Tag: Ukraine

  • Militärstützpunkt in Fetești: Nato bildet Piloten für F16-Kampfjets aus

    Militärstützpunkt in Fetești: Nato bildet Piloten für F16-Kampfjets aus

    Fast ein halbes Jahrhundert lang war das sozialistische Rumänien Mitglied des so genannten Warschauer Paktes, in dem die Sowjetunion ihre Satellitenstaaten in Mittel- und Osteuropa bugsierte. Vor nahezu 20 Jahren ist das demokratische Rumänien der NATO beigetreten, doch der logistische Übergang ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Die aus dem 20. Jahrhundert stammende Ausrüstung der rumänischen Streitkräfte wird nach und nach durch modernes Kampfgerät ersetzt, das in den technologisch innovativsten Ländern des Bündnisses hergestellt wird.

    Auf dem Militärstützpunkt Nummer 86 im südostrumänischen Fetești haben die theoretischen Ausbildungskurse für rumänische Piloten begonnen, die von den alten MiG-21-Flugzeugen sowjetischer Bauart auf die wesentlich fortschrittlicheren amerikanischen F-16-Kampfjets umsteigen sollen. Das Ausbildungszentrum hat bereits fünf F-16-Maschinen in seiner Flotte, und weitere 18 sollen bis Ende des Jahres aus den Niederlanden geliefert werden. Die Luftflotte der rumänischen Armee verfügt derzeit über 17 Kampfjets vom Typ F-16, die von Portugal gekauft wurden, und mit Norwegen wurde ein Vertrag über die Lieferung weiterer 32 Kampfflugzeugen abgeschlossen.

    Das Europäische Ausbildungszentrum in Fetești wurde auf der Grundlage eines Kooperationsabkommens zwischen den NATO-Verbündeten eingerichtet, wonach das rumänische Verteidigungsministerium den Luftwaffenstützpunkt und die Ausbildungseinrichtungen zur Verfügung stellt, die niederländische Luftwaffe die F-16-Flugzeuge liefert, während das amerikanische Unternehmen Lockheed Martin, Hersteller der Kampfjets, die Ausbilder und die Wartung bereitstellt.

    Bei der Einweihungszeremonie des Ausbildungszentrums waren der rumänische Verteidigungsminister Angel Tîlvăr und seine niederländische Amtskollegin Kajsa Ollongren sowie westliche Diplomaten zugegen. Tîlvăr hob die Bedeutung der militärischen Kooperation und der Modernisierungsansprüche hervor:

    Da wir demnächst 32 Kampfjets erhalten werden, war es für uns äu‎ßerst wichtig, dass die Ausbildungsanforderungen der rumänischen Piloten erfüllt werden. Die F-16-Flugzeuge werden noch mindestens 20 Jahre lang in Europa präsent sein. Sie sind wichtig. Wir wollen, dass die Piloten so gut wie möglich ausgebildet sind.“

    Auf dem Stützpunkt in Fetești werden Ausbilder aus allen NATO-Ländern zum Einsatz kommen, und die Auszubildenden werden nicht nur Piloten aus NATO-Mitgliedstaaten sein, sondern auch aus Partnerländern, darunter die leidgeprüfte Ukraine. In einem Posting auf dem Nachrichtendienst X (vormals Twitter) dankte der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj seinem rumänischen Amtskollegen Klaus Iohannis und dem niederländischen Premierminister Mark Rutte für die Umsetzung der Vereinbarungen zur Ausrüstung der ukrainischen Luftwaffe mit westlichen Hochleistungsflugzeugen und zur Ausbildung ukrainischer Piloten für deren Einsatz. Die ukrainischen Piloten werden derzeit in den USA und Dänemark ausgebildet. Militärexperten zufolge wird die Ausbildung der ukrainischen Piloten in Fetești etwa ein halbes Jahr dauern.

  • Negotiations for EU enlargement

    Negotiations for EU enlargement

    On Wednesday the European Commission recommended the launch of EU accession negotiations with Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the granting of candidate status to Georgia, once the latter meets certain conditions.

    The president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said this enlargement of the bloc was “the call of history.” “Completing our Union also has a strong economic and geopolitical logic. Past enlargements have shown the enormous benefits both for the accession countries and the EU. We all win,” Ursula von der Leyen pointed out.

    In turn, the president of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola voiced her satisfaction with these countries being on the right path towards opening accession negotiations. The Commissions recommendation must next be approved by the 27 members at the EU Summit of December 14-15.

    In the meantime, the countries will have to implement some key measures in this respect. As far as Chișinău is concerned, these conditions concern fighting corruption and improving financial regulations. Moldova has made the best progress of the countries that wish to join the European Union, the Commission says, but out of the 9 steps towards launching accession negotiations, the justice reform, fight against corruption and de-oligarchisation still remain unfulfilled. The Commission mentions the length of judicial proceedings, low clearance rates and the large backlog of cases. Also, there has been no significant progress in the prosecution of high-profile corruption cases.

    This is why the Commission urged Chișinău to ensure a transparent and merit-based process for appointments to the main judicial and prosecutorial governance bodies, including for the appointment of a Prosecutor General, and ensure that anti-corruption institutions are functioning within a clear organisational structure and with adequate resources.

    The president of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, hailed the Commissions decision to open accession negotiations. “Moldova is firmly on the path for EU membership and we will continue working relentlessly towards this goal,ˮ Maia Sandu said.

    As for Ukraine, the Commission recommends that negotiations be opened once Kyiv meets the remaining conditions concerning the fight against corruption, the regulation of lobby activities and strengthening minority protection standards. The recommendation is a major milestone on Kyivs path towards European integration, and a strategic move for the European bloc, given that Ukraine has been struggling with Russias military invasion since February 2022. The European Commission finds that the country has proved to be capable of progress in harmonising its laws with the EU legislation, even in times of war. (AMP)

  • Erste niederländische F-16 am EFTC eingetroffen

    Erste niederländische F-16 am EFTC eingetroffen

    Von Anfang an stand Rumänien an der Spitze der von den USA, der EU und der NATO getragenen demokratischen Koalition, die den illegalen und ungerechtfertigten Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine verurteilt und die Behörden in Kiew umgehend unterstützt hat. Bukarest hat humanitäre Hilfe, vor allem für Flüchtlinge aus dem umkämpften Nachbarland, sowie militärische Unterstützung geleistet und eine wichtige Rolle bei der Erleichterung des Transits von ukrainischem Getreide zum westeuropäischen Markt gespielt, nachdem der Seeweg aufgrund des Krieges unsicher geworden war. Auf militärischer Seite wird Rumänien das europäische F-16-Ausbildungszentrum auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Borcea neben Fetești im Süden bereitstellen, in Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Luftstreitkräften Rumäniens und der Niederlande in Partnerschaft mit Lockheed Martin und mit Unterstützung Dänemarks, das zusammen mit den Niederlanden die internationale F-16-Koalition koordiniert.

