Tag: gaudeamus

  • Ma mărli evenimenti a stămânăllei ţi tricu 04-10.12.2022

    Ma mărli evenimenti a stămânăllei ţi tricu 04-10.12.2022

    Schengen, ună nauă ratare

    Vărnu şi ici ţiva nu căbdăsi Austria că România şi parteneara a llei de integrare europeană, Bulgaria, ahărdzescu s’facă parti ditu spaţiul Schengen de la 1 di yinaru anlu yinitoru. Cara, aoa şi 11 di ani, reformele inconsistente ditu justiţie şi corupţia eara, tru cazlu ali Românie, argumenti duri ti ma multi state europene tra s’voteadză contra ti aprukearea a llei tru spaţiul de liberă circulaţie, opoziţia di tora ali Vienă, singulară, easti nai ma pţănu ti ciudie. Ea yine după dauă misiuni dievaluare a experţilor, cari aprukeară că Bucureştiul tiñiseaşti condiţiile tehniţi ale aderari şi pe fondul a unui agiutoru fără echivoc exprimat di tuti alanti state ali Uniunii şi de instituţiile comunitare.

    Nu easti un vot contra Româniillei, easti un vot contra Uniunillei Europene, tru ansamblul a llei, şi contra unitatillei a noastre, declară, nvirinatu, ministrul român de Interne, Lucian Bode.

    Pritu aestă apofasi apofasi, Austria agiumsi s’hibă singulară şi autoizolată tru cadrul a Uniunillei Europene, reacţionă Ministerlu di Externe di Bucureşti, pi un ton ţi nu s’ari vidzută tru ligătură cu un altu stat membru ali Uniuni Europene. MAE lugurseaşti că aestu rezultat easti acutotalui injust şi lipsit di iţi motivare obiectivă, maxus tru condiţiile tru cari România cil4stăsi cu dişcllideari şi transparenţă tru relaţia cu tuţ partenerllii europeni, inclusiv Austria, iara gradul di pregătire a văsiliillei ti băgarea tru lucru a pruviderloru acquis-ului Schengen fu confirmat, tru repetate rânduri,ma multi ori arada, di experţălli ali UE şi a statilor membre.

    Invocarea di cătră partea austriacă a problemăllei mutrinda cristearea a fluxului migraţionist, ca justificari a opoziţiillei andicra di aderarea ali Românie la Schengen, easti inacceptabilă, incorectă şi injustă, avânda tru videală că tuti datili pitricuti ufiţialu di Agenţia Frontex a UE spunu limbidu că România nu easti pi ruta migratorie a Balcanilor di Vest, nu s’ampuliseaşti cu ună presie migraţionistă şi nu easti unu izvuru di minări secundare migraţioniste, nica spuni ministerlu di Externe. Purtaticlu niantimilleatu şi inamicală ali Austrie va s’aducă consecinţe inevitabile tră relaţiili bilaterale, ălli si dimăndă a ambasadoarăllei ali Ripublică Austria la Bucureşti, cari fu convocată la sediul MAE.

    Plan european contra migraţiillei paranom

    Canda tra s’apridună asparizmili ali Austrie şi a altăntoru state atu ligătură cu numirlu mari di migranţi ilegali cari agiung tru spaţiul Uniunillei, Comisia Europeană părăstisi, stămâna aesta, un plan de acţiune tră gestionarea agiundzerloru migranţălor ilegali pi ruta a Balcanilor Occidentali. Planlu pruveadi acţiuni opearative, structurate pi ţinţi sturi: anvărtuşearea a managementului de sinuru, proceduri di azil accelearate şi andruparea a capacităţilor di aprukeari, alumta contra traficului de migranţi, anvărtuşearea a cooperarillei mutrinda readmisia şi returnările şi simfunizarea a politicilor de vize. Statili a Balcanilor Occidentali suntu griti să-şi alinieadză politica de vize cu aţea practicată di UE di itia că suntu multi cazuri de migranţi cari agiungu tru văsiliili balcaniţi iu nu au ananghi di viză de intrare şi di aclo nkisescu oaranomu cătă ascăpitata ali Europă. Guvernul României salută Planul di Acţiune tră Balcanii di Vest ali Comisie Europenă şi reitereadză tută disponibilitatea tra s’agiută activ şi consistentu ti băgarea tru lucru a misurloru şi acţiunilor pripuse de Comisia Europeană tru mplinu spirit european di solidaritate şi responsabilitate, tru colaborare streasă cu alanţă parteneri europeni.

    Proiectul a bugetlui pe 2023, tru Parlament

    Creastire economică de 2,8%, deficit de 4,4% ditu produsulu intern brut şi ună inflaţie di 8 procente; suntu elementele principale ale construcţiei bugetlui ti yinitorlu anu, agiumtu tru debatlu a Parlamentului după ţi fu aprobat, săptămâna aesta, de Guvern. Marea năutate easti creaşterea la 2,5% a bugetlui apărarilleii, pi fondul a naima greauăllei crize internaţionale ditu dekeniili ditu soni. Executivul pruvidzu şi tră anlu yinitoru agiutoari ahărdziti ti categoriili nai ma defavorizate, tră s’poată s’treacă pisti aestă iarnă şi pisti iarna yinitoare, cum şi păradzlli ţi suntu ananghi ti compensari păhălu la energie. Bugetul de stat şi atelu al asigurărilor sociale va s’da izini ti cristearea a pensiilor cu 12,5%, un salariu minim pe economie de 3.000 de lei, echivalentul a 600 de euro, şi darea a unui agiutor financiar a atiloru cu pensii di până la 3.000 de lei. Consiliul Fiscal, organism independent, critică executivul tră turlia tru cari andreapsi bugetul pe anul yinitor, pi motiv că ar miza pi venituri ma mări de pisti 11 miliarde de lei, tru condiţiile tru cari ava s’adună cu aproapea 2 miliarde şi giumitati ma puţăn. tutunăoară, Executivlu zburaşti ti ună scădeari a hărgiloru di 0,58% ditu PIB, ama riscă, tru realitate, s’hibă obligat la yiniitoare rectificări s’adună aproapea 7 miliarde ma multu. Tru concluzie, Consiliul Fiscal consideră prea optimist deficitul bugetar estimat de Guvern şi anticipează că acesta se va duce la 5,7% ditu PIB. Guvernul nu alocă suficienţi bani tră cofinanţarea proiectelor europene nearambursabile şi a proiectelor locale de investiţii, cari riscă să fie astfel blocate, mai avertizează Consilul fiscal. Tru replică, ministrul de finanţe, Adrian Câciu, adusi aminti că aestă instituţie andrupă că veniturli suntu supraestimate şi la adoptarea a bugetlui pi anlu tricut. Tru realitate, adăvgă Câciu, tru 2022 avem un plus la buget de 70 de miliarde de lei, iara ţinta a ministerlui pi cari-lu cumănduseaşti va s’hibă tamama eliminarea a riscului ca gradlu di colectare s’hibă ma ñicu.

    Pănăyirlu de carti Gaudeamus, tru format clasic

    Nai ma cunuscut pănăyiru de carti ditu România, Gaudeamus, ndreptu di postul public de radio, vini diznău, stămâna aesta, tru format fizic, după doi ani di pandemie. Easti a 29-a ediţie a pănăyirlui, atelli 200 di participanţă oferinda a publiclui ună gamă variată di produse editoriale, pi lenu turlii di suporturi, adecvate uidisiti ti tuti ilikiili şi domeniili di sinferu, muzică şi agiocuri educative. Fură programate pisti 600 de evenimente editoriale, ntră cari lansări de cărţi, dezbateri, sesiuni de autografe, spectacole şi ateliere cum şi alti proiecte. Prezidentulu di tiñie a ediţiillei di estanu easti scriitoarea Ana Blandiana, ţi spuni că, un ahtari evenimentu lă agiută a ghivăsitorloru si a autorlor s’facă cunuşmaie unu alantu.

