Tag: euro

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 17.11 – 23.11.2019

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 17.11 – 23.11.2019

    În România va avea loc duminică al doilea
    tur al alegerilor prezidenţiale

    Aceasta a
    fost ultima săptămână de campanie electorală pentru alegerile prezidenţiale din
    România. Duminică, pe 24 noiembrie, românii îşi vor afla preşedintele pentru
    următorii 5 ani. În runda decisivă s-au calificat actualul şef al statului,
    Klaus Iohannis, susţinut de Partidul Naţional Liberal, la guvernare, şi Viorica
    Dăncilă, liderul social-democraţilor, trecuţi recent în opoziţie. La fel ca la primul tur de scrutin, românii
    din afara graniţelor au la dispoziţie tot trei zile pentru a vota. Noile măsuri
    au fost adoptate pentru a se evita cozile interminabile care s-au înregistrat
    la alegerile prezidenţiale din 2014 şi la recentele alegeri europarlamentare
    din luna mai. Pentru a elimina riscul aglomeraţiei la secţiile de votare,
    numărul acestora în diaspora s-a dublat practic faţă de scrutinul
    europarlamentar, ajungând la 835. Votarea in turul doi se desfăşoară tot în
    835 de secţii, dar sediile unora dintre acestea au fost mutate, din cauza unor
    situaţii obiective. Printre ţările în care vor fi organizate cele mai multe
    secţii de votare se numără Spania, Italia, Germania Marea Britanie şi Franţa.
    În ţară se votează doar duminică, 24 noiembrie.

    Moneda naţionala a României, la un minim istoric în raport cu euro

    Moneda naţională
    a României a depăşit în această săptămână pragul psihologic de 4,78 lei pentru
    un euro, ajungând la un minim istoric în raport cu moneda unică europeană. Leul
    se află într-o tendinţă de depreciere de circa două luni şi jumătate. Evoluţia cursului valutar din ultima perioadă
    este o oglindire a economiei româneşti, a declarat la Radio România purtătorul
    de cuvânt al Băncii Naţionale, Dan Suciu. El a explicat că importurile
    crescute şi implicit deficitul comercial sunt principala cauză a scăderii
    leului. La începutul lunii, guvernatorul Băncii Naţionale a României, Mugur
    Isărescu, a precizat că variaţiile leului sunt minore în comparaţie cu
    evoluţiile forintului în Ungaria sau cu ale zlotului în Polonia, care au
    înregistrat fluctuaţii mult mai mari. Pentru anul viitor, specialiştii
    estimeaza că moneda naţionala va continua să se deprecieze. Iar un euro
    puternic în raport cu leul înseamnă scumpiri în lanţ, de la rate mai mari
    pentru cei care au credite în moneda europeană la facturi mai mari la utilităţi
    şi locuinţe mai scumpe.

    celor 26 de comisari europeni desemnaţi s-au încheiat

    Parlamentul European va organiza votul de
    validare a noii Comisii Europene, condusă de Ursula von der Leyen, pe 27
    noiembrie, în cadrul sesiunii plenare de la Strasbourg a anunţat joi
    preşedintele PE, David Sassoli, în cadrul unei conferinţe de presă. Conferința
    președinților din Parlamentul European, care îi reunește pe David Sassoli,
    președintele instituției, dar și pe liderii grupurilor politice, a încheiat,
    joi, procesul audierilor celor 26 de comisari europeni desemnaţi și a dat undă verde ultimei
    proceduri necesare pentru ca noul executiv european să își poată începe
    mandatul la 1 decembrie, cu o lună mai târziu decât fusese stabilit initial. Comisia
    va fi aleasă cu majoritatea voturilor exprimate în plen. Luni, Comisia de Afaceri externe a Parlamentului European l-a
    aprobat pe candidatul Ungariei, Oliver Varhelyi, pentru postul de comisar
    european pentru Extindere, ultimul dintre cei 27 de candidaţi. Pe 14 noiembrie
    au primit aviz pozitiv din partea comisiilor de specialitate candidaţii
    desemnaţi de România – Adina Vălean, pentru Transporturi şi de Franţa – Thierry Breton, pentru Piaţă Internă.

    Noul ambasador al SUA la Bucureşti

    newyorkez Adrian Zuckerman va fi noul ambasador al SUA la Bucureşti, în locul
    lui Hans Klemm. Zuckerman a fost confirmat, miercuri, în funcţia de ambasador
    în România de Senatul american, cu 65 de voturi pentru şi 30 împotrivă. Acesta
    a emigrat în Statele Unite din România la vârsta de 10 ani şi vorbeşte fluent
    limba română. În 1984, a fost admis în Baroul din New York. A mai ocupat
    funcţia de co-coordonator al departamentului de servicii naţionale imobiliare
    şi pentru cateva companii, iar anterior a fost coordonator pentru proprietăţi
    imobiliare. Activ în domeniul filantropic şi educaţional, Adrian Zuckerman este
    membru al consiliului Kids Corp şi face parte din consiliul absolvenţilor New
    York Law School.

    Târgul de carte Gaudeamus Radio România

    La Bucureşti se încheie duminică cea de a
    26-a ediţie a Târgului de Carte
    Gaudeamus, organizat de Radio România, o ediţie consacrată Revoluţiei
    anticomuniste din 1989.Iniţiat de
    Radio România în urmă cu un sfert de secol, odată cu Târgul Gaudeamus Carte de
    Învăţătură, proiectul Gaudeamus Radio România a devenit un reper solid şi
    constant al pieţei de carte din ţară. Cele peste două decenii de dialog între
    carte şi radio au diversificat şi extins permanent componentele programului, al
    cărui palmares numără astăzi 116 evenimente culturale de tip expoziţional,
    peste 3 milioane de vizitatori şi peste 13.600 de manifestări. 900 de evenimente
    editoriale şi profesionale evenimente şi peste 250 de expozanţi sunt
    cifrele actualei ediţii.

    Poetul Mircea
    Dinescu, opozant deschis al regimului dictatorial, şi actorul Ion Caramitru,
    ambii figuri emblematice ale Revoluţiei, sunt copreşedinţi de onoare ai Târgului.
    Se vor acorda Trofeele Gaudeamus, pentru trei dintre expozanţi, şi premiul Cea mai râvnită carte a târgului, toate
    pe baza votului publicului. Premiul de excelenţă va fi decernat uneia din
    editurile prezente la târg şi este destinat finanţării totale sau parţiale a
    unui proiect editorial de importanţă naţională, cu ecouri internaţionale. Nu
    vor lipsi premiul pentru traducere, cel legat de educaţie – acordat uneia
    dintre instituţiile de învăţământ prezente la târg – şi Premiul Miss Lectura, acordat
    de organizatori celei mai frumoase vizitatoare iubitoare de carte.