    Verteidigungsministerium: “Hochwertiges Ausbildungsumfeld für Piloten aus NATO-Staaten und Partnerländern sowie der Ukraine”

    Fünf F16 der Königlichen Niederländischen Luftwaffe sind am Dienstag auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Borcea nahe Fetești gelandet. Das Verteidigungsministerium in Bukarest weist darauf hin, dass dieses Zentrum eine internationale Stelle für die Ausbildung von F-16-Piloten sein wird und eine bessere Interoperabilität zwischen den Verbündeten ermöglichen soll. Somit verpflichtet sich Rumänien nicht nur rumänischen sondern auch Piloten aus verbündeten Staaten und Partnerländern, einschlie‎ßlich der Ukraine, ein hochwertiges Ausbildungsumfeld mit Zugang zu modernsten technischen Ressourcen und Know-how zu bieten.

    Rumänien schlie‎ßt sich damit anderen verbündeten Nationen wie Belgien, Kanada, Dänemark, Luxemburg, Norwegen, den Niederlanden, Polen, Portugal, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich an und unterstützt die Ausbildung ukrainischer Piloten für den künftigen Einsatz von F-16-Flugzeugen. Das Zentrum wird zur Schaffung gemeinsamer operativer Standards beitragen und die Fähigkeit der NATO stärken, die komplexen Herausforderungen in der Schwarzmeerregion und in Osteuropa zu bewältigen. Im Rahmen des Kooperationsabkommens stellt das rumänische Verteidigungsministerium den Luftwaffenstützpunkt in Fetești sowie Ausbildungseinrichtungen bereit, die Niederländische Luftwaffe steuert die Jets bei und Lockheed Martin sorgt für Ausbilder und Wartung.

    Es wird auch dazu beitragen, die Ausbildung rumänischer Piloten zu beschleunigen, da sich die rumänische Armee auf die Übernahme von 32 F-16-Flugzeugen vorbereitet, die kürzlich von Norwegen erworben wurden. Angesichts der aktuellen geopolitischen Lage und der strategischen Position Rumäniens in der Schwarzmeerregion ist dieses Zentrum für die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit, die Stärkung der Sicherheit und die Stärkung der Solidarität innerhalb der NATO von wesentlicher Bedeutung, betonte das Verteidigungsministerium.

  • Mobilisation internationale pour l’Ukraine en Roumanie

    Mobilisation internationale pour l’Ukraine en Roumanie

    Dès le début de la guerre en Ukraine, la Roumanie sest rangée du côté des Etats-Unis, de lUE et de lOTAN qui ont condamné à lunisson linvasion illégale et non justifiée de lUkraine par la Russie. Bucarest est venu en aide aux réfugiés ukrainiens, il a offert du soutien militaire à son voisin ukrainien et il a contribué massivement au transit des céréales ukrainiennes vers les pays tiers, après que Kiev a abandonné la traversée de la mer Noire.

    Sur le plan militaire et suite à une collaboration entre les Forces aériennes roumaines et celles néerlandaises, en partenariat avec lentreprise amériaine Lockheed Martin et avec lappui du Danemark qui dirige avec les Pays Bas, la coalition internationale F-16, la Roumanie accueille à Fetesti le centre européen de formation de pilotes de F-16. Cinq chasseurs néerlandais sont arrivés mardi sur la base aérienne de Fetesti en Roumanie. Le futur centre international pour lentrainement des pilotes est censé accroître linteropérabilité alliée. La mise en place dun tel centre permet à la Roumanie doffrir une formation de haut niveau non seulement aux pilotes roumains, mais aussi à ceux des pays alliés, y compris dUkraine. De cette manière, notre pays rejoint dautres nations telles la Belgique, le Canada, le Danemark, le Luxembourg, la Norvège, les Pays Bas, la Pologne, le Portugal, la Suède ou la Grande Bretagne qui se sont engagés à former les pilotes ukrainiens au maniement des avions de combat F-16.

    Utile à la Roumanie, vital à lUkraine

    La base dentrainement de Fetesti contribuera à la mise en place de normes opérationnelles communes, parallèlement au renforcement de la capacité de lAlliance de lAtlantique Nord de relever les défis de la région de la mer Noire et de lEurope de lEst. Au terme dun accord de collaboration, le ministère roumain de la Défense est censé mettre à la disposition de lOTAN, la Base aérienne 86 de Fetesti, les techniques dinstruction et le soutien de la nation-hôte, les Forces royales aériennes des Pays Bas contribuent avec les avions de combat, tandis que les Américains de Lockheed Martin assurent les pilotes formateurs et lentretien des appareils. La base dinstruction de Roumanie contribue à laccélération du processus de formation des pilotes roumains, dans le contexte où la Roumanie vient dacheter à la Norvège 32 avions de combat F-16. Dans lactuel contexte géopolitique et vue la position stratégique de la Roumanie dans la région de la mer Noire, le centre de Fetesti savère essentiel pour la collaboration transfrontalière et le renforcement de la sécurité et de la solidarité au sein de lOTAN.

  • November 1, 2023 UPDATE

    November 1, 2023 UPDATE

    TAXATION Some of the new fiscal measures aimed
    at reducing the budget deficit in Romania came into force on Wednesday. Under
    the law for which the Government has assumed responsibility in Parliament, personnel
    in the IT sector will pay an income tax for amounts exceeding EUR 2,000 per month. Local
    public institutions and authorities cannot use public funds for the organisation
    of community events, such as festivals, concerts, local competitions or other
    themed celebrations. Other fiscal measures, such as the introduction of new
    taxes for SMEs and the payment of health insurance contributions for the value
    of meal vouchers, will take effect on January 1, 2024. The measures run counter
    to many entrepreneurs’ interests. At a conference on this topic, organised by
    the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, the participants argued that in
    order to contain the budget deficit, top priority measures should include combating
    tax evasion, improving revenue collection and improving the work of the Tax
    Office. The President of the Chamber, Mihai Daraban, said that the government
    now has more options available before attacking the business community.

    PENSIONS In Romania, a draft pensions law has been posted for public
    review on the Labour Ministry’s website. The document was approved by the
    ruling coalition, and the government is seeking to have it endorsed under an
    emergency procedure by the end of this month. Under the new legislation, all
    pension benefits will be adjusted to the annual inflation rate, and will be
    re-calculated based on a new formula. No benefits will be lower than they are
    at present, the PM Marcel Ciolacu promised after a meeting of the ruling
    coalition. The minimum contribution period will be 15 years, and the maximum
    period 35 years, with bonuses given for workplace stability. According to the
    Prime Minister, pensions will be raised in 2 stages next year, on January 1 and
    on September 1, respectively.

