exclusivement de technocrates, avant le vote d’investiture au Parlement. Dacian Ciolos a également affirmé souhaiter que son cabinet soit ouvert sur la société et espéré que si son gouvernement était validé, les réformes qu’il promouvrait seraient soutenues par le Législatif de Bucarest. A son tour, le président roumain, qui a eu deux rounds de consultations avec les partis parlementaires, a dit souhaiter que le nouveau cabinet organise en 2016 des élections locales et parlementaires correctes et contribue au renforcement de l’Etat de droit. « La Roumanie a besoin d’un premier – ministre indépendant, intègre, performant et sur lequel ne plane aucune suspicion de nature morale ou juridique », a déclaré le chef de l’Etat. Il a par ailleurs demandé aux partis de se réformer, d’écarter de leurs rangs les personnes corrompues et de promouvoir dans les fonctions publiques uniquement des personnes compétentes. La Roumanie manque d’un gouvernement stable depuis la semaine dernière, lorsque le premier ministre social – démocrate Victor Ponta a démissionné suite aux amples manifestations de rue.

    Bilan incendie — Au moins 48 personnes ont perdu la vie dans le violent incendie du 30 octobre qui a ravagé un club bucarestois. Plus de 70 blessés, dont certains en état critique ou grave, sont toujours hospitalisés dans différents établissements de la capitale, tandis que 35 autres ont été transférés dans des hôpitaux de 7 pays. Des médecins d’Allemagne et de France décident d’éventuels nouveaux transferts des blessés vers des cliniques européennes.

    Défense — L’ambassadeur des Etats-Unis à Bucarest, Hans Klemm, a déclaré mardi que les éléments du système américain antimissile accueillis par la base militaire de Deveselu (dans le sud de la Roumanie) seraient opérationnels au printemps 2016. L’officiel américain a précisé que les opérations se déroulent en conformité avec le calendrier et le budget approuvé et que plusieurs essais seraient effectués avant l’inauguration. A l’occasion de sa visite à Deveselu, le chef de la mission diplomatique américaine a affirmé que la mise en place du système antimissile est un élément essentiel du partenariat stratégique bilatéral. Rappelons que la base militaire de Deveselu sera dotée d’un système radar sophistiqué et de plusieurs intercepteurs de missiles balistiques.

    Frontex — La Roumanie va renforcer sa contribution au sein de l’Agence européenne pour la gestion de la coopération aux frontières extérieures, Frontex, par l’envoi de 30 officiers de la Police nationale et de la Police des frontières, informe le ministère de l’Intérieur de Bucarest dans un communiqué rendu public mardi. Lors du Conseil extraordinaire des ministres de l’Intérieur, qui s’est tenu lundi à Bruxelles, le représentant de la Roumanie, le secrétaire d’Etat Bogdan Tohăneanu, a précisé que l’aide serait accordée sur la plan bilatéral, à la Slovénie. Par ailleurs, Frontex a fait savoir mardi que le nombre dentrées illégales de migrants enregistrées dans lUnion européenne sélève à 1,2 million sur les dix premiers mois de lannée, quatre fois plus quen 2014.

    OTAN — Une délégation de l’OTAN se trouve depuis ce mardi à Chişinău, où elle examine le programme de reconstruction de la capacité de défense de la République de Moldova. Le programme, dans lequel des alliés importants sont impliqués, tels les Etats Unis et l’Allemagne, a lieu conformément aux décisions du sommet de l’année dernière, où l’Alliance a inclus dans sa propre stratégie de sécurité la capacité de défense des pays partenaires aussi, dont la République de Moldova, l’Ukraine et la Géorgie. Le secrétaire général de l’Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, déclarait alors que la République de Moldova serait aidée à renforcer sa sécurité face aux menaces potentielles de la Russie. La visite de la délégation de l’OTAN survient sur fond d’incertitudes politiques à Chişinău, où les consultations en vue de créer une nouvelle majorité parlementaire se poursuivent.

  • November 10, 2015 UPDATE

    November 10, 2015 UPDATE

    Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, on Tuesday appointed Dacian Ciolos, former EU Commissioner for Agriculture in the executive led by José Manuel Barroso, as the country’s new prime minister. Ciolos, aged 46, has vowed in a brief comment at the presidential palace in Bucharest, to focus his attention and energy on putting together a team of technocrats that will seek Parliament’s approval. In his turn, President Klaus Iohannis, who held two rounds of talks with parliamentary parties prior to nominating the new PM, has said Romania needs an independent premier of high moral and professional value and has called on political parties to eliminate corrupt members and promote to public positions only competent, non-corrupted people. Dacian Ciolos comes to replace leftist Victor Ponta who quit last week amid public anger over a deadly nightclub fire.

    The death toll from the horrific fire at the Colectiv club in Bucharest on October 30th reached 49 on Tuesday. Over 70 people who suffered severe burns are still in Bucharests hospitals, some of them in critical and serious condition. 35 patients have been transferred to hospitals in 7 other countries. Doctors from Germany and France are now assessing the possibility of further transferring patients to various hospitals in Europe.