  • Die Woche 18.11-24.11.2019 im Überblick

    Die Woche 18.11-24.11.2019 im Überblick

    In Rumänien findet am Sonntag der zweite Wahlgang der Präsidentschaftswahl statt

    Dies war die letzte Woche des Wahlkampfes für die Präsidentschaftswahl in Rumänien. Am Sonntag, den 24. November, werden die Rumänen ihren Präsidenten für die nächsten 5 Jahre wählen. In der Stichwahl treten der derzeitige Staatspräsident, Klaus Iohannis (unterstützt von der regierenden Nationalliberalen Partei PNL) und Viorica Dăncilă, die Vorsitzende der Sozialdemokratischen Partei PSD (in der Opposition) gegeneinander. Wie beim ersten Wahlgang haben die Rumänen, die au‎ßerhalb der Landesgrenzen leben, drei Tage Zeit, ihre Stimme abzugeben. Die neuen Ma‎ßnahmen wurden beschlossen, um endlose Warteschlangen wie bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2014 und bei der jüngsten Europawahl am 26. Mai dieses Jahres zu vermeiden. Im Ausland wurden sowohl im ersten als auch im zweiten Wahlgang 835 Wahllokale eröffnet (praktisch doppelt so viele im Vergleich zu der Präsidentschaftwahl von 2014). Im zweiten Wahlgang wurden aber einige Wahlloklale aufgrund objektiver Situationen verlegt. Zu den Ländern mit den meisten Wahllokalen gehören Spanien, Italien, Deutschland, das Vereinigte Königreich und Frankreich. In Rumänien findet die Präsidentschaftswahl am Sonntag, den 24. November, statt.

    Die rumänische Nationalwährung hat diese Woche ein historisches Tief gegenüber der europäischen Einheitswährung erreicht

    Der rumänische Leu hat diese Woche die psychologische Schwelle von 4,77 Lei für einen Euro überschritten und damit ein historisches Tief gegenüber der europäischen Einheitswährung erreicht. Der Leu hat seit zweieinhalb Monaten konstant an Wert verloren. Die negative Entwicklung des Währungskurses in letzter Zeit ist eine Widerspiegelung der rumänischen Wirtschaft, erklärte der Sprecher der Nationalbank, Dan Suciu, für Radio Rumänien. Die Hauptursache für die Abwertung des Leu seien die hohen Importe und das Handelsdefizit. Zu Beginn des Monats sagte der Gouverneur der Rumänischen Nationalbank, Mugur Isarescu, dass diese Abweichungen im Vergleich zu denen des ungarischen Forint und des polnischen Zloty, die viel grö‎ßere Schwankungen aufwiesen, gering seien. Für das nächste Jahr schätzen Experten, dass die nationale Währung weiter abnehmen wird. Ein starker Euro gegenüber dem Leu bedeutet höhere Preise, von höheren Zinsen bei Krediten in der europäischen Währung bis zu höheren Rechnungen für Heizung, Strom und Telefon und höheren Wohnungspreisen.

    Die Anhörungen der 26 designierten EU-Kommissare sind abgeschlossen

    Das Europäische Parlament wird am 27. November in einer Plenarsitzung über die Bestätigung der neuen Europäischen Kommission unter der Leitung von Ursula von der Leyen abstimmen. Dies erklärte der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments, David Sassoli auf einer Pressekonferenz. Die Konferenz der Präsidenten des Europäischen Parlaments, an der David Sassoli und die Fraktionsvorsitzenden teilnehmen, hat am Donnerstag die Anhörungen der 26 designierten EU-Kommissare abgeschlossen und grünes Licht für das letzte Verfahren gegeben, damit die neue Europäische Kommission ihr Mandat am 1. Dezember beginnen kann, einen Monat später als ursprünglich vorgesehen. Die Kommission wird mit der Mehrheit der im Plenum abgegebenen Stimmen gewählt. Der Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments hat am Montag den ungarischen Kandidaten Oliver Varhelyi für das Amt des EU-Kommissars für Erweiterung bestätigt. Am 14. November erhielten die Kandidaten Adina Vălean aus Rumänien (Verkehr) und Thierry Breton aus Frankreich (Binnenmarkt) positive Stellungnahmen der Fachkommissionen.

    Adrian Zuckerman wird der neue US-Botschafter in Bukarest

    Der New Yorker Rechtsanwalt Adrian Zuckerman wird der neue US-Botschafter in Bukarest sein, anstelle von Hans Klemm. Adrian Zuckerman wurde am Mittwoch vom US-Senat mit 65 Stimmen dafür und 30 Stimmen dagegen als Botschafter in Rumänien bestätigt. Zuckerman ist im Alter von 10 Jahren aus Rumänien in die Vereinigten Staaten ausgewandert und spricht flie‎ßend Rumänisch. 1984 wurde er als Rechtsanwalt in New York zugelassen. Au‎ßerdem war er Mit-Koordinator bei der Abteilung für nationale Immobiliendienstleistungen und bei mehreren Unternehmen; zuvor war er Koordinator für Immobilien. Adrian Zuckerman ist in den Bereichen Philanthropie und Bildung tätig; er ist Vorstandsmitglied bei Kids Corp sowie beim New York Law School Graduate Council.

    Die 26. Ausgabe der Gaudeamus-Buchmesse geht zu Ende

    In Bukarest geht am Sonntag die 26. Ausgabe der Gaudeamus-Buchmesse zu Ende. Die 2019-Ausgabe der Gaudeamus-Buchmesse, die von Radio Rumänien organisiert wird, wurde der antikommunistischen Revolution von 1989 gewidmet. Das Projekt Gaudeamus Radio Rumänien, das zusammen mit der Lehrbuchmesse Gaudeamus – Das Buch zum Lernen vor etwa 25 Jahren von Radio Rumänien initiiert wurde, ist zu einem soliden und konstanten Meilenstein auf dem Buchmarkt des Landes geworden. Der mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte dauernde Dialog zwischen Buch und Radio hat die Bestandteile des Programms, das heute 116 kulturelle Veranstaltungen der Ausstellungsart, über 13.600 Kulturevents und über 3 Millionen Besucher umfasst, permanent diversifiziert und erweitert. 900 redaktionelle und fachliche Veranstaltungen und über 250 Aussteller beteiligten sich an der diesjährigen Ausgabe der Buchmesse Gaudeamus. Der Dichter Mircea Dinescu, ein offener Gegner des diktatorischen kommunistischen Regimes, und der Schauspieler Ion Caramitru, zwei emblematische Figuren der Rumänischen Revolution, sind ehrenamtliche Vorsitzende der Buchmesse. Drei Aussteller werden Gaudeamus-Trophäen erhalten. Hinzu kommt der Preis Das begehrteste Buch der Gaudeamus-Messe”, basierend auf der Publikumsabstimmung. Der Exzellenzpreis wird an einen der auf der Buchmesse anwesenden Verlage vergeben und dient der vollständigen oder teilweisen Finanzierung eines redaktionellen Projekts von nationaler Bedeutung mit internationalem Echo. Verliehen werden auch der Preis für Übersetzung, der Preis für Bildungstätigkeit und der Preis Miss Lektüre”, für die schönste Messebesucherin.

