Tag: Moldova

  • The results of Sunday’s local elections in Moldova

    The results of Sunday’s local elections in Moldova

    After the second round of Sunday’s
    local elections in Moldova, the pro-western parties retained control of the
    capital Chisinau, as well as their chances to form a new government coalition.

    The incumbent pro-western mayor of
    Moldova’s capital Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoaca won the run-off vote with more than
    53% of the votes. The biggest city in Moldova, Chisinau is home to a third of
    this republic’s population and accounts for almost a half of its GDP.

    According to the final results,
    Chirtoaca won comfortably against his socialist rival and former communist
    prime minister Zinaida Greceanyi, who won 46% of the votes. Chirtoaca thanked
    voters and couldn’t help taking a jibe at the socialists, who, in recent years,
    have taken over from the communists the status of Moscow’s protégés:

    I would like to thank the people of
    Chisinau who came out and voted, all those who voted for me and to my rival for
    taking part in these elections, thus showing that the socialists’ and Kremlin’s
    bravest man is today a woman.

    The victory of the young Liberal
    politician and Bucharest-educated lawyer is a victory for the entire pro-European
    camp in the Republic of Moldova. At 36, Chirtoaca will be serving his third
    term as mayor of Chisinau, thus keeping the pro-Moscow left away from the
    capital. In fact, the capital city has had an anti-communist mayor ever since
    the early 1990s, as Chirtoaca’s predecessors Nicolae Costin and Serafim
    Urechean were also strong promoters of the Romanian identity. Together, the
    pro-western parties won more than two thirds of all local administration posts,
    despite losing Balti, the second largest city in Moldova, and Orhei, another
    important city very close to Chisinau to two candidates backed by Moscow. Voter
    turnout, however, stood at only 48%, which commentators say indicates citizen’s
    lack of trust in the political class in general.

    Moldova also lacks a functional
    government at the moment, following the resignation of prime minister Chiril
    Gaburici two weeks ago. He had come to power in February as the leader of a
    minority cabinet supported by the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic
    Party. The latter have already said they wish to start talks with the Liberals
    to recreate the pro-western three-party majority that led the country between
    2009 and 2014.

    Given that the president of the
    republic is elected by Parliament, Dorin Chirtoaca, who is the vice-president
    of the Liberal Party and the politician with the largest number of citizen
    votes, can give his party – the most distinctive pro-Romanian, pro-NATO and
    anti-corruption voice on the political scene in Moldova – an advantage during
    the talks. During the Liberals’ half year in opposition, the image of the
    Republic of Moldova has been affected by huge corruption scandals. As a result,
    the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank decided to cut the country’s
    credit lines, while Moldova’s goal of entering the European Union in 2020 seems
    to have become utopian.

  • MAE: Un an de la semnarea Acordurilor de Asociere şi de Liber Schimb

    Semnificația semnării acestor Acorduri, un pas istoric în
    relațiile dintre UE și cele trei state partenere, este legată de intrarea
    într-o nouă etapă a acestor relații. Acordurile de Asociere sunt instrumente
    care reprezintă expresia angajamentului continuu al Uniunii Europene față de
    vecinătatea sa estică, menite să conducă la modernizare, stabilitate,
    consolidarea statului de drept și creștere economică.

    Procesele extinse de modernizare și reformă ale
    Republicii Moldova, Georgiei și Ucrainei sunt strâns legate de parcursul lor
    european, pentru care România a pledat şi va pleda constant în continuare.
    Uniunea Europeană a sprijinit aceste demersuri, iar România va continua să
    susțină acordarea de asistență tehnica şi financiară în etapa de implementare a

    De asemenea, România sprijină implementarea cuprinzătoare
    a Acordurilor şi continuarea în ritm susţinut a proceselor de reformă, astfel
    încât acestea să îsi atingă obiectivul de asociere politică şi integrare
    economica, cu impact esenţial în democratizarea şi modernizarea societăţii în
    aceste state şi cu beneficii directe și vizibile pentru cetățeni.

    În actualul context regional este cu atât mai importantă
    continuarea acestor procese pentru a se asigura angajarea ireversibilă pe calea
    reformelor și crearea condiţiilor unei stabilităţi durabile, prosperităţii şi
    păcii pe termen lung în regiune.

    În calitate de stat membru situat la frontiera
    răsăriteană a Uniunii Europene, România a promovat activ aceste obiective,
    inclusiv cu ocazia recentului Summit al Parteneriatului Estic de la Riga, şi va
    rămâne profund angajată în direcţia menţinerii partenerilor estici pe o
    traiectorie europeană ireversibilă.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe salută, pe această cale,
    rezultatele obţinute până la acest moment în implementarea Acordurilor cu
    Republica Moldova şi Georgia şi sprijină ferm obiectivul intrării în vigoare a
    Acordului de Liber Schimb Cuprinzător şi Aprofundat cu Ucraina începând cu 1
    ianuarie 2016.

    MAE îşi exprimă speranţa că procesul de ratificare a
    acordurilor se va desfăşura cu rapiditate în toate statele membre UE. România a
    fost primul stat european care a ratificat Acordurile de Asociere cu cele trei
    state partenere, la 3 iulie 2014.

    Comunicat MAE

  • Critical elections for Moldova

    Critical elections for Moldova

    On June 14, 439 cities and villages in the Republic of Moldova elected their mayors as part of the first round of local elections. The results of the vote have tilted the political balance in favour of coalition government parties, the Liberal-Democratic Party and the Democratic Party, which grabbed some two thirds of the total seats in local administrations. The vote also revealed an increase in peoples votes for the populist, communist and socialist parties in opposition. Russian-backed candidates however got hold of two strategic positions: the mayorship of Balti in the north, Moldovas second-largest city, and of Orhei, in the center.