    Autoru: Stefan Stoica

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 04-10.12.2022

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 04-10.12.2022

    Schengen, o nouă

    Nimeni şi nimic
    nu a convins Austria că România şi partenera ei de integrare europeană,
    Bulgaria, merită să facă parte din spaţiul Schengen de la 1 ianuarie anul
    viitor. Dacă, în urmă cu 11 ani, reformele inconsistente din justiţie şi
    corupţia constituiau, în cazul României, argumente suficiente pentru mai multe
    state europene ca să voteze împotriva acceptării ei în spaţiul de liberă
    circulaţie, opoziţia de acum a Vienei, singulară, e cel puţin bizară. Ea vine
    după două misiuni de evaluare ale experţilor, care au atestat că Bucureştiul
    îndeplineşte condiţiile tehnice ale aderării şi pe fondul unui sprijin fără
    echivoc exprimat de toate celelalte state al Uniunii şi de instituţiile

    Nu este un vot împotriva României, este un vot împotriva Uniunii
    Europene, în ansamblul său, şi împotriva unităţii noastre, a declarat,
    decepţionat, ministrul român de Interne, Lucian Bode.

    Prin această decizie, Austria
    s-a singularizat şi autoizolat în cadrul Uniunii Europene, a reacţionat
    Ministerul de Externe de la Bucureşti, pe un ton nemaiîntâlnit în relaţia cu un
    alt stat membru al Uniunii Europene. MAE consideră că acest rezultat este
    complet injust şi lipsit de orice motivare obiectivă, mai ales în condiţiile în
    care România a acţionat cu deschidere şi transparenţă în relaţia cu toţi
    partenerii europeni, inclusiv Austria, iar gradul de pregătire a ţării în
    aplicarea prevederilor acquis-ului Schengen a fost confirmat, în repetate
    rânduri, de experţii UE şi ai statelor membre.

    Invocarea de către partea
    austriacă a problemei creşterii fluxului migraţionist, ca justificare a
    opoziţiei faţă de aderarea României la Schengen, este inacceptabilă, incorectă
    şi injustă, având în vedere că toate datele furnizate oficial de Agenţia
    Frontex a UE indică cu claritate faptul că România nu este pe ruta migratorie a
    Balcanilor de Vest, nu se confruntă cu o presiune migraţionistă şi nu este o
    sursă de mişcări secundare migraţioniste, mai spune ministerul de Externe.
    Atitudinea nejustificată şi inamicală a Austriei va produce consecinţe
    inevitabile asupra relaţiilor bilaterale, i s-a transmis ambasadoarei
    Republicii Austria la Bucureşti, care a fost convocată la sediul MAE.

    Plan european
    contra migraţiei ilegale

    Parcă pentru a
    calma temerile Austriei şi ale altor state cu privire la numărul mare de
    migranţi ilegali care ajung în spaţiul Uniunii, Comisia Europeană a prezentat,
    săptămâna aceasta, un plan de acţiune pentru gestionarea sosirilor migranţilor
    ilegali pe ruta Balcanilor Occidentali. Planul cuprinde acţiuni operative,
    structurate pe cinci piloni: întărirea managementului de frontieră, proceduri
    de azil accelerate şi sprijinirea capacităţilor de primire, lupta împotriva
    traficului de migranţi, consolidarea cooperării privind readmisia şi
    returnările şi alinierea politicilor de vize. Statele Balcanilor Occidentali
    sunt chemate să-şi alinieze politica de vize celei practicate de UE întrucât
    sunt numeroase cazuri de migranţi care sosesc în ţările balcanice unde nu au nevoie
    de viză de intrare şi de acolo pornesc clandestin spre vestul Europei. Guvernul
    României a salutat Planul de Acţiune pentru Balcanii de Vest al Comisiei
    Europene şi reiterează întreaga sa disponibilitate de a contribui activ şi
    consistent la implementarea măsurilor şi acţiunilor propuse de Comisia
    Europeană în deplin spirit european de solidaritate şi responsabilitate, în
    colaborare strânsă cu restul partenerilor europeni.

    bugetului pe 2023, în Parlament

    economică de 2,8%, deficit de 4,4% din produsul intern brut şi o inflaţie de 8
    procente; sunt elementele principale ale construcţiei bugetului pe următorul an,
    ajuns în dezbaterea Parlamentului după ce a fost aprobat, săptămâna aceasta, de
    Guvern. Marea noutate este creşterea la 2,5% a bugetului apărării, pe fondul
    celei mai grave crize internaţionale de securitate din ultimele decenii. Executivul
    a prevăzut şi pentru anul viitor ajutoare destinate categoriilor celor mai
    defavorizate, pentru a putea să treacă peste această iarnă şi peste iarna
    viitoare, precum şi sumele necesare compensării preţului la energie. Bugetul de stat şi cel al
    asigurărilor sociale vor permite majorarea pensiilor cu 12,5%, un salariu minim
    pe economie de 3.000 de lei, echivalentul a 600 de euro, şi acordarea unui
    ajutor financiar celor cu pensii de până la 3.000 de lei. Consiliul Fiscal, organism
    independent, critică executivul pentru modul în care a construit bugetul pe
    anul viitor, pe motiv că ar miza pe venituri mai mari de peste 11 miliarde de
    lei, în condiţiile în care ar urma să colecteze cu aproape 2 miliarde şi
    jumătate mai puţin. De asemenea, Executivul ar vorbi de o scădere a
    cheltuielilor de 0,58% din PIB, dar riscă, în realitate, să fie obligat la
    viitoare rectificări să facă rost de aproape 7 miliarde în plus. În concluzie, Consiliul
    Fiscal consideră prea optimist deficitul bugetar estimat de Guvern şi anticipează
    că acesta se va duce la 5,7% din PIB. Guvernul nu alocă suficienţi bani pentru
    cofinanţarea proiectelor europene nerambursabile şi a proiectelor locale de
    investiţii, care riscă să fie astfel blocate, mai avertizează Consilul fiscal.
    În replică, ministrul de finanţe, Adrian Câciu, a amintit că această instituţie
    a susţinut că veniturile sunt supraestimate şi la adoptarea bugetului pe anul
    trecut. În realitate, a adăugat Câciu, în 2022 avem un plus la buget de 70 de
    miliarde de lei, iar ţinta ministerului pe care-l conduce va fi tocmai
    eliminarea riscului ca gradul de colectare să fie mai mic.

    Târgul de carte
    Gaudeamus, în format clasic

    Cel mai
    cunoscut târg de carte din România, Gaudeamus, organizat de postul
    public de radio, a revenit, săptămâna aceasta, în format fizic, după doi ani de pandemie. Este a 29-a
    ediţie a târgului, cei 200 de participanţi oferind publicului o gamă variată de
    produse editoriale, pe diferite suporturi, adecvate tuturor vârstelor şi
    domeniilor de interes, muzică şi jocuri educative. Au fost programate peste 600 de evenimente
    editoriale, printre care lansări de
    cărţi, dezbateri, sesiuni de autografe, spectacole şi ateliere
    precum şi
    alte proiecte. Preşedintele de
    onoare al ediţiei din acest an este scriitoarea Ana Blandiana, potrivit căreia,
    un astfel de eveniment îi ajută pe cititori şi autori să se descopere reciproc.

  • 09.12.2022 (mise à jour)

    09.12.2022 (mise à jour)

    Schengen – L’admission de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie au sein de l’espace de libre circulation Schengen pourrait figurer, sur demande du président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, la semaine prochaine, à l’ordre du jour du Conseil de l’UE, auquel participeront les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement des 27 » ont fait savoir des sources politiques de Bucarest. « Ce sera la priorité de mon mandat, faire en sorte que la Roumanie et la Bulgarie soient admises au sein de Schengen », a déclaré, à son tour, la commissaire européenne aux Affaires Intérieures, Ylva Johansson. Cette déclaration survient dans le contexte où jeudi, lors du Conseil Justice et Affaires Intérieures, l’Autriche s’est opposée à l’admission de la Roumanie dans l’espace de libre circulation, alors que l’unanimité des voix était nécessaire pour y être accepté.