  • November 19, 2019

    November 19, 2019

    ELECTION In Romania, the campaign for the second round of the presidential election continues. The vote is scheduled for Sunday, November 24th. Competing are the incumbent president, Klaus Iohannis, backed by the National Liberal Party in power, and the former Social Democrat PM Viorica Dancila. According to data made public by the Central Electoral Bureau and validated on Friday by the Constitutional Court, in the first round Klaus Iohanis got 37.82% of the votes and Viorica Dăncilă 22.26%. The turnout was 51.19%. Abroad, where Romanian citizens were able to vote Friday through Sunday, record-large numbers of voters showed up in polls (over 675,000). In the runoff as well, the Romanians living abroad will have 3 days to cast their ballots, between noon on Friday and Sunday at 9 PM, with a possible extension to midnight.

    AUTOMOTIVE In October Romania was the most dynamic automobile market in Europe, the European Automobile Manufacturers Association announced. Last month, around 11,000 vehicles were registered in Romania, up 58.1% since the same month last year. In the first 10 months of 2019, around 135,000 automobiles were registered in Romania, accounting for an annual growth rate of 18.9%, whereas the European automobile market saw a 0.7% decline. Dacia reported a 7.8% rise in sales in Europe in October, to 40,687 units. The Romanian carmaker Dacia was taken over by Renault in 1999. Relaunched in 2004 with the new Logan model, Dacia turned into a major player in the European automobile market.

    TRAGEDY The owner of the Romanian company that provided pest extermination services for 2 apartment buildings in Timişoara, western Romania, was arrested for 24 hours this morning, under charges of manslaughter, bodily harm and trafficking in controlled substances. The court will decide whether he will be kept in pre-trial arrest. Recently, 3 people died following a pest and rodent extermination operation—a 9-day baby, a 3-year old and his mother, while 20 other people, adults and children, are hospitalised. The 2 buildings have been evacuated. Preliminary investigations reveal that the intoxication was caused by neurotoxins. The tragedy caused panic among the locals, with scores of people requesting medical check-ups.

    STATISTICS Over one-quarter (27.7%) of the population of Romania were living in 2018 in households without indoor toilets. The figure is down from the 29.7% reported in 2017, but still more than 10 times above the EU average of 2.1%, according to data made public today by Eurostat, on World Toilet Day. In as many as 19 member states, the percentage of people living in housing without indoor toilets in 2018 was below 1%, including Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden where the figure is very close to zero. At the opposite pole, Romania is preceded by Bulgaria with 15.3%, Lithuania (10.6%), Latvia (9.9%) and Estonia (5.3%). Still, the number of people living without proper sanitation services in the EU dropped from 3.3% in 2010 to 2.1% last year, and in Romania it fell from 40.9% to 27.7%.

    THEATRE The Government of Japan awarded the Order of the Rising Sun to the actor Constantin Chiriac, director of the Radu Stanca National Theatre in Sibiu and president of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival, in recognition of his contribution to promoting the Japanese culture in Romania and the cultural exchanges between the 2 countries. The Order of the Rising Sun was established in 1875, and is one of the most important decorations bestowed by the Japanese government, second to the Order of the Chrysanthemum, and is the highest awarded to foreign citizens, for distinguished achievements in international relations, for the promotion of the Japanese culture and of projects aimed at preserving the environment.

    FOOTBALL Romanias Under-21 football team are playing tonight away from home against Northern Ireland in the 2021 European Championship qualifying Group 8. With 3 wins and a loss in previous matches, the Romanians rank second in the group, after Denmark. The senior team Monday lost to Spain, 0-5 away from home, in Group F of next years European Championship qualifiers, and finished 4th in the group. After the defeat, manager Cosmin Contra announced his resignation. The only chance left for Romania to qualify into the final tournament is the Nations League playoff due in March. The draw for Euro 2020 will take place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 3 group matches and an eighth-final.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Minimum historique de la monnaie nationale

    Minimum historique de la monnaie nationale

    La monnaie nationale roumaine, le leu, a dépassé le seuil psychologique de 4,77 lei pour un euro, soit son plus bas historique. Le leu suit cette tendance à la dépréciation depuis environ deux mois et demi, période dans laquelle il a perdu 5 bani face à la monnaie unique européenne. Le gouverneur de la Banque centrale de Roumanie, Mugur Isărescu, déclarait, au début de ce mois, lorsque le taux de change variait entre 4,72 – 4,76, que ces variations nétaient pas importantes par comparaison avec le forint hongrois ou le zloty polonais.

    Se référant à ces fluctuations, le nouveau ministre des Finances, Florin Cîțu, affirmait quelles navaient pas été considérables, puisquelles dépendent beaucoup du contexte international. Il a également précisé que la Roumanie enregistrait dautres chiffres négatifs aussi et donné lexemple du secteur industriel qui est entré en récession. Et lui dajouter que léconomie roumaine connaît une croissance de 3%, contre les 5,5% prévus dans le budget et que le volume des investissements étrangers sur les neuf premiers mois de lannée en cours est inférieur à celui de 2018. Pourtant, de lavis de Florin Cîţu, le mieux cest que la monnaie nationale soit libre, ce dont les chiffres témoignent largement.

    Rappelons quen début dannée le taux de change minimum record du mois de janvier a été de plus de 4,76 lei pour un euro, donc très proche du niveau actuel. La devise nationale avait perdu du terrain y compris face au dollar américain et au franc suisse.

    Par ailleurs, dans un rapport dressé en octobre dernier à lintention des investisseurs, les analystes notaient que si la pression sur le leu se maintenait à un taux de change supérieur à 4,73 et quil atteigne ultérieurement le seuil de 4,77, il se peut que cette dégringolade se poursuive jusquà 4,8 lei pour un euro, sur le moyen ou le long terme. Cest ce quils soutiennent à présent aussi, dans la foulée de ce nouveau plus bas historique.

    Les analystes voient le bon côté de laffaiblissement constant du leu, en ce sens que les fluctuations nont pas été spectaculaires. Depuis le début du mois de novembre, la dévaluation de la monnaie nationale roumaine face à celle européenne a été de plus de 1, 5 bani. Les experts tablent sur un taux de change de plus de 4, 82 lei pour un euro en 2020. Cela se traduira par des hausses de prix, allant des taux d’intérêt pour les prêts en euros jusquaux charges communes et aux prix immobiliers. (Trad. Mariana Tudose)

  • Minim istoric al monedei naţionale

    Minim istoric al monedei naţionale

    Moneda naţională a României a depăşit pragul psihologic de 4,77 lei pentru un euro, ajungând la un minim istoric în raport cu moneda unică europeană. Leul se află într-o tendinţă de depreciere de circa două luni şi jumătate, perioadă în care a pierdut cinci bani în faţa monedei europene. Guvernatorul Băncii Naţionale a României, Mugur Isărescu, declara la începutul acestei luni, când leul fluctua între 4,72 — 4,76 unităţi pentru un euro, că variaţiile acestuia sunt minore în comparaţie cu evoluţiile forintului în Ungaria sau cu ale zlotului în Polonia, care au înregistrat fluctuaţii mult mai mari.