    DONATION The first F16 fighter jets that the
    Netherlands will donate to Ukraine will arrive at a training center set up in
    Romania in two weeks, the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced. He emphasised
    that the current situation in the Middle East should not and will not be able
    to distract the Netherlands from the fight of the Ukrainians against the
    Russian aggression. Denmark, Norway and Belgium have also announced that they
    will supply Ukraine with F16 aircraft.

    FOOTBALL The match between the national
    football teams of Israel and Romania, in the EURO 2024 Qualifying Group I, will
    take place in Hungary, the Romanian football federation announced. The game
    will be played on November 18, in Felcsut, approximately 50 kilometers from
    Budapest. UEFA stated that the presence of spectators will be
    allowed. Previously, the organisation had decided to suspend all matches scheduled
    in Israel, because of the armed conflict there. After the match against Israel,
    Romania is to meet Switzerland, on November 21, in Bucharest. After eight
    games, Romania is undefeated and ranks first in the group, with 16 points.
    Switzerland (15 points) and Israel (11 points) have played one match and two
    matches less, respectively. The two top-ranking teams go to the final
    tournament in Germany. Romania has not reached a European championship final
    tournament since 2016, and a World Cup since 1998.

    RADIO Radio Romania celebrated 95 years of uninterrupted broadcasting.
    In recognition of the critical role that Radio Romania has in Romania’s
    history, in December 2019 Parliament decided to establish November 1 as the
    National Radio Day. Over three million people listen to Radio Romania every
    day. Public institutions, NGOs, major personalities in Romania’s arts and
    cultural scene have congratulated Radio Romania on the occasion. PM Marcel Ciolacu pointed
    out that for 95 years, the public radio broadcaster has been a source of
    information and education for generations of listeners, while the Senate
    speaker Nicolae Ciucă said that Radio Romania has been promoting Romanian
    traditions and values for nearly a century and deserves recognition for its
    efforts in this respect. The president of the Romanian Academy Ioan-Aurel Pop
    also congratulated the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, which, he said,
    has been a witness to all the milestones in Romanian history. In Timişoara,
    this year’s European Capital of Culture, the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair takes
    place until November 5. On Friday, November 3, an anniversary concert of the
    National Radio Orchestra is scheduled, and between November 22 and 26, a new
    edition of the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair, the longest-running project
    of its kind in the country, will be organised at the Romexpo exhibition centre
    in Bucharest. (AMP)

  • October 31, 2023

    October 31, 2023

    VOTE The Chamber of
    Deputies in Bucharest is today voting on the simple motion tabled by the
    opposition against Finance Minister Marcel Bolos. The opposition USR has been criticizing
    the fiscal measures endorsed by the government of late and has accused Minister
    Bolos of having promoted legislative initiatives at the expenses of the Romanian
    employees. In response Minister Bolos says the decisions made by the PSD-PNL
    coalition government are needed against an accentuated budget imbalance with a
    deficit of over 11 billion euros and a public debt reaching 160 billion euros.

    Romanian president Klaus Iohannis on Monday held talks with the European
    Commission Vice-president for Values and Transparency, Vera Jourova. According
    to a Facebook post of the presidential administration, high on the agenda were Romania’s
    accession to Schengen, the rule of law and reforms in the country’s legal system,
    as well as the support for Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East.
    Commissioner Jourova has also met Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and other
    ministers for talks over the digitization programmes part of the National Plan
    of Recovery and Resilience, AI and fighting misinformation.

    SALARIES In a special session today, the government in Bucharest has
    endorsed the minimum salaries in the fields of construction, agriculture and
    food industry. As of November 1, the minimum gross salary in the field of
    construction will see a rise of 14.6%, reaching the equivalent of 9 hundred
    euros. The rise will be of 14.53% up to 7 hundred Euros, in the country’s food
    and farm industries. According to official data, 590 thousand employees from
    agriculture and the food industry have been paid the minimum salary. And the
    latest government move is meant to allow the aforementioned categories of employees
    to remain unaffected by the elimination of the exemption from paying the health
    insurance, which is to come into effect as of November 1. We recall that, a new
    series of fiscal-budgetary amendments are to come into effect in Romania, on
    November 1.

    PLANES A first batch of the
    F-16 fighters the Netherlands donates to Ukraine will arrive at the training
    center set up in Romania in a fortnight – the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte
    has announced. In a videoconference with Ukrainian president Volodymyr
    Zelensky, the Dutch official said the present situation in the Middle East must
    not and cannot distract the Netherlands from Ukraine’s fight against the
    Russian aggression. Reuters recalls that Denmark, Norway and Belgium have pledged
    F-16 jet fighters to Ukraine. Romania, the Netherlands and the US giant
    Lockheed Martin on August 29 signed a letter of intention for setting up a center
    for the training of the F-16 personnel. The aforementioned facility has been
    designed as a regional center for NATO countries at the air base in Fetesti,
    southern Romania, which will also benefit the Ukrainian pilots.

    Clashes continued in the Gaza Strip last night where explosions and machine gun
    fire was heard. Israel has launched hundreds of air strikes in the past days
    and its tanks have entered deep into the Palestinian territory, where for a
    short period of time they interrupted an evacuation route to the south.
    According to international publications, 600 thousand people could still be in
    the northern part of the Strip, and the UNO believes that most of them have
    taken refuge in the 10 hospitals in the area, which have received evacuation
    orders. According to Phillipe Lazzarini, the head of the UN Palestinian refugee
    Agency, the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip were being subjected to
    forced displacement and collective punishment. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
    Netanyahu has rejected the humanitarian agencies’ appeals for a ceasefire,
    arguing this would be tantamount to capitulation to Hamas and terrorism. During
    a military operation in Gaza, a young IDF woman held captive by Hamas has been
    liberated in what Prime Minister Netanyahu has described an emotional success adding
    that all efforts must be made to free all the hostages taken by Hamas.


  • October 29, 2023 UPDATE

    October 29, 2023 UPDATE

    PARLIAMENT The Chamber of Deputies will discuss on
    Monday the simple motion tabled by Save Romania Union and the Force of the
    Right, in opposition in Romania, against the finance minister Marcel Boloş. The
    Opposition argues that the enforcement of the new fiscal measures for which the
    Government has taken responsibility before Parliament, will lead to tax
    increases. The USR MP Claudiu Năsui says the Liberal finance minister chose to
    triple taxes instead of cutting special pensions and to levy taxes on turnover,
    which he believes will have countless negative effects on companies and
    ultimately on consumers. The Chamber will vote on the motion on Tuesday. Also
    early this week, the Senate will vote on a government emergency order
    regulating the gambling sector. The document, which introduces an additional
    tax for companies in the sector, has been passed by specialist committees. The
    Senate is also to discuss a bill tabled by the Social Democratic MP Alfred
    Simonis and banning the sale of electronic cigarettes and similar tobacco
    products to minors.