    Ambassadeur – Le ministère des Affaires Etrangères de Bucarest annonce que vu la décision de l’Autriche de voter contre l’adhésion de la Roumanie à l’espace Schengen, l’ambassadeur roumain à Vienne, Emil Hurezeanu a été rappelé en Roumanie pour des consultations, à l’ordre du ministre Bogdan Aurescu. Selon un communiqué du ministère des Affaires Etrangères, la direction de l’Ambassade sera assurée par un chargé d’affaires par intérim. Conformément aux coutumes diplomatiques, la décision est en fait un geste qui souligne la position de la Roumanie de désaccord au comportement de l’Autriche, étant aussi un indicateur de la réduction du niveau actuel des relations avec ces Etat.

    UE – L’UE investira plus de 600 millions d’euros via le mécanisme d’interconnexion de l’Europe dans huit projets transfrontaliers d’infrastructure énergétique afin d’atteindre les objectifs prévus dans le plan REPowerEU et dans le Pacte vert européen, lit-on dans un communiqué de l’exécutif communautaire. Ces fonds financeront des projets dans des domaines tels l’électricité, les réseaux de CO2, le stockage souterrain du gaz, ainsi qu’un terminal de gaz naturel liquéfié en haute mer. Neuf Etats membres y bénéficieront : la Roumanie, la Belgique, la Croatie, la France, l’Irlande, l’Italie, l’Autriche, la Pologne et la Slovénie auxquels s’ajoute la Tunisie. « La résilience de l’infrastructure énergétique est essentielle pour sécuriser l’approvisionnement de l’UE et pour réaliser notre engagement d’arrêter les importations de gaz russe au plus vite », a déclaré le commissaire en charge de l’énergie, Kadri Simson.

    Budget – Le budget d’Etat et celui de la sécurité sociale ont été approuvés par le Gouvernement de Bucarest et se retrouvent maintenant sur la table du Législatif. Parmi les ministères qui bénéficieront de davantage de fonds figurent la Défense, le Développement, l’Agriculture, les Transports et l’Education. Au pôle opposé, l’Energie, la Justice et la Santé verront leurs budgets diminuer. Parmi les mesures envisagées mentionnons aussi la majoration de 10 % des salaires bruts dans le secteur public, la croissance de 12,5 % du point de retraite et l’augmentation du SMIC à 3 000 lei (610 euros). Dans l’opposition, le parti ultra-nationaliste l’Alliance pour l’Union des Roumains (AUR) a déjà fait part de son intention de de déposer des amendements, n’étant pas d’accord avec les projets de budget proposés par l’Exécutif.

    Investissements – Au cours du 3e trimestre de cette année, les investissements nets dans l’économie roumaine se sont chiffrés à plus de 39 milliards de lei (près de 8 milliards d’euros), soit une croissance de 13,3 % par rapport à la même période de l’année dernière, constate l’Institut national de la statistique. Parmi les domaines ayant connu les croissances les plus importantes, l’Institut mentionne les outillages (y compris les moyens de transport), ainsi que les nouvelles constructions du BTP. Emploi – 100 000 nouveaux ressortissants étranges provenant de pays non membres de l’UE pourront entrer sur le marché de l’emploi de Roumanie l’année prochaine. Ce chiffre fixé lors de la séance gouvernementale de ce vendredi est similaire à celui approuvé pour l’année 2022. Cette décision a été prise compte tenu du déficit de la main d’œuvre dans des domaines tels le BTP, la restauration, la protection et le gardiennage, les transports routiers de marchandises et le commerce.

    Gaudeamus – La foire du live Gaudeamus Radio Roumanie se poursuit à Bucarest. Au programme : de nombreux lancements de livres, rencontres avec les écrivains, tout cela en dehors des milliers de volumes vendus à des prix intéressants. D’ici dimanche, 200 participants proposent aux publics de tous âges des produits des plus divers, concernant tous les domaines d’intérêt, sans oublier la musique, ni les jeux éducatifs. Pour la première fois, deux espaces destinés aux activités interactives pour les plus jeunes visiteurs ont été aménagés à l’intérieur du salon. Les livres proposés et les maisons d’édition présentes sur place à Gaudeamus, sont aussi à retrouver en ligne, sur le site de la foire : gaudeamus.ro . Précisons aussi que ce salon initié et organisé par Radio Roumanie est financé par le ministère de la Culture et que l’entrée y est libre.

    Météo – Le ciel reste couvert en Roumanie, toutefois il fait un peu plus chaud ce weekend avec des maximas dépassant les 10 degrés et frôlant même les 18 degrés. On s’attend à des maximas de 13 degrés à midi à Bucarest

  • December 9, 2022

    December 9, 2022

    SCHENGEN Romania’s and Bulgaria’s bid to join the Schengen
    free-movement area may be included on the agenda of the European Council
    meeting next week, at the request of the president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis,
    political sources in Bucharest said. I am convinced we will reach the
    accession of Romania and Bulgaria during this mandate and this will be my
    priority, Ylva Johansson, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, said in
    her turn. The statement comes after on Thursday at the EU Justice and Home
    Affairs Council meeting, Austria opposed Romania’s entry.

    Romanian foreign ministry announced that following Austria’s veto regarding
    Romania’s Schengen accession, the country’s ambassador to Vienna, Emil
    Hurezeanu, was recalled for consultations by minister Bogdan Aurescu. The
    embassy will be headed by an interim charge d’affairs. According to diplomatic procedure,
    the decision is an indication of Romania’s firm disagreement with Austria’s
    position and also of the deterioration of current relations with that country.

    BUDGET The draft state budget
    and social security budget of Romania were passed by the government and have
    been forwarded to Parliament for discussion. The ministries set to receive more
    funding include the defence, agriculture, transport, development and education.
    Less money than this year will be earmarked for energy, judiciary and public
    healthcare. The two bills also stipulate a 10% increase in public sector
    salaries, a 12.5% increase in pension point value and an increase of the
    national minimum wage to approx. EUR 610 per month. AUR party in opposition
    already announced it would table amendments because it disagreed with the draft

    WORKERS Another 100,000 non-EU citizens will be given access to the
    Romanian labour market next year. The figure decided by the government is
    similar to the one approved for 2022, and it is intended to cover the labour
    deficit in sectors like constructions, hospitality, protection and guard
    services, road transport and trade.

    INVESTMENTS Net investments in the Romanian economy in the 3rd
    quarter of the year reached EUR 8 bln, up 13.3% compared to the corresponding
    quarter of last year, according to unaudited data made public by the National
    Statistics Institute today. For the first 9 months of the year, the figure is
    around EUR 19 bln, up 4.5% since 2021. Major increases were reported in
    constructions and heavy industry. According to the National Statistics
    Institute, net investments are expenditure incurred with creating new fixed
    assets or with developing, upgrading and rebuilding existing ones, and with the
    transfer of ownership on existing fixed assets.

    GAUDEAMUS The 29th edition of the Gaudeamus Book Fair organised by Radio
    Romania is under way in Bucharest until Sunday. The event brings together 200
    participants and a variety of editorial products on different formats, for all
    ages and areas of interest, including music and educational games. The line-up
    features 600 different events and related projects. As a first, the fair also
    has special areas dedicated to interactive activities for young visitors. All
    stands are also available online on the gaudeamus.ro website. The fair’s
    honorary president this year is poet Ana Blandiana.