    In Balti, with over 70% of the vote, the new mayor is Renato Usatii, a controversial businessman and populist politician. Last year his party was denied participation in legislative elections, reportedly for having been illegally funded by Russia. The city of Orhei got an equally contentious figure, Isareli-born Ilan Shaor, who grabbed 60% of the vote. Aged 28, Shaor is already a millionaire and an overt advocate of Russias annexation of Moldova. In order to run for office, Shaor was allowed to leave house arrest. Shaor was detained after 1 billion dollars mysteriously dissaperared from three key banks in what the authorities have termed ‘the theft of the century.

    After reporting humiliating defeats to these controversial figures, pro-European parties need to secure a win in Sundays second round of local election, which will decide the mayors and local officials in another 459 towns and villages. On both sides of the political spectrum, Chisinau is the much coveted prize. The capital city is home to a third of the countrys population and accounts for half of its GDP. Here, political analysts believe the vote carries huge stakes.

    Voters will have to choose between the acting mayor, young Liberal Dorin Chirtoaca, a Bucharest Law School graduate who does not refrain from taking pride in his Romanian identity, and former Prime Minister Zinaida Greceanii, who is now running on behalf of the Socialist Party in opposition. The choice is also one between Europe and Russia, analysts also believe, who say if Chirtoaca is supported by other pro-European parties if elected, the former pro-Western ruling coalition might be put back together, by bringing the Liberal Party to power alongside the Democrats and the Liberal-Democrats. The three parties have ruled together since 2009 until February this year, when the Liberals switched to the opposition. After a failed and much criticized attempt to govern, Chiril Gaburicis minority Cabinet stepped down two weeks ago, thus opening up the possibility for building a new government.

  • Scrutin decisiv în Republica Moldova

    Scrutin decisiv în Republica Moldova

    Pe 14 iunie, în 439 dintre oraşele şi comunele din Republica Moldova
    primarii au fost aleşi încă din primul tur de scrutin. Rezultatele indică, în
    general, menţinerea în topul preferinţelor electorale a componentelor coaliţiei
    guvernamentale minoritare, partidele Liberal-Democrat şi Democrat, declarat
    pro-occidentale, ce şi-au adjudecat circa două treimi din administraţiile
    locale, şi un recul al opoziţiei pro-moscovite – populistă, comunistă şi
    socialistă. Candidaţii agreaţi de Rusia au obţinut, însă, două trofee

    La Bălţi (nord), al doilea oraş ca mărime din republică, primarul a fost
    ales din primul tur, cu peste 70% din sufragii, în persoana controversatului om
    de afaceri Renato Usatîi. Anul trecut, partidului său populist i-a fost interzisă
    participarea la alegerile legislative, fiindcă a primit finanţare ilegală din
    Rusia. La Orhei (centru), noul edil e un personaj la fel de sulfuros. Milionar
    la doar 28 de ani, promotor al încorporării republicii în Rusia, după modelul
    Crimeei, moldo-israelianul Ilan Shaor şi-a adjudecat mai bine de 60 de procente
    din voturi. Ca să poată participa la campania electorală, i s-a permis ieşirea
    din arestul la domiciliu, fiindcă junele primar e urmărit penal pentru
    devalizarea a trei bănci, din care au dispărut un miliard de dolari, în ceea ce
    presa de la Chişnău numeşte furtul secolului.
    După aceste înfrângeri umilitoare, în faţa unor
    personaje halucinante, pentru formaţiunile politice pro-europene devine
    obligatorie revanşa, duminică, în al doilea tur de scrutin, care va tranşa
    cursa electorală în alte 459 de localităţi. Pentru ambele tabere, Chişinăul e,
    de departe, trofeul cel mai râvnit. Votul pentru primăria Capitalei, unde trăieşte o
    treime din populaţia republicii şi care produce jumătate din PIB, are, spun
    analiştii, o uriaşă miză geopolitică. Alegerea între tânărul primar în
    exerciţiu, liberalul Dorin Chirtoacă, absolvent de Drept la Bucureşti şi
    care-şi asumă fără complexe identitatea românească, şi fostul premier comunist
    Zinaida Greceanîi, ce candidează acum pentru socialişti, e şi o alegere între
    Europa şi Rusia.
    De rezultatele alegerilor locale şi de susţinerea lui
    Chirtoacă de către celelalte formaţiuni pro-europene depinde, spun comentatorii
    politici, şi refacerea unei coaliţii majoritare, prin cooptarea liberalilor
    alături de PLDM şi PD. Cele trei partide au condus împreună republica din 2009
    până în februarie anul acesta, când PL a trecut în opoziţie. După o prestaţie
    dezastruoasă, jalonată de acuzaţii de corupţie şi incompetenţă, cabinetul
    minoritar condus de Chiril Gaburici a demisionat acum două săptămâni,
    deschizând, astfel, calea pentru instalarea unui nou guvern.

  • La semaine du 15 au 20 juin 2015

    La semaine du 15 au 20 juin 2015

    Visite du président du Portugal à Bucarest

    Le président portugais, Anibal Cavaco Silva, a fait mercredi et jeudi une visite d’Etat en Roumanie, avec une composante économique très importante. L’agenda a comporté des rencontres avec son homologue Klaus Iohannis, avec le vice premier ministre, Gabriel Oprea, qui assure la direction opérationnelle de l’activité du gouvernement, en l’absence du premier ministre Victor Ponta qui a été opéré en Turquie, ainsi qu’avec les présidents des deux chambres du Parlement. Le président roumain a précisé que les relations bilatérales avaient évolué de manière significative ces dernières années, les deux pays devant continuer leur coopération dans le domaine politique et militaire, y compris au sein de l’OTAN, et se coordonner plus étroitement au sein de l’UE. Klaus Iohannis s’est également référé à la communauté des plus de 40.000 Roumains du Portugal, et a apprécié le soutien accordé par les autorités de Lisbonne pour leur intégration. Le président Anibal Cavaco Silva a également participé à un forum économique roumano-portugais.