    SCHENGEN The Romanian MEP Eugen Tomac, the leader of the People’s
    Movement Party, announced plans to appeal the EU Tribunal ruling dismissing his
    claims regarding Austria’s alleged abuse of power with respect to Romania’s
    Schengen accession. He said he would take the matter to the Court of Justice of
    the European Union, and voiced hopes that the judges would approach the issue in
    a more complex and more detailed manner, in line with the EU treaties and the
    Schengen agreements. Moreover, Tomac said, Bucharest can only overcome the situation
    by means of this appeal, in which the Romanian government would be a privileged
    applicant. Austria opposes the Schengen accession of Romania and Bulgaria,
    arguing that the 2 countries are on the EU illegal migration route, an
    allegation disputed by the Romanian authorities and European institutions.
    Vienna also believes the Schengen area as it is at present is ineffective and
    said it would oppose any enlargement project.

    The European Commission vice-president for Values and Transparency, Věra
    Jourová, will be on an official visit to Romania on Monday, when she will have
    meetings with president Klaus Iohannis, PM Marcel Ciolacu and other Cabinet
    members. According to the European Commission, the EU official will discuss the
    rule of law and reforms in the judiciary, Romania’s goals in the digital
    decade, the digitisation projects included in the National Recovery and
    Resilience Plan, as well as AI and fighting disinformation.

    The president of France, Emmanuel Macron, and the British
    PM Rishi Sunak emphasised, in a phone discussion on Sunday, the need for urgent
    humanitarian support in Gaza Strip, after Israel announced stepping up its
    military response to the Hamas attack of October 7. In turn, the US security
    adviser called on the troops entering Gaza to make a distinction between
    civilians and the Hamas terrorists, who are legitimate targets. Israel
    announced that in the coming days it would allow a significant increase in aid
    for the civilians in Gaza. The Israeli defence ministry asked Palestinian
    civilians to move towards the south, to an area designated as humanitarian, where
    aid will be delivered under a joint mechanism created by the US, Egypt and the
    UN. Two aid convoys with foodstuffs, water and medicines entered the Rafah
    terminal on Saturday night and Sunday morning. The UN secretary general,
    Antonio Guterres, voiced his surprise at the escalation of Israel’s military
    attack on the Gaza Strip after the UN General Assembly issued a resolution
    calling for immediate humanitarian ceasefire. Meanwhile, pro-Palestinian
    rallies were organised on Sunday as well in many cities in the world.

    The president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, attending a meeting in Malta,
    called for a global model based on his 10-point plan for peace with Russia, Reuters
    reports. An official list of the participants in the meeting is not yet
    available, but attending were officials for European, South-American, Arab,
    African and Asian countries. The plan includes clauses concerning the
    restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, the pull-out of Russian troops,
    protection of food and energy supplies, nuclear security and the release of all
    prisoners. The co-chairs of the meeting, Ukraine and Malta, issued a joint
    declaration that mentions the participants’ commitment to just and sustainable
    peace, based on the UN Charter. The parties will take steps to arrange for a
    possible peace summit at a later date.

    GOVERNMENT PM Marcel Ciolacu announced that preparations have
    started for drafting the 2024 public budget. The government will analyse the projects
    and programmes that went well, as well as the investment applications for next
    year. On the other hand, the PM dismissed the idea of other fiscal changes in
    addition to the ones for which his Cabinet has taken responsibility before
    Parliament. The law on measures to ensure Romania’s long-term financial
    sustainability, promulgated by presidentKlaus Iohannis on Thursday, introduces new taxes and tax raises and cuts off tax facilities. Some
    of the measures take effect on November 1, while the others will be enforced as
    of January 1. Marcel Ciolacu also estimated that the new pensions law will be
    endorsed in Parliament by the end of next month and will take effect on January
    1, 2024. (AMP)

  • October 29, 2023

    October 29, 2023

    GOVERNMENT PM Marcel Ciolacu announced that
    preparations have started for drafting the 2024 public budget. The government
    will analyse the projects and programmes that went well, as well as the
    investment applications for next year. On the other hand, the PM dismissed the
    idea of other fiscal changes in addition to the ones for which his Cabinet has
    taken responsibility before Parliament. The law on measures to ensure Romania’s
    long-term financial sustainability, promulgated by president Klaus
    Iohannis on Thursday, introduces
    new taxes and tax raises and cuts off tax facilities.Some of the measures take effect
    on November 1, while the others will be enforced as of January 1. Marcel
    Ciolacu also estimated that the new pensions law will be endorsed in Parliament
    by the end of next month and will take effect on January 1, 2024.

    The European Commission vice-president for Values and Transparency, Věra
    Jourová, will be on an official visit to Romania on Monday, when she will have
    meetings with president Klaus Iohannis, PM Marcel Ciolacu and other Cabinet
    members. According to the European Commission, the EU official will discuss the
    rule of law and reforms in the judiciary, Romania’s goals in the digital
    decade, the digitisation projects included in the National Recovery and
    Resilience Plan, as well as AI and fighting disinformation.

    Israel has moved to the second stage of the war against Hamas, namely the land
    operation in Gaza Strip, the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu announced. In a
    televised address, he warned that this was going to be a long and difficult
    war, aimed at freeing the hostages taken by the Palestinian terrorist group and
    at destroying the military and leadership capabilities of Hamas. An Israeli
    tactics expert described Israel’s current operation as modular, with
    alternating attacks from 4 directions (water, air, land, and virtual). So far
    the Israeli Army resorted to air strikes to hit Palestinian territory, after
    the Hamas attacks of October 7 killed over 1,400 people in Israel. In turn, Hamas
    says the Israeli retaliatory strikes killed over 8,000 people. According to an
    Israeli army spokesman, the number of hostages held by Hamas was updated at 130.
    The UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres, voiced his surprise at the escalation
    of Israel’s military attack on the Gaza Strip after the UN General Assembly issued
    a resolution calling for immediate humanitarian ceasefire. Guterres said that
    in spite of this international consensus, the bombing has reached unprecedented
    levels. Pro-Palestinian rallies were organised on Saturday in many cities in
    the world.