    FOOTBALL The FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar has reached the
    quarter-final stage. Two matches are scheduled for today, pitting Croatia
    against Brazil and the Netherlands against Argentina. On Saturday, Morocco
    takes on Portugal and England is facing France. (AMP)

  • December 8, 2022 UPDATE

    December 8, 2022 UPDATE

    SCHENGEN The EU Justice and Home Affairs Council Thursday
    denied Romania’s and Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen free movement area,
    with 2 votes against. Accession requires a unanimous vote. Of the 27 member
    countries, the Netherlands and Austria voted against, with the former specifying
    that it only opposed Bulgaria’s accession. Austria argued that it feared an
    increase in illegal migration. Croatia, on the other hand, received the green
    light for accession on January 1, 2023. The European Commissioner for home
    affairs, Ylva Johansson, congratulated Croatia on its accession and said
    Bulgaria and Romania also deserved to be accepted. In Bucharest, the president Klaus
    Iohannis said the lack of consensus regarding Romania’s bid was profoundly
    unfair. The Liberal PM Nicolae Ciucă said he was ‘deeply disappointed’ and
    emphasised that Austria’s vote was ‘unjustified’. The president of the Social
    Democratic Party in power, Marcel Ciolacu, said the European unity and
    stability had received a harsh blow from Austria, which in difficult times
    chose to forsake its European friends and serve Russia’s interests instead. Austria’s
    veto to Romania’s Schengen accession is an unfair and immoral attitude, lacking
    solid reasons, the deputy PM and leader of the Democratic Union of Ethnic
    Hungarians in Romania Kelemen Hunor said in his turn. In the opposition, the
    president of USR party, Cătălin Drulă, sees the JHA Council’s decision as ‘profoundly
    unfair’, and argues that the Austrian government’s position will go down in
    history as an instance of discrimination. In turn, George Simion the head of AUR
    party, also in opposition, defines the decision as a ‘failure of Romania’s current
    government and of president Klaus Iohannis’.

    FARMERS Romanian farmers will benefit from around 16 billion
    euros under the strategic plan for 2023-2027 approved on Wednesday by the
    European Commission. Some 10 billion euros account for direct payments and
    sectoral interventions, while 6 billion will be allocated to rural development.
    Romania’s agriculture minister Petre Daea said the plan also includes an
    instrument to support farmers who suffered losses as a result of natural
    disasters, with 400 million euros being earmarked to this end.

    REFUGEES The Border Police said almost 65,500 people crossed
    the border into Romania on Wednesday, including more than 7,300 Ukrainian
    nationals, down 1.2% compared with the previous day. Since 10th February 2022,
    two weeks before the Russian army invaded Ukraine, more than 3 million
    Ukrainians have crossed the border into neighbouring Romania. Most of them have
    continued their journey to countries in western Europe, but over 80,000 have
    chosen to stay, according to official figures.

    GAUDEAMUS The 29th edition of the Gaudeamus Book Fair
    organised by Radio Romania is under way in Bucharest until Sunday. The event
    brings together 200 participants and a variety of editorial products on
    different formats, for all ages and areas of interest, including music and
    educational games. The line-up features 600 different events and related
    projects. As a first, the fair also has special areas dedicated to interactive
    activities for young visitors. All stands are also available online on the
    gaudeamus.ro website. The fair’s honorary president this year is poet Ana
    Blandiana. (AMP, CM)

  • Gaudeamus 2022: Beliebte Buchmesse wieder mit Publikum veranstaltet

    Gaudeamus 2022: Beliebte Buchmesse wieder mit Publikum veranstaltet

    Die beliebteste Buchmesse Rumäniens ist in physischer Form zurück, nachdem in den vergangenen zwei Jahren die pandemiebedingten Einschränkungen Veranstaltungen mit Publikum verhindert hatten. In Bukarest wurde gestern die 29. Ausgabe der vom Rumänischen Rundfunk organisierten Buchmesse Gaudeamus“ eröffnet. Bis Sonntag bieten die rund 200 teilnehmenden Verlagshäuser dem Publikum ein äu‎ßerst vielfältiges Angebot an Kultur-Erzeugnissen in verschiedenen Formaten, die für alle Altersgruppen und Interessensgebiete geeignet sind, sowie Musik und Lernspiele. Mehr als 600 Veranstaltungen stehen auf dem Programm, darunter Buchvorstellungen, Debatten, Autogrammstunden, Aufführungen und Workshops. Zum ersten Mal werden auf dem Messe-Areal in der Vorhalle des Rundfunk-Konzertsaals zwei Räume für interaktive Aktivitäten für die jüngsten Besucher eingerichtet.

    Ehrenvorsitzende der diesjährigen Ausgabe ist die Schriftstellerin Ana Blandiana. Sie sagt, die Begegnungen zwischen Leserschaft und Autoren sei besonders wichtig, au‎ßerdem wisse sie die Rolle des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks als Veranstalter der Buchmesse zu schätzen:

    Schon bei der ersten Ausgabe der Gaudeamus-Buchmesse, als nur wenige Tische mit Büchern im Foyer des Konzertsaals aufgestellt worden waren, dachte ich mir, wie wunderbar diese Idee des Rundfunks war. Denn normalerweise werden Buchmessen von Verlagen und Verleger-Vereinen organisiert, die direkt an den Verkauf von Büchern interessiert sind. Der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk hat hingegen keine wirtschaftlichen Interessen, und dadurch ist diese Buchmesse die vielleicht uneigennützigste, wenn man das so sagen kann. Ich wurde übrigens auch in einem Interview mit Ihrem Sender dazu befragt, und mir fiel spontan ein, dass diese Buchmesse sich nicht nach Verkaufszahlen richtet und dass der Rundfunk eine Kulturinstitution ist. Und Kultur kann nur auf Lektüre basieren. Und der Rundfunk setzt sich für das Lesen von Büchern ein.“

    In diesen schwierigen und unruhigen Zeiten habe die Rolle der Bücher und des Lesens deutlich an Bedeutung gewonnen, meint auch Răzvan Dincă, der Intendant des Rumänischen Rundfunks:

    In diesen Zeiten mit einem bedrohlichen Krieg unmittelbar vor unserer Haustür und einer seit drei Jahren währenden Pandemie, die der gesamten Menschheit schwer zugesetzt hat, verspüren die Menschen wahrscheinlich das Bedürfnis, wieder zu Büchern zu greifen. Insbesondere wenn man keinen Zugang zu anderen Kulturformen hat, spielen Kunst und Kultur in Schriftform eine umso wichtigere Rolle.“

    Die Bücherstände der ausstellenden Verlagshäuser können allerdings auch in virtueller Form auf der Webseite gaudeamus.ro besucht werden. Die vom Rumänischen Rundfunk initiierte und organisiert Buchmesse wird vom Kulturministerium finanziert — und das beste dabei ist: Der Zutritt ist kostenlos.

  • Gaudeamus Radio Romania

    Gaudeamus Radio Romania

    The most famous book fair in Romania returns in a physical format, after two years of pandemic. The 29thedition of the Gaudeamus fair, organized by Radio Romania, has opened in Bucharest. Until Sunday, 200 participants offer the public an extremely varied range of editorial products, on different supports, suitable for all ages and fields of interest, music and educational games. More than 600 editorial events have been announced, including book launches, debates, autograph sessions, performances and workshops as well as other projects.

    For the first time, two spaces dedicated to interactive activities for the youngest visitors have been set up within the fair. The honorary president of this year’s edition is the writer Ana Blandiana, who said that such an event helps readers and authors discover each other. She spoke about the importance of the public radio station, as organizer of the event.

    Ana Blandiana: I think that, even from the very first time I went to a Gaudeamus fair, when the fair consisted in only a few tables with books in the foyer of the Radio Concert Hall, I thought to myself: what a wonderful idea the people at the Radio had to start a book fair, for the simple reason that book fairs are generally organized by publishers, associations, publishers who are interested in organizing them, in order to sell their books. Well, Radio Romania has no interest of this kind, it is, in this sense, the most soulful fair, if I can say so. Actually, I was even asked in a radio interview: what is the difference, in your opinion, between the Gaudeamus Fair and other fairs? I had never thought of that aspect, and I remembered this thought from the beginning, that it is a fair that has no material interests, that the Radio is just a great cultural institution and that the basis of culture is reading. So, the only interest of the Radio is for people to read books.

    The role of books increased during this period full of turmoil – says, for his part, the president general director of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, Răzvan Dincă: Probably in these moments, with all the threats at Romanias border, with what is happening near us, with what has happened in the last three years with this terrible pandemic, which has affected the entire world, people feel the pain and try to find comfort also in reading books, and if they do not have access to other forms of comfort such as art, culture, in written form or otherwise that could alleviate this pain, I think that books have an even more important role.

