When we learn a foreign language, one of the easiest ways to become proficient is to use language chunks that perfectly express a function, or encode a real-life, accessible, day-to-day context, where you simply cannot do without using the language.
However, its not al all useless to have basic knowledge ABOUT the foreign language youre trying to improve, so today youll be presented with essential facts about the Romanian language.
Here are several useful words and phrases:
Limba oficiala=official language
Limba romana=the Romanian language
Caderea regimului comunist=the fall of the communist regime
Limbi minoritare=minority languages
A vorbi o limba straina= speak a foreign language
Now let us use some of the words and phrases in meaningful, communicative patterns:
Potrivit Constitutiei, singura limba oficiala a Romaniei este Limba romana.
According to the Constitution, the only official language of Romania is the Romanian language.
Pe linga Romana, in Romania se vorbesc alte 14 limbi.
Apart from Romanian, there are 14 other languages being spoken in Romania.
Dupa prabusirea regimului comunist in Romania in Decembrie 1989, diverselor limbi ale minoritatilor din Romania li s-au acordat drepturi suplimentare.
After the fall of the communist regime in Romania in December 1989, the various minority languages have received more rights.
Cel mai importante limbi minoritare din Romania sint maghiara, limba rromani, ucranineana, germana, rusa, la care se adauga limbile turcice.
Romanias most important minority languages are Hungarian, Rromani, Ukrainian, German, Russian and the Turkish languages.
Thats all we had time for in todays Romanian Without Tears. Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us.