    The president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, attending a meeting in Malta,
    called for a global model based on his 10-point plan for peace with Russia, Reuters
    reports. An official list of the participants in the meeting is not yet
    available, but attending were officials for European, South-American, Arab,
    African and Asian countries. The plan includes clauses concerning the
    restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, the pull-out of Russian troops,
    protection of food and energy supplies, nuclear security and the release of all
    prisoners. The co-chairs of the meeting, Ukraine and Malta, issued a joint
    declaration that mentions the participants’ commitment to just and sustainable
    peace, based on the UN Charter. The parties will take steps to arrange for a
    possible peace summit at a later date.

    DST On Saturday night, Romania switched to winter time, setting
    clocks back one hour from 4 AM to 3 AM. Sunday is thus 25-hour long. Daylight
    saving time, first suggested by the scientist Benjamin Franklin in 1784, is
    currently used in 70 countries. The concept has come under debate in recent
    years, with the EU asking member states to end seasonal clock changes and
    choose either winter time or summer time, but a decision in this respect is yet
    to be made. (AMP)

  • October 28, 2023 UPDATE

    October 28, 2023 UPDATE

    Romania and other countries are
    making joint efforts to help the over 3,000 people in Gaza with dual
    citizenship, including Romanian nationals, to leave that region, PM Marcel
    Ciolacu said. He explained that the situation was not easy to handle, and added
    that 260 applications have been received from Romanian nationals who want to
    leave Gaza, but many Palestinians are trying to do the same. What matters is
    for the situation not to spiral out of control, he also said. The
    Israeli army Saturday announced it entered the north of
    Gaza Strip and expanded military operations in the Palestinian enclave, while
    stepping up attacks against Hamas. The
    army once again asked the locals still in the north of Gaza Strip to move
    immediately to the south, explaining that the north is currently a battlefield.
    According to Israeli army estimates, some 700,000 people have already left the
    area, and the UN says out of the almost 2.2 million people in Gaza Strip, around
    1.4 million have been relocated since the conflict began. In fresh talks with the Israeli defence minister, the Pentagon chief
    Lloyd Austin called
    for the protection of civilians during the operation. On Friday night, the UN
    General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire. The
    resolution is not compulsory, but it has political weight. Israel and the US
    voted against, while Romania abstained.

    The Romanian foreign minister Luminiţa Odobescu Friday had a telephone
    conversation with the British foreign secretary James Cleverly, to discuss the
    security situation in Israel and Gaza Strip, focusing on the need to ensure
    close coordination in order to avoid regional spill-over. According to the
    Romanian foreign ministry, the 2 officials emphasised the importance of
    continued humanitarian aid to the population in Gaza and of the immediate and
    unconditional release of all hostages.The
    Romanian diplomacy chief also discussed with her Qatari counterpart, Sheikh
    Mohammed Al Thani, given that Qatar is a mediator in the Hamas hostage crisis.
    Odobescu appreciated Qatar’s diplomatic efforts to mitigate the humanitarian
    crisis, and spoke about the aid Romania has decided to send there.

    AMBASSADOR The Black Sea region plays an important
    role for NATO, and Romania is a very close partner for the USA, the US
    Ambassador to Bucharest Kathleen Kavalec reiterated. In an interview to Radio
    Romania, the US official said that Romania, which is located next to the
    conflict in Ukraine, has faced problems like the Ukrainian refugee crisis and
    the transport of grains via Romanian sea ports, and in this context the
    security and defence relations between the 2 countries have become even closer.
    We have tripled the number of US troops in Romania, so now we have over 3,000 American
    troops here and we are working with our Romanian partners with respect to
    defence and deterrence, to safeguard every piece of NATO territory, Kathleen
    Kavalec pointed out.

    POPULATION The population of Romania on July 1 was
    approx. 21.9 million, down 0.3% since the corresponding month of last year. Almost
    3 million of them are currently living abroad. Romania is also facing
    population ageing, with 125 elderly citizens for each 100 youth. The average
    age is 42.4 years, 0.3 years more than on July 1, 2022. The number of citizens
    in urban communities is nearly 3 million higher than the number of rural
    inhabitants, however urban population dropped by 0.8% over the past year while
    the rural population grew by 0.3%.

    UKRAINE Ukraine is seeking international support for its peace plan,
    in a 2-day meeting held as of today in Malta. As many as 50 countries are
    taking part, but Russia is not among them. According to AFP, this is the 3rd
    meeting of this kind, and organisers hope it would result in a joint
    declaration. The 10-point plan proposed by Ukraine’s president Volodymyr
    Zelenskyy includes, among other things, the pull out of Russian troops from the
    occupied Ukrainian territories, including Donbas, part of which is under
    separatist control since 2014, and Crimea, occupied and annexed by Russia in 2014.
    Last year, Moscow annexed 4 Ukrainian regions, partly occupied by its troops
    after the large-scale invasion of February 24.

    On Saturday night, Romania switches to winter time, setting clocks back one
    hour from 4 AM to 3 AM. Sunday will thus be 25-hour long. Daylight saving time,
    first suggested by the scientist Benjamin Franklin in 1784, is currently used
    in 70 countries. The concept has come under debate in recent years, with the EU
    asking member states to end seasonal clock changes and choose either winter
    time or summer time, but a decision in this respect is yet to be made. (AMP)

  • Wochenspiegel



    Der rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis nahm am Donnerstag und Freitag an der Tagung des Europäischen Rates und am erweiterten Euro-Gipfel in Brüssel teil. Das Staatsoberhaupt kündigte an, dass Rumänien die benachbarte Ukraine, die von der russischen Armee überfallen wurde, weiterhin entschlossen unterstützen werde, und forderte die EU auf, Kiew so lange wie nötig zu unterstützen. Rumänien, so der Präsident, unterstütze die Aufnahme von Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Ukraine und Moldau bis Ende dieses Jahres. Am Donnerstag traf Premierminister Marcel Ciolacu die rumänische Verkehrskommissarin Adina Vălean und den italienischen Kommissar für Wirtschaft und Zoll, Paolo Gentiloni, in Brüssel. Die Gespräche mit den Kommissionsvertretern fanden statt, nachdem die Regierung in Bukarest den Gesetzentwurf für das öffentliche Rentensystem vorgelegt hatte, der Teil des rumänischen Konjunkturplans ist.


    Die Regierung Ciolacu hat sich mit den Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgebern auf neue Mindestlöhne im Baugewerbe, in der Landwirtschaft und in der Lebensmittelindustrie verständigt. In diesen Branchen verlieren Arbeitnehmer kein Geld, wenn sie die Krankenversicherung zahlen müssen, von der sie bisher befreit waren. Cristian Erbașu, der Arbeitgebervertreter, sagte, die Ma‎ßnahme sei notwendig, um Schwarzarbeit und den Verlust von Bauarbeitern zu verhindern.