    Visite du chef de la diplomatie roumaine à Chişinau

    Le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Bogdan Aurescu, a fait une visite de deux jours à Chişinău, où il a eu des pourparlers avec des responsables de la République de Moldova et a participé à une réunion des ministres des affaires étrangères de l’Organisation de la coopération économique de la mer Noire. A cette occasion, M. Aurescu a plaidé pour l’installation rapide d’un nouveau gouvernement de la République de Moldova voisine. Il a aussi souligné l’importance de la stabilité politique comme prémisse essentielle du progrès dans la voie des réformes et de l’intégration européenne. La visite du chef de la diplomatie roumaine à Chişinău a eu lieu moins d’une semaine après la démission du premier ministre moldave Chiril Gaburici, accusé d’avoir falsifié son diplôme de baccalauréat. Par ailleurs, M. Aurescu a déclaré que le développement de la coopération entre l’OCEMN et l’UE sera une priorité de la présidence roumaine de l’Organisation, qui débutera le 1er juillet prochain.

    La Stratégie nationale de défense de la Roumanie en cours d’approbation au Parlement

    La nouvelle Stratégie nationale de défense de la Roumanie pour la période 2015-2019 a reçu l’aval des commissions parlementaires de spécialité et sera présentée en session plénière. Le document sera avancé, lundi, par le président Klaus Iohannis, dans le cadre d’une réunion commune des deux chambres du Législatif. L’Administration présidentielle a présenté la Stratégie jeudi aux représentants du corps diplomatique des Etats de l’OTAN et de l’UE. Selon le chef de l’Etat, la Stratégie offre la vision d’une Roumanie forte en Europe et dans le monde, et le concept de sécurité élargie est une des principales nouveautés. Le Partenariat stratégique avec les Etats Unis, l’appartenance à l’OTAN et à l’UE sont réaffirmés en tant que piliers de la politique étrangère et de sécurité.

    Accord roumano-américain sur les marchés publics

    L’Agence américaine pour le commerce et le développement formera 50 fonctionnaires roumains aux procédures de marchés publics, aux termes d’un Mémorandum signé ce mercredi avec le gouvernement de Bucarest. Le chargé d’affaires des Etats Unis à Bucarest, Dean Thompson, a déclaré qu’une révision appropriée des règles concernant les marchés publics et la mise en place d’un système de prévention pour identifier les conflits d’intérêts aideraient la Roumanie à combattre la corruption dans ce domaine. Présent à la cérémonie de signature du Mémorandum, le ministre roumain des finances, Eugen Teodorovici, a affirmé que la réforme des marchés publics était un objectif du gouvernement et que la Stratégie nationale de marché publics serait finalisée avant la fin du mois en cours ; à cela s’ajouteraient quatre autres projets de loi de transposition en droit interne des directives communautaires en la matière, que le Parlement devrait approuver à l’automne. La Commission européenne a demandé à la Roumanie en 2014 d’adopter la stratégie mentionnée, dans le but de résoudre les problèmes signalés par Bruxelles dans ce domaine.

    Exercice otanien de grande ampleur en Roumanie

    Un millier de militaires de 25 Etats membres de l’Alliance participent jusqu’à la fin du mois à l’exercice Trident Joust 15 – une opération de défense menée en Roumanie aux côtés de partenaires étrangers. L’exercice a lieu dans le polygone militaire de Cincu, au comté de Brasov. L’exercice est censé tester la capacité du Commandement allié réuni de Naples de conduire une opération de défense collective de l’OTAN. La commande et le contrôle de la Force de réaction de l’OTAN sont transférés également pour la première fois vers une position temporaire. Un exercice multinational des forces spéciales se déroule dans les garnisons et les polygones de l’est de la Roumanie. ROUSOFEX 15 réunit 1500 militaires de Roumanie, Bulgarie, Géorgie, Grèce, République de Moldova, Pologne, Etats-Unis et Turquie qui prennent part à cet exercice tactique déroulé dans plusieurs garnisons et polygones militaires de l’est de la Roumanie.

  • Uncertainties in Chisinau

    Uncertainties in Chisinau

    International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have suspended the funding of
    several projects in the Republic of Moldova, and have announced their relation
    with the country will stay frozen until the authorities take decisive measures
    to solve the problems in the banking system, where as much as one billion
    dollars mysteriously went missing. As the World Bank country manager for
    Moldova put it, it would be illogical and irresponsible for the World Bank to
    transfer its shareholders’ money into the Moldovan budget through the front
    door, while there is a risk for ever higher amounts of public money being lost
    out of the back door, through fraud and corruption in the banking sector. He
    also added that the ex-Soviet state will no longer receive the 45 million US
    dollars for budgetary support in 2015.

    In turn, the EU has warned that it might cut down the funding for the
    judicial reform, as Moldovan authorities have failed to fulfil their
    commitments. They have blocked legislation on the National Integrity
    Commission, designed to ensure its independence from political control. I am
    very disappointed, said the head of the EU Delegation in Chisinau, Pirkka
    Tapiola. Under these circumstances, analysts warn, the Republic of Moldova may
    default on payments in less than two months. To make matters even worse, there
    is no one to manage this crisis, because the small republic still lacks a
    government. Accused of forging his high-school graduation diploma, the prime
    minister, Chiril Gaburici, resigned a week ago, and the entire cabinet
    followed. With drastically limited powers, the ministers now only handle
    current matters, until a new cabinet is sworn in.