    Despre mişcările pe cursul leu/euro, şi noul ministru al Finanţelor, Florin Cîțu, spune că nu au fost foarte mari, în condiţiile în care acestea depind mult de contextul internaţional, susţinând însă că sunt şi alte cifre negative, precum cele legate de sectorul industrial naţional despre care se poate spune că a intrat în recesiune. Potrivit lui, economia românească crește cu 3% versus 5,5%, cât era estimarea în buget, investițiile străine sunt mai mici după nouă luni decât anul trecut, industria are deja trei trimestre pe negativ.

    Florin Cîţu este de părere, însă, că moneda natională este cel mai bine să fie liberă. Iar cifrele arată acest lucru. Amintim că, la începutul anului, cotaţia minimă record din luna ianuarie a acestui an a fost de peste 4,76 lei pentru un euro, foarte apropiată de cotaţia de zilele acestea. De notat că moneda naţională a pierdut teren atunci şi în faţa dolarului american, dar şi a francului elveţian.

    Pe de altă parte, analiştii notau, într-un raport adresat investitorilor în octombrie, că dacă presiunea asupra leului se menţine cu un curs situat peste 4,73 şi se ajunge ulterior la pragul de 4,77, am putea asista la continuarea deprecierii monedei naţionale până la 4,8 lei pentru un euro pe termen scurt sau mediu. Acelaşi lucru îl spun şi acum, după atingerea de către leu a unui nou record negativ. Totuşi, analiştii mai precizează că este bine că aceste minime istorice înregistrate atât săptămâna aceasta, cât şi săptămâna trecută sau la începutul anului, sunt foarte mici, deprecierile faţă de ziua precedentă fiind de circa jumătate de ban.

    Per total, de la începutul lunii până acum, deprecierea monedei naţionale faţă de cea europeană a fost de peste 1,5 bani. Pentru anul viitor, sunt estimări că euro va depăsi 4 lei și 82 de bani. Iar un euro puternic în raport cu leul înseamnă scumpiri în lanţ, mai spun specialiştii, de la rate mai mari pentru cei care au credite în moneda europeană la facturi mai mari la utilităţi şi locuinţe mai scumpe.

  • October 15, 2019

    October 15, 2019

    GOVERNMENT The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, carries on today his consultations with parliamentary parties on the appointment of a new prime minister and the formation of a new Cabinet. The talks began on Friday, one day after Viorica Dancilas government was dismissed through a no-confidence vote in Parliament, and continued on Monday in a narrow format. Today the head of state is discussing with the leaders of Save Romania Union, the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians and the National Liberal Party. So far the talks point to a government formed by or around the National Liberal Party, which pleads for a Cabinet of 16 ministries at most. The Liberals announced they are ready to take over power, and the party leader Ludovic Orban is their nomination for prime minister. Save Romania Union spoke in favour of early elections and has several requests in exchange for supporting a new government, including a two-round local election system and a law abolishing compensatory appeals. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians on the other hand wants mayors to continue to be elected in one round, while the ex-PM Victor Pontas Pro Romania party says it would support the good projects initiated by a new cabinet. The Peoples Movement Party is willing to be part of the new government alonside the Liberals, but will not work with ALDE and Pro Romania. The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats says they will not be part of a new government, and supports a Liberal Cabinet. The Social Democratic Party turned down the invitation to consultations, and its leader Viorica Dăncilă announced the partys parliamentary group would not vote for the new government.

    DEFENCE Representatives of the South-East European defence ministries (SEDM) convene in Bucharest on Wednesday. Romania is represented by the state secretary with the Defence Ministry Doru Claudian Frunzulică. According to a Defence Ministry news release, the meeting is an opportunity for Bucharest to reconfirm its commitment to the projects implemented as part of this initiative, as well as to support proposals for the consolidation of the SEDM as the main cooperation platform in South-East Europe. SEDM is a regional initiative designed to help maintain peace and strengthen neighbourhood and close cooperation among East-European countries, by fostering political-military dialogue and involvement in practical projects in the field of regional security and stability.

    PRICES In Romania, the Foodstuff Price Monitor has been launched today. It is a platform designed to help citizens to contrast food prices charged by stores across the country. The users will be able to choose between around 30,000 types of products, accounting for half of the total foodstuffs in the market. The project is similar to the one that compares fuel prices, launched in June. The new platform is available as a mobile phone app and on the internet at monitorulpreţurilor.info.

    BREXIT Londons most recent proposals regarding Brexit are not good enough, the EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said on Tuesday, at the General Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg, according to diplomatic sources quoted by Reuters. Barnier also said that he needed a legal text by the end of the day, in order to be able to recommend that EU leaders approve an agreement at the European Council due on October 17 and 18. Otherwise, Michel Barnier is likely to suggest additional negotiations with London after the EU summit concluding on Friday. Without an agreement between London and the EU by October 19, a law passed in September forces the British PM Boris Johnson to request a 3-month postponement of UKs exit. London and Brussels are trying to reach common ground on means to prevent a post-Brexit return to a physical border between Northern Ireland, a part of the UK, and the Republic of Ireland, which will still be an EU member.

    FOOTBALL Romanias football team plays against Norway in Bucharest today, in Group F of the 2020 European Championship qualifiers. Spain tops the group ranking with 19 points, followed by Sweden with 14, Romania – 13, Norway – 10, Malta – 3 and Faroe Islands with 0 points. The top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament. On Monday night, Romanias Under 21 team defeated Northern Ireland on home turf, 3-0, in Group 8 of the 2021 European Youth Championship. On Thursday, also on home turf, Romania beat Ukraine, 3-0, after last month it had lost to Denmark, 1-2, away from home. In June Romania Under 21 qualified for the first time in the semi-finals of the continental tournament in Italy and San Marino, thus securing their ticket to the Tokyo Olympics.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 11, 2019

    October 11, 2019

    CONSULTATIONS In Bucharest, President Klaus Iohannis has a first round of consultations with the parliamentary parties today, after Mrs Dancilas Social Democratic Cabinet was dismissed through a no-confidence vote in Parliament. The first to talk to the President were the Liberals. After the discussions, the Liberal leader Ludovic Orban said the National Liberal Party would prefer early elections, but that they are prepared to take over power. Save Romania Union, the next party invited to the Presidency, said they wanted early elections, which according to the party would put an end to the political crisis. The head of the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians, Kelemen Hunor, nominated a PM from his own party, and offered the alternatives of an independent prime minister from the financial sector or of a government headed by the Liberal leader. The head of the Peoples Movement Party Eugen Tomac voiced lack of confidence in the early election scenario and urged the President to consider the nomination of a prime minister from PMP. The Social Democrats, scheduled to be the last to see Iohannis today, announced they did not accept the invitation. The President said he wanted a Cabinet with a clearly defined mission, to ensure responsible and efficient governing until the forthcoming parliamentary elections, irrespective of their date.