    The United States Ambassador in Bucharest, Hans Klemm said on Tuesday that the American anti-missile system at the Deveselu military base in southern Romania would be operational in the spring of 2016 and that everything was going according to the approved schedule and budget. On the occasion of a visit to the military base, Hans Klemm said that the anti-missile system was an essential element of the bilateral strategic partnership.

    A NATO delegation is in Chisinau as of Tuesday to assess the reconstruction program of the Republic of Moldovas defense capability. The program, which involves major allies such as the US and Germany, contributing both money and expertise, is run in keeping with the decisions made at last years summit, when NATO included in its own security strategy the defense capabilities of the partner countries, including the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia. The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said back than that the Republic of Moldova would thus be helped to consolidate security against potential threats coming from Russia. The NATO delegations visit is taking place against the background of political uncertainty in Chisinau, where consultations on the formation of a new parliamentary majority continue.

    A new program with the IMF and the European Commission is quite unlikely for Romania, as elections are drawing near, the World Bank Country Economist Catalin Pauna said on Tuesday at a conference on taxation. He has stated that the World Bank estimates a 3.6% economic growth rate this year and a 3.9% growth rate in 2016. As for 2017, the estimated rate is 4.1%. According to Pauna, the inflation dynamics, affected by fiscal measures and the VAT cut of June, will be influenced next year by the reduction of the VAT from 25% to 20% in January.

  • The Week in Review, October 11 – 17

    The Week in Review, October 11 – 17

    Romania attended the Autumn
    European Council in Brussels

    Romania’s President, Klaus
    Iohannis, on Thursday attended the autumn European Council, alongside the EU
    leaders. The focal points on the agenda of the summit were the refugee crisis
    and securing the EU’s external borders. The summit, which initially should have
    lasted two days, ended on Thursday night with an announcement of an agreement
    being reached in principle between the EU and Turkey, on capping the inflow of
    refugees heading for Europe. In exchange for securing Ankara’s better
    cooperation to contain the wave of migrants, the European leaders promised
    Turkey visa waiver for its citizens, financial assistance and opening new
    chapters in the negotiations for EU accession, a process that is now being
    blocked. Turkey, the main gateway into Europe for the flow of migrants coming
    from neighbouring Syria, is currently providing shelter to some two million
    Syrian refugees. In another move, the European leaders decided to tighten
    control on the external borders of the EU and to find solutions to the
    humanitarian crisis generated by the conflict in Syria. Refugee-related issues
    and EU reforms had been approached, ahead of the summit, by Romania’s
    President, Klaus Iohannis, and the President of the European Parliament, Martin
    Schulz. Iohannis said migration-related issues should be approached in their
    entirety, in the areas where they emerge, and the EU should cooperate with all
    the refugees’ countries of origin and grant support to transit countries, such
    as Turkey, as well as to the countries that are now providing shelter to

    The new US ambassador to
    Bucharest has referred to the cracking down on corruption and the improvement
    of the economic environment in Romania

    Romania has made significant progress in fighting
    corruption and improving the economic environment, the new US ambassador to
    Bucharest, Hans Klemm, told an economic forum held in Romania’s capital city.
    He added that Romania must
    capitalize on its strengths and strategic advantages and serve as a springboard
    for investors in the region. On the
    other hand, the US ambassador said Romania must break the cycle of
    political influence in economic decision-making. He called on Romanian politicians to stop meddling in the
    management of state owned enterprises for political gain. Hans Klemm has also
    said politicians should protect and publicly defend those prosecutors that
    pursue corrupt actors, and vocally support an independent judiciary.

    gives loan to neighbouring Republic of Moldova

    Deputies ratified a Reimbursable Financial Assistance Agreement, under which
    the neighbouring Republic of Moldova is given 150 million euros. The loan has a five-year
    maturity and carries the same interest rates at which Romania borrows from
    international markets. The first installment, amounting to 60 million euros,
    will be transferred next month. While in Bucharest to attend the ratification,
    the Moldovan PM Valeriu Streletz thanked Romania for the constant support
    provided to Chisinau in various fields. He emphasised that this new loan will be used
    to promote reforms and modernise the country. The PM of Romania, Victor Ponta, explained
    that the difficulties that the Republic of Moldova is facing at present are the
    consequence of Russia’s response to Moldova’s European accession aspirations.

    Victor Ponta: The Republic of Moldova needs
    financial support today, and it can only receive it from us. It needs it in
    order to get through a difficult period, which, I’d say, they have been facing
    especially because of the economic sanctions imposed by the Russian Federation
    in response to one thing: the fact that last year the Republic of Moldova
    signed the EU Association Agreement.

    Valeriu Streletz was also
    received by the head of state, Klaus Iohannis, who reiterated that the Republic
    of Moldova can rely on Romania, at any time and to a substantial extent.