    The most disappointed with the downpour of bad news is Romania, which has
    been a steady and active supporter of Moldova’s European aspirations. While in
    Moldova to plead for the rapid formation of a new government, the Romanian
    Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said a new governmental coalition would
    guarantee the country’s firm pro-European commitment and determination to carry
    on democratic reforms, as expected by its citizens, and to ensure Moldova’s
    stability. On Wednesday, Aurescu was received by the Moldovan President Nicolae
    Timofti, on which occasion he emphasised the importance of political stability,
    as a prerequisite for the country’s progress towards reforms and European

    With their image severely affected by the disastrous performance
    of the Gaburici government, the leaders of the minority governmental coalition,
    made up of Democrats and Liberal Democrats, are considering the inclusion in
    the Executive of the third pro-European party in Parliament, the Liberals.
    Analysts see this as a solution, because the Moldovan Liberals are the most
    determined supporters of the European values, of closer ties with Bucharest and
    of the fight against corruption, for the success of which they went as far as
    to ask that a prosecutor general be brought from Romania.

  • Incertitudini la Chişinău

    Incertitudini la Chişinău

    Fondul Monetar Internaţional şi Banca Mondială au stopat finanţarea unor
    proiecte din Republica Moldova şi au anunţat că relaţia cu aceasta va rămâne
    îngheţată până când autorităţile vor întreprinde acţiuni decisive pentru soluţionarea
    problemelor din bănci, de unde, în condiţii tenebroase, au dispărut nu mai
    puţin de un miliard de dolari.

    ”Ar fi ilogic şi iresponsabil ca Banca Mondială
    să transfere în bugetul Moldovei banii acţionarilor săi prin uşa din faţă, în
    timp ce există riscuri ca sume şi mai mari de bani publici să fie pierdute prin
    uşa din dos, din cauza fraudelor şi corupţiei din sectorul bancar” – a
    declarat, casant, directorul Băncii pentru Republica Moldova, Alex Kremer, care
    a anunţat că statul ex-sovietic, majoritar românofon, nu va mai primi sprijinul
    bugetar de 45 de milioane de dolari planificat pentru 2015.
    Şi Uniunea Europeană
    a avertizat că ar putea tăia, la rându-i, banii pentru reforma justiţiei, din
    cauza neonorării angajamentelor pe care şi le-au asumat autorităţile. Acestea au
    blocat pachetul de legi privind reorganizarea Comisiei Naţionale de
    Integritate, menit să-i asigurare independenţa, prin excluderea controlului
    politic. ”Sunt foarte dezamăgit – a mărturisit şeful Delegaţiei UE la
    Chişinău, Pirkka Tapiola. În aceste condiţii, avertizează analiştii, în mai
    puţin de două luni, Republica Moldova ar putea intra în incapacitate de plată. Mai
    grav e că, momentan, nimeni nu administrează dezastrul, fiindcă republica nu
    mai are guvern. Acuzat că şi-a falsificat diploma de bacalaureat, premierul
    Chiril Gaburici a demisionat acum o săptămână, iar plecarea a antrenat-o şi pe
    aceea a întregului Cabinet. Cu prerogative drastic limitate, miniştrii mai
    girează doar afaceri curente, până la instalarea unei noi echipe executive.
    ca la Bucureşti nu e mai mare decepţia faţă de această canonadă de veşti
    proste. Avocat consecvent şi energic al aspiraţiilor europene ale Chişinăului,
    România şi-a trimis ministrul de Externe, Bogdan Aurescu, să pledeze pentru
    constituirea rapidă a unui nou guvern. Aurescu a apreciat că o nouă coaliţie
    guvernamentală ar avea rolul de a garanta angajamentul pro-european ferm, de a
    continua reformele democratice, în consens cu aşteptările exprimate de cetăţeni,
    şi de a asigura stabilitatea republicii. Miercuri, el a fost primit
    de preşedintele Nicolae Timofti, prilej cu care a subliniat importanţa
    stabilităţii politice, ca premisă esenţială a avansării pe calea reformelor şi
    a integrării europene.
    Grav discreditaţi de bilanţul guvernării Gaburici, liderii coaliţiei
    guvernamentale minoritare, formată din liberal-democraţi şi democraţi, au
    evocat cooptarea din nou în
    a celei de-a treia formaţiuni pro-europene reprezentate in Parlament, Partidul Liberal.Ar fi, cred analiştii,
    un colac de salvare. Fiindcă liberalii sunt, în spectrul politic de la
    Chişinău, cei mai decişi promotori ai valorilor europene, ai apropierii de
    Bucureşti şi ai luptei anticorupţie, pentru a cărei reuşită n-au ezitat să
    ceară, acum câteva luni, aducerea unui procuror general din România.

  • 17.06.2015 (mise à jour)

    17.06.2015 (mise à jour)

    Diplomatie – La Roumanie souhaite devenir un exportateur de sécurité énergétique dans la région, a déclaré mercredi le président roumain Klaus Iohannis, mentionnant aussi que plusieurs compagnies portugaises avaient exprimé leur intention d’investir en Roumanie. Le chef de l’Etat roumain s’est entretenu à Bucarest avec son homologue du Portugal, Anibal Cavaco Silva. A l’issue des pourparlers il a ajouté que les relations bilatérales ont évolué considérablement ces dernières années, les deux pays allant continuer leur coopération au niveau politique et militaire, y compris au sein de l’OTAN. Par ailleurs, le président roumain a remercié l’Etat portugais pour avoir aidé à s’intégrer dans la société portugaise les quelque 40.000 Roumains vivant au Portugal. Pour sa part, le président portugais a invité Klaus Iohannis à faire une visite officielle dans son pays.