    ELECTION In Romania, the campaign for Novembers presidential election officially starts on Saturday, with 14 candidates in the race, including the incumbent President Klaus Iohannis, backed by the Liberals in opposition, the incumbent PM Viorica Dăncilă, backed by the Social Democratic Party, Dan Barna, backed by the USR-PLUS Alliance, Theodor Paleologu (Peoples Movement Party), Mircea Diaconu, supported by ALDE and Pro Romania, and Kelemen Hunor from the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania. Cătălin Ivan, Ninel Peia, Sebastian-Constantin Popescu, John-Ion Banu, Ramona-Ioana Bruynseels and Viorel Cataramă represent political parties from outside Parliament, whereas Bogdan Stanoevici and Alexandru Cumpănaşu run as unaffiliated candidates. The first round of the presidential election is due on November 10th, and the second on the 24th. Under a government order, the Romanians living abroad will be able to vote between November 8th and 10th in the first round, and again for 3 days, November 22nd to 24th, in the second round.

    NATURAL GAS The ‘Transgaz’ SA National Gas Transport Company and Russias ‘Gazprom Export’ have agreed to extend their natural gas transport contract by another 3 months, until December 31. According to Transgaz, this extension ensures the continuity of natural gas transport from Russia to Turkey, Greece and other south-east European countries. Transgaz SA is the technical operator of the National Transport System for natural gas, and ensures the efficient, transparent, safe, fair and competitive implementation of the national strategy regarding the domestic and international natural gas transport, as well as research and design in the natural gas sector.

    NOBEL Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, “for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea. Ethiopia and Eritrea, involved in a war over disputed border territory between 1998 and 2000, resumed official relations in July 2018, after years of hostility. On Thursday, the 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk, after the postponement triggered by the sex assault scandal at the Swedish Academy, and the 2019 Prize went to Austrian Peter Handke. The last Nobel Prize this year is the one for economics, to be awarded on Monday.

    FOOTBALL Romanias youth national team defeated Ukraine, 3-0 at home on Thursday night, in a match in Group 8 of the Euro 2021 qualifiers. On Monday the Romanians are to take on Northern Ireland, also on home turf. Last month, Romania lost its first qualifier game, 1-2 away from home against Denmark. The group also includes Finland and Malta. In June, Romanias Under 21 team qualified for the first time into the semi-finals of the continental tournament in Italy and San Marino, securing their tickets for next years Tokyo Olympics. Meanwhile, the national team plays on Saturday against the Faroe Islands away from home, and on Tuesday against Norway at home, in Group F of next years European Championship. The group draw for Euro 2020 takes place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 4 matches in the final tournament, 3 in the group stage and one in the round of 16.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • September 9, 2019

    September 9, 2019

    SCHOOL Nearly 3 million school and kindergarten children in Romania have today started the 2019-2020 school year. According to a news release issued by the National Education Ministry, over 215,000 educators will be teaching this year, during 35 weeks structured into 2 semesters. Attending the official opening in Bucharest, President Klaus Iohannis spoke about the failure of public education policies. In turn, PM Viorica Dăncilă, said in Hunedoara, in the south-west of the country, that education is vital to overcoming poverty.

    GOVERNMENT The Government of Romania convenes today to discuss a number of draft resolutions. One of them concerns the minimum amount of performance, merit, education and social scholarships to be granted in public undergraduate schools during the new academic year. The agenda of the Cabinet also includes an assessment of the technical and economic performance indicators for the investment in the Cluj Napoca Regional Emergency Hospital, a project benefiting from EU funding, as well as a memorandum on the Government debt management strategy for the coming 3 years.

    FESTIVAL The George Enescu International Festival continues today in Bucharest. The American soprano Laura Aikin will perform George Enescus Seven Songs on lyrics by Clément Marot, by George Enescu, together with Dresden Staatskapelle. The capital city will also host a concert entitled From Classical to Jazz, with first performances inspired by George Enescus Rhapsody no I and II. Singer Teodora Enache will be joined by Călin Grigoriu on guitar, Joca Perpignan (Israel) on percussion and Răzvan Suma on the cello. The central theme of this years edition is “The world in harmony, and the artistic director is Vladimir Jurowski. Until September 22, Bucharest and 10 other cities in Romania, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and the Rep. of Moldova, will host performances associated to the Festival. Radio Romania has been a co-producer of the event ever since its first edition, in 1958.

    NAVY King Ferdinand Frigate, the military vessel with the biggest number of first performances in the post-communist history of the Romanian Naval Forces, celebrates today 15 years of service within the Romanian navy. During this time, the vessel sailed thousands of miles in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean and 8 seas, and took part in hundreds of missions and exercises. It is the Romanian ship that took part in the first NATO combat mission since WW2, off the Libyan coast in 2011, and in combat missions against piracy in the Indian Ocean in 2012. In October the frigate takes part in NATOs multinational exercise Sea Guardian.

    FOOTBALL Romanias national team Sunday defeated Malta, 1-0, in Group F of the European Football Championship preliminaries. In the same group, Sweden and Norway drew 1-1, while Spain defeated the Faroe Islands, 4-0. Spain tops the group with 18 points, followed by Sweden with 11, Romania – 10, Norway – 9, Malta – 3 and Faroe Islands with no points. Romanias next matches are scheduled on October 12 against the Faroe Islands away from home, and on October 15 at home against Norway. The top 2 teams in the group will move forward to the final tournament. The draw for Euro 2020 will take place in Bucharest on November 30. Romania will also host 4 matches in the final tournament, 3 in the group stage and one in the eighth-finals.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Jurnal românesc – 14.06.2019

    Jurnal românesc – 14.06.2019

    Guvernul german
    a alocat 5,8 milioane de euro, în 2019, pentru susţinerea micilor
    întreprinzători germani din comunităţile din România şi a unor proiecte
    educaţionale şi sociale.
    Această asistenţă nu are un caracter strict
    etnic, ci în special în domeniul economic avem în vedere susţinerea minorităţii
    germane în contextul multietnic în care trăiesc,
    a spus împuternicitul
    Guvernului de la Berlin pentru problemele imigranţilor de origine germană şi minorităţi,
    Bernd Fabritius.

    Demnitarul a participat alături de ministrul român al
    Afacerilor Europene, George Ciamba, la Sibiu, la cea de-a 22-a sesiune a
    Comisiei interguvernamentale româno-germane pentru problematica etnicilor
    germani din România. Fabritius, originar din România, a declarat că este
    importantă menţinerea limbii germane materne ca punct de sprijin al identităţii

    La rândul său, ministrul George Ciamba a afirmat că minoritatea
    germană din România a stat mereu la baza dialogului constructiv dintre cele
    două ţări. A fost, este şi va fi un veritabil liant între ţările noastre
    (…) Pentru noi este foarte important rolul minorităţii germane, nu este vorba
    aici numai de puntea de legătură între România şi Germania, ci şi de
    consacrarea unui model de cooperare în privinţa drepturilor persoanelor
    aparţinând minorităţilor naţionale
    , a argumentat Ciamba. Comisia
    interguvernamentală româno-germană, înfiinţată în 1992, se reuneşte anual,
    alternativ în România şi în Germania, şi reprezintă un instrument privilegiat
    de aprofundare a relaţiei dintre cele două state.