    All the stands of this year’s edition of the fair can also be found in virtual format on the gaudeamus.ro website. The book fair initiated and organized by Radio Romania is financed by the Ministry of Culture, and entry is free. (LS)

  • 08.12.2022


    Schengen – Les ministres de l’Intérieur de l’UE se réunissent ce jeudi à Bruxelles pour un vote très attendu au sujet de l’élargissement de l’espace Schengen par l’admission de la Roumanie, de la Bulgarie et de la Croatie. S’il n’y a pas de doutes quant au vote favorable pour la Croatie, la situation Bucarest et de Sofia n’est pas tout aussi claire. La veille de la réunion, l’Autriche a annoncé maintenir son opposition quant à l’admission de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie au sein de l’espace de libre circulation, en raison de la croissance de la migration illégale. Le chancelier conservateur Karl Nehammer a aussi proposé un nouveau calendrier d’adhésion pour les deux pays, au printemps. A Bucarest, le premier ministre Nicolae Ciuca a réitéré par téléphone à son homologue autrichien, que la Roumanie remplissait tous les critères nécessaires pour être admise au sein de Schengen et qu’elle bénéficiait aussi du soutien de tous les autres Etats membres. En même temps, à Vienne, des voix de la classe politique autrichienne, tant de l’opposition sociale-démocrate et libérale, que du Parti Conservateur, à la gouvernance, ont critiqué l’opposition de leur Exécutif face à l’adhésion de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie. Un tel blocage ne fera pas diminuer le nombre des demandes d’asile et n’a rien à faire directement avec cette question, a déclaré le conservateur Othmar Karas, vice-président du Parlement Européen. A son avis, superposer ces deux sujets est une attitude « irresponsable et inexplicable ». Le Conseil Justice et Affaires Intérieurs démarre cet après-midi, le résultat du vote est donc attendu dans la soirée. Précisons qu’il faut avoir l’unanimité des voix pour être admis au sein de Schengen.

    Fermiers – Les fermiers roumains bénéficieront de quelque 16 milliards d’euros par le biais du Plan national stratégique 2023 – 2027, approuvé mercredi par la Commission européenne. Près de 10 milliards d’euros sont des paiements directs et des interventions sectorielles, et 6 milliards d’euros seront alloués au développement rural. Le ministre de l’agriculture, Petre Daea a déclaré que ce nouveau document prévoit aussi un instrument d’appui aux fermiers qui enregistrent des pertes par afin d’accorder des dédommagements en cas de calamité. L’enveloppe accordée s’élève à 400 millions d’euros.

    Budget – Le projet du budget d’Etat pour l’année prochaine, aux côtés de celui des assurances sociales figurent à l’ordre du jour de la réunion d’aujourd’hui du gouvernement de Bucarest. Conformément au calendrier décidé par la coalition gouvernementale Parti social-démocrate – Parti national libéral – Union démocrate magyare de Roumanie, ces documents ainsi que tous les actes législatifs qui les accompagnent seront rendus vendredi au Parlement pour des débats et le vote final. Parmi les ministères qui devraient bénéficier de moins d’argent se retrouvent l’Energie, la Justice et la Santé, alors que la Défense, le Développement, les Transports et l’Education bénéficieront d’enveloppes plus généreuses. Le budget prévoit aussi la majoration à compter du 1er janvier du salaire brut des fonctionnaires de 10%, la majoration du point de retraite de 12,5%, ainsi que la hausse du salaire minimum à quelque 600 euros par mois. L’Alliance pour l’unité des Roumains a annoncé déjà déposer des amendements, puisqu’elle s’oppose à ce projet de budget. Le leader des députés de l’AUR, Antonio Andruşceac, a affirmé que la Défense et les services de renseignement reçoivent des fonds généreux, alors que l’Education dispose du budget le plus réduit de son histoire récente.

    Gaudeamus – Poursuite aujourd’hui de la 29e édition du Salon du livre « Gaudeamus », organisé par la Radio publique roumaine. Jusqu’à dimanche, quelque 200 participants proposent au public une large série de produits éditoriaux, sur différents supports, pour tous les âges et les domaines d’intérêt dont la musique et les jeux éducatifs. Plus de 600 événements et autres projets figurent à l’affiche de l’édition de cette année du Salon Gaudeamus. Le salon propose aussi pour la première fois deux espaces consacrés aux activités interactives destinés aux jeunes visiteurs. Tous les stands se retrouvent aussi en format virtuel sur le site gaudeamus.ro. Cet événement est finance par le ministère de la Culture. La présidente honoraire de l’édition de cette année est l’écrivaine Ana Blandiana.

    Météo – Temps généralement morose en Roumanie. Des pluies sont signalées sur tout le territoire, mais surtout sur la moitié ouest, alors que des précipitations mixtes sont signalées sur le relief. Des pluies verglaçantes sont également possibles sur certaines régions plus hautes. Les maxima iront de 2 à 10 degrés.

  • December 7, 2022 UPDATE

    December 7, 2022 UPDATE

    JHA — The Romanian Justice Minister, Cătălin Predoiu, will participate, in Brussels, between December 7-14, in the works of the Justice and Home Affairs Council and of the General Affairs Council (CAG) of the European Union. According to JHAC communique, on the sidelines and in the period between the two councils, the Justice Minister will have a series of bilateral meetings with counterparts from other member states and EU officials, in Brussels and Luxembourg. Within the JAH Council, minister Predoiu will present Romanias position regarding the legal instruments and European policies in the field of Justice on the Councils agenda. We remind you that the Home Affairs section of the JHA Council is to decide on the admission of Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia to the free movement Schengen Area.

    Schengen — Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă welcomed, on Wednesday, the completion by the Parliament in The Hague of the procedure for approving the position of the Government of the Netherlands in favor of Romanias accession to Schengen. ‘We appreciate the recent cooperation with our Dutch partners and we consider that this result is a clear recognition of Romanias preparation,’ the Romanian Prime Minister Ciucă wrote on the Governments Twitter account on Wednesday. In turn, the Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, welcomed the favorable result of the vote, as a result of the close and intense political dialogue with the Dutch partners. Austria remains the only EU state that opposes the entry of Romania and Bulgaria.

    Statistics — The Gross Domestic Product of the European Union grew by 0.4%, and that of the Eurozone by 0.3%, in the third quarter of 2022, as compared to the previous three months, and Ireland, Cyprus, Malta and Romania had the more significant advance – shows the data published on Wednesday by the European Statistics Office (Eurostat). The economy grew by 2.3% in Ireland and by 1.3% in Cyprus, Malta and Romania. The most significant decline was recorded in Estonia (minus 1.8%), Latvia (minus 1.7%) and Slovenia (minus 1.4%). Among the EU member states, the most significant annual advance of the economy was recorded in Ireland (10.6%), Croatia (5.5%), Cyprus (5.4%), Malta (5.2%), Portugal (4.9%) and Romania (4.7%), the only decreases being in Estonia (minus 2.3%) and Latvia (minus 0.4%).

    CAP – The European Commission on Wednesday approved the strategic plans of Romania and Bulgaria within the Common Agricultural Policy. Almost 15 billion Euros will be made available for Romania. Bucharest’s plan aims at improving farmers means of subsistence and their competitiveness. Besides the support for income, over one billion Euros will be allocated to investments in farms and processing units. Romania uses about 40% of its budget for rural development, to encourage ecological practices in areas of high natural value, in order to protect biodiversity. About 11 thousand hectares of land will be subject to such practices. In order to maintain the attractiveness of rural areas in Romania, the plan will support the creation of over 12 thousand jobs, with financing for enterprises and infrastructure.

    Gaudeamus — Wednesday saw the opening in Bucharest of the 29th edition of the Gaudeamus Book Fair organized by Radio Romania. Until Sunday, 200 participants will offer the public a varied range of editorial products, on different supports, suitable for all ages and fields of interest, music and educational games. More than 600 editorial events and related projects were announced. For the first time, two spaces dedicated to interactive activities for the youngest visitors have been set up within the fair. All stands will also be found in virtual format on the gaudeamus.ro website. The honorary president of this years edition is the writer Ana Blandiana.