    Visite – En visite à Chisinau, le ministre roumain des Affaires Etrangères, Bogdan Aurescu a été reçu mercredi par le président moldave Nicolae Timofti. L’occasion de souligner l’importance de la stabilité politique de ce pays voisin de la Roumanie, une condition essentielle de l’avancée des ses réformes et de son intégration européenne, de la consolidation de l’Etat de droit et de son développement économique. De même, lors d’une conférence de presse aux côtés de son homologue de Chisinau, le ministre roumain a plaidé pour la formation rapide d’un nouveau gouvernement moldave et d’une majorité parlementaire qui soutienne le parcours pro-européen de la République de Moldova. Et le ministre roumain de souligner que les élections locales de dimanche ont re-confirmé le fait la population moldave a opté pour le parcours pro-européen. Toujours mercredi, Bogdan Aurescu a inauguré le Centre d’information de la Roumanie, ouvert à l’Université d’Etat de Comrat, chef-lieu de la région de Gagaouzie (située dans le sud de la République de Moldova, à population majoritairement turcophone orthodoxe). Jeudi, le chef de la diplomatie de Bucarest participera à Chisinau à une réunion des ministres des Affaires Etrangères des pays membres de l’Organisation de la coopération économique dans la région de la mer Noire, qui marque le début du mandat roumain à la tête de cette organisation.

    Stratégie – Les Commissions chargées de la Défense au sein du Sénat et de la Chambre des députés de Bucarest ont adopté mercredi, à l’unanimité, un rapport commun favorable, visant la Stratégie Nationale de Défense de la Roumanie pour la période 2015 – 2019. Le document doit encore être débattu et voté au plénum réuni des deux chambres du Législatif. Parmi les nouveautés envisagées, mentionnons le concept de sécurité élargie. La sécurité nationale n’est pas approchée uniquement du point de vue de la défense, mais aussi en tenant compte aussi d’autres domaines: ordre public, économie, infrastructure, éducation, santé, environnement et culture. Le partenariat stratégique avec les Etats – Unis et l’appartenance à l’OTAN et à l’UE sont toujours considérés comme les piliers de la politique étrangère et de sécurité de la Roumanie

    Condamnation – L’ancien président de la Fédération Roumaine de la Boxe, Rudel Obreja, a été condamné mercredi à 3 ans de prison ferme pour trafic d’influence. La décision du Tribunal de Bucarest n’est pourtant pas définitive. Les procureurs anti-corruption ont poursuivi en justice M. Obreja en mars 2014. Il est accusé d’avoir demandé un million d’euros pour intervenir auprès d’un juge de la Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice pour une décision favorable à un homme d’affaires. A l’heure actuelle Rudel Obreja fait l’objet d’un autre dossier de corruption aux côtés de l’ancienne ministre du Développement régional et du Tourisme, Elena Udrea.

    Météo – La météo sera assez instable en Roumanie dans les 24 prochaines heures, notamment dans le sud et le sud-ouest, où le ciel sera couvert et où les précipitations pourraient dépasser les 15 à 30 litres par mètre carré. Les températures maximales iront de 21 à 27 degrés.

  • UPDATE: Cetăţenii UE pot intra în Republica Moldova cu cartea de identitate

    UPDATE: Cetăţenii UE pot intra în Republica Moldova cu cartea de identitate

    UPDATE: Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al României a fost notificat luni, de către Ministerul Afacerilor Externe și Integrării Europene al Republicii Moldova cu privire la modificarea și completarea listei documentelor de călătorie acceptate pentru intrarea în Republica Moldova. Astfel, potrivit acestor modificări, cetățenii statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene, inclusiv cetățenii români, pot intra pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova în baza cărților de identitate aflate în prezent în circulație (formatele ID1, ID2 sau biometric).

    Ministrul român
    de Externe, Bogdan Aurescu, a salutat decizia executivului de la Chişinău prin
    care se permite accesul cetăţenilor UE, inclusiv cetăţenii români, pe teritoriul
    Republicii Moldova, în baza cărţilor de identitate aflate, şi nu doar a
    paşaportului, ca până în prezent.

    Măsura reprezintă un semnal politic clar al
    angajamentului Republicii Moldova faţă de parcursul său european, un instrument
    concret de încurajare a contactelor şi schimburilor celor mai diverse între
    cetăţenii de peste Prut şi cei ai Uniunii Europene, inclusiv ai României,
    precum şi de susţinere a racordării statului vecin la spaţiul european, a
    declarat şeful dimplomaţiei române.

    De asemenea, miercuri s-a deschis Centrul de Informare al
    României la Comrat ce va funcţiona ca un punct de acces gratuit la limba şi
    cultura română.

    Centrul de Informare de la Comrat a fost dechis şi cu
    contribuţia Departamentului Politici pentru Relația cu Românii de Pretutindeni, care a
    asigurat dotarea cu material didactic, mobilier şi tehnică IT. Cunoașterea limbii române le va
    permite locuitorilor Unităţii Teritoriale Autonome Găgăuzia să aibă acces
    nemijlocit la informația
    corectă privind beneficiile aduse de integrarea europeană și dezvoltarea democrației, favorizând adoptarea
    unei perspective pro-europene, a spus ministrul delegat pentru românii de
    pretutindeni, Angel Tîlvăr.

  • Romania and the Republic of Moldova

    Romania and the Republic of Moldova

    On Tuesday, the government in Chisinau decided to allow the entry of EU citizens into Moldova based on their ID cards, as well as their passports. “This measure is a clear political indication of the Republic of Moldovas commitment to its European path, a concrete instrument to encourage the most diverse contacts and exchanges between Moldovan citizens and the citizens of the European Union, including Romanian, and to support the connection of Moldova to the European area, writes a press release from the Romanian foreign ministry.