    Die PSD-PNL-Koalitionsregierung verspricht, dass sie weiterhin auf ein sparsames Management öffentlicher Mittel hinwirken wird, um das Defizit des Staatshaushalts zu reduzieren. Die Exekutive hat eine neue Dringlichkeitsverordnung erlassen, um die Ausgaben bis zum Jahresende zu reduzieren. In diesem Dokument werden öffentliche Einrichtungen und Gemeinden Beschränkungen auferlegt, unter anderem bei der Organisation von Festen und Wettbewerben. Anweisungsbefugte können keine rechtlichen Verpflichtungen mehr für Büromaterial, andere Waren und Dienstleistungen für Wartung und Betrieb eingehen. Das Gesetz sieht auch vor, dass die Auszahlung von gerichtlich festgesetzten Gehaltsansprüchen an Staatsbedienstete bis 2024 aufgeschoben wird. Der sozialdemokratische Ministerpräsident Ciolacu meint, dass sich niemand Sorgen machen muss, da im Haushalt ausreichend Mittel vorhanden sind, um Gehälter und andere Ausgaben zu finanzieren, die der Staat verpflichtet hat. Ab dem 1. Januar 2024 werden die Renten an den Inflationsindex von 13,5 % angepasst. Die neuen Ma‎ßnahmen wurden unmittelbar nach den neuesten Zahlen des Europäischen Statistikamtes (Eurostat) ergriffen, wonach Ungarn (6,6 %) und Rumänien (6,3 %) die höchsten öffentlichen Defizite innerhalb der EU aufweisen.


    Die Parteien USR und Forța Dreptei werfen dem PNL-Finanzminister Marcel Boloș in einem einfachen Antrag vor, dass während seiner Amtszeit die Ausgaben explodiert sind. Boloș und Ciolacu haben beschlossen, die Einkommen der Steuerzahler durch Steuererhöhungen zu senken und Kleinunternehmer zu treffen. Sie hätten den kurzfristigen Gewinn der langfristigen Stabilität und des Wohlstands vorgezogen. Der einfache Antrag wird am Montag diskutiert und dann am nächsten Tag abgestimmt. Das hat das Präsidium der Abgeordnetenkammer beschlossen.


    Der rumänische Senat hat den Gesetzentwurf angenommen, wonach flüchtige Personen mit bis zu drei zusätzlichen Jahren Haft bestraft werden, wenn sie sich innerhalb einer Woche nach ihrer Verurteilung zur Vollstreckung ihrer Strafe nicht melden. Die liberale Justizministerin Alina Gorghiu ist überzeugt, dass dies die Flucht vor der Vollstreckung einer endgültigen Freiheitsstrafe verhindern soll. Rumänien sucht immer noch nach ehemaligen prominenten Politikern, die wegen Korruptionsdelikten ins Ausland geflohen sind. Die ehemalige Leiterin der Direktion zur Bekämpfung des organisierten Verbrechens und des Terrorismus (DIICOT), Alina Bica, und der sozialdemokratische Vorsitzende des Bezirksrats von Neamţ, Ionel Arsene, sind vor einer Haftstrafe nach Italien geflohen. Der rechtskräftig verurteilte Bürgermeister Bukarests, Sorin Oprescu, ist in Griechenland und in Serbien der ebenfalls rechtskräftig verurteilte Geschäftsmann und Politiker Sebastian Ghiță, ehemaliger Abgeordneter der parlamentarischen Kommission für die Kontrolle der Nachrichtendienste.

  • October 28, 2023

    October 28, 2023

    The Israeli Army has today announced it entered the
    north of Gaza Strip and expanded military operations in the Palestinian
    enclave, while stepping up attacks against Hamas. For the 3rd
    consecutive night, tanks entered the area, supported by 100 aircraft. According
    to the latest information available, clashes are on-going and Israeli troops
    are still on site. The Army has avoided official announcements regarding the
    land attacks, so as not to jeopardise the lives of the over 220 hostages taken
    by Hamas, Israeli media report. Israel
    had only made brief raids in Gaza during the 3 weeks of strikes designed to
    eliminate the Hamas fighters, who killed over 1,400 Israelis on October 7. Telephone
    and internet connections with Gaza have been cut in what the media describe as
    the largest strikes so far. An Israeli military spokesman said that today
    Israel will allow access to Gaza for trucks carrying food, water and medicines.
    In fresh talks with the Israeli defence minister, the Pentagon chief called for
    the protection of civilians during the operation. On Friday night, the UN
    General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire. The
    resolution is not compulsory, but it has political weight. Israel and the US
    voted against, while Romania abstained.

    The Romanian foreign minister Luminiţa Odobescu Friday had a telephone
    conversation with the British foreign secretary James Cleverly, to discuss the
    security situation in Israel and Gaza Strip, focusing on the need to ensure
    close coordination in order to avoid regional spill-over. According to the
    Romanian foreign ministry, the 2 officials emphasised the importance of
    continued humanitarian aid to the population in Gaza and of the immediate and
    unconditional release of all hostages.

    POPULATION The population of Romania on July 1 was
    approx. 21.9 million, down 0.3% since the corresponding month of last year. Almost
    3 million of them are currently living abroad. Romania is also facing
    population ageing, with 125 elderly citizens for each 100 youth. The average
    age is 42.4 years, 0.3 years more than on July 1, 2022. The number of citizens
    in urban communities is nearly 3 million higher than the number of rural
    inhabitants, however urban population dropped by 0.8% over the past year while
    the rural population grew by 0.3%.

    UKRAINE Ukraine is seeking international support for its peace plan,
    in a 2-day meeting held as of today in Malta. As many as 50 countries are
    taking part, but Russia is not among them. According to AFP, this is the 3rd
    meeting of this kind, and organisers hope it would result in a joint
    declaration. The 10-point plan proposed by Ukraine’s president Volodymyr
    Zelenskyy includes, among other things, the pull out of Russian troops from the
    occupied Ukrainian territories, including Donbas, part of which is under
    separatist control since 2014, and Crimea, occupied and annexed by Russia in 2014.
    Last year, Moscow annexed 4 Ukrainian regions, partly occupied by its troops
    after the large-scale invasion of February 24.