    Agreement – The governments of Romania and the State of Kuwait signed an agreement on cooperation in the military field, the Romanian Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday. The agreement will provide the legal framework for cooperation between the two sides in areas of mutual interest such as military training and education, information exchange, military history and geography, and cultural activities. According to the Defense Ministry, during the visit of the delegation from Kuwait, discussions regarding the bilateral political-military dialogue took place. Against this background, the discussions focused on bilateral cooperation, the approach to the security situation in the Black Sea area and the Middle East and the efforts of the two countries to ensure stability at the regional level, the Defense Ministry mentions. (LS)

  • 7.-11. Dezember: Buchmesse Gaudeamus findet erneut mit Präsenz statt

    7.-11. Dezember: Buchmesse Gaudeamus findet erneut mit Präsenz statt

    Nach zwei Jahren, in denen sie wegen der pandemiebedingten Einschränkungen online stattfand, findet die Gaudeamus-Buchmesse wieder mit Präsenz statt. Die 29. Gaudeamus-Messe, die von Radio Rumänien organisiert wird, hat am 7. Dezember ihre Pforten für Lesebegeisterte geöffnet. 200 Teilnehmer bieten dem Publikum zahlreiche Neuerscheinungen und ein vielseitiges Veranstaltungsprogramm. Neben etablierten Namen in der rumänischen Buchbranche gibt es auch viele Erstteilnehmer und neue Projekte. Der Verlag Casa Radio ist auf der diesjährigen Gaudeamus-Messe mit einem reichhaltigen Angebot vertreten. Am Samstag, den 10. Dezember, wird am Stand von Radio Rumänien das Hörbuch Ce-ar şti adică un poet despre viaţă. Poeme rostite la Radio (2021) (Was ein Dichter vom Leben wissen würde), von Dan Sociu, vorgestellt. An der Veranstaltung nehmen der Literaturkritiker Cosmin Ciotloș, der Publizist Arthur Suciu und der Autor selbst, der Dichter Dan Sociu teil.

    Das Hörbuch versammelt 62 Gedichte von Dan Sociu, die im Buch gelesen und auf CD gehört werden können, mit einem Vorwort und Anmerkungen von Cosmin Ciotloș. Die Illustrationen stammen von Ioana-Maria Drogeanu. Auch für die jüngsten Leser wird bei der diesjährigen Ausgabe der Buchmesse gesorgt. Ligia Necula, Redakteurin beim Casa Radio Verlag, spricht über die neuesten Titel aus den Kollektionen Noapte bună, copii (Gute Nacht, Kinder) und Radio Prichindel: “Unsere Auftaktveranstaltung zu den Neuerscheinungen aus den Sammlungen Gute Nacht, Kinder und Radio Prichindel trägt den Titel Weltgeschichten in Wort und Farbe und findet am Sonntag, den 11. Dezember, ab 12 Uhr statt. Wir stellen Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge von den Gebrüdern Grimm vor, und ich kann sagen, dass dies keineswegs eine anachronistische Geschichte ist, zumal sie auch von den Illustrationen von Annie Ariton, einer sehr talentierten jungen Illustratorin, profitiert. Am selben Tag wird der graphische Roman Fünf Wochen im Ballon von Jules Verne von Alexandru Ciubotariu, der diese Sammlung auch koordiniert, bei Radio Prichindel vorgestellt. Unsere Veranstaltungen finden auch dieses Mal in einem interaktiven Format statt, d. h. wir werden zwei Workshops haben. In einem der Workshops geht es um die Schauspielerei für Jugendliche, wir werden den Kindern beibringen, wie man Radiotheaterschauspieler wird. Dazu haben wir die Schauspieler Ana Maria Ivan und Vlad Benescu eingeladen.

    Ein weiterer Workshop ist eine Einführung in die Kunst der Comics und soll den Kindern dieses Genre, die Comics, näher bringen. Unsere Buchillustratoren Aniela Ariton und Alexandru Ciubotariu helfen den Kindern beim Zeichnenlernen”. Am Samstag, den 10. Dezember, lädt der Verlag Casa Radio zur offiziellen Vorstellung eines musikalischen Porträts ein, das Maria Lătărețu, einer der repräsentativsten Künstlerinnen des rumänischen Volksliedes, gewidmet ist. Zwei besondere Gäste werden an dieser Veranstaltung teilnehmen: der Musikethnologe Constantin Secară und die Journalistin und Musikerin Maria Balabaș, die auch die Texte des Albums unterzeichnet haben.

  • 07.12.2022


    Justice – Le ministre roumain de la Justice, Cătălin Predoiu, participera à Bruxelles du 7 au 14 décembre aux travaux du Conseil Justice et Affaires Intérieures et aux travaux du Conseil Affaires générales de l’Union européenne. Selon un communiqué du conseil Justice et affaires intérieures en marge des deux conseils et durant la période entre ceux-ci, le ministre de la Justice aura à Bruxelles et au Luxembourg une série de rencontres bilatérales avec des homologues d’autres Etats membres et de responsables de l’UE. Dans le cadre du Conseil Justice et affaires intérieures, M Predoiu présentera la position de la Roumanie au sujet des instruments juridiques et politiques européens dans le domaine de la Justice figurant à l’agenda du Conseil. Rappelons-le, c’est dans la section Affaires intérieures du Conseil que l’admission de la Roumanie, de la Bulgarie et de la Croatie à l’espace Schengen sera décidée.

    Budget – Le ministère des finances de Bucarest a publié le projet du budget de la Roumanie pour l’année prochaine. Le document repose sur une croissance économique de 2,8% du Produit intérieur brut, sur un taux annuel d’inflation de 8%, sur un nombre de salariés à la hausse et sur un taux de chômage à la baisse de seulement 2,7%. Parmi les ministères qui devraient bénéficier de moins d’argent se retrouvent l’Energie, la Justice et la Santé, alors que la Défense, le Développement, les Transports et l’Education bénéficieront d’enveloppes plus généreuses. Le gouvernement roumain de la coalition constituée par le Parti social démocrate, le Parti national libéral et l’Union démocrate magyare de Roumanie souhaite approuver le projet du budget demain pour qu’il soit rendu le lendemain au Parlement qui devrait le débattre la semaine prochaine.

    Roumanie – Turquie – La Roumanie a été constamment préoccupée à identifier des solutions pour renforcer la sécurité dans la région de la mer Noire a affirmé mardi le ministre des Affaires Etrangères, Bogdan Aurescu, à Ankara, où il a rencontré son homologue turc, Mervlut Cavusoglu. Les deux responsables ont évoqué les meilleurs moyens de coopérer, tant sur le plan bilatéral que dans un cadre allié. Ils ont achevé et approuvé le texte de la déclaration politique par laquelle est fondé un Conseil de coopération stratégique à haut niveau entre la Roumanie et la Turquie, organisé sous la forme d’une réunion commune permanente des deux gouvernements sur des domaines stratégiques d’intérêt commun et qui sera lancé en 2023. Les participants à la réunion ont également évoqué la coopération dans le domaine de l’énergie reconnu par les deux interlocuteurs comme prioritaire surtout dans la perspective des défis actuels. Les effets multidimensionnels de la guerre en Ukraine, avec une attention spéciale sur la crise des réfugiés et sur la sécurité alimentaire ont également été analysés par les deux responsables.

    Gaudeamus – Coup d’envoi aujourd’hui de la 29e édition du Salon du livre « Gaudeamus », organisé par la Radio publique roumaine. Jusqu’à dimanche, quelque 200 participants proposent au public une large série de produits éditoriaux, sur différents supports, pour tous les âges et les domaines d’intérêt dont la musique et les jeux éducatifs. Plus de 600 événements et autres projets figurent à l’affiche de l’édition de cette année du Salon Gaudeamus. Le salon propose aussi pour la première fois deux espaces consacrés aux activités interactives destinés aux jeunes visiteurs. Tous les stands se retrouvent aussi en format virtuel sur le site gaudeamus.ro. Cet événement est finance par le ministère de la Culture. La présidente honoraire de l’édition de cette année est l’écrivaine Ana Blandiana.