    The move thus addresses an anomaly that the Romanian media, civil society and politicians had long denounced. The measure was also demanded this spring by Romanian and Moldovan protesters gathering in Bucharest. “We can use our ID cards to travel to Brussels and the other end of Europe but not close to home, to Chisinau, said the protesters. The foreign ministry in Bucharest heard their call and insisted with the Moldovan authorities to abandon their absurd travel restrictions.

    The requirement for Romanian citizens to show their passports when entering Moldova, where many have relatives and friends, dates back to the pro-Russian, communist government in Chisinau. Strongly anti-Romanian, this government tried to restrict severely any contacts between the citizens of the two states in the most Stalinist tradition.

    Following Stalins 1940 annexation of the eastern Romanian territories today known as the Republic of Moldova, the border with Romania became one of the tightest in the entire eastern bloc. People speaking the same language and sharing a common culture and history were thus separated by barbed wire and armed guards, just like in Berlin. In 2009, after controversial legislative elections resulting in violent street protests, the communist government in Chisinau was forced to abandon power. It still took its pro-western successors years to eliminate the requirement to show a passport when entering Moldova.

    A constant advocate of Moldovas European integration, Bucharest now has every reason to rejoice, all the more so as Chisinaus decision comes at a very sensitive time: doubts had been raised over its pro-western commitments following a number of corruption scandals, the delay of reforms and the disastrous economic record of the cabinet of outgoing prime minister Chiril Gaburici after four months in power.

  • Romania and the Republic of Moldova

    Romania and the Republic of Moldova

    On Tuesday, the government in Chisinau decided to allow the entry of EU citizens into Moldova based on their ID cards, as well as their passports. “This measure is a clear political indication of the Republic of Moldovas commitment to its European path, a concrete instrument to encourage the most diverse contacts and exchanges between Moldovan citizens and the citizens of the European Union, including Romanian, and to support the connection of Moldova to the European area, writes a press release from the Romanian foreign ministry.

    The move thus addresses an anomaly that the Romanian media, civil society and politicians had long denounced. The measure was also demanded this spring by Romanian and Moldovan protesters gathering in Bucharest. “We can use our ID cards to travel to Brussels and the other end of Europe but not close to home, to Chisinau, said the protesters. The foreign ministry in Bucharest heard their call and insisted with the Moldovan authorities to abandon their absurd travel restrictions.

    The requirement for Romanian citizens to show their passports when entering Moldova, where many have relatives and friends, dates back to the pro-Russian, communist government in Chisinau. Strongly anti-Romanian, this government tried to restrict severely any contacts between the citizens of the two states in the most Stalinist tradition.

    Following Stalins 1940 annexation of the eastern Romanian territories today known as the Republic of Moldova, the border with Romania became one of the tightest in the entire eastern bloc. People speaking the same language and sharing a common culture and history were thus separated by barbed wire and armed guards, just like in Berlin. In 2009, after controversial legislative elections resulting in violent street protests, the communist government in Chisinau was forced to abandon power. It still took its pro-western successors years to eliminate the requirement to show a passport when entering Moldova.

    A constant advocate of Moldovas European integration, Bucharest now has every reason to rejoice, all the more so as Chisinaus decision comes at a very sensitive time: doubts had been raised over its pro-western commitments following a number of corruption scandals, the delay of reforms and the disastrous economic record of the cabinet of outgoing prime minister Chiril Gaburici after four months in power.

  • Political developments in Chisinau

    Political developments in Chisinau

    Last year the Republic of Moldova was commonly seen as the best-performing country in the Eastern Partnership. The reforms introduced over the last five years by pro-Western Cabinets led by Vlad Filat and Iurie Leanca were rewarded with association and free trade agreements that Moldova signed with the EU. Riding the wave of euphoria, at the time politicians said the Republic of Moldova might join the EU as early as 2020, in the event Romania holds the rotating presidency of the EU.

    But things took a turn for the worse last autumn. In the parliamentary elections, pro-Western parties secured the majority required to keep the ruling coalition in place. The Liberal Party however, advocating closer relations with Romania and Brussels, chose to switch to the opposition, which prompted Prime Minister Leanca to resign from the Liberal-Democratic Party. In February, the minority coalition, now made up of the Liberal-Democratic Party and the Democratic Party, designated a young pro-Russian businessman Chiril Gaburici as the new Prime Minister. Last Friday, Gaburici handed in his resignation, in the wake of a nationwide scandal involving allegations that Gaburici forged his Baccalaureate diploma.

    Despite its reported pro-Western orientation, his Government had been vocally criticized, accused of being corrupt and ineffective. On numerous occasions, thousands of people took to the streets, calling on coalition leaders to step down. Protesters see the current ruling class responsible for the disappearance of 1 billion dollars from the banking system, a sum which is impossible to account for.

    The political class last weekend took another blow, due to the high absenteeism in Sundays local elections, young people in particular. The elderly and pro-Russian diehards on the other hand showed up in high numbers, and in some cases, even managed to secure the position of their candidate without the need of a second ballot, as is the case of the populist candidate Renato Usatii, a controversial businessman who won 70% of Sundays vote and thus became the new Mayor of Balti, northern Moldova.

    Known for his political and financial affluence with Moscow, and suspected of having ties with the local crime lords, Usatii will run the second-largest city in Moldova. In the capital city Chisinau, home to a third of the countrys population and accounting for half of its GDP, the election had huge geopolitical underpinnings. In the second ballot, voters will have to choose between acting mayor Liberal Dorin Chirtoaca, a Bucharest Law School graduate who overtly takes pride in his Romanian identity, and former Communist Prime Minister Zinaida Greceanii, who is running on behalf of the pro-Russian Socialist Party.