    On Saturday night, Romania switches to winter time, setting clocks back one
    hour from 4 AM to 3 AM. Sunday will thus be 25-hour long. Daylight saving time,
    first suggested by the scientist Benjamin Franklin in 1784, is currently used
    in 70 countries. The concept has come under debate in recent years, with the EU
    asking member states to end seasonal clock changes and choose either winter
    time or summer time, but a decision in this respect is yet to be made. (AMP)

  • 27.10.2023 (mise à jour)

    27.10.2023 (mise à jour)

    Réunion des leaders européens – L’Union européenne continuera à aider l’Ukraine avec des fonds substantiels. C’est une des décisions adoptées ce vendredi à Bruxelles, au cours du deuxième jour des travaux du Conseil européen d’automne. L’Ukraine demeure prioritaire pour l’UE et cela est visible par le fait que la majorité des fonds du collectif budgétaire pluriannuel sont dédiés à l’aide à Kiev, soit quelque 50 milliards d’euros. Le président du Conseil européen, Charles Michel, a déclaré qu’une autre priorité est la prévention du terrorisme et d’autres actions extrémistes dans l’espace communautaire sur le fond du conflit entre Israël et le Hamas, mais aussi sur le fond de la pression à laquelle est soumise l’Union à cause de la migration à la hausse. Une autre inquiétude de l’Union est la relation entre le Kosovo et la Serbie, une relation de plus en plus tendue. Un troisième sujet du Conseil a été la situation économique de l’Europe qui souhaite devenir leader non seulement pour ce qui est des technologies vertes, mais dans le domaine des technologies en général. La Roumanie a été représentée par le président Klaus Iohannis qui a réitéré le besoin de continuer à soutenir l’Ukraine autant que nécessaire. Il s’est prononcé en faveur d’une vision claire et unitaire au niveau communautaire sur la situation au Proche Orient et a souligné qu’il était important d’éviter une escalade du conflit. M Iohannis a souligné aussi la nécessité de réviser le budget de l’UE par une révision censée refléter les nouveaux défis.

    Décisions du gouvernement – Le Gouvernement de Bucarest a adopté ce vendredi une nouvelle ordonnance d’urgence qui prolonge de trois mois la limitation de la marge commerciale pour les aliments de base et augmente la liste des produits auxquels s’applique cette mesure. Le gouvernement a également approuvé un projet de réduction des dépenses des autorités publiques locales et centrales. Le ministre des finances, Marcel Bolos a annoncé qu’actuellement le déficit budgétaire est de 3,55% du PIB et que la cible pour la fin de l’année est de 4,4%. Il a expliqué que durant les années précédentes, les dépenses budgétaires pour des marchandises et des services durant les deux derniers mois de l’année étaient de 3 à 5 fois supérieures par rapport aux autres mois de l’année. C’est pourquoi, le gouvernement a décidé que cette année, ces dépenses ne devraient plus dépasser la moyenne des autres mois. Enfin, les dépenses budgétaires viseront surtout le financement des projets européens. Le décret d’urgence adopté aujourd’hui vise aussi le fond de réserve dont bénéficie le gouvernement, par le biais duquel les ministères se verront allouer de l’argent avant le collectif budgétaire.

    Message – Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a transmis un message de condoléances à son homologue américain, Joe Biden, suite à l’attaque armée de Lewinston, de l’Etat de Maine, dans le nord-est des Etats Unis. « La Roumanie est solidaire avec les citoyens américains et avec les familles des victimes, auxquelles nous transmettons notre compassion. » 18 personnes ont été tuées par balles et 13 blessées et le principal suspect – un militaire réserviste est toujours recherché par la police.

    Moldavie – Le gouvernement de Chisinau a approuvé ce vendredi le Plan national d’action 2027 pour l’adhésion de la République de Moldova à l’Union européenne. Le document stratégique vise à aligner la législation aux normes communautaires. Le ministre moldave des Affaires étrangères et de l’intégration européenne, Nicu Popescu a déclaré que l’objectif est de préparer le pays pour l’adhésion à l’Union à l’horizon 2030.

    Football – Le gouvernement de Bucarest analyse l’adoption d’une décision qui soutiendra la candidature de la Roumanie pour organiser la finale de la ligue Europa en 2026 ou 2027, a annoncé le premier ministre roumain, Marcel Ciolacu. « J’espère pouvoir répéter le moment 2012, lorsque l’Arène nationale a accueilli la finale de la même compétition », a-t-il dit au début de la réunion hebdomadaire de l’exécutif. Le projet prévoit d’assurer le cadre légal en vue d’organiser ce match, dont notamment l’engagement des institutions de l’Etat sur différents paliers. Un comité interministériel de coordination sera constitué avec pour objectif d’assurer les conditions nécessaires, obtenir le droit d’organisation, ainsi que préparer et dérouler effectivement dans la Capitale roumaine la finale de la Ligue Europa de l’UEFA. Les villes gagnantes seront annoncées en mai 2024.

    Heure d’hiver – La Roumanie passe, dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, à l’heure d’hiver. Par conséquent, les 4 h du matin deviendront 3h du matin. Par conséquent le samedi aura 25 heures et deviendra la journée la plus longue de cette année. Le système visant une heure différente d’été et d’hiver vise l’ajustement du temps officiel d’une heure, pour profiter ainsi de plus de lumière naturelle.

    Météo – Températures légèrement à la baisse en Roumanie, mais toujours supérieures aux moyennes pluriannuelles. En fait il fait toujours trop chaud pour cette période de l’année avec des maximas allant de 16 à 26 degrés. Les maxima dépasseront largement les 20 degrés à Bucarest pour aller jusqu’à 26 degrés.

  • October 27, 2023 UPDATE

    October 27, 2023 UPDATE

    DECISIONS – The European Union will continue to support Ukraine with substantial funds. It is one of the decisions taken on Friday, in Brussels, on the second day of the European Council. Ukraine remains a priority for the European Union, proof of that being the fact that most funds from the multiannual budget revision will go into helping Kyiv, in this case 50 billion euros. The European Council President, Charles Michel, said that another priority is the prevention of terrorism and of other extremist actions in the community area, against the background of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, but also in the context of the pressure to which the Union is subjected to, due to increasing migration. Another concern of the EU is the relationship between Kosovo and Serbia, which is increasingly tense. A third topic of the Council meeting was Europes economic situation, and its goal to be a leader not only in terms of green technologies, but also as regards technologies in general. Romania was represented at the European Council by President Klaus Iohannis, who reiterated the need to continue supporting Ukraine, as long as needed. He spoke in favor of a clear and united vision, at EU level, on the situation in the Middle East and emphasized the importance of avoiding the escalation of the conflict. Iohannis also emphasized the need to review the EU budget, so as to reflect the new challenges.

    ORDER – The Bucharest Government on Friday adopted an emergency order that extends by three months the cap on the price of basic food products and expanded the list of such products. The Government also green lighted a project to reduce spending by local and central public authorities. Finance Minister, Marcel Boloş, announced that the budget deficit is now 3.55% of the GDP and that the target remains at 4.4% at the end of the year. He explained that, in the past years, budget expenditure with goods and services in the last two months of the year increased three, four or five times compared to the previous months. That is why it was decided that this year, the respective expenses cannot exceed the average of the previous months.