    Romanian Government gives facilities for
    overdue tax payments

    Individuals and
    companies that pay their overdue taxes to the Romanian state by March 31, 2016,
    will have their delayed payment penalties and some of the interest charges
    erased, under an emergency order passed by the Government on Wednesday. PM
    Victor Ponta emphasised that this was not a fiscal amnesty measure, but rather
    a form of supporting the taxpayers which failed to pay the amounts owed to the
    state budget by September 30, 2015. In order to benefit from this facility,
    taxpayers must lodge an application with the local tax administration office.

    Romania’s hosting elements of the
    missile defence system triggers reactions in Moscow

    The Romanian
    diplomats reacted to the accusations of a Russian Foreign Ministry official,
    Mikhail Ulianov, according to whom Romania breaks the Intermediate-Range
    Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) by hosting elements of the anti-missile shield at
    the military base in Deveselu, in the south. The Romanian Foreign Ministry
    dismissed the accusations as ungrounded and reiterated that this European
    component of the US missile defence system has a strictly defensive purpose and
    does not target the Russian Federation, but rather ballistic missile threats
    from outside the Euro-Atlantic area. Early this week Moscow called on the US
    and Romania to reconsider the inclusion of Mark-41 missile launchers in the
    defence system in Deveselu. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry official,
    this would be a challenge to international security and will be viewed by
    Moscow as a serious violation of the INF Treaty signed by the USA and the
    former USSR in 1987.

  • Rumänischer Verteidigungsminister plädiert für Schwarzmeerraum-Strategie

    Rumänischer Verteidigungsminister plädiert für Schwarzmeerraum-Strategie

    Rumänien ist 2004 der NATO beigetreten und gilt als Garant der Sicherheit in der Region. Am Donnerstag hat sich der rumänische Verteidigungsminister Mircea Duşa am NATO-Gipfel in Brüssel beteiligt. Dabei plädierte er für konkrete Maßnahmen zur Verstärkung der Sicherheit im Schwarzmeerraum. Die Präsenz der NATO-Marine im Schwarzmeer-Becken würde einen deutlichen Beitrag zur euroatlantischen Sicherheit bringen, so Mircea Duşa: Eine maritime Strategie und insbesondere eine Schwarzmeerraum-Strategie spielt eine äußerst wichtige Rolle für uns. Ich habe zudem beim Brüsseler Gipfel betont, dass die nordatlantische Allianz mögliche Angriffe ihrer Gegner nicht nur auf regionaler Ebene verhindern soll, sondern dass die Allianz zu jeder Zeit überall einsatzfähig sein soll, sei es an ihrer Süd-oder Ostflanke.

    Einen Themenschwerpunkt bildete beim NATO-Gipfel die Sicherheitslage in Afganistan und insbesondere in Syrien, die aus Sicht der Sicherheit in der Region und der humanitären Folgen die Besorgnis der Alliierten erregt. Zum Auftakt des NATO-Gipfels haben Mircea Duşa und der General Philip Breedlove, NATO-Oberbefehlshaber in Europa über die Verstärkung der Ostflanke der NATO beraten. Dabei informierte Mircea Duşa seinen Gesprächspartner über den aktuellen Stand des Aufbaus der zwei neuen NATO-Kommandostellen in Rumänien. Duşa versicherte dem NATO-Oberbefehlshaber, dass die Kommandostellen termingemäß operationalisiert werden.

    Am Donnerstag erklärten allerdings in Bukarest der Außenminister Bogdan Aurescu und der stellvertretende US-Außenminister Franke Rose, dass die USA derzeit mit der nordatlantischen Allianz und Rumänien über wirksame Maßnahmen berät, die die Sicherheit des Militärstützpunktes im südrumänischen Deveselu garantieren sollen. Die USA und die Allianz wollen sicherstellen, dass jede Bedrohung des NATO-Stützpunktes auf rumänischem Territorium durch Terroranschläge außer Frage steht. Der US-Raketenabwehrstützpunkt in Deveselu soll Ende des Jahres operationalisiert und 2016 ins NATO-System eingegliedert werden. Die Elemente der Raketenabwehr auf dem Territorium Rumäniens hätten einen rein defensiven Zweck. Das System ziele darauf ab, die gemeinsame millitärische Verteidigung der NATO zu verstärken und einen eventuellen iranischen Raketenangriff zu verhindern, sagte Frank Rose.

    Das Programm des Iran zur Entwicklung ballistischer Raketen fällt nicht unter das Atomabkommen, fügte Rose hinzu. Wie der rumänische Außenminister Bogdan Aurescu erläuterte, diene das Raketenabwehrsystem dem Schutz Rumäniens und soll mögliche Angriffe verhindern. Bogdan Aurescu: Es gibt zahlreiche staatliche und nicht-staatliche Akteure, mehr als 30, die daran Interesse haben, die ballistische Technologie weiterzuentwickeln. Es handelt sich einschließlich um Gruppierungen im Mittleren Osten. Das Raketenabwehrsystem ist daher erforderlich.Schließlich bekräftigte Aurescu erneut, dass der US-Raketenschutzschild keine Bedrohung für Russland darstellen soll.