    The choice, analysts say, is also one between Europe and Russia. Analysts believe the outcome of the local elections will also have major consequences on the possibility of reforging the pro-European ruling coalition, one that should right the wrongs of Gaburicis Cabinet.

  • Evoluţii politice la Chişinău

    Evoluţii politice la Chişinău

    Anul trecut, Republica Moldova
    era unanim considerată, în cancelariile apusene, premianta Parteneriatului
    Estic, prin care Uniunea Europeană încearcă să atragă pe orbita sa şase state
    ex-sovietice. Reformele promovate, în ultimii cinci ani, de guvernele
    pro-occidentale conduse de Vlad Filat şi Iurie Leancă au fost recompensate cu
    încheierea acordurilor de asociere şi liber schimb dintre Bruxelles şi
    Chişinău. Uşor euforici, liderii politici declarau atunci că republica ar putea
    fi admisă în UE în 2020, eventual în semestrul în care preşedinţia rotativă va
    fi asigurată de România vecină – susţinătorul cel mai consecvent al
    aspiraţiilor sale de integrare.

    În toamnă, însă, a început deriva. La alegerile
    legislative, scorurile obţinute de partidele pro-occidentale -
    liberal-democrat, democrat şi liberal – asigurau majoritatea parlamentară de
    care era nevoie pentru continuarea guvernării tripartite. Liberalii, cei mai
    energici promotori ai apropierii de Bucureşti şi Bruxelles, au preferat să
    treacă în opoziţie, iar premierul Leancă a demisionat din PLDM. Astfel că, abia
    în februarie, în locul lui a fost învestit, de coaliţia guvernamentală
    minoritară dintre liberal-democraţi si democraţi, dar şi cu voturile
    deputaţilor comunişti, tradiţional filoruşi, tânărul om de afaceri Chiril

    Vineri, acesta şi-a anunţat demisia, pe fondul scandalului provocat
    de acuzaţia că şi-ar fi falsificat diploma de bacalaureat. Declarat
    pro-occidental, dar acuzat de ineficienţă şi corupţie, Guvernul său fusese,
    deja, supus unei contestări virulente. În mai multe rânduri, zeci mii de oameni ieşiseră în stradă pentru a
    cere demisia liderilor coaliţiei, pe care-i consideră responsabili,
    între altele, de halucinanta dispariţie din sistemul bancar al republicii a un
    miliard de dolari. Coruptă, cinică, incompetentă, după cum o califică analiştii,
    clasa politică de la Chişinău nu putea fi, aşadar, surprinsă de absenteismul
    masiv, mai ales în rândul tinerilor, de la alegerile locale de duminică.

    vârstnic şi cel rusofon, cu nostalgii sovietice, s-au mobilizat mult mai bine,
    astfel că la Bălţi (nord), primarul a fost ales din primul tur, cu peste 70%
    din sufragii, în persoana controversatului om de afaceri Renato Usatîi.
    Susţinut politic şi financiar de Moscova, de un populism delirant, suspectat de
    conexiuni mafiote, acesta e omul care va conduce al doilea oraş ca mărime din

    În turul al doilea, de pe 28 iunie, votul pentru primăria Capitalei,
    unde traieşte o treime din populaţia republicii şi care produce jumătate din
    PIB, are, spun analiştii, o uriaşă miză geopolitică. Alegerea între tânărul
    primar în exerciţiu, liberalul Dorin Chirtoacă, absolvent de Drept la Bucureşti
    şi care-şi asumă fără complexe identitatea românească, şi fostul premier
    comunist Zinaida Greceanîi, care candideză acum pentru socialiştii pro-ruşi, e şi
    o alegere între Europa şi Rusia. Iar de rezultatele alegerilor locale pare să
    depindă, spun corespondenţii Radio România la Chişinău, şi refacerea unei
    coaliţii majoritare pro-europene, care să repare bilanţul dezolant al
    Cabinetului Gaburici.

  • 13.06.2015


    Justice – Le ministère roumain des AE salue l’entrée en vigueur à compter de ce 13 juin de la Loi selon laquelle la Roumanie accepte la juridiction obligatoire de la Cour Internationale de Justice de la Haye. Selon un communiqué du ministère, c’est là un message clair du fait que les relations internationales de Bucarest sont fondées sur le respect du droit international. Le ministère se dit également satisfait du fait que la Roumanie accepte la juridiction obligatoire de la Cour Internationale de Justice de la Haye, principale institution judiciaire de l’ONU, en 2015, année où l’on marque les 70e anniversaire de l’Organisation des Nations Unie et les 60 ans écoulés depuis l’adhésion de la Roumanie à l’organisation.

    Commémoration – La Roumanie commémore ce week-end les 25 ans écoulés depuis la descente des mineurs à Bucarest les 13 – 15 juin 1990, qui a mis fin à une ample manifestation contre le pouvoir de gauche installé après la chute du communisme en décembre 1989. Rappelons-le, sur la toile de fond d’incidents violents dans la capitale, que l’armée avait déjà réussi à stopper, le président de l’époque, Ion Iliescu a demandé à la population de défendre les institutions démocratiques, invoquant une tentative de putsch. Arrivés à Bucarest, les mineurs de la Vallée du Jiu (au centre de la Roumanie) ont attaqué les sièges de l’Université, des partis de l’opposition et des rédactions de plusieurs journaux indépendants. Une action qui a fait 6 morts officiels et des centaines de blessées et suite à laquelle plus d’un millier de personnes ont été arrêtées de manière abusive. L’image de la Roumanie à l’étranger a été sévèrement affectée par les violences de juin ’90.