    ATTACK IN THE US – Romania’s president, Klaus Iohannis, has conveyed a message of condolence to his American counterpart Joe Biden in the wake of the armed attack in Lewiston, Maine. Romania stands with the American citizens and the families of the victims, to whom we convey our compassion. We also wish speedy recovery to the wounded, the president’s message reads. At least 22 people were killed and dozens of others were wounded in an armed attack in Maine, where the suspect is still at large.

    FEAST DAY – Orthodox Christians in Romania on Friday marked the feast day of Saint Demetrius of Basarabov, also known as Saint Demetrius the New, the patron saint of Bucharest. A pilgrimage to his relics and the reliquary of Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki brought over from Greece continues in the capital-city. Saint Demetrius the New lived south of the Danube in present-day Bulgaria. After his death, his relics were found by locals after the saint appeared in the dream of an ill young girl, indicating the place where his body lay. The relics were given to Romania as a gift during the Russian-Turkish War, in 1774.

    DST – Daylight Saving Time ends on October 29 in Romania, when 4AM will become 3AM, making Sunday the longest day of the year. In 2023, Romania switched to DST on March 26 to benefit from daylight. (EE)

  • A new bridge over the Danube

    A new bridge over the Danube

    Romania and Bulgaria
    will together build a third bridge over the Danube. The two countries submitted
    to the European Commission a joint project for a preliminary blueprint study
    and at this stage, its implementation has already begun. The location of the
    new road-rail bridge will be close to the cities of Giurgiu and Ruse and
    Romania is going to support this technical solution. The European Commission is
    also supporting the project, as the European Commissioner for Transport, Adina
    Valean has explained. Romania is the only EU country that gets money for the construction
    of roads through the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience, the European
    official went on to say.

    The support
    comes against the issues currently faced by the Friendship Bridge, the main
    connection between Romania and Bulgaria, which is 70 years old and extremely
    overcrowded. At present, roughly 2 thousand lorries and over 4 thousand cars
    are crossing the bridge on a daily basis. The second bridge over the Danube, at
    Calafat-Vidin is also very busy.

    Secretary with the Transport Ministry, Ionuţ Săvoiu, has offered details about
    the new project.

    Ionut Savoiu: Talks are underway these
    days for the construction of bridges between Romania and Ukraine, between
    Romania and Bulgaria. We enjoy the support of the European Commission for
    another bridge over the Danube at Giurgiu-Ruse. And we are going to do anything
    we can so that this one will be a road-rail bridge. I am convinced the
    feasibility survey will enable us to make the right decision in this respect
    and I am looking forward to getting this survey. We know the two sides want
    this survey to be launched a.s.a.p and I am pretty sure the outcome of this
    process will be a good bridge. And I say this from my perspective as an expert
    in the field.

    According to
    the authorities, a survey will be conducted on the various routes leading up to
    the new bridge. The greenlight for funding the new project is expected in early
    2024. The timetable also includes a contract to be concluded with the European
    Commission until mid-2024, and its implementation until the end of 2026 with
    the two sides deciding on the location and the ways of funding the new bridge.
    Besides the European funds available, the possibility of using the mechanisms
    of the private-public partnership is also being considered.

    This would
    lead to a significant reduction of the implementation deadlines and is expected
    to attract additional funds. In another development the railway linking the
    Romanian city of Giurgiu to the Bulgarian city of Ruse, which has been
    non-operational since 2005 will be reopened at Gradistea over the Arges River,
    where a 1.3 km bridge is being constructed. At the same time the national
    company CFR Infrastructure has obtained roughly 500 million Euros worth of EU
    funding for the streamlining and electrification of the Bucharest-Giurgiu railway.


  • October 26, 2023

    October 26, 2023

    SUMMIT On Thursday and Friday, Romanian president Klaus Iohannis will
    be in Brussels to participate in the European Council proceedings and the Euro
    Summit in extended format, the presidential administration in Bucharest has
    announced. High on the agenda are talks on the situation in Ukraine, a review
    of the Multiannual Financial Framework, economic aspects, migration and the EU’s
    foreign relations with emphasis on the Middle East situation, the situation in
    Southern Caucasus, Kosovo and Serbia and in Sahel. Regarding the situation of Ukraine,
    European leaders are expected to endorse among other things, the EU’s
    multidimensional support and president Iohannis will underline Romania’s
    decision to carry on its support for Ukraine and plead for the continuation of
    the EU assistance to this country as long as it needs. The Romanian official is
    expected to stand for the opening of EU-accession talks for Ukraine and the
    Republic of Moldova by the end of this year. The Euro Summit will include talks
    about the economic situation at a European level.

    DAY The role of the Romanian army in ensuring national
    and regional security is all the more so important against the present
    background in which the world peace and the entire security climate are
    threatened by regional conflicts with a worsening potential – the highest
    Romanian officials said during the events dedicated to Army Day in Romania.
    Attending the ceremonies occasioned by the event, Romanian President Klaus
    Iohannis said that Romania would continue to pay special attention to fitting
    its armed forces with modern equipment and weapons. In turn, Prime Minister
    Marcel Ciolacu has underlined that a budget of 2.5% has been earmarked this
    year to defence, a decision, which allowed a larger number of programmes to be
    run as well as the initiation of an ample process for the modernization and
    transformation of the Romanian army. In his message, Defence Minister Angel Tilvar
    has underlined the fact that the army has already managed to achieve NATO
    standards in many areas, while the deputy secretary general of NATO, Romanian
    Mircea Geoana, has mentioned the significance of this day for the entire nation
    can be found in the patriotism and sacrifice of the Romanian soldiers of today
    and yesterday.

    FAIR Bucharest is hosting
    INDAGRA 2023 – Romania’s most important International Fair of Products and Equipment
    used in agriculture and the food industry. Until October 29th, over
    550 companies from 23 countries are displaying here the equipment and technologies
    of the future in the agricultural field as well as a series of innovations in
    horticulture, winegrowing and animal breeding. If decision makers and professionals
    are expected to participate in a series of forums and conferences, visitors are
    invited to admire the most beautiful animal breeds or taste traditional
    Romanian dishes.

    VISIT Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is also in Brussels
    for talks with the European Commissioner for Transport Adina Valean and that
    for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, Paolo Gentiloni. Ciolacu
    will also participate in the meeting of the European Socialists Party right
    before the European Council. This round of talks with Commisssion
    representatives is taking place after the government in Bucharest has submitted
    the draft law on the pension system, part of the commitment, Romania has
    assumed in the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience. The Prime Minister has
    recently said that he wishes the new pension law may come into effect next