    Visas – Les citoyens de la République de Moldova pourront toujours voyager sans visas en Union européenne puisque la Commission européenne a constaté que les autorités de Chisinau avaient entrepris toutes les mesures demandées auparavant par les européens. C’est la conclusion du 5e rapport sur le Mécanisme de l’Union européenne de suspension du régime de voyages sans visa publié par la Commission européenne. Selon l’agence Moldpres, lors des huit ans de fonctionnement du régime sans visas pour les voyages de courte durée des citoyens de la République de Moldova, les possesseurs de passeports biométriques, dans l’espace Schengen, près de 2 millions et demi de ressortissants moldaves ont bénéficie de ce régime.

    Pétrole- Le prix du pétrole au niveau mondial a baissé au niveau le plus bas de cette année. Cette baisse des prix a eu lieu malgré les estimations de spécialistes internationaux qui s’attendaient à une perturbation des marchés, après l’entrée en vigueur de l’embargo de l’UE et du Groupe des G7 sur le pétrole russe, et le plafonnement de son prix. En Roumanie aussi l’essence la moins chère coute 1 euro 30 centimes le litre et le litre du diesel est d’un euro 50. En échange, la Hongrie voisine se confronte à une crise des carburants provoquée, selon l’AFP, par le plafonnement des prix imposés par le gouvernement dirigé par Viktor Orbán, il y a un an. La pénurie de carburants intervient sur la toile de fond d’une baisse de 30% des importations, déficit provoqué par la décision des compagnies étrangères de réduire les livraisons à la Hongrie, suite au plafonnement des prix, comme l’affirme l’Association des stations service indépendants de ce pays.

    Météo – Temps généralement morose en Roumanie, avec despluies sur le sud et le sud-ouest. Les maxima vont de 2 à 13 degrés. 9 degrés à Bucarest.

  • December 7, 2022

    December 7, 2022

    The finance ministry has made public the draft state budget of Romania for next
    year. The document is based on an estimated GDP growth of 2.8%, an 8% inflation
    rate, a growing number of employees and a declining 2.7% unemployment rate. The
    ministries set to receive less money include the energy, justice and public
    healthcare, whereas the defence, development, transport and education
    ministries will receive substantially higher budget appropriations. The ruling
    coalition made up of the Social Democrats, and Liberals and the Democratic
    Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania intends to endorse the draft budget tomorrow
    and send it to Parliament the next day, for discussion next week.

    SECURITY Romania has constantly worked to
    identify solutions to enhance security at the Black Sea, the Romanian foreign
    minister Bogdan Aurescu said in Ankara on Tuesday, when he had
    a meeting with his Turkish counterpart, Mervlut Cavusoglu. The two officials
    discussed the best avenues for cooperation, both at bilateral level and within
    the NATO framework. They finalised and agreed on the text of the political
    declaration setting up the Romania – Turkey High Level Strategic Cooperation
    Council, organised as a regular meeting of the two countries’ governments and
    focusing on strategic areas of mutual interest, which will be launched in 2023.
    Another topic approached in the meeting was cooperation in the energy sector,
    recognised by both officials as a priority, particularly in light of the recent
    challenges. An agreement was reached to strengthen joint efforts to ensure the
    security of Romania’s energy supplies by transiting Turkish territory. Also,
    the multidimensional effects of the war in Ukraine have been analysed, with
    special attention paid to the refugee crisis and food security.

    JUSTICE The Romanian justice minister Cătălin Predoiu will
    take part in the meetings of the Justice and Home Affair Council and General
    Affairs Council of the European Union, between December 7th and 14th.
    According to a JHA Council news release, on the sidelines of the two meetings the
    justice minister will also have meetings in Brussels and Luxembourg with
    counterparts from other member countries and EU officials. At the JHA Council
    Mr. Predoiu will present Romania’s position with respect to the EU judicial
    instruments and policies in the judiciary currently on the Council’s agenda. The
    home affairs section of the Council is scheduled to make a decision regarding
    the accession of Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia to the Schengen area.

    ECONOMY The GDP of the European Union saw a 0.4% growth and
    that of the Euro-zone a 0.3% increase in the 3rd quarter of this
    year compared to the previous quarter, with the most substantial growth rates
    reported for Ireland, Cyprus, Malta and Romania, according to data released on
    Wednesday by Eurostat. The economic growth rate in Ireland was 2.3%, and in
    Cyprus, Malta and Romania 1.3%. The most substantial decline is reported for Estonia
    (negative 1.8%), Latvia (negative 1.7%) and Slovenia (negative 1.4%). Among EU
    member countries, the most significant annual growth rate is reported for
    Ireland (10.6%), Croatia (5.5%), Cyprus (5.4%), Malta (5.2%), Portugal (4.9%) and
    Romania (4.7%), the only negative rates being reported for Estonia (negative 2.3%)
    and Latvia (negative 0.4%).

    OIL Global oil
    prices dropped to the lowest level this year, in spite of the estimates of some
    international experts that expected the EU and G7 ban on Russian crude and the
    cap on crude prices to trigger market turbulence. In Romania, the lowest petrol
    price is EUR 1.3, and diesel is sold for EUR 1.54. On the other hand,
    neighbouring Hungary is facing a fuel crisis caused, according to AFP, by the
    price cap introduced by Viktor Orbán’s government a year ago. The fuel shortage
    comes in the context of a 30% decrease in imports as foreign companies cut down
    their sales to Hungary as a result of the price cap, the country’s association
    of independent petrol stations said.

    GAUDEAMUS The 29th
    edition of the ‘Gaudeamus’ Book Fair, organised by Radio Romania, kicked off in
    Bucharest today. Until Sunday, 200 participants will be exhibiting releases in
    various formats, addressing all age brackets and fields of interests, as well as music and educational games. 600 events have been announced in addition to
    various related projects. As a novelty, 2 areas have been arranged within the
    Fair, for interactive activities targeting the youngest visitors. Pavilions are
    also available online on gaudeamus.ro. The honorary president of this year’s
    edition is the writer Ana Blandiana.

    World Cup in Qatar on Tuesday, in the round of 16, Portugal smashed Switzerland
    6-1, while Morocco scored a surprising win against Spain 3-0 on penalties. In the
    quarter-finals on Friday, the Netherlands will be up against Argentina, and
    Croatia takes on Brazil, while on Saturday England will be facing defending
    champions France and Morocco will take on Portugal. The semis are scheduled for
    December 13 and 14, and the final on December 18. (AMP)

  • December 5, 2022 UPDATE

    December 5, 2022 UPDATE

    Summit — President Klaus Iohannis will participate, on Tuesday, in the EU – Western Balkans Summit, which will take place in Tirana, Albania. According to the Presidential Administration, the Summit in Tirana is the first event of the kind organized in a capital in the region, a fact that reconfirms the European commitment in relation to the states in the Western Balkans. On this occasion, the head of state will reiterate the availability of continued support for concrete efforts and actions to integrate the countries of the region into the European Union. At the same time, Klaus Iohannis will point out the aspects related to the need to strengthen the resilience of partners, as well as to the European support in sectors such as energy, digital transformation, cyber security and migration management. On the occasion of the Summit, the Tirana Declaration will be adopted, which reflects the support of the Union and of the member states towards the European perspective of the Western Balkans.

    Budget — Romanias draft state budget and social insurance budget for 2023 will be posted on the website of the Finance Ministry on Tuesday for transparency reasons, and they will be on the agenda of the government meeting on Thursday. The ruling coalition proposes that the two draft laws should pass the Parliaments vote before the winter holidays. It will be the first time that the budget will be built on economic and social programs and also the first time that the amount allocated to Defense will be 2.5% of the GDP. It is believed that the budget built around programs will allow better monitoring of expenses, of the degree of implementation and of the real impact in the economy.