    Zeci de oameni
    s-au strâns în faţa monumentului Trenul durerii din Scuarul Gării
    de la Chişinău pentru a marca împlinirea a 78 de ani de la deportările
    staliniste în masă, din 12-13 iunie 1941,
    transmite Radio Chişinău. Cei
    prezenţi au depus flori și au depănat amintiri. La comemorare a participat şi liderul
    Partidului Liberal din Republica Moldova, Dorin Chirtoacă, fost primar al Chişinăului. El a spus că în această
    perioadă neagră din istoria Basarabiei se comemorează inclusiv ocupația din 28
    iunie 1940 și al doilea val de deportări din iulie 1949. În noaptea de 12 spre
    13 iunie 1941, au fost deportate peste 22.000 de persoane. Radio Chişinău
    aminteşte că au existat trei valuri de deportări în masă din Moldova: în iunie
    1941, iulie 1949 și aprilie 1951, iar numărul total al celor deportați a fost
    de circa 58.000.

    CFR Călători
    anunţă că Trenurile Soarelui au reintrat în circulaţie la finele acestei
    Timp de aproape trei luni, până pe 8-9 septembrie, peste 40 de
    garnituri vor asigura zilnic legături directe din toată ţara cu staţiunile de
    la Marea Neagră şi Delta Dunării. Compania feroviară naţională precizează că
    durata de parcurs între Bucureşti şi Constanţa, pentru trenurile Inter Regio,
    este de 1 oră şi 58 de minute.

    Acestea sunt dotate cu instalaţii de
    climatizare, iar garniturile de lung parcurs au în compunere vagoane de dormit
    şi cuşetă. CFR Călători transmite că două trenuri directe vor asigura zilnic şi
    legătura Bucureşti Nord – Tulcea Oraş şi retur, pentru a facilita accesul
    turiştilor la Delta Dunării.

    De asemenea, patru trenuri vor continua să circule,
    în fiecare zi, între Medgidia şi Tulcea. Pentru sudul litoralalului, unde
    tronsonul de cale ferată este neelectrificat, CFR Călători a anunţat un grafic
    de circulaţie adaptat pentru a reduce timpul petrecut în tranzit. Tariful
    pentru o călătorie la clasa a 2-a cu trenul Inter Regio Bucureşti – Constanţa,
    fără nicio ofertă comercială, este 59 de lei şi 60 de bani, turiştii
    beneficiind de reduceri între 5 şi 25% în cazul în care achiziţionează biletele
    anticipat, dus-întors sau online.

    Operatorii din Spaţiul
    Economic European oferă, prin intermediul reţelei Eures România, 473 de locuri
    de muncă.
    Cele mai multe job-uri pentru români sunt disponibile în Ungaria -
    118, unde sunt căutaţi muncitori în industria alimentară şi în construcţii.
    Germania pune la dispoziţie 110 posturi de bucătar, măcelar, manipulant bagaje,
    mecanic, recepţioner şi electrician, Olanda, 85 locuri de muncă în grădinărit
    şi horticultură, iar Norvegia are nevoie de 76 de lucrători în sectorul auto şi
    în medicină. Oferta mai cuprinde 37 de posturi pentru montator de mobilă şi
    muncitor calificat în domeniul forestier în Austria, 13 de inginer agronom,
    horticultor şi mecanic utilaje fermă în Danemarca, 12 de sticlar în Slovacia,
    10 de instalator de schele în Finlanda, 8 de mecanic în Suedia şi 3 de inginer
    în Belgia. Cei interesaţi pot viziona oferta completă pe pagina de internet
    www.eures.anofm.ro sau se pot prezenta la sediul agenţiei judeţene pentru
    ocuparea forţei de muncă din zona de reşedinţă, unde pot fi indrumate de
    consilierul Eures.

  • June 8, 2019 UPDATE

    June 8, 2019 UPDATE

    UN Romania remains “deeply committed to supporting the UN, and the campaign for a non-permanent seat in the Security Council “has strengthened the countrys international profile, reads a news release issued by the Romanian Foreign Ministry. The statement comes after on Friday Romania, supported by only 58 countries, failed to win a seat in the 2020-2021 Security Council, being outrun by Estonia, which got 132 votes. President Klaus Iohannis blamed the failure on “irresponsible statements by some top officials, which generated reluctance with respect to Romanias candidacy. On the other hand, voices in the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats say the President, as coordinator of Romanian diplomacy, has most of the responsibility. The Security Council includes 5 permanent members with veto rights: the USA, Russia, China, France and the UK. Another 10 members have 2-year terms, after which they are replaced by countries from the same region. Next year 5 seats will be vacant, 2 for Africa, one for Asia-Pacific, one for Latin America and the Caribbean and one for Eastern Europe. To be elected in the UN Security Council, a country needs the support of two-thirds of the General Assembly members, which means at least 129 votes out of the 193 voting member states.

    G20 The Romanian finance minister Eugen Teodorovici is heading the EU Council delegation at the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting held this weekend in Fukuoka, Japan. According to a news release issued by the Finance Ministry, the agenda of talks includes topics like financing for development, global economy, international taxation, global imbalances, population ageing, investments in infrastructure and financial sector issues. The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors will adopt an official declaration comprising the outcomes of the meeting, the news release also says.

    TENSIONS The Government suggests that the National Defence Ministry should take over the administration of the Heroes Cemetery in Valea Uzului and make it an international cemetery. A decision will be made after consultations with all stakeholders, PM Viorica Dăncilă says in a news release. She also calls for respect for Romanias state symbols and for public order, and urges responsibility in all political statements and actions concerning the situation in Valea Uzului, Harghita County. Soldiers of various nationalities, killed in the 2 world wars, are buried here. The Romanian Police opened a criminal investigation concerning the destruction of the access gate to the Valea Uzului graveyard, after on Thursday members of several Romanian organisations forced their way in, to attend a Heroes Day commemoration. According to the gendarmes, tensions were reported, but there were no violent clashes between the Romanian and the Hungarian ethnics in the area or with the police forces, as some Hungarian politicians had claimed.

    WHITSUNDAY Roman-Catholic Christians celebrate the Pentecost, which in mostly Orthodox Romania is marked, among other things, through a pilgrimage to Şumuleu Ciuc, attended every year by tens of thousands of Hungarian ethnics. The Marian shrine in Şumuleu Ciuc has become the most important Catholic pilgrimage site in the region. A week ago, it was also visited by Pope Francis, who was on a pastoral visit to Romania.

    MOLDOVA The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova Saturday ruled that the appointment of the pro-Russian Socialist Zinaida Greceanyi as Parliament Speaker is unconstitutional. The ruling is final and cannot be appealed. The Socialists and the pro-European right wing voted to appoint Greceanyi after the Court decided that the mandate of the current Parliament ended. The countrys pro-Russian president Igor Dodon postponed signing a decree to dissolve Parliament, and said the republic is on the verge of being destabilised. These developments come after 3-and-a-half months of failed attempts at forming a parliamentary majority. In the February 24 legislative elections, Dodons Socialists won 35 of the 101 seats in Parliament. The ruling Democratic Party, headed by the controversial oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc, has 30 MPs, while ACUM bloc, a pro-European right-wing cartel, has another 26. Seven seats were won by the populist party headed by the Mayor of Orhei town, Ilan Shor, a politician sentenced by a court of first instance to 7 and a half years in prison for his involvement in Moldovas billion dollar banking fraud. 3 other MPs are non-affiliated.