    Handball – La sélection nationale féminine de handball de Roumanie joue aujourd’hui sur son propre terrain contre la Serbie, vice – championne mondiale, un match décisif pour la qualification au Championnat du monde de décembre. La semaine dernière, les Roumaines ont gagné le match aller, score 32 à 36. La sélection de Roumanie est la seule équipe féminine de handball qui n’a raté aucune qualification au Championnat Mondial. Dimanche, à Resita, ville du sud-ouest de la Roumanie, la sélection nationale masculine doit rencontrer l’Italie, dans un match comptant pour les qualifications au Championnat d’Europe de 2018. Mercredi, les joueurs roumains ont vaincu les Italiens dans le match aller, score 28 à 22; ils sont également leader du groupe dont fait partie aussi le Kosovo.

    Foot – La sélection nationale de foot de Roumanie doit affronter l’Irlande du Nord ce soir à Belfast, dans un match de qualification à l’Euro 2016. Selon les commentateurs sportifs, ce match est une véritable finale du groupe F qui inclut aussi la Hongrie, la Finlande, la Grèce et les Iles Féroé. Après quatre victoires et une égalité en cinq matchs, les Roumains sont leaders du groupe avec 13 points, suivis par les Nord-Irlandais avec 12 points.
    Jeux – Le premier ministre roumain Victor Ponta a assisté vendredi soir à la cérémonie d’ouverture de la première édition des Jeux européens, accueillis par la capitale azérie Bakou. La Roumanie y est représentée par 147 sportifs de 22 disciplines (83 hommes et 64 femmes). Des sportifs d’une cinquantaine de pays sont en lice pour décrocher 253 médailles. La compétition est un critère de qualification aux JO de l’année prochaine, au Brésil. La deuxième édition de Jeux Européens devrait se dérouler d’ici 4 ans aux Pays-Bas, toutefois les autorités de ce pays ont annoncé cette semaine qu’elles renonçaient à l’organisation de cette compétition.

    Elections – Des élections locales sont prévues dimanche en République de Moldova voisine. De l’avis des analystes, le principal enjeu du scrutin sont les fonctions de chef de la Municipalité et du Conseil Municipale de la capitale moldave Chisinau. Selon les sondages sur les intentions de vote, l’actuel édile en chef, Dorin Chirtoaca, un promoteur du rapprochement de l’Occident et de la Roumanie disputera le second tour du scrutin contre l’ex-première ministre communiste Zinaida Greceanâi, soutenue par les socialistes pro-russes. Ces élections se déroulent dans le contexte où la population moldave et de plus en plus mécontente de l’actuel pouvoir pro-occident, qu’elle accuse d’inefficacité et de corruption. Vendredi, le premier ministre de la République de Moldova, Chiril Gaburici a démissionné suite aux accusations d’avoir falsifié son diplôme de Baccalauréat.

    Météo – Il fait chaud, même très chaud ce samedi en Roumanie, notamment dans l’ouest et le sud ouest où les températures approchent la canicule. Des pluies sont signalées dans le nord-ouest et dans les montagnes. Les températures maximales de ce samedi iront de 28 à 35 degrés. 28 degrés et du soleil à midi à Bucarest

  • 11 June, 2015

    11 June, 2015

    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis takes part in Brussels in the summit meeting between the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. The aims of the meeting are consolidating political dialog, developing economic ties and stronger cooperation, which Romania supports fully, according to President Iohannis speaking upon departure. This summit is attended by heads of state and government from 60 countries. On the first day, the EC announced it would grant yet another 118 million Euro to its counterpart countries to boost investment and cooperation in the region. A new agreement was also signed between the EC and the Interamerican Development Bank.

    The World Bank has revised its economic growth forecast for this year downwards, to 2.8%, 0.2 lower than before. For Romania, the bank anticipates above average growth: 3% in 2015, 3.2% in 2016, and 3.5% in 2017.

    Romanian retirees members in the Unirea National Federation protested on Thursday in Bucharest, demanding a national action program to ensure pensioners in Romania have decent living conditions. According to the federation, pensions in real terms in 2014 are lower than even in 2009, with fewer and fewer treatment vouchers each year. The federation claims that the general state of health among seniors is lower and lower because of poverty, with rising mortality and morbidity, with the number of civilian retirees dropping from 6 million 12 years ago to 5.18 million at present.

    Romanian Minister of Internal Affairs Gabriel Oprea met his counterpart from the Republic of Moldova, Oleg Balan. At the meeting, the former said that Moldova was a privileged partner for Romania, specifying that fighting cross-border organized crime was still a priority for the two countries, adding that Romania would open up more positions for Moldovan students to attend the Romanian Police Academy. The Romanian deputy PM assured the Moldovan minister of Romania’s full support in his country’s bid to join the EU. In turn, Oleg Balan welcomed all the support granted by the Romanian authorities to the efforts to reform the Moldovan police.

    Citizens from NATO member states believe Moscow is responsible for triggering the Ukrainian crisis and see Russia as a threat to its neighbors, as indicated by a Pew Research poll quoted by press agencies. 39% of respondents believe that the situation in Ukraine was provoked by Russia, while 18% believe the responsible party is the pro-Russian separatist faction. About half of the people polled said that Russia was a threat to neighboring countries. Moscow’s aggressive action in the ex-Soviet space was harshly condemned on Wednesday in the European Parliament.

    The Romanian national football squad is today traveling to Belfast, where on Saturday evening it will be taking on the national team of Northern Ireland. The game counts towards the Euro 2016 preliminaries, and is rated a final of sorts in Group F, which also includes Hungary, Finland, Greece and the Faeroe Islands. With four wins and a draw in their first five fixtures, the Romanians top the table with 13 points, followed by Northern Ireland, with 12. The last time when Romania took part in a final tournament of a European Championship was 2008.