    Bribe – The Romanian Parliament decided, on Monday, to dismiss Niculae Bădălău from the position of vice-president of the Court of Accounts, after the former Social Democratic MP was arrested on charges of bribery. There were 308 votes in favor and one abstention. The Social Democratic Party – PSD, which requested the dismissal, pointed out that keeping Niculae Bădălău in office would seriously affect the institutions credibility. The opposition equally demanded the initiation of the dismissal procedure. A week ago, the Bucharest Court of Appeal decided that former PSD senator Niculae Bădălău be arrested, for a period of 30 days, for bribery and influence peddling, in a case in which he is accused of offering bribe worth 170,000 Euros to a mayor from Giurgiu (south), in exchange for the granting of public works contracts.

    Gaudeamus — The 29th edition of the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair opens on Wednesday at the Romexpo Compound in Bucharest. The event thus returns, after the pandemic, to the format that made it famous for over a quarter of a century as a solid landmark of the book market in Romania. 200 participants will offer the public an extremely varied range of editorial products, on different supports, suitable for all ages and fields of interest, music and educational games. The fairs honorary president will be the poet Ana Blandiana.

    Sanctions — New economic sanctions applied to Russia by the European Union and the G7 group have come into force. They consist in capping the price at which Russia exports oil and in the European embargo on Russian oil imported by sea. The measures are meant to reduce Russias incomes, which it uses to finance its war machine. Although some experts fear a destabilization of the world market, Brussels decision includes a reserve margin, so that Moscow should not be forced to stop its exports. Capping is rejected by Russia, which claims that it will only sell oil to those countries that do not cap its price. In Bucharest, the energy minister Virgil Popescu gave assurances that the embargo on Russian crude oil will not affect Romania, given that the oil companies in our country have found alternative resources. He pointed out that, as of last week, the domestic oil companies and refineries had started processing only non-Russian crude oil. For his part, the general director of the TRANSGAZ company, Ioan Sterian, emphasized that there are no reasons to fear that Romania will run out of gas this winter.

    Hospitality – Romanians spending at restaurants, cafes, pubs or fast-foods this year could be more than 30% higher than in 2021, exceeding 7.5 billion Euros, which is an absolute record for the food service industry, shows a study co-financed by the actors in the field and launched by the Hospitality Culture Institute. Practically, foodservice is becoming the most attractive sector for investments, which is also faced with two big problems: poor digitization and lack of staff, Florin Maxim, founder of the organization, said. According to the cited source, 9% of Romanians who go out spend more than 100 lei (20 Euros) per person on a restaurant meal, a figure that is growing significantly. This year too, even if the anti-pandemic restrictions on the operation of the hospitality industry units were removed, the food delivery sector retained its supremacy. (LS)

  • Ana Blandiana, președintele de onoare al Târgului Gaudeamus Radio România

    Ana Blandiana, președintele de onoare al Târgului Gaudeamus Radio România

    Poeta Ana Blandiana este președintele de onoare al Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus Radio România, ediția 29, care va începe miercuri, 7 decembrie, la Romexpo.

    Ediția București 2022 a Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus Radio România, organizat de postul public de radiodifuziune, se va desfășura între 7 și 11 decembrie, în Pavilionul B2 Romexpo.

    Inaugurarea oficială a ediției va avea loc miercuri, 7 decembrie, la ora 12:00.

    Târgul va fi deschis zilnic, între orele 10:00 și 20:00, iar la această ediție, accesul tuturor categoriilor de public va fi gratuit.

  • Târgul de Carte Gaudeamus Radio România, 7-11 decembrie (Romexpo)

    Târgul de Carte Gaudeamus Radio România, 7-11 decembrie (Romexpo)

    Cel mai citit și mai îndrăgit târg de carte din România revine, în premieră în cursul lunii decembrie, la formatul care l-a impus de peste un sfert de secol drept un reper solid al pieței de profil din țara noastră. Ediția București 2022 a Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus Radio România, organizat de postul public de radiodifuziune, se va desfășura între 7 și 11 decembrie, în Pavilionul B2 Romexpo.

    Inaugurarea oficială a ediției va avea loc miercuri, 7 decembrie, la ora 12:00. Târgul va fi deschis zilnic, între orele 10:00 și 20:00, iar la această ediție, accesul tuturor categoriilor de public va fi gratuit.

    În ciuda condițiilor dificile din ultimii ani, care au dus la suspendarea celor mai multe evenimente de acest tip, Radio România a reușit să mențină continuitatea acestui proiect, atât prin intermediul edițiilor online, cât și prin organizarea primelor târguri de carte din țară din timpul pandemiei, în vara anului 2021. Astfel Gaudeamus a fost prezent nu doar în inimile pasionaților de carte (pe care nu le-a părăsit niciodată!), ci și virtual, în casele a zeci de mii de români, dar și fizic, în câteva dintre cele mai cunoscute și îndrăgite locuri de întâlnire din țară.

    Ediția București 2022 a Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus Radio România, reluată după doi ani de pauză, consolidează statutul evenimentului de vârf de piață editorială, la nivel național:

    – Aproape 7.900 mp de standuri și spații de evenimente vor ocupa integral cel mai mare pavilion expozițional din țară; din perspectiva anvergurii evenimentului, ediția din acest an a Târgului de Carte Gaudeamus se apropie foarte mult de ediția care a stabilit un record național, derulată în noiembrie 2019.

    – Circa 200 de participanți vor oferi publicului o gamă extrem de variată de produse editoriale, pe diferite suporturi, adecvate tuturor vârstelor și domeniilor de interes, muzică și jocuri educative. Alături de nume consacrate de zeci de ani în peisajul editorial românesc, se vor regăsi numeroși participanți în premieră la acest eveniment, atât edituri care și-au câștigat deja o binemeritată notorietate, cât și proiecte noi, la început de drum. Toate standurile găzduite de Pavilionul B2 Romexpo se vor regăsi în format virtual pe website-ul www.gaudeamus.ro.

    – Peste 600 de evenimente editoriale, care se vor desfășura deopotrivă în cele șase spații dedicate amenajate în incintă și la standurile participanților au fost deja programate; programul integral al evenimentelor, reactualizat în permanență, va fi disponibil începând cu data de 5 decembrie pe website-ul www.gaudeamus.ro. În premieră, în incinta târgului vor fi amenajate, împreună cu partenerii acestei ediții — Opera Comică pentru Copii și Asociația Versus — două spații dedicate activităților interactive pentru cei mai tineri vizitatorii.

    Proiectele conexe marca Gaudeamus Radio România care se vor desfășura în cadrul acestei ediții a târgului reunesc tradiția și inițiative în premieră:

    Concursul Național de Lectură Mircea Nedelciu, adresat liceenilor, care va reuni concurenți din întreaga țară, se va desfășura în acest an într-o formulă inedită, pe bază de eseuri transmise în format video; tema concursului este Centenar Marin Preda. 100 de ani de la naștere.”

    Invitați de nota 10: Olimpicii României este proiectul prin intermediul căruia Radio România și partenerii săi recompensează și promovează elevii care obțin rezultate excepționale la olimpiade internaționale la diferite discipline.

    Premiile pentru cele două proiecte, în valoare de circa 25.000 lei, vor fi oferite de Asociația Lions Club Millennium Bucharest, sponsor tradițional al evenimentului.

    Pick up a Secret Story este un nou proiect, inițiat cu acest prilej și derulat în colaborare cu fundația Hospice Casa Speranței (cea mai mare organizație specializată în îngrijire paliativă gratuită din România), cu sprijinul participanților și al publicului, care vor putea contribui la strângerea de fonduri pentru susținerea activității curente a fundației, donând sau achiziționând pachete de cărți al căror conținut rămâne un secret, până la desfacerea pachetului.

    Târgul de Carte Gaudeamus — un eveniment Radio România.

    Proiect cultural finanțat de Ministerul Culturii. Partener oficial al evenimentului: Televiziunea Română. Parteneri și sponsori: Societatea de Transport București, Asociația Lions Club Millennium Bucharest, Jerry’s Pizza, Fan Delivery, Hidroprotect, Opera Comică pentru Copii, Hospice Casa Speranței, Asociația Versus. Parteneri media: Observator Cultural, AgențiadeCarte.ro, Timpul, Agenția de Presă RADOR.

    Persoană de contact: Connie Chifor (connie@gaudeamus.ro, tel. 0745 109 649).