    FOOTBALL Romanias football team is in Malta, scheduled to play against the host national team on Monday in the Group F qualifiers for the 2020 European Championships. On Friday Romania drew against Norway, 2-all away from home. In the first 2 matches in the group, played in March, the Romanians were defeated by Sweden in Stockholm, and won at home against Faroe Islands. Spain tops the Group F standings with 9 points, followed by Sweden with 7, with Romania coming in 3rd with 4 points. The top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament. The drawing for Euro 2020 takes place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 4 final tournament matches, 3 in the group stage and one in the 8th-finals. In related news, Romanias team will play this month in the European Under-21 Football Championships in Italy and San Marino, in Group C, alongside England, France and Croatia.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Romania and the Euro

    Romania and the Euro

    Romanias switching to the Euro is a national project whose success requires the support of the entire society, PM Viorica Dancila said upon the presentation of the substantiation report for the National Plan to Adopt the Single Currency. Just like the accession to the European Union and NATO, the countrys accession to the Euro zone is a nation-wide priority, the head of the Romanian Government believes. According to her, this will benefit the Romanian society, but the success of this endeavour requires the support of the academia, civil society, political parties, social partners and the key public authorities.

    Proper preparation for the first stage of this process, namely the adoption of the European exchange rate mechanism, as well as governmental measures to enhance competitiveness and ensure sustainable economic growth, are of vital importance in this respect.

    Viorica Dancila: “I firmly believe that, through measures aimed at stimulating the economy and supporting competitive sectors, and through open and constant dialogue with social partners, we can pave the way for Romania to be able to meet the key requirements for adopting the euro by 2024.

    The President of the Romanian Academy, Aurel Pop, emphasised that Romanias EU membership has been essential and the countrys embracing the Unions values has been redemptive for the Romanian society.

    In turn, the Governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu, supports a cautious approach, because in his opinion switching to the Euro, in and by itself, does not solve the problems of an economy, but, on the contrary, it may even deepen them. The central bank official believes that Romania should look at how the other countries in Central and Eastern Europe have handled this change. In his opinion, the relevant example for Romania is the way Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary have tackled this process. Adopting the Euro remains a commitment that the country stands by.

    Mugur Isarescu: “The switch to the Euro is a matter of when, and not a matter of if. Romanias commitment to joining the Euro zone is unquestionable, and is an obligation that the country has taken under the EU Accession Treaty. But beyond the formal and judicial obligation, the commitment to adopting the single currency also reflects Romanias strong affiliation to the European project. In other words, fully embracing Romanias European future includes the accession to the Euro zone.

    Mugur Isarescu also mentioned that this is not a strictly technical matter, a mere replacement of a set of notes and coins with another, but a highly complex process, whose proper unfolding and successful completion require very careful management and close cooperation between all the institutions involved.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Romania and the Euro

    Romania and the Euro

    Romanias switching to the Euro is a national project whose success requires the support of the entire society, PM Viorica Dancila said upon the presentation of the substantiation report for the National Plan to Adopt the Single Currency. Just like the accession to the European Union and NATO, the countrys accession to the Euro zone is a nation-wide priority, the head of the Romanian Government believes. According to her, this will benefit the Romanian society, but the success of this endeavour requires the support of the academia, civil society, political parties, social partners and the key public authorities.

    Proper preparation for the first stage of this process, namely the adoption of the European exchange rate mechanism, as well as governmental measures to enhance competitiveness and ensure sustainable economic growth, are of vital importance in this respect.

    Viorica Dancila: “I firmly believe that, through measures aimed at stimulating the economy and supporting competitive sectors, and through open and constant dialogue with social partners, we can pave the way for Romania to be able to meet the key requirements for adopting the euro by 2024.

    The President of the Romanian Academy, Aurel Pop, emphasised that Romanias EU membership has been essential and the countrys embracing the Unions values has been redemptive for the Romanian society.

    In turn, the Governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu, supports a cautious approach, because in his opinion switching to the Euro, in and by itself, does not solve the problems of an economy, but, on the contrary, it may even deepen them. The central bank official believes that Romania should look at how the other countries in Central and Eastern Europe have handled this change. In his opinion, the relevant example for Romania is the way Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary have tackled this process. Adopting the Euro remains a commitment that the country stands by.

    Mugur Isarescu: “The switch to the Euro is a matter of when, and not a matter of if. Romanias commitment to joining the Euro zone is unquestionable, and is an obligation that the country has taken under the EU Accession Treaty. But beyond the formal and judicial obligation, the commitment to adopting the single currency also reflects Romanias strong affiliation to the European project. In other words, fully embracing Romanias European future includes the accession to the Euro zone.

    Mugur Isarescu also mentioned that this is not a strictly technical matter, a mere replacement of a set of notes and coins with another, but a highly complex process, whose proper unfolding and successful completion require very careful management and close cooperation between all the institutions involved.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Romania and the Euro

    Romania and the Euro

    Romanias switching to the Euro is a national project whose success requires the support of the entire society, PM Viorica Dancila said upon the presentation of the substantiation report for the National Plan to Adopt the Single Currency. Just like the accession to the European Union and NATO, the countrys accession to the Euro zone is a nation-wide priority, the head of the Romanian Government believes. According to her, this will benefit the Romanian society, but the success of this endeavour requires the support of the academia, civil society, political parties, social partners and the key public authorities.

    Proper preparation for the first stage of this process, namely the adoption of the European exchange rate mechanism, as well as governmental measures to enhance competitiveness and ensure sustainable economic growth, are of vital importance in this respect.

    Viorica Dancila: “I firmly believe that, through measures aimed at stimulating the economy and supporting competitive sectors, and through open and constant dialogue with social partners, we can pave the way for Romania to be able to meet the key requirements for adopting the euro by 2024.

    The President of the Romanian Academy, Aurel Pop, emphasised that Romanias EU membership has been essential and the countrys embracing the Unions values has been redemptive for the Romanian society.

    In turn, the Governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu, supports a cautious approach, because in his opinion switching to the Euro, in and by itself, does not solve the problems of an economy, but, on the contrary, it may even deepen them. The central bank official believes that Romania should look at how the other countries in Central and Eastern Europe have handled this change. In his opinion, the relevant example for Romania is the way Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary have tackled this process. Adopting the Euro remains a commitment that the country stands by.

    Mugur Isarescu: “The switch to the Euro is a matter of when, and not a matter of if. Romanias commitment to joining the Euro zone is unquestionable, and is an obligation that the country has taken under the EU Accession Treaty. But beyond the formal and judicial obligation, the commitment to adopting the single currency also reflects Romanias strong affiliation to the European project. In other words, fully embracing Romanias European future includes the accession to the Euro zone.

    Mugur Isarescu also mentioned that this is not a strictly technical matter, a mere replacement of a set of notes and coins with another, but a highly complex process, whose proper unfolding and successful completion require very careful management and close cooperation between all the institutions involved.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • March 24, 2019 UPDATE

    March 24, 2019 UPDATE

    VISIT The PM of Romania Viorica Dăncilă reiterated on Sunday in Washington her Cabinets intention to relocate the Romanian Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. She said a decision would be made “after thorough analysis by all constitutional decision-makers and if full consensus is reached. The PM made these statements during the conference of the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which invited her to the US. In October 2018, the Foreign Ministry presented the Government with a report on the effects of relocating the Romanian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The report included both the pros and cons to this decision, Foreign Minister Teodor Meleşcanu said, but he would not disclose the ministrys recommendation on the topic. The idea of moving the embassy was first mentioned by the head of the ruling coalition in Romania, the Social Democrat Liviu Dragnea, in a private TV show in late 2017. The plan prompted strong criticism from the right-wing Opposition and President Klaus Iohannis, who, under the Constitution, coordinates the countrys foreign policy. The Palestinian Authority also temporarily recalled its ambassador to Bucharest.

    MEETING EU transport ministers and state secretaries are taking part on March 26th and 27th in the informal meeting of EU transport ministers held in Bucharest under the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. They will discuss, among other things, the future of mobility in the Union and means to strengthen connectivity and cohesion by means of the TEN-T network. According to the organisers, an enlarged and consolidated trans-European transport network will help improve territorial cohesion, the accessibility and connectivity of all regions in the EU, thus stimulating investments and narrowing development gaps.

    TRANSPORT The Romanian Transport Operator Federation (FORT) announces in a news release that on Wednesday, March 27th they will protest in Strasbourg against the EU Mobility Package 1, alongside other employer associations from Romania and Eastern European countries. The Federation is against the obligation for drivers to return home at least every 4 weeks or, if a driver chooses the reduced weekly rest option, every 3 weeks on the road. FORT also demands a review of regular weekly rest rules and is also against applying the rules of posting to road transport.

    PROTESTS The weekly “yellow vest protest in France took place on Saturday under strict police control, following the incidents of March 16th in Paris, which had prompted President Emmanuel Macrons criticism of the police force. According to Radio Romanias correspondent in Paris, protesters access to certain parts of the city was prohibited, and the police checked thousands of people to identify individuals intent on resorting to violence. Across the country, many individuals were detained while trying to reach Paris equipped with baseball bats, projectiles, gas masks. Significant clashes between the protesters and the police were also reported in Lyon, Lille and Montpellier, but order has been restored. The so-called “yellow vest movement emerged in November as a protest against a rise in fuel prices.

    FOOTBALL Romanias Under-21 football team are scheduled to play a friendly against Denmark on Monday, after on Thursday they lost a match against Spain, during a training session in that country. In the 2019 European Youth Championship hosted by Italy and San Marino, Romania plays in Group C, alongside England, France and Croatia. Meanwhile, Romanias national football team was defeated on Saturday night, 2-1, in Sweden, in a EURO 2020 qualifier match held at the Friends Arena in Solna. On Tuesday, Romania is playing at home against Faroe Islands. The group also includes Spain, Norway and Malta, and the top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament. The drawing for Euro 2020 takes place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 4 final tournament games, 3 in the group stage and an 8th-final.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • March 24, 2019

    March 24, 2019

    VISIT The PM of Romania, Viorica Dăncilă, is in the USA until Tuesday, to take part in the conference of the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), at the invitation of the AIPAC president Morton Fridman, and executive director Howard Kohr. On Saturday, the PM met in Washington with representatives of American companies having invested in Romania. According to a government press release, Dancila presented the measures taken by her Cabinet to enhance the attractiveness of the Romanian business environment. The American investors appreciated the opportunities offered by Bucharest for the development of the strategic defence industry and for investments in healthcare, energy, research and innovation, IT and communications. The participants also discussed the recent changes in the public private partnership legislation, emphasising that it includes broader contractual terms and allows for more flexible financing, enabling parties to share the risks and benefits.

    MEETING EU transport ministers and state secretaries are taking part on March 26th and 27th in the informal meeting of EU transport ministers held in Bucharest under the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. They will discuss, among other things, the future of mobility in the Union and means to strengthen connectivity and cohesion by means of the TEN-T network. According to the organisers, an enlarged and consolidated trans-European transport network will help improve territorial cohesion, the accessibility and connectivity of all regions in the EU, thus stimulating investments and narrowing development gaps.

    TRANSPORT The Romanian Transport Operator Federation (FORT) announces in a news release that on Wednesday, March 27th they will protest in Strasbourg against the EU Mobility Package 1, alongside other employer associations from Romania and Eastern European countries. The Federation is against the obligation for drivers to return home at least every 4 weeks or, if a driver chooses the reduced weekly rest option, every 3 weeks on the road. FORT also demands a review of regular weekly rest rules and is also against applying the rules of posting to road transport.

    PROTESTS The weekly “yellow vest protest in France took place on Saturday under strict police control, following the incidents of March 16th in Paris, which had prompted President Emmanuel Macrons criticism of the police force. According to Radio Romanias correspondent in Paris, protesters access to certain parts of the city was prohibited, and the police checked thousands of people to identify individuals intent on resorting to violence. Across the country, many individuals were detained while trying to reach Paris equipped with baseball bats, projectiles, gas masks. Significant clashes between the protesters and the police were also reported in Lyon, Lille and Montpellier, but order has been restored. The so-called “yellow vest movement emerged in November as a protest against a rise in fuel prices.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, no 3 in the world, is playing today against Slovenian Polona Hercog, in the 3rd round of the Miami tournament, which has over 9 million US dollars in total prize money. In the doubles, Simona Halep and Julia Goerges (Germany) qualified on Saturday in the 8th-finals. Another Romanian, Raluca Olaru, playing together with Croatian Darija Jurak, is also playing in the 8th-finals of the doubles tournament, against Lara Arruabarrena of Spain / Heather Watson (UK). Also today, Monica Niculescu of Romania and Abigail Spears of the USA, defeated Anna-Lena Groenefeld (Germany) / Lucie Hradecka (the Czeck Republic), 2-0, 6-3, 7-5. On Saturday, Monica Niculescu (138 WTA) lost to Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark (13 WTA) 6-4, 7-6 (4), in the 3rd round of the Miami tournament.

    FOOTBALL Romanias national football team was defeated on Saturday night, 2-1, in Sweden, in a EURO 2020 qualifier match held at the Friends Arena in Solna. On Tuesday, Romania is playing at home against Faroe. The top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament. The drawing for the Euro 2020 takes place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 4 final tournament games, 3 in the group stage and an 8th-final. Meanwhile, Romanias Under-21 team Thursday lost a friendly against Spain, and are scheduled to play on Monday against Denmark. In the 2019 European Youth Championship hosted by Italy and San Marino, Romania plays in Group C, alongside England, France and Croatia.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)